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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kolektivní hodnocení kvality filmové a seriálové tvorby v Česko-Slovenské filmové databázi http: www.csfd.cz / Collective Evaluation of quality of movie and serial production on Czech-Slovak Movie Database on http: www.csfd.cz

Vychytil, Václav January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis is entitled, "Collective Evaluation of Quality of Movie and Serial Production of Czech-Slovak Movie Database on http://www.csfd.cz". The main focus of this thesis is on the aggregated evaluation study of quality of movies in several internet movie databases, primarily in CSFD and IMDb. The study also defines these internet databases in the context of social discourse, briefly informs about the history of these databases, and introduces the reader into their functioning. Additionally concerning the quality of movies, databases represent the main authority, and sorting of the movies according to their 'colour' in CSFD is considered a form of agenda-setting. This study discusses the issues of quality, through analysis in an attempt to determine the quality of movies on the database. Much of the thesis discussion revolves around the author's research, which was carried out from September 2011 till the end of March 2012. Unfortunately, because of the extent of diploma thesis and the methodology used in the research, it was not possible to analyze serial production in more detail.

Developing a theoretical basis for the concept of organizational behaviour

Richards, James January 2006 (has links)
Workplace misbehaviour is seen to be a neglected feature of organizational study (Ackroyd and Thompson; Vardi and Weitz, 2004). Where research has been undertaken into misbehaviour the emphasis tends fall into two broad categories. First of all, organizational behaviour theorists use the term misbehaviour as a means to highlight how the ‘negative’ behaviour of employees gets in the way of formal organizational goals. Secondly, radical sociologists tend to use the term misbehaviour as a means to critique Foucauldian labour process theory. Here an argument is made that suggests the disciplinary affects of new management practices associated with human resource management and total quality management have been overstated. Furthermore, radical sociologists also use the term misbehaviour as means to critique organizational behaviour accounts, which are believed to paint overly optimistic accounts of organizational life. However, on further examination it was discovered that neither a radical sociological approach, nor a traditional organizational behaviour approach, sufficiently addresses the current deficit in our understandings and explanations for workplace misbehaviour. Hence, one of the main themes of this thesis was to design a theoretical and methodological framework to address the deficit in our understandings and explanations. As such, a view was taken of how a radical sociological approach (orthodox labour process analysis) combined with an emerging social psychological perspective (a social identity approach (Haslam, 2001)) could help overcome previous theoretical problems associated with researching misbehaviour. Empirical support for this approach is provided by the detailed examination of the objective and subjective working conditions of four different sets of low status workers. The findings are based on longitudinal covert participant observations, as well as covert interviews and the covert gathering of company documents. The findings depart from previous insights into workplace misbehaviour in stressing the importance of acknowledging and investigating both the organizational and sub-group social identities of low status workers, in relation to such activities. As such, a great deal of the misbehaviour noted in the findings can be attributed to the poor treatment of low status workers by management, yet misbehaviour is equally if not more attributable to the empowering or inhibitive qualities of the many psychological groups that worker can associate with or disassociate themselves from. Recommendations are made about the direction of future research into workplace misbehaviour. There are many suggestions made and include examining misbehaviour in a wider range of settings, sectors and levels of organizations.

Urinary Tract-Related Quality of Life after Radical Prostatectomy: Open Retropubic versus Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Approach

Froehner, Michael, Koch, Rainer, Leike, Steffen, Novotny, Vladimir, Twelker, Lars, Wirth, Manfred P. 05 August 2020 (has links)
Background: The best technique of radical prostatectomy – open retropubic versus robot-assisted surgery – is a subject of controversy. Patients and Methods: Between January 1st, 2007 and December 31st, 2011, 2,177 men underwent radical prostatectomy at our department. 252 (12%) cases were laparoscopic robot-assisted, the remainder open retropubic procedures. In Germany, certified prostate cancer centers are required to collect urinary tract-related outcome data after radical prostatectomy using the International Consultation of Incontinence Questionnaire Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. The questionnaire data were used to compare both surgical approaches concerning the urinary tractrelated outcome 1, 2 and 3 years postoperatively. Results: Neither the voiding score nor the incontinence score or the bother scale sum differed between the two cohorts at any of the measurement times. Conclusions: Concerning continence recovery, in this series, there were no detectable differences between robot-assisted and open radical prostatectomy.

