Spelling suggestions: "subject:"breading distory"" "subject:"breading ahistory""
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A construção do lugar leitor no universo escolar / The reader place construction in school universeLuciana Henn Siqueira de Castro-Rocha 19 April 2004 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é perscrutar a construção do lugar leitor no universo escolar por meio da análise dos discursos de professores e alunos a respeito da leitura. A reflexão levada a cabo norteou-se pelas seguintes questões: de qual maneira o discurso sobre essa prática institui-se nas coordenadas escolares? Quais significados de leitura e de leitor constituem-se nos/pelos discursos dos professores e alunos? A fim de aprofundarmos o tema, focalizamos inicialmente a emergência do leitor na Literatura. Esse aspecto norteou, sob um determinado viés, a concepção sobre leitor e leitura que se produziu teoricamente, principalmente no século XX, a partir da Teoria Literária, da Lingüística e da própria História da Leitura. Como procedimento metodológico, foram eleitos dois pilares mestres: a Análise de Discurso e a Psicologia Institucional. Foi então analisado o material discursivo oriundo de 12 entrevistas (seis em escola pública, seis em escola privada) realizadas com um professor e um aluno de cada série inicial dos ciclos de Ensino Fundamental I primeira série; Ensino Fundamental II quinta série; e da última série do Ensino Médio terceiro ano. Considerando a esfera institucional das práticas escolares de leitura, organizaram-se categorias temáticas que possibilitaram a análise dos depoimentos. Essa categorização tomou como base três temas associados à arquitetura que, por analogia, descrevem algumas dimensões daquelas práticas: o arquiteto, o morador e a casa. Dessa visada sobre os dados, pode-se notar que a construção do lugar leitor no universo escolar edifica-se a partir de tensões, as quais constituem uma espécie de paradoxo instituinte desse lugar. O lugar leitor encontra-se fortemente edificado, mas sempre incompleto. Ele nunca parece resultar pleno; antes se apresenta como ocasião de descontinuidade, instabilidade e, portanto, (re)construção permanente. / The aim of this paper was to scan the construction of reader place at scholarly universe. It was possible by the analysis of teachers and pupils discourses about Reading. This theme was proposed based on the following questions: how is the discourse about reading practice inserted into school coordinates? How does the reading practice work at school? Which meanings of Reading and of Reader can be found at teachers and pupils discourses? In order to deepen our knowledge about the theme, we focused on the reader as they were treated in Literature. This aspect has driven the studies about Reading, mainly in the 20th Century, in Literature Theory, Linguistics and History of Reading itself. Methodologically, this study was based on two theories: Discourse Analysis and Institutional Psychology. They were the basis for the analysis of the discursive material from 12 interviews. These interviews were made with one teacher and one pupil from each class of first, fifth and eleventh grades from six public schools and six private ones. From these interviews, and considering the institutional sphere as well as the value of Reading for school, analytical categories were organised. Using these categories, it was possible to analyse the interviews and the discourses emergent from them. The categorical classes were based on three themes, analogically related to Architecture, which can describe the Reading practice at school: the architect, the inhabitant, and the house. From the point of view of the data collected, it was possible to realise that the construction of reading place at scholarly universe is structured on the same tensions which build up a kind of institutionalised paradox of reader place. It never seems to be plain, although strongly built, it is always incomplete. It shows instability, a reason for its permanent (re)construction.
