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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projeté dans le monde : vers une éthique de la sage-femme / Born and thrown into the world : towards the ethics of midwives

De Gunzbourg, Hélène 14 December 2011 (has links)
L'enfant de la natalité (Arendt) est libre, le monde s'ouvre à lui dès sa naissance : il peut commencer une nouvelle histoire, et donner sa chance à l'humanité.Mais le petit humain, prématuré dans sa forme même, est séparé brutalement de ses enveloppes, de son double placentaire, de l'utérus maternel. Il est jeté au mon-de (Heidegger) dans l'angoisse de sa finitude et s'il ne rencontrait dans l'instant même de sa naissance ses médiateurs humains, en premier lieu sa mère, il ne pourrait affronter le négatif, l'Autre, et ne survivrait pas.Pour que s'ouvre l'espace de la naissance, pour que la mère puisse accueillir son enfant à travers les épreuves de séparation, pour qu'elle puisse laisser venir la langue maternelle, et que puisse s'incarner l'esprit dans ce nouveau-venu, elle doit pouvoir rencontrer elle aussi les médiateurs de la naissance. Certains s'évanouissent après avoir permis ce passage d'un état à un autre, d'autres persistent sous la forme d'un double —protecteur ou menaçant—. Ils accompagnent chaque naissance et le commencement de toute vie humaine. Les mythes et les rites les reconnaissent dans toutes les cultures.Cependant la médecine technicienne contemporaine qui s'est emparée de la naissance redoute la séparation, le travail du négatif, et pratique le déni, celui de la grossesse, de l'autre femme, des médiateurs de la naissance. Elle s'appuie sur l'expertise technique et mathématique, sur l'imagerie et la statistique pour créer un double imaginaire de l'enfant, celui du projet de la science, immortel et par-fait, masqué par le projet parental.La sage-femme traverse ces espaces, elle connaît les médiateurs. Fille de la médecine mais aussi guérisseuse ou sorcière elle pratique la maïeutique, l'art d'accoucher les corps et leurs âmes. Son art est difficile, sa sagesse est indicible, elle passe d'un monde à l'autre au risque de disparaître, broyée par l'arraisonnement de la Technique triomphante, aspirée par la démesure du désir de l'homme qui voudrait se créer lui-même ou par la tentation des arrière-mondes qui la condamne à rester en marge dans l'ombre archaïque des mystères. / The child of natality (Arendt) is free; the world opens up for him from his birth. He is the beginning of a new story, and he can give humankind a chance.But this little human being, whose very existence is premature, is brutally separated from his ‘placenta double' and from his mother's womb. He is thrown into the world (Heidegger), into the angst of his finiteness. If he does not meet his human mediators upon his birth, and his mother in the first place, he will not survive and will not be prepared to face negativity and the Other.The mother needs to meet the birth mediators to make room for the birth space, and to welcome her child through their separation. She needs to meet the mediators to let the mother tongue come to the child, and to let a soul enter this newcomer. Some mediators will vanish after having played a part in crossing one world to the next; others will remain as – protecting or threatening – doubles. They are present for each birth, and are there to see the beginning of new human lives. Myths and rites identify them in all cultures.But contemporary medicine, based on new technologies and techniques, has taken control of the birth process. It fears the separation and is in denial – of the pre-gnancy and of the other woman as well as of the birth mediators. Contemporary medicine is based on technical and mathematical expertise. It uses medical imaging and statistics to create an imaginary double of the child-to-be-born: this child becomes a scientific project, immortal and perfect, hidden behind the parenting project.Midwives cross these worlds, and they are in contact with the mediators. A mid-wife is not only the daughter of medicine but also a healer or a witch, practising maieutic and the art of delivering bodies and souls. Her art is a complex one, her wisdom is unspeakable and when she crosses those worlds, she is always threate-ned of disappearing, choked by the enframing (Gestell) of the forever-winning Technique. Midwives are carried away by the excessive desire of men to create themselves or by the temptation of the ‘backworlds' to leave them behind, in the obscurity of archaic mysteries.

