Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ripening."" "subject:"dispening.""
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n Studie van die mikro-organimes geassosieerd met die blomme en rypwordende korrels van 'n aantal druiwevarieteiteDu Plessis, L. de W. (Ludwig de Wet) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1959. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming
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Carotenoid and chlorophyll content of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot grapes during ripening with reference to variability in grapevine water status and vigourKamffer, Zindi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Previous research has shown that carotenoids are precursors of C13-norisoprenoid aroma
compounds in wine. C13-norisoprenoids have low threshold values in wine with the most
prominent C13-norisoprenoids being β-damascanone and β-ionone which contribute honey and
floral like aroma to wine. Chlorophyll and its derivates have also been detected in wine with
potential to be precursors to aroma compounds.
Apart from the contribution of these pigments to wine aroma and quality they are vital role
players in photosynthesis and are widely found in plants and plant products. The main functions
of these pigments in plants are light collection and light-protection.
Research has shown that environmental conditions, climate, light exposure of bunches and
soil water deficit influence the carotenoid content of grape berries. Furthermore the
concentration of carotenoids and chlorophylls has also been shown to differ between cultivars.
No research in this regard has been done on Merlot grape berries.
With this in mind, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of vigour and soil water
content on the evolution of carotenoids and chlorophylls through ripening of grape berries from
the cv. Merlot. However, when looking at methods to analyse carotenoids and chlorophylls in
berry tissue, especially lyophilised tissue, there were no readily available methods. Thus, an
extraction method to identify and quantify the carotenoid and chlorophyll profile of lyophilised
tissue from unripe (green) to ripe (red) Merlot grape berries was needed. In this study the RPHPLC
method of Taylor et al. (2006) for carotenoids and the extraction method of Mendes-Pinto
et al. (2004) were adapted to analyse both carotenoids and chlorophylls in lyophilised grape
tissue. The RP-HPLC method baseline separated all the carotenoids and chlorophylls and their
derivatives. Recovery of standards from mock extractions was high, indicating that the
extraction procedure was acceptable. However, extraction recovery tested in the matrix of the
grape tissue showed less promising results due to the high acid content of grape tissue.
Violaxanthin, neoxanthin and the chlorophylls were especially sensitive to low pH conditions
which facilitated their degradation. The degradation products of these compounds under acidic
conditions were identified as pheophytin a, b, chlorophillide a, pyropheophytin b, cisviolaxanthin,
cis-neoxanthin, neochrome, mutatoxanthin and luteoxanthin. There is a possibility
that some degradation products were already present in the tissue due to lyophilisation (since
the water in the berry was then removed and the acid concentrated). More work is needed to
investigate the effect of lyophilisation and storage on the composition of grape tissue of different
maturity. The extraction method for grape berry tissue at different ripening stages should also
be optimised further to effectively neutralise tissue acidity, without compromising the extraction
of carotenoids significantly, in especially green berry tissue. The question as to whether cisisomers
and chlorophyll degradation products are naturally present in grape berries or are
formed during sampling and processing remains unanswered in the current study. This study confirmed that in general carotenoids and chlorophylls decrease on a per berry
(μg/berry) and concentration (μg/g) basis from veraison to harvest. Furthermore, this study was
inconclusive in showing that vigour differences have an effect on the rate of
synthesis/degradation of carotenoids, chlorophyll and some other ripening parameters, namely
malic acid, total glucose and fructose, total tannin and total anthocyanin, from pre-veraison (pea
size) to harvest. Additionally, no significant effect of soil water content on carotenoids,
chlorophylls and ripeness parameters was found in this study, most likely due the fact that high
soil water capacity was found in lower soil layers which may have prevented significant
differences in grapevine water status. Experimental plots selected for vigour differences based
on normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) images, pruning mass and soil water
measurements by means of a neutron probe, showed significant differences in soil water
content in only the first 30 cm of the soil for the ripening seasons studied. Predawn plant water
potential measurements, however, indicated that none of the experimental vines experienced
severe water stress which was previously shown to effect carotenoid content of grapes.
