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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informationskunnighet och sökkritik i styrdokument : Om skolbibliotek och digital informationssökning / Information literacy and critical assessment of search in governing documents : School libraries and digital information retrieval

Stålnacke, Sebastian, Lundgren, Gabriella January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the digital media landscape's requirements for information skills as they are reflected in the governing documents regulating activities in school libraries. This is done through a content analysis based on a theoretical framework, derived from Media and Information Literacy (MIL), that examine the existence of central concepts and how they are presented. The study concludes that the central concepts of information retrieval and digital literacy is a common occurrence within governing documents regulating school library activities. This is expressed in the governing documents through wordings that aim to promote students' competencies and abilities, their learning, and the planning of school library activities. The critical assessment of search is, however, barely visible among the curricula. Although it can be discerned in between the lines of the governing documents. Information literacy is prominent in the documents and is described as a basic ability in a modern information society and for an active citizenship. The role of school libraries in relation to MIL must coincide with its role for developing students' reading and language skills. The study shows how school libraries are attributed to several roles related to MIL. The school librarian is described as an information expert, a teacher or pedagogical resource, an initiator in MIL, as well as being responsible for MIL-training for colleagues.

(O)sökt : Svensklärare på gymnasiet om digital informationssökning / (Un)searched : Swedish teachers on searching digital information

Wellander, Christine, Karlsson Brottare, Ella January 2021 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka hur svensklärare på gymnasiet resonerar om digital informationssökning och hur digital informationssökning inkluderas i deras undervisning. I styrdokumenten för gymnasieskolan formuleras strävan efter livslångt lärande och delaktighet i det demokratiska samhället. En parameter som anges är förmågan att söka sig till och ta ställning till information (Skolverket, 2021a). Inom lärarkollegium är det dock inte självklart vilket ämne som ansvarar för att utveckla elevernas förmågor inom digital informationssökning. För blivande ämneslärare inom svenska på gymnasiet är det därför av intresse att undersöka vilket ansvar svenskämnet tar och har inom digital informationssökning. För detta syfte har vi genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med sju lärare verksamma inom Malmö stad, varav sex stycken undervisar i svenska på gymnasiet och en i svenska som andraspråk på Komvux. Att avgränsa urvalet till lärare verksamma inom Malmö stad har gjorts med hänsyn till att detta arbete kommer att fungera som underlag för aspekter som undersöks vidare i forskningsprojektet “Skolors och förskolors digitalisering och digitala kompetens i praktiken” (Godhe, 2020).  I bakgrunden redogörs för svenskämnets syfte inom gymnasial utbildning samt definitioner av begreppen information, informationssökning samt sökkritik. Därefter följer en genomgång av studiens teoretiska ramverk vilken innefattar begreppen stöttning och New Literacy, utifrån en sociokulturell syn på lärande, samt en schematisk modell av digital informationssökning. Resultatet leder vidare till slutsatser som relateras till tidigare forskning inom digital informationssökning. Analysen och tolkningen visar på att det råder en stor samstämmighet mellan deltagarna gällande deras förståelse av vad digital informationssökning innebär. Resultatet visar även att källkritik har en tendens att dominera undervisningen. Lärarna belyser ett behov av att kontrollera elevernas informationssökande och undviker moment med fri digital informationssökning. Detta kan både ses som begränsning och stöttning. Utifrån resultatet görs en reflektion över vilken plats digital informationssökning har inom svenskämnet på gymnasiet tillsammans med förslag på potentiella metoder för att förstärka närvaron av digital informationssökning inom svenskämnet.

Digital kompetens i samhällskunskap på gymnasiet. – En intervjustudie om implementering av läroplansrevideringen kring digital kompetens

Sava, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
The government of Sweden issued a national strategy in 2015 for the Swedish school to develop pupils' digital competence. Hence, The National Agency for Education altered the curricula for schools of all levels to include pupils' development of digital competence in July of 2018. This is an interview study with three upper secondary teachers in civics. The purpose was to examine how these upper secondary teachers in civics interpret and apply the new addition of digital competence in the civics subject. Since the concept of digital competence is widely defined, a decision was made to look into how teachers interpreted and applied the digital competence in general. However, a more specific approach was also taken to examine how teachers were developing pupils' skills in searching information digitally, and if the teachers included search criticism which the National Agency for Education include in their definition of digital competence.The government of Sweden’s national strategy to develop pupils' digital competence was viewed in this paper as a process of implementing a political reform. The main focus was the teachers' perspectives which are the executers of the implementation. There were three main key points that were looked into through this perspective when the political implementation was studied. The key points were if the teachers understood the political reform, if they had the necessary resources that helped them understand the reform, and if they wanted to implement the reform. The questions for the interview were partly designed with this theoretical framework in mind and was the tool to analyze the answers. The study shows that there are problems in implementation of aforementioned strategy. The three upper secondary school teachers partially interpreted and practiced digital competence as it intended by The National Agency for Education. The teachers lacked a deeper knowledge in internet infrastructure and did not practice search criticism. The teachers also had a great deal of resources, but two teachers chose not to utilize these since they felt confident in their ability to develop pupils' digital competence.

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