Identificação de genes diferencialmente expressos em árvores de Eucalyptus grandis susceptíveis e resistentes à Puccinia psidii / Identification of differentially expressed genes in susceptivel and resistant Eucalyptus grandis trees exposed to Puccinia psidii

Salvatierra, Guillermo Rafael 29 May 2006 (has links)
A atividade florestal apresenta-se como um vetor de desenvolvimento social, ambiental e econômico no Brasil. Em 2004 as exportações ligadas ao setor renderam US$ 7 bilhões e contribuíram com US$ 5,5 bilhões em impostos. No mesmo ano, no Brasil, dos 6 milhões de hectares de reflorestamento comercial, mais de 50% dos hectares são ocupados por eucalipto. Esta cultura pode ser utilizada para diversas funções, desde à produção de papel e celulose, até a produção de carvão vegetal. Mas a produtividade desta cultura atualmente tem uma série de fatores limitantes. Destes fatores, um dos mais severos é uma doença denominada ferrugem, causada pelo fungo Puccinia psiddii Winter. Este patógeno entre tanto, não é conhecido nos centros de origem do gênero Eucalyptus, mas, utiliza como hospedeiros vários gêneros das Mirtáceas, infectando folhas, flores e frutos em desenvolvimento. O controle da doença é normalmente realizado mediante o uso de fungicidas. Porém, a utilização de plantas resistentes é o método mais aconselhável por diversos motivos, como o baixo custo, a praticidade e o menor impacto ambiental. Neste trabalho a metodologia do SAGE - Serial Analysis of Gene Expression foi utilizada, para a análise da expressão gênica uma vez que permite detectar e quantificar, de maneira global, a expressão de genes conhecidos e desconhecidos, envolvidos no processo de resistência à ferrugem. Neste trabalho analisou-se a expressão do conjunto de genes diferencialmente expressos e 200 genes sem diferenças no padrão de expressão, em Eucalyptus grandis infectado com Puccinia psidii. Utilizou-se para esta análise, indivíduos susceptíveis e resistentes à infecção por Puccinia psidii Winter. A população amostrada constituída por meios irmãos, apresentava segregação para o carácter de resistência à ferrugem. Os resultados produzidos permitiram identificar 421 genes com expressão diferencial (p ≤ 0,05) nos dois fenótipos. Vários destes genes estavam relacionados a diversos mecanismos de defesa da planta, tais como genes envolvidos na formação de barreiras físicas e na resposta hipersensível, resistência sistêmica adquirida, bem como genes relacionados à polarização celular e resposta ao estresse oxidativo. Os dados em conjunto, corroboram a idéia de que são vários os mecanismos que atuam simultaneamente produzindo o fenótipo resistente. Estes genes apresentam-se para serem utilizados futuramente como marcadores moleculares na seleção de indivíduos resistentes, em cruzamentos naturais ou dirigidos e como fonte de genes para experimentos de transformação em estudos mais profundos de fitopatogênese. / In Brazil the forest activities represent a vector for social, ambiental and economic development. In 2004 the exportations produced US$ 7 billions and contributed with US$ 5,5 billion in taxes. In the same year, in Brasil, of 6 million hectares of commercial reforestation, around 50% is occupied by eucalyptus. This crop can be used as the raw material for several industrial processes, from cellulose and paper production to vegetable charcoal production. However, eucalyptus productivity has several limiting factors. One of the most severe diseases is called rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia psiddii Winter. This pathogen is unknown in the Eucalyptus center of origin; however, it has several Myrtaceae genera as its host, infecting leaves, flowers and developing fruits. Rust management normally involves the use of fungicides, but the use of resistant plants is a much better alternative due the lower costs and minimal ambient impact. In the current study SAGE - Serial Analysis of Gene Expression was used for gene expression analysis because it is a quantitative genome-wide method and that obtains expression profiles from known and unknown genes involved in the rust resistant process. This thesis analyzed the expression profile of the differentially expressed genes and 200 genes without significant statistical differences in their expression patterns, in Eucalyptus grandis infected with Puccinia psidii. For this analysis we used susceptible and resistant individuals to Puccinia psidii Winter infection taken from a population half siblings, which showed segregation for fust resistance. The results indicated 421 genes with differential expression (p ≤ 0.05), 239 were preferentially expressed in the susceptible library and 232 in the resistant. Several of these genes were associated with plant defense mechanisms, such as genes involved in formation of physical barriers, hypersensitive response, systemic adquired resistance, genes related to cellular polarization and oxidative stress responses. All the data support the idea that not one but several mechanisms are acting at the same time producing the resistant phenotype. These genes are future candidates for molecular markers useful in the selection of resistant individuals in breeding programs and a source of genes for transformation experiments or as molecular tools to dissect the phytopathogenic process.