Entering new markets : A qualitative case study on the effective forms of Key Account Management in emerging markets

Schröder, Philip, Palusaar, Rachel January 2024 (has links)
During the past decades, since the phenomenal event of globalization, more businesses have expanded abroad as they continue to grow as an MNE. Which has led to them growing larger and with more people and relationships to manage, bringing us to the founding of the KAM system. A system with the purpose of guiding companies in how to manage both its internal and external relationships, though mainly those who are key accounts. As the system grows more popular amongst companies it has been found that the structure of it does differentiate between them. This has been in terms of how formalized it is. This brings the question of whether or not the level of formalization has an affect on how effective the system is in fulfilling its purpose in the company. Thus, that is what this research paper aims to examine in a few MNEs. By studying what level of formalization their system has, how it impacts their KA relationship management, and how effective the system is perceived to be by them in achieving this. By combining these three aspects a logical conclusion could be drawn. To achieve this, the study has been designed with an abductive and qualitative research approach, more specifically with case studies to allow for a more in-depth investigation on the topic. This would allow for a deeper understanding for how the system has functioned for and in the company, whilst considering its purpose. Thereafter, the findings are discussed in relation to relevant theories, concepts and framework. While the concepts have provided themes to the analysis, the findings have been used to validate or challenge the theories and frameworks. The discussion finally concludes that the level of formalization in a KAM system does have an impact on its effectiveness in fulfilling its purpose at the company.

Method evaluations in spatial exploratory analyses of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data

Remes, J. (Jukka) 08 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract Resting-state (RS) measurements during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have become an established approach for studying spontaneous brain activity. RS-fMRI results are often obtained using explorative approaches like spatial independent component analysis (sICA). These approaches and their software implementations are rarely evaluated extensively or specifically concerning RS-fMRI. Trust is placed in the software that they will work according to the published method descriptions. Many methods and parameters are used despite the lack of test data, and the validity of the underlying models remains an open question. A substantially greater number of evaluations would be needed to ensure the quality of exploratory RS-fMRI analyses. This thesis investigates the applicability of sICA methodology and software in the RS-fMRI context. The experiences were used to formulate general guidelines to facilitate future method evaluations. Additionally, a novel multiple comparison correction (MCC) method, Maxmad, was devised for adjusting evaluation results statistically. With regard to software considerations, the source code of FSL Melodic, popular sICA software, was analyzed against its published method descriptions. Unreported and unevaluated details were found, which implies that one should not automatically assume a correspondence between the literature and the software implementations. The method implementations should rather be subjected to independent reviews. An experimental contribution of this thesis is that the credibility of the emerging sliding window sICAs has been improved by the validation of sICA related preprocessing procedures. In addition to that, the estimation accuracy regarding the results in existing RS-fMRI sICA literature was also shown not to suffer even though repeatability tools like Icasso have not been used in their computation. Furthermore, the evidence against conventional sICA model suggests the consideration of different approaches to analysis of RS-fMRI. The guidelines developed for facilitation of evaluations include adoption of 1) open software development (improved error detection), 2) modular software designs (easier evaluations), 3) data specific evaluations (increased validity), and 4) extensive coverage of parameter space (improved credibility). The proposed Maxmad MCC addresses a statistical problem arising from broad evaluations. Large scale cooperation efforts are proposed concerning evaluations in order to improve the credibility of exploratory RS-fMRI methods. / Tiivistelmä Aivoista toiminnallisella magneettikuvantamisella (engl. functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI) lepotilassa tehdyt mittaukset ovat saaneet vakiintuneen aseman spontaanin aivotoiminnan tutkimuksessa. Lepotilan fMRI:n tulokset saadaan usein käyttämällä exploratiivisia menetelmiä, kuten spatiaalista itsenäisten komponenttien analyysia (engl. spatial independent component analysis, sICA). Näitä menetelmiä ja niiden ohjelmistototeutuksia evaluoidaan harvoin kattavasti tai erityisesti lepotilan fMRI:n kannalta. Ohjelmistojen luotetaan toimivan menetelmäkuvausten mukaisesti. Monia menetelmiä ja parametreja käytetään testidatan puuttumisesta huolimatta, ja myös menetelmien taustalla olevien mallien pätevyys on edelleen epäselvä asia. Eksploratiivisten lepotilan fMRI-datan analyysien laadun varmistamiseksi tarvittaisiin huomattavasti nykyistä suurempi määrä evaluaatioita. Tämä väitöskirja tutki sICA-menetelmien ja -ohjelmistojen soveltuvuutta lepotilan fMRI-tutkimuksiin. Kokemuksien perusteella luotiin yleisiä ohjenuoria helpottamaan tulevaisuuden menetelmäevaluaatioita. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa kehitettiin uusi monivertailukorjausmenetelmä, Maxmad, evaluaatiotulosten tilastolliseen korjaukseen. Tunnetun sICA-ohjelmiston, FSL Melodicin, lähdekoodi analysoitiin suhteessa julkaistuihin menetelmäkuvauksiin. Analyysissa ilmeni aiemmin raportoimattomia ja evaluoimattomia menetelmäyksityiskohtia, mikä tarkoittaa, ettei kirjallisuudessa olevien menetelmäkuvausten ja niiden ohjelmistototeutusten välille pitäisi automaattisesti olettaa vastaavuutta. Menetelmätoteutukset pitäisi katselmoida riippumattomasti. Väitöskirjan kokeellisena panoksena parannettiin liukuvassa ikkunassa suoritettavan sICA:n uskottavuutta varmistamalla sICA:n esikäsittelyjen oikeellisuus. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa näytettiin, että aiempien sICA-tulosten tarkkuus ei ole kärsinyt, vaikka niiden estimoinnissa ei ole käytetty toistettavuustyökaluja, kuten Icasso-ohjelmistoa. Väitöskirjan tulokset kyseenalaistavat myös perinteisen sICA-mallin, minkä vuoksi tulisi harkita siitä poikkeavia lähtökohtia lepotilan fMRI-datan analyysiin. Evaluaatioiden helpottamiseksi kehitetyt ohjeet sisältävät seuraavat periaatteet: 1) avoin ohjelmistokehitys (parantunut virheiden havaitseminen), 2) modulaarinen ohjelmistosuunnittelu (nykyistä helpommin toteutettavat evaluaatiot), 3) datatyyppikohtaiset evaluaatiot (parantunut validiteetti) ja 4) parametriavaruuden laaja kattavuus evaluaatioissa (parantunut uskottavuus). Ehdotettu Maxmad-monivertailukorjaus tarjoaa ratkaisuvaihtoehdon laajojen evaluaatioiden tilastollisiin haasteisiin. Jotta lepotilan fMRI:ssä käytettävien exploratiivisten menetelmien uskottavuus paranisi, väitöskirjassa ehdotetaan laaja-alaista yhteistyötä menetelmien evaluoimiseksi.