The carotenoid 5,8-epoxy--carotene was quantified for the first time in grapes and
represents a significant amount of the total carotenoids present at harvest. All the carotenoids
and chlorophylls except -carotene appeared to be sensitive to seasonal variation in climatic
conditions. Lutein and β-carotene were found to be the most abundant carotenoids present in
Merlot grape berries together with chlorophyll a for both seasons studied. The values of these
carotenoids also correlated well with previous research. However, chlorophyll a was found in
much larger quantities in Merlot berries compared to reported data. This is possibly because in
this study the chlorophyll degradation products were included in the calculation of chlorophyll a.
Multivariate analysis showed promising preliminary prediction models (with correlation
values of above 0.8 for both seasons analysed) for the prediction of the concentration of
ripeness parameters (glucose, fructose, malic acid, total tannins and anthocyanins) with
carotenoid and chlorophyll content. This result highlights the opportunity for the development of
a rapid non-destructive method to measure carotenoids and chlorophylls in berries which in turn
can predict optimal ripeness. Furthermore, since carotenoids are the precursors to C13-
norisoprenoid aroma compounds in wine a preview of the potential contribution of these aromas
to wine might be evaluated. Further research is necessary to investigate the possibility of
building and validating such models. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vorige navorsing het getoon dat karotenoïede die voorlopers is van C13-norisoprenoïed
aromaverbindings in wyn. C13-norisoprenoïede het lae drempelwaardes in wyn, met β-
damassenoon en β-jonoon as die prominentste C13-norisoprenoïede wat ‘n bydrae tot die
heuning en blomagtige aroma van die wyn maak. Chlorofil en sy derivate is ook reeds in wyn
bespeur, met die potensiaal om voorlopers van aromaverbindings te wees.
Buiten die bydrae van hierdie pigmente tot wynaroma en -kwaliteit is hulle ook belangrike
rolspelers in fotosintese en kom hulle wydverspreid in plante en plantprodukte voor. Die
vernaamste funksies van hierdie pigmente in plante is om lig te versamel en om as beskerming
teen lig op te tree.
Navorsing het getoon dat omgewingstoestande, klimaat, ligblootstelling van die trosse en
grondwatertekorte die karotenoïedinhoud van druiwekorrels beïnvloed. Verder is ook getoon dat
die konsentrasie van karotenoïede en chlorofille tussen kultivars verskil. Geen navorsing is al in
hierdie opsig op Merlot-druiwekorrels gedoen nie.
Met hierdie aspek in gedagte was die doelwit van hierdie studie om die effek van groeikrag
en grondwaterinhoud op die evolusie van karotenoïede en chlorofille tydens die rypwording van
druiwekorrels van die cv. Merlot te evalueer. Wanneer mens egter kyk na die metodes
waarvolgens die karotenoïede en chlorofille in korrelweefsel geanaliseer word, is daar geen
geredelik beskikbare metodes nie. ‘n Ekstraksiemetode om die karotenoïed- en chlorofilprofiel
van geliofiliseerde weefsel van onryp (groen) tot ryp (rooi) Merlot-bessies te identifiseer en
kwantifiseer was dus nodig. In hierdie studie is die RP-HPLC metode van Taylor et al. (2006) vir
karotenoïede en die ekstraksiemetode van Mendes-Pinto et al. (2004) aangepas om beide
karotenoïede en chlorofille in geliofiliseerde druiweweefsel te analiseer. Die basislyn van die
RP-HPLC metode het all karotenoïede en chlorofille en hul derivate geskei. Herwinning van die
standaarde vanaf skynekstraksies was hoog, wat aandui dat die ekstraksieprosedure
aanvaarbaar was. Ekstraksieherwinning wat in die matriks van die druiweweefsel getoets is, het
egter minder belowende resultate getoon as gevolg van die hoë suurinhoud van die
druifweefsel. Violaxantien, neoxantien en die chlorofille was veral sensitief vir toestande van lae
pH, wat hulle afbreking gefasiliteer het. Die afbrekingsprodukte van hierdie verbindings onder
suurtoestande is geïdentifiseer as feofitien a en b, chlorofillied a, pirofeofitien b, cis-violaxantien,
cis-neoxantien, neochroom, mutatoxantien en luteoxantien. Daar is ‘n moontlikheid dat
sommige afbreekprodukte reeds in die weefsel teenwoordig was as gevolg van liofilisering
(aangesien die water in die korrel reeds verwyder was en die suur gekonsentreerd was). Meer
werk is nodig om die effek van liofilisering en berging op die samestelling van druifweefsel van
verskillende rypheid te bepaal. Die ekstraksiemetode vir druifkorrelweefsel op verskillende stadia van rypwording moet ook verder geoptimaliseer word om weefselsuurheid doeltreffend te
neutraliseer, sonder om die ekstraksie van karotenoïede noemenswaardig te kompromitteer,
veral in groen korrelweefsel. Die vraag of cis-isomere en chlorofil afbreekprodukte natuurlik in
die druifkorrels teenwoordig is en of hulle tydens monsterneming en prosessering gevorm word,
kon nie in hierdie studie beantwoord word nie.
