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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Risk Analysis for Intermittent Water Supply Systems / Risk Analysis for Intermittent Water Supply Systems

Alayoubi, Mzayan January 2015 (has links)
Intermitted Water Supply strategy is implemented commonly in some developing countries nowadays in order to minimize the water scarcity problems. Unstable hydraulic conditions in the distribution system, low pressure, high risk of water contamination, wasting water, rising costs paid by consumers and water providers, failures and problems with consumption metering and inconvenience to consumers are some of the consequences. Risk Analysis Methodology is developed to handle with intermittent water supply systems in developing countries conditions that include undesired events identification; risk estimation and risk evaluation and reduction plan, the catalogue list of potential undesired events (UE) which may occur in these types of systems have been also developed using the HAZard and OPerability technique (HAZOP). The developed methodology is implemented and tested in this research on one of the potential undesired events UE _ Low operational pressure

Systém pro podporu managementu rizik v IT projektech / System for Risk Management Support in IT Projects

Birkus, Kristián January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents a system designed to support risk management in IT projects. The presented system is based on an in depth analysis of project and risk management in the field of information Technologies. The implementation started only after the exhaustive analyzation process. The system was implemented in programming language C#. On the database level MS SQL server is used.

Analýza ekonomického rizika veřejného investičního projektu / Analysis of Economic Risk of Public Investment Project

Khaliliya, Shirin Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of economic risks of a public investment project. The theoretical part contains indicators showing the economic efficiency of the investment and risk analysis. The practical part is focused on the economic evaluation of efficiency and risk analysis of a public investment project.

Utveckling av ett verktyg för att förebygga risker i slutna utrymmen vid ett tillverkningsföretag

Levy, Lily, Saeidyfar, Gulli Mahdiyeh January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie har utförts på en svensk medelstor fabrik som tillverkar gipsbaserade byggprodukter och tillhör en internationell koncern. Vissa arbetsuppgifter i fabriken innebär att personalen utför planerat underhåll och rengöring i områden som klassificeras som slutna utrymmen med otillräcklig ventilation där det kan bildas en farlig atmosfär och/eller att det kan vara svårt att komma in och ut. Brist på syre, brand och explosionsrisker kan leda till allvarliga, till och med dödliga olyckor i slutna utrymmen. Vid studiens start uppfyllde fabrikens befintliga rutiner för arbete i slutna utrymmen inte säkerhetskraven från koncernen och inte heller från lagstiftningen. Koncernen har uppmanat fabriken att ta fram ”bäst praxis” för arbete i slutna utrymmen så att andra fabriker kan implementera samma typ av åtgärder. Syftet med denna studie är därför att utveckla ett verktyg för att förebygga ohälsa och olycksfall i arbetet i slutna utrymmen. Studien avgränsas till att undersöka riskerna på två slutna utrymmen i fabriken.Studien utfördes som en fallstudie. Datainsamling har gjorts genom litteraturstudier, en översikt av lagstiftningskrav, granskning av fabrikens befintliga dokument och verktyg för riskbedömningar, anteckningar under projektmöten, intervjuer av medlemmar i projektgruppen, samt kunskapsinhämtningen via deltagandet i endagsseminarium om ”arbete i slutet utrymme”. För bedömning av kvalitet och funktionalitet av verktyget genomfördes en workshop med öppna frågor.Utifrån dessa forskningsaktiviteter har ett verktyg utvecklats för att systematiskt identifiera och hantera risker i slutna utrymmen på den aktuella fabriken som har följande cykel: 1) Bakgrund, 2) Kartläggning, 3) Risklista, 4) Stratifiering, 5) Riskbedömning, 6) Organisatoriska och tekniska åtgärder, 7) Implementering, 8) Revisioner, 9) Inspektioner, 10) Korrigerande åtgärder.Verktyget kommer att implementeras för arbete även i de andra slutna utrymmena i fabriken. Nästa steg är att testa verktyget i andra gipsfabriker i koncernen och justera efter behov samt sprida kunskapen vidare.Vi rekommenderar att 1) Fabrikens räddningsteam utvecklar specifik nöd-plan för varje slutet utrymme samt ett schema för inspektion av utrustning, samt att 2) Projektgruppen utvecklar ”ett flöde” för att underlätta genomgång av rutinerna när arbete i slutna utrymmen behövs. / Abstract The research study presented in this master thesis was done in a Swedish medium-sized factory that manufactures plaster-based construction products and belongs to an international corporate group. Some work tasks in the factory involve staff carrying out scheduled maintenance and cleaning in areas that are classified as confined spaces with inadequate ventilation that can form a hazardous atmosphere, and/or that it is difficult to get in and out. Lack of oxygen, fire and explosion risks may result in serious, even fatal, accidents in confined spaces. At the start of this research study, the existing factory procedures for working in confined spaces did not fully meet the requirements of the corporate group, nor Swedish legislation. The corporate group has challenged the factory to develop "best practices" for work in confined spaces so that other factories can implement the same kind of counter measures. The aim of this study is therefore to develop a tool to prevent accidents by identifying and managing risks associated with work in confined spaces.The research study was performed as a case study. Data collection was done through literature studies and collection an overview of legislative requirements, review of existing company documents, risk assessment tools, notes during project meetings, interviews of the project team, as well as the acquisition of knowledge through participation in the seminar on "work in the confined spaces". To evaluate the quality of the tool, a workshop was conducted with open questions.Based on these research activities a tool is developed to systematically identify and manage risks in confined spaces at the current factory and has the following cycle: 1) Background, 2) Mapping, 3) Risk List, 4) Stratification, 5) Risk Assessment, 6) Organizational and technical counter measures, 7) Implementation, 8) Audits, 9) Inspections, 10) Corrective actions (continuous improvement)The tool can be implemented in the future for the other confined spaces in the factory. The next step is to test the tool in other gypsum factories in the Group and adjust as needed, and to spread the knowledge further.We recommend that 1) the factory Rescue Team develop specific emergency plans for each confined space as well as a schedule for equipment inspection, and that the 2) Project team develop a "flow" to facilitate the review of routines when work in confined spaces is required.

