Spelling suggestions: "subject:"recombinant"" "subject:"ecombinant""
791 |
Tamoxifen-Independent Recombination in the RIP-CreER MouseSolimena, Michele, Steffen, Anja, Magro, Maria Grazia, Masjkur, Jimmy, Suckale, Jackob, Liu, Yanmei, Anastassiadis, Konstantinos 02 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The inducible Cre-lox system is a valuable tool to study gene function in a spatial and time restricted fashion in mouse models. This strategy relies on the limited background activity of the modified Cre recombinase (CreER) in the absence of its inducer, the competitive estrogen receptor ligand, tamoxifen. The RIP-CreER mouse (Tg (Ins2-cre/Esr1) 1Dam) is among the few available β-cell specific CreER mouse lines and thus it has been often used to manipulate gene expression in the insulin-producing cells of the endocrine pancreas.
Principal Findings
Here, we report the detection of tamoxifen-independent Cre activity as early as 2 months of age in RIP-CreER mice crossed with three distinct reporter strains.
Evidence of Cre-mediated recombination of floxed alleles even in the absence of tamoxifen administration should warrant cautious use of this mouse for the study of pancreatic β-cells.
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Physiological effects of conditioned medium and passage number on Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 serum free culturesSvensson, Ingrid January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to better understand the role of conditioned medium (CM) in Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 insect cell proliferation and recombinant protein production using the baculovirus expression system.</p><p>CM was found to stimulate cell proliferation. Addition of CM and 10 kDa CM filtrate to an Sf9 culture decreased the lagphase and the maximum cell density was reached earlier than for cultures in fresh medium. The positive effect of 10 kDa CM filtrate showed that CM contains at least one small growth promoting factor. The effect was not eliminated by trypsin treatment. Addition of CM or 10 kDa CM filtrate to Sf9 cultures was found to have a negative effect on the recombinant protein production. The effect was thought to be indirect and most probably via the impact of CM on cell physiology. CM was also found to contain proteinase activity. The proteinase was identified as Sf9 cathepsin L. A proform with a molecular mass about 49 kDa and two active forms at about 39 and 22 kDa were found. The role of cathepsin L in Sf9 cultures is not yet clear. However, the knowledge of the presence of this proteinase in CM can be of great value for improving product quality and yield. Further, CM was found to have other properties as well: a concentrated fraction of CM exhibited strong antibacterial activity towards Bacillus megaterium and a weaker activity towards Escherichia coli. B. megaterium lysed rapidly after incubation in the CM fraction.</p><p>Repeated subculturing of Sf9 cells provoked a switch in growth kinetics. After 30-45 passages the cells started to proliferate earlier after inoculation and addition of CM had no longer a growth stimulating effect. However, CM still stimulated growth of a culture with low passage (LP) number (up to 45 passages). High passage cells (HP cells, over 100 passages) displayed a shorter lagphase than LP cells and the culture reached the maximum cell density 24-48 h earlier. Cell cycle analysis showed that the Sf9 cells were transiently synchronised in the G2/M phase 10 h after inoculation, before proliferation was initiated. This synchronisation was more pronounced for HP cells than for LP cells, which correlated to a higher recombinant protein production in baculovirus infected HP cells than in LP cells. Synchronisation of cells in G2/M by yeastolate-limitation before infection with baculoviruses suggested that the degree of synchronisation is connected to the cell density dependent decrease in recombinant protein production of Sf9 cultures.</p>
