Spelling suggestions: "subject:"toma"" "subject:"soma""
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Des maisonnées transnationales : une migration rom dans ses routes, lieux et objets entre la Roumanie et la France / Transnational Households : a Romani migration through its routes, places and objects between Romania and FranceBenarrosh-Orsoni, Norah 07 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse l’expérience migratoire de familles roms roumaines installées en banlieue parisienne. Pour ces Roms, la matérialisation la plus visible de la réussite sociale réside dans la construction d’une maison indépendante dans leur village d’origine. Ce travail est né d’une longue enquête de terrain en France, en Roumanie et sur la route avec ces familles roms, au cours de laquelle je me suis intéressée aux multiples aspects matériels de la vie en migration. Je montre, d’une part, comment les membres de ce groupe parviennent à donner une cohérence au double ancrage qu’ils maintiennent entre la Roumanie et la France, tout en entretenant des liens de parenté forts, malgré la distance qui sépare souvent les membres d’une même famille. En analysant ce premier aspect, je montre, d’autre part, que ces migrants s’organisent en véritables maisonnées transnationales, reconfigurations familiales originales qui permettent aux membres du foyer dispersé de maintenir une dépendance réciproque et ce faisant, d’optimiser les bénéfices nécessaires à la concrétisation des projets immobiliers. Ceux-ci, qu’ils soient modestes ou impressionnants, permettent en retour de signifier aux yeux du groupe, par une action sur l’environnement matériel, la volonté de chacun de continuer à s’élever sur l’échelle sociale. / This work analyses the migratory experience of Romanian Roma families who settled down in the Parisian suburbs. The most visible materialisation of social success lies for them in the building of a new and independent house in their home village. The research is based on a long fieldwork carried out in France, in Romania and on the road with the Roma families, during which I focused on the numerous material aspects of life in migration. On the one hand, I show how members of this group developed a kind of double rootedness between Romania and France, how these attaches are kept coherent in their minds, as they also work keep-up with kinship relationships, when parents are most often scattered in several countries. While investigating this first aspect, I demonstrate, on the other hand, that these migrants structure themselves in genuine transnational households, this original family setup keeping its members interdependent and thus, allowing them to gather the money needed for the building projects. Whether being modest or impressive, these in turn enable their owners to state loud, in the eyes of the group, and through an action on the material environment, their intention to keep climbing the social ladder.
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As religiões em Roma no Principado : Petrônio e Marcial (séculos I e II d.C) /Parra, Amanda Giacon. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Andrea Lucia Dorini de Oliveira Carvalho Rossi / Banca: Ivan Esperança Rocha / Banca: Renata Lopes Biazotto Venturini / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar alguns cultos presentes na cidade de Roma no primeiro século e início do segundo d.C. Identificar como e por quais ordens a religião era vivida em alguns cultos oriundos de outras partes do mundo mediterrâneo e que não estiveram diretamente ligados, pelo menos em princípio, à estrutura do Estado romano. A pesquisa tem como fonte O Satyricon de Petrônio e os Epigramas de Marcial, sendo o primeiro um provável membro da aristocracia romana e, o segundo, um cliens na Roma Antiga / Abstract: The objective of this essay is to analyse some cults presents in the city of Rome at the first century and in the beginning of the second century a.C. and identify how and by whose orders religion was lived in some cults from others parts of the Mediterranean world and which weren't directly related, at least in the beginning, to the Roman State structure. The research has Petronio's 'Satyricon' and Marcial's 'The Epigrams' as source, the first being a likely member from the Roman aristocracy and the latter, a cliens from the Ancient Rome / Mestre
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Biomarkery epiteliálních nádorů ovaria a endometria / Biomarkers of epithelial ovarian tumors and of the endometriumPresl, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
Structured abstract Study objectives: Ovarian carcinoma 1/ comparison of sensitivities among monitored markers CA 125, HE4, CA 19-9, CEA, TK, TPS, MonoTotal 2/ comparison of false positivity of markers CA 125 and HE4 3/ use of CA 125, HE4 and ROMA index in the diagnostics of ovarian carcinoma 4/ use of CA 125 and HE4 in the follow-up of ovarian cancer Endometrial carcinoma 1/ feasibility of use of biomarkers CA125 and HE4 in patients with endometrial cancer in pre- operative management Study design: Retrospective data analysis Settings: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Faculty and Teaching Hospital in Pilsen Patients and Methods: Ovarian cancer 1/ Sensitivity of markers CA 125, HE4, CA 19-9, CEA, TK, TPS, and MonoTotal was assessed in 266 patients - 19 with ovarian cancer and 247 with benign disorders. 2/ False positivity of markers CA125 and HE4 was evaluated in a total of 390 patients with benign diagnoses - 60 women with endometriosis, 70 pregnant patients, 67 patients with ascites, 60 with pleural effusion, 25 with cardiac failure , 80 with renal insufficiency and 28 with hepatic failure. 3/ As a part of this objective we evaluated 552 patients with abnormal pelvic abnormality - 30 women had a histologically confirmed malignant ovarian tumor. Other 522 women had a benign condition. The...