Riskanalys av elsystem med funktions-FMEA / Risk analysis of an electrical system with functional FMEA

Baitar, Rami January 2014 (has links)
Riskanalysverktyget failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) som analyserar kompo-nenter och signaler är beroende av att designen av fordonets elsystem finns tillgängligt och utförs därför sent i utvecklingsprocessen av elsystem. Detta medför att vissa fel inte analyseras i tid och kanske måste designas bort i efterhand vilket kan leda till ökad sy-stemkomplexitet samt längre och dyrare utvecklingsprocesser.Målet med examensarbetet är att genom en litteraturstudie ta reda på om det finns me-toder eller arbetssätt som gör att Scania tidigt i utvecklingsprocessen av elsystem kan genomföra funktionsanalyser i sitt riskanalysarbete med FMEA samt analysera dessa.Resultatet av detta examensarbete visar att det är möjligt att påbörja FMEA-arbetet tidigt i utvecklingsprocessen av elsystem om ingenjörerna utgår från ett funktionsperspektiv i riskanalysarbetet där de listar och rangordnar de funktioner som tillsammans realiserar en eller flera funktionaliteter samt deras felmoder, feleffekter, feldetektering, allvarlighet, sannolikhet och frekvens. Med hjälp av en FFMEA kan ingenjörerna tidigt i utveck-lingsprocessen av elsystem snabbt och effektivt hantera de identifierade säkerhetskritiska funktionerna.En befintlig funktionalitet på Scania har brutits ned i funktioner och en FFMEA har genomförts på dessa som en demonstration på hur en FFMEA kan genomföras och se ut. / The risk analysis tool failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) that analyzes the com-ponents and signals of a electrical system is design dependent and are therefore per-formed late in the development process of electrical systems. This could lead to that some errors are not analyzed in time and may need to be designed away which can lead to increased system complexity as well as longer and more expensive development proc-esses.The objective of this study is that through a literature review identify if there are any methods or approaches that enables Scania to implement a functional hazard analyzes early in the development process of electrical systems and to analyze these.The results of this thesis shows that it is possible to start the FMEA process early in the development process of the electrical system if the engineers have a functional perspec-tive in mind when performing the risk analysis where they list and rank the functions that is provided by the electrical system and their failure modes, failure effects, failure de-tection, severity, probability and occurrence.By using a function based FMEA, the engineer(s) can identify and promptly handle the safety critical functions early in the development process of a electrical system.A existing functionality at Scania has been broken down into functions and a functional hazard analysis has been performed on these as a demonstration of how a function based FMEA can be carried out and look like.

