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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití podnikových dat k zabezpečování kvality výrobku / Use of company data to ensure product quality

Gruber, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
The task of the thesis is a theoretical analysis and description of the use of company data. Emphasis is placed on the system analysis of the problem. The specific production process and the data available from it are evaluated, which help to find a technical and economic evaluation.

Determining and analysing production losses due to ice on wind turbines using SCADA data

Felding, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Wind turbines are becoming a more common sight and a more important part in the power grid. The benefits are mainly that wind energy is a renewable energy source and a single wind turbine can produce enough electricity to cover several households’ annual electricity need and not producing carbon dioxide as a rest product. Drawbacks are fluctuation in wind speed, which makes it difficult to regulate. The turbines need to be placed far from cities which cause losses in transmission in the national power grid.  In cold areas with long winters there is a risk of high energy losses due to iced blades. If there is ice accretion on the wind turbine blades it can cause a production loss and in extension economical losses by not selling the electricity. Finding those events is of high interest and there are methods to prevent and remove ice. However, there are occasions when there is ice on the blades, but no sensors signal this, and the production loss is a fact. There is a presumed production loss of 5-25 % annually due to icing on wind turbines in Sweden, depending on where the site is located. There is no general method for detecting ice in the industry but there are several methods available developed by different parties.  In this master’s thesis, a software has been developed in cooperation with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy to identify production losses on wind turbines due to icing using historical SCADA data. The software filters the raw data to construct a reference curve, to which data during cold weather is compared. It was found that low temperature causes ice losses, and the risk of an ice loss increases as temperature decreases. The annual losses at investigated wind farms were 4-10 % of the expected annual production. / Vindkraftverk blir en allt vanligare syn och en viktigare del i kraftnätet. Fördelarna är framförallt att det är en förnybar energykälla, det blir inga koldioxidutsläpp när vindkraftverken har installerats och ett vindkraftverk kan täcka flera hushålls årliga elbehov. Nackdelar är att vinden inte går att kontrollera och elproduktionen inte är garanterad eller konstant. Vindkraftverk placeras långt ifrån tätorter, vilket leder till förluster under distribution.  I kalla regioner med långa vintrar uppstår en risk för energiförluster på grund av nedisade turbinblad. Om det finns ispåbyggnad på turbinbladen kan det orsaka produktionsförluster och följaktligen en ekonomisk förlust. Det är av stort intresse i att upptäcka dessa och det finns flera metoder för att förbygga is och även avisning. Det antas vara produktionsförluster på 5-25 % årligen på grund av is i Sverige, beroende på vindparkens placering. Det finns ingen generell metod för att upptäcka is inom industrin, men det finns flera metoder utvecklade av olika parter.  I det här examensarbetet har en mjukvara utvecklats i samarbete med Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy för att upptäcka produktionsförluster hos vindkraftverk orsakade av nedisade turbinblad genom att använda SCADA-data. Mjukvaran filtrerar rådata för att beräkna en referenskurva, mot vilken data för kallt väder kan jämföras. Den visar att det finns korrelation mellan låg temperatur och produktionsförluster samt att risken för produktionsförlust ökar då temperaturen sjunker. De årliga produktionsförlusterna hos de undersökta vindparkerna var 4-10 % av den förväntade årliga produktionen.

Predicting the rate of adoption of IT/OT integration in the Swedish electricity grid system / Estimera spridningen av IT/OT integration i Sveriges elnät

