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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boendesegregationens grannskapseffekter – en studie av forskningen kring boendesegregationens konsekvenser

Sjöblom, Anton, Bengtsson, Hampus January 2011 (has links)
Forskningsämnet boendesegregation har på senare år kommit att få en allt större roll inom den svenska segregationsdiskussionen. Uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie som diskuterar hur forskare studerar och har studerat begreppet boendesegregation, hur den synliggörs, varför den uppstår och vilka konsekvenser den ha på individer.Genom att koppla ihop den rådande diskussionen kring boendesegregation, grannskapseffekter, stigmatiseringsprocesser samt blandad boendemiljö med empiriskt material från två fallstudieområden i Botkyrka Kommun, ämnar den här uppsatsen studera konsekvenser av boendesegregation.Resultatet av fallstudien och litteraturstudien har visat upp ett komplext forskningsläge där det, dels går att finna forskare som använder teorin om grannskapseffekter som utgångspunkt i sin forskning, medan det å andra sidan finns skeptiker som pekar på empiriska brister vad gäller beläggen för existensen av grannskapseffekter.I fallstudieområdena har det kunnat noteras relativt stora skillnader mellan den socioekonomiska karriären för unga vuxna i de båda områdena. Antydan till en exogen effekt av boende i områdena, har noterats, men i en studie av denna karaktären har inte ett orsakssamband mellan boendeområdet och invånarnas socioekonomiska karriär helt kunnat fastställas. / The research regarding residential segregation has in recent years come to play an increasingly large role in the debate concerning segregation in Sweden. This paper is a literature study which discusses how researchers both have studied and are studying the conceptofsegregat ion,howsegregat ionismadevisible,whyitoccursa ndwhat consequences it may bring.By connecting the current discussion of residential segregation, neighbourhood effects, stigmatisation and mixed residential environments with empirical data from two case study areas in Botkyrka Kommun in Sweden, is the intention of this paper to study the consequences of residential segregation on inhabitants.The result of the case study and the literature study has shown a complex research area, whereas you on one hand can find researchers who uses the neighbourhood effect as a basis in their research, while on the other hand there are some sceptics who points at empirical shortcomings for the evidence of the existence of neighbourhood effects.Furthermore it has been possible to detect relatively large differences between the to case study areas, when it comes to the socio-economic career of young adults. Traces of an exogenous effect have been spotted, but the study has had difficulties in proving a cause-and- effect connection between the residential area and its inhabitants socioeconomic career.

Implementation of hostel redevelopment within the city of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality

Mothotoana, Molapane Hosea 08 1900 (has links)
Most hostels are being redeveloped through the Hostel Redevelopment Programme from single sex accommodation to rental (family) units. The study was conducted on the City Deep and Nobuhle Hostel Redevelopment Projects as implemented in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (COJMM). Hostel Redevelopment Projects proved to contribute positively towards addressing the challenges and housing shortages in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province. There is a need for Government to plan other projects concurrently with the Hostel Redevelopment Projects as an attempt to deal with the displacees resulting from the Hostel Redevelopment Projects. Furthermore, there is also a need to redevelop each hostel in its totality as opposed to only a few phases of improvement. There is also a need for Government (COJMM) to design frameworks that will guide any proposed Hostel Redevelopment Project as an attempt to achieve uniformity. These frameworks need to include the management of the final product. Lastly, Government should make funding for the maintenance of public hostels available prior to hostels being redeveloped. / Public Administration / M. Tech. (Public Management)