Identifiering av skyfallskänsliga punkter till Västerås kommunsvattentjänstplan : Risk- och sårbarhetsanalys samt lågpunktskartering / Identification of downpour-sensitive points for Västerås municipality’s water service plan : Risk and vulnerability analysis and low-point mapping

Adolfsson Lindahl, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Från om med 1 januari 2024 ska alla kommuner ha en vattentjänstplan. En vattentjänstplan ska innehålla varje kommuns långsiktiga plan för att tillgodose allmänna vattentjänster i framtiden samt åtgärder som behöver vidtas vid skyfall för att skydda VA-anläggningar. Lagändringen infördes 1 januari 2023 vilket har gett kommuner en snäv tidsplan att ta fram denna plan. Arbetet har undersökt vad vattentjänstplanen i Västerås kommun behöver innehålla för att uppfylla kravet om åtgärder vid skyfall, identifiera punkter i spill- och dagvattennätet som potentiellt är sårbara för skyfall och ge förslag på skyfallsåtgärder. För att uppfylla syftet har en risk- och sårbarhetsanalys utförts för att identifiera punkter i spill- och dagvattennätet som är sårbara för skyfall. Analysen inkluderade en workshop med nyckelpersoner på Mälarenergi Vatten AB och en riskmatris som användes som bedömningsunderlag. Från riskmatrisen identifierades punkter som var potentiellt sårbara för skyfall och en lågpunktskartering utfördes i SCALGO Live på utvalda punkter. De regnhändelser som utfördes i karteringen var 10-, 20- och 100-årsregn. Lågpunktskarteringen jämfördes även med en skyfallskartering med markavrinning och ledningsnät, vilket är en kartering av hög detaljeringsgrad, för att undersöka ifall lågpunktskartering kan vara lämpligt underlag till en vattentjänstplan. Resultatet av risk- och sårbarhetsanalysen var att sju punkter, som gavs som förslag under workshopen, hade höga riskvärden och var potentiellt sårbara för skyfall. Tre av sju punkter valdes till vidare analys: Branthovda, Skiljebo och Önsta-Gryta, alla belägna i Västerås tätort. Samtliga av dessa tre punkter var i dagvattennätet. Lågpunktskarteringen i SCALGO Live som utfördes över dessa tre punkter visade stora översvämningar vid ett 100-årsregn. Skyfallsåtgärder som föreslogs för platserna var magasinerings ytor och skyfallsled. Vid jämförelse av lågpunktskartering och skyfallskartering med markavrinning och ledningsnät visade skyfallskarteringen en mindre översvämning för Branthovda och Skiljebo. I Önsta-Gryta var skillnaden mellan karteringarna minimal. Detta var då skyfallskarteringens resultat visar på att dagvattenledningarna i området var överbelastade redan vid ett 10-årsregn, vilket liknade villkoret i lågpunktskarteringen att dagvattenledningarna antas vara fulla. Med detta kan endast en lågpunktskartering visa ett områdes potential till att var sårbara för skyfall, men säger inget om hur spill- eller dagvattennätet påverkas. Dock kan en lågpunktskartering hjälpa till att identifiera områden i tätorter som skulle kunna vara sårbara för översvämningar. / As of January 1st, 2024, all municipalities must have a water service plan. A water service plan must contain each municipality's long-term plan to provide public water services in the future and solutions that need to be taken in the event of a cloudburst to protect water and sewage facilities. The change in law was introduced on January 1st, 2023, which has given municipalities a tight timetable to develop this plan. The study has investigated what the water service plan in Västerås municipality needs to contain in order to fulfill the requirement for solutions in the event of cloudbursts, identify points in the waste and stormwater network that are potentially vulnerable to cloudbursts, and provide suggestions for torrential rain measures. In order to fulfill the purpose, a risk and vulnerability analysis has been carried out to identify points in the waste and stormwater network that are potentially vulnerable to cloudbursts. The analysis included a workshop, with key individuals at Mälarenergi Vatten AB, and a risk matrix that was used as an assessment basis. From the risk matrix, points that were potentially vulnerable to cloudbursts were identified and a low-point mapping was performed in SCALGO Live at the selected points. The rain events performed in the mapping were 10-, 20- and 100-year rainfalls. The low-point mapping was compared with a cloudburst mapping with land runoff and conduit network, which is a mapping with a high degree of detail, to investigate whether low-point mapping can be a suitable basis for a water service plan. The result of the risk and vulnerability analysis was that seven points, which were given as suggestions during the workshop, had high-risk values and were potentially vulnerable to cloudbursts. Three out of the seven points were selected for further analysis: Branthovda, Skiljebo, and Önsta-Gryta, all of them located in Västerås city. All of these sensitive points were in the stormwater network. The low-point mapping in SCALGO Live performed over these three points showed major flooding during a 100-year rainfall event. The proposed cloudburst solutions for the sites were storage areas and cloudburst roads. When comparing low-point mapping and cloudburst mapping with ground runoff and conduit networks, the cloudburst mapping showed a minor flood for Branthovda and Skiljebo. In Önsta-Gryta, the difference between the mappings was minimal. This was due to the results of the cloudburst mapping showing that the stormwater pipes in the area were overloaded even with a 10-year rain, which was similar to the condition in the low-point mapping that the stormwater pipes are assumed to be filled. With this, only a low point mapping can show an area's potential for being vulnerable to cloudbursts but does not say anything about how the waste or stormwater network is affected. However, low point mapping can help identify areas in built-up areas that could be vulnerable to flooding.

