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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den kommunicerande forskaren : Forskares tankar kring och arbete med forskningskommunikation / The communicating scientist

Palmgren, Erik, Andersson, Kamala January 2010 (has links)
<p>As the western society gradually turns into a knowledge- and risk society, where science and scientific innovations increasingly both promise to save the world and destroy it, a shift in the relation between the scientific community and the rest of society has emerged. A shift from a top-down one-way transfer view regarding communication, to a dialogue-based interactive co-production model, where the public are part of setting the agenda for research and contribute to the knowledge production. Or at least in theory, in EU documents and in many different country's policy documents. In practical application however, one might have a hard time see the implementation of such model.</p><p>As a more comprehensive and dialogue-based science communication is depending on the possibility for scientist themselves to engage and fell the need to engage, we have focused on their thoughts.</p><p>In this thesis we have examined six scientists view on, and work with, science communication, as well as their perceived social and structural conditions. We have also examined action plans and strategy documents from three Swedish universities that in different ways mention science communication and interaction with the broader society. Finally we have compared the view on science communication that we have found in the documents with that of the scientists.</p><p>We have used qualitative interviews to gather information from the six scientists, who range from 30 to 60 years in age and come from different fields of study. For the documents we used a qualitative analyse, searching for different areas regarding science communication and interaction with society.</p><p>Our finding show that both the view of the scientist and that of the documents, regarding science communication, more resemble that of the older one-way transfer model, although some minor parts remind of a dialogue-based model.</p><p>All the scientists we have interviewed are positive to science communication, especially for its possibility to increase the knowledge in general society and set a ground for better decision making, and also to give legitimacy for both research and the decisions based on it.</p><p>Regarding their practical work with science communication, no one have fixed routines, and the time they spend differ greatly. It is mostly reactive in nature and consist of lectures, popular science articles, participation in interviews in media and conferences etcetera. Three of the scientists use, or are about to use, websites where they communicate their science.</p><p>Socially, most of the scientists both talk extensively with their colleagues about science communication and feel that they think it is important. When it comes to their superior or employer view on science communication most of the scientists don't feel that they act as if it is a subject of concern. Regarding to the academic world at large, they think it is both seen as something positive and sometimes negative. For example some scientists may see it as a positive and important work, while others see the science communication as being part of self promotion and a attempt to raise more funds for specific research. The scientists still feel principle encourage to work with science communication.</p><p>The structural conditions differ between the different scientists, and only one has had training in science communication, although three think they have the possibility to get training. All the scientist have possibility to get some help with their communication however. Two of the scientists felt that their conditions for working with science communication are sufficient, while others feel the need for more resources, time and natural environments for engagement.</p><p>In the action plans and strategy documents we found five interesting areas regarding science communication and engagement with the broader society. First of are their view on science communication and its positive effects. Here all the universities point at the importance of science communication for a sustainable development. They also focus on the benefit for the research in utilizing the knowledge and experience of the broader society. Secondly two of the universities give examples on how they work with science communication. Here they mention open lectures, seminars, study visits, among other. The third area focus on the education of scientist in science communication. Here KTH strongly emphasis the importance education for good leadership and communicative skills for scientists. Fourth, the need for better structural conditions is something that Södertörn stresses, both regarding funding, merits and different departments’ tasks regarding science communication. Last, the importance of business related education as a way of spreading knowledge is something that all the universities focus on.</p>

Den kommunicerande forskaren : Forskares tankar kring och arbete med forskningskommunikation / The communicating scientist