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Livres, culture et société en Belgique XVie-XXe siècles: aspects de l'histoire du livre et de la cultureSorgeloos, Claude January 2002 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Vad ordet läsning betyder och hur det används i svensk dagspress 1900-2016Larsson, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Ordet läsning har och har haft olika betydelser. Studien undersöker hur ordet läsning varierats i svensk dagspress mellan år 1900–2016. Sammantaget identifieras 60–70 variationer av ordet. I studien undersöks även om det finns förändringar när dessa ordvariationer används. I studien kombineras två ämnesfält. Det är ämnesfältet läsning och dess historia och ämnesfältet språk och dess utveckling. Detta område undersöks ur ett biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapligt perspektiv, utifrån en teoribildning som beskriver en intensiv läsning, en extensiv läsning, en funktionell läsning, en informativ läsning och en digital läsning. Materialet till studien består av söksträngar insamlade från Kungliga bibliotekets dagspressarkiv. Dessa korta texter granskas med en metodkombination av verktyg från Informationsvetenskap och Systemisk funktionell textanalys. Resultatet visar att ord som relaterar till en intensiv läsning minskar i användning mellan år 1900–1930. Under samma tid ökar användningen av ord som beskriver ett tyst extensiv läsande. Analys av ord och ordstruktur lyfter betydelsen av det kollektiva läsandet. I början av seklet används ord som högläsning, uppläsning och föreläsning relaterade till folkrörelserna. År 1925, då radion får sitt genombrott, ökar användningen av ordet uppläsning. Under samma tid används ett ord som beskriver ett tydligt tal. Det är ordet välläsning. I söksträngarna återfinns en koppling mellan ordet välläsning och frasen dialekt borttagning. Ett tydligt läsuttal diskuteras under en tid då ett kollektivt läsande omskrivs, men en analys av hur ordet används pekar även på att det finns underliggande spänningar mellan dialekter och riksspråk. Under 1960-tal identifieras ett skifte där ord som beskriver en teoretiskt informativ läsning tar över efter ord som beskrivit en praktisk instruktiv läsning.
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De capa a capa : experiências de leitura com estudantes da educação de jovens e adultosAgliardi, Delcio Antônio 26 October 2016 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo investigar o alcance e a influência da política de leitura destinada às pessoas jovens e adultas a partir do acervo do Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola (PNBE), a fim de compreender como se dá a experiência de ler, a formação de novos leitores e do gosto pela leitura. Se estrutura a partir de três eixos temáticos de reflexão: a experiência de ler, o ciclo de política (Apêndice 2) educativa de leitura literária e a biblioteca da escola, em um momento histórico em que a Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) passou a ser uma das modalidade de ensino da Educação Básica. Os dados empíricos foram construídos por intermédio de pesquisa-ação, desenvolvida com a participação livre de alunos de turmas da EJA de uma escola de Ensino Fundamental, localizada em Caxias do Sul, cidade de porte médio do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. A escolha da metodologia pesquisa-ação tem o propósito de dar ao pesquisador e ao grupo de participantes os meios para enfrentar o problema de pesquisa na relação com o quadro de referência teórica e de análise das situações dos participantes. Os acervos literários do PBNE enviados a todas as escolas públicas do País, que respondem anualmente o Senso Escolar, são tomados como ponto de partida para a análise do ciclo de política educativa de leitura. Apresenta sustentação teórica de que o leitor é quem comanda a leitura e não o livro, a necessidade da mediação para a formação do leitor e a leitura no ambiente escolar, comandada pelo currículo, exige da biblioteca escolar atividades voltadas aos conteúdos, situação que interfere diretamente na leitura de fruição e na formação do leitor de literatura. Os achados de campo, construídos pela pesquisa-ação, são analisados e interpretados, de forma interdisciplinar, pela contribuição teórica de Ball (2011, 2013), Manguel (1997, 2006), Thiollent (2011), Chartier (1996, 2001), Ramos (2013), Darnton (1986, 2010). A presente investigação decorre da convicção de que as Ciências Humanas e da Educação estão por inerência num eixo de tensão entre as teorias e as práticas e umas mobilizam e desencadeiam as outras, fazendo avançar o conhecimento. Por isso é apresentada uma proposta - uma contribuição à história de leitura e à política pública de leitura - que articula conhecimentos teóricos e práticos, para responder ao desafio atual do incentivo à cultura letrada no País. Os resultados mostram que a história de leitura é a história de cada um de seus leitores. A prática de envio de livros literários às escolas é antiga, e desvinculada de projetos de mediação, produz baixo impacto na experiência de leitura. As funções da biblioteca escolar ainda se associam às demandas do currículo, as quais se mantêm distantes da leitura de fruição. No entanto, a experiência de ler, pode mudar o percurso da autoformação da pessoa. / This doctoral dissertation aims at investigating