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Etude des variations épigénétiques liées aux séquences répétées comme source de changements phénotypiques héritables chez Arabidopsis thalianaCortijo, Sandra 10 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Des changements de méthylation de l'ADN peuvent affecter l'expression des gènes et pour certains être transmis au travers des générations. De telles " épimutations " qui concernent des groupes de cytosines à proximité ou dans les gènes sont donc une source potentielle de variation phénotypique héritable en absence de changements de la séquence de l'ADN. Chez les plantes la méthylation de l'ADN est cependant principalement observée au niveau des séquences répétées. Il reste à déterminer dans quelle mesure les changements de méthylation au niveau de ce type de séquences peuvent être héritées et affecter les phénotypes. Afin de répondre à ces questions, plus de 500 épiRIL (epigenetic Recombinant Inbred Lines) quasi-isogéniques a été générée chez Arabidopsis thaliana. Cette population a été obtenue par le croisement d'un parent sauvage et d'un parent mutant pour le gène DDM1 présentant une très forte réduction du taux de méthylation de l'ADN. Après un rétrocroisement de la F1 avec une plante sauvage, les individus sauvages pour le gène DDM1 ont été sélectionnés et propagées sur 6 générations par autofécondation. Nous avons montré par l'analyse du méthylome de plus de 100 épiRIL que l'hypométhylation induite par ddm1 présente selon les séquences affectées différents degrés de transmission au travers des générations. La réversion de l'hypométhylation concerne des régions associées à une abondance élevée en sRNA de 24 nt. Nous avons utilisé l'hypométhylation stablement transmise dans les épiRIL induite par ddm1 afin de détecter des QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) affectant le temps de floraison et la longueur de la racine primaire, deux caractères pour lesquels les variations observées dans les épiRIL présentent une héritabilité importante. En dernier lieu, nous avons recherché par différentes approches les variations causales de ces QTL.
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Les gènes et protéines BSP chez la souris et l’humain : clonage, caractérisation, expression sous forme recombinante et étude des fonctions biologiquesLefebvre, Jasmine 08 1900 (has links)
L’infertilité affecte environ 15% des couples en âge de se reproduire. Dans près de la moitié des cas, des facteurs masculins sont à la base de l’infertilité, quoique les causes exactes demeurent souvent inconnues. Les spermatozoïdes de mammifères subissent une série d’étapes de maturation avant d’acquérir la capacité de féconder un ovocyte. Les premiers changements ont lieu à l’intérieur de l’épididyme, où les spermatozoïdes gagnent la capacité de se mouvoir ainsi que de reconnaître et d’interagir avec l’ovocyte. Suite à l’éjaculation, ils doivent subir une seconde série de modifications à l’intérieur du tractus génital femelle, nommée capacitation. Nous avons préalablement démontré que chez le bovin, la famille de protéines BSP (Binder of SPerm) est essentielle à la capacitation. Des homologues des BSP ont aussi été isolés du fluide séminal de porc, de bouc, de bélier, de bison et d’étalon. Malgré la détection d’antigènes apparentés aux BSP dans le fluide séminal de souris et d’humain, les homologues des BSP n’ont jamais été caractérisés chez ces espèces. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des homologues des BSP seraient exprimés chez la souris et l’humain et joueraient un rôle dans la maturation des spermatozoïdes.
Nous avons démontré que des séquences homologues aux BSP sont présentes dans les génomes murin et humain. Le génome murin contient trois séquences; Bsph1, Bsph2a et Bsph2b, tandis qu’une seule séquence (BSPH1) a été identifée chez l’humain. Les séquences d’ADNc de Bsph1, Bsph2a et BSPH1 ont été clonées, tandis que Bsph2b serait probablement un pseudogène. Les trois gènes sont exprimés uniquement dans l’épididyme et font partie d’une sous-famille distincte à l’intérieur de la famille des BSP. Chez les ongulés, les BSP sont exprimées par les vésicules séminales, sont ajoutées aux spermatozoïdes lors de l’éjaculation et représentent une proportion significative des protéines du plasma séminal. Au contraire, les BSP épididymaires ne sont retrouvées qu’en faibles quantités dans le fluide séminal. L’étude de leur rôle dans les fonctions spermatiques était donc plus difficile que chez les ongulés, où l’isolement des protéines natives du plasma séminal à l’aide de techniques de chromatographie était possible.
