Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tct"" "subject:"tact""
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Retrospektive Analyse zur Compliance einer simultanen Radiochemotherapie bei Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren. Validierung der Vorhersage mit Hilfe von Computerassistenzsystemen.Gareis, Maja Viktoria 07 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Deutsche Adaptation der \"Resources for Enhance Alzheimer\'s Caregiver Health II\": Eine randomisierte kontrollierte StudieHeinrich, Stephanie 09 August 2016 (has links)
Hintergrund: In Deutschland leben derzeit über eine Million Menschen mit Demenz, welche vorrangig von ihren Angehörigen versorgt werden. Diese Pflege und Betreuung ist für den pflegenden Angehörigen mit erheblichen Belastungen insbesondere auf der psychischen, physischen und sozialen Ebene verbunden. Daher ist es notwendig geeignete Interventionen zur Stärkung und Entlastung der pflegenden Angehörigen zu etablieren und diese in die Versorgungslandschaft zu implementieren.
Ziel der Untersuchung: Ziel der Arbeit war es, zu überprüfen, ob sich durch eine zugehende Multikomponentenintervention für pflegende Angehörige von Menschen mit Demenz, im Vergleich zum Angebot der Regelversorgung, die subjektiv empfundene Belastung der pflegenden Angehörigen verbessern lässt. Als Intervention wurde das amerikanische REACH II Programm (Resources for Enhance Alzheimer‘ Caregivers Health II) adaptiert.
Methode: Die Studie wurde als prospektive randomisiert kontrollierte Studie mit einer Interventions- und einer Kontrollgruppe konzipiert. Rekrutiert wurden pflegende Angehörige von Menschen mit Demenz im Raum Leipzig, die gemeinsam in einem Haushalt wohnten. Die Interventionsgruppe erhielt über einen Zeitraum von sechs Monaten eine zugehende Multikomponentenintervention (DeREACH), welche neun Hausbesuche und drei telefonische Kontakte einschließt. Die Kontrollgruppe wurde im Rahmen der Regelversorgung behandelt. Das primäre Ergebnismaß bezog sich auf die Veränderung der Belastung der pflegenden Angehörigen nach sechs Monaten, gemessen anhand des Zarit Burden Interview.
Ergebnisse: In die Studie wurden 92 pflegende Angehörige aufgenommen (Interventionsgruppe n=47, Kontrollgruppe n=45). Für das primäre Ergebnismaß konnten 82 Teilnehmer analysiert werden. Die Belastung reduzierte sich in der Interventionsgruppe nach sechs Monaten um 0,42 (SD=8,42) Skalenpunkte und verstärkte sich in der Kontrollgruppe um 7,05 (SD=8,09) Skalenpunkte. Die zusammengefasste Mittelwertdifferenz beträgt -7,47; KI95% (-11,11; -3,82) und ist zugunsten der Interventionsgruppe statistisch signifikant (p<0,000). Weitere signifikante Effekte zugunsten der Intervention bestehen für die sekundären Zielkriterien Somatisierung und psychische Gesundheit.
Schlussfolgerung: Für die Intervention DeREACH bestätigt sich ein Nutzen in Bezug auf das Belastungserleben pflegender Angehöriger von Menschen mit Demenz. Die Intervention konnte in die Leipziger Versorgungslandschaft implementiert werden und wurde von den pflegenden Angehörigen sehr gut angenommen.