Palmgren, Erik, Andersson, Kamala January 2010 (has links)
As the western society gradually turns into a knowledge- and risk society, where science and scientific innovations increasingly both promise to save the world and destroy it, a shift in the relation between the scientific community and the rest of society has emerged. A shift from a top-down one-way transfer view regarding communication, to a dialogue-based interactive co-production model, where the public are part of setting the agenda for research and contribute to the knowledge production. Or at least in theory, in EU documents and in many different country's policy documents. In practical application however, one might have a hard time see the implementation of such model. As a more comprehensive and dialogue-based science communication is depending on the possibility for scientist themselves to engage and fell the need to engage, we have focused on their thoughts. In this thesis we have examined six scientists view on, and work with, science communication, as well as their perceived social and structural conditions. We have also examined action plans and strategy documents from three Swedish universities that in different ways mention science communication and interaction with the broader society. Finally we have compared the view on science communication that we have found in the documents with that of the scientists. We have used qualitative interviews to gather information from the six scientists, who range from 30 to 60 years in age and come from different fields of study. For the documents we used a qualitative analyse, searching for different areas regarding science communication and interaction with society. Our finding show that both the view of the scientist and that of the documents, regarding science communication, more resemble that of the older one-way transfer model, although some minor parts remind of a dialogue-based model. All the scientists we have interviewed are positive to science communication, especially for its possibility to increase the knowledge in general society and set a ground for better decision making, and also to give legitimacy for both research and the decisions based on it. Regarding their practical work with science communication, no one have fixed routines, and the time they spend differ greatly. It is mostly reactive in nature and consist of lectures, popular science articles, participation in interviews in media and conferences etcetera. Three of the scientists use, or are about to use, websites where they communicate their science. Socially, most of the scientists both talk extensively with their colleagues about science communication and feel that they think it is important. When it comes to their superior or employer view on science communication most of the scientists don't feel that they act as if it is a subject of concern. Regarding to the academic world at large, they think it is both seen as something positive and sometimes negative. For example some scientists may see it as a positive and important work, while others see the science communication as being part of self promotion and a attempt to raise more funds for specific research. The scientists still feel principle encourage to work with science communication. The structural conditions differ between the different scientists, and only one has had training in science communication, although three think they have the possibility to get training. All the scientist have possibility to get some help with their communication however. Two of the scientists felt that their conditions for working with science communication are sufficient, while others feel the need for more resources, time and natural environments for engagement. In the action plans and strategy documents we found five interesting areas regarding science communication and engagement with the broader society. First of are their view on science communication and its positive effects. Here all the universities point at the importance of science communication for a sustainable development. They also focus on the benefit for the research in utilizing the knowledge and experience of the broader society. Secondly two of the universities give examples on how they work with science communication. Here they mention open lectures, seminars, study visits, among other. The third area focus on the education of scientist in science communication. Here KTH strongly emphasis the importance education for good leadership and communicative skills for scientists. Fourth, the need for better structural conditions is something that Södertörn stresses, both regarding funding, merits and different departments’ tasks regarding science communication. Last, the importance of business related education as a way of spreading knowledge is something that all the universities focus on.

Reactive power management capabilities of Swedish sub-transmission and medium voltage level grid