Afin d’étudier sa fonction, nous avons exprimé BSPH1 recombinante dans E. coli. Les ponts disulfure des domaines de type-II caractéristiques de ces protéines ont fait en sorte que l’expression de BSPH1 fusionnée à une étiquette hexahistidine ou glutathion-S-transférase a donné lieu à des protéines insolubles dans les corps d’inclusion. La production de BSPH1 soluble a été possible grâce à l’ajout d’une étiquette thiorédoxine et l’expression dans une souche au cytoplasme oxidatif. BSPH1 a été purifiée par affinité et sa liaison aux partenaires connus des BSP, la phosphatidylcholine, les lipoprotéines de faible densité et la membrane des spermatozoïdes, suggérait que la protéine recombinante possédait sa conformation native et pouvait être utilisée pour des essais fonctionnels.
La forme native de BSPH1 a été détectée dans le plasma séminal humain suite au fractionnement par gel filtration. La liaison de BSPH1 native à une colonne d’affinité à l’héparine a indiqué qu’elle partage aussi cette propriété de liaison avec la famille des BSP, et pourrait lier les GAGs semblables à l’héparine du tractus génital féminin. Une colonne d’immunoaffinité anti-BSPH1 a été préparée à l’aide d’anticorps générés contre des protéines recombinantes, et a permis d’isoler BSPH1 native à partir d’extraits de spermatozoïdes humains. Nos résultats montrent que BSPH1 native serait localisée dans les microdomaines « rafts » de la membrane. Sa masse moléculaire apparente était de 32 kDa, ce qui est supérieur à la masse prédite selon sa séquence en acides aminés, indiquant la présence probable de modifications post-traductionnelles, ou d’une migration anormale.
L’effet de BSPH1 recombinante et des anticorps anti-BSPH1 sur la motilité, la viabilité et la capacitation a aussi été étudié. Les deux dernières variables ont été mesurées par un essai de cytométrie en flux, optimisé dans cette étude. Aucun effet des protéines recombinantes ou des anticorps sur la motilité et la viabilité des spermatozoïdes n’a été noté. Quoiqu’une stimulation modeste, quoique significative, de la capacitation ait été observée à la plus faible concentration de BSPH1, les concentrations plus élevées n’ont pas montré d’effet. De la même manière, les anticorps anti-BSPH1 n’ont pas eu d’effet significatif sur la capacitation. Ces résultats suggèrent que BSPH1 produite dans E. coli n’affecte pas la capacitation de façon marquée. Cependant, puisque BSPH1 native possède probablement des modifications post-traductionnelles, une protéine recombinante produite dans des cellules de mammifères pourrait affecter les fonctions spermatiques. De manière alternative, les BSP épididymaires remplissent peut-être un rôle différent dans les fonctions spermatiques que celles sécrétées par les vésicules séminales des ongulés.
Les résultats décrits dans cette thèse pourraient contribuer à améliorer le diagnostic de l’infertilité masculine, ainsi que les techniques de reproduction assistée et éventuellement, pourraient mener au développement de contraceptifs masculins. / Infertility affects approximately 15% of couples of reproductive age. In nearly half the cases, male factors are responsible, although causes underlying male infertility often remain unknown. Mammalian sperm undergo a series of maturational steps before acquiring the capacity to fertilize an oocyte. The first changes take place inside the epididymis, where sperm gain motility and the ability to recognize and interact with the oocyte. After ejaculation, sperm go through a second maturation event named capacitation, taking place inside the female reproductive tract. We previously showed that in the bovine species, proteins of the BSP (Binder of SPerm) family are essential for capacitation. Homologs of these proteins have also been isolated from boar, ram, goat, bison and stallion seminal fluid. Although BSP-related antigens have been detected in mouse and human seminal fluid, BSP homologs have never been characterized in these species. We hypothesized that BSPs would indeed be expressed in mice and humans and could be involved in sperm maturation.
