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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work related neck pain amongst university administrative staff

Panwalkar, Shilpa January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study aimed at identifying the factors contributing towards work related neck pain amongst university administrative staff, its impact on everyday life activities and in turn its prevalence. A quantitative descriptive cross sectional study design was used amongst the administrative staff at the University of The Western Cape, South Africa. Data collection was carried out with the help of a questionnaire which was administered by the researcher in person. Data was analysed with both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS and SAS for windows. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis was done. The results of this study revealed a very high prevalence of work related neck pain amongst university administrative staff. </p>

Aulas de educação física e fatores associados em estudantes do ensino médio : um estudo no contexto sergipano

Santos, Samara Celestino dos 28 April 2017 (has links)
Objectives: This study aims to analyze high school students participation in physical education (PE) classes and sociodemographic, educational, economics and religious factors association. Methods: This study aims epidemiological and cross-sectional survey data secondary analysis with a sample of 3.992 students (aged 14 to 19) from public high school of Sergipe. It was used a self- administered questionnaire Global Student Health Survey (GSHS). PE classes participation was considered as dependent variable (Participation/Non participation). It was considered independent variables: gender, age bracket, color skin, “who lives with”, grade (high school), study shift, repetition, mother schooling, father schooling, main source of income, Family income, religion and religion practice. To analyze variables association it was used binary logistic regression. Results: Teenagers participation percentual in PE classes was male = 78,2% and female = 71,8%. In the logistic regression, after gender and age bracket adjustsments, it was found association between PE classes participation and “non-white” skin color (OR 1,30; IC95% 1,10–1,54), night study shift (OR 0,62; IC95% 0,54–0,72), “non-catholic” (OR 1,19; IC95% 1,02–1,39), non practicing religion (OR 0,83; IC95% 0,72–0,97). About religion, it was found that there were a reversal between “be catholic or Physical Education classes non participation”. Therefore gender and age variables are, in this study, considered confusion factors to this relation. Conclusion: After adjustments for gender and age bracket variables, it was found an association between PE classes participation and self report color skin “not white”, day shift study, “non-catholic” and practice affiliated religion. / Objetivos: Analisar a associação entre a participação em aulas de Educação Física e fatores sociodemográficos, educacionais, econômicos e religião em estudantes do Ensino Médio da Rede Estadual de Sergipe. Métodos: O presente estudo trata de uma análise secundária dos dados de um levantamento epidemiológico de delineamento transversal com amostra composta por 3.992 escolares (com amplitude etária entre 14 a 19 anos) do Ensino Médio da Rede Pública Estadual de Sergipe. A coleta dos dados deu-se mediante o questionário autoadministrado Global Student Health Survey (GSHS). A participação em aulas de Educação Física foi usada como variável dependente (Participa/Não participa). Utilizou-se as variáveis independentes: sexo, faixa etária, cor da pele, “com quem mora”, série (ensino médio), turno de estudo, reprovação, escolaridade da mãe, escolaridade do pai, principal fonte de renda, renda familiar, religião e prática da religião. Para a análise da associação entre as variáveis foi utilizada a regressão logística binária. Resultados: O percentual de adolescentes que participa das aulas de Educação Física foi, masculino= 78,2% e feminino= 71,8%. Na regressão logística, após ajuste para as variáveis sexo e faixa-etária, verificou-se associação à Participação em aulas Educação Física: cor da pele “não branca” (OR 1,30; IC95% 1,10–1,54), turno de estudo noturno (OR 0,62; IC95% 0,54–0,72), religião “não católica” (OR 1,19; IC95% 1,02–1,39) e não praticante de religião (OR 0,83; IC95% 0,72–0,97). Em relação a variável religião, percebeu-se que houve uma inversão na relação entre “Ser Católico ou Não e Participar de aulas de Educação Física”. Dessa forma, as variáveis sexo e idade são consideradas no presente estudo como fatores de confusão para essa relação. Conclusão: Associou-se a participação em aulas de EF, autorelatar cor de pele “não branca”, estudar no turno diurno, ser da religião “não católica” e praticar a religião afiliada.