Tomaszewski, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Rising penetration of renewable energy sources in electric power grids isboth a challenge and an opportunity to optimally utilize the potential of eitherwind or PV energy sources, to stabilize operation of future power systems.Bi-directional ows between distribution and transmission system operatorscause signicant problems with keeping the voltages in the grid within admissiblelimits. This paper contains description of Oland's island mediumandlow-voltage electric power grid, ranging from 0.4 kV to 130 kV in thepurpose of quasi-static analysis of active and reactive power ows in the system.Goal of the analysis is to optimize reactive power exchange at the pointof connection with the mainland grid. In the analyzed grid system, thereis an enormous, 190 % penetration of wind sources. Capacity of the windparks connected to dedicated buses totals to 136.1 MW, that supply up to90.5 MW of load. With industry-wise reactive power capability limits, totalcontribution of wind parks reaches almost 66 MVAr, enabling to compensatedecits and extra surpluses of the reactive power in the grid. Presentedsystem is connected to the mainland's grid through one point of connection,which is simulated as Thevenin equivalent circuit. Main objective of thethesis is to test and analyze viable solutions to minimize reactive power exchangeat the point of connection at Stavlo substation connecting Oland'sand Sweden's electric grid keeping valid all necessary contingencies enforcedby current grid codes applied in Sweden as well as thermal limits of the linesand voltage limits of the system. Furthermore, state of the art of currentreactive power compensation methodologies and most promising techniquesto eciently and eectively control reactive power ow are outlined. Droopcontrol methodologies, with focus on global and local objectives, and smartgrid solutions opportunities are being tested and modeled by the authors andare comprehensively presented in this paper. Moreover, economic costs ofcontrol methods are compared. Analysis of active power losses in the systemas well as cost of implementation of alternative solutions is presented, wheremost nancially viable solutions are outlined, giving brief outlook into futureperspectives and challenges of electric power systems. It is shown that controllabilityof reactive power support by wind turbine generators can enhanceoperation of electric power grids, by keeping the reactive power ow minimizedat the boundary between grids of distribution and transmission systemoperators. Furthermore, results indicate that extra reactive power supportby wind turbine generators can lead to diminishment of active power losses inthe system. Presented system is being modeled in the PSS/E software dedicatedfor power system engineers with use of Python programming languages.Analysis of data was done either in Python or R related environments. Thesiswas written with cooperation between KTH and E.On Energidistribution AB. / Hogre genomslagskraft av förnyelsebara energikällor i elnäteten är bådeen utmaning och möjlighet för att optimalt kunna utnyttja potentialen av vindkraft och PV källor, med avseende på att stabilisera driften av framtida elkraftsystem. Tvåvägsflöden mellan distributionoch transmissionsoperatörer orsakar betydande problem att hålla spänningen i nätet inom tillåtna gränsvärden.Denna uppsats innehåller en beskrivning av Ö lands mellanoch lågspänningsnät,på 0.4 kV till 130 kV i syftet att utföra en kvasistatisk analys av aktiva och reaktiva effektflöden i systemet. Målet med analysen är att optimera det reaktiva effektutbytet i kopplingspunkten med fastlandets nät. I det analyserade systemet, finns det en enorm potential på 190% genomslagskraft av vindkraft. Kapaciteten på vindkraftsparker kopplade till medtagna samlingsskenor i systemet uppgår till 136,1 MW, som tillgodoser upp till 90.5 MW last. Med industrimässigt begränsad reaktiv effektkapabilitet, uppgår vindkraftsparkernas bidrag till nästan 66 MVAr, vilken möjliggör kompensation för underskott och överskott av reaktiv effekt i nätet. Det presenterade systemet är kopplat till fastlandet genom en kopplingspunkt, där fastlandet är simulerat som en Thevenin ekvivalent. Huvudsakliga målet med denna uppsats är att testa och analysera gångbara lösningar för att minimera det reaktiva effektutbytet vid kopplingspunkten i Stävlö, som kopplar ihop Ö land med resterande nät i Sverige, samtidigt som alla nödvändiga villkor enligt nuvarande nätkoder i Sverige bibehålls, liksom termiska gränser för ledningarna och spanningsgränser för systemet. Ytterligare beskrivs den bästa tillgängliga tekniken som finns idag för reaktiv effektkompensation, och de mest lovande teknikerna för att effektivt och verkningsfullt kontrollera reaktiva effektflöden. Droop-kontroll-metodologier, med fokus på globala och lokala tillämpningar, och smarta nät-möjligheter testas och modelleras av författarna och presenterar djupgående i detta arbete. Dessutom jämförs ekonomiska kostnader för olika kontrollmetoder. Analyser av aktiva effektförluster i systemet samt kostnader för implementation av alternativa lösningar presenteras, där de flesta gångbara losningar behandlas, och ger en överskådlig bild av framtida perspektiv och utmaningar i elkraftsystemet. Det visas att vindturbiners kontroll av reaktiv effekt, kan förbättra driften av elnäten, genom att minimera det reaktiva effektflödesutbytet i gränsen mellan distributionoch transmissionsoperatörers nät. Ytterligare pekar resultat på att extra understöd av reaktiv effekt från vindturbiner kan leda till förminskning av aktiva förluster i systemet. Det presenterade systemet modelleras i mjukvaruprogrammet PSS/E dedikerat för elkraftsingenjörer med hjälp av Python. Analys av data gjordes antingen i Pythoneller R-relaterade miljöer. Detta arbete har gjorts tillsam-mans med KTH och E.ON Energidistribution AB.

