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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En kartläggning av den kvinnliga riskprofilen : Vilka faktorer influerar kvinnors risktagande vid finansiella beslut? / A Mapping of Women ́s Risk Profile : Which factors influence women’s risk-taking in financial decision-making?

Stenseth, Pauline, Albåge, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns en signifikant könsskillnad gällande finansiellt risktagande, där kvinnor generellt sett har visat sig vara mindre risktagande än män. Dessutom visar teorier att en investerares risktagande bland annat varierar beroende på dennes tidigare erfarenheter samt en mängd olika karaktärsdrag. Samtidigt har tidigare studier funnit samband mellan olika variabler, så som finansiell förmåga samt övertro på sin egen förmåga, och nivå av risktagande. Idag äger kvinnor bara en tredjedel av hushållens totala aktier i Sverige men enligt Nordnets försäljningssiffror från januari 2017 har antalet kvinnliga aktieägare ökat i en snabbare takt än antalet manliga aktieägare under samma period, vilket vittnar om ett ökat kvinnligt intresse för investeringar. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida det finns något samband mellan faktorerna bakgrund, finansiell förmåga, övertro samt investeringsvana och kvinnors riskprofiler vid investeringsbeslut av finansiell karaktär. Vidare ämnar studien analysera den erhållna empirin i relation till tidigare studier inom området, för att öka förståelsen för vad som styr kvinnligt risktagande. Genomförande: Studien genomfördes via en kvantitativ forskningsmetod, där empirisk data samlades in genom en enkätundersökning som besvarades av totalt 487 kvinnor. Insamlad data analyserades via en multipel regressionsanalys i SPSS, varpå utfallet jämfördes med tidigare forskning. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visade att civilstånd, övertro, investeringsvana och finansiell förmåga har en signifikant inverkan på vilken riskprofil en kvinnlig investerare har. De tre förstnämnda förhåller sig positivt till risktagande, där en ökning i variablerna leder till ett större risktagande. Utfallet visade däremot att en ökning i finansiell förmåga leder till ett lägre risktagande, vilket gick emot tidigare forskning. Studien har således genererat både empiriskt stöd inom området och nytt bidrag kring vad som styr kvinnligt risktagande. / Background: Previous studies, within the field of behavioural finance and women ́s risk- taking, have all recognized the gender difference when evaluating risk in financial decision- making. In general, women investors tend to be more risk-averse than men, and gender differences seem to be influenced by many aspects and investor-characteristics. Earlier studies have validated the correlation between risk-taking and financial literacy and over- confidence. According to statistical data from Nordnet (2017), the number of women stock- market participants have grown in a faster pace compared to male investors, under the same period. This states that interest for investing have become a popular theme among women. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the factors background, financial literacy, over-confidence and investing experience can explain the risk profile of a woman financial investor. Based on the empirical results, the authors intended to analyze the output in relation to reference studies, in order to deepen the understanding and knowledge of which factors influence women ́s risk-taking in financial decision-making. Completion: The study was conducted by a quantitative method, where the empirical data was collected through a survey with a total of 487 respondents. The data was then analysed in the statistical program SPSS, using a multiple regression analysis, upon which the results were compared to previous studies. Conclusion: The results of the study disclosed that the variables of civil status, over- confidence, investing experience and financial literacy all validated a significant correlation with the risk profile of a female investor. Based on the statistical outcome, civil status, over- confidence and investing experience, demonstrated a positive correlation with the women ́s risk profile. Contrariwise, the output of financial literacy revealed a negative correlation, in which a high financial literacy determines a lower risk-taking. The empirical results can support earlier reference studies, in addition to a contribution of what influence women ́s risk profile in financial decision-making.

