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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Solceller på miljonprogrammets tak. Håller det? : En studie i problematik kring solceller på tak med fokus på takkonstruktionen. / Photovoltaic systems on the roof of the million program. Does it withstand the load?

Engh, Jonatan, Eriksson Stark, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The Million Program, buildings built between 1965 - 1974, is still a large part of the Swedish housing stock. These buildings now face a major need for renovation and energy efficiency measures. At the same time as the need for renovation is increasing, photovoltaic systems have also grown in popularity. The growing renovation need in combination with the increased popularity of photovoltaic systems has led to increased interest for whether photovoltaic systems panels can be mounted on existing buildings. The purpose of this study is to examine the potential problems when investigating the conditions for and the mounting of photovoltaic systems on existing roofs with respect to building statics. The focus is on buildings built during the million program and how the roof structure of these buildings is affected by the extra load from photovoltaic systems panels. A case study was performed where the strength of a roof with a time-typical roof construction from the million program was computed. A comparison of the characteristic loads according to European design rules and Swedish building standards was also carried out to give a perspective on differences in the standards. A number of interviews were conducted with various parties within the construction industry on the problem of photovoltaic system panel installations. The result of the case study shows that the roof does not withstand the new load in form of photovoltaic system panels according to the European design rules. When comparing the norms, it turns out that the main difference between them is that European design rules have a significantly higher characteristic snow load compared to the Swedish building norm. It can be concluded that European design rules generally have higher characteristic loads than the Swedish building norm, which can make the installation of photovoltaic system panels on houses built according to Swedish building norm more difficult due to the fact that the expansion have to be calculated according to the European design rules. Another major problem when investigating if photovoltaic system panels can be installed on typical roofs from the million program era, is lack of as-built documentation. / Miljonprogrammet, byggnader som byggdes mellan 1965 - 1974, är än idag en stor del av det svenska bostadsbeståndet. Dessa byggnader står idag inför ett stort renoverings- och energieffektiviseringsbehov. Samtidigt som behovet av renovering ökar har också solceller ökat i popularitet. Det ökande renoveringsbehovet i kombination med den ökade populariteten av solceller har lett till att efterfrågan på huruvida det går att montera solcellsmoduler på befintliga byggnader har ökat. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad det finns för problematik kring utredning och montering av solcellsmoduler på befintliga tak med hänsyn till byggstatik. Fokuset ligger på byggnader uppförda under miljonprogrammet och hur byggnaders takkonstruktion blir påverkad av den extra lasten som solcellspanel innebär. En fallstudie har utförts där hållfastheten för ett tak med en tidstypisk takkonstruktion för miljonprogrammet beräknas. En jämförelse mellan de karakteristiska lasterna enligt Europeiska konstruktionsregler respektive Svensk byggnorm har även utförts för att ge en bild av skillnader och likheter mellan normerna. Ett antal intervjuer har också utförts med olika parter inom byggbranschen för att få reda på vad de ser för potentiell problematik kring installation av solcellsmoduler. Resultatet från fallstudien visar att takkonstruktionen som utsätts för den nya lasten i form av solcellspaneler inte håller enligt Europeiska konstruktionsregler. I jämförelsen av normerna visar det sig att den största skillnaden mellan dem är att Europeiska konstruktionsregler har en betydligt högre karakteristisk snölast jämfört med Svensk byggnorm. Även vindlasten skiljer sig mellan normerna. Likhet finns i nyttig last och egentyngd mellan normerna, där finns ingen nämnvärd skillnad. Det går att dra slutsatsen att Europeiska konstruktionsregler generellt har högre karakteristiska laster än Svensk byggnorm.