Autonomous Navigation in Partially-Known Environment using Nano Drones with AI-based Obstacle Avoidance : A Vision-based Reactive Planning Approach for Autonomous Navigation of Nano Drones / Autonom Navigering i Delvis Kända Miljöer med Hjälp av Nanodrönare med AI-baserat Undvikande av Hinder : En Synbaserad Reaktiv Planeringsmetod för Autonom Navigering av Nanodrönare

Sartori, Mattia January 2023 (has links)
The adoption of small-size Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the commercial and professional sectors is rapidly growing. The miniaturisation of sensors and processors, the advancements in connected edge intelligence and the exponential interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are boosting the affirmation of autonomous nano-size drones in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. However, achieving safe autonomous navigation and high-level tasks like exploration and surveillance with these tiny platforms is extremely challenging due to their limited resources. Lightweight and reliable solutions to this challenge are subject to ongoing research. This work focuses on enabling the autonomous flight of a pocket-size, 30-gram platform called Crazyflie in a partially known environment. We implement a modular pipeline for the safe navigation of the nano drone between waypoints. In particular, we propose an AI-aided, vision-based reactive planning method for obstacle avoidance. We deal with the constraints of the nano drone by splitting the navigation task into two parts: a deep learning-based object detector runs on external hardware while the planning algorithm is executed onboard. For designing the reactive approach, we take inspiration from existing sensorbased navigation solutions and obtain a novel method for obstacle avoidance that does not rely on distance information. In the study, we also analyse the communication aspect and the latencies involved in edge offloading. Moreover, we share insights into the finetuning of an SSD MobileNet V2 object detector on a custom dataset of low-resolution, grayscale images acquired with the drone. The results show the ability to command the drone at ∼ 8 FPS and a model performance reaching a COCO mAP of 60.8. Field experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the solution with the drone flying at a top speed of 1 m/s while steering away from an obstacle placed in an unknown position and reaching the target destination. Additionally, we study the impact of a parameter determining the strength of the avoidance action and its influence on total path length, traversal time and task completion. The outcome demonstrates the compatibility of the communication delay and the model performance with the requirements of the real-time navigation task and a successful obstacle avoidance rate reaching 100% in the best-case scenario. By exploiting the modularity of the proposed working pipeline, future work could target the improvement of the single parts and aim at a fully onboard implementation of the navigation task, pushing the boundaries of autonomous exploration with nano drones. / Användningen av små obemannade flygfarkoster (UAV) inom den kommersiella och professionella sektorn ökar snabbt. Miniatyriseringen av sensorer och processorer, framstegen inom connected edge intelligence och det exponentiella intresset för artificiell intelligens (AI) ökar användningen av autonoma drönare i nanostorlek i ekosystemet för sakernas internet (IoT). Att uppnå säker autonom navigering och uppgifter på hög nivå, som utforskning och övervakning, med dessa små plattformar är dock extremt utmanande på grund av deras begränsade resurser. Lättviktiga och tillförlitliga lösningar på denna utmaning är föremål för pågående forskning. Detta arbete fokuserar på att möjliggöra autonom flygning av en 30-grams plattform i fickformat som kallas Crazyflie i en delvis känd miljö. Vi implementerar en modulär pipeline för säker navigering av nanodrönaren mellan riktpunkter. I synnerhet föreslår vi en AI-assisterad, visionsbaserad reaktiv planeringsmetod för att undvika hinder. Vi hanterar nanodrönarens begränsningar genom att dela upp navigeringsuppgiften i två delar: en djupinlärningsbaserad objektdetektor körs på extern hårdvara medan planeringsalgoritmen exekveras ombord. För att utforma den reaktiva metoden hämtar vi inspiration från befintliga sensorbaserade navigeringslösningar och tar fram en ny metod för hinderundvikande som inte är beroende av avståndsinformation. I studien analyserar vi även kommunikationsaspekten och de svarstider som är involverade i edge offloading. Dessutom delar vi med oss av insikter om finjusteringen av en SSD MobileNet V2-objektdetektor på en skräddarsydd dataset av lågupplösta gråskalebilder som tagits med drönaren. Resultaten visar förmågan att styra drönaren med ∼ 8 FPS och en modellprestanda som når en COCO mAP på 60.8. Fältexperiment visar att lösningen är genomförbar med drönaren som flyger med en topphastighet på 1 m/s samtidigt som den styr bort från ett hinder som placerats i en okänd position och når måldestinationen. Vi studerar även effekten av en parameter som bestämmer styrkan i undvikandeåtgärden och dess påverkan på den totala väglängden, tidsåtgången och slutförandet av uppgiften. Resultatet visar att kommunikationsfördröjningen och modellens prestanda är kompatibla med kraven för realtidsnavigering och ett lyckat undvikande av hinder som i bästa fall uppgår till 100%. Genom att utnyttja modulariteten i den föreslagna arbetspipelinen kan framtida arbete inriktas på förbättring av de enskilda delarna och syfta till en helt inbyggd implementering av navigeringsuppgiften, vilket flyttar gränserna för autonom utforskning med nano-drönare.