what is the extent and influence of the reading policy destined to young people and adults from the Collections of the National Program Libraries in School (Acervos do Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola – PNBE), in order to understand how the reading experience takes place, how new readers are formed and how taste for reading takes place. The study is structured on three thematic lines of thought: the reading experience, the cycle of the educational policy for literary reading, and the school library in a historical moment in which Education for Young Adults and Adults (Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA) became a teaching modality in Basic Education. Empiric data were built by means of an action research, developed with free participation of students from EJA groups at an Elementary school, located in Caxias do Sul, an average-sized city in the hinterland of Rio Grande do Sul. Choosing action research as the methodology has the purpose of giving the researcher and the group of participants the means to face the research problem in the relationship with the theoretical references and the analysis of the participants’ situations. Literary collections of the PBNE sent to public schools in the country who answer the Senso Escolar (School Survey) annually are taken as the start point for the analysis of the cycle of reading educational policy. It is theoretically supported with the reader being the one who commands the reading and not the book, the need for mediation to form the reader, and reading in the school environment commanded by the syllabus, which requires school library to have activities aimed at the syllabus, a situation that interferes directly on reading for pleasure and forming a reader for literature. The evidence found – and built by action-research, is analyzed and interpreted interdisciplinarily, from theoretical contributions by Ball (2011, 2013), Manguel (1997, 2006), Thiollent (2011), Chartier (1996, 2001), Ramos (2013), and Darnton (1986, 2010). This investigation has its origin in the conviction that Human Sciences and Education are by virtue on a stress axis between theories and practices and one mobilizes and unleashes the other, causing knowledge to advance. That is why a proposal is presented – a contribution to reading history and public policies on reading – which articulates theoretical and practical knowledge, as a reply to current challenges towards incentive of literate culture in the country. The results show that reading history is the history of each reader. Practice of sending literary books to school is an old one and, not connected with mediation projects, it is potential reading, which produces low impact on the experience of reading. School library functions are still associated with demands of the syllabus, which are far away from reading for pleasure. However, the experience of reading changes the person’s self-development path.
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LiterARTurtage: Erste Kunst- und Literaturtage im Landkreis Zwickau 2008Arnold, Dieter 20 March 2009 (has links)
Da Leseförderung und aktive Literaturvermittlung zu den wichtigsten Aufgaben unserer Bibliotheken zählen, sind Autorenlesungen stets Höhepunkte der Bibliotheksarbeit, gleichsam das Salz in der Suppe einer lebendigen Kultureinrichtung. Im Jahre 2003 richtete der damalige Kulturraum Zwickauer Raum gemeinsam mit dem Sächsischen Literaturrat die 3. Sächsischen Literaturtage aus. Die Resonanz in den Landkreisen Chemnitz und Zwickau war groß. Deshalb planten die fünfzehn beteiligten Bibliotheken eine Neuauflage und wandten sich an den Kulturraum als Förderer.
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Books, reading, and knowledge in Ming ChinaDai, Lianbin January 2012 (has links)
The art of reading and its application to knowledge acquisition and innovation by elites have been largely neglected by historians of print culture and reading in late imperial China (1368-1911). Unlike most studies, which are concerned more with the implied reader and individual reading experience, the present study assumes that the actual reader and the social, cultural and epistemic dimensions of reading practices are the central issues of a history of reading in China. That is, while the art of reading was internalized by the individual, his learning and application of it had social, cultural and epistemic features. At a time when secular reading practices in Renaissance England were informed by Erasmian principles, Ming literati, regardless of their different philosophical stances, were being trained in an art of reading proposed by Zhu Xi (1130-1200), whose Neo-Confucian philosophy had been esteemed as orthodox since the fourteenth century. Transformations and challenges in interpreting and applying his art did not hinder its general reception among elite readers. Its common employment determined the practitioner’s epistemic frame and manner of knowledge innovation. My dissertation consists of five chapters bracketed with an introduction and conclusion. Chapter One discusses Zhu’s theory of reading and the implied pattern of acquiring and innovating knowledge, based on a careful reading of his writings and conversations. Chapter Two describes the transmission of Zhu’s theory from the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries. During