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Extremväder och känslostormar : ClimateCope: En skräddarsydd IKBT-studie för individer som upplever psykiska besvär relaterat till klimatförändringarna / Extreme weather and emotional storms : ClimateCope: A tailored ICBT-study for individuals who experience psychological distress related to climate changeBengtsson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Psykiska besvär har visat sig påverkas av och/eller öka i samband med ökade klimatförändringar, varvid ett ökat behov av psykologisk behandling uppdagats. Aktuell forskning i ämnet är dock bristfällig och i dagsläget finns ingen evidensbaserad metod vid psykiska besvär kopplat till klimatförändringarna. Mot denna bakgrund var syftet med föreliggande studie att undersöka huruvida skräddarsydd IKBT kan vara hjälpsamt för personer med psykiska symtom och besvär som uppstått eller försämrats i samband med klimatförändringar och dess konsekvenser. Således skapades en randomiserad kontrollerad design, där deltagarna (N = 60) randomiserades till en av två grupper. Antingen till behandlingsgrupp där de fick åtta veckors IKBT, eller till kontrollgrupp iform av väntelista. Resultatet påvisade en signifikant förbättring i form av lägre självskattade grad av symtom i behandlingsgruppen jämfört med kontrollgruppen, avseende de primära utfallsmåtten relaterat till depressionssymtom (d = 1.25), stressymtom (d = 1.12) samt generaliserad ångest (d =.56). Detta visades även för de sekundära utfallsmåtten avseende sömnsvårigheter (d = .85) och depressionssymtom (d = .85). En signifikant högre självskattad livskvalitet påvisades hos behandlingsgruppen jämfört med kontrollgruppen (d = 1.12). Denna studie indikerar att skräddarsydd IKBT kan vara effektivt vid upplevda psykiska besvär relaterat till klimatförändringarna. Dock är resultaten preliminära och behöver replikeras samt följas upp i större studier innan säkra slutsatser kan dras kring IKBTs effekt vid klimatrelaterad psykisk ohälsa.
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Antioxidanters påverkan vid utvecklingen av AMDLönngren, Alexandra, Carlsson, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration (AMD) är en vanlig orsak till synnedsättning i västvärlden. AMD är en multifaktoriell sjukdom med till stora delar okänd patogenes, sjukdomen drabbar vanligen personer över 50 år och saknar botande behandling. De karakteristiska kliniska fynd som ses vid AMD är drusen och förändringar i retinas retinala pigment epitel lager. En stark teori varför AMD uppstår är att makula dagligen utsätts för oxidation genom bland annat ljusinfall. För att minska den oxidativa stressen som uppstår har retina antioxidanter. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur olika vitaminer och antioxidanter kan påverka utvecklingen av AMD. De ingående vitaminerna och antioxidanterna har undersökts både för sin enskilda och gemensamma effekt. Litteraturstudien har baserats på fem randomiserade studier där vitaminer och antioxidanters effekt har undersökts, enskilt eller gemensamt, vid AMD. De ingående studierna har sökts via de medicinrelaterade och biovetenskapliga databaserna Pubmed och Springerlink och studierna har utförts efter 2010. Av de studier som har granskats har ett intag av supplement gett en förbättring mot progression av AMD. Det har setts en signifikant förbättring av pigmenten i makula och de preganglionska cellerna i makula. Vad alla studier har gemensamt var att den synskärpa som gått förlorad inte gick att återställa. Även om det har gjorts många studier inom ämnet är det tydligt att fler studier bör utföras, både med intag av kombinerade sammansättningar av supplement och enskilda supplement. Studierna bör dessutom innefatta ett större antal deltagare och vara under längre tidsperiod för att det ska kunna erhållas mer tillförlitliga och konkreta resultat. / Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common cause of visual impairment in the Western world. AMD is a multifactorial disease with largely unknown pathogenesis, the disease usually affects people over the age of 50 and lacks a curative treatment. The characteristic clinical findings seen in AMD are drusen and changes in the retinas retinal pigment epithelial cell layer. A strong theory why AMD occurs is that the macula is exposed to oxidative stress through light. To reduce the oxidative stress that occurs, the retina has antioxidants. The purpose of this literature study was to investigate whether an intake of vitamins and antioxidants can affect the development of AMD. This literature study was based on five randomized trials that have studied the effects of vitamins and antioxidants on its individual or joint action on AMD. The studies were collected using the medical and bioscientific database Pubmed and Springerlink. All reviewed studies were performed after 2010. The studies have shown that an intake of supplements resulted in an improvement against the progression of AMD, shown by a significant improvement of the macular pigment and the preganglionic cells in the macula. What all the studies have in common was that the loss of visual acuity could not be restored. Although many studies have been conducted regarding supplements and their improvement of early AMD or progression of the disease, more studies need to be performed. Studies where both combined formulations of supplement and individual supplements needs further investigation. The studies should also include a larger number of participants and last for longer periods in order to obtain more reliable and concrete results.
