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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors affecting the implementation of inclusive education policy: A case study in one province in South Africa

Stofile, Sindiswa Yvonne January 2008 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / After the democratic elections of 1994, the South African government embarked on radical reforms to the apartheid education system, which included the development of a policy that is committed to human rights and social justice. The inclusive education policy, entitled: Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System (Department of Education, 2001) was released in July 2001. This inclusive education policy brought with it the prospect of changing the structures that promoted exclusionary and discriminatory practices in the education system. While the inclusive education framework is characterised by explicit policy directives, well-defined outcomes and a firm commitment to human rights and social justice, there is a growing realisation that a considerable gap exists between this framework and its effective implementation. The main aim of this study was to understand the factors that facilitate or constrain the implementation of inclusive education in the South African context. These factors were explored through a qualitative case study. A documentary analysis, as well as unstructured and semi-structured interviews was used to collect the data within the context of the research aims, questions, and a framework of categories, drawn from relevant literature, was used to analyse the data. The first major finding of this study was that the implementation of inclusive education policy in South Africa has been facilitated by the school communities' beliefs, values and norms relating to the inclusion of learners with disabilities. The second major fmding of this study is that the designers of the inclusive education policy underestimated the deep-seated socio-economic factors that inhibit effective learning in certain contexts. Poverty was identified as a major constraining factor in the study, followed by the complexities of the National Curriculum Statement, a lack of capacity to implement the policy, lack of support for policy implementation, and the limitations of the Education White Paper 6 itself. Given the facilitating and constraining factors emerging from this study, the recommendations made have been based on the assumption that the implementation of inclusive education policy is a worthwhile endeavour. These recommendations are proposed within three broad areas, namely policy implementation, inclusive education policy, and inclusive education practice. Of these recommendations the following are critical: • The Department of Education should develop differentiated inclusive education guidelines that address inclusion of learners in poverty stricken contexts. • The Department of Education, in conjunction with schools, should create formal and informal communication channels through which stakeholders can raise their views and concerns about the policy of inclusive education and how it should be implemented. • The Department of Education should take full responsibility for the advocacy, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of inclusive education policy, rather than relying on the services of independent providers. • The Department of Education should address the complexities that prevent districts and schools from establishing support structures.

L'interaction entre le droit civil et le droit du travail : le rôle du contrat dans l'accès aux régimes de protection des travailleurs

Barrère, Graciela 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Die sozialpolitische Selbstermöglichung von Politik

Vobruba, Georg January 2002 (has links)
Unter all den denkbaren Effekten von Sozialpolitik auf Politik untersuche ich hier die Möglichkeit, dass Sozialpolitik den Handlungsspielraum von Politik absichert; dass Sozialpolitik Erfolgsvoraussetzung von Politik ist. Es geht also um die Frage, in welcher Weise staatliche Sozialpolitik eine Voraussetzung für Politik ist, um die Frage der sozialpolitischen Selbstermöglichung von Politik. Solch ein Zugang muß den gewohnten Blick auf Staat und Sozialpolitik irritieren. Denn üblicherweise werden sozialpolitische Verpflichtungen des Staates als Beeinträchtigung, als Überforderung staatlicher Handlungsfähigkeit gesehen. Zuerst werde ich kurz auf die Entwicklung des sozialwissenschaftlichen Verständnisses der gesellschaftlichen Bedingtheit staatlicher Politik eingehen. Dann werde ich ein grundsätzliches Dilemma staatlicher Steuerung darstellen. Anschließend werde ich dieses anhand der aktuellen Schwierigkeiten mehrerer politischer Großprojekte veranschaulichen. Dann werde ich nach einem Theoriemuster zur Interpretation dieser Schwierigkeiten suchen, mit dem sich zeigen läßt, wie Sozialpolitik einpassbar ist. Und schließlich werde ich Konsequenzen diskutieren, die sich aus der Integration von Sozialpolitik in eine soziologische Theorie der Gesellschaft ergeben.:Einleitung; Unsicherheit, Sozialpolitik und Demokratie; Staat und Politik; Zeithorizonte von Politik und Interessen; Sozialpolitisch gestützte Politik; Funktionale Differenzierung und Sozialpolitik

Die Dialektik von Individualisierung und moderner Sozialpolitik: wie der Sozialstaat die Menschen und die Menschen den Sozialstaat verändern

Nissen, Sylke January 2002 (has links)
Der Aufsatz rekonstruiert die Dialektik von Individualisierung und moderner Sozialpolitik und führt zu diesem Zweck die Diskussionsstränge um die Entstehungsbedingungen von staatlicher Sozialpolitik und um die Weiterentwicklung von Sozialpolitik zusammen. Die Analyse befaßt sich zunächst mit Individualisierung als Voraussetzung für die Entstehung moderner Sozialpolitik, um dann, ebenfalls noch in historischer Perspektive, die Bedeutung von Sozialpolitik für die Vollendung der modernen Individuen als Staatsbürger zu betrachten. Anschließend wird die sozialpolitische Strukturierung von Lebensläufen in der Gegenwart diskutiert und dargelegt, daß Sozialpolitik nicht nur reguliert, sondern auch Handlungsspielräume eröffnet und deren individuelle Nutzung möglich macht. Zuletzt wird nach aktuellen staatlichen Reaktionen auf individuelles Handeln gefragt. Die Beobachtung der historischen Kontinuität, mit der Individuum und Sozialpolitik von den Anfängen der gesellschaftlichen Moderne bis in die Gegenwart aufeinander einwirken und in ihrer Entwicklung miteinander verwoben sind, soll dazu anregen, die Analyse moderner Sozialpolitik in eine umfassende gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektive zu stellen.:Einleitung; Individualisierung und die Entstehung moderner Sozialpolitik; Die Bedeutung von Sozialpolitik für Individualisierung; Sozialpolitische Strukturierung von Lebensläufen; Biographische Handlungsspielräume durch sozialpolitische Sicherung; Sozialpolitische Reaktionen auf individuelles Verhalten; Schluß