Structures de guides d'onde photo-induits et analogies quantiques

Ciret, Charles 26 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La propagation de lumière dans un réseau de guides s'effectue par couplages successifs et diffère ainsi fortement de la propagation en milieu libre. De plus, il existe, entre le formalisme du couplage optique décrivant cette propagation, de grandes similarités avec l'équation de Schrödinger. Nous utilisons ces similarités pour réaliser, dans des structures optiques composées de guides d'ondes, des analogies à des phénomènes quantiques. Les guides d'ondes sont analogues à des niveaux discrets d'énergie tandis que les constantes de couplage entre les guides sont analogues aux fréquences de Rabi des pulses laser couplant ces niveaux d'énergie. Pour la démonstration de ces analogies riches d'enseignement et potentiellement attractives pour des applications, il est intéressant de pouvoir disposer de structures optiques polyvalentes pouvant être reconfigurées. Notre approche est basée sur la réalisation de ces structures par la technique d'illumination latérale développée au laboratoire. Contrairement à la majorité des techniques d'inscriptions classiques (CVD, échange d'ions, inscription par laser femtoseconde, etc.) qui conduisent à des structures fixes et très difficilement modifiables, cette technique donne des structures reconfigurables. Elle consiste en l'éclairement contrôlé d'un cristal photoréfractif soumis à un champ électrique, permettant d'inscrire des guides grâce à la photo-conductivité du matériau et à l'effet Pockels. Dès lors, nous montrons qu'il est possible de réaliser au sein du même cristal, différentes structures de réseaux de guides, de design, périodicités et contrastes d'indice différents. Nous mettons ensuite à profit ces différents résultats pour la démonstration d'analogies à des effets quantiques. En premier lieu nous démontrons un transfert adiabatique de lumière similaire au phénomène de STIRAP ("STImulated Raman Adiabatic Passage"). La lumière, couplée à l'entrée dans un guide, est transférée à un guide de sortie éloigné, à travers plusieurs guides intermédiaires (jusqu'à neuf ) si les constantes de couplage sont modulées longitudinalement dans un ordre dit "contre-intuitif". Nous utilisons ensuite ce transfert adiabatique de lumière pour la réalisation d'un diviseur de faisceau multi-ports, dont les ratios d'intensité dans les ports de sorties sont déterminés par le rapport des constantes de couplage de la structure. Nous démontrons également que ce diviseur de faisceau est très robuste et très largement achromatique sur plus de 200 nm. Puis, nous réalisons une analogie au phénomène d'EIT ("Electromagnetically Induced Transparency") dans une structure optique composée de trois guides. La présence d'un troisième guide très proche du deuxième empêche tout transfert de lumière depuis le premier guide qui devient alors "transparent". Enfin, en créant un désaccord dans les constantes de propagation longitudinale des trois guides, le transfert de lumière peut être réactivé pour deux valeurs particulières du désaccord, similairement à l'effet quantique Autler-Townes.

Det invändiga tätskiktets historia / The history of the indoor environmentsealing

