Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diegime"" "subject:"epzregime""
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(Untitled) / Sans SheriffAarøe, Mads January 2013 (has links)
The work revolves aorund the notion of the artist as a jester. In 6 parts the text points to both (art) history and contemporary art. The form resembles to an extent the structuring of the later solo-exhibition and seeks to prevent a linear reading and as such, form becomes content. / [I examensarbetet ingår utställningen "Sans Sheriff":] The graduation show comprised a diverse selection of works from the entire duration of teh education, ranging a.o. painting, sculpture, installation, photography. At the core of the show was a strategy to reject of the creation of an artistic identity - such as a visual trademark - and rather letting hints and distractions be the leading notion. / <p>Exam work consists of a written essay part and a formed/interpreted part.</p>
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A study of higher education policies and their implementation by the Nigerian military regimes 1966-1978Obong, Sunday I. 01 May 1980 (has links)
This study seeks to establish a basic theory that explains the policies and practices of civilian and military regimes on higher education in Nigeria. Specifically, the study seeks to determine whether or not the Nigerian military regimes gave top priority to higher education through financing, planning and staffing of the universities system of Nigeria. The first chapter is designed to set a general guideline for this research, mainly pointing to various methodological and theoretical foundations of the research. Chapter Two throws some light on the development of the British colonial policies that have influenced the contemporary behavior of the Nigerian public policy makers. In addition, it lays a foundation for the subsequent chapters through critical analysis of issues in the historical dynamics of Nigeria. Chapter Three focuses mainly on the comparative analysis of the general military public policy decrees from 1966 to 1978, regime by regime. The importance of this chapter is the fact that it synthesizes in an orderly manner those 'major decrees or public policies of the various Nigerian military regimes. Chapter Four is devoted to the study of a brief history of educational policies and philosophies in Nigeria. It examines the place of the University Education on the list of priorities affected by the Nigerian public policies. An effort is made to assess higher education policies and their implementation. In Chapter Five, an attempt is made to examine higher education policies under the Nigerian military regimes. Major emphasis is placed on policy orientations rather than technical issues. This section is pertinent and interesting because it is based upon a critical evaluation, as well as an objective assessment of Nigerian higher education policies. Chapter Six is devoted to the implementation of Nigerian higher education policies under the military regimes. It is in this chapter that the three policy areas--financing, staffing and planning are re-evaluated. Chapter Seven then deals with the evaluation and analysis of the problems and Chapter Eight presents the general summary and conclusions. As a part of the summary and conclusions, the overall implications, recommendations and contributions are presented. Thus, based on data available, it seems clear that the Nigerian military regimes developed and implemented an effective national higher education policy and gave financial, planning, and staffing priority to that policy. As a result, there are more equitable educational opportunities across the nation and the quality of education received has improved significantly under the Nigerian military regimes.
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An Extrapolation Technique of Cloud Characteristics Using Tropical Cloud RegimesEliasson, Salomon January 2006 (has links)
This thesis tests a technique based on objectively identified tropical cloud regimes, in which some cloud characteristics are extrapolated from a single site in the tropics to the entire tropics. Information on cloud top pressure, cloud optical thickness and total cloud cover from 1985-2000 has been derived from the ISCCP D1 data set and has been used to create maps of tropical cloud regimes and maps of total cloud cover over the tropics. The distribution and characteristics of the tropical cloud regimes has been discussed after which total cloud cover values were extrapolated to the cloud regimes over the tropics. After a qualitative and quantitative assessment was used to evaluate the success of the extrapolating method, it was found that the method worked especially well for time averaged extrapolated data sets using the median values of total cloud cover values. / I detta magisterexamensarbete testas en metod som baseras på objektivt framtagna molnregimer, där några molnegenskaper extrapoleras från en plats i tropikerna till resten av tropikerna. Informationen om molntoppstrycket, molnens optiska djup och det totala molntäcket från 1985-2000 har hämtats från ISCCP D1 data set och har använts till att skapa kartor för tropiska molnregimer och för det totala molntäcket över tropikerna. Distributionen och egenskaperna av de tropiska molnregimerna har diskuterats och användes sedan för att extrapolera det totala molntäcket över tropikerna. En kvalitativ och kvantitativ undersökning användes för att utvärdera framgångarna med extrapoleringsmetoden. Det framkom att metoden fungerade särskilt bra för extrapolerade data set med median totala molntäcksvärden över längre tidsperioder.
