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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王淑妮, Wang, Shu Ni Unknown Date (has links)
居民為都市生活之主體,因此,居住環境品質之衡量除必需以居民之主觀感受為出發點外,居住環境之客觀綜合評估亦是必需納入考量方是一完整之架構。過去相關研究之實證分析受限於技術之層面多未能將空間資訊納入整合考量,例如公共設施可及性,因此,評估結果實不甚完整,而地理資訊系統結合空間與屬性資料之綜合性分析,正是解決此類問題之強有力工具。   因此,本研究從居住者之角度出發,以主計處「台灣地區住宅狀況調查報告」中對住宅狀況之抽樣調查為主,結合地理資訊系統對鄰里環境之評估,涵蓋主客觀因素建立居住環境品質指標,進行台北市居住實質環境之評估工作,期使評估結果能作為政府住宅政策之擬訂及住宅資源分配之參考;並以評估結果與房價及居民居住滿意度做交叉分析,以作為改善或提昇居住環境品質之方向。   居住環境品質評估之結果,各樣本里之品質分數差距不大。整體而言,以松山區及中山區樣本里居住環境品質較佳,而以南港區樣本里居住環境品質較差。   居住環境品質、房價與居民居住滿意度之交叉分析結果:在高房價地區,居住環境品質與居民居住滿意度兩者間有較高之一致性;在低房價地區,居住環境品質與居民居住滿意度兩者間之關係則較不明顯。

Gyvenamosios aplinkos mažuose miesteliuose tyrimas darnos ir gyvenimo kokybės aspektais / Research of Residential Environment in Small Towns in Harmoniousness and Living Quality Aspects

Gečaitė, Auksė 21 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe buvo nagrinėjama darnaus vystymosi ir gyvenimo kokybės sąvokų bei jų vertinimui naudojamų rodiklių, tyrimų metodų įvairovė. Remiantis atliktų apklausų bei taikyto ekspertinio metodo rezultatais buvo sukurtas bendras mažų miestelių gyvenamosios aplinkos tyrimams tinkantis prioritetinis vertinimo modelis. Naudojantis daugiakriterinio metodo SAW rezultatais ArcGIS programos aplinkoje buvo pavaizduotas gyvenimo kokybės bei gyvenamosios aplinkos lygis tiriamo miestelio skirtingose dalyse (toks vaizdavimas atskleidžia problemiškiausias miestelio puses bei parodo, į kokius rodiklius reikia atkreipti didžiausią dėmesį). Pateikiami galimi sprendimo būdai gyvenimo kokybės pagerinimui. Darbą sudaro analitinė ir grafinė dalys. Analitinę dalį sudaro 76 psl. be priedų, 39 paveikslai, 9 lentelės, 5 priedai, 51 panaudotas literatūros ir informacinis šaltinis. Grafinę dalį sudaro 3 brėžiniai: Kaltinėnų miestelio esamos būklės brėžinys M 1:5000, Kaltinėnų miestelio gyvenamosios aplinkos įvertinimo brėžinys (Esama būklė) M 1:5000, Kaltinėnų miestelio gyvenamosios aplinkos įvertinimo brėžinys (Sprendiniai) M 1:5000. / Sustainable development and living quality concepts, research methods and indicators used for their assessment is being analyzed by this thesis. On the basis of conducted surveys and expert method results a priority assessment model suitable for small town residential environment research was developed. While using the multicriterial SAW method results the quality of living and residential environment level was graphically shown in ArcGIS (this drawing provides data about the most problematic parts of the towns and shows which indicators should be given the most attention). The possible solutions for life quality improvement are given. The analytical part consists of 76 pages without annexes, 39 pictures, 9 tables, 5 annexes and 51 literature sources were used. The graphical part consists of 3 plans: The plan of the present situation of Kaltinenai M 1:5000, The plan of the residential environment assessment of Kaltinenai (Present situation) M 1:5000, The plan of the residential environment assessment of Kaltinenai (Solutions) M 1:5000.

Větrání a chlazení bytu v panelovém domě / Ventilation and cooling system for an apartment in block of flats

Uřičář, Filip January 2019 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis deals with the design of ventilation and cooling of an under roof flat in a tenement building, built in the 1980s, and consists of five main parts. Within the first main part, the thesis is dedicated to the research of the current state of knowledge in the area ofventilation and cooling of residential premises, secondly, there is a detailed description of a particular flat, thirdly, the calculation for the optimal design of ventilation and cooling are made and, in the fourth part, suggested solutions are proposed with the following evaluation of them including the overall summary. The design of ventilation and cooling was carried out according to the design procedures with respect to the relevant standards and optimized to achieve the desired effect with respect to the requirements of the owner of a housing unit. As a solution, the ventilation of a flat by the Jablotron Futura´s ventilating unit and three variants of a flat cooling were proposed. After the evaluation of all cooling variants, the Sinclair´s multisplit system of cooling was chosen as the most suitable one.

Kriminalita a její percepce v městském prostředí / Crime and its perception in urban environment

Jíchová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Jana Jíchová: Crime and its Perception in Urban Environment ABSTRACT Crime is an important social phenomenon that affects many aspects of the functioning of society and the life of every person. It also represents an important interdisciplinary topic that deals with a number of disciplines, including geography. Logically, there is a thematic and methodological overlap; each of the sciences emphasize on different aspects of crime, using various methods and research approaches, interpretations, and therefore contributes to the knowledge of crime differently. The importance of geography is particularly in the enrichment of the crime research on spatial dimension and contributes to its cognition through analysis of the distribution of crime and studies of perception of crime. Although this type of studies is well established in Western crime research, in the Czech geography is paid to them only little attention. This doctoral thesis introduces geography of crime in the Czech context, discusses its theoretical and methodological developments and its applicability and application in our cities.. More emphasis is put on the concept of fear of crime, which constitutes an essential component of feeling of safety affecting daily life, the use of urban space and spatial mobility of individuals. Better understanding of...

