Spelling suggestions: "subject:"recombinant"" "subject:"ecombinant""
831 |
Análise dos genes diferencialmente expressos durante a osteodiferenciação induzida por proteínas morfogenéticas de osso (BMP2 e BMP7) em células C2C12 e super-expressão de rhBMP2 e rhBMP7 em células de mamíferos / Analysis of differentially expressed genes during osteodifferentiation induced by bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP2 and BMP7) of C2C12 cells and overexpression of rhBMP2 and rhBMP7 in mammalian cellsValenzuela, Juan Carlos Bustos 23 April 2008 (has links)
As BMPs (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins) são membros da superfamília de proteínas TGF-β (Transforming Growth Factor β ), regulam o crescimento e diferenciação de vários tipos celulares em diversos tecidos, e algumas delas desempenham um papel crítico na diferenciação de células de origem mesenquimal em osteoblastos. Particularmente, rhBMP2 e rhBMP7, promovem osteoindução tanto \"in vitro\" como \"in vivo,\" sendo, ambas as proteínas utilizadas terapeuticamente em Ortopedia/Odontologia para reparo ósseo. A expressão diferencial de genes durante a osteodiferenciação de células C2C12 induzida por rhBMP2 e rhBMP7, foi analisada através de microarranjos de DNA, selecionando 31 genes, dos quais 24 foram validados por qPCR, 13 dos quais são relacionados à transcrição, quatro associados a algumas vias de sinalização celular e sete associados à matriz extracelular. Análise funcional destes genes permitirá conhecer, com maiores detalhes, os eventos moleculares que ocorrem durante a diferenciação osteoblástica de células C2C12 induzida por rhBMPs. Em paralelo, foi perseguida a super-expressão de rhBMP2 e rhBMP7 em células HEK293T, demonstrando-se a atividade de rhBMP7, induzindo osteodiferenciação \"in vitro\" e formação de osso \"in vivo\", demonstrando a viabilidade do objetivo de se produzir estas proteínas para futura aplicação como biofármacos no Brasil. / The BMPs (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins) are members of the TGF-β (Transforming Growth Factor β) superfamily of proteins, regulate growth and differentiation of various cell types in various tissues, and some play a critical role in differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts. Particularly, rhBMP2 and rhBMP7, promote osteoinduction \"in vitro\" and \"in vivo\" and both proteins are used therapeutically in Orthopedics and Dentistry. The differential expression of genes during osteodifferentiation induced by rhBMP2 and rhBMP7 in C2C12 cells was analyzed through DNA microarrays, allowing the selection of 31 genes, of which 24 were validated by qPCR, 13 of which are related to transcription, four associated with cell signaling pathways and seven are associated with the extracellular matrix. Subsequent functional analysis of these genes should reveal more details on the molecular events which take place during C2C12 cells osteoblastic differentiation induced by rhBMPs In paralel, rhBMPs 2 and 7 were overexpressed in HEK293T cells and BMP7 activity to induce osteodifferentiation \"in vitro\" and bone formation \"in vivo\" was demonstrated, reinforcing the viability of our objective to produce these proteins for future application as biopharmaceuticals in Brazil.