Reproductive Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah

Baxter, Jared Jeffrey 01 December 2016 (has links)
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) are a species of conservation concern in the rangelands of western North America due to their dramatic decline over the last half century. Effective conservation and management of sensitive species requires an understanding of how species respond to management actions. We examined two aspects of the reproductive phases of sage-grouse: nest predation, and habitat selection by female sage-grouse with chicks. In Chapter 1, we developed resource selection functions to assess the influence of mechanical treatments of mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata vaseyana) on habitat selection by greater sage-grouse with chicks. Post-treatment sage-grouse showed stronger selection for treatments and treatment edges than did pre-treatment sage-grouse. This altered pattern of selection by sage-grouse with broods suggests mechanical treatments may be a suitable way to increase use of mountain big sagebrush during the brooding period. In Chapter 2, we assessed the effect of habitat edges on nest predation of sage-grouse. The "edge effect" hypothesis states that habitat edges are associated with reduced nest success for birds. We tested the edge effect hypothesis using 155 nest locations from 114 sage-grouse. We derived edge metrics for 11 habitat cover types to determine which variables may have affected nest predation. We found support for the edge effect hypothesis in that nest predation increased with increasing edge density of paved roads. We provide evidence that the edge effect hypothesis may apply to greater sage-grouse and their habitats. Based on our results, we recommend minimizing disturbances that fragment critical nesting habitat of greater sage-grouse.

Ecology and Management of a High Elevation Southern Range Greater Sage-Grouse Population: Vegetation Manipulation, Early Chick Survival, and Hunter Motivations

Guttery, Michael R. 01 December 2010 (has links)
My research provided new information concerning the management, ecology, and conservation of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). I report the results of an experiment using strategic intensive sheep grazing to enhance the quality of greater sage-grouse brood-rearing habitat. Although forb cover, an important component of brood-rearing habitat, responded positively to the grazing treatment, the response of other habitat variables was suppressed because the plots were not protected from domestic and wild herbivores during the years following the treatments. Measurements taken in grazing exclosures confirmed that herbivory by both large and small animals had significant impacts on vegetation. However, despite the suppressed habitat response, sage-grouse preferred the treated plots over the controls. In another chapter, I modeled survival rates of sage-grouse chicks to 42-days of age. Average chick survival across my study was high (39%). Survival varied across years and was affected by demographic, behavioral, and habitat factors. The top habitat model indicated that chick survival was positively related to grass cover and was higher in areas dominated by black sagebrush (Artemisia nova) than in big sagebrush (A. tridentata). The top model with demographic/behavioral factors indicated that survival was affected by interactions between hen age and brood mixing as well as between hatch date and brood mixing. In my last chapter I report on a survey of Utah sage-grouse hunter motivations and satisfaction. In 2008 and 2009 I surveyed over 600 sage-grouse hunters in Utah to determine why they chose to apply for sage-grouse hunting permits and what factors contributed to a satisfactory hunting experience. Originally, I had hypothesized that the impending Endangered Species Act listing petition for greater sage-grouse motivated hunters to pursue the species before they lost the opportunity. This hypothesis was not supported by the data. The majority of hunters indicated that they chose to hunt sage-grouse because it was a tradition or because it provided an opportunity to spend time outdoors with family. Additionally, Utah sage-grouse hunter satisfaction was influenced by whether or not the hunter was successful in harvesting at least one bird.

Population Dynamics and Movements of Translocated and Resident Greater Sage-Grouse on Anthro Mountain, Utah

