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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The topographical transformation of archaic Rome : a new interpretation of architecture and geography in the early city

Hopkins, John North 04 September 2015 (has links)
Most studies of Roman architecture cover the third century BCE to the fourth century CE, a period of luxurious building projects like the Colosseum and Pantheon that remain relatively well documented in the archaeological and literary record. Yet Rome did not spring fully formed from the ground in the third century, its architecture relying entirely on precursors and precedents in buildings from far away times and places. In this study I fit remains of architecture from early Rome (ca. 650 to 450 BCE) into the cultural framework of the contemporaneous Mediterranean and try to assess how the changing cityscape effected both archaic Romans and later Roman architecture and topography. Because many studies of archaic Rome have attempted to fit archaeological remains with the literary record, and because this has created much controversy, I put the literary record to one side and focus on material remains in an attempt to see what they can reveal on their own.

Τα ρωμαϊκά λουτρά στην Ελλάδα / Roman baths in Greece

Βρούβα, Αντιγόνη 14 May 2007 (has links)
Το θέμα των ρωμαϊκών λουτρών προσανατολίσητκε σε δύο κύριες κατευθύνσεις: α)στη μελέτη και την παρουσίαση των συγκεκριμένων κατασκευών γενικά και β) στην εστίαση στις περιπτώσεις που έχουν ανεβρεθεί στον ελλαδικό χώρο. Επιχειρείται μια γενική εισαγωγή σε όρους εξέλιξης των κατασκευών αυτών στο χρόνο, αναφορές στην ορολογία, την καταγωγή τους και στο ιστορικό τους πλαίσιο. Πραγματοποιείται ανάλυση του σχεδιασμού των ρωμαϊκών λουτρών, της οικοδομικής τους και των κατασκευαστικών τους χαρακτηριστικών. Tέλος, υπό μελέτη τίθενται τα ρωμαϊκά λουτρά στον ελλαδικό χώρο, όπου με τη μορφή χαρτών και παράθεσης πηγών για την περιπτωσιολογία, όπως αυτή διαμορφώνεται από τα αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα, αποδίδεται γλαφυρότερα η συνολική εικόνα του θέματος κατηγοριοποιημένα κατά το δυνατόν. / The subject is horiented at two basic directions: a) the study and presentation of roman baths in general and b)the focus in the documented archaelogical cases in Greece. A general approach and introduction is attempted in terms of in-time development of those structures, terminology, origin and historical context. The design of roman baths, their structural elements and building techniques are some focal points under discussion. Roman baths in Greece are beeing studied. In the form of maps and literature connotations for the reported archaelogical evidences the conclusions are drawn under the prism of an - as possible - general categorization, sina que non for a complete study.

Le théâtre dans la ville : recherches sur l’insertion urbaine des théâtres romains / The Theatre in the City : Urban Perspectives on Roman Theatres

