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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utformningen av socialt hållbara studentbostadsområden

Jergander, Sara, Felicia, Lindqvist January 2020 (has links)
Efterfrågan på studentbostäder blir större i universitets- och högskolestäder, där kombinationen av ett ökat intresse för högre studier och en långvarig bostadsbrist resulterat i att studenter stått bostadslösa vid kursstart. Resultatet har utmynnat i att studentbostadsområdens fysiska miljö nedprioriterats, trots dess påverkan på det psykiska välmåendet och den enskilde individens uppfattning av ett lärosäte eller en stad ifråga. Genom utformningen av studentbostadsområden med syftet att öka den sociala hållbarheten kan uppfattningen av bosättningen förbättras. Social hållbarhet utgör en av tre hållbarhetsdimensioner som syftar på det gemensamma målet gällande global hållbarhet. Social hållbarhet relaterar till de sociala aspekterna i samhället, där förhållandena som berör begreppet, på grund av sin komplexitet, har gjort att det många gånger exkluderats i praktiken. Inom konceptet social hållbarhet ingår flera aspekter, däribland socialt kapital, vilket syftar på individers olika sociala sammanhang och nätverk. Studien syftade till att beskriva hur ett socialt hållbart studentbostadsområde kan utformas genom målsättningen av strukturering kring kriterier och riktlinjer. Dessa kriterier och riktlinjer förväntades uppstå genom kombinationen mellan studenters preferenser kring ett studentbostadsområdes fysiska och sociala faktorer, samt litteratur kring ämnet. Genom 25 semistrukturerade intervjuer med studerande vid Högskolan i Gävle kunde respondenternas preferenser definieras. Detta med hjälp av frågor kring deras tidigare och nuvarande bostadsområden, samt deras åsikter och preferenser kring utformningen av ett studentbostadsområde generellt. För ytterligare förståelse av studenternas bostadssituationer genomfördes inventeringar av befintliga studentbostadsområden i Gävle. Studien utmynnade i 16 kriterier utifrån analysmodellens begrepp, som senare resulterade i 9 riktlinjer. Dessa riktlinjer applicerades sedan i en fysisk kontext med hjälp av ett gestaltningsförslag. Dock var denna gestaltning endast ett förslag kring riktlinjernas applicering. Diskussion kring huruvida riktlinjerna kan appliceras, ter sig bäst genom att applicera och utforma dessa utifrån en lokal kontext. Studiens slutsats utmynnade i att relationen mellan social hållbarhet och utformningen av studentbostadsområden kan beskrivas med hjälp av studiens analysmodell. Kriterierna och riktlinjerna presenterade i studien, resulterade i ett starkt socialt kapital inom studentbostadsområden, men ansågs vara bäst applicerbara inom en lokal kontext. Kriterier och riktlinjer kring ett socialt hållbart studentbostadsområde i relation till socialt kapital bör struktureras genom kombinationen av litteratur och preferenser hos de som utnyttjar den fysiska miljön ifråga. / The demand on student housing is growing in cities containing universities, where the combination of a growing interest in higher education and a prolonged shortage in housing has resulted in students being homeless by the time their studies has begun. The result of this has become a de-prioritization in the physical environment. Although, the design of these areas should be prioritized higher as it affects both mental well-being and the individual perception of the university and the city. By designing residential areas for students with the purpose of increasing the social sustainability, it is possible to improve the perception of these areas over all. Social sustainability form one of three dimensions of sustainability that aims for the common goal of global sustainability. Social sustainability relates to the social aspects in society. Conditions relating to social sustainability has, due to its complexity, often been excluded in practice. Within the concept of social sustainability are many aspects, among which social capital is included, which refers to different social contexts and social networks. The aim of the study was to describe how socially sustainable residential areas for students could be designed through the objective of structuring criterias and guidelines. These criterias and guidelines was expected to be formed by the combination of preferences amongst students, regarding physical and social factors in residential areas for students, and literature concerning the subject. Through 25 semi-structured interviews with students at the University of Gävle, the preferences amongst the respondents could be defined, by asking them about their preferences, previous and current residential areas. As well as their general opinions regarding the design of a residential area for students. For further understanding of residential areas for students, an inventory was made in similar existing areas in Gävle. The study resulted in 16 criterias based on the concepts within the analysis model, that later resulted in 9 guidelines. These guidelines were applied in a physical context by creating a design proposal. This design was only a proposal concerning the application of the guidelines. A discussion regarding the application of the guidelines, is in itself best applied and created through a local context. The conclusion was that the relationship between social sustainability and the design of residential areas for students, could be described by using the analysis model in the study. The criterias and guidelines presented in the study, resulted in strong social capital within the residential areas for students. Although they are best applied in local context. These are best structured by combining literature and preferences amongst those using the physical environment in question.

