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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizacijos įvaizdžio formavimas: kelionių organizatorių Lietuvoje vizualinė komunikacija / Organizations image marketing: visual communication of travel agencies in lithuania

Putienė, Elza 26 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti vizualinės organizacijos komunikacijos svarbą jos strateginėje veikloje ir panaudojimo galimybes organizacijos įvaizdžiui formuoti. Tikslui pasiekti iškeliami tokie darbo uždaviniai: apžvelgti teorinį įvaizdžio sampratos ir valdymo kontekstą bei jo formavimo ypatumus; pateikti teorinį vizualinės organizacijos komunikacijos, kaip įvaizdžio formavimo priemonės, sampratos ir valdymo kontekstą; apžvelgti teorinius vizualinės komunikacijos sistemos ir jos elementų sampratos ir formavimo aspektus; parengti praktines vizualinės komunikacijos sistemos, kaip įvaizdžio formavimo priemonės valdymo rekomendacijas; išsiaiškinti, kaip formuojamas ir panaudojamas pasirinktų organizacijų vizualinis identitetas jų įvaizdžio formavimo procese; išnagrinėti vartotojų nuomonę apie pasirinktų organizacijų vizualinį identitetą; palyginus vartotojų nuomonę su organizacijų norimu suformuoti įvaizdžiu, pateikti rekomendacijas agentūrų vizualinio identiteto tobulinimui. Atlikus mokslinės literatūros analizę, prieita prie išvados jog visa, kas yra susiję su organizacija ir jos veikla, yra organizacijos įvaizdžio elementai ir pagrindinės įvaizdžio kūrimo ir valdymo priemonės. Remiantis mokslinėmis publikacijomis, daroma išvada, jog įvaizdis daro tiesioginę įtaką organizacijos produktų ar paslaugų patrauklumui. Organizacijos įvaizdžio formavimo ir valdymo strategija pradedama formuoti nuo elementų, atskleidžiančių jos buvimo ir veiklos esmę. Vizualinė organizacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of Master's work – to clarify the importance of organizations visual communication in its strategic activities and potential in the organization's image formation. In order to achieve the aim targets are raised: overview the theoretical context of image concept and its management; give the concept and management background of organization visual communication, as the mean of image marketing; to review the theoretical framework of visual communication and its elements; suggest practical recommendations of visual communication system, as a measure of image-making management; clarify how the visual identity of selected organizations is being formed and used in image marketing; examine the user feedback on the visual identity of the selected organizations; by comparing consumers' views of organizations image with organizations desired image, make recommendations to agencies to improve the visual identity. This work came to a conclusion that everything, what is related to organization or its activity is organizations image elements and the main means of image marketing. On the basis of scientific publications, it is concluded that image has a direct influence on organizations commodity or services appeal. Organizations image management strategy has to be started from shapeing the elements that reveal its existence and activities of the essence. Visual communication of the organization becomes the basis for visual culture, identity and profile projection, directly shaping... [to full text]

Lyginamosios reklamos teisiniai aspektai / Legal aspects of comparative advertising

