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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Daňová podpora výzkumu a vývoje / Tax incentive for research and development

Krejčová, Dita January 2014 (has links)
Research and development is one of the technological indicators of developed countries. The vast majority of investment in this area comes from the private sector, it is therefore in the interests of each state to support the private sector investments in research and development. This thesis deals with the tax support of research and development in each of country of OECD. Subsequently the thesis describes tax incentive for research and development in the Czech Republic and the aim of the thesis is to test the hypothesis whether the tax incentive in Czech Republic has increased due to legislative changes effective from 1 January 2014.

Leadership through the lens of research productivity

Damonse, Beverley Ann 04 May 2012 (has links)
Academic leadership in higher education in the 21st century is very different and more multifaceted than it was just a decade ago. Thus, given the multilayered, dynamic nature of higher education leadership at individual, group and organisational levels, a more nuanced understanding of its role in driving excellent research performance remains paramount. Hence, this study explores the professional and personal nature of research leadership that enables and stimulates high quality research performance. The research explores the research career pathways of ten researchers from various disciplinary fields who had been rated by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and who were recommended by their education institutions as research leaders. The ten leaders were each interviewed about their research careers. Postgraduate students (47 in total) whom they had supervised were invited to answer an email questionnaire about their personal experiences of the leaders’ mentorship and leadership. In addition, information about the leaders and mentees was obtained from various documents such as curriculums vitae, research training records, institutional annual reports and web sites. The data collected and analysed in the study showed that the research career pathways of the research leaders were highly diverse and were affected in various ways by the historicalpolitical and social context of South Africa. However, across the career pathways, the research leaders had the following features in common: 1) the presence of strong research-centeredness throughout all career phases; 2) they lead by example of personal scholarship and intellectual leadership; 3) their research is locally relevant and globally competitive; and 4) their personal dynamics influence a confident and dynamic people-centred leadership approach. The most notable differences in research leadership across the sample could be traced to disciplinary contexts which ranged from distributed leadership across large teams and entrepreneurial networks to the more prevalent one-on-one mentor-mentee relationships. Leaders who were most influential in driving research performance were highly regarded scholars with extensive academic experience, had served a variety of leadership roles, confidently embraced the complexity of academic leadership and created stimulating research environments. The research also reveals a number of challenges that still remain for research leadership in addressing the human resource transformation requirements of the South African higher education research context. These include issues of 1) individualism and competition; 2) equity and excellence; 3) race and gender; and 4) research career exit and entry paths. The South African higher education system is characterised by pockets of scientific excellence in some disciplinary fields, as illustrated by the career trajectories of leaders in this study, but much work remains to be done in order to build a fully representative research-performing professoriate for South Africa. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