Social Stratification And Consumption Profiles Of Ankara: A Case Study In Ankara Residential Areas

Akpinar, Figen 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND CONSUMPTION PROFILES OF ANKARA: A CASE STUDY IN ANKARA RESIDENTIAL AREAS This dissertation attempts to develop a social stratification model considering its spatial dimension for the households in the city of Ankara. The spatiality of social class has rarely been in the agenda of scholars and has not been explored empirically. For this reason, the study aims to test the hypothesis that social segregation in Turkish cities is empirically measurable and manifests itself in the common patterns of behaviours and similar conditioning of existence in the urban space. The focus of attention of the thesis is based on the relationship between the material inequalities of different social strata within its territorial context. If a class becomes a social reality, this must be shown in the formation of common patterns of behaviour and attitude, and manifests itself in urban space. In short the scope of the study is a twofold: Thesis questions are: (1) how and upon what basis social groups and strata can be located in the economic and socio-cultural structure of the society. This part of the study deals with the objective &amp / #8216 / &amp / #8217 / set&amp / #8217 / &amp / #8217 / of criteria / thesis question (2) whether the same coherency can be coincided in the space. This part deals with the analysis of the spatial dimension of social &amp / #8216 / &amp / #8217 / class&amp / #8217 / &amp / #8217 / which means segregation. Thesis findings provide sufficient evidence that the differences stemmed from the material possessions and consumption patterns of the urban households cannot be understood by employing the conventional instruments as such rural/urban, traditional/modern as the division of axes. New conceptualisation urgently is needed and consumption studies offer prospective and highly potential issue.