Vitukynaitė, Simona 26 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojami lyginamosios reklamos teisiniai aspektai. Lyginamoji reklama sąlyginai naujas institutas, kuris Europos Sąjungoje pradėtas reglamentuoti tik nuo 1997 m., o Lietuvoje – nuo 2001 m. Tokio reglamentavimo būtinybę paskatino minėtos rūšies reklamos atliekamos funkcijos. Ji ne tik geriau informuoja vartotoją apie prekes ar paslaugas, bet ir skatina konkurenciją bei prekių ar paslaugų kokybės vystymą. Siekiant geriau atskleisti pasirinktą temą darbas yra sudarytas iš trijų dalių. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad lyginamoji reklama yra viena iš reklamos formų, pirmojoje dalyje analizuojami bendrieji reklamos teisiniai aspektai, kurie taikomi absoliučiai visoms reklamos rūšims. Pirmiausia, siekiama atskleisti reklamos sąvoką apskritai ir identifikuoti būtinuosius jos kriterijus, nes tam, kad reklama būtų pripažinta lyginamąja, ji visų pirma turi būti pripažinta reklama. Konstatavus, jog bet kokiomis priemonės ir forma skleidžiama informacija siekiama paveikti jos adresato ekonominį elgesį, t.y. ji yra reklama, svarbu patikrinti, ar ji atitinka bendruosius reklamai keliamus reikalavimus. Minėtų reikalavimų turinys bei probleminiai jų aspektai taip pat analizuojami šioje darbo Atskleidus reklamos sampratą ir išanalizavus jai keliamus reikalavimus antrojoje dalyje gilinamasi į lyginamosios reklamos sąvoką bei jos teisėtumo sąlygas. Reklamai, kurioje tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai įvardijamas reklamos davėjo konkurentas, jo prekės ar paslaugos, keliami papildomi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There are being analysed the legal aspects of comparative advertisingt in the Master thesis. The comparative advertising is quite new institute which has been started to regulate since 1997 in European Union and 2001 in Lithuania. The necessity of the regulation was stimulated by fulfilled functions of mentioned kind advertising. The comparative advertising does not only inform a user about goods and services better but motivates competition and development of goods and services quality. Trying to reveal chosen topic better, the thesis consists of three parts. Considering, that comparative advertising is one of the advertising forms, there are being analysed legal aspects, which are applied to all kinds of advertising generally in the first part. First of all, is being tried for revealing definition of advertising generally and indentify its obligatory criteria, in order to recognize advertising comparative, it must be recognized as advertising firstly. Stating, that with the help of spread information in any condition and form is being tried to impact economic behaviour of adresee, in this case we can call it advertising, it is very important to check if it suits general requirements. for advertising. The content and problematic aspects of mentioned requirements are being analysed in this part as well. In the second part of the thesis, after revealing the definition of advertising and analysing raised claims for it, are being gone deeper into comparative advertising... [to full text]

Šaltinio veiksniai socialinėje reklamoje: tarptautinis aspektas / Source factors in social advertising: international aspect

Jankūnaitė, Dovilė 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje pastebimas socialinių problemų augimas, daugiausia sietinas su mokslo, technologijos pažanga. Vienas iš būdų kovoti su jomis — inicijuoti socialinę reklamą. Socialinė reklama skirta ne tik informuoti apie egzistuojančias opias problemas, bet ir įtikinti adresatą keisti netinkamus elgesio, nuostatų modelius tiek dėl jo paties, tiek dėl visos visuomenės gerovės. Taigi šio pobūdžio reklamoms itin svarbu būti įtikinančioms. Socialinių reklamų įtikinamumui įtakos gali turėti įvairūs veiksniai. Vieni tokių — šaltinio veiksniai. Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe šaltiniu laikomas socialinės reklamos iniciatorius. Kiekvienam šaltiniui būdingi tam tikri bruožai, galintys prisidėti prie įtikinimo proceso sėkmės. Paprastai skiriamos trys šaltiniui būdingos savybės — autoritetas, įtikimumas, socialinis patrauklumas. Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe be jau minėtų šaltinio veiksnių įvedamas dar vienas — kilmės šalis. Tokiu būdu siekiama ištirti, ar šaltinio kilmės šalis turi įtakos socialinių reklamų įtikinamumui. Siekiant kuo geriau tai atskleisti pirmiausia analizuojama socialinės reklamos, įtikino komunikacijos specifika, išskiriami ir nagrinėjami šaltinio veiksniai, galintys turėti įtakos socialinių reklamų įtikinamumui, analizuojami atlikto eksperimento, skirto išnagrinėti šaltinio kilmės šalies galimą įtaką socialinių reklamų įtikinamumui, metu gauti duomenys, pateikiamos jų interpretacijos. / To begin with, the age of technology has caused a lot of social problems. Initiating social advertisements can be one of the methods to solve them. The aim of social advertising is not only to inform about existing social problems but also to persuade the audience to change their attitudes, behavior. In order to achieve this aim social advertisements have to be persuasive. There are various aspects that can increase persuasiveness of social advertising. One of those aspects is source factors. A source is the initiator of social advertising. Every source has particular characteristics. There are three main source factors — authority, credibility and social attractiveness. All of them can influence persuasiveness of social advertising. Nevertheless, not only the above mentioned source factors can influence persuasiveness of social advertising. Source origins can also be one of the source factors which increase or decrease persuasiveness of social advertising. So the main aim of the paperwork is to analyze if the origins of the source can influence persuasiveness of social advertising. First of all, in order to discover this, there were particularities of social advertising, persuasive communication, and source factors analyzed in this paperwork. Secondly, there were also the analysis and interpretations of the experiment which aim was to reveal if source origins can influence persuasiveness of social advertising presented in this paperwork.

