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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Där man bor tycker man det är bra" : Barns geografier i en segregerad stadsmiljö / "Where you live you like it" : Children's Geographies in a Segregated Urban Environment

van der Burgt, Danielle January 2006 (has links)
<p>Because of the socioeconomic and ethnic segregation in many Swedish towns, residents with different social backgrounds are often living in separate neighbourhoods. This thesis focuses on children aged between 11 and 14 and explores the spatial extent of their social networks, their spatial mobility and spatial representations. By studying these aspects of children’s daily lives the study attempts to contribute to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms behind neighbourhood effects.</p><p>The spatial extension of the daily lives of children in seven adjacent neighbourhoods in a medium sized Swedish town is mapped. By using children’s activity diaries, surveys with parents and children’s maps the study explores to which extent children with different personal characteristics and from different neighbourhoods have friends outside their own neighbourhoods, where they spend time and what kind of activities they engage in and with whom. The study shows that the possibility to get their own direct experience of other neighbourhoods differs between groups of children, much depending on the geographical extension of their social networks, which in turn appears mainly to be a consequence of school reception areas and, indirectly, school popularity.</p><p>By using children’s maps and group interviews children’s perspectives of their own and other neighbourhoods are analysed. The thesis illustrates how children feel about and discuss their own neighbourhoods and other neighbourhoods in town. The children in the study emphasize their own neighbourhood as a good and quiet neighbourhood, irrespective of the neighbourhood’s character and status. One of the neighbourhoods is stigmatised in the public discourse. Among the children there is a living debate in relation to this neighbourhood. In group interviews the children sometimes confirm, sometimes critically question the rumours about this neighbourhood. The children which live in this neighbourhood are aware of the bad reputation and also act and react upon it</p>

"Där man bor tycker man det är bra" : Barns geografier i en segregerad stadsmiljö / "Where you live you like it" : Children's Geographies in a Segregated Urban Environment

van der Burgt, Danielle January 2006 (has links)
Because of the socioeconomic and ethnic segregation in many Swedish towns, residents with different social backgrounds are often living in separate neighbourhoods. This thesis focuses on children aged between 11 and 14 and explores the spatial extent of their social networks, their spatial mobility and spatial representations. By studying these aspects of children’s daily lives the study attempts to contribute to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms behind neighbourhood effects. The spatial extension of the daily lives of children in seven adjacent neighbourhoods in a medium sized Swedish town is mapped. By using children’s activity diaries, surveys with parents and children’s maps the study explores to which extent children with different personal characteristics and from different neighbourhoods have friends outside their own neighbourhoods, where they spend time and what kind of activities they engage in and with whom. The study shows that the possibility to get their own direct experience of other neighbourhoods differs between groups of children, much depending on the geographical extension of their social networks, which in turn appears mainly to be a consequence of school reception areas and, indirectly, school popularity. By using children’s maps and group interviews children’s perspectives of their own and other neighbourhoods are analysed. The thesis illustrates how children feel about and discuss their own neighbourhoods and other neighbourhoods in town. The children in the study emphasize their own neighbourhood as a good and quiet neighbourhood, irrespective of the neighbourhood’s character and status. One of the neighbourhoods is stigmatised in the public discourse. Among the children there is a living debate in relation to this neighbourhood. In group interviews the children sometimes confirm, sometimes critically question the rumours about this neighbourhood. The children which live in this neighbourhood are aware of the bad reputation and also act and react upon it

Studies in the Dynamics of Residential Segregation

Bråmå, Åsa January 2006 (has links)
In four scientific papers, this thesis investigates the processes, in terms of movements of individuals, that have produced, reproduced and transformed patterns of residential segregation in Swedish cities between 1990 and 2000. Paper 1 examines processes of immigrant concentration, and the role of the Swedish majority population in these processes. Neighbourhood transition and mobility are described and analysed for a selection of residential areas that have experienced increased immigrant concentration. The results show that low in-migration rate among Swedes, rather than high out-migration rate, has been the main driving force behind the production and reproduction of immigrant concentration areas. Paper 2 investigates the hypothesis that distressed neighbourhoods retain their character of distress through selective migration. The socio-economic situations of in-migrants, out-migrants and stayers in the distressed neighbourhoods of Stockholm are analysed and compared, and the results show the hypothesis to be confirmed. The people who move in are more likely to be unemployed and dependent on social benefits, and have on average lower incomes than those who move out and those who remain in the neighbourhoods. Paper 3 further investigates the selective character of the out-migration from distressed neighbourhoods. One important conclusion is that the out-migration flow from the distressed residential areas is socio-economically and ethnically selective. When demographic and socio-economic differences are controlled for, the likelihood of leaving the distressed neighbourhoods is much lower for an immigrant than for a Swedish-born person. Paper 4 examines the migration flows of a whole city, Göteborg. The paper deals with some of the most common questions within segregation research; the degree of spatial concentration of different ethnic groups, processes of concentration and dispersal, the role of the minority enclaves as ports of entry to the local housing market, and how this differs between ethnic groups.

