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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensaios de arrancamento e cisalhamento em descontinuidades simuladas reforçadas com barras de aço / Pull-out and shear tests on discontinuities reinforced with steel bars

Mercedes Liliana Prieto Castillo 07 October 2011 (has links)
Ancoragens são muito utilizadas na estabilização do maciço rochoso pela rapidez e baixo custo, embora sua análise não seja completamente entendida devido à interação de diferentes materiais como rocha, graute e aço. Este documento apresenta os resultados de um estudo realizado em juntas lisas reforçadas com ancoragens. Foram ensaiadas ancoragens com barras de diferentes diâmetros e diferentes orientações em relação ao plano da descontinuidade. Os ensaios realizados para avaliar o comportamento deste tipo de reforço foram o ensaio de arrancamento em tubo duplo e o ensaio de cisalhamento em juntas lisas reforçadas. Os ensaios de arrancamento em tubo duplo demonstraram que a resistência ao arrancamento é dependente da resistência à tração da barra. As deformações internas no sistema foram idealizadas através da obtenção de um comprimento livre hipotético de uma barra livre submetida a tração. Nos ensaios de cisalhamento, avaliou-se a melhora da resistência ao cisalhamento de descontinuidades lisas reforçadas com barras ancoradas. Observaram-se dois picos de carga mobilizada antes da ruptura do sistema no caso de barras perpendiculares ao plano da descontinuidade. Este fato introduz significativa ductilidade ao sistema e é importante do ponto de vista de confiabilidade do sistema. A ruptura das ancoragens se produz devido a uma combinação de efeitos de tração, flexão, e cortantes. Os sistemas reforçados com áreas maiores de aço apresentaram maior ductilidade, e, portanto oferecem maior segurança. Os resultados sugerem que uma vez superado o comprimento mínimo ancorado a ruptura das ancoragens acontecerá por ruptura das barras de aço e não por aderência na interface barra-graute, concluindo-se que a resistência das ancoragens é dependente da resistência de ruptura e da área de aço utilizada. Finalmente, esta pesquisa contribui ao entendimento dos mecanismos de ruína que acontecem num maciço reforçado com ancoragens. / Rock anchors are widely used to stabilize rock masses due to their rapid installation and low cost. Their behavior is not fully understood because of the interaction of different elements such as rock, grout and steel. This document presents the results of both pull-out and shear tests on steel bar reinforced discontinuities. Tests were carried out with different diameters and orientations of bars with respect to the discontinuity plane. Double-pipe pullout tests and smooth-joint anchor-reinforced shear tests were performed. The results of double-pipe pull-out tests were analyzed in terms of both strength and deformations. Internal strains were idealized through a model based on hypothetical length of a free bar. In the smooth-joint anchor-reinforced shear tests, both increase in shear strength and ductility were evaluated. Two load peaks were observed in test with bars perpendicular to the joint plane. Ductility is significantly increased with respect to joints reinforced with inclined bars. This is important for reliability evaluation. The failure of anchors is produced by a combination of tensile, bending, and shear internal forces. The systems reinforced with a greater amount of steel presented more ductile behavior than those less reinforced. The results suggest that since the minimum anchor length is exceeded, the system failure is governed by the rebar failure and not by the adhesion in the rebar-grout interface. From this, it is concluded that the anchor strength is dependent on the strength and cross section area of the rebar. Finally, this research contributes to better understanding of the failure mechanisms of anchor-reinforced rock masses.