R&D Investments in Family Firms : A Perspective of Swedish Family Firms

Finstorp, Axel, Padang, Ferdinand January 2016 (has links)
Problem: Several extant studies argue that family firm tend to invest less or even tend to avoidR&D investments, yet R&D investments are essential for sustaining competitive advantage of afirm as they facilitate innovation. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances family firms couldalso prefer R&D investments. Departing from these knowledge and drawing upon resource-basedview & dynamic capabilities concepts, this thesis will explore how family firms perceive R&Dinvestments, furthermore, it will investigate factors influencing R&D investments in family firmsthrough an in-depth qualitative approach. Purpose: To explore how family firms perceive R&D investments in the first place by utilizingSwedish family firms as the context which is aimed to provide a new viewpoint on R&Dinvestments in family firms from an in-depth approach. Furthermore, the study extends toinvestigate factors which have influence on whether or not family firms undertake R&Dinvestments Method: The study applies multiple case studies strategy with six cases in total and eightrespondents. To support the study, semi-structured interview is used to collect the data, inaddition to researcher's note. The analysis of empirical findings comprises of two parts, firstly,the empirical findings are presented per case which are followed by the summary of findings fromall cases at the end based on the theoretical lenses. Afterward, a cross-case analysis is conductedto observe emerging patterns which are used to further adapt the preliminary conceptualframework made from frame of references. Conclusions: Family firms according to their views on R&D could be divided into two groups.The first group consists of the firms without a dedicated R&D focus or firms that perceive R&D asembedded activity, while the latter is the firms with dedicated R&D focus. According to the waysthey perceive R&D, they subsequently put different emphasis on R&D investments. The firstgroup is rather reactive toward R&D, while the latter group is more proactive. These differencescould be explained by the internal and external influences (factors) which are found through theuse of resource-based view and dynamic capabilities. The internal factors are specialization,organizational culture and family history, while the external ones are trends and competition.Trends and specialization are found in almost all cases, and they explain the early engagement(without dedicated focus) of R&D in the firms. However, unlike trends, specialization mightpotentially lead to negative propensity toward R&D investments because of the competitiveadvantage gained from being specialized and knowledgeable in certain area. However, whencompetition comes into play, it might shift the circumstance by encouraging the firm to leave its“comfort zone”, thus would encourage R&D endeavors, in particular R&D investments especiallywhen the firm aims to lead in the market. Meanwhile, organizational culture could also be acatalyst for firms to focus on R&D, but it is very dependent on the culture instilled in the firmwhether or not it would encourage R&D. Firms with risk aversion, as suggested by literature andalso found in one of the cases would distance the firm from R&D investments. On the other hand,firms that show continuous learning and failure tolerating within their culture tend to put morefocus on R&D. And the last one, family history, which is found in three cases suggest a positiveinfluence toward R&D investments. The inventive behavior of the founder or former generationsis implanted in the family history, and being preserved by the current generations as corporateidentity or guiding values, of which contribute positively toward R&D investments in the firm.

Hur ser framtiden ut för bilindustrin och hur väl är Volvo Cars redo för framtiden? : En djupdykning i bilindustrins framtida utmaningar utifrån ett forsknings- och utvecklingsperspektiv

Matsson, Cecilia, Johansson, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Background: The global car industry is going through a process of change where the traditional car companies are being challenged. It is essential for those companies to keep up with the changing market conditions and invest in research and development, if they want to remain competitive in the future market. Volvo Cars is a prominent car manufacturer in Sweden, but is small globally. It was, therefore, adjudged as an interesting company to research with respect to how they address the aforementioned challenges.  