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Histologický odhad dožitého věku jedince ze spálené a nespálené kompaktní kosti lidského žebra. / The histological estimation of the age-at-death of an individual from the burned and unburned compact bone of the human rib.Absolonová, Karolína January 2012 (has links)
The content of the presented dissertation work is the study of the histological structure of the burned and unburned compact bone of the human rib. The aim was to evaluate the effects of the differently high cremation temperatures on the structure of the bone tissue, and, on the basis of these findings, to design an applicable methodology for the estimation of the age-at-death of an unknown individual. As the research material the recent human ribs were used, belonging to the individuals of known age-at-death, sex and cause of death. The skeletal samples were experimentally burned under the beforehand set conditions. Every bone was divided into several pieces; one of them remained unburned, and the other were burned at the temperatures of 600, 700, 800 and 1000řC. From burned and unburned bone samples the undecalcified and unstained cross- sections were made, which were microscopically analysed under the magnification of 100×. The histological analysis was performed in the digital microphotographs using the SigmaScan Pro 5 image analysis programme. In each cross-section in total 28 variables were studied, and obtained histomorphometric data were statistically processed using the Statistica 6 programme. The result of the research is the description of the changes of histological structures caused by...
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Analyse de l'influence des paramètres structuraux et fonctionnels d'une cage thoracique sous chargement dynamique a l'aide d'un modèle simplifiéYoussef, Michel 11 October 2012 (has links)
En Union Européenne les accidents frontaux font 28% des accidents routiers et sont responsables de 49% de mortalité, les fractures thoraciques étant la cause principale de décès. Les modèles en éléments finis du corps humain sont un outil important pour la simulation de chocs réels et la prédiction des risques d'endommagement. Cette thèse a permis de développer un modèle simple en éléments finis de la cage thoracique suffisamment souple d'utilisation et facilement paramétrable. Ce modèle est validé expérimentalement avant d'être utilisé pour une étude paramétrique. Cette étude a permis de caractériser l'influence de différents paramètres structurels et géométriques sur le comportement de la cage thoracique sous chargement dynamique. Le travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse est divisé en trois parties : Modélisation de la cage thoracique entière avec des éléments finis de type poutre dont les propriétés mécaniques sont déterminées à partir d'essais de flexion trois points sur des segments de côtes et complétées par des éléments de la littérature, Validation du modèle dont les résultats sont suffisamment proches des résultats des essais de chargement dynamique antéro-postérieur menés par Vezin et Berthet [Vez09], Etude paramétrique sur l'influence paramètres, géométrie des sections droites et géométrie globale de la cage thoracique (inclinaison des côtes, forme et taille globale de la cage thoracique). A partir de cette étude nous trouvons que le module d'Young et l'épaisseur du cortical ont une influence identique sur la raideur globale de la cage thoracique ainsi que sur la rotation et la déformation des côtes. Avec l'augmentation de ces deux paramètres la rigidité du thorax augmente et le taux de compression maximal diminue. D'autre part les côtes tournent plus et se déforment moins. La raideur des liaisons costo-verterbales a une influence directe sur la rotation latérale qui diminue avec l'augmentation de cette raideur alors que les déformations augmentent ; tandis que la raideur globale de la cage thoracique est légèrement modifiée. L'inclinaison des côtes est le facteur ayant la plus grande influence sur la déformation des côtes et donc sur le risque d'endommagement : plus les côtes sont proches de la direction de chargement la raideur de la cage thoracique augmente et la déformation des côtes augmente / In the European Union, 28% of road accidents are frontal impacts which provoke 49% of fatalities where the thoracic fractures are the main cause of death. The finite element models of the human body are an important tool for the simulation of real impacts and the prediction of damage. This thesis has led to develop a rib cage simplified finite element model sufficiently flexible and easily customizable. First, this model is experimentally validated and then used in a parametric study. This study allowed us to characterize the influence of different structural and geometric parameters on the behavior of the rib cage under dynamic loading. This work is divided into three parts : Modeling the rib cage using beam elements whose mechanical properties are determined by three-point bending tests on rib segments and supplemented from literature, Validating the