Hierdie studie het bevestig dat karotenoïede en chlorofille oor die algemeen op ‘n korrel
(μg/korrel) en konsentrasie (μg/g) basis afneem vanaf deurslaan tot oes. Hierdie studie het nie
daarin geslaag om te toon dat groeikragverskille vanaf voor-deurslaan (ertjiekorrelgrootte) tot
oes ‘n effek het op die tempo van sintese/afbreking van karotenoïede, chlorofil en ander
rypwordingsparameters nie, naamlik op appelsuur, totale glukose en fruktose, totale tannien en
totale antosianien. Daar is ook in hierdie studie geen noemenswaardige effek van
grondwaterinhoud op karotenoïede, chlorofille en rypheidsparameters gevind nie, heel moontlik
as gevolg van die feit dat hoë grondwaterkapasiteit in die laer grondlae gevind is, wat
betekenisvolle verskille in wingerdwaterstatus kon verhoed het. Eksperimentele persele wat
gekies is vir groeikragverskille op grond van genormaliseerde verskil plantegroei indeks (NDVI)
beelde, snoeimassa en grondwatermetings met ‘n neutronvogmeter het net in die eerste 30 cm
van die grond noemenswaardige verskille in grondwaterinhoud getoon vir die
rypwordingseisoene wat bestudeer is. Voor-sonopkoms plantwaterpotensiaalmetings het egter
aangedui dat geen van die eksperimentele wingerdstokke ernstige waterstres ervaar het nie.
Sulke stres is voorheen aangedui om ‘n effek op die karotenoïedinhoud van druiwe te hê.
Die karotenoïed 5,8-epoksi--karoteen is vir die eerste keer in druiwe gekwantifiseer en
verteenwoordig ‘n noemenswaardige hoeveelheid van die totale karotenoïede wat met oes
teenwoordig is. Al die karotenoïede en chlorofille behalwe -karoteen blyk sensitief vir
seisoenale verskille in klimaatstoestande te wees. Luteïen en β-karoteen was die volopste
karotenoïede in die Merlot-druifkorrels, tesame met chlorofil a, vir beide seisoene wat bestudeer
is. Die waardes van hierdie karotenoïede was ook goed gekorreleer met vorige navorsing.
Chlorofil a is egter in baie groter hoeveelhede in Merlot-korrels gevind in vergelyking met dít wat
in die data gerapporteer is. Die rede hiervoor is moontlik dat die chlorofil-afbreekprodukte in
hierdie studie in die berekening van chlorofil a ingesluit is.
Meerveranderlikeontleding het belowende voorlopige voorspellingsmodelle getoon (met
korrelasiewaardes van meer as 0.8 vir beide die seisoene wat geanaliseer is) vir die
voorspelling van die konsentrasie van rypheidsparameters (glukose, fruktose, appelsuur, totale
tanniene en antosianiene) met karotenoïed- en chlorofilinhoud. Hierdie resultaat beklemtoon die
geleentheid vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n vinnige, nie-destruktiewe metode om karotenoïede en
chlorofille in korrels te meet, wat op sy beurt optimate rypheid kan voorspel. Aangesien
karotenoïede die voorlopers van C13-norisoprenoïed aromaverbindings in wyn is, kan ‘n
voorskou van die potensiële bydrae van hierdie aromas tot wyn moontlik verder evalueer word. Verdere navorsing is nodig om die moontlikheid van die bou en geldigheidsbepaling van sulke
modelle te ondersoek.