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Les services d'approvisionnement des communautés de la Sénéchaussée de Grasse au dernier siècle de l'Ancien Régime / The servicesof supply of the communities of Seneschal of Grasse the last century of the Old RegimePrampolini-Comos, Céline 17 June 2014 (has links)
Dans une période bouleversée par les guerres aux désastreuses conséquences, ainsi que par des hivers rigoureux et des maladies touchant aussi bien les hommes que le bétail, les communautés d’habitants donnent à bail des fermes d’approvisionnement afin de fournir à leur population des denrées de première nécessité. Elles veillent aussi à faire respecter des prix et des conditions de vente réglementés ainsi que des critères de qualité et des mesures sanitaires précises. De cette manière, les communautés vont réussir à maintenir un certain équilibre économique et conjuguer leurs intérêts avec ceux des fermiers et des habitants. Pour autant, c’est surtout l’idée de solidarité qui prévaut dans la volonté d’établir ces fermes et non pas celle de rentabilité, celles-ci n’étant pas uniquement instaurées dans le but d’augmenter le budget communal. Les services d’approvisionnement apparaissent en effet comme de véritables services publics : le contrat les instituant est conclu « pour le bien public », par les pouvoirs publics, avec le concours de personnes privées et l’ensemble des règles qui les régit relèvent du fonctionnement de services publics et donc d’un véritable droit administratif. / In a period disrupted by war, with disastrous consequences, harsh winters and diseases affecting men as well as livestock, communities and land owners engaged in leasing land to tenants to provide the population with staples at prices and conditions of sale that were regulated according to government quality controls and specific health measures. In doing this, successful communities maintained economic balance and combined the interests of both land owners and farm tenants and residents; moreover, this idea of solidarity prevailed in the will to implement this new system of farming and not that of crude profitability, meaning that farms were not only introduced to increase the municipal budget nor managed with individual land owners’ interests in mind. With a set of rules, put in place by the government, support from individual land owners, and a contract, ‘for the public good’, this structured approach notes the establishment of Supply Services is a public service and becoming a truly administrative law.
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Dlouhodobý režim proudění podzemních vod v hlubokých pánevních kolektorech, na příkladu ovlivnění hydrogeologických poměrů české křídové pánve hornickou činnosti v okolí Stráže pod Ralskem / Long-term groundwater regime in multilayered water-bearing systems on the example of uranium mining impact on groundwater conditions of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech RepublicLipanský, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Lipanský T. (2016): Dlouhodobý režim proudění podzemních vod v hlubokých pánevních kolektorech, na příkladu ovlivnění hydrogeologických poměrů české křídové pánve hornickou činností v okolí Stráže pod Ralskem. Doktorská disertační práce. - Univerzita Karlova v Praze Abstract: This thesis sumerises the development of groundwater regime in a multilayered water-bearing system of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin in maximal proposed extent of area where the groundwater regime had been affected by mining of radioactive materials near Strář pod Ralskem. The aim of the work was to describe the groundwater regime on the basis of measured monitoring data and map interpolations. The former Uranium mining from Cenomanian sandstone sediments represents the largest human impact on the natural groundwater flow of a multilayered water-bearing system within both the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and the Czech Republic. Newly created graphs and maps of piezometric surfaces bring an insight into the dynamics of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin water-bearing system and give an idea of long- term groundwater heads and flow directions development in the studied area. This was achieved despite the fact that this study does not present a hydraulic model, but an interpolation of monitoring data. Maps and grids of piezometric surfaces can be...