model by simulating the anteroposterior dynamic loading tests led by Vezin and Berthet [Vez09], Performing a parametric study on the influence of the mechanical parameters (Young modulus, stiffness of costo-vertebral joints), the geometry of the rib sections and the overall geometry of the rib cage (ribs slope, shape and overall size of the rib cage). This study permitted to find that Young modulus and the thickness of the cortical have the same influence on the overall stiffness of the chest as well as on the rotation and deformation of the ribs. By increasing these parameters, the stiffness of the chest increases and the maximum compression ratio decreases. Besides, we'll find more rotation and less deformation of the ribs. The stiffness of the costoverterbal joints has a direct influence on the lateral rotation : it will decrease by increasing of the stiffness while deformation will increase. However, the overall stiffness of the chest is slightly modified by modifying the costovertebral joint stiffness. The initial inclination of the ribs accordingly to the load direction has the greatest influence on the deformation of the ribs and therefore on the damage risk. When the ribs are closer to the loading direction, the stiffness of the rib cage and the deformation of the ribs increases
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Experimental Study of Turbulent Flow over Inclined Ribs in Adverse Pressure GradientTsikata, Jonathan Mawuli 20 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis is an experimental study of turbulent flows over smooth and rough walls in a channel that consists of an upstream parallel section to produce a fully developed channel flow and a diverging section to produce an adverse pressure gradient (APG) flow. The roughness elements used were two-dimensional square ribs of nominal height k = 3 mm. The ribs were secured to the lower wall of the channel and spaced to produce the following three pitches: 2k, 4k and 8k, corresponding to d-type, intermediate and k-type rough walls, respectively. For each rough wall type, the ribs were inclined at 90°, 45° and 30° to the approach flow. The velocity measurements were performed using a particle image velocimetry technique.
The results showed that rib roughness enhanced the drag characteristics, and the degree of enhancement increased with increasing pitch. The level of turbulence production and Reynolds stresses were significantly increased by roughness beyond the roughness sublayer. It was observed that the population, sizes and the level of organization of hairpin vortices varied with roughness and more intense quadrant events were found over the smooth wall than the rough walls.
APG reinforced wall roughness in augmenting the equivalent sand grain roughness height, turbulence production and Reynolds stresses. APG also reduced the sizes of the hairpin packets but strengthened the quadrant events in comparison to the results obtained in the parallel section.
The secondary flow induced by inclined ribs significantly altered the distributions of the flow characteristics across the span of the channel. Generally, the mean flow was less uniform close to the trailing edge of the ribs compared to the flows at the mid-span and close to the leading edge of the ribs. The Reynolds stresses and hairpin packets were distinctly larger close to the trailing edge of the ribs. Rib inclination also decreased the drag characteristics and significantly modified the distributions of the Reynolds stresses and quadrant events. In the parallel section, the physical sizes of the hairpin packets were larger over 45° ribs whereas in the diverging section, the sizes were larger over perpendicular ribs.
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Experimental Study of Turbulent Flow over Inclined Ribs in Adverse Pressure GradientTsikata, Jonathan Mawuli 20 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis is an experimental study of turbulent flows over smooth and rough walls in a channel that consists of an upstream parallel section to produce a fully developed channel flow and a diverging section to produce an adverse pressure gradient (APG) flow. The roughness elements used were two-dimensional square ribs of nominal height k = 3 mm. The ribs were secured to the lower wall of the channel and spaced to produce the following three pitches: 2k, 4k and 8k, corresponding to d-type, intermediate and k-type rough walls, respectively. For each rough wall type, the ribs were inclined at 90°, 45° and 30° to the approach flow. The velocity measurements were performed using a particle image velocimetry technique.
The results showed that rib roughness enhanced the drag characteristics, and the degree of enhancement increased with increasing pitch. The level of turbulence production and Reynolds stresses were significantly increased by roughness beyond the roughness sublayer. It was observed that the population, sizes and the level of organization of hairpin vortices varied with roughness and more intense quadrant events were found over the smooth wall than the rough walls.