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Photochemical and Photoelectric Applications of II-VI Semiconductor NanomaterialsSugunan, Abhilash January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this work we investigated fabrication of semiconductor nanomaterials and evaluated their potential for photo-chemical and photovoltaic applications. We investigated two different II-VI semiconductor nanomaterial systems; (i) ZnO oriented nanowire arrays non-epitaxially grown from a substrate; and (ii) colloidal CdTe nanotetrapods synthesized by solution-based thermal decomposition of organo-metallic precursors. In both the cases our main focus has been optimizing material synthesis for improving potential applications based on photon-electron interactions.</p><p>We have studied the synthesis of vertically aligned ZnO nanowire arrays (NWA), by a wet chemical process on various substrates. The synthesis is based on epitaxial growth of ZnO seed-layer on a substrate in a chemical bath consisting of an aqueous solution of zinc nitrate and hexamethylenetetramine (HMT). We have suggested an additional role played by HMT during the synthesis of ZnO nanowire arrays. We have also extended this synthesis method to fabricate hierarchical nanostructures of nanofibers of poly-L-lactide acting as a substrate for the radially oriented growth of ZnO nanowires. The combination of high surface area of the nanofibrous substrate with the flexibility of the PLLA-ZnO hierarchical nanostructure enabled the proof-of-principle demonstration of a ‘continuous-flow’ water treatment system that could effectively decompose single and combination of known organic pollutants in water, as well as render common waterborne bacteria nonviable.</p><p>We have studied another chemical synthesis that is commonly used for size controlled synthesis of colloidal quantum dots, which was modified to obtain anisotropic nanocrystals mainly for CdE (E=S, Se, Te) compositions. In this work we demonstrate by use of oleic acid (instead of alkylphosphonic acids) it is possible to synthesize CdTe and CdSe nanotetrapods at much lower temperatures (~180 ºC) than what is commonly reported in the literature, with significantly different formation mechanism in the low-temperature reaction.</p><p>Finally, we have performed preliminary photoconduction measurements with CdTe nanotetrapods using gold ‘nanogap’ electrodes fabricated in-house, and obtain up to 100 times enhancement in current levels in the <em>I–V </em>measurements under illumination with a white light source.</p> / QC20100607
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Influence de la date de vendange sur les composés phénoliques de la baie de raisin : conséquences pour la typicité du vin / Influence of the harvest date on the phenolic compounds of the grape berries : consequences for the wines typicalityCadot, Yves 08 December 2010 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de contribuer à l'explicitation du lien au terroir, dans le cas de vins d'Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée. À ce lien au terroir correspond une typicité, qui correspond à des propriétés remarquables et partagées pour un groupe humain de référence. Le lien causal entre typicité et terroir a été étudié en prenant comme élément d'étude le chantier de vendange et les vinifications associées. La composition phénolique des vendanges, et leur aptitude à être extraits lors de la vinification ont permis de mieux interpréter le lien causal étudié. La représentation conceptuelle de la typicité, qui engendre des choix techniques, a été mise en évidence, du point de vue des critères sensoriels d'appartenance et des critères sensoriels de distinction. Cette représentation conceptuelle est en générale consensuelle, et les principaux facteurs du terroir, explicatifs du lien, correspondent au milieu physique. La représentation perceptuelle a été étudiée, permettant de mettre en évidence des descripteurs d'appartenance et de distinction, et de les hiérarchiser vis à vis de la perception globale de la typicité. Cette représentation est moins consensuelle. Les principaux facteurs du terroir, explicatifs du lien, correspondent aux actes techniques, en particulier la date de vendanges et la durée de cuvaison.Une évolution de la composition de la vendange en fonction du niveau de maturité a été mise en évidence d'un point de vue histologique, mais son interprétation est incomplète. L'aptitude des proanthocyanidines à être extraits, en fonction du niveau de maturité des baies est fortement corrélé à la perception globale de la typicité. Dans le cas de vins revendiquant un lien au terroir, certaines représentations de la typicité sont partagées, et engendrent des choix techniques (date de vendange, durée de cuvaison). L'importance de ces choix peut être démontré par l'étude de la composition de la vendange en composés phénoliques. Cependant, il existe un écart entre la typicité en tant que concept et la typicité telle qu'elle est sensoriellement perçue. / The aim of this work is to contribute to highlight the terroir effect, in the case of wines from delimited origin. The typicality is the result of the terroir effect and corresponds, to remarkable and shared properties for a human group of reference. The causal link between typicality and terroir was studied by taking into account the harvest date and the associated wine makings. The phenolic composition of the grape at harvest, and their extractability during the wine making made it possible to better interpret the studied causal link. The conceptual