臺灣原住民族的聚居與隔離 / Congregation and segregation of Taiwan aborigines

劉建良, Liou, Jian Liang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要研究臺灣原住民族居住隔離的現象。以縣市為主要分析單位、鄉鎮市區為次級單位,民國100年年底戶籍人口資料為根據,描繪臺灣地區各縣市原住民人口居住隔離的概況。借用Douglas Massey和Nancy Denton提出五個面向中的均勻度及曝光度兩個概念,檢視原住民人口是否均勻地分佈在空間內,以及在區域內有多少的機率會接觸到多數族群,研究中以D指數及P*指數作為量測居住隔離程度的指標。 / This research examines residential segregation between aborigines and non-aborigines in Taiwan. The study surveys the scale of residential segregation of the Aboriginal population in Taiwan by analyzing the county main unit and township sub-unit based on the census data at the end of 2011. Evenness and exposure, two of the five axis proposed by Massey and Denton (1988), are adopted to examine whether aboriginal population are evenly distributed in space and how much possibility is there for them to get access to non-aboriginal groups. The paper evaluates the degree of residential segregation by index of dissimilarity-Delta (D) and Interaction Index (P*).

Exploring the use of Geographic Information Systems as an Environmental and Social Justice Advocacy Tool for Community-Based Organizations: A Case Study of Galena Park, Texas

Jordan, Demetrice R 06 May 2012 (has links)
Environmental factors within communities play a significant role on the health and well-being of residents. These social and physical determinants have a substantial effect on health. This interaction can result in environmental injustices, inequality, and ultimately poor health for residents. The community of Galena Park, Texas, is a predominantly minority community of Hispanic and African-American residents with previously undocumented concerns related to air quality, the built environment, access to healthcare and the food environment. Through participatory engagement with Galena Park residents using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), this research examines the degree to which GIS is an effective tool in illustrating and visualizing environmental and social injustices. Findings from this research suggest that GIS only relays part of the story and is most powerful when the lived experiences of residents are integrated into the analytical process.

Spatial attainment trends of racial and ethnic groups in Houston, Texas, 1970 to 2000

Waren, Warren 15 May 2009 (has links)
Previous research in the spatial assimilation of racial and ethnic groups has not assessed trends over time due to methodological difficulties and data limitations. I use an innovative method to assess the intercensal changes in neighborhood spatial attainment for African Americans, Hispanics, and non-Hispanic whites in Houston, Texas, between 1970 and 2000. I extend the current literature by showing that an accepted and commonly used method for assessing longitudinal change in spatial attainment is flawed and yields incorrect results. I highlight an alternative approach which makes use of data readily available in Census Summary Files to estimate individual-level spatial attainment regressions. I also show that the choice of neighborhood size affects estimates of spatial attainment effects. Although the influence of spatial scale has been demonstrated in the segregation literature, its consequences for spatial attainment research have not. I investigate and report findings from four geographic scales useful to and commonly used by spatial attainment researchers: the block group, the Census tract, the Zip Code Tabulated Area, and the Public Use Micro Data Area. I compare the benefits and drawbacks of estimating spatial attainment at each level of geography.

"Segregação e acesso a políticas públicas no município de São Paulo" / Segregation and access to public policies in São Paulo

Renata Mirandola Bichir 30 March 2006 (has links)
Esse trabalho aborda a questão da segregação residencial no município de São Paulo, sendo o objetivo principal a avaliação do impacto da segregação sobre o acesso das camadas mais pobres da população à política de infra-estrutura urbana. Além da discussão conceitual a respeito da segregação – termo muitas vezes confundido na literatura com os conceitos de pobreza, desigualdade, falta de acesso a serviços urbanos –, o trabalho pretende apresentar estratégias de identificação de áreas segregadas e um modelo de análise capaz de medir o impacto da residência nesses locais sobre as condições de acesso à política de infra-estrutura urbana, tradicionalmente associada com a segregação. Desse modo, além de um esforço teórico de deslocamento do foco em direção às conseqüências da segregação, e não as suas causas, esse trabalho apresenta um esforço empírico de elaboração de indicadores capazes de identificar áreas segregadas e medir o impacto da residência nesses locais sobre as condições de acesso a políticas públicas. / This dissertation deals with the issues of residential segregation in the city of São Paulo. It argues that segregation has a significant impact on the access to public policies among the poorest population. Besides the discussion of the urban literature on segregation – a concept generally mingled with the concepts of poverty and inequality as well as for the lack of access to basic public services –, this dissertation presents some strategies for identifying segregated areas and a multivariate model of access to urban infrastructure policies. Besides the theoretical effort of changing the stress on the causes to the stress on the consequences of segregation, this dissertation presents an empirical effort: the construction of different indicators able to measure the impact of segregation over the access to public policies.