Purpose: With an understanding and focus on the car industry’s new challenges, the purpose of this study is to investigate and illustrate Volvo Cars’ future prospective on the global car market. Method: The study has combined quantitative and qualitative approaches, viewed from an inductive perspective. Qualitative interviews were performed to obtain a deeper understanding of the car industry’s challenges, and data from secondary sources were collected in order to quantify Volvo Cars’ performance relative to other car companies. Result: The study determined the main challenges for the future of the personal vehicle sector to be: automation, environment, changing customer demand and digitalization. In addition to the innovation-based challenges mentioned above, the expanding Chinese market has been identified as a challenge for car companies to capitalise on. The expansion of the Chinese market is due to the rapidly increasing middle class, combined with a low car density. The idea that China (and the rest of Asia) will become an important future market is supported by the opinions of many experts and interview respondents who believe that car density in the western world will decline which means strengthen the importance of China as a future market. Volvo Cars face the same challenges as other car manufacturers. However, given their small global significance, Volvo Cars will need to focus and appropriately allocate their resources on only one or two challenges. In terms of investing in research and development, Volvo Cars is at the forefront, with a significant portion of their revenue being dedicated to the area. Conclusion: Given Volvo Cars’ small global significance, they will not have the ability to focus on all challenges. Instead, they must focus their research and development on a select few areas to be able to compete in the future automotive market. This study has identified three major challenges for Volvo Cars: to successfully grow in China (as well as in the rest of Asia), to increase total sales and market share, and to advance within automation and electrical operation. Given that Volvo Cars continue increasing their sales, especially in China, while simultaneously investing in research and development aimed at automation and electric drive, the researchers believe that the future of Volvo Cars is very promising. / Bakgrund: Bilindustrin går igenom en förändringsprocess och de traditionella biltillverkarna står inför stora utmaningar. I och med detta är det viktigt för bilföretagen att hänga med i processen och investera i forskning och utveckling, om de vill konkurrera om framtida marknadsandelar. Volvo Cars är en ledande aktör på den svenska marknaden samtidigt som de är små på den globala marknaden, vilket väcker ett intresse hos forskarna att studera företaget med avseende på hur det kommer att hantera dessa framtida utmaningar. Syfte: Syftet är att med utgångspunkt från bilindustrins nya utmaningar undersöka och belysa Volvo Cars framtidsutsikter på den globala bilmarknaden. Metod: Studien bygger på en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskningsstrategi med ett induktivt angreppsätt. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts för få en djupare förståelse för bilindustrins utmaningar och sekundärdata har samlats in för att på ett kvantitativt sätt visa hur Volvo Cars förhåller sig gentemot andra bilföretag på den globala marknaden. Resultat: Studien har kommit fram till att de största utmaningarna för bilindustrins framtid handlar om: automatisering, miljö, ägande och digitalisering. Utöver de innovativa utmaningarna har Kina identifierats som en utmaning för bilföretagen. Eftersom Kina har en snabbt ökande medelklass i kombination med att landet har en låg biltäthet förväntas bilförsäljningen i regionen öka. Då många experter och intervjurespondenter anser att försäljningen av bilar kommer minska i västvärlden kommer därför en ökad försäljning i Kina och övriga Asien bli avgörande för många bilföretag. Volvo Cars har samma utmaningar att bemästra som de andra aktörerna på marknaden men eftersom de är en mindre aktör måste de fokusera på en eller två utmaningar och hoppas på att de är rätt. Studien har även visat att Volvo Cars satsar en stor procent av deras omsättning på just forskning och utveckling jämfört med andra (undersökta) aktörer på marknaden. Slutsats: Då Volvo Cars är en liten aktör på den globala marknaden kommer de inte ha möjlighet att satsa på samtliga utmaningar utan måste fokusera sin forskning och utveckling på ett fåtal faktorer för att kunna konkurrera på framtidens bilmarknad. Studien har specificerat tre utmaningar för Volvo Cars att uppnå för goda framtidsutsikter: lyckas växa på den kinesiska (och övriga asiatiska) marknaden och därmed öka den totala försäljningen och marknadsandelarna samt bemästra de innovativa utmaningarna inom automatisering och eldrift. Med det sagt kan forskarna dra slutsatsen att Volvo Cars framtid ser lovande ut förutsatt att de fortsätter öka sin försäljning, framförallt i Kina, samtidigt som de helhjärtat satsar på forskning och utveckling inom områdena automatisering och el-drift.