representation of the typicality, which generates technical choices, was highlighted, from the point of view of the sensory criteria of similarity and of distinction. This conceptual representation is in general consensual, and the main factors of the terroir, which explain the causal link, correspond to the soil and climate. The perceptual representation was studied, descriptors of similarity and distinction were highlighted, and theses descriptors were organized with respect to the global perception of the typicality. This representation is less consensual than conceptual one. The main factors of the terroir, which explain the causal link, correspond to the technical acts, particularly the harvest date and the vatting duration.Composition of the harvest, according to the level of maturity was highlighted from a histological point of view, but its interpretation was unfinished. The aptitude of the proanthocyanidins for being extracted, according to the level of maturity is strongly correlated for the global perception of the typicality. For wines related to terroir, some typicality representations are shared, and lead to technical choices (harvest date, duration of vatting). These choices are explained by the harvest composition. However, there is a difference between the typicality as a concept and the typicality as sensory perception.
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Surging Seepage: A Triple Bond Accretion SystemBrown, Jacqueline 01 January 2008 (has links)
My current work revels in a state of flux. I strive for the work to be electrically charged, conveying a feverish sense of immediacy and vitality that implies motion and frenetic energy. The work is an accretion of brightly colored biomorphic forms that extend out from the wall and onto the floor. Viscous parts ooze and drip while others are globular and bulbous. The hyper-organic forms suggest a paradoxical state of both ripening and rotting, becoming and unbecoming. The work is an attempt to traverse between seemingly divergent constructs, some of which include: growth and decay, the artificial and the natural, the body and the landscape, the infinite and the miniscule, and the real and the imagined. I intend for the works to be suggestive of mutation, of systems becoming cross-wired and melting into each other.
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Effect of post-harvest treatment on ripening and quality of tomato fruit using ozone : application of different ozone doses as controlled atmosphere storage for delay ripening and maintaining the quality of tomatoes and effect of ozone on antioxidant and sugar compounds at different stages of tomato fruit ripeningShalluf, Milad A. January 2010 (has links)
Tomatoes are widely produced and consumed due to their nutritional content and versatility. However, the tomato is a soft fruit liable to damage and flavour deterioration. Hence, the main challenge for the tomato producing industry is to prevent the high loss incurred during harvest, handling and transportation of the crops. The objective of this study was to investigate the overall nutritional implication of controlled storage of tomatoes using ozone on the ripening process and the basic nutritional components of tomatoes. This investigation was also designed to focus on the effect of different ozone doses on the basic components and properties (carotenoids, ascorbic acid, total antioxidant activity and soluble sugars content) of the quality and dynamic maturity of tomatoes. Green tomatoes (Rio Grande) were treated in glass chambers with ozone enriched air [(air + 2, 7 and 21 mg O3/g tomato) and control (air only)] under humidity and temperature of 90-95% and 14-17 oC respectively. Tomatoes were sampled after 14 days of ozone treatment in the storage chamber and analyzed for different quality parameters (appearance, weight loss, Total Soluble Solids (TSS), titratable acidity, total ascorbic acid and carotene) of the ripening. The variety Elegance tomatoes were selected and the fruits were graded by colour and subjected to treatment with ozone (in doses 0 (clean air), 0.25, 0.50, and1.00 mg O3/g tomatoes) during storage for 6 days under the same humidity and temperature conditions. The fruits were analysed for carotenoids, ascorbic acid content, total antioxidant activity and soluble sugars. Analysis of the fruits clearly showed that ozone significantly delayed the development of colour on the surface, particularly in the low doses, and caused black spots on the surface of the tomatoes, particularly in higher ozone doses. Ozone did not affect the ascorbic acid and titratable acidity content. However ozone did reduce the Total Soluble Solids (TSS) by about 10% at the lowest ozone dose. A high inhibition of accumulation of carotenoids, particularly at low dose, of the tomatoes (Rio Grande) was also observed. Tomatoes (Elegance) under ozone treatments contained higher ß-carotene than those under the control treatment and lycopene content increased during storage in the red stage of tomato fruits. Ascorbic acid (AsA), dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) and the total of AsA and DHA concentrations, and ratios of redox (ASA/ (ASA + DHA) and DHA/AsA in pericarp and pulp of tomatoes tissue, did not show clear differences between the different treatments. The concentrations of the glucose and fructose increased in the tomatoes which were subjected to ozone treatments. Results from this study show that controlled atmosphere storage of tomatoes using ozone is a viable technique which warrants further study.
