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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Twistor theory of higher-dimensional black holes

Metzner, Norman January 2012 (has links)
The correspondence of stationary, axisymmetric, asymptotically flat space-times and bundles over a reduced twistor space has been established in four dimensions. The main impediment for an application of this correspondence to examples in higher dimensions is the lack of a higher-dimensional equivalent of the Ernst poten- tial. This thesis will propose such a generalized Ernst potential, point out where the rod structure of the space-time can be found in the twistor picture and thereby provide a procedure for generating solutions to the Einstein field equations in higher dimensions from the rod structure, other asymptotic data, and the requirement of a regular axis. Examples in five dimensions are studied and necessary tools are developed, in particular rules for the transition between different adaptations of the patching matrix and rules for the elimination of conical singularities.

Développement et utilisation de marqueurs RADseq pour l'étude de l'impact de Wolbachia sur l'évolution des génomes mitochondriaux chez les Arthropodes / Development and use of RADseq markers to study the impact of Wolbachia on the evolution of mitochondrial genomes in Arthropods

Cariou, Marie 08 July 2015 (has links)
La propagation de bactéries intracellulaires invasives peut entrainer celle des génomes mitochondriaux qui leur sont liés génétiquement au sein du cytoplasme. Cette sélection par autostop peut conduire à une réduction de la taille efficace (Ne) pour le génome mitochondrial. Elle peut également favoriser l'introgression d'une mitochondrie introduite dans une espèce suite à une hybridation. Le principal objectif de ma thèse est de quantifier ces différents effets, de manière globale, au moyen d'un large échantillonnage d'Arthropodes de Polynésie française. Les événements d'introgressions mitochondriales sont à l'origine de discordances entre les histoires évolutives des génomes mitochondriaux et nucléaires. Afin de rechercher de telles discordances, nous avons développé des marqueurs génomiques nucléaires de type RADseq, permettant de reconstruire l'histoire des populations étudiées. J'ai pu montrer au moyen de simulations que ce type de données pouvait être utilisé pour inférer des relations phylogénétiques entre espèces (Cariou et al. 2013). Des améliorations du protocole RADseq nous ont également permis de démontrer l'applicabilité de cette méthode à de nombreux spécimens au sein de librairies hautement multiplexées (Henri et al. 2015). A partir d'analyses in silico, j'ai par ailleurs évalué l'importance de différents biais liés à l'utilisation de marqueurs RADseq pour estimer les diversités génétiques et proposé une méthode permettant de corriger certains d'entre eux. A partir de ces développements, j'ai pu démontrer que sur 30 espèces de Diptères et de Lépidoptères testées à ce jour, la proximité génétique mitochondriale est systématiquement confirmée par les marqueurs nucléaires, rejetant ainsi l'hypothèse d'une introgression mitochondriale récente. Sur un plus large échantillon, nous avons en revanche mis en évidence une réduction significative du Ne mitochondrial dans les lignées infectées par Wolbachia, suffisante pour réduire le polymorphisme, mais insuffisante pour générer une réduction notable de l'efficacité de la sélection naturelle / The spread of endosymbiotic bacteria can drive that of the linked mitochondrial genomes within the cytoplasm. This hitchhiking selection can lead to a reduction of the effective population size of the mitochondrial genomes (Ne). 1t can also facilitate mitochondrial introgression, following the introduction of exogenous mitochondria in a species by hybridization. The main objective of my thesis is to quantify these different effects, on a global scale, using a large sample of Arthropods. Mitochondrial introgressions can lead to discrepancies between the evolutionary histories of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. To investigate such patterns, we used RADseq genomic markers, that allow reconstructing population histories, and developed improvements for the library preparation and data analysis. Using in silico experiments, 1 showed that RADseq data is suitable for phylogenetic inferences (Cariou et al. 2013). Adjustments in the RADseq protocol also allowed us to demonstrate the applicability of this method for highly multiplexed libraries (Henri et al. 2015). The impact of various biases related the estimation of population genetic diversity using RADseq was also investigated in silico, which lead me to propose an ABC method to correct some of them. Following these developments, 1 showed on 30 species of Diptera and Lepidoptera that nuclear markers always confirmed the mitochondrial genetic relatedness, ruling out the hypothesis of recent mitochondrial introgressions. On a larger sample, we detected a reduction of the mitochondrial Ne in Wolbachia infected lineages. This reduction caused a significant decrease in the polymorphism of infected populations, but appeared insufficient to reduce the efficacy of natural selection