The influence of self-perceived, subjective attributes on investment behavior

Saarela, H. (Helinä) 28 October 2014 (has links)
Abstract This doctoral thesis aims to contribute to investment behavior research by giving new information on the causes which generate differences in investment behavior. As causes to differences in behavior we focus on the influence of investors’ self-perceived attitudes, evaluations and judgments. We refer to these investor characteristics as subjective attributes. We also test the power of demographic and socio-economic characteristics as causes of differences in investment behavior and refer to these as objective attributes. We approach investment behavior from three dimensions and construct empirical research around each dimension. We find the predictive power of subjective attributes to be strong, which makes it important to take them into account when modeling investment behavior. Our data is collected from two different databases in which subjective and objective attributes are connected with actual investment behavior, i.e. investors’ actual wealth levels and allocations. This is rare because only seldom can researchers link subjective attributes with actual behavior. Our main contributions are the following: 1) Investor-specific risk-standing ability and other subjective attributes have a tight link with investor’s actual risk-standing ability and portfolio choice. This confirms the meaning and importance of European Union regulations which require financial institutions to clarify these issues and in that way betters investor protection. 2) Subjective investor attributes as measures of financial sophistication can be visible as a propensity to withdraw from the stock market during severe market crises. We state that, in addition to its very positive effects, financial sophistication may induce the investor to make mistakes like total withdrawal from the stock market, realization of short- term losses, or exposure to timing problems of stock portfolio rebuilding. 3) Simple questions asked as claims work better as measures of overconfidence than more commonly used calibration-based techniques. Several measures of overconfidence explain trading activity. Trust in one’s own market timing abilities shows as narrower diversification. Our thesis has implications for regulation, financial institutions, financial literacy education and investors themselves. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on antaa uutta tietoa syistä, jotka aiheuttavat eroja yksityishenkilöiden sijoituskäyttäytymisessä. Käyttäytymiserojen syissä keskitymme sijoittajien itse mieltämiin mielipiteisiin, arviointeihin ja käsityksiin. Nimeämme nämä tekijät sijoittajan subjektiivisiksi ominaisuuksiksi. Lisäksi testaamme demografisten ja sosioekonomisten ominaisuuksien vaikutusta sijoituskäyttäytymisen eroihin. Nimeämme nämä tekijät sijoittajan objektiivisiksi ominaisuuksiksi. Tarkastelemme sijoituskäyttäytymistä kolmesta lähestymiskulmasta rakentamalla empiirisen tutkimuksen jokaisen kulman ympärille. Tulostemme mukaan subjektiivisten ominaisuuksien vaikutus sijoituskäyttäytymiseen on merkittävä, joten ne on syytä ottaa huomioon käyttäytymisen mallintamisessa. Tutkimusaineistomme muodostuu kahdesta erillisestä aineistosta, joissa kummassakin subjektiiviset ja objektiiviset ominaisuudet yhdistyvät todelliseen sijoituskäyttäytymiseen, eli sijoittajien olemassa oleviin varallisuusmääriin ja -jakaumiin. Tämä on poikkeuksellista, sillä subjektiivisia ominaisuuksia harvoin pystytään yhdistämään todelliseen sijoituskäyttäytymiseen. Tutkimuksemme tärkeimmät kontribuutiot ovat seuraavat. 1) Sijoittajakohtaisella riskinsietokyvyllä ja muilla subjektiivisilla ominaisuuksilla on vahva yhteys sijoittajan todelliseen riskinsietokykyyn ja osakeriskin osuuteen. Tämä vahvistaa Euroopan Unionin määräysten merkityksellisyyttä: näiden asioiden selvittäminen on hyödyllistä sijoittajasuojan parantamiseksi. 2) Subjektiiviset ominaisuudet sijoittajien taloudellista oppineisuutta kuvaavina tekijöinä voivat näkyä taipumuksena vetäytyä osakemarkkinoilta voimakkaan kurssilaskun tilanteessa. Taloudellisen oppineisuuden yleisesti havaittujen positiivisten vaikutusten lisäksi oppineisuus voi myös johtaa sijoitusvirheisiin, kuten vetäytymiseen osakemarkkinoilta, lyhyen aikavälin tappioiden realisoimiseen ja salkun uudelleen rakentamisen mukanaan tuomaan ajoitusriskiin. 3) Yksinkertaiset väitemuodossa esitetyt kysymykset toimivat yliluottamuksen mittareina paremmin kuin enemmän käytetyt kalibrointipohjaiset mittarit. Useat yliluottamuksen mittarit selittävät kaupankäynnin aktiivisuutta. Luottamus omiin kykyihin ennustaa markkinaliikkeitä näkyy kapeampana salkun hajautuksena. Tutkimuksellamme on merkitystä lainsäätäjille, finanssialan yrityksille, tahoille, jotka vastaavat sijoittajatietämyksen kouluttamisesta, sekä sijoittajille itselleen.

