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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical analysis of shallow circular foundations on sands

Yamamoto, Nobutaka January 2006 (has links)
This thesis describes a numerical investigation of shallow circular foundations resting on various types of soil, mainly siliceous and calcareous sands. An elasto-plastic constitutive model, namely the MIT-S1 model (Pestana, 1994), which can predict the rate independent behaviour of different types of soils ranging through uncemented sands, silts and clays, is used to simulating the compression, drained triaxial shear and shallow circular foundation responses. It is found that this model provides a reasonable fit to measured behaviour, particularly for highly compressible calcareous sands, because of the superior modelling of the volumetric compression. The features of the MIT-S1 model have been used to investigate the effects of density, stress level (or foundation size), inherent anisotropy and material type on the response of shallow foundations. It was found that the MIT-S1 model is able to distinguish responses on dilatant siliceous and compressible calcareous sands by relatively minor adjustment of the model parameters. Kinematic mechanisms extracted from finite element calculations show different deformation patterns typical for these sands, with a bulb of compressed material and punching shear for calcareous sand, and a classical rupture failure pattern accompanied by surface heave for siliceous sand. Moreover, it was observed that the classical failure pattern transforms gradually to a punching shear failure pattern as the foundation size increases. From this evidence, a dimensional transition between these failure mechanisms can be defined, referred to as the critical size. The critical size is also the limiting foundation size to apply conventional bearing capacity analyses. Alternative approaches are needed, focusing mainly on the soil compressibility, for shallow foundations greater than the critical size. Two approaches, 1-D compression and bearing modulus analyses, have been proposed for those foundation conditions. From the validations, the former is applicable for extremely large foundations, very loose soil conditions and highly compressible calcareous materials, while the latter is suitable for moderate levels of compressibility or foundation size. It is suggested that appropriate assessment of compression features is of great importance for shallow foundation analysis on sand.

Discovery of DNA Aptamers Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Proteins and Protein Binding Epitopes Identification for Label-Free COVID-19 Diagnostics

Poolsup, Suttinee 05 September 2023 (has links)
No description available.

To Be or Not To Be a Protrusion: Unraveling the Determinants of Protrusion Formation

Varghese, Mita 04 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Arabidopsis C/S1 bacic leucine Zipper transcription factor network:Impact of heterodimer formation on target gene transcription / Das Netzwerk der Gruppe C/S1 bZIP Transkriptionsfaktoren aus Arabidopsis: Einfluss der Heterodimerisierung auf die Transkription der Zielgene

Ehlert, Andrea 20 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Towards the development of transgenic banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)-resistant banana plants : interference with replication

Tsao, Theresa Tsun-Hui January 2008 (has links)
Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) causes one of the most devastating diseases of banana. Transgenic virus resistance is now considered one of the most promising strategies to control BBTV. Pathogen-derived resistance (PDR) strategies have been applied successfully to generate plants that are resistant to numerous different viruses, primarily against those viruses with RNA genomes. BBTV is a circular, single-stranded (css) DNA virus of the family Nanoviridae, which is closely related to the family Geminiviridae. Although there are some successful examples of PDR against geminiviruses, PDR against the nanoviruses has not been reported. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the potential of BBTV genes to interfere with virus replication when used as transgenes for engineering banana plants resistance to BBTV. The replication initiation protein (Rep) of nanoviruses is the only viral protein essential for viral replication and represents an ideal target for PDR. Therefore, this thesis focused on the effect of wild-type or mutated Rep genes from BBTV satellite DNAs or the BBTV integral genome on the replication of BBTV in banana embryogenic cell suspensions. A new Rep-encoding satellite DNA, designated BBTV DNA-S4, was isolated from a Vietnamese BBTV isolate and characterised. When the effect of DNA-S4 on the replication of BBTV was examined, it was found that DNA-S4 enhanced the replication of BBTV. When the replicative capabilities of DNA-S4 and the previously characterised Rep-encoding BBTV satellite, DNA-S1, were compared, it was found that the amount of DNA-S4 accumulated to higher levels than DNA-S1. The interaction between BBTV and DNA-S1 was also examined. It was found that over-expression of the Rep encoded by DNA-S1 using ubi1 maize polyubiquitin promoter enhanced replication of BBTV. However, when the Rep-encoded by DNA-S1 was expressed by the native S1 promoter (in plasmid pBT1.1-S1), it suppressed the replication of BBTV. Based on this result, the use of DNA-S1 as a possible transgene to generate PDR against BBTV was investigated. The roles of the Rep-encoding and U5 genes of BBTV DNA-R, and the effects of over-expression of these two genes on BBTV replication were also investigated. Three mutants of BBTV DNA-R were constructed; plasmid pUbi-RepOnly-nos contained the ubi1 promoter driving Rep expression from DNA-R, plasmid pUbi-IntOnly-nos contained the ubi1 promoter driving expression of the DNA-R internal gene product (U5), while plasmid pUbi-R.ORF-nos contained the ubi1 promoter driving the expression of both Rep and the internal U5 gene product. The replication of BBTV was found to be significantly suppressed by pUbi-RepOnly-nos, weakly suppressed by pUbi-IntOnly-nos, but strongly enhanced by pUbi-R.ORF-nos. The effect of mutations in three conserved residues within the BBTV Rep on BBTV replication was also assessed. These mutations were all made in the regions in the ATPase motifs and resulted in changes from hydrophilic to hydrophobic residues (i.e. K187→M, D224→I and N268→L). None of these Rep mutants was able to initiate BBTV replication. However, over-expression of Reps containing the K187→M or N268→L mutations significantly suppressed the replication of BBTV. In summary, the Rep constructs that significantly suppressed replication of DNA-R and -C in banana embryogenic cell suspensions have the potential to confer resistance against BBTV by interfering with virus replication. It may be concluded that BBTV satellite DNAs are not ideal for conferring PDR because they did not suppress BBTV replication consistently. Wild-type Rep transcripts and mutated (i.e. K187→M and N248→L) Rep proteins of BBTV DNA-R, however, when over-expressed by a strong promoter, are all promising candidates for generating BBTV-resistant banana plants.

