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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dimensões sociopolíticas no atendimento em planejamento familiar nos serviços públicos de saúde / Sociopolitical dimensions in family planning provision of Brazilian public health services

Lira, Roberta Cavalcante Muniz 25 November 2010 (has links)
Introdução - As mulheres são as principais agentes de cuidados em saúde das famílias e comunidades. Apesar disso, as consequências da globalização e da modernidade nas mulheres de baixa renda resultaram em uma necessidade de adesão às diversas formas de regulação da fecundidade. A Estratégia Saúde da Família traz como característica de trabalho para seus profissionais a observância dos direitos e a atenção à saúde reprodutiva e especificamente ao planejamento familiar. Objetivo - Analisar em que dimensão de significados sociopolíticos encontram-se as relações, ações e atividades de planejamento familiar no âmbito da Estratégia Saúde da Família do município de Sobral, no Estado do Ceará, Brasil. Metodologia - Pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter descritivo e explicativo, mediante entrevistas semi-estruturadas e não estruturadas, com questões em aberto, observação livre e análise documental, iniciada após prévia aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e consentimento esclarecido dos entrevistados. Os sujeitos são profissionais de saúde da Estratégia Saúde da Família. A interpretação dos dados seguiu os ensinamentos da análise de conteúdo. Resultados - Os entrevistados apontaram problemas no atendimento em planejamento familiar, embora percebam de maneira positiva suas relações com os outros profissionais de saúde e com os usuários. Conclusão - Os dados coletados e analisados nesta pesquisa permitem sustentar que existe um distanciamento entre as políticas que são propostas para as ações em planejamento familiar e as práticas dos profissionais de saúde que lidam diretamente com estas necessidades contraceptivas dentro da Estratégia Saúde da Família / Introduction - Women are the main agents of health care to families and communities. Despite that, the consequences of globalization and modernity over poor women lead to the necessity of adherence to the several modes of fecundity regulation. Brazilian Family Health Strategy has as its principal work process the observation of reproductive rights in women health care, specifically the family planning concerns. Objective - To analyze in what dimensions of sociopolitical meanings are the family planning relations, actions and activities in the context of Family Health Strategy in Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. Methodology - Descriptive and explanatory qualitative research, made by semi-structured and non-structured interviews, with open-ended questions; participant observation and documental analysis. The research protocol was approved by USP Ethical Board Review and the ethical Brazilian recommendations on human research were observed. The researchs participants were health professionals of Sobral Family Health Strategy. The data were submitted to the thematic content analysis. Results - The participants highlight problems in family planning provision, despite they perceive their relationship with the clients and into the health team in the positive manner. Conclusion - Measures for improvement of family planning are related to structure, equipments, professional training and empowerment of educational groups

The Discourse of Planned Parenthood of the Atlanta Area: 1964 – 1972

Miller, Melissa N 02 August 2006 (has links)
Objectives. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the mainstream reproductive rights organization Planned Parenthood of the Atlanta Area (PPAA) considered reproductive justice issues typically advocated for by non-traditional reproductive rights organizations. Methods. This research was a qualitative content analysis of discourse internal to PPAA (meeting minutes) and discourse communicated to the public externally via print media channels. Results. A total of 105 documents were analyzed as part of this study: 57 meeting minutes and 48 press clippings. The analysis revealed that, internally, PPAA did consider reproductive justice issues but that this was not directly communicated to the public via print media channels. Most noticeably, press characterizations of PPAA were slanted too heavily on the organization’s proliferation of population control as a goal and did not give enough consideration to its consideration of racial diversity.

Social Constructions of Teen Pregnancy: Implications for Policy and Prevention Efforts