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Desenvolvimento de uma estratégia vacinal contra a toxina de Shiga de Escherichia coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) baseada na proteína recombinante Stx2ΔAB incorporada a lipossomas. / Development of a vaccine strategy against Shiga toxin (Stx) of Escherichia coli (EHEC) based on recombinant protein Stx2ΔAB incorporated into liposomes.Jesus, Monica Josiane Rodrigues de 07 February 2017 (has links)
Infecções associadas a cepas da Escherichia coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC), podem causar manifestações clínicas sendo a Síndrome Hemolítica Urêmica (SHU), a complicação mais severa. SHU está relacionada a presença da toxina de Shiga do tipo 2 (Stx2) e até o momento não se dispõe de uma vacina ou tratamentos efetivos para uso em humanos. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver uma vacina baseada no derivado atóxico contendo a subunidade B e a porção A2 da subunidade A denominado Stx2ΔAB. Após expressão em linhagens de E.coli e tentativas iniciais de purificação, resultaram na formação de agregados proteicos. Ajustes nas condições de cultivo e purificação permitiram obter a proteína na forma de monômero da subunidade B, mas sem a presença da porção A2. O antígeno foi incorporado a lipossomas multilamelares (MLVs), combinados ao lipídio A e administrados por via subcutânea a camundongos. Animais imunizados desenvolveram anticorpos sistêmicos específicos contra Stx2 capazes de neutralizar a toxina in vitro e conferir proteção parcial a animais desafiados com dose letal da toxina. Em conclusão, o trabalho confirmou o potencial vacinal do antígeno e validou a estratégia baseada na incorporação do antígeno às MLVs como estratégia de imunização. / Infections associated with strains of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), can cause clinical manifestations are the hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), the most severe complication. HUS is related to the presence of Shiga toxin type 2 (Stx2) and yet do not have a vaccine or effective treatments for use in humans. This work aimed to develop a vaccine based on non-toxic derivative containing the B subunit and the A2 portion of the subunit called Stx2ΔAB. After expression in E. coli strains and initial purification attempts resulted in the formation of protein aggregates. Adjustments in the cultivation and purification conditions have enabled the protein as the monomer subunit B but without the presence of the A2 portion. The antigen was incorporated into multilamellar liposomes (MLVs), the combined lipid A and administered subcutaneously to mice. immunized animals develop systemic antibodies specific against Stx2 able to neutralize toxin in vitro and to confer partial protection when challenged with a lethal dose of toxin. In conclusion, the study confirmed the potential vaccine antigen and validated strategy based on antigen incorporation into MLVs as immunization strategy.
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Construção e transfecção de vetores plasmidiais contendo o gene da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva (GPV) em células de Drosophila melanogaster / Constuction and transfection of plasmid vectors with rabies vírus glycoprotein (RVGP) gene in Drosophila melanogaster cellsLemos, Marcos Alexandre Nobre 23 September 2009 (has links)
O cDNA da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva (GPV) foi clonado em vetores plasmidiais (indutíveis) contendo ou não o cDNA do sinal de secreção BiP e da resistência ao antibiótico higromicina B. Esses vetores foram transfectados em células S2 e foram obtidas populações e subpopulações. A população S2MTGPV-H apresentou níveis 5x maiores na expressão da GPV em análise por FACS (~ 50% das células) e por ELISA (~ 0,65 µg/107 células). A seleção de subpopulações permitiu um aumento de aproximadamente 10x na expressão da GPV, especialmente na população S2MTGPV*-H. O tratamento com NaBu resultou em uma redução de aproximadamente 20% no crescimento celular e um aumento de 50% na GPV expressa pela população S2MTGPV*-H (~ 8,3 µg/107 células). O meio de cultura SF900 II permitiu um maior crescimento das células S2MTGPV*-H e uma maior síntese de GPV comparado com outros meios de cultura. Nossos dados mostram que a expressão da GPV pôde ser otimizada através da construção de vetores de expressão/seleção, subpopulações, da exposição da cromatina e do meio de cultura utilizado. / The cDNA encoding the entire rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP) gene was cloned in plasmids (inductive) with or without a cDNA coding for the secretion signal and coding for the selection hygromicin antibiotic. These vectors were transfected into S2 cells and we had obtain cells populations and subpopulations S2MTRVGP-H cell population were shown to express 5 times higher of RVGP as evaluated by FACS (~ 50 %) and ELISA (~ 0.65 mg/107 cells at day 7). Sub-population selection allowed a higher RVGP expression, especially for the S2MTRVGP*-H. NaBu treatment leading to lower cell growth and higher RVGP expression allowed an even higher RVGP synthesis by S2MTRVGP*-H (~ 8.3 mg/107 cells at day 7 after induction). SF900II medium leading to a higher S2MTRVGP*-H cell growth allowed a higher final RVGP synthesis in this cell culture. The data show that RVGP synthesis may be optimized by the expression/selection vectors design, cell sub-populations selection, chromatine exposure and culture medium employed.