Due to the increasing threat of global warming, today’s grid system faces large changes and challenges as more renewable sources are being implemented in the grid. In order to handle these changes and secure future distribution, new technologies and components are necessary. This study investigates the innovation – IT/OT integration and its rate of adoption among potential adopters – Distribution System Operators. Based upon 8 expert interviews, 19 interviews with Swedish DSOs and literature, the study has concluded the following: - Increased micro production in the Swedish electricity grid system is the main drivers for IT/OT integration. IT Security and Swedish Energy Market Inspectorates current pricing model are two of the main inhibitors for IT/OT integration. - Key factors, such as perceived attributes of the innovation and business transformation speed are of high importance when analyzing rate of adoption. - Medium-sized DSOs with high ambition are likely to adopt before other customer segments. Thus, they are potential target customers for suppliers, such as Ericsson. The thesis contributes to literature by providing research of a technical innovation within a complex market. Future research of interest is to apply similar methodology for predicting rate of adoption of IT/OT integration in other nations, since drivers and regulations might differ. / Det ökade hotet från klimatförändringar har medfört att dagens elnätssystem står inför stora förändringar och utmaningar då allt fler förnyelsebara källor implementeras i elnätet. För att hantera denna förändring och säkra framtidens eldistribution krävs att ny teknik och nya komponenter implementeras i elnätet. Denna rapport undersöker innovationen - IT/OT integration och hur denna sprids bland potentiella kunder – elnätsdistributörer. Baserat på 8 expertintervjuer, 19 intervjuer med svenska elnätsdistributörer och litteratur har studien kommit fram till följande slutsatser: - Ökad mikroproduktion i det svenska elnätet är den främsta drivaren för IT/OT integration. IT säkerhet och Energimarknadsinspektionens nuvarande regleringsmodell är idag två av de främsta barriärerna för IT/OT integration. - Huvudfaktorer, så som förväntade uppfattningen av innovationen och företags omvandlingshastighet är av stor betydelse för att uppskatta spridningshastigheten av innovationen. - Mellanstora DSOer med höga ambitioner kommer troligast ta till sig tekniken tidigare än andra kundsegment och bör därför vara potentiell målgrupp för leverantörer, så som Ericsson. Rapporten bidrar till forskningen genom att en teknisk innovation analyserats i en komplex marknad. Vidare undersökningar som kan genomföras är att applicera motsvarande metodik för estimera spridningen av IT/OT integration i andra länder, då drivare och regleringar där kan skilja sig från Sverige.