Relação entre as atividades inovativas internas e externas no desempenho em inovação das empresas do setor industrial brasileiro: constatações baseadas em uma década de PINTEC/IBGE / The relationship between internal and external innovative activities in innovation performance of companies in the Brazilian industrial sector: findings based on a decade of PINTEC/IBGE

Mourad, Camila Benatti 24 April 2017 (has links)
A inovação no Brasil é caracterizada por investimentos voltados para a aquisição de tecnologia. Tal aspecto motivou a proposição central da tese de que o desempenho em inovação é influenciado pelo balanceamento entre as atividades inovativas internas e externas. Ao mesmo tempo que o papel da inovação aberta tem se fortalecido nas organizações, diversos estudos apontam que a mera exposição ao conhecimento externo não é suficiente para gerar inovações, especialmente aquelas com maior nível de originalidade, se a empresa não tiver competências internas para absorver, assimilar, transformar e explorar esse conhecimento. Ainda assim, é possível constatar que estudos que tratam da complementaridade dos inputs de inovação no desempenho inovativo de países em desenvolvimento são pouco comuns. Assim, o presente estudo buscou preencher essa lacuna, identificando e discutindo a importância do desenvolvimento de atividades inovativas internas e da aquisição de conhecimento externo para o desempenho em inovação das empresas brasileiras, com recorte para o setor industrial. Para tanto, foram estruturados dois ensaios empíricos que utilizaram a base de dados da Pesquisa de Inovação (PINTEC) do IBGE, das edições de 2000 a 2011. No primeiro, estimamos modelos de regressão para avaliar o impacto de cada atividade inovativa sobre o resultado da inovação, conforme seu grau de inovatividade. No segundo, estimamos modelos de regressão não linear para verificar como se comporta a relação entre P&D externo e desempenho em inovação, além de modelos que verificam se essa relação é influenciada pela capacidade de P&D. Os resultados obtidos nos permitem concluir que a capacidade de P&D e a aquisição de máquinas e equipamentos são relevantes tanto para a inovação de produtos novos para o mercado quanto para a inovação voltada apenas para a própria empresa. Além disso, a aquisição de P&D externo é relevante unicamente para a inovação voltada para o mercado, ressaltando a importância da inovação aberta. Contudo, o aumento do investimento em P&D externo eleva o desempenho em inovação somente até um certo ponto. Após esse ponto, os retornos sobre o investimento nessa atividade decrescem. Ademais, a interação entre capacidade de P&D e o P&D externo é significante, revelando que a primeira tem influência na relação da segunda com o desempenho em inovação. Dessa forma, conclui-se que para melhorar seu desempenho inovativo, as empresas em países em desenvolvimento devem se abrir para conhecimentos externos de maneira combinada com investimentos em capacidade de P&D. / Innovation in Brazil is characterized by investments focused on the acquisition of technology. This tendency motivated the central proposition of the thesis that innovative performance is influenced by a balance between innovative activities that are internal versus innovative activities that are external. At the same time, open innovation currently plays a stronger role in organizations. Multiple studies point out that mere exposure to external knowledge is not enough to generate innovation, especially forms of innovation that are original, if the company does not have the internal skills to absorb, assimilate, transform, and explore this knowledge. Nevertheless, it can be noted that there are not many studies dealing with the complementarity of innovation inputs in the innovative performance of developing countries. Thus, the present study sought to fill this gap by identifying and discussing the importance of the development of innovative internal activities as well as the acquisition of external knowledge for the innovative performance of Brazilian companies, including the industrial sector. To that end, two empirical tests were carried out using the 2000-2011 editions of the PINTEC/IBGE database. In the first test, we estimated regression models to evaluate the impact of each innovative activity on the outputs and outcomes of innovation, according to their degree of innovativeness. In the second test, we estimated non-linear regression models to verify how the relationship between external research and development (R&D) and performance in innovation behaves, in addition to models that verify whether this relationship is influenced by R&D capacity. The results obtained allow us to conclude that R&D capacity and the acquisition of machines and equipment are relevant for both innovation of new products for the market and the innovation directed only at the company itself. In addition, the acquisition of external R&D is only relevant to market-driven innovation, which underscores the importance of open innovation. However, increasing investment in external R&D raises innovation performance only to a certain extent. After the optimal point, the returns on investment from this activity decrease. Moreover, the interaction between R&D capacity and external R&D is significant, revealing that the former influences the relationship between the latter and innovation performance. Thus, we conclude that to improve innovative performance, companies in developing countries should open up to external expertise in combination with investments in R&D capacity.

Dimensão local da inovação no Brasil: determinantes e efeitos de proximidade. / Local dimension of innovation in Brazil: determinants and spatial effects.

Araújo, Veneziano de Castro 06 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os determinantes locais da inovação no Brasil e avaliar sua dinâmica espacial. Especificamente, avalia-se como a P&D das empresas locais, a pesquisa universitária da região, o nível de adensamento urbano e a relativa especialização ou diversificação do sistema produtivo local afetam a inovação regional. Para isso, foi realizada uma Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais e a estimação de um modelo econométrico utilizando como medida do resultado de inovação o número de patentes por habitante das microrregiões. É possível notar que a inovação está desigualmente distribuída pelo espaço geográfico e se concentra especialmente nas Regiões Sul e Sudeste, onde se encontram os principais clusters inovativos. O modelo empírico adotado se baseia na Função de Produção de Conhecimento aplicada às regiões e é estimado por meio de um Tobit Espacial Autorregressivo (SAR-Tobit). O uso de um modelo SAR-Tobit permite lidar de modo mais adequado com um grande número de regiões sem patentes, além disso, foram feitos diversos testes adicionais que buscam assegurar a qualidade dos resultados inferenciais. A estimação do modelo desse trabalho indica que maiores níveis regionais de P&D industrial e da pesquisa universitária implicam em maior inovação, medida pelas patentes. Ao mesmo tempo, as regiões adensadas e diversificadas tendem a apresentar um melhor desempenho inovativo, o que aponta para existência de vantagens de caráter jacobiano no país. Por fim, a inovação local é afetada positivamente pela proximidade de microrregiões mais inovadoras, o que corrobora a existência de transbordamentos de conhecimento inter-regionais da inovação. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze determinants of local innovation in Brazil and assess their spatial dynamic. Specifically, it evaluates how the R&D of local firms, regional university research, urban density and specialization or diversification of local industrial system affects regional innovation. This purpose is achieved by means of an Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis and the estimation of an econometric model using the number of patents per capita as a measure of local innovative outputs. The results shows that innovation is not homogeneously distributed in the Brazilian geographic area and is especially concentrated in South and Southeast Regions, where the main innovation clusters are located. The empirical model adopted is based on the Knowledge Production Function applied to regions and is estimated using a Tobit Spatial Autoregressive (SAR-Tobit). The use of a SAR-Tobit model allows to deal more appropriately with a large number of regions without patents. Moreover, several additional tests were performed to ensure the quality of inferential results. The estimation of the model of this work indicates that higher levels of regional industrial R&D and university research imply greater innovation, measured by patents. At the same time, denser and diverse regions tend to present a better innovative performance, pointing to the existence of Jacobian advantages. Finally, local innovation is positively affected by the proximity of the most innovative micro-regions, which confirms the existence of interregional knowledge spillovers for innovation.