Jimenez, Stephanie 20 April 2012 (has links)
Over the past few decades, teen pregnancy has been framed as one of society’s most pressing ills. It has been understood as a “crisis” by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and a number of other cultural, religious, and governmental institutions. In this thesis, I analyze three constructions of teen pregnancy: 1) the construction of teen mothers as social “burdens” 2) the construction of teens as “unfit” to be parents 3) the construction of teen mothers as collectively “rational” actors reacting to contexts of structural inequality. While the first and second constructions draw upon the conception of teen pregnancy as a costly, national epidemic often reproduced by the irresponsible and “deviant” behavior of teens, the last construction rejects this discourse, and posits adolescents as “rational” actors that make “rational” decisions given a context of structurally-produced inequality. In that early childbearing may serve as a “collective adaptive” strategy in contexts of poverty, this construction of teen pregnancy has attempted to deconstruct the notion that teens become pregnant due to their “irrationality,” or their inability or unwillingness to recognize the harsh repercussions of early childbearing.4 In that this third construction favors “empowerment” policies that provide women with the “knowledge and means to exercise reproductive freedom,” it does not narrowly promote prevention policy as a single approach to teen pregnancy, and escapes the promotion of punitive approaches that seek to scare and discipline teens into abstaining from non-marital sex. 4 Arline T. Geronimus, “Teenage Childbearing and Social Disadvantage: Unprotected Discourse,” Family Relations (April 1992): 245.

Konstitucinė šeimos teisių apsauga. Žmogaus reprodukcinės teisės / Constitutional protection of the family rights. human reproductive rights

Černiauskienė, Rita 03 January 2007 (has links)
Žmogaus reprodukcinės teisės turėtų būti suprantamos kaip galimybė nevaisingiems asmenims dirbtinių technologijų pagalba susilaukti vaikų bei įgyvendinti savo teisę turėti šeimą. Aptariant dirbtinio apvaisinimo technologijų prieinamumą asmenų atžvilgiu reikėtų atsižvelgiant į šeimos instituto pokyčius bei užtikrinti, kad nevaisingiems santuokoje ar partnerystės santykiuose esantiems asmenims, o taip pat vienišoms moterims būtų užtikrinta galimybė susilaukti vaikų dirbtinių technologijų pagalba. Dirbtinis apvaisinimas yra ligos, t .y. nevaisingumo gydymo būdas, todėl asmenims besinaudojantiems dirbtinio apvaisinimo procedūromis turėtų būti taikomi pacientų teisių apsaugos principai: teisė į informuotą sutikimą, privataus gyvenimo apsaugą ir t.t. Dabartinė dirbtinio apvaisinimo teisinė reglamentacija Lietuvoje yra netinkama, nes skirtingai nei to reikalauja LR civilinis kodeksas, dirbtinio apvaisinimo klausimai yra reguliuojami poįstatyminiu aktu, kas iš esmės prieštarauja LR Konstitucijos nuostatoms. Reglamentuojant dirbtinio apvaisinimo klausimus turėtų būti atsižvelgta į asmenų skirtingų interesų kolizijas siekiant išvengti žmogaus teisių pažeidimų. Kalbant apie dirbtinį apvaisinimą būtina atsižvelgti į būsimo vaiko, gimusio dirbtinio apvaisinimo būdu, teisių bei teisėtų interesų apsaugą, ypač reglamentuojant tėvystės bei motinystės nustatymo klausimus, vaiko teisę žinoti savo kilmę. Be to, kadangi dirbtinis apvaisinimas sukelia asmenų norinčių susilaukti vaikų bei embriono... [to full text] / Human reproductive rights should be understood as the persons right to found family and possibility for infertile people to procreate with assistance of artificial insemination technologies. Infertile people should have access to assisted procreation with regard to changing concept of family: family - means married couple or people living together without registering marriage, also single woman with a child. In addition to this, if people are infertile, it should be possible for them to have an access to all kind of treatment, including assisted procreation, so people who are undergoing these procedures should exercise such patients rights as a right to informed consent, a right to private life. Lithuania doesn’t have an appropriate regulation of assisted procreation: according to Civil code all the issues related to assisted procreation must be regulated with law. In spite of this, procedures of artificial procreation are regulated with instruction of Ministry of Health Care. Such an inappropriate regulation might be even found unconstitutional. Moreover, many moral and also legal problems arise from this medical procedure: there is always a collision between infertile persons wish to have children and embryos right to life, because not all the embryos are used to the family plan, part of them are frozen or destroyed. If the donors or surrogate mother takes part in assisted procreation, questions of parenthood and children right to know their origin arise. These are the... [to full text]

How social movements influence policies : Advocacy, framing, emotions and outcomes among reproductive rights coalitions in Peru.