Automated security analysis of a SCADA system

Duisembiyeva, Akzharkyn January 2020 (has links)
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a computer system for analysing, and monitoring data, as well as, controlling a plant in industries such as power grids, oil, gas refining, and water control. SCADA belongs to the category of critical systems that are needed to maintain the infrastructure of cities and households. Therefore, the security aspect of such a system has a significant role. The early SCADA systems were designed with the operation as the primary concern rather than security since they were a monolithic networked system without external access. However, the systems evolved, and SCADA systems were embedded with web technologies for users to monitor the data externally. These changes improved the efficiency of monitoring and productivity; however, this caused a problem of potential cyber-attacks to a SCADA system. One such example was Ukraine’s power grid blackout in 2015. Therefore, it is beneficial for the security of a SCADA system to create a threat modeling technique that can understand the critical components of SCADA, discover potential threats, and propose possible mitigation strategies. One issue when creating a threat model is the significant difference of SCADA from traditional Operational Technology (OT) systems. Another significant issue is that SCADA is a highly customisable system, and each SCADA instance can have different components. Therefore, for this work, we implemented a threat modeling language scadaLang, which is specific to the domain of a SCADA system. We started by defining the major assets of a SCADA system, attackers, entry surfaces, and built attacks and defense strategies. Then we developed a threat modeling domain-specific language scadaLang that can create a threat model for a particular instance of SCADA taking the differences in components and connections into account. As a result, we achieved a threat modeling language for SCADA, ensured the reliability of the results by peer-reviewing of an engineer familiar with the domain of the problem, and proposed a Turing test to ensure the validity of the result of scadaLang as the future development of the project. / Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) är ett datorsystem för att analysera och monitorera data samt kontrollera anläggningar för industrier såsom energisystem, olja, raffinering av gas och vatten. SCADA tillhör den kategori av kritiska system som krävs för att bibehålla städer och hushålls infrastruktur. Därför är säkerhetsaspekten av ett sådant system av stor roll. De tidiga SCADA systemen var utformade med funktionen som huvudsaklig oro istället för säkerheten då de var monolitiska nätverkssystem utan extern åtkomst. Systemen utvecklades emellertid och SCADA systemen blev inbyggda med webbteknologier så att användare kan monitorera data externt. De här förändringarna förbättrade effektiviteten av monitorering och produktivitet men skapade problemet med potentiella cyber-attacker mot SCADA systemen. Ett sådant exempel är Ukrainas energy systems elavbrott som skedde 2015. Därför är det fördelaktigt för säkerheten av SCADA systemen att skapa en hotmodelleringsteknik för att bättre förstå de kritiska komponenterna av SCADA, hitta potentiella hot och föreslå potentiella förmildrande strategier. Ett problem för utvecklingen av en hotmodell är den stora skillnaden mellan SCADA från traditionella nätverkssystem inom industri. Ett annat stort problem är att SCADA är ett justerbart system och varje SCADA instans kan ha olika komponenter. Därför utvecklar vi i detta arbete ett språk för hotmodellering scadaLang som är specifikt för domänen SCADA system. Vi började med att definiera de huvudsakliga komponenterna av SCADA system, angriparna, attack ytorna och även bygga attacker samt försvarsstrategier. Sen utvecklade vi ett språk för hotmodelleringen som är domänspecifikt, scadaLang som kan skapa en hotmodell för en specifik instans av SCADA där skillnaderna på komponenter och sammankopplingar tas till hänsyn. Som resultat har vi skapat ett språk för hotmodellering för SCADA,verifierat resultat med hjälp av en ingenjör med domänkännedom och föreslagit ett Turing test för att förbättra verifieringen av resultatet som ett framtida arbete.

Styrning av värmepanna med PLC : Från relästyrning till digital styrning

Öström, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
På det kommunalägda energiföretaget Sala Heby Energi AB pågår arbetet med att konvertera styrningen av en värmepanna från relästyrning och analog övervakning till digital styrning med PLC. Inom ramarna för detta examensarbete studeras tre specifika delar av denna konvertering: en teoretisk studie med syfte att kartlägga fördelar och nackdelar med konverteringen, en undersökning huruvida det finns möjlighet att förbättra en-skilda styrfunktioner i samband med konverteringen och upprättande av ett principschema eller översiktsbild över värmepannan som ska fungera som underlag till dess implementering i kraftvärmeverkets SCADA-system. En fördel med relästyrningen är att den kan vara kostnadseffektiv för att klara enskilda enkla styruppgifter. Dock, överlag och i synnerhet för styrning av större mer komplexa processer talar det mesta till den digitala styrningens fördel. Detta i form av kostnadseffektivitet för större system, möjligheter till mer effektiv larmhantering och möjligheten till loggning av driftdata. Två enskilda funktioner studeras: reglering av värmepannans siktskärm i förhållande till ångdomstrycket och styrning för bränslehanteringen. För reglering av siktskärmens höjd jämförs två alter-nativ med hjälp av simuleringar i Simulink. Konventionell PID-reglering jämförs mot en egenkonstruerad fuzzy-regulator. Mycket på grund av en bristfälligt underbyggd modellering av processen går inte fuzzy-regulatorns eventuella fördelar mot PID-regulatorn att fastställa. Framtida studier av fuzzy-regulatorn skulle potentiellt kunna ändra på detta förhållande. Vidare diskuteras styrningen av funktioner i bränslehantering och då främst autentisering av chaufförer som ska bränslefylla. För att de ska få tillgång till bränslehanteringens funktioner när kraftvärmeverket är obemannat föreslås det en lösning med nyckelbrytare för att aktivera aktuella styrfunktioner. Slutligen tas en ny digital översiktsbild fram över systemet för värmepannan. Denna innehåller mindre uppdateringar och anpassningar jämfört med två översiktsbilder som finns uppritade på de gamla styrskåpen. / At the municipality-owned energy company Sala Heby Energi AB work is underway to convert the control of a heating-pan from relay control and analog monitoring to digital control with PLC. Within the framework of this degree project, three specific parts of this conversion are studied: a theoretical study aimed at mapping the pros and cons of the conversion, an examination of the possibility of improving individual control functions in conjunction with the conversion and the establishment of a schematic diagram or overview of the heat boiler that will serve as a basis for its implementation in the SCADA-system of the combined power and heating plant. An advantage of relay control is that it can be cost-effective to handle individual simple control tasks. However, overall and in particular for controlling major more complex processes the benefits of digital control is large. This in terms of cost-effectiveness for larger systems, possibilities for more efficient alarm management and the ability to log operational data. Two individual functions are studied: control of the heating pans damper in relation to the steam pressure and fuel management control. To adjust the height of the damper, two control options are compared using Simulink simulations. Conventional PID control is com-pared to a self-configured fuzzy controller. Much due to a poorly substantiated modelling of the process, the fuzzy regulator's possible benefits to the PID regulator can not be determined. Future studies of the fuzzy regulator could potentially change this circumstance. Furthermore, the control of functions for the fuel management are discussed, mainly authorship of drivers who will fill fuel to the fuel storage. In order for them to have access to the fuel management functions when the combined power and heating plant is unmanned, a key switch solution is proposed to activate the control functions. Finally, a new digital overview picture is produced for the system of the heating pan. This contains minor up-dates and adjustments compared to two overview images depicted on the old control cabinets.