La construction des attitudes envers les Roms : le cas français

Gagnon, Audrey 04 1900 (has links)
Représentant entre 10 et 12 millions d’individus en Europe, les Roms sont confrontés à des discriminations et à l’exclusion sociale. 40% des Européens refusent d’avoir des Roms comme voisins, alors que 70% de ceux-ci n’entretiennent même pas de contact direct avec eux dans leur vie. Face à la problématique qu’offrent ces statistiques, cette étude entend observer les mécanismes de construction des attitudes envers les Roms. Je propose d’analyser la production de ces attitudes au sein de deux milieux similaires, mais où les politiques d’intégration locales envers les Roms divergent, rendant ainsi les conditions des contacts intergroupes différent. Cette analyse part des postulats scientifiques selon lesquels l’intégration des migrants est un enjeu d’action publique locale, et que les interactions sociales de qualité structurent les attitudes des uns par rapport aux autres. Ainsi, à partir d’entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées dans les communes françaises de La Courneuve et d’Ivry-sur-Seine, je teste de manière empirique quatre théories dominantes dans le domaine des relations intergroupes: la théorie du contact, l’effet halo, l’impact des politiques locales d’intégration des immigrants et l’influence des médias. / Representing between 10 and 12 million individuals in Europe, the Roma population faces discrimination and social exclusion. 40% of Europeans refuse to have Roma as their neighbors, while 70% of them do not even have direct contact with them in their lives. Based on these observations, this study analyses how attitudes towards Roma are constructed. I propose to investigate this mechanism in two similar environments, but where local integration policies towards Roma diverge, making the conditions of intergroup contact differ. The analysis is premised on two scientific assumptions: that the integration of migrants is a local public policy issue; and that intergroup contact structures attitudes between majority and minority cultures. Thus, from semi-structured interviews in the French communes of La Courneuve and Ivry-sur-Seine, I empirically test four dominant theories in the field of intergroup relations: contact theory, the halo effect, the impact of local immigrants integration policies, and media influence.

Les effets du contexte local sur l'emploi : différentes applications sur données géo-localisées / The effect of local context on employment : different works on spatialised data

Sari, Florent 06 December 2011 (has links)
La présente thèse contribue à la littérature en économie urbaine sur les effets de quartiers en cherchant à répondre à trois questions liées : quelle est l’importance du territoire dans la sortie du chômage ? Peut-on parler d’effets de quartier en France ? Comment expliquer la géographie du chômage local ? La réponse à ces questions nécessite une démarche en plusieurs temps. D’abord, l’importance du territoire est analysée par une revue de littérature qui liste les différents mécanismes par lequel le contexte local peut influer sur l’accès à l’emploi des individus. Nous proposons également une analyse descriptive des disparités de chômage entre communes, en France et plus particulièrement en Ile-de-France. Les forts contrastes, qui se maintiennent même lorsque l’on considère la composition locale des demandeurs d’emplois, témoignent d’une relative importance du territoire.La thèse propose, par la suite, des analyses empiriques sur données individuelles pour démontrer l’existence d’effets de quartier en France. Nous montrons que la "qualité" du quartier et les caractéristiques qui lui sont propres déterminent le statut d’emploi des individus. Les individus qui vivent dans les quartiers les plus "défavorisés" ont moins de chances que les autres de trouver un emploi et lorsqu’ils en trouvent un, celui-ci est généralement de moindre qualité. Parmi les effets de quartiers observés, nous cherchons à mettre en évidence l’existence d’une discrimination liée au lieude résidence. Nous proposons des méthodologies distinctes mais complémentaires pour analyser l’effet de la réputation d’un quartier. Nous observons que cette dernière diminue les chances de trouver un emploi. Enfin, pour rendre compte de la géographie du chômage, la thèse propose différentes analyses à l’échelle de la commune et centrées sur la région Ile-de-France. L’objectif est de tester différents mécanismes évoqués dans la littérature en économie urbaine(ségrégation résidentielle, Spatial Mismatch, Skill Mismatch etc.) afin de voir lesquels sont les plus pertinents et lesquels doivent être considérés en priorité. Identifier les mécanismes en jeu est une étape nécessaire et importante pour orienter les politiques publiques qui chercheraient notamment à améliorer la situation des quartiers les plus défavorisés. / This thesis contributes to the literature in urban economics on neighborhood effects by answering three questions : What is the importance of territory in unemployment-to-work transitions ? Are there neighborhood effects in France ? How to explainunemployment geography ? Answering to these questions requires an approach in several steps. Firstly, the importance of the territory is analyzed by a literature review that lists the different mechanisms by which the local context can affect individuals’ access to employment. We also propose a descriptive analysis of unemployment disparities between municipalities in France and especially in the Paris region. The strong contrasts, which are maintained even when one considers the composition of local job-seekers, show the relative importance of the territory. Then, the thesis proposes empirical analysis on individual data to demonstrate the existence of neighborhood effects in France. We show that the "quality" of the neighborhood and its characteristics determine individuals’ employment status. Individuals who live in deprived neighborhoods are less likely than others to find a job and when they find it, it is generally of lower quality. Among the observed neighborhoods effects, we seek to highlight the existence of territorial discrimination. We propose different but complementary methodologies to analyze the effect of the reputation of a neighborhood. We observe that it decreases the chances of finding employment. Finally, in order to explain unemployment geography, the thesis proposes some analysisformunicipalities in Paris region. The objective is to test different mechanisms discussed in the literature in urban economics (residential segregation, Spatial Mismatch, emphSkill Mismatch etc.) to see which are most relevant and which should be considered a priority. Identify the mechanisms involved is a necessary and an important step to guide public policies that want to improve the situation of deprived neighborhoods.