Generationsskiften : En analys av den skatterättsliga behandlingen av andelsöverlåtelser mellan närstående i jämförelse med andelsöverlåtelser mellan icke närstående i ljuset av mål 6600-15 från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen / Change of Generations : An Analysis of the Taxation of Share Transfers Between Relatives in Comparison with Share Transfers Between Non-Relatives in the Light of Case 6600-15 from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court

Asklöv, Tamina January 2017 (has links)
Beskattningen av kapitalvinster med anledning av generationsskiften omfattas ofta av de särskilda fåmansbeskattningsreglerna i 56-57 kap. inkomstskattelagen (1999:1229, IL). Reglerna har utformats med anledning av att det svenska duala skattesystemet, i vilket progressiv beskattning sker i inkomstslaget tjänst och proportionell beskattning sker i inkomstslaget kapital, medfört ett intresse för skattskyldiga att omvandla arbetsinkomster till kapitalinkomster. Denna risk har ansetts särskilt stor i närståendeförhållanden, varför särskilda begränsningar har införts avseende beskattningen av kapitalvinster vid generationsskiften. Begränsningarna innebär svårigheter vid generationsskiften att uppfylla de villkor enligt 57 kap. IL som medger att beskattning får ske enligt de vanliga kapitalvinstbeskattningsreglerna i IL. I juni 2016 meddelade Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen (HFD) dom i mål 6600-15 (Målet), vari frågan hade ställts huruvida en kapitalvinst med anledning av ett generationsskifte skulle beskattas enligt de särskilda fåmansbeskattningsreglerna. HFD ansåg att villkoren i 57 kap. IL var uppfyllda för att kapitalvinsten skulle beskattas enligt de vanliga kapitalinkomstreglerna, men att förfarandet stred mot lagstiftningens syfte enligt 2 § lagen (1995:575) mot skatteflykt (SkflL). Syftet med framställningen är därför att analysera hur beskattningsreglerna av kapitalvinst med anledning av ett generationsskifte skulle tolkas i anledning av Målet. För att uppnå syftet används en traditionell juridisk metod, enligt vilken innehållet i gällande rätt analyseras och hänsyn därvid tas till rättskällehierarkin. Utifrån analysen är slutsatsen att fåmansbeskattningen innehåller en avsiktlig olikbehandling av beskattningen av andelsöverlåtelser mellan närstående i jämförelse med andelsöverlåtelser mellan externa förvärvare. Denna olikbehandling kan dock inte enligt lagregelns ordalydelse tillämpas på situationer när överlåtaren indirekt äger andelarna. Trots det har HFD i anledning av utgången i Målet utvidgat denna olikbehandling till att även omfatta en sådan situation genom tillämpning av 2 § SkflL, vilket medfört svårigheter för de skattskyldiga att förutse konsekvenser av sina förfaranden. Tillämpningen av 2 § SkflL har dock inte skett i enlighet med de principer som fastställts i tidigare rättspraxis i ämnet. För att räta ut dessa oklarheter bör lagstiftaren utforma regler som på ett mer ändamålsenligt sätt överensstämmer med dess syfte. Detta görs i viss mån i den nya 3:12-utredningen, i vilken den olikbehandling som föreligger vid beskattningen av generationsskiften till skillnad mot ägarskiften mellan externa förvärvare dessutom föreslås utjämnas.

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