Liljekvist, Adam, Svensson, Danny January 2021 (has links)
Att bygga täta hus är något som alltid eftersträvats. Till en början var det för att öka den inre komforten med att förhindra drag i golv och väggar för att senare få förståelsen för hur otätheter kan var skadlig för våra konstruktioner i form av de termiska drivkrafterna i konvektion och diffusion genom byggnadsskalet. Då byggnadskraven och regelverken blivit hårdare har byggnadsbranschen och forskarsamfundet utvecklat nya lösningar för att konstruera tätare hus. Med syftet att öka och bredda den allmänna, grundläggande förståelsen och kunskapen inom området görs en historisk sammanställning om hur täthet har uppnåtts. Sammanställningen börjar vid 1800-talets slut i den moderna byggnadskonsten ursprung. I varje epok undersöks vilka typer av lösningar som kan förväntas att finnas i olika konstruktioner och hustyper, vilka forskningsrapporter och litteratur har legat till grund för den historiska utvecklingen samt vilka regelverk som varit styrande under respektive epok. Arbetet fokuserar enbart på den svenska utvecklingen inom täthet och berör enbart träkonstruktioner.En litteraturstudie är det som ligger till grund för rapporten där rapporter, tidskrifter och byggnadsanvisningar granskas. En dialog har förts med utredningsingenjör Stig Johansson.Syftet med dialogen har varit för att kunna ge vägledning samt för att belysa viktiga tidpunkter som bör undersökas.  Vidare undersöks när man började förstå att tätheten inte enbart påverkade komforten utan också påverkade effektiviteten hos ventilationssystemen och värmeisoleringen, det vill säga den totala energiförbrukningen. Arbetet visar att läckaget är som störst i skarvar mellan yttervägg och vindsbjälklag, yttervägg och golvbjälklag, i folie/pappskarvar samt vid genomföringar genom tätskiktet. Här har olika metoder använts för att uppnå så god täthet som möjligt. Allt ifrån klämning av skarvar till häftning och tejpning. Tätning reagerar olika på fukt och beständigheten hos de olika lösningarna kan vara olika efter några år. Studien visar att det var i början av 70-talet som forskarsamfundet förstod hur tätheten påverkade energihushållningen och ventilationen. Då togs metoder fram för tryckmätning av konstruktioner och energihushållningen kunde då beräknas.  Följande slutsatser kan dras ifrån studien: Det invändiga tätskiktet har förändrats väldigt mycket under det senaste århundradet, antagligen har förändringen varit styrd av ”trial and error”. Förändringen i materialval ifrån förhydningspapp till plastfolie beror främst på plastfoliens lätthanterlighet vid förvaring och montering. Det finns inte ett entydigt svar till när man insåg att det invändiga tätskiktet gjort mer nytta än att enbart täta mot drag. Men troligtvis var det kring 20-talet då begreppet diffusion diskuteras i rapporter. Monteringstekniken har förändrats mycket sedan plastfolien lanserades på marknaden. Antagligen är denna förändring driven dels av ”trial and error” tillsammans med de forskningar som upptäckten av felen har motiverat. / Building houses with proper indoor environmental sealing is something that always has been strived after. At the beginning the purpose was to increase indoor comfort by stopping gusts of wind in floors and ceilings. Later, understanding was gained how leaks can be damaging for our constructions in the shape of thermal forces in convection and diffusion through the environment sealing. With the purpose of increasing and broadening the general, basic understanding and knowledge in the field a compilation from a historical perspective of how isolation is achieved. This essay is focused solely on the Swedish development in isolation of wooden structures. The foundation of this essay is based on a literature study where rapports, periodicals and building instructions are examined.  Another area of study that is examined here is when a proper understanding of the benefits of isolation was reached in relation to its impact on the efficiency of ventilation systems and heat isolation, which impacts the total energy consumption.  The following conclusion can be made from the study:  The indoor environment sealing has changed a lot in the latest hundred years and the change was probably made by ”trial and error”. The change in material is probably due to the easiness when using the plastic folie.      There is not only one answer to when the realization was made that the indoor sealing had more of a purpose than protection against gusts. But it was probably in the 1920´s.  The installation technique has change since the introduction of the plastic folie. The change was probably made by ”trial and error” or in a combination with the scientific discoveries that was made.

Züchtung und Charakterisierung von SrxBa1-xNb2O6-Kristallen im Bereich von 0,32 < x < 0,82

Ulex, Michael 15 July 2004 (has links)
Das Kristallsystem SrxBa1-xNb2O6 wurde über den gesamten Bereich, in dem die tetragonale Phase existiert, gezüchtet und untersucht. Es wurden die Gitterkonstanten, die Dichte, die Brechungsindizes und die Phasenübergangstemperatur bestimmt. Das Phasendiagramm des Kristallsystems wurde neu bestimmt.

Estudo das caracteristicas estruturais e elÃtricas do SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) dopado com La2O3, PbO e Bi2O3. / Study of Structural and Electrical Characteristics of SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) doped with La2O3, PbO and Bi2O3.