Gruber, Natasha W. 01 December 2012 (has links)
Declining populations of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage-grouse) have increased stakeholder concerns regarding the management and stability of the species range-wide. Numerous conservation strategies have been identified to restoring sage-grouse population declines to include species translocations. Translocations have been used for many different wildlife species to help sustain genetic heterogeneity, reestablish, and augment declining populations. In a recent translocation study, researchers identified the protocols used to successfully translocate sage-grouse to restore declining populations in Strawberry Valley, Utah. This translocation occurred in a high elevation basin buffered by geomorphic barriers. I evaluated these protocols for use in translocating sage-grouse to augment a declining population that inhabited Anthro Mountain in northwest Utah. Anthro Mountain is a high elevation mountain dominated by sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) void of geomorphic barriers. I compared annual production, survival (i.e., vital rates), habitat use, and movements of translocated birds and their progeny to the resident population. Lastly, I described the integration of translocated birds with resident birds and the overall efficacy of the translocation effort. I radio-collared and monitored 60 translocated female sage-grouse from Parker Mountain, Utah over a 2-year period (2009 and 2010) and compared their vital rates to 19 radio-marked resident sage-grouse. Adult survival was similar for resident and translocated birds, but higher for both groups in 2010 than in 2009. However, overall survival of both resident and translocated birds was lower than range-wide survival estimates. Nest success was slightly higher for resident birds than translocated birds but positively correlated to grass height for both groups. Chick survival was also slightly higher for resident birds than for translocated birds, and higher overall in 2010 than in 2009. Chick survival was positively correlated to grass cover for both groups. Translocated birds used similar habitats and exhibited migration behaviors similar to resident birds. From a methodology perspective, the translocations protocols were successful because the translocated birds quickly acclimated to the release area, and their survival and reproductive success were similar to the resident birds. The effect of the translocation on augmenting the local population was inconclusive.

Why women's clothing? a critical history of clothing collections : a regional case study /

Jones, Stacey Elizabeth. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Florida, 2005. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on April 15, 2009). Includes bibliographical references (p. 53-56).

L'universitarisation de la formation de sage-femme et ses conséquences pour les structures de formation : entre dynamique de professionnalisation et remaniements de l'identité des ensignants en maïeutique / The universalisation of midwifery training and its consequences for training structures : between the dynamics of professionalisation and the reorganization of the identity of the ensignants in maieutics

Vaast, Isabelle 21 December 2017 (has links)
Se saisissant du processus de Bologne pour ambitionner une intégration de sa formation à l’Université, la profession de sage-femme espère aujourd’hui une reconnaissance de la part du grand public et des autorités politiques. Cependant, ce processus d’universitarisation met en lumière un contraste entre une situation initialement désirée et une réalité souvent beaucoup moins idéalisée. L’intégration aux Facultés de Médecine et/ou UFR de Santé, confronte désormais les enseignants sages-femmes à une dynamique de professionnalisation, interpelant leur identité professionnelle, tentant de faire tenir ensemble la revendication d’une appartenance à la famille médicale mais aussi celle d’une spécificité.Ainsi l’intégration universitaire de la formation en maïeutique ne contribue-t-elle pas à renforcer une logique dualiste de l’identité professionnelle des sages-femmes enseignantes, dans la mesure où ces dernières oscillent entre appartenance et distanciation par rapport au groupe professionnel des médecins ?Pour tenter de répondre à cette question, nous avons effectué une enquête au sein des structures de formation en maïeutique : 102 questionnaires, adressés aux équipes pédagogiques ont été ainsi colligés et 22 entretiens ciblés ont été menés auprès de sages-femmes enseignantes, directrices de structures de formation, sages-femmes de « terrain » et médecins.Les analyses montrent que l’intégration à l’Université impose une renégociation des valeurs individuelles et collectives. Paradoxalement, le passage d’une affiliation à un établissement hospitalier vers l’Université, semble renforcer la mise en exergue de la clinique. Quant à la nécessaire certification des formateurs, elle concoure à une « renormalisation » du métier d’enseignant. Cette évolution a en effet des effets directs sur la communauté de travail édifiée en référence à un métier: Perte de reconnaissance d’expérience pour les uns, valorisation d’un savoir spécifique pour les autres, mais aussi télescopage intergénérationnel. Dans ce contexte, ces professionnels doivent trouver un sens à la mutation engagée, alors que le stress généré par cette transformation se traduit soit par une « entrée en résistance »soit par une adhésion au projet. L’identité sage-femme étant encore fortement ancrée, la polyvalence des personnels des structures n’aide sans doute pas à forger une identité enseignante qui croise dorénavant celle de chercheur. Au final, l’enquête réalisée montre que le passage de « sage-femme enseignante » à « enseignant-chercheur en maïeutique » ne pourra donc s’effectuer qu’au prix de réajustements significatifs de l’éthos professionnel. / Seizing the opportunity of the Bologna Process to strive for the integration of their professional training into University, the midwives now hope for the acknowledgment of their specific knowledge from both the general population and public authorities. However, this “universitarisation process” has highlighted a contrast between the situation that was initially expected and a reality that does not meet expectations. As part of the medical school, midwife teachers are now facing a dynamic of professionalization that questions their vocational identity and tries to deal, on the one hand, with the medical identity claim of midwives and, on the other hand, with the specific nature.Does the “universitarisation process” of the midwifery training participate in the reinforcement of the dual identity of midwife teachers, split between being affiliate to medical practitioners and being differentiated from them?In order to consider this issue, a survey was carried out among several midwife schools in France: 102 questionnaires were collected from teachers and 22 targeted interviews were conducted with midwife teachers, Heads of midwife schools, midwife practitioners and doctors.Analyses show that, to achieve an integration into University, a renegotiation of individual and collective values is necessary. The shift from an affiliation to hospital facility to an affiliation to University seems, paradoxically, to emphasize the significance of medical clinic. However, the required certification of teachers contributes to a recast of the teaching profession. Indeed, this evolution has direct consequences on a professional community that has been built up on a specific profession: loss of recognition of experience for some, better appreciation of a specific knowledge for others, and a difference between generations. In the framework of these conclusions, professionals must try to find a meaning for this ongoing transformation taking into consideration that the stress triggered by this situation leads either to acceptance or to protestation and “resistance”. Contrary to the deeply-rooted identity of the midwife, the great versatility of the workforce is not likely to facilitate the emergence of clear identity for the teaching staff, also strongly linked nowadays to the identity of the researcher. Eventually, the study shows that the shift in the characterization of the midwife teacher, from the prevalence of the medical field to the prevalence of the teacher-researcher, will be only possible with significant adjustments of the professional ethos.