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Concepções de médicos de família no Brasil e na Itália sobre autonomia e solidariedadeLima, Rita de Cássia Gabrielli Souza January 2008 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde Pública / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-24T05:39:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
255212.pdf: 6893955 bytes, checksum: caee9926650d788b78746db4e21ba377 (MD5) / O artigo examina o processo de trabalho de médicos de família italianos, Província de Roma, Itália, para conhecer os possíveis conflitos éticos. Pesquisa empírica, de abordagem qualitativa e caráter exploratório-descritivo, realizada em 2007, com quinze (15) médicos de família italianos. Os dados foram coletados em entrevistas semi-estruturadas e analisados com base na Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. Os resultados demonstraram conflitos éticos gerados diretamente pelo modelo de organização de atenção em saúde do Serviço Sanitário Nacional (SSN) e pelo mercado da indústria farmacêutica, e conflitos éticos gerados indiretamente pela sociedade. Há uma condição de polarização entre #ser# médico de família e #fazer# medicina de família que parece estar vinculada à sombra que se apresenta sob o campo real de prática: o neoliberalismo
The article examines the working process of Italian family doctors, in the Province of Rome, Italy, in order to understand possible ethical conflicts. It consists of an empirical study of a qualitative approach and descriptive exploratory features. The study was carried with (15) Italian family doctors. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and were analyzed based on Bardin#s Content Analysis. The results obtained show ethical conflicts generated directly by the organization model for health attention of the National Sanitary Services (SSN) and by the pharmaceutical industry market, as well as indirectly by the society. It was observed a polarization condition between #being# a family doctor and #doing# family medicine which seems to be entailed to the shadow presented by the actual practical field, that is, the neoliberal economic organization.
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Lecturas sobre Propercio: una encrucijada de panoramas romanosPérez Haristoy, Ricardo January 2010 (has links)
Sumergirse en la profundidad histórica de una obra poética es el desafío de esta investigación. Surgió por una inquietud de descubrir las relaciones que podían existir entre el desvelamiento de un mundo interior, centrado en la expresión lírica del amor ante un espacio público, en el que la lectura obtenía una amplia receptividad social. El personaje escogido fue Propercio y su obra Elegías la fuente principal, donde la temática amorosa aparece como el núcleo central, y propone paralelamente la posibilidad de reconstruir otros parajes históricos desprendidos del eje de este relato. Preguntarse por la existencia de estos textos -los cuales son obras artísticas-, nos sitúa en la problemática de lograr responder por los motivos de su inspiración, su construcción, su entorno, sus interpretaciones y su trascendencia, y nos enfrenta a la difícil posición de tantear posibilidades de afirmación. La primera incógnita que nos supuso la lectura de las Elegías, fue su fuerte motivación amorosa, que expresaba un alto grado de idealización hacia la mujer. Incontables veces había leído en los amantes y defensores de la Edad Media, que el amor había nacido con las novelas de caballería: el amor cortes era un descubrimiento feudal y que desde ese hecho literario comenzaba este sentimiento en Occidente. Me pareció observar en la elegía un arte mucho más sofisticado y un reflejo de una concepción trabajada de lo que llamaban Eros. ¿qué había de realidad en los lamentos de Propercio?, ¿y cuál era el sustento ideológico en que descansaba este sentimiento del mundo pagano? Las Elegías de Propercio son consideradas tan refinadas, con una descripción tan cotidiana y común a los sentimientos dramáticos del amor, que mi primera lectura fue plenamente emotiva. Desde este lugar pensamos que sería interesante proponerse reconstruir algunos fragmentos de ese mundo en el cual la elegía surgió como obra literaria, dentro de un círculo de selectos personajes. La idea era captar la realidad del pasado imperial bajo el prisma de este autor, que los libros nos sugieren como esplendoroso, dado el encandilamiento sistemático del cual se ha hecho el siglo de Augusto. Esto significaba lo mismo que representa la imagen de un puzzle desecho, sin un modelo de referencia y con las piezas en desorden.