容積移轉接受基地居住環境品質改變認知與政策滿意度之研究-以新北市中和地區為例 / A Study of Cognitive and Policy Satisfaction of the Residential Environment Quality Changes in the Transfer Development Right Receiving Area - A Case Study of Zhong He District in New Taipei City

高筱菁, Kao, Hsiao Ching Unknown Date (has links)
在都市發展環境當中,居住環境品質取決於居住者本身之感受程度,可分為內部環境及外部空間結構,內部環境係指針對居住者本身所在的生活圈裡,外部空間結構則多半為公共設施的鄰近程度、交通便利性及嫌惡設施等因素,世界衛生組織曾於1961年世界衛生報告中提出理想居住環境為安全性、健康性、便利性、舒適性等基本理念,經由探索性、驗證性因素,分析彙整出解釋社區居民對居住環境品質之衡量著力點在於實體性、社區服務與管理、現代化等三大方面,因此居民感受度是與前開四種基本理念相呼應的。 在針對居住環境品質與社區滿意度相關文獻探討後發現,居住環境品質多與社區滿意度有關聯,顯示在建構生活品質模式應先將領域分群,透過客觀、認知及評估因子,即可呈現各領域的滿意度。 為解決公共設施保留地取得、歷史建築物保存及公共開放空間之提供等議題,我國開始實施容積移轉制度,主要目的為追求環境寧適、健全實質建設、保留彈性立法規則及民眾參與,惟接受基地在注入原基準容積後,其鄰近居民之居住環境品質是否受到影響及衝擊,為本研究所關注之重點;本研究係探討容積移轉制度實行迄今,接受基地容積移轉案件在興建完成後,對週邊土地所帶來之影響。 本研究以容積移轉接受基地興建前後對居住環境品質之問卷調查,以新北市中和地區之接受基地周邊住民作為受訪對象,以因素分析、結構方程模式為分析方法,以五大變數-接受基地興建前既有環境滿意度、接受基地興建後正面環境改善、接受基地興建後負面改變影響、容積移轉政策修正建議及其政策滿意度進行模式驗證;研究結果發現既有環境滿意度對負面改變影響、政策修正建議呈正向影響,對正面環境改善、政策滿意度呈負向影響,另負面改變影響、政策修正建議則具有著之中介效果,該研究可作為未來推動容積移轉制度辦理之修正建議。 / In the urban development environment, living environment quality depends on how residents feel. It can be divided into internal and external spatial structure environments. The internal environment refers to living areas where the residents themselves reside; the external spatial structures are mostly the proximity, accessibility and distaste factors of public facilities. The World Health Organization’s 1961 World Health Report proposed the basic concept of the ideal living environment for safety, health, convenience, comfort, etc. They compiled an analysis of the environmental community to explain the measure of the quality of living through exploratory, confirmatory factors. The analysis compiled an explanation of the way community residents measure environmental quality. The focal point lies in the three aspects of modernization: physical properties, community service and management. Therefore residents' susceptibility echoes the former four basic philosophies. In regards to the quality of living environment and community satisfaction, after disscussing relevant literature, we found that the quality of living environment correlate with community satisfaction interaction. This shows that during the construction of life quality models, domain clustering should first take place, then go through the analysis of objective factors, perceived factors, evaluated factors before presenting various domains of satisfaction. However, to address topics on land reserved for the public infrastructure, topics on historical building preservation and public open space topics, Taiwan began to implement transferable development rights control. The main goal of this system was to pursue environmental quality, improve substantive construction, maintain the flexibility of legislative rules and promote public participation. However, the main concern of this study is whether or not the environmental living quality of nearby residents' was affected after the development rights of the receiving area received incremental development rights and built high-rise buildings. This study mainly dicusses ways to implement the so far accepted transferable development rights case after construction is complete, and the effects brought on by the surrounding land. This study looks at environmental quality before and after transferable development rights acceptance and construction. A questionnaire was designed for this study and was administered to local residents of the Zhong-he, New Taipei City development rights receiving area as target respondents. This study was conducted by way of factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. Five variables were proposed, which are variables of nearby residents of the development rights receiving area regarding environmental satisfaction before construction; variables of nearby residents having positive evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents having negative evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy amendment; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy satisfaction, to conduct a model confirmatory. The results show that environmental satisfaction variables have a positive impact on negative evaluation variables and policy amendment variables, but have a negative impact on positive evaluation variables and policy satisfaction. In addition, negative evaluation variables have indirect effects on policy amendments. This study can be used as a reference for the implementation of the transferable development rights system in handling amendments in the future.

Sídliště Lesná v kontextu času / Block housing estate Lesna in context of time

Guzdek, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
Brno Lesna is ranked among the most highly regarded housing estates in Czechoslovakia ever since it was built in the 1960s. Mainly due to its ideal location at southern slopes around natural ravine and timeless urban design. This settlement at the time also constituted the most perfect realization of the current method of construction in our country. It was fully functional and completely finished even before first residents moved in. However, cultivated expression of housing architecture was recently severely affected by inappropriate revitalization. Change of ownership after the events of November 1989 also opened the way for development companies desiring to open spaces to build new apartment buildings. Original inhabitants, though, fight against it and seek for protection of whole settlement as heritage.

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