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Parâmetros genéticos e mapeamento associativo de características tecnológicas de cana de açúcar em três épocas de colheita /Coutinho, Alisson Esdras. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Dilermando Perecin / Coorientador: Luciana Rossini Pinto / Coorientador: Roberto Carvalheiro / Banca: Rodrigo Gazaffi / Banca: Marcos Guimarães de Andrade Landell / Banca: Gustavo Vitti Môro / Banca: Andreia da Silva Meyer / Resumo: O conhecimento dos teores de Pol e fibra tem por finalidade avaliar a qualidade da matéria-prima, seja para a produção de açúcar ou co-geração de energia na própria usina ou produção de etanol de segunda geração. As cultivares de cana-de-açúcar possuem diferentes períodos de maior acúmulo de sacarose, podendo ser no início, meio ou fim de safra. Como o período de safra se estende de abril até novembro, há influência das estações de ano (outono, inverno e primavera) provocando mudanças de temperatura e regime de chuvas. Portanto, a avaliação de experimentos em diferentes épocas de colheita é importante para identificar em qual período da safra os genótipos possuem maior acúmulo de sacarose. Diante deste contexto, o ranqueamento dos genótipos por época de colheita baseado nos valores genéticos preditos de Pol e fibra é de grande utilidade para fins de seleção. Além disto, a identificação de genes associados a características sob diferentes condições é de grande contribuição para a obtenção de novas cultivares pelos programas de melhoramento. Com isto, por meio do mapeamento associativo é possível detectar genes associados aos fenótipos utilizando métodos estatísticos. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho teve os seguintes objetivos: predizer os valores genéticos de 100 genótipos e estimar os parâmetros genéticos de Pol e fibra em três épocas de colheita e identificar marcadores AFLP associados a Pol e fibra usando o método Bayes Cπ. Foram conduzidos três experimentos, cada um corre... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The knowledge of Pol and fiber contents aims to assess the quality of the raw material either for production of sugar or co-generation of energy in the industry itself or production of second generation ethanol. The cultivars of sugarcane have different periods of higher accumulation of sucrose and may be at the beginning, middle or end of harvest. As the harvest period extends from April to November, there is influence of the seasons (autumn, winter and spring) caused by changes in temperature and rainfall. Therefore the evaluation of experiments in different harvesting times is important to identify in which period of the crop the genotypes have greater accumulation of sucrose. In this context the ranking of genotypes per harvest season based on predicted genetic values of Pol and fiber is a great utility for selection purposes. In addition, the identification of genes associated with characteristics under different conditions is a great contribution, in terms of to obtain new cultivars by breeding programs. Thus, through association mapping it is possible to detect genes associated with phenotypes using statistical methods. The present study aimed to predict the genetic values of 100 genotypes and to estimate the genetic parameters of Pol and fiber at three harvest seasons and to identify AFLP markers associated to Pol and fiber using the Bayes Cπ methodology. Three different experiments, each one correspond a different harvesting season, were carried out in two crops season, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. The ordering of the genotypes for each harvesting season was performed using predicted genetic values. For the group 1 fiber variable IN8458 was the one that obtained the highest fiber content for the three harvest periods. While US571415 presented the highest Pol content. In group 2 IACSP972084 had the hi... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Viabilidade da Brucella abortus durante a cura de queijo parmesão fabricado com leite experimentalmente contaminado / Viability of Brucella abortus during the ripening of parmesan type cheese made from experimentally contaminated milkFontanesi, Camila Diniz 22 June 2012 (has links)