Olovligt nyttjande av kommunal mark i bostadsområden

Hellman, Sara, Åhman, Victoria January 2017 (has links)
Användning av mark har stor betydelse för samhällsutvecklingen och kommuner har olika roller och ansvarsområden som hör ihop med detta, både som myndighet och som stora markägare. Inom tätorter och inte minst i bostadsområden är det i många fall kommunen som äger den mark som angränsar till bostadsfastigheter. Det förekommer att denna mark nyttjas av personer för eget bruk, då det sker i stor utsträckning antas det innebära konsekvenser för såväl allmänhet, bostadsinnehavare och kommuner. Syftet med denna studie var därför att öka kunskapen om olovligt nyttjande av kommunal mark. Detta gjordes dels genom att belysa vilka olika typer av överträdelser som förekommer när det gäller olovligt nyttjande av kommunal mark utanför bostadsfastigheter, men också genom att undersöka hur utvalda kommuner hanterar samt anser att det olovliga nyttjandet bör hanteras. För att ta reda på vilka typer av överträdelser som görs i bostadsområden valdes tre kommuner ut samt två bostadsområden i varje kommun. En jämförelse gjordes därefter mellan flygfoton och fastighetsindelningen för alla bostadsfastigheter i området för att se vilka typer av överträdelser som var förekommande. Representanter från de olika kommunerna intervjuades därefter för att få deras syn på vilka typer av överträdelser som förekommer och för att få kunskap om hur de olika kommunerna hanterar samt anser att olovligt nyttjande av kommunal mark bör hanteras. Vid jämförelsen mellan flygfoton och fastighetsindelningen identifierades olika typer av överträdelser, något som till stor del överensstämde med vad som framkommit under intervjuerna. Intervjuerna visade även på grundläggande likheter när det gäller hanteringen av olovligt nyttjande av kommunal mark, skillnader antas främst bero på olika kommunala förutsättningar med bland annat varierande resurser. När det gäller hur hanteringen bör gå till råder delade meningar mellan kommunerna. / Use of land is of major importance for the development of society and the municipalities have different roles and responsibilities associated with this, both as authority and as major landowners. In urban areas, and in particular residential areas, it is in many cases the municipality that owns the land that adjoins residential real estate. It has been shown that this land often is used by individuals for personal interests, and it is believed to have consequences for the public, residential owners and municipalities. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to increase knowledge about the illegal use of municipal land. This was done partly by highlighting the different types of infringements that occur in the unauthorized use of municipal land outside residential real estate, but also by investigating how selected municipalities handle and believes that illegal use should be handled. To find out what types of violations are done in residential areas, three municipalities were selected as well as two residential areas in each municipality. A comparison was then made between aerial photos and the property division for all residential properties in the area to see what types of violations were occurring. Representatives from the different municipalities were subsequently interviewed to get their views on what types of violations occurring and to gain knowledge about how the different municipalities handle and believe that illegal use of municipal land should be handled. In the comparison between aerial photography and property division, different types of infringements were identified, which largely corresponded to the findings of the interviews. The interviews also showed fundamental similarities regarding the management of illegal use of municipal land, differences are assumed mainly due to different municipal conditions, including varying resources. When it comes to how the handling should go, there are different opinions between the municipalities.

Lokality nové rezidenční výstavby v Praze a struktura jejich obyvatel / New Residential Localities in Prague and the Structure of Their Inhabitants

Macešková, Dana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of housing construction in Prague in the years 2000-2009, and evaluation of socio-demographic structure of the population in the selected new residential areas. First is with the use of the database of the completed dwellings in the respective period described the deployment of new housing stock according to the character of the building in various concentric zones of the city, and on this basis the most important areas of new residential construction are identified. In the main empirical part is through the analysis of migration data at five selected case sites studied the relationship between socio- demographic structure of population and the selected/preferred types of housing. The analysis of statistical data is further supplemented by the data collected through field investigation.

Utveckling i parkeringsplaneringen vid bostadsområden i städer kontra mindre orter / Development in planning of parking spaces in residential areas in cities versus smaller towns

Petersson, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Parking planning for new residential constructions is intensively discussed between develops, architects, and municipalities. In a big city, the land value is higher and it is more profitable to build apartments instead of parking places, but parking space can increase the value of the apartment. The purpose of this work was to analyse how the planning of a parking space in a big city compared to a smaller town differs today versus 10 years ago. Results of interviews were that the parameters such as municipal parking regulations and access to public transport govern the parking planning. All the municipalities, contractors and architects agreed that in the future more municipalities will work with flexible parking standards. The conclusion is that it is the municipality’s parking norm and access to public transport that affects parking planning. The largest change and development in the last 10 years is an increased investment into mobility solutions in form of charging stations and carpools.