A description of the hearing profile in gold miners with tuberculosis

Brits, Janet 12 December 2011 (has links)
Two of the primary occupational health threats to employees in the mining industry are noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and occupational lung diseases (OLD) with Tuberculosis (TB) included in the latter. The objective of this study was to investigate the hearing profile of a group of gold miners with and without TB to determine the effect of TB and its associated risk profile on hearing. Workers in AngloGold Ashanti mine in South Africa were recruited due to the fact that they present with these two health threats namely NIHL and TB. The audiological and medical surveillance data of 2698 subjects (between the years 2001 and 2009) were used in analyses. Hearing thresholds for the air conduction frequencies (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 KHz) in both ears were analysed in conjunction with biographic and occupational data. Subjects were divided into three groups, two experimental groups (Single TB treatment, n= 911 and Multiple TB treatment, n= 376) and one control group (n= 1411). A highly significant difference (p<0.01) was noted between the control group and both TB treatment groups across most frequencies and hearing parameters analysed, although the higher frequencies were more affected. Pair wise comparisons revealed the largest differences in hearing thresholds throughout between the control group and the multiple TB treatment groups. The smallest differences in hearing thresholds were evident between the two TB groups with the multiple TB treatment group presenting with the poorest thresholds. TB and its related risk profile had a pronounced influence on the decline of hearing thresholds. Thresholds for the multiple TB treatment group indicated more deterioration than the hearing thresholds of the single TB treatment group. This may point to the possibility that the influence of repeated TB on the subjects’ hearing thresholds over time was more pronounced than a single incidence of TB. It is still necessary however to separate the effects of the disease from the effects of the treatment on hearing. / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / Unrestricted

Impact of Preoperative Patient Profiles on Elective Open Intestinal Resection Outcomes

Chang, Wei Chao 01 January 2015 (has links)
There are a myriad of risk factors for surgical mortality, intraoperative and postoperative complications, and prolonged length of stay. Effectively identifying possible risk factors in the preoperative patient profiles that may impact the outcome of elective open intestinal resection has significant implications on the quality of care, the safe delivery of surgical care, and the speedy recovery of patients undergoing elective open intestinal resection. Few studies specifically focused on the construction of individual preoperative patient risk profile used only preoperative patient profiles in elective open intestinal resection. A retrospective cohort predictive study was conducted to assess the impact of preoperative patient profiles on surgical outcomes in patients undergoing elective open intestinal resection using 2009-2011 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) databases. This study aimed to identify independent predictors in the preoperative patient profiles for the development of preoperative patient risk profiling tool for the construction of an individual preoperative patient risk profile for risk stratification, surgical planning, and care coordination for patients undergoing elective open intestinal resection. The results of this study showed that independent predictors in the preoperative patient profiles could predict the risks of increased adverse surgical outcomes in terms of in-hospital mortality, in-hospital complications, and prolonged length of stay in patients undergoing elective open intestinal resection. Independent predictors of increased adverse surgical outcomes were identified in the personal domain, the social history domain, and the comorbidity domain of preoperative patient profiles. In the personal domain profile, advanced age was an independent predictor of increased in-hospital mortality, prolonged length of stay (LOS), and six of the eight categories of in-hospital complications studied, except mechanical wound complications and infection complications. The 18 to 39 age group was more likely to develop the latter two complications. Male gender was an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality, prolonged LOS, and six of the eight in-hospital complications except intraoperative complication and systemic complications. Asian/Pacific Islanders were more likely to have intraoperative bleeding complication while black patients were more likely to have gastrointestinal complications and prolonged LOS compared to white patients. In the social history domain profile, patients with alcohol abuse were more likely to suffer pulmonary complications and have prolonged LOS. Patients with illicit drug abuse were more likely to have prolonged LOS as well. Four comorbidities, fluid and electrolyte disorders, weight loss, coagulopathy, and congestive heart failure, were identified as the strongest independent predictors of increased adverse surgical outcomes overall, except in the cardiovascular complications. Pulmonary circulation disorders were the strongest independent predictors of cardiovascular complications. Other comorbidities that were statistically significant and unique predictors of adverse outcomes were also identified. Patients without comorbidity were less likely to have increased in-hospital mortality, prolonged LOS, and in-hospital complications. These findings have significant implications in developing preoperative patient risk profiling tools for the construction of an individual preoperative patient risk profile for risk stratification, surgical planning, and care coordination in patients undergoing elective open intestinal resection.