Justerbar modell av transmissionsledning för elkraftsöverföring / An adjustable model of a transmission line for power transmission

Gatu, Andreas, Svensson, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts på uppdrag av Terco. Tercos PST 2220Transmission Line and Distribution Module fungerar som en fysisk modellav ett verkligt transmissions- eller distributionsnät där fem olika typer av nätmed avseende på längd, spänningsnivå och skenbar effekt är möjliga. Idagfinns ett behov av en modell där användaren kan ställa in dessa parametrarså att modellen mer precist kan spegla vilka egenskaper det specifika nätethar. Här undersöks hur längden och dess inverkan på en ledning kan varierasi en modell.En presentation av hur transmissions- och distributionsnät fungerar ochbeskrivs teoretiskt lägger grunden till den modell och de två approximationersom kan beskriva ett helt näts egenskaper.Då R, L och C komponenterna behöver kunna varieras för att fysisktkunna realisera denna teoretiska modell undersöks vilka metoder som dettakan genomföras på. För detta undersöks två tillvägagångssätt, kaskadkopp-lad pi-modell och variabel aktiv-passiv reaktans.Flera aspekter som utrymme, kostnad och variabilitet gör att varia-bel aktiv-passiv reaktans är att föredra. Dess funktion som en varierbarspänningskälla, uppbyggd av switchar styrda med reglerteknik och puls-breddsmodulering gör att komponenterna R, L och C och dess egenskaperoch inverkan på en transmissionslinje kan åstadkommas. Resultatet är attde nödvändiga R,L,C komponenterna går att variera i storlek för att kunnaingå i en varierbar transmissionsledningsmodell.Resultatet och målen säkerställs med simuleringar där variabel aktiv-passiv reaktans visas kunna vidareutvecklas och praktiskt testas för att mo-dellera transmissions- och distributionsnät med olika längd. Nyckelord. Variabilitet, Inverterare, Impedans, DC-AC, Pulsbreddsmodu-lering, Övertoner, Transmissionsledning, Spänningsfall, Reaktiv effekt. / This diploma work has been carried out on behalf of Terco. TercosPST 2220 Transmission Line and Distribution Module works as a physicalmodel of a real transmission and distribution grid where five different typesof networks based on length, voltage and apparent effect are available. Thereis today a need of a model where the user self can adjust these parameters sothat the model more precisely can reflect the characteristics that the specificgrid has. Here it’s investigated how the length and its impact on a line canbe varied in a model.A presentation of how the transmission and distribution grid works andare described theoretically provides the basics for the different models thatcan describe a whole network and its properties.Since the R, L and C components needs to be able to be varied to be ableto physically realize this theoretical model, the different methods that thiscan be realized through are investigated. Two approaches are investigated,the cascaded pi-model and variable active-passive reactance (VAPAR).A number of aspects like space, cost and variability makes the variableactive-passive reactance the most suited solution. Its function as a variablevoltage source, made out of an four switches, operated with control techno-logy and pulse width modulation, makes it possible to imitate R, L and Csproperties and effect on a transmission line. The result is that the necessaryR,L,C components are made adjustable in order to be incorporated in aadjustable transmission lin model.The result and the goal are verified with simulations where variableactive-passive reactance is proved able for further development and practicaltests to model transmission and distribution lines with different length. Keywords. Variability, Inverter, Impedance, DC-AC, Pulse width modula-tion, Harmonics, H-bridge, Transmission line, Voltage drop, Reactive effect.