Coe, Anna-Britt January 2010 (has links)
With its origins in the early 1990s, feminist advocacy directed at influencing public policies is a relatively new phenomenon in Latin America that is commonly studied at the national level. The aim of this thesis was to study feminist advocacy on reproductive rights at the sub-national level in Peru. Specifically, it explored two research questions: how do feminist movements carry out advocacy to intervene with government agencies and what effects does their advocacy have on policies. This aim ties in with the body of literature that seeks to explain how and what outcomes are produced by social movements. Grounded Theory was used to collect and analyze empirical materials on two reproductive rights coalitions and their members in Arequipa and Cusco, Peru. Empirical materials consisted of focus group discussions, individual interviews and participant observation. Data analysis resulted in two core categories: Coalition-Government Interactions and Policy Outcomes. Linked to the core categories are thirteen categories, which constitute factors that the reproductive rights coalitions “deal with” or “strategize about” in order to interact with government officials and attain policy outcomes. The coalitions maneuver those factors they have immediate control over - tactics, organization, framing and emotions - as a means to deal with those factors they do not have immediate control over - relationships with other policy actors as well as political, cultural and social contexts. The findings help refine existing theories on how and what outcomes are attained by social movements. The coalitions and their members influence policies through various channels by developing an array of interactions with government officials. This allows the coalitions to handle potential constraints on their ability to be a critical voice. Political, cultural and social contexts are not the only external factors affecting the coalitions’ influence on policies. Another key external factor is their relationships with other policy actors comprised of a range of organized political and social groups. Concerning internal factors, the coalitions and their members rely on framing activities and emotion work in addition to organization and tactics. Indeed, the coalitions and their members engage in framing activities and emotion work by means of their relationships with other policy actors to influence policies. Finally, the coalitions perceive effects of their advocacy including, but not limited to, the modification of laws and policies. Instead, outcomes were identified along different stages of the policy process, including the impact of coalition frames on policy positions.

From "designer babies" to "deformer babies": Should reproductive choices be a matter for legal regulation?

Nguyen, Thu Minh. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (LL.M.)--University of Toronto, 2009. / Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 48-02, page: .

De quem é o parto? A Marcha do Parto em Casa como analisador dos movimentos pela humanização do parto. / Whose birth? The March for Home Birth as an analyser of the humanization of childbirth movement.

Helena Fialho de Carvalho Torres 30 April 2014 (has links)
A Marcha do Parto em Casa foi uma passeata ocorrida em junho de 2012 em 31 cidades brasileiras motivada por declarações do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro de que entraria com processo ético-disciplinar contra um médico que declarou em entrevista veiculada num programa de televisão que o parto é um ato natural, que pode ocorrer no local de escolha da mulher, inclusive em casa. Posteriormente, este conselho profissional publicou duas resoluções: uma impedindo os médicos de participarem de partos domiciliares e obrigando os plantonistas das emergências obstétricas a reportarem quaisquer intercorrências assistidas por eles de mulheres oriundas de partos domiciliares ou Casas de Parto; e outra impedindo a entrada de doulas, obstetrizes e parteiras nas maternidades do estado do Rio de Janeiro, responsabilizando o diretor técnico da instituição caso isto ocorresse. A partir do conceito-ferramenta formulado por Felix Guattari, este trabalho analisa a Marcha do Parto em Casa como analisador dos movimentos pela humanização do parto, a partir de seis entrevistas realizadas com organizadoras e participantes da Marcha em diferentes cidades do país. Estuda os atores e suas ações para a realização desta mobilização, as ações do Conselho Regional de Medicina e coloca a questão do parto como um mercado em disputa.

Processos educativos entre jovens na construção de uma cartilha educativa sobre direitos sexuais e reprodutivos