Marta Jussara Souza da Rocha 27 January 2009 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / CerÃmica Aurivillius sÃo conhecidas por sua excelente resistÃncia à fadiga e a sua alta temperatura de Curie, a qual apresenta cÃlula unitÃria ortorrÃmbica. A cerÃmica a ser estudada, SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN), à matÃria-prima potencial na fabricaÃÃo de memÃrias ferroelÃtricas, com polarizaÃÃo espontÃnea e bons coeficientes piezelÃtricos. Dentro deste grupo cerÃmico, o SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) à o material com menor estrutura octaÃdrica distorcida. Apesar disto, o SBN sofre de perda dielÃtrica elevada, devido à evaporaÃÃo de Ãxido de bismuto durante a preparaÃÃo, vindo a limitar sua utilizaÃÃo. A ativaÃÃo mecÃnica usada foi a de moinho planetÃrio, que nos permite calcinar o composto por temperaturas mais baixas que as geralmente apresentadas na literatura. ApÃs a calcinaÃÃo, moemos por mais duas horas, e obtemos um pà de boa densidade e reduzida temperatura de sinterizaÃÃo. Este fato previne a perda de elementos volÃteis (Pb ou Bi) e controla o crescimento do grÃo que à produzido quando a alta temperatura à necessÃria para a obtenÃÃo dessa cerÃmica. No presente trabalho, esta cerÃmica Aurivillius serà estudada em suas propriedades estruturais e dielÃtricas com dopagem de Ãxido de lantÃnio, de bismuto e de chumbo, em diversas porcentagens. Adicionalmente, houve a necessidade de um estudo comparativo com respeito a diferentes tipos de ligantes, e os testes obedeceram Ãs dopagens mencionadas acima. Os resultados foram obtidos pelo mÃtodo Hakki & Coleman, pela Espectroscopia de ImpedÃncia e medidas de RadiofreqÃÃncia, para a caracterizaÃÃo elÃtrica. DifraÃÃo de Raios-X, juntamente com o Refinamento Rietveld, Espectroscopia Raman e de Infravermelho, para anÃlise estrutural, dentre outras medidas e mÃtodos. / Aurivillius ceramic are know by is excellent resistence to high use and itÂs high Curie temperature, in wich it presents unicell ortorrÃmbic. The ceramic to be study SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN), is a potential prime-mater in the production of ironelectric memories with sponteneous polarization and good piezelectric coeficient. Within this ceramic group, SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) is the material with less twisted octaÃdric structure. Even so, SBN, have high loss of dielectric, due to the evaporation of bismut oxide during preparation, inposing a limit to is use. The mechanical activation used was of a planetarium will, that allows us to calcinate the compost by very low temperatures that are presented in literature. After the calcination, we will it for two more hours and have dust that have good density and low sinterization temperature. That fact privine us the lost of volatile elements ( Pb or Bi ) and controls the grow of the seed wich is produced when high Temperature is needed to obtain this ceramic . In the present work, this Aurivillius ceramic wil be studyed in is dielectric and structure properties with dopage of lantÃnium oxide, lead oxide and bismut oxide, on different percentages. In addiction there was necessety of a comparative study, regarding the different types of leagues and tests obay the dopage already menttionated. The results were obtained by the Hakki & Coleman method by the Impendence Espectroscopic and radiofrequense mesures, to the electric caracterization . X-rays Defraction with Rictveld refiament , Raman and infrared espectroscopic, to structural analises , within other mesures and methods .