Investimentos em P&D e o desempenho de distribuidoras de energia elétrica no Brasil / Investments in P&D and the performance of electricity distributors in Brazil

Ribeiro, Wiliam de Oliveira 08 November 2018 (has links)
A energia elétrica vem se tornando cada vez mais relevante à medida que a tecnologia avança e se consolida em nossa sociedade. A crescente demanda por eletricidade e as gerações tecnológicas emergentes, como a indústria 4.0 e as cidades inteligentes, demandam das distribuidoras de energia maior capacidade de suprimento e melhores condições de fornecimento. Para se manterem viáveis a longo prazo e competitivas neste dinâmico setor, as distribuidoras de energia precisam perceber e se adaptar a essas transformações, promovendo iniciativas inovadoras que contribuam para a melhoria em seu desempenho. Esta e uma das propostas do Programa de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) do setor elétrico brasileiro que, em linha com outras iniciativas globais de inovação, pretende aperfeiçoar os serviços do setor. Enquanto alguns estudos sugerem que os investimentos em P&D contribuem para o desempenho das distribuidoras, outros discordam afirmando que não há qualquer relação, e que tais investimentos são realizados apenas por motivações regulatórias. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa analisa o modo como os investimentos em P&D afetam o desempenho das distribuidoras de energia elétrica, aqui visto sob três perspectivas: 1) econômico-financeiro; 2) qualidade do serviço; e 3) perdas técnicas. Esta pesquisa emprega a técnica de análise de regressão múltipla com dados em painel de 59 distribuidoras brasileiras, no período entre 2011 e 2016, coletados junto a ANEEL. Os resultados indicam que os investimentos em P&D contribuem positiva e significativamente para o desempenho econômico-financeiro das distribuidoras. Similarmente, os resultados sugerem que as perdas de energia sofrem redução à medida que as distribuidoras investem em P&D. Nossas análises, contudo, não apresentam evidências suficientes de que os investimentos em P&D contribuem para o desempenho em qualidade do serviço prestado pelas distribuidoras / Electrical energy is becoming more relevant as technology advances and consolidates in our society. Growing demand for electricity and emerging technology generations, such as the 4.0 industry and smart cities, demand from energy distributors greater supply capacity and better supply conditions. To remain viable in the long-term and competitive in this dynamic sector, energy distributors need to perceive and adapt to these transformations, promoting innovative initiatives that contribute to the improvement of their performance. That is one of the Research and Development Program (R&D) of the Brazilian power sector proposals, which in line with other global innovation initiatives, intends to improve services in the sector. While some studies suggest that R&D investments contribute to the performance of distributors, others argue that there is no relationship and that such investments are made only for regulatory reasons. Therefore, this study examines how R&D investment affects the performance of electric power distributors, viewed here from three perspectives: 1) economic and financial, 2) quality of service, and 3) technical losses. This research uses the multiple regression analysis techniques with panel data from 59 Brazilian distributors, between 2011 and 2016, collected from ANEEL. Results indicate that investment in R&D contributes positively and significantly to the economic-financial performance of the distributors. Similarly, the results reveal that investment in R&D reduces energy losses. This research, however, does not provide sufficient evidence that R&D investment contributes to a better quality of services.