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Single Yoga Session Effect on Anxiety and Body Image in Eating DisordersRamirez, Gabriela Marie, M.A., RYT-200 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The Impact of Infant Sex on Perinatal Outcomes Following Exposure to Multiple Courses Versus a Single Course of Antenatal Corticosteroids: A Secondary Analysis of the MACS Randomized Controlled TrialNinan, Kiran January 2022 (has links)
Animal literature has suggested that the impact of antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) may vary by infant sex. Our objective was to assess the impact of infant sex on the use of multiple courses versus a single course of ACS and perinatal outcomes.
Study Design:
We conducted a secondary analysis of the Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids (MACS) for Preterm Birth trial. Our primary outcome was a composite of perinatal mortality or clinically significant neonatal morbidity (including neonatal death, stillbirth, severe respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage [grade III or IV], cystic periventricular leukomalacia, and necrotising enterocolitis [stage II or III]). Secondary outcomes included individual components of the primary outcome as well as anthropometric measures. Baseline characteristics were compared between participants who received multiple courses versus a single course of ACS. Multivariable regression analyses were conducted with adjustment for pre-defined covariates including an interaction between exposure to ACS and infant sex.
Data on 2304 infants were analyzed. The interaction term between treatment status (multiple courses versus a single course of ACS) and infant sex was not significant in the adjusted model for the primary outcome (p=0.86), nor for any of the secondary outcomes. Exposure to multiple courses versus a single course of ACS was not associated with the primary outcome either before or after adjustment (aOR 0.99, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.45, n=2292 infants). However, exposure to multiple courses versus a single course of ACS resulted in significantly lower birth length (p=0.02) and head circumference at birth (p=0.04) although not birthweight (p=0.06).
Infant sex did not modify the association between exposure to ACS and perinatal outcomes including perinatal mortality or neonatal morbidity or anthropometric outcomes. However, animal literature indicates that sex specific differences after exposure to ACS may emerge over time and thus investigating long-term sex-specific outcomes warrants further attention. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) are given in pregnancies at risk of early birth. ACS help the lungs and other organs, such as the brain and kidneys to mature. ACS help improve babies’ survival and reduce the risk of other health complications. Several animal studies suggest that infant sex can affect long-term outcomes after receiving a higher dose of ACS. The goal of our study was to look at the effect of infant sex on the relationship between the use of multiple courses (i.e., a higher dose) versus a single course of ACS and short-term outcomes. These outcomes include challenges with breathing, bleeding in the brain, problems in the bowel, and infant death. Our study found that infant sex did not significantly change the relationship between ACS and short-term infant outcomes, but further study is required on long-term outcomes as sex specific differences may emerge over time as reported in animal literature.
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Improving the patient's experience of a bone marrow biopsy -- an RCTJohnson, H., Burke, D., Plews, Caroline M.C., Newell, Robert J., Parapia, L. 01 March 2008 (has links)
No / Improving the patient's experience of a bone marrow biopsy ¿ an RCT
Aims. To compare nitrous oxide 50%/oxygen 50% (N2O/O2 ¿ entonox) plus local
anaesthetic (LA) with placebo (oxygen) plus LA in the management of pain
experienced by patients undergoing a bone marrow biopsy.
. Bone marrow biopsies are a common procedure for many haematological
conditions. Despite the use of a LA, pain during the procedure has frequently
been reported by patients. Previous research in pain management of other invasive
diagnostic procedures (e.g. sigmoidoscopy) has reported N2O/O2 as an effective
alternative to LA.
Design. Double-blind randomized controlled trial.
Methods. Forty-eight patients requiring a bone marrow biopsy were randomized to
receive either N2O/O2 or oxygen in addition to their LA. Participants were asked to
complete a pain score and comment on their experience of the procedure.
Results. Although the overall pain scores were moderate, there was a wide range of
scores. N2O/O2 resulted in significantly less pain for men, but not for women. All
patients who had had previous biopsies reported significantly more pain, regardless
of the gas used. There were no significant adverse effects in either group.