DiagnÃstico de Faltas em Sistemas ElÃtricos baseado em Redes de Petri Coloridas e TÃcnicas de Sistemas Especialistas / Fault Diagnosis on Electric Systems, Based on Colored Petri Nets and Expert Systems Techniques

Francisco Gualberto Santos Filho 30 July 2007 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Quando o sistema elÃtrico experimenta qualquer distÃrbio uma avalanche de alarmes à reportada ao Centro de OperaÃÃo do Sistema (COS) dificultando ao operador na identificaÃÃo da causa do distÃrbio. O grande volume de informaÃÃes disponibilizado pelos sistemas supervisÃrios em condiÃÃo de falta no sistema elÃtrico à de pouco valor se nÃo possibilitar um rÃpido diagnÃstico, para uma pronta e correta tomada de decisÃo e restabelecimento à condiÃÃo normal de operaÃÃo. Usando como entrada os dados informados pelo SCADA foi desenvolvido um Sistema de DiagnÃstico de Faltas (SDF), baseado em Redes de Petri Coloridas (RPC), que filtra as informaÃÃes do SCADA e à capaz de fornecer em tempo real aos operadores o diagnÃstico para as faltas no sistema. O diagnÃstico à obtido a partir da simulaÃÃo off-line de um expressivo nÃmero de possÃveis faltas no sistema em que a marcaÃÃo final da RPC para cada falta à convertida em diagnÃstico. Um Programa Especialista foi desenvolvido para a interpretaÃÃo da marcaÃÃo final fornecida pela RPC para geraÃÃo automÃtica do diagnÃstico de falta. O Programa Especialista interpreta os resultados do modelo RPC independente do sistema elÃtrico monitorado, diagnosticando os eventos que ocorrem tanto em uma subestaÃÃo quanto nas linhas de transmissÃo que ligam as subestaÃÃes, fornecendo um diagnÃstico rÃpido, sucinto, e com formato e linguagem comuns ao operador. / When a fault occurs in an electrical system often an avalanche of information is made available to the System Operation Center making it difficult to the operator to identify the cause of the fault. The great deal of information provided by the supervisory system is of any value if it does not make easy to the operator, to take a right and prompt decision to bring the system back to normal operation. Based on the SCADA information a Fault Diagnosis System (SDF) was developed, which uses the Colored Petri Nets (CPN) method to filter out the large amount of information made available by the SCADA system and then to give the fault diagnosis. The drawback of the SDF is that the fault diagnosis is developed off line from the CPN final markings for all the likely fault conditions on the power system. In this work an Expert Program is developed to automatically convert the CPN final markings into the system fault diagnosis. The Expert Program interprets the results of the CPN model independent of the monitored electrical system, it diagnosis events that occur in substations as much as the transmission lines that connect the substations, providing a fast and concise diagnosis with common format and language to the operator.