Pre-study of optical LED units for shunting signals / Förstudie för optisk LED-enhet för dvärgsignaler

Adolfsson, Tobias, Dellenby, Axel January 2021 (has links)
Alstom wanted to investigate the possibility of adapting its light emitting diode (LED) technology for shunting signals in train traffic. The LED technology uses 50V, but Alstom wants to adapt it for 12V. The LED technology is energy efficient but needs to be adapted for existing signal interlocking by drawing a higher current. This meant that the possibility of reactive power compensation was investigated to obtain lower thermal dissipation in dwarf signal. The essay presents a couple of possible solutions. One of the solutions is to raise the voltage by using a booster converter to use the existing 50V LED unit. Capacitors were reviewed to be used in reactive power compensation to increase current supply. One of the solutions then became a capacitor bank. Simulations indicated that a booster converter and a capacitor bank can be used to adapt the circuit. However, some modifications must be made. / Alstom ville undersöka möjligheten att anpassa sin lysdiodsteknik för dvärgsignaler i tågtrafiken. Lysdiodstekniken använder 50V men Alstom vill anpassa den för 12V. Lysdiodtekniken är strömsnål och behöver anpassas för befintliga signalställverk genom att dra en högre ström. Detta innebar att möjligheten för reaktiv kompensering undersöktes för att få en låg värmeutvecklingen i dvärgsignalen. I uppsatsen presenteras ett par möjliga lösningar. En av lösningarna för spänningen är en step-up omvandlare för att nyttja 50Vs enheten. Det gjordes också en genomgång av kondensatorer för att nyttjas i reaktivkompensering för att öka strömförbrukningen. En av lösningarna blev då ett kondensatorbatteri. Det kunde konstateras med matematisk simulering att step-up omvandlare och ett kondensatorbatteri kan användas för att anpassa kretsen dock måste vissa modifieringar utföras.

Analysis of Prerequisites for Connection of a Large-Scale Photovoltaic System to the Electric Power Grid