Work related neck pain amongst university administrative staff

Panwalkar, Shilpa January 2008 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Physiotherapy) - MSc(Physio) / This study aimed at identifying the factors contributing towards work related neck pain amongst university administrative staff, its impact on everyday life activities and in turn its prevalence. A quantitative descriptive cross sectional study design was used amongst the administrative staff at the University of The Western Cape, South Africa. Data collection was carried out with the help of a questionnaire which was administered by the researcher in person. Data was analysed with both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS and SAS for windows. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis was done. The results of this study revealed a very high prevalence of work related neck pain amongst university administrative staff. / South Africa

Uptake of HIV testing among acutely malnourished children in dowa district of Malawi

Chitete, Lusungu January 2013 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Aim: This study sought to investigate service-related factors that affect uptake of HIV testing among children enrolled in CMAM. This was a descriptive study that used mixed quantitative and qualitative methods. To assess uptake of HIV testing records were reviewed of number of children tested as a percentage of number of children enrolled in CMAM over 12-month period in a sample of health facilities. Face to face in-depth interviews were conducted of CMAM and HTC focal persons to investigate factors affecting uptake. Information from interviews was analyzed using a thematic approach.

Assessment of job satisfaction amongst physicians working in Public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Cheru, Tesfaye Gudeta January 2014 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Introduction The Human Resource Strategic Plan of the Ethiopian Ministry of Health lists current health workforce problems as a high attrition rate among public service physicians, poor human resource management, non-conducive working conditions and high workloads. In Addis Ababa's public hospitals, the turnover of physicians is high and - as repeatedly and informally reported by hospital managers - the presence of the contributory factors listed above are also anecdotally thought to be present. These factors present a serious challenge to the delivery of high quality health care services and their presence indicates that the job satisfaction of physicians is likely to be low. However, factors responsible for job dissatisfaction among physicians and their implications for staff turnover have not been studied or documented in the context of Ethiopia's health system. It was this scenario that motivated the researcher to conduct this study in order to assist policy makers in taking appropriate actions, if and as required. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the level of job satisfaction, the factors influencing job satisfaction and the consequences of job satisfaction among physicians in public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Objectives: • To describe the job satisfaction levels of physicians in public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia • To identify factors affecting the job satisfaction levels of physicians • To assess possible consequences linked to physicians' job satisfaction levels. A self-administered questionnaire was used to measure job satisfaction, composed of 65 individual variables grouped within 13 dimensions and adapted to the Ethiopian context from the Job Descriptive Index and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. An additional questionnaire was used to assess socio-demographic variables and the possible consequences of low job satisfaction. Analysis: A composite job satisfaction score was obtained by summing the individual answers for each of the variables to assess overall job satisfaction. Bivariate analysis was undertaken, using 2X2 tables (with 95% confidence intervals) to calculate the prevalence ratio for each of the potential causes and consequences of low job satisfaction, using the composite score cut-off levels of job satisfaction. Multivariate analysis was undertaken to obtain the adjusted prevalence odds ratios for both the potential causes and consequences of low job satisfaction, using multiple logistic regression analysis.

Beyond the Middlemen - Exploring the Role of Channel Attributes and Product-Related Factors in Shaping Consumer Choice for Online D2C Sales Channels of Established Brand Manufacturers

Haase, Christiane, Heimes, Nils January 2023 (has links)
Background: In light of the multitude of different channel options consumers have at hand and the rapidly advancing vertical integration of established brand manufacturers across industries, the question arises as to the basis on which consumers make their channel decision for a manufacturers direct-to-consumer (D2C) sales channel. Scholars have found that channel attributes and product-related factors generally play a pivotal role in consumer channel choice and have shown the influence they have on offline versus online channel choice. However, research in the context of established brand manufacturers offering D2C sales channels is so far underrepresented in the consumer channel choice literature despite its high current relevance. Purpose: This study investigates which channel attributes and product-related factors influence a consumer’s decision to fulfill a purchase through a manufacturer’s online D2C channel and how they do so, in order to gain insights into this so far insufficiently studied research context. Method: The data of this qualitative, explorative study was generated through semi-structured interviews with 16 purposefully selected samples. The sample was segmented demographically into four groups ranging from Baby Boomers to Generation Z, in which men and women are equally represented to create a heterogenous sample set. The data analysis followed an inductive approach using thematic analysis. Conclusion: This study found that 12 channel attributes and 8 product-related factors are relevant to consumer channel choice in the context of established manufacturers’ D2C channels.  Furthermore, it was found that channel choice is not exclusively based on the aforementioned, but that the individual factors are also interrelated. Particularly important are also influencing factors, which further affect consumer channel choice. Lastly, all identified factors are evaluated in tandem. A conceptual framework depicting these findings was developed.