Management of hydrogen sulphide generation at a Kraft paper mill

Rava, Eleonora Maria Elizabeth 15 September 2008 (has links)
A local integrated pulp and paper Kraft mill had come under pressure from the local communities and mill personnel to reduce the odours that were perceived to be generated at the Farm Dams and irrigation farm situated adjacent to the mill. The typical odours associated with Kraft mills are due to the generation of four reduced sulphur compounds such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S), methyl-mercaptan (CH3SH), dimethyl-sulphide (CH3)2S and dimethyl-disulphide (CH3)2S2. These compounds are collectively referred to as Total Reduced Sulphur (TRS) components which are generated as a direct result of the Kraft pulping and chemical recovery process. These components can either be in the gaseous or aqueous phase depending on the characteristics of the effluent. Gaseous and aqueous TRS profiling of the mill indicated that hydrogen sulphide (H2S) was the main odour component generated and emitted from the Clarifiers and the Treated Effluent Transfer Sump (TETS) at the effluent treatment plant. The hydrogen sulphide (H2S) emission levels were affected by process upsets, sludge removal frequencies, chemical composition of the effluent, Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) activity, pH and temperature fluctuations. Treatment options such as pH control using slaked lime, dosing of biocides, addition of biomodifiers and/or a sulphate reduction inhibitor were investigated. The use of slaked lime, Ca(OH) 2, for pH control was not practical due to continuous pH fluctuations, increasing the pH would increase the scaling tendencies of the effluent and would also affect the soil cation-anion exchange properties of the irrigated farm land. The use of non-oxidising biocides was effective in reducing SRB activity between 99.2% and 99.8% at dosages between 4 mg/l and 25 mg/l. However, the use of biocides was not considered as a long term treatment option due to the various disadvantages such as the stability of the biocides at fluctuating pH and temperatures, half-life, environmental accumulation, toxicity and costs. The aqueous H2S level was reduced by 79% using different combinations of biomodifiers (nitrates, nitrites, molybdenum). Increasing the dosages of the biomodifiers (> 500mg/l) would be required to increase the reduction of H2S levels by more than 79%. The increased dosages would significantly increase the cost of the treatment programme. The accumulation of nitrates, nitrites and molybdenum could affect the soil texture, cation-anion exchange capacity, permeability, Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) and nutrient availability. A more environmentally friendly and cost effective treatment was found using sodium nitrate (biomodifier) together with AQ (sulphate reduction inhibitor). The continuous dosing of 50 mg/l sodium nitrate together with 4 mg/l AQ would be effective in reducing the average aqueous H2S levels (40 mg/l) by at least 92%. This treatment would also be compatible with aeration or oxidation procedures to further increase the removal of H2S to achieve an aqueous H2S level of <1 mg/l. Aeration or oxidation would also increase the dissolved oxygen and COD levels, increase the inhibition of SRB activity and oxidise any reduced sulphur. The dosing of sodium nitrate and AQ to control the generation of H2S is not patented in South Africa. It can, therefore, be used to treat the Kraft mill effluent without violating any intellectual property rights in South Africa. / Dissertation (MSc(Applied Science))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Chemical Engineering / unrestricted

Study of multi-component fuel premixed combustion using direct numerical simulation