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Estudo cinético de células de Drosophila melanogaster transfectadas para a produção da glicoproteína da raiva em biorreator / Kinetic study of Drosophila melanogaster cells transfected to produce the rabies vírus glycoprotein in bioreactorAguiar, Marcelo Antonio 25 March 2010 (has links)
O interesse em células de inseto para a produção de proteínas complexas se deve a sua maior facilidade de cultivo e ao padrão equivalente de glicosilação quando comparado aos sistemas com células de mamíferos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar fatores que limitam ou inibem a produção da glicoproteína do vírus rábico (GPV) expressa na membrana citoplasmática de células de Drosophila melanogaster transfectadas, quando cultivadas em biorreator de bancada agitado e bubble-free, operado em modo descontínuo. Avaliaram-se as influências de oxigênio dissolvido (5 < pO2 <80%), da glicose (1 < GLC0 < 15g/L) e da glutamina (0.6 < GLN0 < 7g/L). Essas variáveis afetaram de forma diferenciada o crescimento celular (produção de células e velocidades específicas-µX), o metabolismo celular (fatores de conversão - YX/GLC, YX/GLN, YLAC/GLC, YALA/GLC, YNH4/GLN, YALA/GLN), assim como a expressão da proteína recombinante (concentração, teor celular e produtividade). O aumento do pO2 reduziu em 9 vezes o crescimento celular mas aumentou o teor celular de GPV em 1,4 vezes. Baixos valores de GLC0 e GLN0, claramente, limitaram o crescimento, de modo que incrementos na concentração desses substratos, até valores intermediários, aumentaram µX,MAX em 3 vezes e 2,5 vezes, respectivamente, e a produção de células em 11 vezes e 3 vezes, respectivamente. O teor celular de GPV máximo não foi afetado pela GLC, mas aumentou em 100% para valores de GLN0 igual ou superiores a 3,5 g/L. As concentrações de lactato produzidas foram consideradas baixas (inferiores a 0,8 g/L) para exercer qualquer efeito de inibição sobre o crescimento ou a expressão da proteína. Por sua vez, as concentrações de amônio parecem inibir tanto a produção de GPV (NH4+~50mg/L) quanto o crescimento celular (NH4+~80mg/L). A condição de cultivo com de 30% de pO2, 10 g/L de GLC0 e 3,5 g/L de GLN0 resultou nos maiores valores de produtividade (9,1 µg/L.h) e de concentração de GPV (1,2 mg/L). O metabolismo de GLC e GLN apresentou grande interdependência, com alterações em GLC0 afetando o metabolismo de GLN e vice-versa. Assim, em condições de excesso de GLC0, as células apresentaram um metabolismo mais ineficiente com reduções nos fatores YX/GLC (2,3 vezes) e YX/GLN (4,6 vezes) e maior geração de subprodutos, caracterizada por incrementos nos valores de YALA/GLC (51%), YLAC/GLC (11%) e YNH4/GLN (15%). O metabolismo da GLN apresentou resposta característica de substrato em excesso para toda a faixa de valores ensaiada, com redução de 25 vezes no valor de YX/GLN e inesperadamente também uma redução na geração de subprodutos de 7 vezes para YNH4/GLN e 12 vezes para YALA/GLN. O efeito sobre o metabolismo da GLC foi mais acentuado para valores mais elevados de GLN0, com redução de 3,6 vezes para YX/GLC e incrementos de 70% para YALA/GLC e para YLAC/GLC. Os resultados sugerem ainda que a célula utiliza duas vias para metabolizar a glutamina: glutaminólise, em condição de limitação em GLC; ou glutamato sintase - NADH-GOGAT, em condição de excesso em GLC. A célula demonstrou também capacidade de sintetizar GLN, a partir de amônio ou outros aminoácidos, quando atingiu concentrações abaixo de 50 mg/L. / The interest in using insect cells to produce complex proteins is due to its ease of cultivation and its glycosylation pattern equivalent to that of mammalian cells systems. The objective of this work was to identify the limiting or inhibiting factors for the production of a rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP), expressed in the cytoplasmatic membrane of a transfected Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells, when cultivated in a bench stirred bubble-free bioreactor, in batch mode. The influence of dissolved oxygen (5 < pO2 < 80%), of initial glucose concentration (1 < GLC0 < 15 g/L) and of initial glutamine concentration (0.6 < GLN0 < 7 g/L) was evaluated. These variables affected in a different way cell growth (cell production and specific growth rate - µX), cell metabolism (yield factors - YX/GLC, YX/GLN, YLAC/GLC, YALA/GLC, YNH4/GLN and YALA/GLN), as well as the recombinant protein expression (RVGP concentration, RVGP cell content and RVGP productivity). pO2 increase reduced 9 times cell growth, but increased 1.4 times RVGP cell content. Low initial glucose and glutamine concentrations clearly limited the cell growth, in such a way that raising these substrates concentrations up to intermediate values, increased µX,MAX 3 times and 2.5 times, respectively, and increased cell production 11 times and 3 times, respectively. The maximum RVGP cell content was not affected by GLC0, but improved 100% when GLN0 was 3.5 g/L or higher. The concentrations