Spatial Surveillance of Infectious Disease Intervention with Related Factors for a Population Living in Underserved Areas in sub-Saharan Africa

Kim, Hana 15 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Ute i fältet : En kvalitativ studie om polisers engagemang på arbetsplatsen

Branzell, Anna, Ernlund Evestam, Joacim, Lindström, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how police patrol officers experience different work-related factors and how they impact their organisational commitment. Organisational commitment in this study is based on the work by Meyer and Allen, which previous research has shown to be impactful for police officers’ intentions to leave their jobs. Different work-related factors, such as job satisfaction, work values, heavy workloads and perceived organisational support have also been linked with commitment. Combined with a lack of Swedish studies this motivated the execution of the present study. The data was collected using four semi-structured interviews with patrol officers. The interviewed patrol officers mentioned a variety of work-related factors that could act as facilitating or inhibiting for their commitment. Some factors were mentioned as unanimously positive, such as work variety or colleagues. One of the most important findings was the discovery of a previously unexplored topic regarding material- and personnel resources. The patrol officers that mentioned material resources described their experiences of an unfair distribution of the resources, while the experiences with personnel resources were divided. The findings have partially aligned with previous international research, and an important implication is the importance of an individual perspective in the accommodation of job-related characteristics. It is therefore important for the Swedish Police Authority to account for individual needs and preferences. There is also a need for further Swedish studies that examine police officers’ commitment that can add to the existing international research base, as well as potentially discovering additional factors that can affect their commitment. / Denna studie syftade att undersöka hur poliser i yttre tjänst upplever att deras engagemang påverkas av olika arbetsrelaterade faktorer. Begreppet engagemang utgår i denna studie från Meyer och Allens commitment, som i tidigare forskning visats vara betydande för polisers vilja att stanna kvar i yrket. Olika arbetsrelaterade faktorer, som till exempel arbetstillfredsställelse, värderingar, arbetsbelastning och upplevt organisatoriskt stöd, har även visats ha ett samband med engagemang. Detta i kombinationen med en avsaknad av svenska studier motiverade utförandet av denna studie. Forskningsdatan samlades in med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med poliser i yttre tjänst. Från dessa intervjuer nämnde informanterna ett flertal arbetsrelaterade faktorer som kunde agerade främjande eller hämmande för deras engagemang. Vissa faktorer som variation i arbetet eller kollegor benämndes enhetligt som positiva. Ett av de viktigaste resultaten var upptäckten av ett tidigare outforskat tema rörande materiella- och personella resurser. De informanter som uttryckte sig angående materiella resurser upplevde att dessa var orättvist fördelade, medan upplevelserna kring personella resurser vad tvådelade. Resultaten har delvis gått i linje med existerande internationell forskning, och en viktig följd är vikten av ett individbaserat perspektiv i anpassningen av arbetets egenskaper. Det är därför viktigt för Polismyndigheten att beakta individens behov och preferenser. Dessutom ses ett behov att ytterligare svenska studier som undersöker polisers engagemang som kan underbygga den redan existerande internationella forskningen samt potentiellt upptäcka nya faktorer som kan påverka polisers engagemang.

Factors associated with Primary Medication Non-adherence and its effect on Health Service Utilization among Medicare Beneficiaries with Cardiovascular disease

Gangan, Nilesh January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Factors which contribute to poor academic achievement in TVET colleges : a case study

Ngwato, Sarah Ethel 29 September 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the factors that contribute to poor academic achievement in TVET Colleges in the North West Province. A qualitative method of one-on-one interviews was utilised to collect data from participants. The study revealed that poor funding or late payment of NSFAS constitutes the demotivation of students, which results to poor performance. On the other hand, the lecturers also blame the poor results on students’ lack of motivation. The quality of students that register for NC(V) programmes do not match the curriculum as the mainstream schools do not adequately prepare them for the college curriculum. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that the top achieving students be awarded with incentives to motivate them. The NSFAS Bursaries ought to pay-out early in the year so that students may have enough funds for their transport and other college related needs. The students’ support services ought to be made available for the low performing students. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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