Reklamos įtaka Vilniaus miesto mokyklų 5, 7, 9 klasių mokinių maisto produktų pasirinkimui / The impact of advertising on 5th, 7th, 9th classes student's food choice in schools of vilnius city

Jegelevičienė, Edita 04 July 2014 (has links)
Daugelio tyrimų išvados atskleidžia tai, kad vaikų elgesys, žinios, požiūris į maistą bei sveikatos būklė yra įtakoti maisto reklamos, kuri šiuo atžvilgiu skatina vaikų nepalankių sveikatai maisto produktų pasirinkimą. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti reklamos įtaką Vilniaus miesto mokyklų 5, 7, 9 klasių mokinių maisto produktų pasirinkimui. Tyrimo metodai ir apimtis. Tyrimas atliktas pirmąjį mokslo metų pusmetį (spalio, lapkričio, gruodžio mėnesiais). Apklausti Augusto pagrindinės mokyklos, Radvilų gimnazijos, Minties gimnazijos, Šeškinės vidurinės ir Antano Vienuolio pagrindinės mokyklos 5, 7, 9 klasių mokiniai. Išdalinta 650 anketų, 14 anketų buvo grąžintos tuščios (mokiniai sirgo), 31 anketa atmesta, nes nebuvo atsakyta į anketos klausimus arba jos buvo tiesiog sugadintos. Atsako dažnis 93,1%. Statistikai duomenys apdoroti naudojantis statistinės analizės ir duomenų apdorojimo programine įranga – SPSS (16 versija), WINPEPI ir Microsoft Excel programa. Rezultatai ir išvados. Didžioji dauguma mokinių (80%) kasdien pusryčiauja, pietauja ir vakarieniauja. Aukštesnių klasių mergaičių, praleidžiančių pagrindinius valgymus, daugiau nei berniukų. Šiek tiek mažiau nei pusė mokinių vadovaujasi sveikos mitybos piramide ir vaisius valgo kiekvieną dieną. Kasdien daržoves valgančių mokinių dalis siekia trečdalį. Bulvių traškučius ir saldžiuosius gėrimus dauguma respondentų perka retai. Šiek tiek mažiau negu pusė mokinių, siekdami, kad tėvai jiems nupirktų išreklamuotą maisto produktą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Many foreign scientific researches has revealed that children's behavior, knowledge, approach to food and health status are influenced by food advertising. This fact has negative health impact on children's food choices. Goal - to assess the impact of advertising on 5th, 7th, 9th classes student's food choice in schools of Vilnius city. Methods and scope of research. The research was made on the first half of the school year (in October, November and December). 5th, 7th, 9th classes students of 5 schools in Vilnius city: Žygimantas Augustas primary school, Radvilų gimnasium, Minties gimnasium, Šeškinė high school, Antanas Vienuolis primary school, were surveyed. 650 questionnaires were distributed, 14 questionnaires were returned blank (pupils were ill), 31 questionnaires rejected because an answers were illogical. The response rate is 93,1%. Statistical data processing was done using statistical analysis and data processing software - SPSS (version 16), WINPEPI and Microsoft Excel. Results and conclusion. The majority of students (80%) on a daily basis has breakfast, lunch and dinner. Higher grade girls spent their main meals, more than boys. Less than half of students follow a healthy diet pyramid and eat fruit every day. One third of students eat vegetables every day. Potato chips and sweet drinks by most respondents are buying rare. Only a third of parents buy advertised food for children, but that rarely do. Although about 90% of the students themselves buy an advertised... [to full text]

Vývoj reklamy na léčiva, zdravotní produkty a služby v tištěných médiích - komparace časopisů Světozor a Týden / Development of medical advertising in printed media-comparison between periodicals "Světozor" and "Týden"

Kadlec, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis observes representation and evolution of medical advertisement, products and services in print. This evolution is shown on comparing the two eras, the "first republic" and modern Czech Republic. The studied years of 1928 and 2008 demarcate the period of 80 years of transformation of advertisement market, but some of the rules are the same. The goal of this diploma thesis is to describe contemporary advertisement in chosen printed media, the magazines for public without specialization or further attributes "Světozor" and "Týden" serve for the research. The thesis observes which services and products were offered, in context of what and which methods were used. The text goes on from introduction to the topic and issues and analysis of particular samples from magazines to their comparation. The results of diploma thesis is the evaluation of used rules, according to the media themselves and the timeline. Thesis deals with the regulation of medical advertisement aswell. To compare them and increase the number of samples, the advertising of cosmetics sold in pharmacies is added. .