Our studies demonstrated that BSP-homologous sequences are present in the mouse and human genomes. The mouse genome contains three BSP-like sequences, Bsph1, Bsph2a and Bsph2b, whereas only one sequence (BSPH1) was identified in the human genome. The complete cDNA sequences of Bsph1, Bsph2a and BSPH1 were cloned, whereas Bsph2b is probably a pseudogene. The two murine and sole human genes are expressed uniquely in the epididymis, and are part of a distinct sub-family within the BSP superfamily. The BSPs of ungulates are expressed in the seminal vesicles, are added to sperm upon ejaculation and represent a significant proportion of seminal plasma proteins. In contrast, BSP proteins expressed in the mouse and human epididymides are found in very small quantities in seminal fluid. The study of their role in sperm functions was therefore less straightforward than for ungulate species, where direct isolation of the native proteins from seminal plasma was feasible using various chromatography techniques.
In order to investigate the role of the human BSP protein, BSPH1, we expressed the recombinant protein in E. coli. Probably due to the multiple disulfide bonds within the fibronectin type-II domains characteristic of these proteins, expression of BSPH1 with a hexahistidine or glutathione-S-tranferase tag gave rise to insoluble protein trapped inside bacterial inclusion bodies. Successful expression of soluble BSPH1 was achieved when the protein was fused to a thioredoxin tag and expressed in a bacterial strain that possesses an oxidizing cytoplasm. This protein was purified using affinity chromatography techniques and tested for binding to known ligands of BSP proteins: phosphatidylcholine, low-density lipoproteins and the human sperm membrane. Since recombinant BSPH1 displayed all three binding properties, we concluded that it had assumed its native conformation and could be used in subsequent functional assays to determine its role in sperm functions.
The native form of BSPH1 was detected in human seminal plasma after fractionation on a gel filtration column. Native BSPH1 also bound to a heparin-affinity column, indicating that it shares this binding property with the BSP family and may also bind heparin-like GAGs of the female reproductive tract. An anti-BSPH1 immunoaffinity column was prepared using antibodies generated with bacterially expressed recombinant proteins and was used to isolate native BSPH1 from human sperm extracts. In addition, our results show that BSPH1 probably localizes to detergent-resistant microdomains of the human sperm membrane. Its apparent molecular weight was 32 kDa, which is superior to that predicted by its amino acid sequence. Therefore, BSPH1 probably undergoes post-translational modifications or migrates abnormally during electrophoresis.
The effect of recombinant BSPH1 protein and anti-BSPH1 antibodies on human sperm motility, viability and capacitation were also investigated. The latter two sperm functions were assayed using a flow cytometry technique optimized in this study. No effect of recombinant BSPH1 or antibodies on sperm motility or viability was noted. Although a modest yet significant stimulation of capacitation was observed at lower BSPH1 protein concentrations, higher concentrations showed no effect. In the same fashion, anti-BSPH1 antibodies showed no significant effect on capacitation. These results suggest that recombinant BSPH1 produced in E. coli does not appreciably affect capacitation. However, since native BSPH1 may be subject to post-translational modifications, it is possible that BSPH1 expressed in a mammalian system would affect sperm capacitation. Alternatively, epididymally expressed BSPs may play a somewhat different role in sperm functions than those secreted by the seminal vesicles of ungulates.
The results described in this thesis could aid in better diagnosing male infertility, improving assisted reproduction and eventually, developing male contraceptives.