Det ligger i deras händer : En sociologisk studie om segregationen mellan Bredäng och Mälarhöjden

Afram, Daniel, Celebi, Suleyman January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to bring out the social economic residential segregation that exists in Bredäng and in Mälarhöjden by experiences and perceptions from local residents with a qualitative research. The study will also show how these expectations forms from local residents in these districts. Both these districts take place in southern Stockholm. Bredäng, the public housing neighborhood and Mälarhöjden, the garden neighborhood are two districts that was built up during two different eras but has a social economic difference bigger than the geographic distance. The majority of the local residents in Bredäng are low incomes and have a lack of university or college education. The majority of the local residents in Mälarhöjden have a higher percentage of university graduates and the average income per year are twice the size of Bredängs resident’s. The main focus of this study will be to inquire into why the social economic elements lead to residential segregation in these districts, but also in how Mälaräng will effect on this. The main focus will be to examine why the social economic elements leads to how segregation forms from the expectations that exist. It generally occurs similar beliefs and perceptions from all respondents about these districts. The results shows that all respondents confirms that it exist social economic differences between Bredäng and Mälarhöjden with consequences that Bredäng becomes the segregated district towards to Mälarhöjden that is considered the “fancier” district with higher “status”. We have used the concept segregation that is central in this study and two theoretical points, Goffman’s identity and Elias and Scotson who writes about established and outsiders. We use the theoretical perspectives to connect the empirical part about how individuals form experiences and perceptions toward to the opposite district. We also find how identity creations forms from the categories that the individual gets. / Med hjälp av en kvalitativ undersökning är syftet med denna studie att belysa hur bostadssegregation och hur områdets invånare formar föreställningar om både sitt eget område och i jämförelse med det motsatta området. Bredäng och Mälarhöjden ligger i södra Stockholm och är de två områden som kommer att undersökas. Vidare kommer vi i studien även belysa hur dessa står i relation till varandra utifrån lokalinvånarnas upplevelser och uppfattningar. Bredäng, miljonprogramområdet och Mälarhöjden, trädgårdsstaden är två stadsdelar som byggdes under olika tidsperioder men där de socioekonomiska skillnaderna är betydligt större än det geografiska. Majoriteten av de lokala invånare i Bredäng är låginkomsttagare och saknar eftergymnasial utbildning till skillnad från Mälarhöjden där fler är högutbildade samt där årsinkomsten är det dubbla jämfört med Bredäng. Studiens främsta fokus kommer vara att undersöka varför de socioekonomiska faktorer leder till hur bostadssegregation formas utifrån de föreställningar och uppfattningar som råder. Det förekommer generellt liknande föreställningar och uppfattningar från samtliga informanter kring stadsdelarna. Resultatet visar oss att samtliga respondenter bekräftar att det råder socioekonomiska skillnader på Bredäng och Mälarhöjden där konsekvenserna blir ett segregerat område där Bredäng ses som det segregerade området gentemot Mälarhöjden som framställs som det mer ”finare” och området med högre ”status”. Till den teoretiska biten har vi använt oss av ett centralt begrepp, segregation och två teoretiska utgångspunkter varav en av Goffmans identitetsskapande och sedan även Elias och Scotson som redogör för etablerade och outsiders. Med hjälp av de teoretiska perspektiven finner vi en anknytning till det empiriska avsnittet på hur individer formar uppfattningar och föreställningar gentemot det motsatta området. Vidare finner vi även hur identitetsskapandet formas utifrån de kategorier med egenskaper man blir tilldelade.