Identifying Risk Profiles and Generating Protective Vaccine for Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Lymphoproliferative Diseases

Ahmed, Elshafa Hassan January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Reassessing the assessment: exploring the factors that contribute to comprehensive financial risk evaluation

Carr, Nicholas January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Personal Financial Planning / Sonya L. Britt / This dissertation explores the personal financial planning risk-assessment process. Specifically, the study has five main purposes: 1. Explore the associations among independent risk-assessment variables. 2. Explore the concept that prudent financial risk-assessment goes beyond estimating an individual’s risk tolerance. 3. Explore the impact that each risk variable has on an individual’s overall Comprehensive Risk Profile (CRP). 4. Construct a comprehensive method of risk-assessment to estimate an individual’s overall risk profile. 5. Develop a weighted risk profile score and assign it to a target asset allocation model. Risk-assessment is one of the most instrumental components of the financial planning process. Financial planners and advisors have a fiduciary, as well as a suitability, responsibility to assess the level of risk individuals should bear with respect to their financial plan (Morse, 1998). Because of this, the evaluation of one’s risk profile impacts the success of an individual’s financial plan. If the risk-assessment is accurate, financial goals will have a higher likelihood of being met. To date, little research in the personal financial planning field has attempted to model financial risk-taking behavior in a way that is useful for practitioners, academics, and policy makers. The literature has tended to focus on either models of risk-taking rooted in economic utility theory, or tests of hypotheses related to the association among demographic and socioeconomic factors and risk-taking (Grable & Lytton, 1998). Traditional economic models do not fully account for the role that personal, behavioral, and environmental factors play in influencing individuals’ behavior beyond maximizing their expected utility (Hanna & Chen, 1997). Researchers have yet to develop a risk-profiling system that uses these behavioral or personal factors, to describe an individual’s financial risk-taking framework. Ultimately, the results of this study will lead to a multidimensional, comprehensive, accurate method of risk-assessment for both academic researchers, as well as practitioners. The following will serve as the empirical model for the study.

La gestione dei rischi d'impresa nelle operazioni di finanza straordinaria / Risk Management in Corporate Finance Operations

LIBRACE, GIOVANNI 03 April 2008 (has links)
La presente tesi di dottorato affronta il tema della gestione dei rischi che ha assunto sempre maggiore importanza nella vita dell'impresa. E'importante per tutti gli stakeholder, dai dipendenti agli azionisti, comprendere quale sia il trade - off tra rischio e rendimento potenziale poiché la mancata identificazione dei rischi e la loro non corretta gestione può compromettere la capacità dell'impresa di raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Dopo aver introdotto il concetto di rischio, la tesi si sofferma sul modello dell'Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) e sui benefici associati al suo utilizzo. In particolare l'attenzione viene posta sull'importanza, all'atto di un'operazione di natura straordinaria, quale un'acquisizione o la quotazione su mercati regolamentati, della valutazione dei rischi e delle risposte che l'organizzazione pone in essere. Viene illustrato il processo di due diligence e, in particolare, la due diligence assicurativa e di risk management viene indicata quale valido strumento per comprendere quali siano i rischi a cui un'impresa è esposta e come essa li gestisca. In conclusione, vengono descritte alcune soluzioni (i.e. assicurazione delle representation & warranty, assicurazione della responsabilità da prospetto informativo, assicurazioni ambientali) utilizzabili dall'impresa, durante una transazione, per mitigare il proprio profilo di rischio trasferendo particolari rischi a mercati assicurativi specializzati. / This thesis outlines the importance that risk management is getting in the life of organizations. Stakeholders, ranging from employees to investors, must understand how to quantify the tradeoffs of risk against the potential return, because the failure to identify and manage the essential nature of risk can have consequences on the possibility for an organization to achieve its objectives. After introducing the concept of risk, it is analyzed the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach and the benefits for companies that decide to adopt it. In particular there is a focus on its importance in some circumstances in the life of an organization and it is shown how evaluation of risk profile and responses can be critical in mergers and acquisitions, public offer of securities and other corporate finance decisions. Due diligence process and, in particular, risk management and insurance due diligence is described as an effective instrument to understand to what risks a company is exposed to and how it manages them. In conclusion, some transaction solutions (i.e. representations & warranties insurance, public offering of securities insurance, environmental solutions) - that can be used to mitigate the company risk profile, transferring some risks to specialized insurance markets - are illustrated.