its transmission, Zhu’s art was reedited, rephrased, and even readapted by both government agencies and individual authors with different intentions and agendas. Chapter Three focuses on the reception of Zhu’s theory of reading by 1500 and argues that the moral end of reading eventually triumphed over the intellectual one in early Ming Confucian philosophy. Chapter Four explores the affinity of Ming philosophers of mind with Zhu’s theory in their reading concepts and practices from 1500 to the mid-seventeenth century. Despite their attempts to separate themselves intellectually from the Song tradition, Ming philosophers of mind followed Zhu’s rules for reading in their intellectual practices. Chapter Five outlines the reading habits and knowledge landscape based on a statistical survey of extant Ming imprints. Despite some deviations, the Ming reading habits and knowledge framework largely accorded with Zhu’s theory and its Ming adaptations. The continuity of reading habits from Zhu’s time to the seventeenth century, I conclude, inspires us to rethink the Ming apostasy from the Song tradition. The particularity of scholarly knowledge acquisition and innovation in Ming-Qing China by the eighteenth century was not invented by Ming-Qing scholars but anticipated by Zhu through his theory of reading. With respect to late imperial China, the history of reading, together with the history of knowledge, is yet to be fruitfully explored. With this dissertation, I hope to be able to make a contribution to the understanding of the East Asian orthodox habit of reading as represented by Zhu’s admirers. By placing my investigation in the context of the history of knowledge, I also hope to contribute to the understanding of the relationship of reading to the way that knowledge evolved in traditional China. Intellectual historians tended to consider the Ming Confucian tradition as having broken off from the Cheng-Zhu tradition, but at least in reading habits and practices Ming elite readers perpetuated Zhu’s theory of reading and the knowledge framework it implied.
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Publishing and reading in the Chinese cultural revolution: hegemony, cultural reproduction, and modernity.January 2002 (has links)
Yun Wai Foo. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 139-169). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / CONTENTS --- p.1 / TABLES AND FIGURES --- p.2 / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.3 / Problem of Culture in the Cultural Revolution --- p.3 / History of Print and Read in the Cultural Revolution: A Social Prelude to Maoism --- p.14 / Chapter II. --- HEGEMONY AND BOOK PRINTING IN COMMUNIST CHINA --- p.26 / Ideological Determination and Book Industry --- p.26 / Book Printing in the Cultural Revolution --- p.32 / Chapter III. --- SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE PRC --- p.44 / Knowledge in the PRC --- p.44 / Inefficacy of cultural reproduction in the cultural revolution --- p.52 / Chapter IV --- HISTORY OF READING IN THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION --- p.74 / Collective Memory and the Cultural Revolution --- p.74 / Chinese Reading Myth: Simply Read Marx ? --- p.81 / What People Read ? Alternative Reading in Communist China …… --- p.97 / How People Read? The Way and War to Knowledge --- p.115 / Construction of Intellectual Network in the Cultural Revolution --- p.122 / Chapter V --- CONCLUSION --- p.134 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.139
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The reception of C.S. Lewis in Britain and AmericaDerrick, Stephanie Lee January 2013 (has links)
Since the publication of the book The Screwtape Letters in 1942, ‘C. S. Lewis’ has been a widely recognized name in both Britain and the United States. The significance of the writings of this scholar of medieval literature, Christian apologist and author of the children’s books The Chronicles of Narnia, while widely recognized, has not previously been investigated. Using a wide range of sources, including archival material, book reviews, monographs, articles and interviews, this dissertation examines the reception of Lewis in Britain and America, comparatively, from within his lifetime until the recent past. To do so, the methodology borrows from the history of the book and history of reading fields, and writes the biography of Lewis’s Mere Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia. By contextualizing the writing of these works in the 1940s and 1950s, the evolution of Lewis’s respective platforms in Britain and America and these works’ reception across the twentieth century, this project contributes to the growing body of work that interrogates the print culture of Christianity. Extensive secondary reading, moreover, permitted the investigation of cultural, intellectual, social and religious factors informing Lewis’s reception, the existence of Lewis devotees in America and the lives of Mere Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia in particular. By paying close attention to the historical conditions of authorship, publication and reception, while highlighting similarities and contrasts between Britain and America, this dissertation provides a robust account of how and why Lewis became one of the most successful Christian authors of the twentieth century.