Dynamic models of segregation / Modèles dynamiques de ségrégation

Dubois, Florent 15 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les causes et conséquences du processus de ségrégation résidentielle dans l’Afrique du Sud (AFS) post-Apartheid. Nous nous intéressons à plusieurs aspects encore débattus dans la littérature. Le premier concerne l’impact des préférences des individus pour la composition raciale de leur voisinage sur la ségrégation. Le second a trait à l’impact de la ségrégation résidentielle sur les niveaux de revenus des différents groupes raciaux. Le dernier quantifie les différentes causes de la ségrégation. Dans le premier chapitre, nous réconcilions la littérature théorique sur l’impact des préférences pour la composition raciale du voisinage avec les observations empiriques de niveaux décroissants de ségrégation aux US et en AFS. Nous soutenons l’idée que si les individus internalisent les apports économiques et sociaux de chaque nouvel arrivant dans leur voisinage alors des voisinages intégrés peuvent émerger. Cet effet est empiriquement plus fort que l’homophilie et le racisme. Dans le second chapitre, nous étudions l’impact de la ségrégation sur l’ensemble de la distribution des revenus. Nous montrons que la ségrégation a un effet positif sur les hauts revenus pour les Blancs tandis qu’elle a un effet négatif pour les Noirs au bas de la distribution. L’effet de la ségrégation est souvent plus important que l’effet de l’éducation. Enfin, dans le troisième chapitre, nous quantifions l’impact de chaque déterminant de la ségrégation. Nous trouvons que le manque d’accès aux services publics de base est le déterminant principal, alors que les différences de caractéristiques sociodémographiques ne comptent que pour une faible part pour les quartiers les plus ségrégués. / This thesis studies the causes and consequences of the residential segregation process in the post-Apartheid South Africa.Inside this general issue, we are interested in several aspects still debated in the literature on residential segregation. Thefirst concerns the impact of individuals’ preferences for the racial composition of their neighborhood on the segregationlevels. The second question deals with the impact of residential segregation on the income levels of each racial group. Thelast issue is related to quantifying the different causes of segregation.Three chapters constitute this thesis. In the first chapter, we reconcile the theoretical literature on the impact of preferencesfor the racial composition of the neighborhood with the empirical evidences of declining levels of segregation in theUnited-States and South Africa. We argue that if individuals internalize the economic and social life that a new entrantbrings with him, then integrated neighborhoods can emerge. This effect is empirically stronger than homophilly andracism. In the second chapter, we study the impact of residential segregation on the whole income distribution. We showthat residential segregation has a positif effect on top incomes for Whites, whereas it has a negatif effect for Blacks at thebottom of the distribution. The effect of residential segregation is even more important than the effect of education inmost cases. In the third chapter, we quantify the impact of each determinant of segregation. We find that the lackof access to basic public services is the main determinant, whereas differences in sociodemographics only account for asmall part in the most segregated areas.

Implementation of hostel redevelopment within the city of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality

Mothotoana, Molapane Hosea 08 1900 (has links)
Most hostels are being redeveloped through the Hostel Redevelopment Programme from single sex accommodation to rental (family) units. The study was conducted on the City Deep and Nobuhle Hostel Redevelopment Projects as implemented in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (COJMM). Hostel Redevelopment Projects proved to contribute positively towards addressing the challenges and housing shortages in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province. There is a need for Government to plan other projects concurrently with the Hostel Redevelopment Projects as an attempt to deal with the displacees resulting from the Hostel Redevelopment Projects. Furthermore, there is also a need to redevelop each hostel in its totality as opposed to only a few phases of improvement. There is also a need for Government (COJMM) to design frameworks that will guide any proposed Hostel Redevelopment Project as an attempt to achieve uniformity. These frameworks need to include the management of the final product. Lastly, Government should make funding for the maintenance of public hostels available prior to hostels being redeveloped. / Public Administration and Management / M. Tech. (Public Management)