of produced lactate were considered low (below 0.8 g/L) to cause any inhibition effect on growth or protein expression. On the other hand, ammonium concentrations seem to inhibit RVGP production (NH4+~50 mg/L), as well as cell growth (NH4+~80 mg/L). Maximum productivity values (9.1 µg/L.h) and RVGP concentration (1.2 mg/L) were attained for 30% pO2, 10 g/L of GLC0 and 3.5 g/L of GLN0 run. The metabolism of GLC and GLN showed a great interdependence, with GLC0 changes affecting the GLN metabolism, and viceversa. Thus, in glucose excess condition, cell metabolism was less efficient. This implied in reduction of yield factors - YX/GLC (2.3 times) e YX/GLN (4.6 times) - and in higher by-products generation, characterized by augmentation in YALA/GLC (51%), YLAC/GLC (11%) and YNH4/GLN (15%). The glutamine metabolism showed a substrate excess response pattern to the whole range of concentration studied, with reduction of YX/GLN (25 times) and, unexpectedly, a reduction of by-products liberation - YNH4/GLN (7 times) and YALA/GLN (12 times). The effect on glucose metabolism was more intense when the glutamine concentration was higher, showing a 3.6 times diminution YX/GLC and a 70% augmentation for YALA/GLC and YLAC/GLC. The results suggest that cells metabolize glutamine through two different pathways glutaminolysis, under glucose limitation, or glutamate synthase - NADH-GOGAT, under glucose excess. The cell, proved also to be able to synthesize glutamine from ammonium or other amino acids, when it reached concentrations below 50 mg/L.
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Biochemical Characterization of a Cp-3-O-GT Mutant P145T and Study of the Tag Effect on GT ActivityKandel, Sangam, Shivakumar, Devaiah P., McIntosh, Cecelia A. 07 April 2016 (has links)
Flavonoids are a class of secondary metabolites, the majority of which are present in glucosylated form. Glucosyltransferases catalyze glucosylation by transferring glucose from UDP-activated sugar donor to the acceptor substrates. This research is focused on the study of the effect of a single point mutation on enzyme activity, characterization of a flavonol specific 3-O-glucosyltransferase (Cp-3-O-GT) mutant- P145T, and further modification of the clone to cleave off tags from recombinant wild type and P145T mutant proteins in order to crystallize the proteins. Multiple sequence alignment and homology modeling was done to identify candidate residues for mutation. Cp-3-O-GT was modeled with a flavonoid 3-O-GT from Vitis vinifera (VvGT) that can glucosylate both flavonols and anthocyanidins. We identified a proline residue at position 145 of Cp-3-O-GT that corresponded to a threonine residue in VvGT and designed a Cp-3-O-GTP145T mutant to test the hypothesis that that mutation of proline by threonine in Cp-3-O-GT could alter substrate or regiospecificity of Cp-3-O-GT. While the mutant P145T enzyme did not glucosylate anthocyanidins, it did glucosylate flavanones and flavones in addition to flavonols. This is significant because flavanones and flavones do not contain a 3-OH group. HPLC was performed to identify the reaction products. Early results indicated that the mutant protein glucosylates naringenin at the 7-OH position forming prunin. Results are being used to revisit and refine the structure model. In other related work, a thrombin cleavage site was inserted into wild type and recombinant P145Tenzyme and we are currently working on transformation into yeast for recombinant protein expression. Cleaving off tags is a pre-requisite to future efforts to crystallize the proteins. Solving the crustal structures will make a significant contribution to the structural and functional study of plant flavonoid GTs in general and Cp-3- O-GT in particular.
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Putative Glucosyltransferase 11 from Citrus paradisi: Cloning, Recombinant Expression in Yeast, and Substrate ScreeningWilliams, Bruce E., McIntosh, Cecelia A. 04 April 2013 (has links)
Plant secondary products, which include the flavonoids, have a variety of roles in plant systems. Their roles include biosignalling, UV protection, antifeedant activity, pollinator attraction, stress response, and many others. Glucosylation is an important modification of many flavonoids and other plant secondary products. In grapefruit, glucosylation is important in the synthesis of the bitter compound naringin. Glucosyltransferases catalyze glucosylation reactions. Putative plant secondary product glucosyltransferases may be identified by the loosely conserved “PSPG box” amino acid sequence; however, with current knowledge, biochemical characterization is the only way to determine with certainty the function of these enzymes. The hypothesis tested here is that PGT11 is a plant secondary product glucosyltransferase. Recombinant PGT11 has been expressed in yeast using the pPICZ A vector. To investigate the hypothesis, the enzyme will be screened for glucosylation activity with various flavonoid and phenolic substrates.