Barbosa, Daniela de Castro 29 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:38:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2047.pdf: 2043536 bytes, checksum: 67d875bea54e52003bb2eb83a0b9d884 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-29 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Facing the problem of addressing the Sexual and Reproductive Rights in the school institution and recognizing the capacity that the young has in acting as a protagonist of their learning process of education, this research aimed as general objective to observe, to understand and to analyze educational processes unchained among eight young in the age group from thirteen to fourteen years to become involved in the elaboration of educational material on Sexual and Reproductive Rights. It was a descriptive study of qualitative character based on the Paulo Freire perspective of the education understanding as a dialogical process. The data collection was made in the months of April to October of 2007, in a state school in the city of Ribeirão Preto, having been used as instruments for collection the conversation wheels and the annotations in field diaries. At first educational actions were accomplished with all the students of the seventh and eighth series, which allowed us to present the theme of the Sexual and Reproductive Rights and to invite them to participate voluntarily in the research. Later, the research participants chose for voting which rights they would like to discuss in our dialogues. From here, there were proposed activities with problems that unchained the conversation wheels on the sexual and reproductive rights, allowing contextualizing knowledge, practices, opinions and expectations of the young. Finally, the research participants reflected about the sexual and reproductive rights to develop an educational book, with texts, drawings and researches of their own authorship. The discoveries were organized for themes of analysis. The results showed that the young possess knowledge, of their body, their health, their sexuality and these was demonstrated with questions and curiosities to share knowledge. They actively participated in their process of teaching and learning and have brought forth discussions on the issues that afflict then in their daily lives, such as the gender relationships, the dialogue lack in the affectionate relationships, the abortion, among others. We concluded that when the young interacts with their group of equals in the construction of educational material on sexual and reproductive rights they express themselves with easiness, understands the sexuality as being part of the human, recognizes the importance of the prevention and tries to take attitudes that lead to the exercise of their rights. / Diante da problemática da abordagem dos Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos na instituição escolar e reconhecendo a capacidade que o (a) jovem tem em atuar como protagonista do seu processo de ensino aprendizagem, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral observar, compreender e analisar processos educativos desencadeados entre oito jovens na faixa etária de treze a catorze anos ao se envolverem na elaboração de material educativo sobre Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos. Foi um estudo de caráter qualitativo descritivo pautado na perspectiva de Paulo Freire da compreensão de educação como processo dialógico. A coleta de dados se deu nos meses de abril a outubro de 2007, numa escola estadual na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, tendo sido utilizados como instrumentos para coleta as rodas de conversa e as notações em diários de campo. A princípio foram realizadas ações educativas com todos (as) educandos (as) das sétimas e oitavas séries, o que nos permitiu apresentar a temática dos Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos e convidar esses (as) jovens a participarem voluntariamente da pesquisa. Posteriormente, os (as) participantes da pesquisa escolheram por votação quais desses direitos gostariam de discutir em nossos diálogos. A partir dai, foram propostas atividades problematizadoras que desencadearam as rodas de conversa sobre os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, permitindo-nos contextualizar conhecimentos, práticas, opiniões e expectativas dos (as) jovens. Por fim, os (as) participantes da pesquisa refletiram sobre os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos ao elaborarem uma cartilha educativa, com textos, desenhos e pesquisas de sua própria autoria. Os achados foram organizados por temáticas de análise. Os resultados apontaram que os (as) jovens possuem muitos saberes, do seu corpo, da sua saúde, da sua sexualidade e demonstraram isso com perguntas e curiosidades ao compartilharem conhecimentos. Participaram ativamente no seu processo de ensino e aprendizagem e trouxeram a tona discussões sobre questões que os (as) afligem no seu cotidiano, como é o caso das relações de gênero, da falta de dialogicidade nas relações afetivas, do aborto, entre outras. Concluímos que quando o (a) jovem interage com seu grupo de iguais na construção de material educativo sobre direitos sexuais e reprodutivos ele (a) se expressa com facilidade, compreende a sexualidade como parte do ser humano, reconhece a importância da prevenção e procura tomar atitudes que levem ao exercício dos seus direitos.

De quem é o parto? A Marcha do Parto em Casa como analisador dos movimentos pela humanização do parto. / Whose birth? The March for Home Birth as an analyser of the humanization of childbirth movement.

Helena Fialho de Carvalho Torres 30 April 2014 (has links)
A Marcha do Parto em Casa foi uma passeata ocorrida em junho de 2012 em 31 cidades brasileiras motivada por declarações do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro de que entraria com processo ético-disciplinar contra um médico que declarou em entrevista veiculada num programa de televisão que o parto é um ato natural, que pode ocorrer no local de escolha da mulher, inclusive em casa. Posteriormente, este conselho profissional publicou duas resoluções: uma impedindo os médicos de participarem de partos domiciliares e obrigando os plantonistas das emergências obstétricas a reportarem quaisquer intercorrências assistidas por eles de mulheres oriundas de partos domiciliares ou Casas de Parto; e outra impedindo a entrada de doulas, obstetrizes e parteiras nas maternidades do estado do Rio de Janeiro, responsabilizando o diretor técnico da instituição caso isto ocorresse. A partir do conceito-ferramenta formulado por Felix Guattari, este trabalho analisa a Marcha do Parto em Casa como analisador dos movimentos pela humanização do parto, a partir de seis entrevistas realizadas com organizadoras e participantes da Marcha em diferentes cidades do país. Estuda os atores e suas ações para a realização desta mobilização, as ações do Conselho Regional de Medicina e coloca a questão do parto como um mercado em disputa.