Nikolaou, Zacharias M. January 2014 (has links)
Fossil fuel reserves are projected to be decreasing, and emission regulations are becoming more stringent due to increasing atmospheric pollution. Alternative fuels for power generation in industrial gas turbines are thus required able to meet the above demands. Examples of such fuels are synthetic gas, blast furnace gas and coke oven gas. A common characteristic of these fuels is that they are multi-component fuels, whose composition varies greatly depending on their production process. This implies that their combustion characteristics will also vary significantly. Thus, accurate and yet flexible enough combustion sub-models are required for such fuels, which are used during the design stage, to ensure optimum performance during practical operating conditions. Most combustion sub-model development and validation is based on Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) studies. DNS however is computationally expensive. This, has so far limited DNS to single-component fuels such as methane and hydrogen. Furthermore, the majority of DNS conducted to date used one-step chemistry in 3D, and skeletal chemistry in 2D only. The need for 3D DNS using skeletal chemistry is thus apparent. In this study, an accurate reduced chemical mechanism suitable for multi-component fuel-air combustion is developed from a skeletal mechanism. Three-dimensional DNS of a freely propagating turbulent premixed flame is then conducted using both mechanisms to shed some light into the flame structure and turbulence-scalar interaction of such multi-component fuel flames. It is found that for the multi-component fuel flame heat is released over a wider temperature range contrary to a methane flame. This, results from the presence of individual species reactions zones which do not all overlap. The performance of the reduced mechanism is also validated using the DNS data. Results suggest it to be a good substitute of the skeletal mechanism, resulting in significant time and memory savings. The flame markers commonly used to visualize heat release rate in laser diagnostics are found to be inadequate for the multi-component fuel flame, and alternative markers are proposed. Finally, some popular mean reaction rate closures are tested for the multi-component fuel flame. Significant differences are observed between the models’ performance at the highest turbulence level considered in this study. These arise from the chemical complexity of the fuel, and further parametric studies using skeletal chemistry DNS would be useful for the refinement of the models.

Contribution à l'étude des machines polyentrefers à aimants permanents et à entrefer réduit.Applications aux machines à flux axial à hautes performances sous contrainte d'encombrement. / Contribution to the study of permanent magnet multi-airgap motors with reduced airgap. Application to volume constrained, high performance axial flux machines.

Dumas, Florian 06 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de machines polyentrefers et leurs limitations, dans le contexte d'avion plus électrique et du projet de déplacement des avions au sol. Ces moteurs, basés sur l'utilisation de plusieurs éléments mobiles et fixes mis en parallèle, permettent d'obtenir de hautes performances. Une étude sur les tolérances des dimensions des éléments actifs montre que les performances peuvent être dégradées si des précautions lors de la réalisation ne sont pas prises et si les entrefers utilisés ne sont pas faibles. Ce manuscrit présente un système totalement innovant permettant d'utiliser un entrefer réduit à son minimum sans que les performances ne soient dégradées par de la friction. Ce système est appelé système de compensation des efforts de plaquage. Afin de développer un moteur tournant à entraînement direct dans le cadre du taxiage des avions, deux topologies différentes de machines discoïdes sont étudiées et dimensionnées. Les résultats favorisent l'utilisation d'une des deux structures, à entrefer réduit, pour réaliser un maximum de couple dans le volume donné. Afin de prouver la faisabilité du système innovant sur un moteur discoïde, la réalisation d'un prototype laboratoire complet est proposée. Des simulations thermiques et du comportement du système innovant permettront de valider ces études. / This thesis focuses on the study of multi-air gap machines and their limitations, in the framework of more electric aircraft and the project of moving aircrafts on the ground without the main engines. These motors, based on the use of mobile and fixed parts disposed in parallel, induce high performance. A study concerning the tolerance for the dimensions of active parts shows that performance can decrease if precautions are not taken during manufacturing and if the air gaps are not small. This manuscript presents a totally innovative system that permits the use of an air gap reduced to its minimum without reducing performance by friction. This system is called system of attraction control. In order to develop a direct-drive motor for aircraft taxiing, two different topologies of disc-type machines are studied and sized. The obtained results encourage the use of one of the two structures with reduced air gap to realize maximum torque in the fixed volume. To prove the feasibility of the innovative system on a disc-type motor, the conception of an entire laboratory prototype is proposed. Thermal modelling and simulations on the innovative system behaviour will validate the presented work.