Letellier, Éloise 04 July 2015 (has links)
Les théâtres romains, dont on peut observer les vestiges dans de très nombreuses villes tout autour de la Méditerranée, sont des objets familiers et pourtant souvent encore mal connus. Ils n’ont bénéficié que de rares études synthétiques. Inspiré par les recherches menées sur les théâtres et autres édifices de spectacles des époques plus récentes, ce travail porte un regard résolument urbain sur des édifices polyvalents caractéristiques de l’urbanitas : à la fois lieux de spectacles, de vie quotidienne et de cérémonies, lieux de rassemblements civiques et religieux, lieux de mixité sociale. Les innovations architecturales apportées par les Romains à la forme théâtrale inventée par les Grecs leur permettaient en effet de déterminer plus librement la place des théâtres dans leurs villes et de les intégrer à des programmes urbains concertés et signifiants. En confrontant l’analyse des représentations antiques - figurées ou littéraires - des théâtres romains et quelques études de cas archéologiques approfondies, l’objectif était d’explorer et de clarifier l’ensemble des liens qui pouvaient se nouer entre le théâtre et la ville à l’époque romaine, des plus matériels aux plus symboliques. La multiplication des échelles d’approche et l’attention portée à l’insertion dynamique et subjective des théâtres dans les paysages urbains les fait apparaître comme des objets à la fois typiques et singuliers, complexes et immédiatement lisibles et pour finir remarquablement efficaces dans la composition et l’incarnation de l’image des villes. / The vestiges of Roman theatres are ubiquitous throughout the Mediterranean Basin; these structures are familiar, yet remain relatively unexplored, with only a few studies considering their general place in Roman life. Inspired by research on the theatres and entertainment buildings of more recent times, this study offers an urbanistic perspective on these multipurpose edifices; characteristic of the urbanitas, these were at the same time buildings for theatrical performances, ritual ceremonies, and daily activities; civic and religious meeting places; centres of social interaction. The innovations the Romans made to the architectural theatrical form invented by the Greeks enabled them to redefine the theatre’s place in the city and to incorporate it purposefully into their plans for urbanization. Combining the analysis of ancient textual and pictoral representations of Roman theatres with archaeological case studies, this thesis explores and clarifies the practical and symbolic relationships between the theatre and the city in Roman times. By broadening the scope of investigation and by exploring the dynamic and affective positioning of the theatre into the Roman urban landscape, this thesis reveals these architectural structures to be simultaneously typical and unique, complex and understandable, and ultimately remarkably effective in establishing and embodying the image of the city.