Genetic Characteristics of Lithuanian and Latvian Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease / Uždegiminėmis žarnyno ligomis sergančių Lietuvos ir Latvijos ligonių genetinės ypatybės

Šventoraitytė, Jurgita 21 March 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis – to investigate the role of the inflammatory bowel disease associated genetic variants in a subset of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis patients from Lithuania and Latvia and to test the relation of genetic markers to disease phenotype. The following objectives were accomplished: the associations of the inflammatory bowel disease associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in the subset of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis patients were determined; the associations of the single nucleotide polymorphisms with the phenotype of the inflammatory bowel disease were evaluated; the interactions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP-SNP) and their association with inflammatory bowel disease were determined; the significance of the combinations of disease associated single nucleotide polymorphisms for diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease was evaluated. TaqMan and SNPlex genotyping methods were used in this work. The statistical data analysis consisted of: statistical study power and data quality evaluations; single marker case-control association analysis using χ2 or Fisher's exact tests, Breslow-Day test, Cochran-Mantel-Haenzsel test and post-hoc Bonferroni correction; genotype–phenotype association analysis using χ2 test and post-hoc Bonferroni correction; SNP-SNP epistasis for case-control sample using logistic regression test and post-hoc Bonferroni correction; In sicilo prediction of gene interactive network; genetic risk profile construction... [to full text] / Disertacijos tikslas – ištirti su uždegiminėmis žarnyno ligomis siejamų ge¬netinių žymenų reikšmę Krono liga bei opiniu kolitu sergantiems Lietuvos ir Latvijos ligoniams bei nustatyti žymenų ryšį su ligos fenotipu. Tikslui pasiekti, įgyvendinti šie uždaviniai: ištirta su uždegiminėmis žarnyno ligomis siejamų vieno nukleotido polimorfizmų sąsaja su Krono liga bei opiniu kolitu; nustatyta vieno nukleotido polimorfizmų sąsaja su uždegiminių žarny¬no ligų fenotipu; ištirtos vieno nukleotido polimorfizmų tarpusavio epistazinės sąvei¬kos (VNP-VNP) bei jų ryšys su uždegiminėmis žarnyno ligomis; nustatytas su liga siejamų vieno nukleotido polimorfizmų derinių reikšmingumas uždegiminių žarnyno ligų diagnostikai. Darbe taikyti SNPlex ir TaqMan genotipavimo metodai. Statistinę duomenų analizę sudarė: studijos galios bei duomenų kokybės įvertinimas; atvejo-kontrolės genų sąsajos tyrimas, taikant χ2 arba Fišerio kriterijus, Breslow-Day testą, Cochran-Mantel-Haenzsel testą bei post-hoc Bonferroni kriterijų; genų sąsajų su Krono ligos ir opinio kolito fenotipu tyrimai, naudojant χ2 bei post-hoc Bonferroni kriterijų; VNP-VNP epistazinės sąveikos įvertinimas, taikant logistinės regresijos testą bei post-hoc Bonferroni kriterijų; genų tarpusavio sąveikos tinklo in silico tyrimas; genetinės rizikos profilio sudarymas, naudojant logistinę regresinę analizę.