Lilja, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
The deployment of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) systems is rising in the Swedish power system, both in quantity and in system size. However, the intermittent characteristics of the PV production raises questions concerning the stability in the electric power grid, and power output fluctuations from the PV systems can lead to voltage quality issues. Hence, the distribution system operator E.ON Energidistribution and the solar energy developer company Solkompaniet are interested in investigating potential challenges and possibilities related to the integration of large-scale PV systems in the electric power grid. This thesis studies fast voltage variations in the electric power grid due to output fluctuations from large-scale PV systems, and examines the possibility to mitigate the voltage variations by reactive power support strategies in the PV inverters. Four studies are carried out to investigate the prerequisites for establishing large-scale PV systems. Firstly, a worst-case study considering eight existing substations in the electric power grid as well as a new substation is carried out, to examine the impact of different parameters on the voltage variations. Parameters such as transformer operation mode, location of the point of connection, switching mode and load capacity are compared in the study. Further, time series calculations are done to investigate the voltage variations over one year, and a study with an oversized PV system is done to investigate the possibility for increasing the PV capacity without grid reinforcements. Lastly, a study is performed with reactive power compensation from the PV inverters to examine the possibility to maintain a stabilized voltage level at the point of connection. The studies are performed in E.ONs network model in the power system simulator software PSS/E, with data for the transmission grid, the regional grid, and parts of the distribution grid included. PV systems with a rated capacity from 32 MWp and upwards are connected to substations in the regional grid, where fast voltage variations on nominal voltage levels of 20/10 kV are studied and evaluated from the perspective of the power producer. From this thesis, it can be concluded that neither of the implemented studies results in voltage variations that violate E.ONs technical requirements on fast voltage variations in the point of connection. Further, the results from the worst-case study show the importance of analysing the specific system of interest when connecting PV systems, since the properties of the existing system have an impact on the voltage variations. The time series calculations show that the voltage variations over a time period of one year are highly influenced by the PV production and the load capacity in the substation, and the study with an oversized PV system shows the possibility for increasing the PV capacity without curtailing large amounts of active power. Finally, the study with reactive power compensation concludes that grid support strategies in the PV inverters may be a key solution for making optimal use of the existing electric power grid and enabling the continued expansion of large-scale PV systems in the Swedish power system. / Utbyggnaden av storskaliga solcellsanläggningar (PV) ökar i det svenska kraftsystemet, både i kvantitet och i systemstorlek. De intermittenta egenskaperna hos energiproduktionen väcker emellertid frågor angående stabiliteten i elnätet, och effektförändringar från anläggningarna kan leda till spänningskvalitetsproblem. Därför är distributionssystemoperatören E.ON Energidistribution och solenergiföretaget Solkompaniet intresserade av att undersöka potentiella utmaningar och möjligheter relaterade till integrationen av storskaliga solcellsanläggningar i elnätet. Detta examensarbete studerar snabba spänningsvariationer i elnätet till följd av effektförändringar från storskaliga solcellsanläggningar, och undersöker möjligheten att mildra spänningsvariationerna genom strategier för reaktiv effektreglering i växelriktare.  Fyra studier genomförs för att undersöka förutsättningarna för att etablera storskaliga solcellsanläggningar. För det första genomförs en värsta-fallstudie med beaktande av åtta befintliga stationer i elnätet samt en ny station, för att undersöka olika parametrars påverkan på spänningsvariationerna. Parametrar som transformatorns driftläge, plats för anslutningspunkten, omkopplingsläge och lastkapacitet jämförs i studien. Vidare görs tidsserieberäkningar för att undersöka spänningsvariationerna över ett år, och en studie med en överdimensionerad solcellsanläggning görs för att undersöka möjligheten att öka solcellskapaciteten utan elnäts- förstärkningar. Slutligen genomförs en studie med reaktiv effektkompensation från växelriktare för att undersöka möjligheten att upprätthålla en stabiliserad spänningsnivå i anslutningspunkten. Studierna utförs i E.ONs nätverksmodell i programvaran PSS/E för kraftsystemsimuleringar, med data för transmissionsnätet, regionnätet och delar av distributionsnätet inkluderat. Solcellsanläggningar med en nominell kapacitet från 32 MWp och uppåt ansluts till stationer i regionnätet, där snabba spänningsvariationer på nominella spänningsnivåer om 20/10 kV studeras och utvärderas ur kraftproducentens perspektiv. Från resultaten kan man dra slutsatsen att ingen av de genomförda studierna resulterar i spänningsvariationer som överskrider E.ONs tekniska krav på snabba spänningsvariationer i anslutningspunkten. Vidare visar resultaten från värsta-fallstudien vikten av att analysera det specifika systemet vid anslutning av solcellsanläggningar, eftersom egenskaperna hos det befintliga systemet har en inverkan på spänningsvarationerna. Tidsserieberäkningarna visar att spänningsvariationerna över en tidsperiod av ett år påverkas starkt av både energiproduktionen och lastkapaciteten i stationen, och studien med en överdimensionerad solcellsanläggning visar på möjligheten att öka den nominella kapaciteten utan att spilla stora mängder aktiv effekt. Slutligen ger studien med reaktiv effektkompensation slutsatser om att strategier i växelriktare kan vara en möjlig lösning för att utnyttja det befintliga elnät optimalt och möjliggöra en fortsatt expansion av storskaliga solcellsanläggningar i det svenska kraftsystemet.

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