Light-induced absorption changes in ferroelectric crystals:SrxBa1-xNb2O6:Ce; KTaO3; KTa1-xNbxO3

Gubaev, Airat 20 December 2005 (has links)
The aim of the current work was to investigate the photo-induced charge transport at low temperatures, allowing more sensitive, detailed measurements of the first steps in the build-up of space charge fields, which modify the refractive index, leading to modern applications like volume holographic storage. We investigated the light-induced properties of SBN:Ce, KTO and KTN materials like origin of trapping centers which are involved in the charge transport process, characterization of trapping centers, like temperature dependence, illumination intensity dependence, evolution with time, spectral response, activation energies, the basic properties of the electronic excitations and photo-carriers localization based on results of absorption, light-induced absorption, photoluminescence, and photocurrent. The main contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows: The experimental intensity dependence, temperature dependence, and decay process of the light-induced polaron (NIR) and VIS center absorption can be fitted with the help of a simplified charge transfer model (for SBN). The decay observed of the NIR polaron and the VIS centers is present due to the Fourier spectrometer light. The dissociation of the VIS centers into NIR centers under red light was observed. The model proposed for the VIS-centers in SBN is a triad structure related to the simultaneous bonding of two hole polarons and one electronic polaron.In KTN the emergence of the UV-light induced wide absorption bands in the NIR region with maxima at 0.69 0.8 eV at low temperatures is treated as a manifestation of the localization of photo-induced electrons and the formation of small electron polarons in close-neighbor Nb-Nb pair centers. Also, these properties in KTN can be fitted with the help of the simplified charge transfer model.

Génération et étude de guides d'onde dynamiques et reconfigurables induits par illumination latérale / Study of reconfigurable light-induced waveguides induced by lateral illumination

Gorram, Mohamed 25 June 2009 (has links)
La réalisation de réseaux optiques ne nécessitant pas l'intervention d'éléments électroniques pour la détection temporaire de signaux demande des éléments de routage et d'interconnexion optique, adaptables et reconfigurables en des temps courts, de l'ordre de la milliseconde dans le cas des réseaux de télécommunications. L'utilisation de guides d'onde optiques réalisés dans des matériaux actifs par des techniques conventionnelles telles que la diffusion d'ions, l'échange protonique ou l'implantation ionique se prêtent mal à ce but. Ces techniques donnent lieu exclusivement à des guides statiques, typiquement de surface qui ne sont pas facilement modifiables. La méthode de photo-inscription transversale développée dans le cadre de cette thèse permet de franchir un cap important vers la réalisation de dispositifs purement optiques dans les quels la lumière est utilisée pour guider et manipuler la lumière sans avoir recours à de complexes étapes de fabrication. L'avantage principal est que cet effet peut être effacé, donnant lieu à des structures dynamiques sans l'intervention d'endommagements permanents du matériau. Un autre avantage est la grande versatilité par rapport à la forme des guides qui est conditionnée par la structure imposée à l'illumination de contrôle perpendiculaire à la direction de propagation. La formation de guides d'onde reconfigurables planaires à une dimension (1D) transversale a été réalisée dans des cristaux ferroélectriques photoréfractifs comme le SrxBa1xNb2O6 (SBN) ou le Sn2P2S6 (SPS), dans les longueurs d'ondes du visible ([lambda] = 514 nm et [lambda] = 633 nm). Des temps de génération et de reconfiguration des guides de l'ordre de la milliseconde ont été atteints dans le SPS. La dynamique des guides a été étudiée en s'appuyant sur des traitements théoriques et des simulations numériques. Une nouvelle méthode pour la déflexion et la modulation se basant sur la photo-inscription de guides a été proposée et démontrée expérimentalement dans les matériaux SBN et LiTaO3. Nous avons aussi montré pour la première fois la possibilité de réaliser à l'aide de cette technique le confinement dans les deux dimensions (2D) transversales. Les études expérimentales concernant l'influence des intensités des illuminations de contrôle et du champ appliqué sur le profil du guide sont en bonne adéquation avec les prédictions théoriques concernant le mode fondamental attendu / The realization transparent achievement of optical networks that do not need electronic components for the temporary detection and regenration of signals asks for optical routing and interconnection elements which are reconfigurable in short time, in the order of milliseconds in the case telecommunications networks. The use of optical waveguides in active materials made of active materials by conventional techniques, such as ion-indiffusion, proton exchange or ion implantation is badly suitable for this goal. These techniques give rise only to static waveguides close to the material surface and they are not easily modified. The technique of light inducing waveguides by lateral illumination developed in this work allows to cross an important step towards purely optical devices in which light is used to guide and manipulate light without resorting to complex manufacturing steps. The main advantage is that this effect can be erased, giving rise to dynamic structures that do note cause a permanent damage of the material. Another advantage is the versatility with respect to the form of the waveguides, that is defined by the structure imposed to control the illumination perpendicular to the direction of propagation. The feasibility of reconfigurable 1-dimensional waveguides has been experimentally demonstrated in the electro-optic ferroelectric crystals SrxBa1xNb2O6 (SBN, x=0.61) and Sn2P2S6 (SPS). The illuminating wavelengths used were 514 nm for SBN and 633 nm for SPS. Response and reconfiguration times of the order of 1 ms are shown to be possible in the case of SPS. The dynamics of the waveguides has been studied on the basis of theoretical treatment and numerical simulations. The evolution of light induced one-dimensional waveguides when the sustaining electric field is switched off leads to a novel kind of dynamic light deflection. We have studied this effect in detail using SBN and LiTaO3 crystals. Simulations of the beam propagation in the split waveguide on the base of a simple model lead to a good agreement with the experimental observations. Light modulation by the help of this effect has been demonstrated as well. Finally, we realized for the first time, the recording of dynamically reconfigurable bulk channel waveguides confined in two dimensions using lateral illumination technique. The experimental studies of the dependence of the output probe wave profile on the intensities of two control waves and on the applied electric field were found to be in good agreement with the expectations based on a simplified step profile for the photorefractive by induced refractive index change and on mode calculations