Mytologie reklamní kampaně Samsung Galaxy Note / Mythologies in Samsung galaxy note advertising campaogn

Kecerová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses modern myths that appear in the selected audiovisual commercials. The commercials are part of the advertising campaign for a Galaxy Note 3 device produced by Samsung Company. The campaign was launched in the fall of 2013 and continued through the spring 2014. As Samsung is also one of the official partners of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, some of the analyzed content is dedicated to the relationship between the two. Semiotics and marketing communication provide a broad theoretical framework for the later semiotic analysis. The chapter on semiotics discusses the modern perspective on the sign theory, offering Ferdinand de Saussure's and Charles Sanders Peirce's points of view. The main focus of the thesis is, however, on the process of the so-called secondary signification and modern myths creation introduced by Roland Barthes in his Mythologies. The marketing communication chapter then introduces several theoretical starting points in the field, various marketing models, and the communication mix with the focus on advertising, its components and potential psychological effects. In the final part, selected commercials are introduced along with the plot description and a semiotic analysis of the environment, characters, individual elements, images, colors and the...

Reklama na potraviny v médiích / Food advertising in the media

Russkina, Tamara January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRAKT The topic of this thesis is "The food advertising in the mass-media". It focuses basically on defining the conception of advertisement, determines its purpose and intentions. There is a following analysis of the chosen audiovisual and printed advertisement materials for the groceries of the Czech and Russian social environments and their comparison. First of all this thesis focuses on the advertisement research from the linguistic and psycholinguistic point of view, nevertheless other approaches to advertisement analyses are described as well, mostly marketing which is a part of advertising.

Externí firemní periodika neboli palubní časopisy dopravců působících v České republice / External customer magazines alias on-board magazines of carriers in the Czech Republic

Kestřánková, Iva January 2016 (has links)
The Master's thesis focuses on the current on-board magazines of carriers operating in the Czech Republic. On-board magazines, ranking among the customer magazines are set in the context of marketing and media communication and subsequently defined on the basis of distinctive content and formal characteristics and communication objectives. There are seven current on-board magazines analyzed within the thesis (Review, Travel Service Magazine, ČD pro vás, Žlutý, LEO Express, Leopold and Můj vláček). Methodological background of this thesis is the qualitative content analysis, specifically two partial research methods: description and comparison. It evaluated thematic structure of each journal, graphic design and linguistic level, the historical development and the distribution method. Part of the analysis is also focused on blending of advertising and editorial content, which were investigated through framing analysis. The results of the qualitative analysis were verified by questionnaire survey.

Právní úprava spotřebitelského úvěru ve vybraných jurisdikcích / Legal regulation of consumer credit in selected jurisdictions

Teplý, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Legal regulation of consumer credit in selected jurisdictions - abstract This master thesis is a comparative study of consumer credit regulation. Consumer credit regulation is compared in three different countries: the Czech Republic, Russia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The distinctions between the Czech regulation on one hand, and Russian and British regulations on the other hand are analyzed and evaluated in terms of their reasonability. The conclusion summarizes the recommendations for optimization of the future consumer credit regulation. Keywords Consumer credit, annual percentage rate of charge, interest, consumer credit advertising, Russia, United Kingdom

Analýza marketingové mediální strategie se zaměřením na Prima Cool / Media marketing strategy analysis of Prima Cool

Geregayová, Salome January 2012 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is to map how they can live on their own media carrier marketing strategy and media promotions. Through case study - Prima Cool TV - I dissert on the monitoring of its anchorage in the media environment through their own television channel, but also the cooperating contact channels created by the proprietor of the station. The thesis presents couple of theoretical insights from marketing and media strategy, particularly in the application for the media. It analyzes in detail the concept of strategy and position in the marketing, various forms of strategy - thinking and management. It elaborates forms of strategic management, monitors media strategy, as a form of marketing and the usefulness of the media (media providers) in their own media in particular. To obtain an objective view on the subject work brings several known methods. Expert theories are confronted with (by) the Prima Cool TV case study. In this tracked subject the thesis analyzes the usefulness of its own media space for marketing and media strategies. The analysis subject is the TV audience, program structure, communication with recipients and fostering awareness of the TV station in the Czech media market. Above all it confronts theoretical knowledge to specific steps of FTV Prima, in the frame of examined issue....

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