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Etude combinée de l'amortissement et des endommagements par fretting dans des contacts revétus ou non à l'ambiante et à chaud / Combined study of fretting induced damage and damping in coated or un-coated contacts at ambient or high temperatureCruz, Julien Fortes Da 03 December 2014 (has links)
La prédiction de l’amortissement des structures complexes se heurte actuellement à un certain nombre de difficultés. L'utilisation de matériaux métalliques dans les assemblages aéronautiques ne permet pas d'exploiter les faibles capacités d'amortissement interne des pièces de structure. Le potentiel d'amortissement de ces assemblages se trouve donc dans les interfaces de contact au niveau des liaisons fixes (vissées, rivetées) ou mobiles (rotules, pivots). La conception de jonctions fixes amortissantes demande de favoriser les micro-glissements, ce qui entraine l'apparition d'endommagements par fretting. Pour tenter de résoudre les problèmes de durée de vie liés au fretting, les traitements et revêtements de surface prennent de plus en plus d'importance. Ces travaux de thèse mettent en place des moyens expérimentaux (développement d’un banc haute température) et des méthodologies d'essais permettant de sélectionner des solutions palliatives au fretting avec un objectif de dissipation d'énergie maximale. L’approche énergétique mise en place permet de distinguer les différents régimes de glissement et d’identifier les configurations les plus favorables pour l’amortissement. Deux cas d'application (un à l'ambiante, un à 600°C) ont servi de base expérimentale, mettant en jeux différents alliages métalliques (aciers inoxydables 17.4-PH et XD15NW, Ti6Al4V, Inconel 718) protégés par des revêtements DLC, ou de l'implantation ionique de WS2 avec et sans traitement de sous-couche (CrN et CrC). / Predicting the damping behavior of complex mechanical assemblies faces many technical and scientific challenges. The internal damping of metallic materials is insufficient for aeronautical applications. The energy dissipation potential is located at the contacting surfaces of fixed (bolted, riveted) or mobile joints (pivot, ball-joint). Ensuring micro-slip is required to design dampening fixed joints, but it promotes fretting damage. Coatings and surface treatments are extensively used in order to tackle the ensuing durability issues. This work presents experimental means (newly designed high temperature test rig) and test methods for fretting palliatives selection with a maximum dissipated energy criterion. Energy based approaches enable the distinction between different sliding regimes and the identification of the most favorable ones. The experimental study was based on two industrial cases (at ambient temperature and 600°C) involving various metallic alloys (17.4-PH and XD15NW stainless steels, TI6Al4V and Inconel 718) protected with DLCs or WS2 ionic implantation (on raw substrate or CrC/CrN underlay).
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Utilização da eletrodeposição em regime de subtensão na dopagem de filmes semicondutores eletrodepositados de selênio / Use of underpotential deposition in the doping of electrodeposited selenium semiconductive filmsCoelho, Dyovani 23 January 2015 (has links)
A deposição em regime de subtensão (DRS) tem sido amplamente utilizada para a formação de filmes semicondutores, mas muito pouco utilizada para estudar a dopagem de filmes eletrodepositados. Logo, neste trabalho é discutido o uso da DRS como técnica de dopagem de filmes de selênio. Para isso, estudou-se as condições de deposição de um filme de selênio trigonal sobre substrato de ouro (f-Se) e sua posterior modificação com a DRS de Bi (f-Se_Bi), Pb (f-Se_Pb) e Cu (f-Se_Cu). Estudos empregando voltametria cíclica, cronoamperometria, microscopia óptica, microscopia de varredura eletrônica e difração de raio-X evidenciaram a produção de um filme altamente cristalino, homogêneo e aderente formado por estruturas hexagonais em forma de microbastões com diâmetros entre 300 e 600 nm. Contudo, o filme com as características citadas é formado somente com a deposição a 80 ºC em HNO3 0,1 mol L-1 contendo SeO2 0,02 mol L-1, com polarização do substrato em -0,45 V (vs SCE), sob iluminação com lâmpada de halogênio 100 W, irradiância de 200 mW cm-2, agitação magnética e tempos de deposição ≥ 600 segundos. Essas estruturas são mantidas mesmo após a DRS dos metais, a qual foi caracterizada empregando a microbalança eletroquímica de cristal de quartzo (MECQ). A partir do perfil massométrico constatou-se a ocorrência de difusão dos metais para o interior da fase de selênio, visto que não se observou a saturação da superfície do filme. Além disso, os metais apresentam cinética de difusão diferentes, onde o metal com maior difusão é o cobre, sendo o único a apresentar dopagem efetiva da matriz de selênio. A caracterização óptica dos filmes determinou um band gap de aproximadamente 1,87 ±0,03 eV para f-Se, f-Se_Pb e f-Se_Bi, entretanto, o f-Se_Cu apresentou band gap de 3,19 eV. Ainda assim, ao avaliar a atividade fotoeletroquímica dos semicondutores constatou-se a obtenção de fotocorrentes distintas entre eles. O f-Se_Bi produz fotocorrente 3 vezes maior que o f-Se_Pb e 35 vezes mais elevada que os demais, embora o selênio puro e os filmes dopados com DRS de Bi e Pb apresentem densidade de portadores de carga similares, aproximadamente 6,0 x1015 cm-3, enquanto o f-Se_Cu exibe um aumento de 4 ordens de grandeza para o mesmo parâmetro. Logo, a elevada fotocorrente do filme f-Se_Bi está relacionada com a minimização da recombinação de cargas na