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Rôle de protéines épididymaires humaines et murines dans les fonctions spermatiquesPlante, Geneviève 11 1900 (has links)
L’infertilité affecte jusqu’à 15-20% des couples en âge de se reproduire. C’est pourquoi, mieux comprendre les mécanismes à la base de la fécondation est essentiel pour l’identification de nouvelles causes d’infertilité et l’optimisation des techniques de reproduction assistée. La capacitation est une étape de la maturation des spermatozoïdes qui se déroule dans le tractus génital femelle. Elle est requise pour la fécondation d’un ovocyte. Notre laboratoire a démontré que des protéines du plasma séminal bovin, appelées protéines Binder of SPerm (BSP), se lient aux phospholipides portant des groupements choline à la surface de la membrane des spermatozoïdes lors de l’éjaculation et promeuvent la capacitation. Ces protéines exprimées par les vésicules séminales sont ubiquitaires chez les mammifères et ont été étudiées chez plusieurs espèces dont l’étalon, le porc, le bouc et le bélier. Récemment, l’expression de gènes homologues aux BSP a été découverte dans les épididymes d’humains (BSPH1) et de souris (Bsph1 et Bsph2). Notre hypothèse est que les BSP chez ces deux espèces sont ajoutées aux spermatozoïdes lors de la maturation épididymaire et ont des rôles dans les fonctions spermatiques, similaires à ceux des protéines BSP bovines.
Les protéines BSP humaines et murines représentent une faible fraction des protéines totales du plasma séminal. Pour cette raison, afin d’étudier leurs caractéristiques biochimiques et fonctionnelles, des protéines recombinantes ont été produites. Les protéines recombinantes ont été exprimées dans des cellules Escherichia coli origami B(DE3)pLysS en utilisant un vecteur d’expression pET32a. Suivant la lyse cellulaire, les protéines ont été dénaturées avec de l’urée et purifiées par chromatographie d’affinité sur ions métalliques immobilisés. Une fois liées à la colonne, les protéines ont été repliées à l’aide d’un gradient d’urée décroissant avant d’être éluées. Cette méthode a mené à la production de trois protéines recombinantes (rec-BSPH1 humaine, rec-BSPH1 murine et rec-BSPH2 murine) pures et fonctionnelles.
Des expériences de chromatographie d’affinité et de co-sédimentation nous ont permis de démontrer que les trois protéines peuvent se lier à des ligands connus des protéines BSP comme la gélatine et l’héparine en plus de pouvoir se lier aux spermatozoïdes. Nos études ont également révélées que les deux protéines rec-BSPH1 peuvent se lier aux liposomes de phosphatidylcholine (PC) et sont capable de promouvoir la capacitation des spermatozoïdes. À l’opposé, rec-BSPH2 ne peut ni se lier aux liposomes de PC, ni stimuler la capacitation. Finalement, les protéines recombinantes n’ont aucun effet sur la réaction acrosomique ou sur la motilité des spermatozoïdes.
Chez les bovins, les protéines BSP induisent la capacitation grâce des interactions avec les lipoprotéines de haute densité (HDL) et les glycosaminoglycanes. Puisque le HDL est également un joueur important de la capacitation chez la souris, le rôle de la protéine native BSPH1 murine au niveau de la capacitation induite par le HDL a été étudié. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que, in vivo, la protéine BSPH1 de souris serait impliquée dans la capacitation via une interaction directe avec le HDL. Comme les protéines BSPH1 humaines et murines sont orthologues, ces résultats pourraient aussi s’appliquer à la fertilité humaine.
Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse pourraient mener à une meilleure compréhension de la fertilité masculine et aider à améliorer les techniques de reproduction assistée. Ils pourraient également mener au développement de nouveaux tests diagnostiques ou de contraceptifs masculins. / Infertility can affect as much as 15-20% of couples of reproductive age. Therefore, elucidating mechanisms occurring during fertilization is needed to resolve cases of infertility and optimize assisted reproductive technology procedures. Sperm capacitation is a maturation step that takes place in the female genital tract and is deemed to be essential for sperm to fertilize an oocyte. Our laboratory has demonstrated that proteins from bovine seminal plasma called Binder of SPerm (BSP) proteins bind to choline phospholipids on the sperm membrane upon ejaculation and promote capacitation. These proteins expressed in seminal vesicles are ubiquitous amongst mammals and have been studied in many species including stallion, boar, ram and goat. More recently, the expression of BSP-homologous genes has been discovered in the epididymis of humans (BSPH1) and in mice (Bsph1 and Bsph2). We hypothesized that the BSP homologs in these two species are added to sperm during epididymal maturation and play similar roles in sperm functions as bovine BSP proteins.