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La cura e lo sgombero : etnografia dell’intervento sanitario nei campi rom di Roma / Healing and eviction : an ethnography of sanitary interventions in the roma camps of Rome / Le soin et le démantèlement : ethnographie des interventions sanitaires dans les campi rom de RomeAlunni, Lorenzo 24 February 2012 (has links)
Ce travail aborde la question des interventions sanitaires dans les espaces urbains dits « campi nomadi », où vivent les communautés roms, dans la ville de Rome.Dans la première partie, les données de type démographique sont abordées sous l’angle d’une problématisation de leurs formes de collecte des données et des enjeux politiques qui les déterminent. Leur analyse est mise en relation avec le constat que la majorité des études de type médical sur les Roms concernent des questions génétiques, comme c’est aussi le cas des nouvelles formes de fichage et d’identification. Dans la deuxième et troisième partie, l’attention se concentre sur l’ethnographie qui a été menée dans les « campi nomadi » de Rome, en suivant l’activité quotidienne d’une unité médicale mobile (dite « Camper sanitario ») dédiée au soin dans ces espaces urbains. La rencontre médicale dans les espaces d’exception où ces patients résident devient l’occasion d’observer les dynamiques de leurs relations avec la société majoritaire et les institutions qui la réglementent. L’enquête vise à identifier les éléments de l’économie morale des gestes des interventions médicales. Le but est de les restituer à leur dimension biopolitique de pacification de sujets qui font l’objet de strictes politiques de sécurité et de rejet de la part du gouvernement soit national soit local. / This work deals with the sanitary interventions in the urban spaces called “campi nomadi” that can be found around the city of Rome, where Roma communities live. The first part of this research deals with the demographic data, from the point of view of the problematization of the ways it had been collected and the political stakes which determine it. Its analysis is related to the acknowledgement of the fact that the grand majority of the medical studies on Roma population engage on genetic data, in the same way the new forms of profiling and identification. The second and third part of this work concentrate on the ethnographic research pursued in the nomad camps of Rome, following the daily activity of a mobile medical unit (also called “sanitary camper”) who’s main activity was offering medical support in this urban spaces. The medical encounter that takes place in this spaces of exception, where the patients live, becomes the occasion for observing the dynamics of their relations with the dominant society and the institutions which rule it. This research aims to identify those elements which relate to the moral economy of the acts of medical intervention by underlying their bio-political dimension related to the pacification of the subjects which are otherwise object of strict security policies and of rejection from local and national administrations.
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Význam orální hygieny u dětí romského etnika se zaměřením na preventivní opatření vedoucí ke snížení četnosti výskytu onemocnění ústní dutiny. / The importance of oral hygiene on children of Romany ethnic group with the focus on preventive measures resulting in the reduction of oral cavity diseases frequency.HANUSOVÁ, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to describe an awareness and level of oral hygiene of children of Romany ethnic group and subsequently optimize the care of oral cavity leading to the reduction in frequency of hanging apparatus illnesses. The other target of this thesis is a preparation of educational program that would motivate children to correct and regular dental hygiene. The thesis deals with history and characteristic of Romany ethnic group, issues of Romany children and low-threshold centre for children and youth in Český Krumlov. It also informs on periodontal diseases of oral cavity, tooth decay pathogenesis and subsequent prevention and therapy of tooth decay. The practical part is focused on awareness of Romany children of oral hygiene using a questionnaire method. Five main hypothesises were defined and subsequently verified by qualitative method, specifically by anonymous questionnaire investigation done at three subjects. Following the questionnaires evaluation, which was done by Microsoft Excel graphs, a verification of the defined hypothesises was done using a chi-test. An educational program developed for my bachelor thesis was also used in this part. The educational program was subsequently extended and training was done. Further to the education, the dental hygiene awareness of Romany children was improved by 27 %. The thesis is a theoretical instruction for practical mastering of oral cavity care and dental hygiene for each individual how tries to improve his dental health.
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A disputa em torno da memória da morte do Imperador Romano Juliano Augusto, dito "O Apóstata", expressa nos séculos IV e V D.C.Gabbardo, Gabriel Requia January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho se chama A disputa em torno da memória da morte do imperador romano Juliano Augusto, dito “o Apóstata”, expressa nos séculos IV e V d.C. Tem como objetivo visualizar as maneiras com que diversos autores trataram deste tema. Um tema polêmico, visto que Juliano foi o último soberano pagão do Império Romano, sendo, por conseguinte, ponto nodal de disputas ideológicas e de apropriações diversas. Para atingir tal objetivo, analisa-se individualmente cada autor, bem como sua obra. / This work is titled The dispute on the memory of the death of the Roman Emperor Julian Augustus, the so-called “Apostate”, as it was expressed during the 4th and 5th centuries AD. It has, as a goal, to study the ways with which many diverse authors treated this topic. A polemical one, since Julian was the last pagan sovereign of the Roman Empire, being, as a result, the nodal point of ideological disputes and diverse appropriations. To achieve this goal, each author, as well as their work, is individually studied.