interface semicondutor-eletrólito, enquanto a baixa fotocorrente exibida pelo f-Se_Cu se deve à elevada energia de band gap do filme. De qualquer forma, a dopagem de filmes semicondutores com a DRS mostrou ser uma maneira simples e barata de dopagem de filmes relativamente espessos. / The underpotential deposition (UPD) have been widely used to production of semiconductor films, but not applied to search the doping of electrodeposited films. Therefore, here is discussed the use of UPD as a technique to doping selenium films. Then, it was studied the conditions to attain deposits of trigonal selenium on gold substrate (f-Se) and after its modification with Bi UPD (f-Se_Bi), Pb UPD (f-Se_Pb) and Cu UPD (f -Se_Cu). Studies using cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed the production of a highly crystalline, homogeneous and adherent selenium film formed by hexagonal structures with microrod shape and diameters between 300 and 600 nm. However, the trigonal selenium with those features is synthezised only on the deposition into HNO3 0.1 M containing SeO2 0.02 M at 80 °C, -0.45 V (vs. SCE), under illumination with halogen lamp 100 W, irradiance of 200 mW cm-2, magnetic stirring and deposition time ≥ 600 seconds. These structures are maintained even after the UPD of the metals, which was characterized using electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM). From massogram profile was possible to observe the occurrence of diffusion of the metals into the selenium phase, since was not verified the surface saturation of the film. Furthermore, the metals exhibited different diffusion kinetics, where the metal with higher diffusion was copper, which was the only one to show effective doping of selenium film. The optical characterization of the films determined a band gap average of 1.87 ±0,03 eV for f-Se, f-Se_Pb and f-Se_Bi, although, the f-Se_Cu presented band gap of 3.19 eV. Moreover, when it is studied the photoelectrochemical activity of the semiconductors films was noted different photocurrents between them. The f-Se_Bi produces photocurrent 3 times greater than the f-Se_Pb and 35 times higher than the other, but the pure selenium and those doped with Bi and Pb UPD present similar charge-carriers density, approximately 6.0 x1015 cm-3, while the f-Se_Cu shows an increase of 4 orders of magnitude for the same parameter. Therefore, the high photocurrent to f-Se_Bi is associated with the minimization of charge recombination at semiconductor-electrolyte interface, while the low photocurrent exhibited by f-Se_Cu is due to the higher energy band gap of the film. Anyway, the doping of the semiconductor film with the UPD proved to be a simple and inexpensive way to doping relatively thick films.
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As regras-matrizes de incidência tributária da Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS) nos regimes "cumulativo", "não-cumulativo", de "incidência monofásica" e de "substituição tributária", previstos na Lei Complementar n. 70/91 e nas leis n. 9.718/98, n. 10.147/00, n. 10.485/02, n. 10.560/02 e n. 10.833/03Canado, Vanessa Rahal 09 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:27:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The main objective of this dissertation is to construct the essential
rules connected to the levy ( regras matrizes de incidência tributária ) of the
COFINS tax, based on provisions contained under specific laws which govern
the four main collection regimes of said contribution: cumulative , noncumulative ,
single-phase taxation and tax substitution .
Based on the provisions of Complementary Law n. 70/91 and of Law n.
9.718/98, we have constructed, besides the generic rule of levy of the
COFINS in the cumulative regime , other 6 (six) specific rules, referred to
herein as differentiated treatments in the cumulative regime .
Essentially, from the provisions under Law n. 10.833/03, besides the
generic rule of levy of the COFINS in the non-cumulative regime , we
identified 12 (twelve) more specific rules of levy, also referred to as
"differentiated treatments in the non-cumulative regime."
In turn, with regard to the tax substitution COFINS regime, solely the
manufacturers and wholesale sellers of cigarettes remained, according to the
provisions under Article 3 of Complementary Law n. 70/91 and Article 29 of
Law n. 10.865/04.
Finally, based on the provisions of Laws n. 9.718/98 (Articles 4, 5 and
6), n. 10.147/00, n. 10.485/02, n. 10.560/02 and n. 10.833/03 (Article 49), we
could identify 12 (twelve) rules of the levy of the COFINS in the so-called
single-phase taxation regime.
Besides the aforementioned legislation, specific provisions under
Provisional Measure n. 2.158-35/01 and Laws n. 10.684/03, n. 10.865/04, n.
10.925/04, n. 11.051/04 and 11.196/05 were also necessary for the
analysis and description of the rules of levy of the COFINS which were
constructed herein / Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo construir as normas
tributárias de incidência (regras-matrizes de incidência tributária) da
COFINS, a partir de enunciados prescritivos contidos em leis específicas que
regem os quatro principais regimes de apuração da referida contribuição:
cumulativo , não-cumulativo , de incidência monofásica e de
substituição tributária .
Tomando-se por base os enunciados da Lei Complementar n. 70/91 e
da Lei n. 9.718/98, foi possível construirmos, além da regra-matriz de
incidência tributária genérica , para apuração da COFINS no regime
cumulativo , outras 6 (seis) regras específicas, que denominamos de
tratamentos diferenciados no regime cumulativo .