Diversidad residencial y el surgimiento de la complejidad en Tiwanaku

Janusek, John W. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Domestic Variability and the Emergence of Complexity at TiwanakuThe character of the ancient settlement of Tiwanaku has been a subject of debate for the past half century. Despite general acknowledgement that Tiwanaku influenced vast regions of the south-central Andes for several hundred years, the problem of whether or not Tiwanaku was an "empty" pilgrimage site or a densely populated urban center, and if urban, the constitution of its resident populations, remain compelling questions. This paper addresses these questions by presenting the results of extensive excavations in several residential sectors of the Tiwanaku site. Discussion of comparative spatial architectural and artifactual data emphasizes several intersecting patterns in the changing nature of residential organization during the Tiwanaku IV phase (AD 500-800), during which the site expanded into a major political and religious center. Comparative evidence indicates that during this phase Tiwanaku expanded into a densely populated urban center. This evidence emphasizes notable patterns of spatial order and stylistic uniformity across the site, pointing to the creation and dissemination of a common "state culture". Residential patterns were also characterized by traditional markers of social complexity, including marked status differentiation and specialized craft production. At the same time, these residential areas remained mutually differentiated in local social affiliations with group identity, indicating that the urban center developed out of and remained grounded in a fundamental segmentary social order. These results offer a unique perspective into the distinctive nature of pristine Andean urbanism and social complexity. / Las características del antiguo asentamiento de Tiwanaku han suscitado discusiones desde hace más de medio siglo. Pese a aceptar, por lo general, que Tiwanaku ejerció una gran influencia sobre vastas regiones de los Andes surcentrales durante varios siglos, se mantiene el problema de decidir si Tiwanaku fue un lugar de peregrinaje "vacío" o un centro urbano densamente poblado y, aun al aceptar la condición urbana, quedan preguntas difíciles. El presente trabajo trata de estos temas por medio de la presentación de los resultados de excavaciones intensivas en varios sectores residenciales del sitio de Tiwanaku. Se discuten y se comparan los datos espaciales, arquitectónicos y de artefactos, así como se enfatizan varios patrones cruzados en la naturaleza cambiante de la organización residencial durante la fase Tiwanaku IV (500-800 d.C.), en la cual el sitio se convirtió en un gran centro político y religioso. Evidencias comparativas muestran que Tiwanaku fue un centro urbano densamente poblado durante esta misma fase. Estas evidencias subrayan la presencia de notables patrones de orden espacial y de uniformidad estilística a través del sitio, lo cual apunta hacia la creación y difusión de una "cultura estatal" compartida. Los patrones residenciales también se caracterizan por marcadores tradicionales de complejidad social, que incluyen una marcada diferenciación de status y producción artesanal especializada. Al mismo tiempo, estas mismas áreas residenciales mantenían sus diferencias en cuanto a filiaciones sociales locales y la identidad de grupo. Lo que indica que el centro urbano se desarrolló sobre la base de un orden social segmentado. Estos resultados ofrecen una perspectiva única hacia la naturaleza distintiva del urbanismo andino prístino y la complejidad social.

Rehabilitace historického jádra a přilehlého okolí města Kyjov se zaměřením na veřejný prostor / The Rehabilitation of the historical center and adjacent surroundings of Kyjov with a focus on the public space

Pohanka, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
The theme of the thesis „Retriveal of the historici centre and surrounding of the Kyjov city“ deals with current condition of the Kyjov. It processes problematic area sof city, such as existing buildings, transportation, greenery, living spaces, new waterfront, House of culture pre-space, middle of the Masaryk Square, etc. It looking for answers to long standing questions: How to deal with the long-term dechne of the population? Where to find new spaces for living? How should Kyjov develop in future? How to make city an attractive place for new Citizen and investors? Answer for all these questions is urban study which is focused on named areas, including selected part of historical center.

Vývoj konstrukčních prvků u staveb v Českých Budějovicích / Evolution of structural components for building constructions in České Budějovice

Šetina, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on urban and constructional development of the city České Budějovice both from the historical point of view as well as from the perspective of the development of structural elements of buildings. The thesis dividend into two parts. The theoretical part describes the basic terminology, historical events establishing České Budějovice and formativ of individual city districts. It also contains relevant maps. The second one, application part deals with the development and changes of buildings during different time periods. Development of construction is divided into four time periods (until 1918, 1918-1948, 1948-1993 and from 1993 to the present). In each time period the historical development, constructional solutions and architectural design of buildings are descibed and specific examples of buildings and locations are given. This part of the thesis also deals with possible future development of residential areas considering the spatial plan and limits of development. The aim of the thesis is to compile an overview of historical development and constructional elements of buildings in the selected area from the beginning of the construction of the site to present and outline a possible future development of the city.

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