Geologic and Structural Characterization of Shallow Seismic Properties Along The San Jacinto Fault at Sage Brush Flat, Southern California

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: The study of fault zones is a critical component to understanding earthquake mechanics and seismic hazard evaluations. Models or simulations of potential earthquakes, based on fault zone properties, are a first step in mitigating the hazard. Theoretical models of earthquake ruptures along a bi-material interface result in asymmetrical damage and preferred rupture propagation direction. Results include greater damage intensity within stiffer material and preferred slip in the direction of the more compliant side of the fault. Data from a dense seismic array along the Clark strand of the SJFZ at Sage Brush Flat (SGB) near Anza, CA, allows for analysis and characterization of shallow (<1km depth) seismic structure and fault zone properties. Results indicate potential asymmetric rock damage at SGB, similar to findings elsewhere along the SJFZ suggesting an NW preferred rupture propagation. In this study, analysis of high resolution topography suggests asymmetric morphology of the SGB basin slopes are partially attributed to structural growth and fault zone damage. Spatial distributions of rock damage, from site mapping and fault perpendicular transects within SGB and Alkali Wash, are seemingly asymmetric with pulverization dominantly between fault strands or in the NE fault block. Remapping of the SJFZ through Alkali Wash indicates the fault is not isolated to a single strand along the main geologic boundary as previously mapped. Displacement measurements within SGB are analogous to those from the most recent large earthquake on the Clark fault. Geologic models from both a 3D shear wave velocity model (a product from the dense seismic array analysis) and lithologic and structural mapping from this study indicate surface observations and shallow seismic data compare well. A synthetic three-dimensional fault zone model illustrates the complexity of the structure at SGB for comparison with dense array seismic wave products. Results of this study generally agree with findings from seismic wave interpretations suggesting damage asymmetry is controlled by a NW preferred rupture propagation. / Dissertation/Thesis / Geologic Map of Sage Brush Flat / 3D fault zone model of the SJFZ at Sage Brush Flat / Masters Thesis Geological Sciences 2018

Identificação de genes diferencialmente expressos em árvores de Eucalyptus grandis susceptíveis e resistentes à Puccinia psidii / Identification of differentially expressed genes in susceptivel and resistant Eucalyptus grandis trees exposed to Puccinia psidii