Optimisation and control methodologies for large-scale and multi-scale systems

Bonis, Ioannis January 2011 (has links)
Distributed parameter systems (DPS) comprise an important class of engineering systems ranging from "traditional" such as tubular reactors, to cutting edge processes such as nano-scale coatings. DPS have been studied extensively and significant advances have been noted, enabling their accurate simulation. To this end a variety of tools have been developed. However, extending these advances for systems design is not a trivial task . Rigorous design and operation policies entail systematic procedures for optimisation and control. These tasks are "upper-level" and utilize existing models and simulators. The higher the accuracy of the underlying models, the more the design procedure benefits. However, employing such models in the context of conventional algorithms may lead to inefficient formulations. The optimisation and control of DPS is a challenging task. These systems are typically discretised over a computational mesh, leading to large-scale problems. Handling the resulting large-scale systems may prove to be an intimidating task and requires special methodologies. Furthermore, it is often the case that the underlying physical phenomena span various temporal and spatial scales, thus complicating the analysis. Stiffness may also potentially be exhibited in the (nonlinear) models of such phenomena. The objective of this work is to design reliable and practical procedures for the optimisation and control of DPS. It has been observed in many systems of engineering interest that although they are described by infinite-dimensional Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) resulting in large discretisation problems, their behaviour has a finite number of significant components , as a result of their dissipative nature. This property has been exploited in various systematic model reduction techniques. Of key importance in this work is the identification of a low-dimensional dominant subspace for the system. This subspace is heuristically found to correspond to part of the eigenspectrum of the system and can therefore be identified efficiently using iterative matrix-free techniques. In this light, only low-dimensional Jacobians and Hessian matrices are involved in the formulation of the proposed algorithms, which are projections of the original matrices onto appropriate low-dimensional subspaces, computed efficiently with directional perturbations.The optimisation algorithm presented employs a 2-step projection scheme, firstly onto the dominant subspace of the system (corresponding to the right-most eigenvalues of the linearised system) and secondly onto the subspace of decision variables. This algorithm is inspired by reduced Hessian Sequential Quadratic Programming methods and therefore locates a local optimum of the nonlinear programming problem given by solving a sequence of reduced quadratic programming (QP) subproblems . This optimisation algorithm is appropriate for systems with a relatively small number of decision variables. Inequality constraints can be accommodated following a penalty-based strategy which aggregates all constraints using an appropriate function , or by employing a partial reduction technique in which only equality constraints are considered for the reduction and the inequalities are linearised and passed on to the QP subproblem . The control algorithm presented is based on the online adaptive construction of low-order linear models used in the context of a linear Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm , in which the discrete-time state-space model is recomputed at every sampling time in a receding horizon fashion. Successive linearisation around the current state on the closed-loop trajectory is combined with model reduction, resulting in an efficient procedure for the computation of reduced linearised models, projected onto the dominant subspace of the system. In this case, this subspace corresponds to the eigenvalues of largest magnitude of the discretised dynamical system. Control actions are computed from low-order QP problems solved efficiently online.The optimisation and control algorithms presented may employ input/output simulators (such as commercial packages) extending their use to upper-level tasks. They are also suitable for systems governed by microscopic rules, the equations of which do not exist in closed form. Illustrative case studies are presented, based on tubular reactor models, which exhibit rich parametric behaviour.

Knockdown of vitellogenin by RNAi increases survivorship but exhibits similar physiological responses to ovariectomy in grasshoppers

Linquist, Alicia G. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Reduced reproduction has been shown to increase lifespan in many animals, yet the mechanisms behind this trade-off are mostly unknown. A previous study has shown that in the lubber grasshopper, Romalea microptera, ovariectomized (OVX) individuals have a 30% increase in lifespan relative to controls (Sham). In a separate study, an increase in fat body mass and a halting of ovarian growth were seen upon reduction of vitellogenin transcript via RNAi (VgRNAi). These data suggest that VgRNAi increases lifespan through the trade-off between reproduction and longevity and animals with combined ovariectomy and VgRNAi, might show additive physiological responses. In this study, we used two injection control groups for the VgRNAi treatment, namely buffer injection or injection with RNAi against a 90kDa hexamerin storage protein (Hex90RNAi). We have combined these manipulations to test lifespans upon: OVX & VgRNAi, OVX & Hex90RNAi, OVX & Buffer, Sham & VgRNAi, Sham & Hex90RNAi, and Sham & Buffer. Ovariectomy and VgRNAi exhibited similar reductions in feeding (~40%) and extensions in lifespan (13-21%) but showed differences in vitellogenin protein levels. This study also observed the effects of reduced reproduction on hexamerin storage proteins. We observed that upon ovariectomy and VgRNAi, hexamerins were increased, emphasizing the importance of protein in insect life extension. When methods to reduce reproduction were combined (OVX VgRNAi), no additive physiological responses were observed, suggesting ovariectomy and VgRNAi each extend lifespan by overlapping or convergent pathways.