Die Architekturornamentik des Jupitertempels in Baalbek

Wienholz, Holger 08 October 2020 (has links)
Der Bauschmuck des Jupitertempels in Baalbek ist durch sechs noch stehende Säulen mitsamt Gebälk sowie durch zahlreiche im Gelände verstreute Fragmente bezeugt. Durch die hier vorliegenden Untersuchungen konnten nun erstmals auch Fragmente nachgewiesen werden, die zum Aufbau der ansonsten verlorenen Tempelcella gehörten. Über eine möglichst umfassende Katalogisierung konnte der Materialbestand weit über das bisher bekannte Maße gesichert werden, so daß zum Beispiel mit 23 statt der in der Forschung bisher üblichen 2 Kapitelle gearbeitet werden konnte. Der Fokus der Arbeit liegt zunächst auf der Darstellung und Beschreibung des Tempels sowie seiner kulturellen und bauhistorischen Verortung in Baalbek selbst. Als feste Referenzpunkte außerhalb der Stadt wurden der Mars-Ultor- Tempel in Rom sowie der Bel-Tempel von Palmyra gewählt. Durch diese Vergleiche und durch einen erstmals in der Forschungsgeschichte vorgenommenen Vergleich der einzelnen Ornamentzonen untereinander konnte eine neue Datierung vorgenommen werden, wodurch der Aufbau und die Fertigstellung des Baus in die 2. Hälfte des 1. Jhs. n. Chr. zu rücken sind. Die Interpretation der Architekturornamentik führte zu mehreren, zum Teil völlig neuen Ergebnisse. Der große und schon vielfach bemerkte Reichtum in der Ausarbeitung des Bauschmucks zeigt das große Können, ein umfangreiches Repertoire und vor allem eine große Freiheit der ausführenden Steinmetzen, die wohl eher lokaler Abstammung waren. Darüber hinaus ist der extra für den Tempel entworfene Fries eine politische Aussage der Colonia Beirut/Heliopolis, mit dem die neu erworbene Stellung im Machtgefüge der levantinischen Städte demonstriert werden soll. Die immer wieder auftretende Unfertigkeit bei der Fertigstellung der Ornamentik ist systematisch und läßt sich mit den umfassenden finanziellen Problemen im römischen Steuerwesen beim Übergang zwischen der neronischen und der flavischen Epoche begründen. / The architectural decoration of the temple of Jupiter in Baalbek is testified by six still standing columns with their entablature and numerous fragments in the area around. This study presents for the first time also fragments from the construction of the otherwise lost cella of the temple. By building a nearly complete catalog of the fragments it was possible to secure the material stock far beyond it was known by now, so for example it was possible to work with 23 instead of the 2 capitals that had been used in former research. The mainly focus of the work is on the representation and description of the temple and its cultural and architectural location in the city of Baalbek. The temple of Mars-Ultor in Rome and the temple of Bel in Palmyra were chosen as fixed reference points. Through these comparisons and through a comparison of the individual ornamental zones with each other for the first time in the history of research, a new dating could be established, which places the construction and completion of the building in the 2nd half of the 1st century AD. The interpretation of architectural ornamentation led to several completely new results. The great and already noticed wealth in the elaboration of architectural ornamentation shows the great skill, an extensive repertoire and above all a great freedom of the executing stonemasons, who were probably of more local origin. Furthermore the frieze was specially designed for the temple and is a political statement of the Colonia Beirut/Heliopolis, which is intended to demonstrate the newly acquired position in the administratic structure of the Levantine cities. The recurrent incompleteness in the ornamentation is systematic and can be explained by the financial problems in the roman state finances during the transition between the Neronic and Flavian eras.The architectural decoration of the temple of Jupiter in Baalbek is testified by six still standing columns with their entablature and numerous fragments in the area around. This study presents for the first time also fragments from the construction of the otherwise lost cella of the temple. By building a nearly complete catalog of the fragments it was possible to secure the material stock far beyond it was known by now, so for example it was possible to work with 23 instead of the 2 capitals that had been used in former research. The mainly focus of the work is on the representation and description of the temple and its cultural and architectural location in the city of Baalbek. The temple of Mars-Ultor in Rome and the temple of Bel in Palmyra were chosen as fixed reference points. Through these comparisons and through a comparison of the individual ornamental zones with each other for the first time in the history of research, a new dating could be established, which places the construction and completion of the building in the 2nd half of the 1st century AD. The interpretation of architectural ornamentation led to several completely new results. The great and already noticed wealth in the elaboration of architectural ornamentation shows the great skill, an extensive repertoire and above all a great freedom of the executing stonemasons, who were probably of more local origin. Furthermore the frieze was specially designed for the temple and is a political statement of the Colonia Beirut/Heliopolis, which is intended to demonstrate the newly acquired position in the administratic structure of the Levantine cities. The recurrent incompleteness in the ornamentation is systematic and can be explained by the financial problems in the roman state finances during the transition between the Neronic and Flavian eras.

Les installations périurbaines de la Berytus romaine : le cas du site MDWR 2 (Mdawar/Beyrouth) / Peri-urban structures of the Roman Berytus : the case of site MDWR 2 (Mdawar/Beirut)