APG reinforced wall roughness in augmenting the equivalent sand grain roughness height, turbulence production and Reynolds stresses. APG also reduced the sizes of the hairpin packets but strengthened the quadrant events in comparison to the results obtained in the parallel section.
The secondary flow induced by inclined ribs significantly altered the distributions of the flow characteristics across the span of the channel. Generally, the mean flow was less uniform close to the trailing edge of the ribs compared to the flows at the mid-span and close to the leading edge of the ribs. The Reynolds stresses and hairpin packets were distinctly larger close to the trailing edge of the ribs. Rib inclination also decreased the drag characteristics and significantly modified the distributions of the Reynolds stresses and quadrant events. In the parallel section, the physical sizes of the hairpin packets were larger over 45° ribs whereas in the diverging section, the sizes were larger over perpendicular ribs.
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Behaviour and Design of Sandwich Panels Subject to Local Buckling and Flexural Wrinkling EffectsPokharel, Narayan January 2003 (has links)
Sandwich panels comprise a thick, light-weight plastic foam such as polyurethane, polystyrene or mineral wool sandwiched between two relatively thin steel faces. One or both steel faces may be flat, lightly profiled or fully profiled. Until recently sandwich panel construction in Australia has been limited to cold-storage buildings due to the lack of design methods and data. However, in recent times, its use has increased significantly due to their widespread structural applications in building systems. Structural sandwich panels generally used in Australia comprise of polystyrene foam core and thinner (0.42 mm) and high strength (minimum yield stress of 550 MPa and reduced ductility) steel faces bonded together using separate adhesives. Sandwich panels exhibit various types of buckling behaviour depending on the types of faces used. Three types of buckling modes can be observed which are local buckling of plate elements of fully profiled faces, flexural wrinkling of flat and lightly profiled faces and mixed mode buckling of lightly profiled faces due to the interaction of local buckling and flexural wrinkling. To study the structural performance and develop appropriate design rules for sandwich panels, all these buckling failure modes have to be investigated thoroughly. A well established analytical solution exists for the design of flat faced sandwich panels, however, the design solutions for local buckling of fully profiled sandwich panels and mixed mode buckling of lightly profiled sandwich panels are not adequate. Therefore an extensive research program was undertaken to investigate the local buckling behaviour of fully profiled sandwich panels and the mixed mode buckling behaviour of lightly profiled sandwich panels. The first phase of this research was based on a series of laboratory experiments and numerical analyses of 50 foam-supported steel plate elements to study the local buckling behaviour of fully profiled sandwich panels made of thin steel faces and polystyrene foam core covering a wide range of b/t ratios. The current European design standard recommends the use of a modified effective width approach to include the local buckling effects in design. However, the experimental and numerical results revealed that this design method can predict reasonable strength for sandwich panels with low b/t ratios (< 100), but it predicts unconservative strengths for panels with slender plates (high b/t ratios). The use of sandwich panels with high b/t ratios is very common in practical design due to the increasing use of thinner and high strength steel plates. Therefore an improved design rule was developed based on the numerical results that can be used for fully profiled sandwich panels with any practical b/t ratio up to 600. The new improved design rule was validated using six full-scale experiments of profiled sandwich panels and hence can be used to develop safe and economical design solutions. The second phase of this research was based on a series of laboratory experiments and numerical analyses on lightly profiled sandwich panels to study the mixed mode buckling behaviour due to the interaction of local buckling and flexural wrinkling. The current wrinkling formula, which is a simple modification of the methods utilized for flat panels, does not consider the possible interaction between these two buckling modes. As the rib depth and width of flat plates between the ribs increase, flat plate buckling can occur leading to the failure of the entire panel due to the interaction between local buckling and wrinkling modes. Experimental and numerical results from this research confirmed that the current wrinkling formula for lightly profiled sandwich panels based on the elastic half-space method is inadequate in its present form. Hence an improved equation was developed based on validated finite element analysis results to take into account the interaction of the two buckling modes. This new interactive buckling formula can be used to determine the true value of interactive buckling stress for safe and economical design of lightly profiled sandwich panels. This thesis presents the details of experimental investigations and finite element analyses conducted to study the local buckling behaviour of fully profiled sandwich panels and the mixed mode buckling behaviour of lightly profiled sandwich panels. It includes development and validation of suitable numerical and experimental models, and the results. Current design rules are reviewed and new improved design rules are developed based on the results from this research.