LEONARDO DOS SANTOS LOURENCO BASTOS 29 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] A Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) é um departamento importante dentro do Hospital visto que lida majoritariamente com casos de alta complexidade e gera elevados custos administrativos, o que requer um controle adequado de seus processos. Inconformidades tais como erros em atividades de tratamento e falta de comunicação entre os funcionários são comumente responsáveis pelo baixo desempenho de UTIs e devem ser ajustados para reduzir possíveis danos ao tratamento do paciente. Para avaliar a eficiência de uma UTI, a literatura propõe que sejam estabelecidas métricas que considerem quatro perspectivas - médica ou clínica, econômica, social e institucional – que oferecem uma visão abrangente das atividades (administrativas ou de tratamento) dentro da unidade e seus impactos no pós-tratamento. Entretanto, a avaliação de desempenho em uma UTI não é uma tarefa simples, pois há diversas variáveis a serem consideradas e que podem ser potenciais causas de um mau desempenho. Além disso, não há uma métrica ou indicador padrão-ouro que consegue reter de forma adequadas as informações, sendo que diversas perspectivas devem ser consideradas. Os indicadores mais comuns são A Taxa de Mortalidade Padronizada (Standardized Mortality Ratio, SMR) e o Taxa de Uso de Rescursos Padronizada (Standardized Resource Use, SRU), que contabilizam desfechos de mortalidade (clínicos) e de uso de recursos (econômicos), junto de metodologias propostas para viabilizar a comparação entre diferentes UTIs, identificar de grupos de desempenho e analisar os riscos de mortalidade dos pacientes dentro da unidade, tais como os conceitos de Rankability e Perfis de Risco (Risk Profiles). Além disso, é necessário definir corretamente os desfechos a serem contabilizados em indicadores. Nesse contexto, recomenda-se a combinação de diferentes indicadores e metodologias de forma a complementar e elevar a confiabilidade da análise de desempenho e benchmarking. Com isso, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar um conjunto de UTIs em termos de desempenho quanto à mortalidade e uso de recursos, associando-os com as características das unidades e seus fatores institucionais, para identificar possíveis correlações. A análise foi feita em uma amostra composta por 12.100 pacientes que foram hospitalizados em 116 UTIs, considerando um desfecho em até 60 dias de interação. Este estudo teve como contribuição a combinação de diferentes técnicas e indicadores, e uma discussão a respeito da variabilidade do SMR em comparação à metodologia tradicional. Para este propósito, combinou-se as técnicas da Matriz de Eficiência, Rankability – índice de confiabilidade de um indicador de desfecho, e Perfis de Risco, de forma a obter e avaliar o desempenho de grupos de UTIs. Como resultados, verificou-se que UTIs cuja administração é de domínio Público e que destinam a maioria dos seus leitos ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) brasileiro tiveram mortalidade significativamente alta em relação àquelas de dominínio privado (p-valor menor que 0.05). Além disso, realizou-se um agrupamento das UTIs utilizando quatro diferentes técnicas de clusterização de forma a garantir a máxima confiabilidade do indicador para comparação (Rankability), o que resultou na presença de clusters extremos contendo uma UTI cada, sendo elas a de maior e a de menor SMR, apesar de ambas apresentarem o mesmo conjunto de severidades. Para cada grupo, estimou-se o seu perfil de risco, e verificou-se que pacientes com menor gravidade apresentaram maior variabilidade nos riscos de morte, sendo estes maiores nos grupos com alto SMR e menores em grupos de menor mortalidade, sendo que a dispersão tendeu a ser menor quanto menor for o risco, o que poderia influenciar diretamente no cálculo do SMR. Com isso, por meio de equações matemáticas e simulação por meio de reamostragem, verificou-se que o SMR possui uma limitação em sua escala, que depende diretamente do espectro de gravidade dos pacientes em cada UTI ou grupo de desempenho analisado. O S / [en] Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is an important department within a hospital since it deals mostly with complex cases and it generates the highest amount of costs, thus requiring adequate control on its care treatments. Nonconformities such as poor communication and treatment errors are commonly responsible for a bad performance in ICUs. However, evaluating the performance of an ICU is not an easy task and there are no gold-standard indicators. The most common metrics are the Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) and the Standardized Resource Use (SRU), which measure mortality and resource utilization, respectively. Hence, this study aims to analyze different ICUs in terms of mortality, resource use, and institutional factors, combining the methods Efficiency Chart, Rankability and Risk Profile. The analysis was performed considering a total of 12,100 patients in 116 ICUs provided by a clinical trial study. As results, it was verified that most ICUs were from hospitals with public administration (47.41 per cent), which had significantly high lethality rate compared to private hospitals. Four different clustering approaches were tested, which identified similar case-mixes between the best and lower performance groups of ICUs, and a high variability in expected risks for low severity patients. Using a resampling approach, it was evidenced that the mortality indicator varies strongly on low-risk groups of patients, while high-risk patients had a smaller range of SMR values, which may lead to biased conclusions when comparing ICUs with similar mortality and different case-mixes.