A legislação brasileira permite o uso de leite cru na fabricação de queijos curados se o período de cura for superior a 60 dias (a 5°C ou mais). Entretanto, não há evidência científica sólida de que durante a cura ocorre suficiente inativação de Brucella abortus, sob a perspectiva da segurança dos alimentos. Além disso, não há metodologia oficial para quantificação de brucelas em matriz alimentar. Desta forma este projeto propõe um protocolo para estudos da curva de decaimento de Brucella abortus durante a cura de queijos. Três partidas de queijo tipo parmesão foram feitas com leite tipo A pasteurizado, artificialmente contaminado com uma cepa pouco patogênica de Brucella abortus (1119-3). O queijo foi curado a 18°C e analisado a cada 3-4 dias até o 60º dia ou até que duas análises consecutivas fossem negativas. As amostras foram submetidas à pesquisa quantitativa de brucela em meio Farrel (36°C/3 dias). A média do Tempo de Redução Decimal (D18°C), ponderado pelas incertezas, foi de 4,31 ± 0,49 dias. Estes resultados são preliminares e é necessário realizar mais análises para gerar dados mais precisos sobre esse parâmetro, especialmente usando cepas de campo. O Tempo de Redução Decimal associado à cura do queijo é um parâmetro importante para os modelos de avaliação de risco da transmissão de brucelose pelo consumo de queijo. / Brazilian legislation allows the use of raw milk to produce ripened cheeses, when the ripening period is over 60 days (at 5°C or above). However, there is not solid scientific evidence that the ripening process inactivates enough amounts of Brucella abortus, from the food safety perspective. In addition, there is no official methodology for brucela counting in food matrix. So, this project proposes a protocol to study the decay curve of Brucella abortus during cheese ripening. Three batches of parmesan type cheese were made with pasteurized milk artificially contaminated with a less pathogenic strain of Brucella abortus (1119-3). The cheese was ripened at 18°C and analyzed each 3-4 days until 60th or until two consecutive negative results. The samples were submitted to quantitative culture for brucela in Farrel medium (36°C/3 days). The average of Decimal Reduction Time (D18°C), weighted by uncertainties, was 4,31 ± 0,49 days. This is a preliminary result and we need to run more samples to generate more accurate data about this parameter, specially using field strains. The Decimal Reduction Time associated with ripening step is an important data to input risk assessment models for cheese-born brucelosis.
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Alfa e beta-amilase no metabolismo do amido durante o amadurecimento da banana: clonagem, expressão e caracterização molecular / Alpha and beta-amylase in the starch metabolism during banana ripening: cloning, expression and molecular characterization.Vieira Junior, Adair 24 March 2006 (has links)
A conversão do amido, armazenado nas frutas durante seu desenvolvimento, em açúcares, é desempenhada por várias enzimas, constituindo-se em um dos principais processos do amadurecimento. A função das enzimas hidrolíticas, alfa-amilase e beta-amilase, no metabolismo amido-sacarose durante o amadurecimento de bananas, foi avaliada através da determinação dos perfis de transcrição e tradução dos seus genes. Utilizando-se da expressão heteróloga de clones de cDNA das amilases, foi possível obter as proteínas recombinantes, inclusive na sua forma enzimaticamente ativa, bem como induzir a produção de anticorpos policlonais em coelhos, com os quais pode-se acompanhar a variação nos níveis de expressão de cada uma das duas enzimas. O tratamento de bananas com o hormônio etileno induziu a antecipação dos processos de degradação do amido e síntese de açúcares em relação ao grupo de frutas controle. Enquanto no grupo controle, as variações nos níveis de proteína e transcrição relativos à alfa-amilase sugerem que há redução na expressão do gene, no grupo tratado com etileno não foi possível detectar a expressão da proteína, apesar dos incrementos na transcrição e atividade. Tal fato pode ser associado à degradação do grânulo de amido e conseqüente solubilização de proteínas ligadas à sua superfície e ao provável aumento no turnover de proteínas promovidos pelo etileno. Em resposta ao tratamento com etileno, houve antecipação dos picos de atividade relacionados especificamente com a beta-amilase, o mesmo ocorreu na detecção do transcrito e sua proteína. Tais resultados sugerem que em bananas, os padrões de expressão e atividade da beta-amilase estão diretamente relacionados à degradação do amido, respondendo também às variações hormonais na fruta, não sendo possível afirmar o mesmo para alfa-amilase. / The starch breakdown in plants is