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Polymer integrated Young interferometers for label-free biosensing applicationsWang, M. (Meng) 13 November 2012 (has links)
Integrated optical (IO) sensor allowing sensitive, label-free, real-time and multi-parameter monitoring of bio-molecular interactions are conventionally fabricated with inorganic dielectrics inherited from CMOS manufacturing technology. Polymers as complement materials to inorganic dielectrics are becoming to have an increasing market share for IO circuits in optical communications networks owing to its good optical properties, versatile processibility and low cost. This work aims at developing disposable low-cost biosensors based mainly on polymeric materials, with a performance comparable to inorganic-dielectric based IO biosensors.
This thesis describes the development of polymer IO biosensors based on the Young interferometer (YI) transducer platform for ambient noise compensation and a complete periodic intensity fringe pattern. Three different waveguide configurations were utilized, taking into consideration operational simplicity, fabrication simplicity and enhanced sensitivity. Among the developed polymer biosensors, an unconventional interferometer structure: a vertically placed dual-slab waveguide interferometer and an inverted rib waveguide configuration were employed. To enhance the sensitivity of the waveguides, deposition of Ta2O5 high index coating was performed on the rib waveguide configuration. Along with the development of polymer biosensors based on the inverted-rib waveguide configuration, a fabrication process was also developed featuring UV-imprinting and spin coating. The simple two-step fabrication process demonstrated using a polymer mold is potentially transferable to the roll-to-roll manufacture process.
Calibration of the developed sensors was performed by homogeneous refractive index (RI) sensing with glucose de-ionized water solutions. By investigating an antibody – antigen binding interaction involving C-reactive protein and its conjugates, this thesis confirmed the applicability of the developed sensors to specific molecule detection. Moreover, to establish the influence of water molecular absorption on measurement stability, an evaluation was carried out on the polymeric waveguide. Finally, the thesis presented a comparison between the developed sensors, exploring their sensitivities, stabilities, limits of detection (LODs) and other aspects related to operation and fabrication. The results indicated that the Ta2O5-coated polymer waveguide sensor had a high sensing capability. In homogeneous RI sensing, the achieved detection limits were 9×10-7 RIU (refractive index unit), i.e., three times the noise level, and 270 fg/mm2 for surface mass density. / Tiivistelmä
Integroidulla optiikalla toteutetut anturit mahdollistavat biomolekulaarisen vuorovaikutuksen tutkimisen käyttäen herkkiä moniparametrisia ja merkkiaineettomia menetelmiä. Näiden bioantureiden valmistukseen käytetään tavallisesti CMOS-teknologian piiristä tuttuja epäorgaanisia puolijohteita ja eristemateriaaleja. Viime aikoina on kuitenkin polymeeristen materiaalien käyttöä integroidussa optiikassa tutkittu merkittävästi johtuen polymeerien hyvistä optisista ominaisuuksista, monipuolisesta työstettävyydestä ja edullisista kustannuksista. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on kehittää edullisia, kertakäyttöisiä, pääasiallisesti polymeerisistä materiaaleista valmistettuja bioantureita, jotka vastaavat suorituskyvyltään epäorgaanisista materiaaleista valmistettuja integroidun optiikan antureita.