Evaluation de la confiance dans les architectures de sécurité / Trust evaluation in security architectures

Orfila, Jean-Baptiste 03 July 2018 (has links)
Dans un monde de plus en plus connecté, la question de la confiance dans les sys-tèmes d’information qui nous entourent devient primordiale, et amène naturellement à des interrogations quant à leur sécurité. Les enjeux de cette dernière concernent autant la confidentialité des données individuelles que la protection des architectures critiques, notamment déployées dans le domaine de l’énergie et du transport. Dans cette thèse, nous abordons trois problématiques liées aux architectures de sécurité des systèmes d’information. Tout d’abord, nous proposons une architecture pour un module de rupture protocolaire, fournissant une protection face aux attaques utilisant le réseau comme vecteur. Grâce à l’isolation et le filtrage des échanges qu’il réalise, nous montrons que ce nouvel équipement est particulièrement adapté à la sécurisation des systèmes de contrôle-commandes. Nous abordons ensuite le thème de la sécurité des utilisateurs finaux ou objets connectés, par la définition d’une Infrastructure de Gestion de Clefs (IGC) centrée sur ces derniers, dénommée LocalPKI. Elle repose sur l’utilisation de certificats auto-signés, et son objectif est d’allier la simplicité des IGC pair-à-pair avec la sécurité des IGC hiérarchiques.Enfin, nous nous intéressons à l’amélioration du mécanisme des ancres de confiance pour les autorités de certification, utilisé par exemple dans PKIX et LocalPKI. A cet égard, nous commençons par définir des protocoles multi-parties permettant de calculer des produits scalaires et matriciels, préservant la confidentialité des données. Nous montrons finalement comment les appliquer dans le cadre de l’agrégation de confiance, et par conséquent à la réputation des autorités de certification / In a increasingly connected world, trust in information systems is essential. Thus, many questions about their security arise. Topics of these questions include individual data confidentiality as well as protection of Industrial Critical Systems(ICS). For instance, ICS are deployed in sectors including energy or transportation where security is of high importance. In this thesis, we address three problems related to the security architecture of information systems. We first propose an architecture for a protocol splitting device. This provides protection against networkattacks by isolating and filtering data exchanges. We show that this new security equipment is well suited for ICS. Then, we focus on end-user security. We define a user-centric Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) called LocalPKI. By using self-signed certificates, this infrastructure combines the user-friendliness of PGP-based PKI and the security of hierarchical PKI. Finally, we improve the trust anchormechanism. It is employed by Certification Authorities (CA) and especially used in PKIX or LocalPKI. In that respect, we first define multi-party protocols to securely compute dot and matrix products. Then, we explain how to apply them on trust aggregations and thus on the reputation of certification authorities.