Riskprofilering inom förmögenhetsrådgivning och privatrådgivning : En studie inom banksektorn

Ennen, Maximilian, Persson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Sveriges största banker erbjuder både förmögenhetsrådgivning och privatrådgivning till sina kunder. Förmögenhetsrådgivare ger råd till bankkunder som innehar ett stort kapital, där storleken varierar från bank till bank, medan privatrådgivare ger råd till kunder som inte kvalificeras som förmögenhetskunder. Det som både förmögenhetsrådgivare och privatrådgivare har gemensamt är skapandet av kundernas riskprofiler som görs innan finansiella råd ges. De väsentliga påverkansfaktorerna i denna uppsats är reglering, styrsystem, kundens demografiska attribut, professionalism samt rådgivaren som individ. Det har tidigare studerats hur olika faktorer kan tänkas påverka generell risksättning men då har jämförelsen mellan förmögenhetsrådgivning och privatrådgivning inte tagits i bejakande. Syftet med denna uppsats är hur de olika faktorerna kan tänkas påverka den riskprofil som fastställs inom förmögenhetsrådgivning i jämförelse med privatrådgivning. Två hypoteser har konstruerats utifrån uppsatsens syfte och de teorier som är inkluderade. I denna uppsats används ett positivistiskt synsätt och en deduktiv ansats, där data har samlats in med hjälp av en enkätundersökning för att undersöka studiens syfte. Resultatet kan inte påvisa att faktorerna påverkar den riskprofilering som de finansiella rådgivarna fastställer och därför gick inte hypoteserna att acceptera. En antydan finns dock i att förmögenhetsrådgivare har högre precision i att fastställa kundens risktolerans. En annan antydan är att förmögenhetsrådgivare överskattar kundens risktolerans. Slutsatsen visar att forskningen ger en antydan till att rådgivarens professionalitet samt rådgivaren som individ påverkar den riskprofilering som förmögenhetsrådgivarna och privatrådgivarna sätter på kunden. Slutligen bidrar studien till en diskussion om skillnader mellan förmögenhetsrådgivare och privatrådgivare när de fastställer kundens risktolerans. Idén i denna studie har därmed bidragit till nya tankar gällande uppsatsens koncept. / Sweden's largest banks offer financial advice regarding the customer’s wealth. Wealth management advises bank customers who hold large capital where the size varies between the banks. Private advisers provide consulting to bank customers who do not qualify for wealth management. What both wealth managers and private advisors have in common is the creation of customer risk profiles that are made before any financial advice is given. The key impact factors in this paper are regulation, control systems, customer demographic attributes, professionalism and the advisor as an individual. It has previously been studied how different factors may affect general risk setting but not focusing on the professions of wealth managers and private advisors and the comparison between them. The purpose of this paper is how the various factors may affect the risk profile from wealth management in comparison to private advising. Two hypotheses have been constructed from the purpose of this paper and the theory’s that are included. This essay uses a positivistic approach and a deductive approach, in which data has been gathered through a questionnaire survey for studying the purpose of this paper. The result cannot show that the factors affect the risk profile set by the financial advisors and the hypotheses where therefore rejected. However, there is an indication that wealth managers have higher precision in determining the client's risk tolerance. Another indication is also that wealth managers overestimate the client's risk tolerance compared to private advisors. The research conclusions indicate that the advisor's professionalism and the adviser as an individual influence the risk profile that wealth managers and private advisor’s determents for the customers. Finally, the study contributes to a discussion of differences between wealth managers and private advisors when they determent the customers risk profile. The idea of this study has contributed to new thoughts about the essay concepts.

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