Socio-spatial change in the post-apartheid city of Tshwane metropolitan muncipality, South Africa

Hamann, Christian 09 1900 (has links)
The premise of the research concerns negative spatial legacies and questions doubting the existence of the true post-apartheid city in South Africa. The study describes the socio-spatial structure of the functional urban core of the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (CTMM). An empirical analysis, a unique segregation-desegregation classification, a relative socio-economic classification and three continuity-discontinuity hypotheses was used to compare past and present socio-spatial characteristics. Structural racial-residential segregation is evident along with high levels of socio-economic inequality. Spatial polarisation of societal attributes has created a clear north-west and south-east divide in the study area. The study area is described as one with a central-south citadel (inhabited by the wealthy) and a dynamic periphery (diverse but relatively deprived). Current socio-spatial characteristics can be attributed to strong spatial legacies, ineffective policy interventions and underlying socio-spatial influences that inhibit true inclusivity and equality in the study area. / Geography / M. Sc. (Geography)

The socio-spatial boundaries of an 'invisible' minority : a quantitative (re)appraisal of Britain's Jewish population

Graham, David J. January 2009 (has links)
This study, located in the disciplines of human geography and demography, explores the socio-spatial boundaries encapsulating Britain’s Jewish population, particularly at micro-scales. It highlights and challenges key narratives of both Jewish and general interest relating to residential segregation, assimilation, partnership formation, exogamy and household living arrangements. It presents a critical exploration of the dual ethnic and religious components of Jewish identity, arguing that this ‘White’ group has become ethnically ‘invisible’ in British identity politics and, as a consequence, is largely overlooked. In addition, the key socio-demographic processes relating to Jewish partnership formation are addressed and a critical assessment of data pertaining to the decline of marriage, the rise of cohabitation and the vexed topic of Jewish exogamy, is presented. The analysis culminates by linking each of these issues to the micro-geographical scale of the household and develops a critical assessment of this key unit of Jewish (re)production. Jewish population change is contextualised within the framework of the second demographic transition. This deliberately quantitative study is designed to exploit a recent glut of data relating to Jews in Britain. It interrogates specially commissioned tables from Britain’s 2001 Census as well as four separate communal survey data sources. It highlights and challenges recent geographical critiques of quantitative methodologies by presenting a rigorous defence of quantification in post-‘cultural turn’ human geography. It emphasises the importance and relevance of this fruitful shift in geographical thought to quantitative methods and describes the role quantification can now play in the discipline. Above all, it synthesises two disparate sets of literature: one relating to geographical work on identity and segregation, and the other to work on the identity, demography and cultural practices of Jews. As a result, this thesis inserts the largely neglected ethno-religious Jewish case into the broader geographical literature whilst developing a critical quantitative spatial agenda for the study of Jews.

Socio-spatial change in the post-apartheid City of Tshwane metropolitan municipality, South Africa

Hamann, Christian 09 1900 (has links)
The premise of the research concerns negative spatial legacies and questions doubting the existence of the true post-apartheid city in South Africa. The study describes the socio-spatial structure of the functional urban core of the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (CTMM). An empirical analysis, a unique segregation-desegregation classification, a relative socio-economic classification and three continuity-discontinuity hypotheses was used to compare past and present socio-spatial characteristics. Structural racial-residential segregation is evident along with high levels of socio-economic inequality. Spatial polarisation of societal attributes has created a clear north-west and south-east divide in the study area. The study area is described as one with a central-south citadel (inhabited by the wealthy) and a dynamic periphery (diverse but relatively deprived). Current socio-spatial characteristics can be attributed to strong spatial legacies, ineffective policy interventions and underlying socio-spatial influences that inhibit true inclusivity and equality in the study area. / Geography / M. Sc. (Geography)

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