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Recombinant Escherichia coli producing an immobilised functional protein at the surface of bio-polyester beads : a novel application for a bio-bead : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science in Microbiology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandAtwood, Jane Adair January 2008 (has links)
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are polyesters, produced by many bacteria and some archaea. The most commonly characterised is polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). Produced when nutrients are growth limiting and carbon available in excess, PHA serves as a carbon-energy storage material and forms generally spherical insoluble inclusions between 50-500nm in diameter in the cytoplasm. The key enzyme for PHA synthesis is the PHA synthase and this enzyme catalyses the polymerisation of (R)-3-hydroxy fatty acids into PHA. PHA synthase remains covalently attached to the growing polyester chain and is displayed on the surface of the PHA granule. Other proteins associated with PHA granules include depolymerases for mobilisation or degradation of granules, regulatory proteins and phasins, proteins that aid in PHA granule stability. PHA bio-beads displaying an IgG binding protein were produced and used to purify IgG from serum demonstrating that the PHA synthase can be engineered to display functional synthase fusion proteins at the PHA granule surface. Correctly folded eukaryotic proteins were also produced and displayed at the PHA granule surface as phasin fusion proteins. Multiple-functionality was also achievable by co-expression of various hybrid genes suggesting that this biotechnological bead production strategy might represent a versatile platform technology. The production of functional eukaryotic proteins at the PHA bead surface represents a novel in vivo matrix-assisted protein folding system. Protein engineering of PHA granule surface proteins provides a novel molecular tool for the display of antigens for FACS based analysis and offers promising possibilities in the development of future biotechnological production processes. Overall, the results obtained in this study strongly enhance the applied potential of these polyester beads in biotechnology and medicine.
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The development of live vectored vaccines targeting the alpha-toxin of Clostridium perfringens for the prevention of necrotic enteritis in poultryGatsos, Xenia, xgatsos@optusnet.com.au January 2007 (has links)
The Ñ-toxin of Clostridium perfringens is a toxin involved in numerous diseases of humans and agriculturally important animals. One of these diseases is necrotic enteritis (NE), a sporadic enteric disease which affects avian species world-wide. This study involved the inactivation of alpha-toxin (Ñ-toxin) for use as a potential vaccine candidate to combat NE in chickens, and other diseases caused by C. perfringens type A. During the course of this research a number of Ñ-toxin recombinant proteins were developed through molecular inactivation of the Ñ-toxin gene, plc. Proteins plc316 and plc204 were developed by the deletion of the first three and seven Ñ-helices of the N-terminal domain respectively. These deletions resulted in proteins which were unstable in solution, constantly aggregated into insoluble masses and elicited lower overall antibody responses when administered to mice. A third protein, plcInv3 was developed from the deletion of part of the catalytic domain of the Ñ-toxin. PlcInv3 was highly soluble and upon immunisation of mice elicited a significant antibody response which was also capable of protecting mice against a live challenge of C. perfringens. The fourth and final protein developed was plc104. The smallest of the recombinant Ñ-toxin proteins, it consisted entirely of the C-terminal domain of Ñ-toxin. Its small size did not affect its ability to induce a strong antibody response when administered to mice, the antibodies of which were also protective during a challenge with C. perfringens. STM1, an attenuated strain of S. Typhimurium was used in the development of a vectored vaccine for the expression and oral delivery of plcInv3 and plc104 within the mouse host. The proteins were expressed within STM1 from expression plasmids containing the in vivo inducible promoters PhtrA and PpagC. A measurable humoral immune response against Ñ-toxin was absent following three oral vaccinations with the vectored vaccines, although, cytokine profiling of splenocytes from vaccinated mice revealed an increase in the number of interleukin-4 (IL-4)secreting cells and the lack of interferon-gamma (IFN-×) secreting cells. This indicated the stimulation of a T-helper type 2 (TH2) immune response which also lead to partial protection against a live C. perfringens challenge. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using STM1 as a carrier for the in vivo expression of the C. perfringens Ñ-toxin recombinant proteins plcInv3 and plc104. It is the first study to express C. perfringens antigens within an attenuated strain of S. Typhimurium, STM1.The partial protection of mice immunised with these vaccines indicates there is potential for this vectored vaccine system to be used in the protection of diseases caused by the Ñ-toxin of C. perfringens.