Supervis?rio Inteligente de Processos na Id?stria do Petr?leo e G?s :Aplica??o em uma Coluna de Destila??o Simulada Integrada a Instrumenta??o Real

Barros, Thiago Medeiros 12 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoMB_DISSERT.pdf: 1745996 bytes, checksum: af67dc28800011b16eb3931959630ac2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-11-12 / Funda??o Norte-Riograndense de Pesquisa e Cultura / The need to implement a software architecture that promotes the development of a SCADA supervisory system for monitoring industrial processes simulated with the flexibility of adding intelligent modules and devices such as CLP, according to the specifications of the problem, it was the motivation for this work. In the present study, we developed an intelligent supervisory system on a simulation of a distillation column modeled with Unisim. Furthermore, OLE Automation was used as communication between the supervisory and simulation software, which, with the use of the database, promoted an architecture both scalable and easy to maintain. Moreover, intelligent modules have been developed for preprocessing, data characteristics extraction, and variables inference. These modules were fundamentally based on the Encog software / A necessidade de desenvolver uma arquitetura de software que promovesse o desenvolvimento de supervis?rio SCADA para monitora??o de processos industriais simulados, com flexibilidade de agregar m?dulos inteligentes e equipamentos como CLP, de acordo com as especifica??es do problema, foi a for?a motriz desse trabalho. No presente estudo foi desenvolvido um supervis?rio inteligente sobre uma simula??o de uma coluna de destila??o modelada no Unisim. Foi utilizado como comunica??o entre o supervis?rio e o software de simula??o o OLE Automation, o qual, junto ao uso de banco de dados, promoveu uma arquitetura de f?cil manuten??o e escal?vel. Foram desenvolvidos ainda m?dulos inteligentes para pr?processamento, extra??o de caracter?sticas dos dados e infer?ncia de vari?veis. Estes m?dulos tiveram como base principal o software Encog.

Desenvolvimento de um protocolo de comunica??o para automa??o de subesta??es m?veis via sat?lite

Oliveira J?nior, Carlos Augusto de 19 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:56:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosAOJ.pdf: 1085948 bytes, checksum: 14c962ba5a82f983a474383c27475bb0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-19 / One of the most important decisions to turn a substation automatic and no attended it relates to the communication media between this substation and Operation Center. Generally energy companies uses radio or optic fiber, depending of distances and infrastructure of each situation. This rule applies to common substations. Mobile substations are a particular case, therefore they are conceived for use at provisional situations, emergencies, preventive or corrective maintenance. Thus the telecommunication solution used at common substations are not applied so easily to mobile substations, due absence of infrastructure (media) or difficulty to insert the mobile substation data in existing automation network not long. The ideal media must supply covering in a great geographic area to satisfy presented requirements. The implantation costs of this big infrastructure are expensive, however a existing operator may be used. Two services that fulfill that requirements are satellite and cellular telephony. This work presents a solution for automation of mobile substations through satellite. It was successfully implanted at a brazilian electric energy concessionaire named COSERN. The operation became transparent to operators. Other gotten benefits had been operational security, quality in the supply of electric energy and costs reduction. The project presented is a new solution, designed to substations and general applications where few data should be transmitted, but there is difficulties in relation to the media. Despite the satellite having been used, the same resulted can be gotten using celullar telephony, through Short Messages or packet networks as GPRS or EDGE. / Uma das decis?es t?cnicas mais importantes para se automatizar uma subesta??o e torn?-la desassistida refere-se ao meio de comunica??o entre esta subesta??o e o Centro de Opera??es. Normalmente as empresas do setor el?trico optam por usar r?dio ou fibra ?tica, dependendo das dist?ncias e infra-estrutura dispon?vel em cada situa??o. Essa regra se aplica a subesta??es comuns. Subesta??es m?veis s?o um caso particular, pois s?o concebidas para uso em situa??es sazonais, emerg?ncias, manuten??es preventivas ou corretivas. Dessa forma, as solu??es de telecomunica??es para subesta??es comuns n?o s?o facilmente aplic?veis ?s m?veis, seja devido ? inexist?ncia de infra-estrutura (meio de comunica??o), ou ? dificuldade de inserir, em um curto espa?o de tempo, as informa??es da subesta??o m?vel numa rede de automa??o existente. Considera-se, ent?o, que para atender aos requisitos de mobilidade apresentados, o meio de comunica??o ideal deve fornecer cobertura em uma grande ?rea geogr?fica. Os custos de implanta??o de uma infra-estrutura desse porte s?o muito elevados, por?m os servi?os de uma operadora existente podem ser usados. Dois servi?os que atendem bem a esses requisitos s?o o sat?lite e a telefonia celular. Neste trabalho, ? apresentada uma solu??o para automa??o de subesta??es m?veis atrav?s de enlace via sat?lite. O projeto foi implantado na concession?ria de energia COSERN, com sucesso. A opera??o tornou-se transparente aos operadores. Outros benef?cios obtidos foram seguran?a operacional, qualidade no fornecimento de energia el?trica e redu??o de custos. A solu??o apresentada ? um projeto piloto, voltado n?o s? para subesta??es, mas para aplica??es cujo volume de dados transmitidos seja pequeno, e h? dificuldades quanto ao meio de comunica??o. Apesar do sat?lite ter sido usado, pode-se obter o mesmo resultado usando-se a telefonia celular, atrav?s de Short Messages ou via rede de comuta??o de pacotes, como o GPRS ou o EDGE.