A comparative study of the patentability standards with respect to pharmaceutical inventions in the United Kingdom and South Africa

Dludlu, Celucolo Peter January 2014 (has links)
Using a comparative methodology the thesis analyses the patentability of pharmaceutical and related inventions in the UK and South Africa. The viewpoint adopted is that of the industry actors, who are engaged in the conception through to the commercialisation of inventions, although this perspective is measured against the concerns of wider stakeholders. Drawing, in particular, on the classical justifications of the patent system, the research identifies the attributes of an optimal patentability standard which can be adjusted as technology and the legislative landscape changes. Framing an optimal patentability benchmark as one that both promote and protect the invention, the thesis considers the elements that ground the judicial patentability decision-making process. As pharmaceutical patenting tends to be an emotive and contentious area, the interplay between the international and respective domestic patentability frameworks is also evaluated in its impact on the inventor within the pharmaceutical chain. The research then turns to investigate four individual patentability limbs as applied in the two jurisdictions. The definition of the invention and excluded subject matter is evaluated in mapping out the pharmaceutical activity and the associated research output that falls within patentable subject matter. The novelty, non-obviousness and industrial application limbs to patentability are then examined, giving particular attention to the tests used by the courts in evaluating whether an invention meets the requisite criteria. The argument is made that the courts in interpreting patentability must apply principles advancing the purpose of the patent system in arriving at decisions. A systematic and robust approach is advanced that improves repeatability and precision in arriving at patentability decisions whilst preventing subjective application of the criteria. It is suggested that the application of the tests whilst aligning with the rationale and policy of the patent system, have to make sense to the scientist working in inventive pharmaceutical activities.

O papel da formação em pesquisa no ensino médio profissionalizante e sua relevância para o profissional técnico em química atuante na indústria