Non-Collinear Second Harmonic Generation in Strontium Barium Niobate

Tunyagi, Arthur. R. 17 September 2004 (has links)
Refractive index measurements of the Strontium-Barium-Niobate (SBN) crystals show that none of the known second-harmonic-generation scheme (SHG) can be hold responsible for the SHG in SBN. Based on observations of the SHG experiments carried out with several compositions of the crystals in different setup-geometries a new model of second harmonic generaion was developed. The new SHG model, domain-induced second-harmonic generation (DISHG), which considers that the needle-like domain structure of this material plays an active role in the quasi phase matching of the produced second harmonic light has been experimentally proved using two different experiments. The new SHG process in the SBN crystals is a potential light source of cylindrically polarized light. The easy way of obtaining cylindrically polarized light with the SBN crystal broadens the potential applications for this material. The (DISHG) allows to investigate several properties of the ferroelectric domains. Using SHG measurements it was possible to analyze the development of the domain densities for domains of different sizes during the poling of the crystal. SHG measurements allow us to determine the minimum length of the ferroelectric domains. It was shown that this does not depend on the [Sr]/[Ba] ratio and domains are not getting longer after the sample was poled, except for the case of doped SBN. The ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition has also been investigated. From the inflection point of the nonlinear susceptibility as function of the temperature the phase transition temperature was determined. The non fully-linear dependence of the phase transition temperature as function of the [Sr]/[Ba] ratio can be explained by a system of three different sublattices at the crystallographic positions of Strontium and Barium atoms.

Optical and Dielectric Properties of Sr(x)Ba(1-x)Nb(2)O(6)