Using an Inventory of Unstable Slopes to Prioritize Probabilistic Rockfall Modeling and Acid Base Accounting in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

O'Shea, Thomas A 01 August 2021 (has links)
An inventory of unstable slopes along transportation corridors and performance modeling are important components of geotechnical asset management in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM). Hazards and risk were assessed for 285 unstable slopes along 151 miles of roadway. A multi-criteria model was created to select fourteen sites for two-dimensional probabilistic rockfall simulations and Acid Base Accounting (ABA) tests. Simulations indicate that rock material would likely enter the roadway at all fourteen sites. ABA test results indicate that influence of significant acid-producing potential is generally confined to slaty rocks of the Anakeesta Formation and graphitic schist of the Wehutty Formation. The research illustrates an approach for prioritizing areas for site-specific investigations towards the goal of improving safety in GRSM. These results can help park officials develop mitigation strategies for rockfall, using strategies such as widening ditches and encapsulating acidic rockfall material.

Integrating steel slag aggregates into asphalt paving by harmonizing availability, quality, economics, and the environment

Murphy, Timothy R. 12 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis provides guidance on how to balance matters related to the environmental stewardship, market sources, origin and uses, material properties, performance, and economic impact of using slag materials in pavements. The literature on this topic provides numerous references on the use of slag materials for specific applications, and this thesis aims to make use of those references along with other data from the author to describe slag materials from a holistic perspective and provide some suggestions for balancing several factors that impact optimal use of this resource within pavement structures. Discussion is given to the increased importance of recycling of other materials into the infrastructure and benchmarking those materials against recycling of steel slag. Ensuring adequate performance of pavements while increasing the use of recycled materials and maintaining safety is a successful measure relative to green initiatives and occurs only with careful planning, cooperation, and field validations.

A Study Evaluating the Liquidity Risk for Non-Maturity Deposits at a Swedish Niche Bank / En studie som utvärderar likviditetsrisken för icke tidsbestämda inlåningsvolymer hos en svensk nischbank