BSP proteins in humans and mice constitute only a minute percentage of the seminal plasma proteins. Thus, to study their biochemical and functional characteristics recombinant proteins were produced. Recombinant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli origami B(DE3)pLysS cells using a pET32a expression vector. Following cell lysis, proteins were denatured using urea and purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography. Once bound to the resin, proteins were refolded using a decreasing urea gradient after which they were eluted. This method led to the production of three pure, functional recombinant proteins (human rec-BSPH1, mouse rec-BSPH1 and mouse rec-BSPH2).
Using affinity chromatography and co-sedimentation experiments, we were able to demonstrate that all three recombinant proteins bind known ligands of BSP proteins including gelatin, heparin and have the ability to bind to sperm. Studies also revealed that both rec-BSPH1 proteins bind to phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes and promote sperm capacitation. However, rec-BSPH2 neither binds to PC liposomes nor stimulates capacitation. Recombinant proteins had no effect on acrosome reaction or sperm motility.
In bovine, BSP proteins promote sperm capacitation through interactions with high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and glycosaminoglycans. Since in mice HDL is also a major factor implicated in capacitation, the role of the native murine BSPH1 protein in HDL-induced capacitation was investigated. Results obtained suggest that, in vivo, murine BSPH1 protein could act in capacitation via a direct interaction with HDL. As human and murine BSPH1 are orthologs, these results could possibly also apply to human fertility.
The results presented in this thesis could lead to a better understanding of male fertility and help improve assisted reproduction technology procedures. They could also lead to the development of diagnostic tests as well male contraceptives.
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Příprava a využití kyselých proteáz pro štěpení proteinů v experimentech H/D výměny. / Preparation and use of acid proteases for digestion in H/D exchange.Kukla, Jan January 2014 (has links)
- 5 - Abstract Hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry (HX-MS) utilizes the spontaneous exchange of protein backbone amide hydrogens for deuterium atoms from solution to gain information about changes in protein structure. To localize these changes to specific areas of the protein, enzymatic digestion by aspartate proteases is used. The proteases' ability to produce small overlapping peptides and to provide full sequence coverage of the studied protein is essential for pinpointing the protein regions of interest. In this study recombinant proteases nepenthesin I (Nepenthes gracilis) and rhizopuspepsin (Rhizopus chinensis) were prepared and compared to commercially available proteases porcine pepsin A and aspergillopepsin (Aspergillus saitoi). The comparison was performed using various activity assays, where the effects of pH, temperature and denaturing and reducing agents on the activity of the proteases were studied. All four proteases were also immobilized on a polymeric resin POROS and their activity in an online HX-MS digestion setup was tested using myoglobin as a model substrate.
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Exprese a charakterisace homologů lidské glutamát karboxypeptidasy II / Expression and characterisation of homologs of human glutamate carboxypeptidase IIBäumlová, Adriana January 2012 (has links)
English abstract Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII, EC is a membrane bound glycoprotein that belongs to the metallopeptidase M28 family. Two physiological substrates were found for GCPII. The first one, N-acetyl-aspartylglutamate (NAAG), serves as a neurotransmiter in the brain and GCPII hydrolyzes it to yield free glutamate in the synaptic cleft. Excess glutamate might be cytotoxic and eventually lead to excitoxic nerve cells death. Inhibition of NAAG hydrolyzing activity has been shown to be neuroprotective. Therefore, GCPII inhibition was suggested as a therapeutic target in treatment of neurological disorders where excess glutamate is involved. The second substrate, polyglutamyl folate, is a precursor of folic acid which is required for cell growth and development. GCPII cleaves off glutamate from dietary folates and thus facilitates their absorption in small intestine. Although GCPII biological relevance is known only in the brain and the small intestine, its role in the prostate is also important. GCPII has been described as a prostate cancer marker as it is expressed on the membrane of prostate cancer cells. Since GCPII is type II transmembrane protein, it is enzymatically active and undergoes internalization, it has been suggested as a promising tool for specific anticancer-drug...