AMERICO BARBOSA DA CUNHA JUNIOR 20 June 2011 (has links)
[pt] O desenvolvimento de modelos computacionais para simulação de escoamentos reativos operando em regime de turbulencia requer a soluçao das equações diferenciais parciais que representam os balanços de massa, quantidade de movimento linear, espécies químicas e energia. Além disso, as reações químicas do modelo necessitam de um mecanismo cinético detalhado para descrição dos fenomenos físico-químicos associados. Um dos maiores desafios encontrados é a rigidez da simulação numérica desses modelos e a natureza não linear do termo de produção das espécies químicas. Esta dissertação apresenta uma revisão das principais técnicas disponíveis na literatura para o desenvolvimento de modelos reduzidos de cinética química, em particular para a combustão, bem como de técnicas para solução eficiente dos modelos de escoamentos reativos. Após uma apresentação da formulação matemática associada, a metodologia denominada tabulação adaptativa in situ (ISAT) é implementada e avaliada quanto a sua acurácia, eficiencia e uso de memória na simulação de alguns modelos de reator homogeneo agitado. Avalia-se a combustão de misturas de monóxido de carbono/oxigenio e metano/ar cujos mecanismos cinéticos tem 4 e 53 espécies, 3 and 325 reações respectivamente. Os resultados destassimulações indicam que a presente implementação da técnica ISAT tem erro relativo global inferior a 1%. Além disso, a técnica ISAT propiciou ganhos, em termos de tempo computacional, de at´e 80% quando comparado a simulação direta da cinética detalhada. Entretanto, em termos de utilização da memória, a implementação desenvolvida da técnica ISAT se mostrou excessivamente exigente. / [en] The development of computational models for the numerical simulation of chemically reacting flows operating in the turbulent regime requires the solution of partial differential equations that represent the balance of mass, linear momentum, chemical species and energy. Moreover, the chemical reactions of the model may require a detailed reaction mechanism for the description of the physicochemical phenomena involved. One of the biggest challenges is the stiffness of the numerical simulation of these models and the nonlinear nature of species rate of reaction. This dissertation presents an overview of the main techniques available in the literature for the development of reduced models of chemical kinetics, particularly for the combustion, as well as the techniques for efficient computation of the chemically reacting flows models. After a presentation of the associated mathematical formulation, the methodology dubbed in situ adaptive tabulation (ISAT) is implemented and its accuracy, efficiency and memory usage are evaluated in the simulation of homogeneous stirred reactor models. The combustion of carbon monoxide with oxygen and methane with air mixtures is considered, which detailed reaction mechanisms involve 4 and 53 species, 3 and 325 reactions respectively. The results of these simulations indicate that the development implementation of the ISAT technique has a absolute global error of less than 1%. Moreover, the ISAT technique provided gains, in terms of computational time, of up to 80% when compared to the direct integration of the full chemical kinetics. However, in terms of memory usage the present implementation of ISAT technique was found to be excessively demanding.

Examining the influence of the leader in me on school grades

Wright, Jennifer Lynn 01 January 2019 (has links)
School leaders face increasing demands related to student achievement. These demands involve annual data reporting related to overall student, school, and district success. In Florida, this accountability and transparency requirement is addressed through an annual school grading system. It is essential that leaders utilize successful programs that directly influence positive student outcomes and demonstrate high quality education. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a youth leadership development program, specifically The Leader in Me (TLIM) program, on school grades. Based on data obtained from 16 public elementary schools across Florida, a repeated measures ANCOVA analysis revealed that no statistically significant differences in the mean school grade percentages were observed between schools that implemented TLIM and schools that did not utilize the program. In addition, no significant differences were noted in the mean school-wide achievement scores on state mandated assessments in the areas of English/Language arts, mathematics, and science. Furthermore,regression analysis revealed that the percentage of students identified as minority, the percentage of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch, and the percentage of students reported as chronically absent significantly influence school grades. A review of the existing literature related to The Leader in Me, staff and student leadership, and the study variables follows, as well as a discussion of the findings and implications for future practice and research.