accomplished by several enzymes and pathways and it is the main feature of the ripening in climacteric fruits, such as banana. The function of the hydrolytic enzymes, alpha-amylase and beta-amylase, in the starch-to-sugar metabolism during banana ripening, was evaluated through the determination of the profiles of transcription and translation of its genes. Using the heterologous expression of amylases cDNA clones, was possible to get recombinant proteins in its enzymatically active form, as well as inducing the production of the polyclonal antibodies in rabbits, and use this to evaluate the expression profile of each one enzyme. The treatment of bananas with the hormone ethylene induced the anticipation of the processes of degradation of starch and synthesis of sugars in relation to the control group. While in the control group the variations of protein and transcription levels for alpha-amylase suggests a reduction in the gene expression, in the ethylene group was not possible to detect the expression of the protein, despite the increments in the transcription and activity. Such fact can be associated with the degradation of the starch granules and the resultant surface protein solubilization, and the probable increase in the protein turnover promoted by ethylene treatment. In response to the ethylene, the peak related to beta-amylase activity has been anticipated and the same was occurred with the transcription and translation of this enzyme. These results suggest that the profile of expression and activity of beta-amylase are directly related to the degradation of starch and do respond to hormonal treatment of banana fruits, which could not be affirmed for the enzyme alpha-amylase.
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Crescimento competitivo de precipitados .. em cobre-alumínio. / Competitive growth of .. precipitates in .. cobre-alumínio.Goldenstein, Helio 23 April 1984 (has links)
Estudou-se a evolução morfológica de precipitados .. em matriz .. Cu-Al, através de tratamentos isotérmicos interrompidos por têmpera, em amostras previamente solubilizadas desde o início da precipitação, até o crescimento competitivo. Caracterizou-se a forma dos precipitados após tratamentos em diversas temperaturas, por microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura, de estruturas atacadas profundamente. A forma dos precipitados após tratamentos prolongados a 700 ºC tende a ser esférica, enquanto nos tratamentos a 600 ºC, tende a ser facetada. Com temperaturas decrescentes de 700 º para 600 ºC a forma passa gradualmente de esférica para facetada. Verificou-se que a distribuição espacial dos precipitados depende da velocidade de aquecimento. Com altas velocidades (tratamento em banho de sal), a distribuição é homogênea; com velocidade de aquecimento lentas (tratamento em forno de mufla) os precipitados apresentam-se alinhados, indicando nucleação heterogênea. O crescimento competitivo foi caracterizado através de medidas das distribuições de tamanhos de precipitados. Esta medida foi realizada utilizando micrografias de secções polidas, com um equipamento semi-automático. As medidas de distribuição de tamanhos das secções de precipitados foram processadas para a obtenção da distribuição de diâmetros reais dos precipitados através de um programa de computador utilizando o algoritmo de Saltykov. ......... / The morphological evoluation of .. precipitates in a . Cu-Al matrix has been studied from the beginning of precipitation until coarsening, using isothermal treatments on previously solubilized samples. The shape of precipitates after treatments at many temperatures was studied using Optical Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy of deep etched samples. The precipitates treated for long periods at 700 ºC approach an spherical shape, while treatments at 600 ºC the precipitates become faceted. The special distribution of the precipitates are determined by the heating rate from room temperature to isothermal treatment temperature. With high heating rates the distribution is homogeneous. With low heating rate the precipitates are arranged in rows, due to heterogeneous nucleation. Coarsening was studies by measuring the distribution of precipitate sizes on microphotographs of polished sections using a semi-automatic device. The mesures of section sizes were processed to obtain the real diameter distribution using a computer program based on Saltykov\'s algoritm. .....
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