Guillermo Rafael Salvatierra 29 May 2006 (has links)
A atividade florestal apresenta-se como um vetor de desenvolvimento social, ambiental e econômico no Brasil. Em 2004 as exportações ligadas ao setor renderam US$ 7 bilhões e contribuíram com US$ 5,5 bilhões em impostos. No mesmo ano, no Brasil, dos 6 milhões de hectares de reflorestamento comercial, mais de 50% dos hectares são ocupados por eucalipto. Esta cultura pode ser utilizada para diversas funções, desde à produção de papel e celulose, até a produção de carvão vegetal. Mas a produtividade desta cultura atualmente tem uma série de fatores limitantes. Destes fatores, um dos mais severos é uma doença denominada ferrugem, causada pelo fungo Puccinia psiddii Winter. Este patógeno entre tanto, não é conhecido nos centros de origem do gênero Eucalyptus, mas, utiliza como hospedeiros vários gêneros das Mirtáceas, infectando folhas, flores e frutos em desenvolvimento. O controle da doença é normalmente realizado mediante o uso de fungicidas. Porém, a utilização de plantas resistentes é o método mais aconselhável por diversos motivos, como o baixo custo, a praticidade e o menor impacto ambiental. Neste trabalho a metodologia do SAGE - Serial Analysis of Gene Expression foi utilizada, para a análise da expressão gênica uma vez que permite detectar e quantificar, de maneira global, a expressão de genes conhecidos e desconhecidos, envolvidos no processo de resistência à ferrugem. Neste trabalho analisou-se a expressão do conjunto de genes diferencialmente expressos e 200 genes sem diferenças no padrão de expressão, em Eucalyptus grandis infectado com Puccinia psidii. Utilizou-se para esta análise, indivíduos susceptíveis e resistentes à infecção por Puccinia psidii Winter. A população amostrada constituída por meios irmãos, apresentava segregação para o carácter de resistência à ferrugem. Os resultados produzidos permitiram identificar 421 genes com expressão diferencial (p &#8804; 0,05) nos dois fenótipos. Vários destes genes estavam relacionados a diversos mecanismos de defesa da planta, tais como genes envolvidos na formação de barreiras físicas e na resposta hipersensível, resistência sistêmica adquirida, bem como genes relacionados à polarização celular e resposta ao estresse oxidativo. Os dados em conjunto, corroboram a idéia de que são vários os mecanismos que atuam simultaneamente produzindo o fenótipo resistente. Estes genes apresentam-se para serem utilizados futuramente como marcadores moleculares na seleção de indivíduos resistentes, em cruzamentos naturais ou dirigidos e como fonte de genes para experimentos de transformação em estudos mais profundos de fitopatogênese. / In Brazil the forest activities represent a vector for social, ambiental and economic development. In 2004 the exportations produced US$ 7 billions and contributed with US$ 5,5 billion in taxes. In the same year, in Brasil, of 6 million hectares of commercial reforestation, around 50% is occupied by eucalyptus. This crop can be used as the raw material for several industrial processes, from cellulose and paper production to vegetable charcoal production. However, eucalyptus productivity has several limiting factors. One of the most severe diseases is called rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia psiddii Winter. This pathogen is unknown in the Eucalyptus center of origin; however, it has several Myrtaceae genera as its host, infecting leaves, flowers and developing fruits. Rust management normally involves the use of fungicides, but the use of resistant plants is a much better alternative due the lower costs and minimal ambient impact. In the current study SAGE - Serial Analysis of Gene Expression was used for gene expression analysis because it is a quantitative genome-wide method and that obtains expression profiles from known and unknown genes involved in the rust resistant process. This thesis analyzed the expression profile of the differentially expressed genes and 200 genes without significant statistical differences in their expression patterns, in Eucalyptus grandis infected with Puccinia psidii. For this analysis we used susceptible and resistant individuals to Puccinia psidii Winter infection taken from a population half siblings, which showed segregation for fust resistance. The results indicated 421 genes with differential expression (p &#8804; 0.05), 239 were preferentially expressed in the susceptible library and 232 in the resistant. Several of these genes were associated with plant defense mechanisms, such as genes involved in formation of physical barriers, hypersensitive response, systemic adquired resistance, genes related to cellular polarization and oxidative stress responses. All the data support the idea that not one but several mechanisms are acting at the same time producing the resistant phenotype. These genes are future candidates for molecular markers useful in the selection of resistant individuals in breeding programs and a source of genes for transformation experiments or as molecular tools to dissect the phytopathogenic process.

Eine Zigeunerin als Beschützerin Neusalzas vor Feuersbrunst

Mohr, Lutz 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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