Sousa, Aline Batista de January 2015 (has links)
Desde a sua criação no Brasil, em 1809, a partir do Colégio Real de Fábricas no Rio de Janeiro, o ensino técnico do país veio passando ao longo dos anos por mudanças sensíveis e profundas em seu conceito. Se, naquela época, o ensino técnico profissionalizante era voltado a habilitar os desvalidos e marginalizados, hoje, para atender às mudanças do mercado de trabalho, precisa formar técnicos capazes de acompanhar as tecnologias que se renovam a cada dia. O mercado de hoje valoriza técnicos polivalentes, resilientes, com alta capacidade para resolução de problemas, tomada de decisão e trabalho em equipe. Aliado a isso, a necessidade constante de renovação nas empresas faz com que estas busquem, através da pesquisa, a criação de novos produtos, aprimoramentos dos já existentes e melhoramento dos processos, para conseguirem se manter em evidência em um mundo cada vez mais competitivo. Em virtude disto, o profissional com formação em pesquisa se destaca em meio aos demais nas empresas. Pensando nisso, elaborou-se este estudo que teve como objetivos investigar a importância da abordagem do ensino através da pesquisa na aprendizagem do aluno de escola técnica e a contribuição desta formação em pesquisa ao profissional da indústria química. O estudo envolveu empresas e instituições do segmento químico do Vale dos Sinos e da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Um dos objetivos específicos do trabalho foi avaliar em que medida as necessidades apontadas por elas quanto à formação técnico-científica para profissionais técnicos de nível médio atuantes no campo da química estão sendo atendidas pelas competências curriculares ministradas nas disciplinas do curso técnico. Para isso, avaliou-se o plano do curso técnico em química de uma escola técnica no município de Novo Hamburgo e foram elaborados questionários, posteriormente aplicados a Egressos e Gestores que atuam em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento e a Discentes deste curso. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que há associação significativa entre os pensamentos de Gestores e Egressos no que diz respeito às habilidades necessárias à atuação do Técnico em Química nos setores de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento. Foram especialmente apontadas as habilidades de “trabalhar em grupo”, “pró-atividade”, “análise e interpretação de dados” e “resolução de problemas”. Da mesma forma, os achados para Egressos e Discentes se alinham significativamente quando o assunto é o aprimoramento na formação em pesquisa, destacando-se “análise e interpretação de dados”, “pró-atividade”, “formação em metodologia da pesquisa e estatística” e “resolução de problemas e trabalho em grupo”. Fica evidente, a partir destes resultados, o quanto, para Gestores, Egressos e Discentes, a formação em pesquisa é preponderante para desenvolver as habilidades expostas por este estudo. / Since its origin in Brazil, in 1809, starting with Colégio Real de Fábricas in Rio de Janeiro, the vocational education underwent, throughout the years, sensitive and profound changes in its concept. If, at that time, the vocational education aimed to enable the underprivileged and marginalized, today, to attend to the changes of the labor market, it must educate technicians who are able to accompany the technologies that are changing day by day. Today's labor market values versatile and resilient technicians, with high capacity for problem solving, decision making, and team working. Furthermore, the constant need for renewal in businesses makes them seek, through research, the creation of new products, the enhancement of existing ones, and the improvement of processes to be able to keep themselves in evidence in an increasingly competitive world. Because of this, the professional with a background in research stands out among the others in the companies. It was thinking about this, that this study was prepared, aiming to investigate the importance of the teaching approach through a research on the learning process of the technical school student, and the contribution of this research training to professionals in the chemical industry. The study involved companies and institutions of the chemical segment of the Vale dos Sinos and the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre. One of it’s specific objectives was to assess whether the needs identified by them on the technical and scientific training for mid-level, active technical professionals in the field of chemistry are being met by the curricular skills taught in the courses of the technical program. With that objective, the technical chemistry course plan of a technical school in the city of Novo Hamburgo was evaluated and questionnaires were developed, and later applied to egressed students and managers who work in Research and Development, and to students of this course. The study’s results showed that there are significant associations between the thoughts of managers and egressed students regarding the skills necessary for the performance of the chemistry technician in the areas of Research and Development. "Group work", "proactivity", "analysis and interpretation of data", and "problem solving" were specially singled out. Similarly, the findings for egressed and current students line up significantly when it comes to the improving in research training, highlighting "analysis and interpretation of data", "proactivity", "training in research methodology and statistics" and "problem solving and group work". It becomes evident, from these results, how, to managers, egressed and current students, training in research is leading to developing the skills exhibited by this study.

The systematic capacity for technological absorption (SCTA) and international technology transfer (ITT) : how some Korean firms successfully exploit Russian technology

Woo, Yoo Hyung January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines issues of international technology transfer (ITT), focusing on the exploitation of foreign technology between countries with contrasting strengths and capabilities. The tendency in ITT is that it has mostly been limited to the triad countries and to some latecomer economies in East Asia. An explanation for this tendency is that the extent of this shared common ground between countries directly affects a recipient country's capability to exploit and absorb foreign knowledge. This thesis examines cases of ITT which successfully occurred without such common grounds and offers explanations for specific cases. The conceptual framework was developed to explain how such extraordinary capabilities are created in order to overcome barriers to technological transfer. In addition, several other mechanisms and special factors are hypothesised as candidates for explaining the technology transfer process as one involving bridging and overcoming the barriers. These hypotheses are examined in relation to the Korean-Russian technology transfer, the main target of the investigation. Korea and Russia are countries that had no interaction prior to or during the Cold War period and shared little or no common ground. Nonetheless, after 1990 Korean firms have actively attempted to exploit Russian technology and some of them, though not many, have succeeded in exploiting and commercialising Russian technology. Important contextual issues for this examination are the military and mission-focused body of Russia's technological knowledge and the often cheaper importation of Western technology. Taking these contextual issues into account, this thesis identifies two principal issues that were overcome in the cases of successful technology transfer: a) the tacitness of Russian technological knowledge and b) the locality of the Russian “context of origin” in terms of the socio-cultural, economic, and political environment. The empirical content of the thesis involves a mixed approach with document analysis, interviews, a survey, and case studies. The research results show that the public agency programme's facilitating role as an intermediary (developed by the Korean government) creates the extra capacity to bridge the gaps involved in adapting Russian technology.

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