Gör nyanlända att infödda lämnar? : En studie av flyttbenägenhet i en mindre svensk ort / Do new non-European arrivals make natives leave? : A study of residents' propensity to move out of the area in a small town in Sweden

Lali, Sina January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates residential segregation in a small town (countryside) in the municipality of Växjö in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are any relationships between the settlement of “newly-arrived” non-European immigrants in the countryside and the native Swedes’ tendency to move out of the area. The research question follows: Does the settlement of “newly-arrived” non-European immigrants in the countryside have any effect on the displacement of native residents? The study conducted a survey on 200 local native inhabitants. Guided by cultural and structural theories, using logistic regression analysis of moving out versus not moving out of the countryside, results found that the settlement of “newly-arrived” non-European immigrants in the countryside increases the native residents’ tendency to move out of the area. Native residents who experience an increased settlement of non-European immigrants in the countryside are more likely to move out of the area, compared to those who do not have such experience. Results also showed that native residents who experience an increased settlement of “newly-arrived” non-European immigrants in the municipality of Växjö, where the countryside is located, are more likely to move out of the area. In particular, native residents who had moved in from other parts of Sweden and lived a shorter period of time in the area were more likely to move out compared to natives who were born or grown up in the area. Furthermore, those who were employed, male and low-income earners were more likely to move out of the area in contrast to women, high income earners and those who were unemployed.

Mötesplatser som verktyg för integration : en fallstudie gällande möten inom området Fisksätra-Saltsjöbaden / Meeting places as a tool to intregrate : a case study of meetings in the area Fisksätra-Saltsjöbaden

Mark, Tove January 2015 (has links)
Bostadssegregationen i Sverige har vuxit sig mer intensiv över åren och därmed hamnat högt upp på den politiska agendan. Många bostadsområden har idag en homogen social sammansättning i fråga socioekonomi, etnicitet och demografi. Denna studie undersöker hur mötesplatser kan användas som verktyg, för att uppnå en ökad integration mellan olika grupper i ett område som är karaktäriserat utav bostadssegregation. Mer specifikt studeras hur den lokala kontexten i form utav den fysiska miljön, samt den icke-spatiala kontexten, påverkar hur social interaktion och möten tar form. För att besvara detta studeras ett fall karaktäriserat utav bostadssegregation, för att närmre ge en ökad förståelse för hur den lokala kontexten påverkar de sociala interaktioner och möten som tar form inom området. I fallstudien utförs en inventering av betydande mötesplatser, genom metoder såsom intervjuer och enkätundersökningar besvarade utav de boende inom området. Genomförda intervjuer ämnar även till att skapa en förståelse för den sociala samt kulturella kontext som området verkar i. Resultatet av fallstudien visar att ett områdes lokala fysiska samt sociala och kulturella kontext, ger upphov till kraftigt skilda sociala beteenden och därmed även starkt skilda sociala strukturer och upphov till möten. Slutsatsen är vidare att den lokala kontexten noggrant måste studeras för att vidare förstå hur mötesplatser inom ett bostadssegregerat område bör utvecklas, för att effektivt fungera som ett verktyg för integration. / Residential segregation has grown more intense over the years within Sweden and is nowadays a hot topic on the political agenda. A lot of residential areas are today characterized by a homogeneous social structure in the matter of socioeconomic situation, ethnicity and demography. This study aims to study how places for meetings can be used as a tool, to further integrate segregated groups in an area of residential segregation. The aim is more specific to study how the local context, in form of the urban form, but also the non-spatial context, affects how social integration takes form. A case study of residential segregation is used to answer these questions and to further gain a better understanding of the relationship between the local context and social structures and interactions within the area. An inventory of important places for meetings takes place in the case study, by using methods such as surveys and interviews. Performed interviews will also aim to create a better understanding of the social and cultural context of the studied area. The result of the case study is proving that the social and cultural context, but also the urban form, creates substantial differences, in question of social structures and behaviours. The concluding remarks of the study is stressing the importance of thorough study of the local context, to further understand how meeting places can be better planned, to function as a tool for integration in an area of residential segregation.

Measurement of Spatial Accessibility and Disparities to Pharmacies in Lucas County and Multnomah County

Oladimeji, Abolade Issa, Oladimeji January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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