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Développement d'une nouvelle plateforme végétale de production de protéines recombinantes par l'utilisation des plantes carnivores du genre Nepenthes / Development of a new plant expression system for recombinant protein production by use of carnivorous plants from Nepenthes genusMiguel, Sissi 27 June 2013 (has links)
Résumé confidentiel / Not available
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Estudo cinético da produção da proteína recombinante Amblyomin-X pela bactéria Escherichia coli BL21DE3 / Kinetic study of the production of the recombinant protein Amblyomin-X by the bacterium Escherichia coli BL21DE3Marques, Telma de Oliveira 26 November 2018 (has links)
A produção de biofármacos segue um crescente interesse industrial e social. Atualmente existem vários tipos de tratamento contra o câncer, porém, a maioria desses tratamentos não atua unicamente no alvo terapêutico. Um estudo realizado por pesquisadores do Instituto Butantan identificou uma proteína com ação anticoagulante e antitumoral, codificada por um gene proveniente das glândulas salivares do carrapato Amblyoma cajennense . Esse gene foi inserido em um plasmídeo e expresso com sucesso na bactéria Escherichia coli BL21DE3. Estudos pré-clínicos mostraram que a injeção in vivo de Amblyomin-X reduziu a formação de massa tumoral induzida por células de melanoma B16F10 em camundongos. Este trabalho contempla o estudo das condições de cultivo para obtenção da proteína Amblyomin-X com a linhagem Escherichia coli BL21DE3 recombinante em biorreatores. Para se determinar a melhor condição de biossíntese da proteína recombinante Amblyomin-X estabeleceu-se uma estratégia de cultivo para a etapa de crescimento do microrganismo e estudaram-se três diferentes fatores na etapa posterior à do crescimento microbiano, ou seja, na etapa de biossíntese da proteína: i) a concentração do indutor IPTG (Isopropil β-D-1-tiogalactopiranosídeo) no momento de indução da proteína; ii) a temperatura de cultivo durante a etapa de biossíntese da proteína; e iii) a concentração celular no início da etapa de biossíntese da proteína. Para a realização dos ensaios foi proposto um planejamento experimental delineamento composto central rotacional (DCCR) escolhido para os três fatores em estudo e resultou na condução de 17 ensaios. Os ensaios foram realizados com a estratégia de condução proposta, mantendo o valor de μx entre 0,20 e 0,23 h-1 na etapa de batelada alimentada, o que possibilitou atingir a concentração celular desejada com a formação de ácido acético em concentrações não inibitórias. Como resultado do planejamento experimental, a obtenção dos valores ótimos dos fatores para a etapa de produção da proteína: temperatura de 38 °C, concentração celular de 35,27 g/L e concentração do indutor IPTG de 0,10 mM resultou em um protocolo de processo que obteve 8,07 g/L de proteína recombinante, valor máximo obtido e validado. / The production of biopharmaceuticals follows an increasing industrial and social interest. Currently there are several types of cancer treatment, however, most of these treatments do not only act on the therapeutic target. A study by researchers at the Butantan Institute identified a protein with anticoagulant and antitumor action, encoded by a gene from the salivary glands of the Amblyoma cajennense tick. This gene was inserted into a plasmid and successfully expressed on the bacterium Escherichia coli BL21DE3. Preclinical studies have shown that the in vivo injection of Amblyomin-X reduced the tumor mass formation induced by B16F10 melanoma cells in mice. This work includes the study of the culture conditions to obtain Amblyomin-X protein with the recombinant Escherichia coli strain BL21DE3 in bioreactors. In order to determine the best biosynthesis condition of the recombinant Amblyomin-X protein, a culture strategy was established for the growth stage of the microorganism and three different factors were studied in the post-microbial growth stage, that is, in the biosynthesis stage of the protein: i) the concentration of the IPTG (Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside) inducer at the time of induction of the protein; ii) the culture temperature during the protein biosynthesis step; and iii) the cell concentration at the beginning of the protein biosynthesis step. For the accomplishment of the tests it was proposed an experimental design - central rotational compound design (DCCR) - chosen for the three factors under study and resulted in the conduction of 17 tests. The tests were performed with the proposed conduction strategy, maintaining the value of µ &x between 0.20 and 0.23 h-1 in the fed batch stage, which allowed to reach the desired cellular concentration with the formation of acetic acid in non-inhibitory concentrations. As a result of the experimental design, obtaining the optimum values of the factors for the protein production step: temperature of 38 °C, cell concentration of 35.27 g/L and concentration of the IPTG inductor of 0.10 mM resulted in a process protocol which obtained 8.07 g / L of recombinant protein, maximum value obtained and validated.