Uma arquitetura para sistemas supervis?rios industriais e sua aplica??o em processos de eleva??o artificial de petr?leo

Souza, Rodrigo Barbosa de 04 February 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:56:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RodrigoBS.pdf: 821976 bytes, checksum: 45f7062b292e641f0f7e595b2b356d60 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-04 / Petr?leo Brasileiro SA - PETROBRAS / The using of supervision systems has become more and more essential in accessing, managing and obtaining data of industrial processes, because of constant and frequent developments in industrial automation. These supervisory systems (SCADA) have been widely used in many industrial environments to store process data and to control the processes in accordance with some adopted strategy. The SCADA s control hardware is the set of equipments that execute this work. The SCADA s supervision software accesses process data through the control hardware and shows them to the users. Currently, many industrial systems adopt supervision softwares developed by the same manufacturer of the control hardware. Usually, these softwares cannot be used with other equipments made by distinct manufacturers. This work proposes an approach for developing supervisory systems able to access process information through different control hardwares. An architecture for supervisory systems is first defined, in order to guarantee efficiency in communication and data exchange. Then, the architecture is applied in a supervisory system to monitor oil wells that use distinct control hardwares. The implementation was modeled and verified by using the formal method of the Petri networks. Finally, experimental results are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solution / A utiliza??o de sistemas de supervis?o tem se tornado cada vez mais essencial ao acesso, gerenciamento e obten??o de dados dos processos industriais, devido ao constante e frequente desenvolvimento da automa??o industrial. Estes sistemas supervis?rios (SCADA) t?m sido amplamente utilizados em diversos ambientes industriais para armazenar dados do processo e control?-lo de acordo com alguma estrat?gia adotada. O hardware de controle de um sistema SCADA ? o conjunto de equipamentos respons?veis pela execu??o desta tarefa. O software de supervis?o SCADA acessa os dados dos processos atrav?s do hardware de controle e torna-os dispon?veis para os usu?rios. Atualmente, muitos sistemas de automa??o industrial utilizam softwares de supervis?o desenvolvidos pelo mesmo fabricante do hardware de controle. Normalmente, estes softwares n?o podem ser usados com equipamentos de controle de outros fabricantes. Este trabalho prop?e uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de sistemas de supervis?o capaz de acessar informa??es dos processos atrav?s de diferentes equipamentos de controle. Inicialmente, defini-se uma arquitetura para sistemas supervis?rios que garanta comunica??o e troca de dados eficientes. Em seguida, a arquitetura ? aplicada em um sistema de supervis?o de po?os de petr?leo que utilizam diferentes equipamentos de controle. A implementa??o foi modelada utilizando o m?todo formal de redes de Petri. Os resultados s?o apresentados para demonstrar a aplicabilidade da solu??o proposta

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