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Výuka elementárního čtení na základních školách / Teaching elementary reading skills at primary schoolSOUKUPOVÁ, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with teaching elementary reading in our territory. The theoretical part focuses on reading from the past till present. It analyzes methods, that were taught in our territory during the past, and shows their benefits for current methods of teaching elementary reading. It also presents current methods of teaching reading and their methodology. The research part is focused on comparing analytical-synthesis method and genetic method of reading from the viewpoint of reading comprehension, accuracy, fluency and reading speed.
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Der Gelehrten Symbola - Studien zu den Emblematum Tyrocinia von Mathias Holtzwart (Straßburg 1581)Lailach, Michael 05 July 2000 (has links)
Das zweisprachige Emblembuch >Emblematum Tyrocinia: Sive Picta Poesis Latinogermanica. Das ist Eingeblümete Zierwerck oder Gemälpoesy< wurde im Jahre 1581 von Bernhard Jobin in Straßburg publiziert. Die typen- und motivgeschichtlich orientierte Analyse der strukturellen Ordnungsprinzipien des Emblembuches, vor allem der lateinischen und deutschen Texte von Mathias Holtzwart und der Holzschnitte nach Tobias Stimmer, zeigt den Gegensatz, in dem das Emblembuch zur literarischen Anthologie steht: Die besondere Form des Emblembuches erweist sich als das späthumanistisch geprägte Programm eines idealen "curriculum vitae". Die künstlerischen Techniken des Zitats symbolischer Bildmotive und literarischer Topoi in Bild und Text der >Emblematum Tyrocinia< bedingen hierbei die komplexen Bedeutungen der einzelnen Embleme und ihres Kontextes. Die in der Forschung zur Emblematik bislang vernachlässigten historischen Praktiken der Leser konnten im Fall der >Emblematum Tyrocinia< an zwei als "album amicorum" benutzten Exemplaren beschrieben werden. Diese Praktik läßt ebenso wie die deutschsprachige Vorrede Johann Fischarts, die zweite Auflage der Holzschnitte mit Texten Nikolaus Reusners (Straßburg 1587) und die künstlerischen Rezeptionen durch Matthias Merian dem Aelteren (Straßburg 1624) nicht nur Einsichten in die "Dispositionen" der Leser zu, sondern auch in die Intentionen des Verlegers. Die Emblembücher des späten 16. Jahrhunderts wurden im deutschsprachigen Raum zunehmend als "album amicorum" präsentiert - eine Entwicklung, an deren Anfang die Verlagsinitiative Bernhard Jobins steht und deren Verlauf von den Praktiken der Leser bestimmt wurde. / The bilingual emblem book >Emblematum Tyrocinia: Sive Picta Poesis Latinogermanica. Das ist Eingeblümete Zierwerck oder Gemälpoesy< was published by Bernhard Jobin at Strasbourg in 1581. My structural interpretation of the emblem book, especially of the latin and german texts by Mathias Holtzwart and the woodcuts after Tobias Stimmer, concentrates on the iconographic themes and literary topics. In doing this the difference between the emblem book and the anthology showed: The specific form of the emblem book originated in the ideal programm of a humanistic "curriculum vitae". The artistic techniques of citation of symbolic images like emblems, devices and hieroglyphs and literary topics provide the framework for the complex significance of the emblems and their contexts. The historical reading practices of the >Emblematum Tyrocinia< are described by two copies, which were used by their readers as alba amicorum. Today the two copies are in Nuremberg and Augsbourg. Like the german preface of Johann Fischart, the second edition of the woodcuts with texts by Nikolaus Reusner (Strasbourg 1587) and the artistic "citation" of emblematic motives by Matthias Merian the Older (Strasbourg 1624), the two alba amicorum demonstrate the "disposition" (Roger Chartier) of the readers and the intention of the publisher. The german emblem books were issued mainly by the publishers as "album amicorum". A development which began with the initiative of Bernhard Jobin and the emblem book >Emblematum Tyrocinia
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