El-Haibé, Georges 19 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les résultats d’une fouille archéologique préventive menée sur un site de la région périurbaine est de la ville antique de Beyrouth. Leur étude approfondie montre des changements dans la fonction d’utilisation de cet espace, toujours lié directement à la ville. Son urbanisme s’est développé sur les bords des prolongations des axes urbains. Il n’a été bien planifié qu’à partir du Ier s. apr. J.-C. durant sa transformation en un espace funéraire. Sa division par des limites de terrains servait probablement aux colons nouvellement installés pour leurs activités agricoles, économiques, artisanales, etc. L’installation de constructions monumentales dans ce secteur périurbain n’a commencé qu’à la fin du IIe s. apr. J.-C. C’est ainsi qu’un sanctuaire du culte héliopolitain a été construit dans la plaine côtière, entre les deux voies menant à la ville, au point le plus proche de la mer et sur une falaise. Sa destruction est confirmée durant le IVe s. apr. J.-C.,soit à cause du tremblement de terre du 348/349 apr. J.-C. soit à la suite de la christianisation de la région. Ensuite, ce secteur a abrité plusieurs grandes résidences qui ont été détruites, soit par le tremblement de terre du 551, soit ultérieurement. Vers le début de la période médiévale, l’espace périurbain est a été abandonné pour la récupération des pierres des anciens monuments. Son occupation par des bâtiments ne reprend qu’à la période ottomane. / This thesis presents the results of the archaeological rescue excavation of a site situated in the periurban area of the ancient city of Beirut. The study findings reveal chronological changes in the use of the space, that are consistently linked to developments associated with the growth of the city. The site developed along the extensions of the urban axes, but was fully elaborated in the 1st century A.D. with its transformation into a burial ground. Divided by territory limits, the new colonists then most likely used this location for their economical, agricultural, and artisanal activities. The installation of monumental constructions in this peri-urban area began at the end of the 2nd century A.D. A sanctuary pertaining to the Heliopolitan cult was thus built on the plain between the two roads leading to the city, on the “Ras Mdawar” cliff at the nearest point to thesea. Its destruction is dated to the 4th century A.D., either as a consequence of the earthquake of 348/349 AD or as a result of the Christianization of the region. Several large villas were later built in this area and destroyed either by the earthquake of 551 AD or at a later period. With the start of the medieval era, the peri-urban space was abandoned and exploited for the recuperation of stones from the ancient monuments. It remained unoccupied until the Ottoman period.

ARCHITETTURA IONICA A HIERAPOLIS DI FRIGIA / Ionic architecture in Hierapolis of Phrygia

BOZZA, SARA 08 March 2016 (has links)
La ricerca di dottorato si inserisce nel quadro delle attività della MAIER – Missione Archeologica Italiana a Hierapolis di Frigia (Pamukkale, Turchia) e nel filone degli studi di architettura antica relativi ai complessi edilizi dei centri microasiatici. Vengono analizzati, in particolare, alcuni edifici e materiali architettonici di ordine ionico emersi dalle recenti indagini di scavo, allo scopo di fornire una ricostruzione dei monumenti nella planimetria e negli alzati, ma anche delle loro funzioni e le destinazioni d’uso; parallelamente si è sviluppata l’analisi del linguaggio formale delle architetture, allo scopo sia di definire le cronologie degli edifici sia di inserirli nel più ampio fenomeno della decorazione architettonica microasiatica, rintracciandone gli eventuali modelli, anche in rapporto al complesso problema dell’attività delle maestranze, per fornire un quadro aggiornato delle modalità di impiego dell’ordine ionico a Hierapolis di Frigia nel corso dell’età imperiale. La ricerca ha affrontato i due complessi santuariali del centro cittadino: nel Santuario di Apollo vengono analizzati il Tempio C, una serie di eccezionali capitelli ionici con collarino decorato e un consistente gruppo di elementi architettonici riferibili ad un portico di temenos (di ordine corinzio); nel Ploutonion si sono indagati alcuni materiali riferibil invece ad un portico ionico, posto a coronamento del theatron rituale. / This doctoral research is part of the activities of MAIER – Italian Archaeological Mission in Hierapolis of Phrygia (Pamukkale, Turkey) and of the investigation field on the ancient architecture in Asia Minor. Some buildings and architectural blocks of Ionic order, recently discovered, are analyzed in order to achieve a reconstruction of the monuments, not only of the plan and elevation, but also of the ancient functions and use of the buildings. The stylistic analysis is also very important, to determine the chronology of the monuments and to relate the Ionic architecture of Hierapolis with the other urban centres in Asia Minor and their architectural tradition during the Imperial period. The dissertation is focused on both the sanctuaries of Hierapolis: in the Sanctuary of Apollo, the research analyzes the Temple C, a series of Ionic capitals with decorated hypotrachelion, and a group of architectural blocks from a (Corinthian) temenos portico; in the Ploutonion, the focus is on a series of blocks from an Ionic Stoa, related to the cultic theatre.