Reduced models and numerical methods for kinetic equations applied to photon transport / Modèles réduits et méthodes numériques pour des équations cinétiques appliquées au transport des photons

Leroy, Thomas 05 January 2016 (has links)
La modélisation d'expériences de fusion par confinement inertiel fait intervenir des équations cinétiques dont la discrétisation peut être très coûteuse. La recherche de modèles simplifiés permet de réduire la taille et donc la complexité de ces systèmes. La justification mathématique de ces modèles simplifiés devient alors un enjeu central. Dans ce travail nous étudions plusieurs modèles réduits pour l'équation du transfert radiatif dans différents contextes, tant du point de vue théorique que du point de vue numérique. En particulier nous étudions l'équation du transfert radiatif relativiste dans le régime de diffusion hors équilibre, et nous montrons la convergence de la solution de cette équation vers la solution d'une équation de drift diffusion, dans laquelle les effets Doppler sont modélisés par un terme de transport en fréquence. Cette équation de transport est discrétisée par une nouvelle classe de schémas "bien équilibrés" (well-balanced), pour lesquels nous montrons que ces nouveaux schémas sont consistants lorsque la vitesse d'onde tends vers zero, par opposition aux schémas de type Greenberg-Leroux. Nous étudions également de nouveaux modèles réduits pour le scattering Compton (collision inélastique photon-électron). Une hiérarchie d'équations cinétiques non linéaires généralisant l'équation de Kompaneets pour des distributions anisotropes sont dérivées et leurs propriétés étudiées. Les modèles aux moments de type P_1 et M_1 sont dérivés à partir de l'une de ces équations, et nous montrons que la prise en compte de l'anisotropie du rayonnement peut modifier le phénomène de condensation de Bose expliqué par Caflisch et Levermore. Ce manuscrit se termine avec les comptes rendus de deux projets. Le premier est une preuve technique de la convergence uniforme du schéma de Gosse-Toscani sur maillages non structurés. Ce schéma est "asymptotic preserving", au sens ou il préserve au niveau discret la limite de diffusion pour l'équation de la chaleur hyperbolique, et cette preuve de convergence uniforme sur maillage non structurés en 2D est originale. Le second concerne la dérivation d'un modèle cinétique pour le Bremsstrahlung électron-ion qui préserve la limite thermique. / The modeling of inertial confinement experiments involves kinetic equations whose discretization can become very costly. The research of reduced models allows to decrease the size and the complexity of these systems. The mathematical justification of such reduced models becomes an important issue. In this work we study several reduced models for the transfer equation in several contexts, from the theoretical and numerical point of view. In particular we study the relativistic transfer equation in the non-equilibrium diffusion regime, and we prove the convergence of the solution of this equation to the solution of a drift diffusion equation, in which the Doppler effects are modeled by a frequency transport term. This transport equation is discretized by a new class of well-balanced schemes, and we show that these schemes are consistant as the wave velocity tends to zero, by opposition to the Greenberg-Leroux type schemes. We also study several original reduced models for the Compton scattering (inelastic electron-photon collision). A hierarchy of nonlinear kinetic equations generalizing the Kompaneets equation for anisotropic distributions are derived and their properties are studied. The M_1 and P_1 angular moments models are derived from one of these equations, and we show that the anisotropic part of a radiation beam can modify the Bose condensation phenomena observed by caflisch and Levermore. This work ends with the reports of two side projects. The first one is a technical proof of the uniform convergence of the Gosse-Toscani scheme on unstructured meshes. This scheme is asymptotic preserving, since it preserves at the discrete level the diffusion limit of the hyperbolic heat equation, and this proof on unstructured meshes in 2D is original. The second one is devoted to the derivation of a kinetic model for the electron-ion Bremsstrahlung that preserves the thermal limit.

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