Caving mechanisms for a non-daylighting orebody

Banda, Sraj Umar January 2017 (has links)
The sublevel caving mining method is a mass production method with potentially very low operational costs. The success of this method is dependent on, among other factors, the cavability of the orebody and the overlying rock mass. However, caving of the surrounding rock mass also results in deformations in the cap rock as well as on the ground surface above the orebody being mined. From this follows that any existing infrastructure on the ground surface must be relocated as not to be affected by the mining-induced deformations.This thesis work was undertaken to bring about a better understanding of the rock mass behavior in the cap rock of non-daylighting orebodies, with particular application to the Printzsköld orebody as part of the LKAB Malmberget Mine. Rock testing, field observations and underground mapping was conducted to characterize the rock mass in the caving environment. A methodology for identifying the caving front based on seismic monitoring data was derived by studying the Fabian orebody (which has caved to surface), and using laser scanning data for validation. The methodology was then applied to the Printzsköld orebody to identify the caving front.Numerical modeling was performed for various scenarios of the rock mass as mining proceeded. Modeling included (i) stress analysis to understand stress changes and their effects on the rock mass behavior, (ii) discontinuum numerical modeling to quantify the influence of large-scale geological structures on the cave progression, and (iii) discontinuum cave modeling to simulate possible cave mechanisms in the cap rock more explicitly. Laser scanning together with seismic event data were used to calibrate the numerical models.The numerical simulation results showed that as mining progresses, the cap rock and hangingwall were exposed to stress changes that resulted in yielding. Two failure mechanisms were predominantly at play (i) shear failure (dominant in the cap rock) and (ii) tensile failure (dominant in the hangingwall). The presence of the large-scale structures affected thenearfield stresses through slip along the cave boundaries. The effect of the structures on the far field stresses were less significant.Discontinuum modeling to explicitly simulate failure and caving involved simulating the rock mass as a jointed medium using Voronoi tessellations in 2D, and bonded block modeling (BBM) in 3D. Both the 2D and the 3D modeling results showed fair agreement when comparing the inferred boundary of the seismogenic zone, with that identified from seismic monitoring data. Predictive numerical modeling was conducted for future planned mining to assess future cave development in the cap rock. The results from 3D modeling indicated that cave breakthrough for the Printzsköld orebody is expected when mining the 1023 m level, corresponding to approximately year 2022, as per current mining plans. The 2D model was non-conservative with cave breakthrough predicted to occur when mining the 1109 m level, corresponding to the year 2028.The estimated boundary between the seismogenic and yielded zones, as defined in the Duplancic and Brady conceptual model of caving, was coinciding with, or was close to, the cave boundary in the Printzsköld orebody. This may imply that in some areas the yielded zone was not present and that the Duplancic and Brady model may not be universally applicable. Additional work is required to verify this indication, as well as to fine-tune the modeling methodology.

An alarm system for pore pressure measurements in the foundation ofconcrete dams : a case study of Storfinnforsen buttress dam

Falcão de Queiroz, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Concrete buttress dams are relatively light structures and less demandingon foundations; because of that, they may have problems with upliftforces and horizontal joints in the area of the dam´s foundation maypresent a failure mode through sliding. The Storfinnforsen dam, thelargest concrete dam in Sweden, had its foundation studied recently andthe discovery of sub-horizontal joints in the bedrock led to the necessityof having the safety of the dam foundation to sliding assessed.The safety is dependent on the pore pressure, which can vary throughtime. The implementation of an alarm system to monitor and assess thevalues of the pore pressure is necessary to improve the dam´s operation.In this thesis, a new system on how to define alarm limits for measuredpore pressures is suggested.The proposed alarm system will monitor the pore pressure of the joint,calculate the safety factor against sliding, compare it to the alarm limits ofthe system (adopted from RIDAS) and present countermeasures to theproblem.The analysis and implementation of the alarm system on monolith 42 ofStorfinnforsen showed that it does not comply with the Swedishguidelines with respect to sliding stability, but the measured porepressures are low enough to allow the creation of an alarm system thatwill monitor the pore pressure continuously. Furthermore, thecharacteristics of the local geology exclude any quick development of porepressure allowing countermeasures to be applied.However, further research on the definition of alarm limits for this kindof problem is needed. / Lamelldammar av betong är relativt lätta konstruktioner med mindrepåkänningar på grunden jämfört med konventionellagravitationsdammar. Till följd av detta är de också känsliga för upptryck.I kombination med förekomsten av sub-horisontella sprickplan iberggrunden kan detta utgöra en risk för glidning. Vid Storfinnforsensbetongdamm, vilken är Sveriges största lamelldamm, har undersökningarav berggrunden genomförts. I samband med dessa undersökningaridentifierades sub-horisontella sprickplan i berggrunden ochmonoliternas glidstabilitet har därför analyserats med avseende påglidning. Dränage har även borrats och portrycksmätare installerats föratt övervaka portrycket i berggrunden.Portrycket, och därmed dammens säkerhet mot glidning, kan emellertidvariera över tid. Det är därför nödvändigt att utveckla och implementeraett alarmsystem för att övervaka portrycket och säkerställa dammenssäkerhet. I följande examensarbete har ett nytt system utvecklats för attdefiniera alarmgränser för uppmätta portryck. I det föreslagnaalarmsystemet övervakas portrycket över sprickplanen, säkerhetsfaktornmot glidning beräknas och jämförs mot gränser baserade på acceptablasäkerhetsfaktorer från RIDAS. Om uppmätta portryck överstigeralarmgränserna implementeras fördefinierade åtgärder.I detta arbete implementerades alarmsystemet på monolit 42 iStorfinnforsens lamelldamm. Resultaten från en inledandestabilitetsanalys visade att säkerhetsfaktorn mot glidning inte uppfyllerställda krav enligt RIDAS riktlinjer. De uppmätta portrycken äremellertid tillräckligt låga för att möjliggöra användningen av ettalarmsystem som övervakar portrycken kontinuerligt och därmedsäkerställer att säkerheten mot glidning uppfylls. Om portrycken skulleöverstigas ges förslag på möjliga åtgärder som kan genomföras för attsänka portrycken. Vidare indikerar de lokala geologiska förhållandena attVsnabba höjningar av portrycken till följd av exempelvis urspolning avfyllnadsmaterial från sprickplan är osannolika, vilket möjliggörimplementering av de fördefinierade åtgärderna om portrycket skullestiga. Vidare forskning rekommenderas emellertid på hur snabbtportrycken kan stiga till följd av olika scenarier såsom nedbrytning avinjekteringsridåer.