Reflexive Metrics: Reactivity and Practices of the Evaluation Culture in Astronomy / Status Quo & Outlook towards a more participative research culture

Heuritsch, Julia 19 March 2024 (has links)
Diese Dissertation aus der Sparte der Reflexiven Bibliometrie erforscht die Rückwirkungen der Verwendung von quantitativen Indikatoren in der Wissenschaftsevaluation auf die Wissensproduktion und Forschungsqualität in der Astronomie. Eine qualitative Analyse der strukturellen Bedingungen der akamdeischen Astronomie anhand des Rational Choice Frameworks führen zur Beobachtung eines "Evaluation Gap" zwischen dem, was Indikatoren messen und dem, was Forscher unter Forschungsqualität verstehen. Die Analyse offenbart weiters einen Balanceakt, in dem Astronomen zwischen Publikationsdruck und Forschungsintegrität Kompromisse finden. Weiterführende quantitative Untersuchungen unter Einbezug von Organisational Culture Theories und Self-Determination Theory zeigen, dass kontrollierte Formen von Motivation zu einem erhöhten Publikationsdruck und wissenschaftlichem Fehlverhalten führen, während autonome Formen von Motivation das Gegenteil bewirken. Schließlich skizziert die Arbeit Wege zur Transformation der Forschungskultur hin zu mehr Vielfalt und Partizipation, einschließlich der Einführung offener Wissensmanagement-Infrastrukturen und kontinuierlicher, reflexiver Evaluationsprozesse. / This dissertation from the field of Reflexive Bibliometrics, investigates the constitutive effects of utilizing quantitative metrics in research evaluation on knowledge production and research quality in astronomy. Embedded in the Rational Choice Framework to analyze the structural conditions within academic astronomy, a qualitative analysis reveals an "Evaluation Gap" between what metrics measure and researchers' perceptions of research quality. Furthermore, the analysis unveils a balancing act where astronomers navigate compromises between publication pressures and research integrity. Subsequent quantitative analyses, incorporating Organizational Culture Theories and Self-Determination Theory, demonstrate that controlled forms of motivation exacerbate publication pressure and scientific misconduct, while autonomous motivations yield contrasting effects. Lastly, the study outlines pathways towards transforming research culture towards greater diversity and participation, including the adoption of open knowledge management infrastructures and continuous, reflexive evaluation processes.

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