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Da crônica de viagem ao objeto musealRodrigues, Rafael de Oliveira January 2017 (has links)
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, Florianópolis, 2017. / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-27T04:23:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
345847.pdf: 3029615 bytes, checksum: 6e1a1635cf6ea785b913e4bd002fee7d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017 / Esta tese gira em torno da crônica de viagem de Giuseppe Illuminato Coppi. Missionário franciscano a serviço da Igreja nas missões do Alto Rio Negro, na Amazônia brasileira, em finais do século XIX, Coppi tem sua história ligada ao confronto religioso com os índios daquela região, especialmente devido ao roubo de objetos materiais considerados sagrados dentro dos rituais da cultura indígena Tariana. O roubo dos ícones de adoração resultou na expulsão do missionário da região, que fugiu para a Itália. Os objetos foram vendidos a um colecionador e, posteriormente, ao Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico Luigi Pigorini [Museu Nacional Pré-Histórico Etnográfico Luigi Pigorini], em Roma. Procura-se, assim, a partir desta crônica de viagem, refletir o modo como estes objetos foram agregados ao acervo do museu: a rede de colaboradores que girava em torno da formação de suas coleções, especialmente o papel dos franciscanos; a forma como esta coleção se deslocou de seu contexto original indígena até as dependências do museu; e o modo como ela tem sido trabalhada hoje nesta mesma instituição. Para o alcance do objetivo proposto, foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa pautada em levantamentos de documentos textuais e imagéticos, além de entrevistas com os responsáveis pela administração do museu. As conclusões evidenciam a dificuldade dos museus de tipologia clássica e racionalista em implementar pressupostos da museologia contemporânea, mais crítica e reflexiva, especialmente da corrente de pensamento chamada nova museologia.<br> / Abstract : This research focuses on the travel chronicles of Giuseppe Illuminato Coppi. A Franciscan missionary serving the Church in missions at Alto Rio Negro, in the Brazilian Amazon, during the late 19th Century, Coppi has his history tied to the religious conflict with the region?s native population, especially due to the theft of objects considered sacred within rituals of the indigenous culture Tariana. The theft of those worship icons resulted in the expulsion from the region of the missionary, who fled to Italy. The objects were sold to a collector and, later, to the Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico Luigi Pigorini [Luigi Pigorini National Ethnographic Pre-History Museum] in Rome. Thus, it is aimed here to reflect on the way these objects were assimilated by the Museum?s catalogue through these travel journals: the collaboration networks surrounding the construction of these collections, especially the role of the Franciscans; the manner in which this collection was removed from its original indigenous context until reaching the Museum facilities; and the manner in which it is presently researched by the institution. To reach the proposed goal, a qualitative methodology was used, based on surveys of text and image documents, and interviews with those responsible for the Museum?s management. It was concluded that there is evidence of the struggle of classical and rationalistic typology museums to implement contemporary museology assertions, more critical and ponderous, especially those from the school of thought called New Museology.
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Genderové aspekty v sociální práci s Romkami / Gender aspects in social work with the Romany womensRŮŽIČKOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
In the case of Gypsy women is necessary to realize that they are actually discriminated twice. The first discrimination is in term of members of the Gypsy minority, the other in term of gender. The gender is not reflected in social work. Therefore, I consider this topic being current. What is discussed a lot this is an inclusion of the Gypsy minority and the gender equality. The theoretical part deals with general gender and gender in social work with the Gypsy community. Furthermore, it defines the position of Gypsy women in the family and in the society. For qualitative research, I chose a narrative interview technique, which is used to obtain information about collective biographical and historical context of the investigated event, through spontaneous narrative of informant, which is only cautiously led by researcher. Quality data collected interview were elaborated by using coding. There were two Gypsy women with different socio-economic status as a basic research group. Additional file was formed by a social worker and a social worker working with the Gypsy minority. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the gender dimension in social work with Roma woman. The research showed that the situation of Gypsy women in the family positively changes. It starts becoming a creature that is not as inferior and secondarily as a Gypsy man. Strict rules for life in the Roma family ease gradually. Women are more involved in decision-making within the family and they can decide about their rights. However, one aspect of gender remains largely the fact that Gypsy women still struggle with low levels of education and skills. This is especially reflected when these women ask for a job. Frequent failures are primarily caused by the refusal by employers because of prejudice and long-term unemployment which cause loss of motivation or work habits. Gypsy women feel negative and contemptuous behavior towards their ethnicity, whether in a job search or by state institutions, such as when they apply for social benefits. Social work approaches to Gypsy clients only in terms of ethnic minorities. However, the approach in terms of gender is neglected. The contribution of this work is to contribute to the understanding of the overall situation of Gypsy women and to the obstacles which avoid their emancipation. Results could contribute to the understanding of social work with Gypsy women and Gypsy minority in general. It can be additionally used for the evaluation of an approach of social work with Gypsy women.
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