Nas mãos: A criança e o cachimbo. As experiências de maternidade das mulheres usuárias de crack

FREITAS, Shirleidy Mirelle da Costa 29 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-05-09T13:53:28Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO SHIRLEIDY.pdf: 1571598 bytes, checksum: 0122bd695f9ca28346388c614f11e91a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-09T13:53:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO SHIRLEIDY.pdf: 1571598 bytes, checksum: 0122bd695f9ca28346388c614f11e91a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-29 / FACEPE / A presente pesquisa, inserida no campo dos direitos sexuais e dos direitos reprodutivos, fundamenta-se a partir da perspectiva epistemológica feminista pós-estrutural, utilizando-se de metodologia qualitativa. Sendo parte do Projeto Diálogos para o Desenvolvimento Social de Suape, teve o objetivo de analisar as experiências de maternidade de mulheres jovens usuárias de crack. Para tal, a pesquisadora acompanhou as jovens a partir da inserção das mesmas em um programa de assistência aos/às usuários/as de álcool e outras drogas, com foco no uso de crack, na cidade do Cabo de Santo Agostinho/PE. Houve acompanhamento do cotidiano do Programa por quatro meses, através de observação participante, com registro em diário de campo. Em seguida, houve a realização de entrevistas com quatro mulheres, participantes do programa, com idades entre 19-22 anos que tiveram filhos/as nos últimos dois anos, em contexto de uso do crack. Foi realizada uma análise temática dos dados, marcada por um olhar interseccional, utilizando o gênero como categoria analítica. Os resultados apontam que, em suas falas, as jovens reiteram os discursos hegemônicos sobre maternidade, relacionando-a a cuidado e responsabilidade. Todavia, constroem resistências ao exercer, com o apoio da rede familiar, práticas de cuidado aos/às filhos/as. As experiências de maternidade delas são marcadas por uma violência estrutural na medida em que as mesmas tem dificuldade de efetivar direitos básicos, como: moradia, educação, assistência à saúde e segurança, evidenciando uma relação enfraquecida com o Estado. Ao focalizar as experiências de maternidade destas mulheres jovens, a pesquisa pretendeu quebrar o silenciamento dos discursos das jovens mães usuárias de crack, trazendo para o cenário as experiências das mesmas, de forma a promover menos exclusão e vulnerabilidade. / The present research, in the field of study of sexual rights and those reproductive rights, is based upon the post-structural feminist epistemological perspective, using a qualitative methodology. It is a part of the Dialogues Project for Social Development of Suape, and it is aimed to analyze the motherhood experience of young women who use crack. For this, the researcher accompanied those young women that were assisted by a program for assistance for both women and men who use alcohol and/or other drugs, but with a specific emphasis placed upon those who use crack in the city of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco (PE), located in the Northeast of Brazil. Over four months, the researcher followed the Program and accompanied their daily activities, through participative observations; observations were reordered and documented in the researchers field diary. Here four young mothers, assisted by this Program, were interviewed. These young women, ages 19-22 years old, all practiced the use of crack and had their babies within the last two years. A thematic analysis was used to realize the data, with an intersectional view and use of gender as an analytical category. The results of the data demonstrated that, in their own words, the youth continue to repeat the hegemonic discourses about motherhood, correlating it to care and responsibility. However, with the support of the family network, they built resistance through the exercise of care practices for their children. The motherhood experience of those women is marked by structural violence to the extent that they find it difficult to carry out their basic rights, such as: housing, education, health care and security, highlighting a weakened relationship with the State. By focusing on the motherhood experiences of these young women I intended to elicit a change from the oppressive silencing that young mothers who use crack face, while bringing to voice their similar experiences, in order to promote less exclusion and vulnerability.

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