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Directed Enzyme Evolution of Theta Class Glutathione Transferase : Studies of Recombinant Libraries and Enhancement of Activity toward the Anticancer Drug 1,3-bis(2-Chloroethyl)-1-nitrosoureaLarsson, Anna-Karin January 2003 (has links)
<p>Glutathione transferases (GSTs) are detoxication enzymes involved in the cellular protection against a wide range of reactive substances. The role of GSTs is to catalyze the conjugation of glutathione with electrophilic compounds, which generally results in less toxic products. </p><p>The ability to catalyze the denitrosation of the anticancer drug 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)- 1-nitrosourea (BCNU) was measured in twelve different GSTs. Only three of the enzymes showed any measurable activity with BCNU, of which human GST T1-1 was the most efficient. This is of special interest, since human GST T1-1 is a polymorphic protein and its expression in different patients may be crucial for the response to BCNU.</p><p>DNA shuffling was used to create a mutant library by recombination of cDNA coding for two different Theta-class GSTs. In total, 94 randomly picked mutants were characterized with respect to their catalytic activity with six different substrates, expression level and sequence. A clone with only one point mutation compared to wild-type rat GST T2-2 had a significantly different substrate-activity pattern. A high expressing mutant of human GST T1-1 was also identified, which is important, since the yield of the wild-type GST T1-1 is generally low. </p><p>Characterization of the Theta library demonstrated divergence of GST variants both in structure and function. The properties of every mutant were treated as a point in a six-dimensional substrate-activity space. Groups of mutants were formed based on euclidian distances and K-means cluster analyses. Both methods resulted in a set of five mutants with high alkyltransferase activities toward dichloromethane and 4-nitrophenethyl bromide (NPB). </p><p>The five selected mutants were used as parental genes in a new DNA shuffling. Addition of cDNA coding for mouse and rat GST T1-1 improved the genetic diversity of the library. The evolution of GST variants was directed towards increased alkyltransferase activity including activity with the anticancer drug BCNU. NPB was used as a surrogate substrate in order to facilitate the screening process. A mutant from the second generation displayed a 65-fold increased catalytic activity with NPB as substrate compared to wild-type human GST T1-1. The BCNU activity with the same mutant had increased 175-fold, suggesting that NPB is a suitable model substrate for the anticancer drug. Further evolution presented a mutant in the fifth generation of the library with 110 times higher NPB activity than wild-type human GST T1-1.</p>
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Use of Recombinant Allergens for Component-Resolved Diagnostics (CRD) in IgE-Mediated AllergyMarknell DeWitt, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
<p>Immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergy occurs when our immune system causes a reaction to otherwise harmless substances (allergens). Allergens are predominantly proteins present in biological materials such as pollens, mites, animal epithelia, moulds and foods. </p><p><i>In vitro</i> tests for specific IgE antibodies usually employ an allergen source extract as an antibody capturing reagent. The proportion of allergenic molecules in these biochemically complex extracts may vary.</p><p>Recombinant allergens may be obtained in large quantities with biotechnological techniques. These proteins can be characterized biochemically and immunologically, resulting in tests with minimal batch-to-batch variation. This thesis describes different uses of recombinant allergens in component-resolved diagnostics (CRD).</p><p>In CRD, single allergenic proteins are used to establish a sensitization profile of the patient. Two timothy grass (<i>Phleum pratense</i>) pollen allergens, Phl p 11 and Phl p 4, were cloned and expressed as recombinant proteins. They were subsequently characterized and can, for example, be used in a panel for grass pollen CRD.</p><p>Single allergens may be useful as diagnostic markers for allergic sensitization. This phenomenon was studied using tropomyosin, a major allergen from the shrimp <i>Penaeus aztecus</i> (Pen a 1). The characteristics of the recombinant and natural proteins were compared. The recombinant tropomyosin was then extensively tested using specific competition for IgE binding against extracts of other crustacean species, house dust mite and cockroach.</p><p>In cases when an important allergen is missing or underrepresented in a natural extract, the corresponding recombinant allergen may be added to the extract as a spiking reagent. Previous studies have shown that latex extracts for diagnostic testing may lack the allergen Hev b 5. Recombinant Hev b 5 was expressed from a synthetic gene construct, incorporating several adaptations to enable efficient large scale production of the recombinant protein, to be used as a spiking reagent.</p>
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