David, Calin Adrian 15 December 2004 (has links)
Several SBN-x crystals of different composition have been investigated using the following methods: Optical absorption in the band gap spectral region, optical absorption of the OH-stretch-mode in the near infrared, Raman scattering, pyroelectric and dielectric measurements.The band edge position depends on the crystal composition in a non-linear manner, thus showing band bowing, typical for mixed systems. A new method has been developed to increase the hydrogen content in the bulk. This doping depends on the composition in an almost linear manner. The observed OH stretch mode spectra have been deconvoluted into three sub bands which can be attributed to different sites in the lattice. The composition dependent spectra have been modelled with a few parameters, using different line shapes and both linear and quadratic dependences of the band position.Raman spectra of several crystals of different composition were recorded for four different scattering configurations. Changes for wave numbers below 500 have been found, but could not attributed to particular modes. A prominent feature at about 600 wave numbers was not disturbed by other modes allowing a decomposition and an assigned of this mode to a certain vibration. It was found that the behaviour of this mode is governed by the [Sr]/[Ba] ratio in the pentagonal channel of SBN-x.The ferroelectric relaxor phase-transition of SBN-x has been studied with pyroelectric measurements. From the nonlinear susceptibility as a function of temperature the phase-transition temperature was deduced using the inflection point. The non fully-linear dependence of the phase-transition temperature as a function of the [Sr]/[Ba] ratio can be explained by a system of three different sublattices for the Strontium and Barium atoms.First results obtained with a setup for measuring the dielectric constant confirmed already reported data of other groups.


DANIELA MARTINS DA COSTA NEVES 26 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] A crescente ocorrência de eventos extremos, impulsionada pelas mudanças climáticas, tem um impacto direto nas cidades, onde aproximadamente 60 por cento da população mundial reside. As Soluções baseadas na Natureza (SbN) têm se tornado importantes estratégias de adaptação e mitigação climática nas políticas públicas. Esse estudo teve como objetivo orientar a Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro na implantação de SbN no Distrito de Baixa Emissão (DBE). Assim, foi elaborado um Caderno de Orientação para implantação de SbN que busca dar suporte à Prefeitura na ação estruturante de requalificação urbana do DBE. Uma ferramenta de Seleção de SbN foi utilizada e adaptada para o contexto do DBE e foram identificados os fatores de sucesso da capacidade institucional da Prefeitura na implementação das SbN, além da apresentação das 15 SbN recomendadas. Também foram gerados mapas de áreas prioritárias de infraestrutura verde para o distrito, baseados no Guia Metodológico para Implantação de Infraestrutura Verde. Por fim, foram elaborados um projeto conceitual de SbN para duas avenidas localizadas no DBE, a fim de ilustrar a aplicação prática dessas ações em escala local, e um estudo hidrológico do volume de águas pluviais amortecido nas sub-bacias dessas avenidas, para avaliar o desempenho das soluções propostas. Este estudo busca auxiliar a tomada de decisão da Prefeitura na implementação das SbN no DBE. A integração de SbN em programas e a realização de parcerias-público privadas são algumas estratégias importantes a serem consideradas pela Prefeitura, bem como a realização de outras pesquisas de SbN direcionadas para o DBE. / [en] The increasing occurrence of extreme events driven by climate change hasa direct impact on cities, where almost 60 percent of the world s population resides.Nature-based solutions (NbS) have become essential climate adaptation and mitigation strategies on public policies. This study aimed to guide the Rio de Janeiro City Hall in development of NbS in the Low Emission Zone (LEZ). Thus, a Guideline for the Deployment of NbS was formulated to support the City Hall instructuring urban renewal actions in the LEZ. An NbS Selection tool was used and adapted to the context of the LEZ, and the success factors of Rio s institutional capacity in implementing NbS were identified, in addition to the presentation of the 15 recommended NbS. Maps depicting priority areas for green infrastructure within the LEZ were also generated based on the Methodological Guide for Green Infrastructure Implementation. Finally, a conceptual project of NbS was created for two avenues located in the LEZ, to illustrate the practical application of the seactions on a local scale, and a hydrological study of the attenuated storm water volume in the sub-basins of these avenues, to evaluate the performance of the proposed solutions. This study seeks to assist the City Hall s decision-making in the implementation of NbS in the LEZ. The integration of NbS in programs and the realization of public-private partnerships are some relevant strategies to be considered by the City, as well as the realization of further research on NbS directed to the LEZ.

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