Tässä työssä kehitetyt polymeeriset integroidun optiikan bioanturit perustuvat Youngin interferometriin mahdollistaen ympäristökohinan kompensoinnin ja ne tuottavat pintavuorovaikutusten tutkimiseen jaksoittaisen interferenssikuvion. Työssä hyödynnettiin kolmea erilaista valokanavarakennetta huomioiden niiden käytön helppous, valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus ja mittausherkkyys. Yksi kehitetyistä polymeerisistä bioantureista koostui päällekkäisistä kerrostetuista polymeerikerroksista. Toisen tutkitun rakenteen toiminta puolestaan perustui käänteiseen harjannevalokanavaan. Mittausherkkyyttä parannettiin pinnoittamalla polymeerirakenne Ta2O5-pinnoitteella. Näin muodostui kerrostettu komposiittivalokanava, joka oli tässä työssä tutkittu kolmas sensorirakenne. Itse bioanturien lisäksi kehitettiin myös valmistusprosessi, jossa hyödynnettiin UV-painatusta ja nestefaasipinnoitusta. Tässä työssä havaittiin lisäksi, että kehitetty yksinkertainen valmistusmenetelmä on paitsi toimiva, myös mahdollisesti siirrettävissä rullalta rullalle valmistus- ja tuotantoteknologiaan.
Kehitettyjen anturien kalibrointi suoritettiin homogeenisella taitekerroinmittauksella käyttäen liuoksia, jotka valmistettiin glukoosista ja deionisoidusta vedestä. Kehitettyjen anturien soveltuvuus spesifien molekyylien tunnistamista varten todennettiin tutkimalla vasta-aineiden ja antigeenien sitoutumisreaktioita ja vuorovaikutusta C-reaktiivisella proteiinilla ja sen konjugaateilla. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin veden absorption vaikutusta mittauksen stabiilisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa suoritettiin vertailu kehitettyjen anturien ja niiden ominaisuuksien välillä kiinnittäen huomiota mittausherkkyyteen, stabiilisuuteen, määritys- ja toteamisrajoihin ja muihin anturien valmistukseen sekä käyttöön liittyviin keskeisiin piirteisiin. Tulokset osoittavat, että Ta2O5-pinnoitetun polymeerivalokanavan mittausherkkyys oli suurin vertailluista rakenteista. Homogeenisessä taitekerroinmittauksessa saavutettu määritys- ja toteamisraja oli 9×10-7 taitekerroinyksikköä (RIU). Pintamassatiheysmittauksessa saavuttu tulos oli 270 fg/mm2.
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En jämförelse mellan KL-trä och betong som bjälklagssystem : Ett experiment med multikriterieanalys / A Comparison Between CLT-wood and Concrete as a Structrural Floor System : An Experiment with Multicritery AnalasysGustavsson, Anton, Gudjonsson, Julius January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Miljömedvetet och prisvärt byggande har länge varit två uttryck som använts ibyggbranschen. Betong har använts och är väl beprövat. Trä och framförallt KL-trä ärdäremot ett material som växt fram det senaste decenniet. Frågan är, när är det bäst attbygga med de olika materialen och vad är materialens respektive klimatavtryck? Målet med denna rapport är att jämföra två bjälklagssystem, ett i KL-trä och ett i betong, utifrån ett sammanvägt kostnads-, dimensions- och miljöperspektiv och hur de förhåller sig mellan spännvidderna fyra, sex och åtta meter. ▪ Hur stor är den procentuella kostnadsskillnaden mellan dessa bjälklagssystem? ▪ Hur stor är den procentuella skillnaden i koldioxidutsläpp under produktionen avdessa bjälklagssystem ▪ Hur stor är den procentuella dimensionsskillnaden mellan dessa bjälklagssystem? ▪ Vilket bjälklagssystem är det bästa valet utifrån en multikriterieanalys? Metod: Studien består av flera experiment för att få ut empiri till en kvotmätning.Denna metod användes för att få fram primärdata till arbetet.Sekundärdata samlades in via dokumentstudier av lagar och krav för byggnation inombrand, ljud och dimensionering. Resultat: Studien visar resultaten av en jämförelse mellan bjälklagssystem med olikamaterial och spännvidder. En multikriterieanalys används för att rangordna resultatenför att visa det mest fördelaktiga alternativet. Konsekvenser: Vid användning av KL-trä bör dimensionering tas i beaktande dådimensionerna blir relativt stora jämfört med betong. Kostnaden av materialen skiljersig markant. Detta speglar dock inte totalkostnad då produktion, leveranser, montering,etcetera ej är medräknat. Att använda en multikriterieanalys vid jämförelser ger entydlig bild på fördelaktigt alternativ samt hur stor skillnad det är mellan alternativen. Begränsningar: Då det endast är en del i totalkostnaden som berörs speglar interesultatet rättvis kostnadsbild och kan därför inte användas som referenspunkt. Resultatfungerar endast som ett hjälpmedel vid delberäkning av totalkostnad. Nyckelord: Betong, KL-trä, Plattbärlag, Plattbjälklag, Kassettbjälklag,Multikriterieanalys, Dimensionering, Kostnad, Koldioxidutsläpp / Purpose: Environmental and affordable construction has long been two terms used in theconstruction industry. Concrete has been used and is well proven. Wood and especiallyCLT wood, on the other hand, is a material that has emerged in the last decade. The questionis, when is it best to build with the different materials and what are their respective climatefootprints? The aim of this report is to compare two structural floor systems, one in CLT wood and onein concrete, based on a balanced cost, dimension and environmental perspective and howthey relate between the spans of four, six and eight meters. ▪ What is the percentage cost difference between these structural floor systems? ▪ What is the percentage difference in carbon dioxide emissions during theproduction of these structural floor systems? ▪ What is the percentage dimensional difference between these structural floorsystems? ▪ Which structural floor system is the best choice based on a multi-criteria decisionanalysis? Method: The study consists of several experiments to obtain empirical data for a quotameasurement. This method was used to obtain primary data for the work. To obtain secondary data consisting of standards, calculation models and requirements, adocument study was used. Secondary data were collected via document studies of laws and requirements forconstruction in fire, acoustics and dimensioning. Findings: The study shows the results of a comparison between structural floor systemswith different materials and spans. A multi-criteria decision analysis is used to rank theresults to show the most advantageous alternative. Implications: When using CLT-wood, dimensioning should be taken into account as thedimensions will be relatively large compared to concrete. The cost of the materials differsmarkedly. However, this does not reflect the total cost as production, deliveries, assembly,etcetera are not included. Using a multi-criteria decision analysis in comparisons gives aclear picture of a favorable alternative and how large a difference there is between thealternatives. Limitations: As only a part of the total cost is affected, the result does not reflect a faircost picture and can therefore not be used as a reference point. The results only serve as anaid in the partial calculation of total cost. Keywords: Concrete, CLT-wood, Prefabricated Concrete Slab Joist, CLT Flat Joist,Rib Elements, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Cost, Carbon Dioxide Emissions
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Železobetonová konstrukce / The reinforced concrete structure of elementary schoolBenešová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the design and evaluation of the concrete monolithic ceiling slab in the shape of semicircular ring, ribs lining this plate and skylights. The result is static calculation and drawing documentation.
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Statické řešení železobetonové konstrukce / Static solution of reinforced concrete structureMašek, Petr January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with study of feasibility of waterpark monolithic reinforced concrete structure with roof terrace. This structure has one underground floor, which has water park utility function and two above ground floors. On the roof is terrace with grass, mobile bar and with space to relax. Subject of this diploma thesis is the main loadbearing frame, which has span 32 m. The structure is assessed according to limit states of valid norms and also takes into account construction stages and time dependent analysis. The structure is calculated on beam and slab-plate structural models. Structural analysis and general drawings are done.
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Návrh lávky přes silnici I/11 v Ostravě / Design of footbridge over I / 11 road in OstravaMikhno, Yevgeniy January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is variant design and assessment of loadbearing structure of steel footbridge over I/11 route. Main superstructure will have two steel arched beams joined with lower orthotropic deck using suspenders in the „V“ shape. For assessment of superstructure a three-dimensional structural computational model was created in software Dlubal RFEM 5.20. The span of the footbridge is 48,71 m, free width is 4 m, height is 7,5 m. The structure was designed according to currently valid standarts to the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state. Supporting elements are designed from steel of class S355.
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