Assessment of rock mass quality and its effects on charge ability using drill monitoring technique

Ghosh, Rajib January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Řešení některých problémů stability horniny ve svazích a stěnách s optimalizací kotevních prvků / Solution of some rock stability problems in slopes and walls with optimization of anchor elements

Holý, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This presented phd thesis focuses on the problems of instability in the rock walls and slopes, whose manifestation is among othersv rockfall and associated risks. It describes the theoretical aspects of the description of instability and summarizes the construction methods and technologies to eliminate them. On the basis of knowledge gained from specific buildings in the Czech Republic and based on the research project solved by author, submits suggestion to optimimalization of the anchoring elements as a basic part of most remediation methods.

Numerical Investigation of Rock Support Arches

Rentzelos, Theofanis January 2019 (has links)
The Garpenberg mine, owned by the Boliden Mining group, has established a trial area at Dammsjön orebody in order to examine the possibility of increasing the productivity of the mine. The mine uses the rill mining method with a current rill height of 15 m. In order to increase the productivity, the mine is examining the possibility of increasing the height of the rill. The trial area is located at 882 m depth surrounded by dolomite on the hangingwall and quartzitic rock on the footwall side. Rock support arches have been installed, in addition to the regular support pattern, to test their effectiveness on stabilizing the ground around the drifts. The arches have been installed in every 6 m and every 3 m in different parts of the test area. Rock samples from the trial area were brought to the university laboratory for testing. The data gathered from the laboratory tests along with the data from the monitoring of the trial area were used to develop a calibrated numerical model. A three-dimensional (3-D) model was therefore created, by using the FLAC3D numerical code. After the calibration of the model a parametric study was conducted for different rill heights and different arch spacing to investigate the performance of the arches. Specifically, the case of no arch installation along with the cases of an installed arch every 6 m and 3 m were tested, for the rill heights of 15 m, 20 m, 25 m and 30 m. The study concluded that the arches assisted in reducing the ground convergence in the production drift. The results also showed that the total height of the rill bench yields regardless of its height. After the yielding, the rockmass can no longer support itself and caves under its own weight. The larger the rill height, the larger the volume of loose rock that has to be supported and thus, higher the convergence. Furthermore, it was also observed that, significant amount of convergence in the production drift occurred during the drifting of the top drive and less during the stoping of the rill bench. This indicates that, the timely installation of the arches is an important criterion for their performance.

Prognose und bergschadenkundliche Analyse dynamischer Bodenbewegungen durch oberflächennahen Steinkohlenbergbau in den USA

Zimmermann, Karsten 28 March 2011 (has links)
Der untertägige Abbau von Steinkohle führt zu Bewegungen des überlagernden Gebirges und der Tagesoberfläche. Eine Bewegungsprognose ist im Hinblick auf entstehende Bergschäden weltweit von großer Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, ob eine Prognose von Bodenbewegungen im amerikanischen Steinkohlenbergbau mit einem in Europa bewährten Verfahren, einem dynamischen stochastischen Senkungsmodell, möglich ist. Dazu wurde eine Literaturstudie über den bisherigen Kenntnisstand in den USA durchgeführt, abbaubegleitende Bodenbewegungsmessungen aus dem Steinkohlengebiet der Appalachen ausgewertet und durch Modellrechnungen nachgebildet. Es wurde darüber hinaus untersucht, welchen Einfluss die spezifischen Abbaubedingungen und die räumliche und zeitliche Abbauführung auf die Größe und Dynamik von Bodenbewegungen haben. Die theoretischen und praktischen Untersuchungen zeigen einen deutlichen Know-how Vorsprung des europäischen Bergbaus in den Bereichen der Senkungsmodellierung und Bewertung abbauinduzierter Bodenbewegungen und belegen die Anwendbarkeit des Senkungsmodells. Es wurden wichtige Erkenntnisse gewonnen, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Optimierung des Abbauzuschnitts und der zeitlichen Abbauführung im Sinne einer bergschadensmindernden Abbauplanung aufzeigen. Die Arbeit trägt zur Verbesserung der bergmännischen und markscheiderischen Abbauplanung im Steinkohlenbergbau bei.

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