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Estudo da interação do adenovírus humano, sorotipo 41 (HAdV-41), com células permissivas. / Interaction studies of human adenovirus serotype 41 (HAdV-41) with permissive cells.Silva, Joselma Siqueira 30 October 2008 (has links)
Com o objetivo de estudar a interação do HAdV-41 com células permissivas, primeiramente foi observada a cinética de infecção do HAdV-41 em células HEK-293, durante 7 dias. A seguir, as culturas foram analisadas por MCVL e por MET. O HAdV-41 apresentou um ciclo replicativo lento com liberação da progênie viral por mecanismo não lítico. A seguir, com o intuíto de verificar a participação da proteina FC do HAdV-41 nas etapas de entrada nas células HEK-293 e CaCo2, obteve-se os dodecaedros recombinantes (DR) em células High five (base-Ad3, base-Ad3+FC-Ad41, base-Ad3+FL-Ad41, baseRGEHS-Ad3+FCAd41 e base-Ad3+FAd3). Esses dodecaedros foram inoculados em células HEK-293 e CaCo2. Após a análise por MCVL, observou-se que a proteína FC talvez não desempenhe função na entrada do DR nas células estudadas. A seguir, uma alíquota do DR base-Ad3+FC-Ad41 foi digerida com a enzima pepsina e analisada por WB. Notou-se que a FC sofreu proteólise. Acredita-se que essa proteólise seja necessária para o reconhecimento de receptores no trato gastro-intestinal. Esses resultados fornecerão subsídeos para o desenvolvimento de vetores de terapia gênica direcionada para o epitélio intestinal e vetores vacinais administrados por via oral. / Our objective was study the interaction between HAdV-41 and permissive cells. First, it was observed the kinetic of infection between HAdV-41 and HEK-293 cells, for 7 days. Second, the cultures were analyzed by CLSM and by TEM. The HAdV-41 showed a slower replicative cycle with release of viral progeny by non-lytic mechanisms. In order to verify the participation of SF protein of the HAdV-41 during the phases of entry in HEK-293 and CaCo2 cells, we producted recombinant dodecahedrons (DR) in high five cells (base-Ad3, base-Ad3+SF-Ad41, base-Ad3+SF-Ad41, baseRGEHS-Ad3+SFAd41 and base-Ad3+FAd3). These decahedrons were inoculated in HEK-293 and CaCo2 cells. After analysis with CLSM, observed that SF protein may not have a role in dodecahedron entry in the cells studied. Next, recombinant dodecahedrons base-Ad3+SF-Ad41 and base-Ad3 were digested with pepsin and analyzed by WB. We observed proteolysis of the SF. We believe that this proteolysis may be necessary for the recognition of receptors in intestinal cells. The results obtained will be the base for the development of gene-therapy vectors directed to intestinal epithelium, as well as orally administered vaccine vectors.
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