Hilmersson, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Since the 2008 financial crisis, the interest for the subject area of modelling non-maturity deposits has been growing quickly. The area has been widely analysed from the perspective of a traditional bank where customers foremost have transactional and salary deposits. However, in recent year the Swedish banking sector has become more digitized. This has opened up opportunities for more niche banking actors to establish themselves on the market. Therefore, this study aims to examine how the theories developed and previously used in modelling liquidity volumes at traditional banks can be used at a niche bank focused on savings and investments. In this study the topics covered are short-rate modelling using Vasicek's model, liquidity volume modelling using SARIMA and SARIMAX modelling as well as liquidity risk modelling using an approach developed by Kalkbrener and Willing. When modelling the liquidity volumes the data set was divided depending on account and customer type into six groups, for four out of these the models had lower in and out of set prediction errors using SARIMA models for only two of the six models were there improvements made to the in and out of set prediction error using SARIMAX models. Finally, the resulting minimization of liquidity volume forecasting 5 years in the future gave reasonable and satisfactory results. / Sedan finanskrisen 2008 har intresset kring ämnesområdet gällande modellering av inlåningsvolymer utan en kontrakterad förfallodag ökat snabbt. Området har analyserats i stor utsträckning från perspektivet av en traditionell bank där kunder har framförallt transaktions- och lönekonton. De senaste åren har den Svenska banksektorn blivit mer digitaliserad. Detta har öppnat upp möjligheter för nischbanker att etablera sig på marknaden. Därför ämnar denna studie att undersöka hur teorier som har utvecklats och tidigare använts på traditionella banker för att modellera likviditetsvolymer kan användas på en nischbank som är fokuserad på sparande och investeringar. I denna studie modelleras korträntor med Vasicek's modell, likviditetsvolymer med SARIMA och SARIMAX modeller och likviditetsrisk med en modell utvecklad av Kalkbrener och Willing. För modelleringen av likviditetsvolymer delades likviditetsdatan upp i sex grupper baserat på konto- och kund typ. För fyra av dessa data set gav SARIMA-modeller lägre prediktionsfel och endast för två av de sex grupperna gav SARIMAX-modeller bättre resultat. Slutligen så gav den resulterande minimeringen av nödvändiga likviditetsvolymer på en 5 årig horisont rimliga och tillfredsställande resultat.

Modeling and Solving the Outsourcing Risk Management Problem in Multi-Echelon Supply Chains

Nahangi, Arian A 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Worldwide globalization has made supply chains more vulnerable to risk factors, increasing the associated costs of outsourcing goods. Outsourcing is highly beneficial for any company that values building upon its core competencies, but the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises have exposed significant vulnerabilities within supply chains. These disruptions forced a shift in the production of goods from outsourcing to domestic methods. This paper considers a multi-echelon supply chain model with global and domestic raw material suppliers, manufacturing plants, warehouses, and markets. All levels within the supply chain network are evaluated from a holistic perspective, calculating a total cost for all levels with embedded risk. We formulate the problem as a mixed-integer linear model programmed in Excel Solver linear to solve smaller optimization problems. Then, we create a Tabu Search algorithm that solves problems of any size. Excel Solver considers three small-scale supply chain networks of varying sizes, one of which maximizes the decision variables the software can handle. In comparison, the Tabu Search program, programmed in Python, solves an additional ten larger-scaled supply chain networks. Tabu Search’s capabilities illustrate its scalability and replicability. A quadratic multi-regression analysis interprets the input parameters (iterations, neighbors, and tabu list size) associated with total supply chain cost and run time. The analysis shows iterations and neighbors to minimize total supply chain cost, while the interaction between iterations x neighbors increases the run time exponentially. Therefore, increasing the number of iterations and neighbors will increase run time but provide a more optimal result for total supply chain cost. Tabu Search’s input parameters should be set high in almost every practical case to achieve the most optimal result. This work is the first to incorporate risk and outsourcing into a multi-echelon supply chain, solved using an exact (Excel Solver) and metaheuristic (Tabu Search) solution methodology. From a practical case, managers can visualize supply chain networks of any size and variation to estimate the total supply chain cost in a relatively short time. Supply chain managers can identify suppliers and pick specific suppliers based on cost or risk. Lastly, they can adjust for risk according to external or internal risk factors. Future research directions include expanding or simplifying the supply chain network design, considering multiple parts, and considering scrap or defective products. In addition, one could incorporate a multi-product dynamic planning horizon supply chain. Overall, considering a hybrid method combining Tabu Search with genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing, CPLEX, GUROBI, or LINGO, could provide better results in a faster computational time.

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