Paving the past: Late Republican recollections in the Forum Romanum

Bartels, Aaron David 03 September 2009 (has links)
The Forum was the center of Roman life. It witnessed a barrage of building, destruction and reuse from the seventh century BCE onwards. By around 80 BCE, patrons chose to renovate the Senate House and Comitium with a fresh paving of tufa blocks. Masons leveled many ruined altars and memorials beneath the flooring. Yet paving also provided a means of saving some of Rome’s past. They isolated the Lapis Niger with black blocks, to keep the city’s sinking history in their present. Paving therefore became a technology of memory for recording past events and people. Yet how effective was the Lapis Niger as a memorial? Many modern scholars have romanced the site’s cultural continuity. However, in fifty years and after two Lapis Nigers, the Comitium had borne a disparity of monuments and functions. Rome’s historians could not agree on what lay beneath. Verrius Flaccus reports that the Lapis Niger ‘according to others’ might mark the site of Romulus’s apotheosis, his burial, the burial of his foster father Faustulus, or even his soldier, Hostius Hostilius (50.177). Nevertheless, modern archaeologists have found no tombs. Instead of trying to comprehend these legends, most scholars use them selectively to isolate a dictator, deity or date. We must instead understand why so many views of the Lapis Niger emerged in antiquity. Otherwise, like ancient antiquarians, we will re- identify sites without end. Recreating how these material and mental landscapes interacted and spawned new pasts tells us more about the Lapis Niger than any new attribution. / text

The nature of Hellenistic domestic sculpture in its cultural and spatial contexts

Hardiman, Craig I. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2005. / Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center; full text release delayed at author's request until 2010 May 31.

Campinas classica = a Catedral Nossa Senhora da Conceição e o engendramento de uma arquitetura monumental classica urbana no Brasil (1807-1883) / Classical Campinas : the Cathedral of Nossa Senhora da Conceição and the formation of a monumental urban classical architeture in Brazil (1807-1883)

Rodrigues, Ana Aparecida Villanueva 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Edgar Salvadori De Decca / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T16:23:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigues_AnaAparecidaVillanueva_D.pdf: 43032794 bytes, checksum: fe63c34e1c5fd9f350e99c6956055490 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Esta tese é sobre a linguagem arquitetônica da fachada principal e o retábulo-mor da Catedral Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Campinas a partir da apuração dos processos de levantamento métrico e do seu desenho instrumental da época de sua constituição, fornecendo assim uma reconstituição da sua orientação clássica, estudando-a como fonte e documento histórico, através do seu testemunho material, tornando assim, a Catedral Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Campinas, um objeto paradigmático da arquitetura clássica da cidade dentro de um contexto brasileiro. Esta tese demonstra, portanto, como a Catedral de Campinas foi projetada dentro de preceptivas clássicas com diversas autorias, períodos e vertentes teóricas, tendo como resultado um todo único, híbrido, erudito, recriativo, exemplar, contrariando a historiografia vigente de que a arquitetura do século XIX no Brasil é uma "cópia de modelos importados" / Abstract: The present thesis studies the architecture language of the main façade and the main retable of Nossa Senhora da Conceição Cathedral, in the city of Campinas. Starting from the compilation of metric survey processes, as well as instrumental drawings pertaining to the formation period, this work provides a reconstitution of the classical tendency of such building, investigating it as a historical source and document through its material testimony, rendering the Cathedral into a paradigm of the city classical architecture within a Brazilian context. The present thesis demonstrates therefore how the Cathedral of Campinas has been designed within classical precepts, by different authors, under different periods and theoretical trends, resulting in a unique, hybrid, scholarly, re-creative, exemplary whole, and contradicting the current historiography, which considers the XIX century architecture in Brazil as a "copy of imported standards" / Doutorado / Politica, Memoria e Cidade / Doutor em História

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