Conclusion. N2O/O2 is a safe, effective, easy-to-use analgesic which merits further
investigation in potentially painful diagnostic (and other) interventions.
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Emergency department image interpretation accuracy: The influence of immediate reporting by radiologySnaith, Beverly, Hardy, Maryann L. 04 1900 (has links)
No / The misinterpretation of radiographs is recognised as a key source of emergency department (ED) errors, regardless of clinician profession. This article compares ENP and medical staff accuracy in the interpretation of musculoskeletal trauma X-rays between immediate and delayed radiology reporting pathways.
The data for this study was drawn from a larger pragmatic randomized controlled trial of immediate reporting. Patients were recruited and randomly assigned to immediate or delayed reporting arms and treated according to group assignment. Image interpretive accuracy between ED staff groups and arms was undertaken together with an assessment of the influence of immediate reporting on patient pathways and journey times.
Six hundred and seventy-four radiographic examinations were performed (598 patients). There was a significant reduction in the interpretive errors in the immediate reporting arm for all ED clinicians (proportional difference = 4.2%; 95% CI [0.017,0.068]; p = 0.001), but no significant difference in proportion of interpretive errors was evident between ENPs and medical staff. Patient journey times, discharge and referral rates were not significantly different between study arms, although admission rates varied for medical staff collectively.
ENP X-ray interpretation accuracy is comparable with that of medical staff, but immediate reporting was seen to reduce errors without increasing patient journey times.
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Untangling Relational Trauma: A Symptom Network Model of Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder within a Relational FrameworkArchuleta, William P 08 1900 (has links)
The recent inclusion of complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) within the International Classification of Diseases, eleventh edition (ICD-11) prompted scholars to re-evaluate treatment guidelines for traumatic disorders. The present study aimed to conceptualize dyadic, community, and systemic connections within the context of ICD-11 traumatic disorders and investigate unique associations between factors capturing relational quality. The current study additionally utilized a novel network modeling approach to explore the CPTSD symptom network structure using a college sample of trauma survivors. Consistent with generations of theory and research, relational quality factors associated with the disturbances in self-organization (DSO) symptom cluster, and anticipated discrimination associated with both relational disturbance and sense of threat. Affect dysregulation, re-experiencing, and relational engagement emerged as most central within the CPTSD symptom network, providing evidence towards the role of affect regulation in relational functioning, while intersectional discrimination associated with both the PTSD and DSO symptom clusters. Findings from the present study provide context to the potential application of a relational and systems focused intervention.
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Rädslan för det som finns och inte finns : En randomiserad kontrollerad jämförelse av utfall mellan sedvanlig ensessionsbehandling och behandling med virtuella stimuli mot spindelfobiDeak, Stefan, Kristoffersson, Glenn January 2016 (has links)
Specifik fobi är en vanlig psykiatrisk åkomma som kan leda till stora individuella begränsningar. Symtomen kan framgångsrikt behandlas med kognitiv beteendeterapi där 85–90 % blir kliniskt signifikant förbättrade. Forskning påvisar lovande behandlingsutfall för virtuell exponeringsbehandling (VRET) mot spindelfobi. Tekniken är intressant då den kringgår de problem med anskaffning och förvaring av fobiska stimuli som sedvanlig behandling medför och dessutom kan innebära ökad tillgänglighet och flexibilitet vid behandling. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att jämföra behandlingseffekten av ensessionsbehandling (OST) med en nyutvecklad spelifierad virtuell exponeringsbehandling (VIMSE), som sker under en fristående behandlingssession. Totalt randomiserades 73 deltagare mellan de två behandlingsmetoderna. Båda behandlingarna medförde statistiskt signifikanta förbättringar med stora effektstorlekar för såväl det beteendetest (BAT), som utgjorde det primära utfallsmåttet (OST d = 1,94; VIMSE d = 1,41), som för de sekundära utfallsmåtten Spider Phobia Questionnaire och Fear of Spiders Questionnaire. OST resulterade i signifikant fler kliniskt signifikant förbättrade än VIMSE. / VIMSE (VIrtual reality Method for Spider phobia Exposure therapy)
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