A partir, essencialmente, dos enunciados da Lei n. 10.833/03, além da
regra de incidência genérica da COFINS no regime não-cumulativo ,
pudemos construir mais 12 (doze) normas específicas de incidência, que
denominamos, também, de tratamentos diferenciados no regime nãocumulativo .
No regime de substituição tributária , restaram apenas os fabricantes e
comerciantes atacadistas de cigarros, conforme disposições do artigo 3º, da
Lei Complementar n. 70/91 e do artigo 29, da Lei n. 10.865/04.
Por fim, descrevendo acerca dos enunciados das Leis n. 9.718/98
(artigos 4º, 5º e 6º), n. 10.147/00, n. 10.485/02, n. 10.560/02 e n. 10.833/03
(artigo 49), pudemos construir 12 (doze) regras-matrizes de incidência
tributária da COFINS no regime denominado de incidência monofásica .
Além das leis acima citadas, também prescrições específicas da Medida
Provisória n. 2.158-35/01 e das Leis n. 10.684/03, n. 10.865/04, n. 10.925/04,
n. 11.051/04 e n. 11.196/05 foram necessárias para a delimitação das normas
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National Security Act : Authoritarian legacies in South KoreaFast, Ellinor January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine the correlation between regime socialisation and censorship support in South Korea. The National Security Act is a policy that has been active in the country mentioned, since the 1950’s and restricts the freedom of speech. In a country like South Korea, which is a democracy, it is hard to understand the dual values that are being portrayed in the society. With the help of a theory about political socialisation by individual experience and by using a linear regression, this paper hypothesises that there will be people who are more supportive or completely against the backing for censorship if they have lived through an authoritarian regime. In the bivariate linear regression, the results indicate that there is a relation between the independent, regime socialisation and the dependent variable, support for censorship. However opposed to the theory of this paper, that inhabitants of countries with former authoritarian rule should be more supportive of censorship, the results from the multivariate linear regression show that with the control variables, gender, education, income and Asian values, the correlation between regime socialisation and the support for censorship is not statistically significant. Instead it shows that gender, education and income confound the relationship between regime socialisation and support for censorship.
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Diplomacia militar - Antônio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira: autonomia e interferências, o Itamaraty e o regime militar 1974-1979 / Military diplomacy Antônio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira: autonomy and interferences, the Itamaraty and the dictatorship 1974 - 1979Fernandes, Thomas Dreux Miranda 31 October 2016 (has links)
O tema proposto para estudo é investigar, delimitar e compreender os graus de autonomia e interferência existentes dentro do Itamaraty durante o regime militar brasileiro. O objeto central da análise é, para tanto, a vida, carreira e atuação do ex-membro do corpo diplomático brasileiro, Antônio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira, Ministro das Relações Exteriores durante o governo de Ernesto Geisel, entre 1974-1979. As fontes utilizadas são basicamente o arquivo pessoal do diplomata disponibilizado e digitalizado pelo CPDOC/FGV além de documentação oficial da Comissão Nacional da Verdade disponível online, também são consultados periódicos. A base teórica parte de David do Nascimento Batista que aponta como Habitus Diplomático sendo capaz de indicar a reformulação de práticas pela qual o Itamaraty passou durante o regime militar, entretanto, sem encerrar a discussão sobre autonomia e identidade nacional dentro do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, a pesquisa procura ajudar a preencher uma lacuna na historiografia brasileira no que diz respeito a atuação diplomática brasileira durante o regime militar. / The subject proposed for study in this research is to investigate, delimitate and understand the different levels of autonomy and interference that existed inside the Itamaraty during the brazilian dictatorship. The main object of analysis is the life, career and performance of an ex-member of the brazilian diplomacy, Antônio Azeredo da Silveira, Foreign Relations Minister during the administration of Ernesto Geisel, in the years of 1974-1979. The sources used in this investigation are basically the Personal Archive of the diplomat, avaiable and digitalized at CPDOC/FGV. Besides that, are also used offical documents of the Comissão Nacional da Verdade avaiable online, were consulted as well some periodics and secundary sources. The theorical basis have as fundamental mark what David do Nascimento Batista points out as Habitus Diplomático being capable of indicate an reformulation of practices wich Itamaraty had been through during the dictatorship, nevertheless, do not put an end in the discussion about autonomy and national identity. This research intends to help to fullfill an important blank in the brazilian historiography about the performance of the brazilian diplomacy during the dictatorship.
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