Freiheit und soziale Sicherheit: Autonomiegewinne der Leute im Wohlfahrtsstaat

Vobruba, Georg January 2002 (has links)
In der soziologischen Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs von Freiheit und sozialer Sicherheit kann es nur um individuelle Freiheiten in ihren institutionellen Bedingungszusammenhängen gehen. Es geht also um Autonomiegewinne im Wohlfahrtsstaat in den Selbstzurechnung der Leute. Es geht um Freiheiten im Kontext von Institutionen, welche die Lebensbedingungen dieser Leute strukturieren. Und es geht um in der Praxis angestellte Vergleiche durch die Leute: Vergleiche zwischen ihren Freiheitsansprüchen und den gegebenen Realisierungsmöglichkeiten, Vergleichen zwischen tatsächlich erreichbar erscheinenden Alternativen in der Gesellschaft. Damit setzt sich die soziologische Sichtweise ganz ausdrücklich von all den Versuchen ab, einen \"Begriff\" von Freiheit zu entwickeln, um die gegebenen Verhältnissen dann an diesem Begriff zu messen, sei es, um ihnen eine \"Legitimation\" zu liefern, sei es, um an ihnen \"Kritik\" zu üben. Es geht nicht darum, „dem Menschen“, oder \"der Gesellschaft“ von einer gleichsam außergesellschaftlichen Beobachterposition aus „Freiheit“ sans phrase als eine Eigenschaft zuzuschreiben, weder als Gegebenheit, noch als Kontrafaktizität. Dies ist keineswegs einfach Ausdruck einer arbiträren argumentationsstrategischen Wahl unter mehreren Möglichkeiten. Dem Zuschnitt des Themas liegt vielmehr die These zugrunde, dass es sich unter den Bedingungen modernen Denkens um die einzig mögliche Art der wissenschaftlichen Befassung mit \"Freiheit\" handelt. Indem ich die wissenssoziologischen Grundlagen dieser These skizziere, werde ich den Begriff der Freiheit, den seine traditionale philosophische Belastung für sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen weitgehend unbrauchbar gemacht hat, in die Frage nach institutionellen Bedingungen für individuelle Handlungsspielräume überführen. Dann werde ich soziale Sicherheit als Bedingung der Realisierbarkeit bürgerlicher Freiheiten einführen. Vor diesem Hintergrund lässt sich dann fragen, warum in den Diskursen, welche die Entwicklung moderner Wohlfahrtsstaaten begleitet haben, der Zusammenhang von Freiheiten und sozialer Sicherheit nur eine marginale Rolle spielt. Dann werde ich kurz auf die theoretischen Voraussetzungen für die Analyse der Wechselwirkungen von Freiheit und sozialer Sicherheit eingehen und auf dieser Grundlage eine Neuinterpretation des Verhältnisses von Arbeitsmarkt und Sozialpolitik anbieten. Schließlich werde ich zeigen, dass die konservative Sozialstaatskritik diese Interpretation ungewollt bestätigt und empirische Hinweise dafür sammeln, dass die Leute Autonomiegewinne im Wohlfahrtsstaat tatsächlich nützen.:Einleitung; Vormodern/modern; Unterfütterte Freiheiten; Soziale Sicherheit als Abwehr; Sozialismus und soziale Sicherheit; Handlungsspielräume durch Sicherheit; Freiheiten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt; Sozialstaatskritik als Freiheitskritik; Strategische Nutzung von Sozialpolitik; Schluss

Social norms and reciprocity

Diekmann, Andreas, Voss, Thomas January 2003 (has links)
In a norm game, under certain conditions, there exist Nash equilibria of mutual cooperation. Experimental work demonstrates that even in one-shot situations the level and proportion of cooperative behavior increases if an punishment option is available to the players of a public goods game. It is therefore important to analyze conditions such that this is consistent with a rational choice approach. The paper is meant as a first step toward this task. The main result will be that nonstandard assumptions about human motivations or preferences can explain norms with sanctions even in one-shot situations. This is shown by an analysis of the norm game with two well-known recent models of fairness from behavioral game theory.:Introduction; Cooperation in a norm game; Non-standard preferences in the one-shot norm game; Conclusions

Porovnání kvality života osob s diagnózou výhřez meziobratlové ploténky ve vztahu k operační a konzervativní léčbě / Comparison of the quality of life of persons diagnosed with intervertebral disc herniation in relation to surgical and conservative treatment

Miklovičová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Title: Comparison of the quality of life of persons diagnosed with intervertebral disc herniation in relation to surgical and conservative treatment. Objectives: The aim of the diploma thesis was the research and evaluation of the quality of life in patients with intervertebral disc lesion with and without surgery, assuming that both monitored groups will be treated with individual rehabilitation treatment. Methods: This research was carried out using a standardized Short Form 36 (SF - 36) questionnaire on quality of life based on health. The Czech version used corresponds to MUDr. Petra, Ph.D. (2000). The study was conducted at the Na Homolce hospital at the rehabilitation clinic, where appropriate respondents (n = 170) were selected for this research. The final results were divided into the respective age groups in both groups. Subsequently, a statistically significant deviation between the respective files was verified in each age group and therefore it can be said that there are no significant differences between the analyzed files. Effects: The average age of the respondents who underwent the surgery was 49.2 years, with the respondents treated conservatively at an average age of 47.6 years. In terms of total physical health (physical activity, physical limitation, physical pain, general...

Porovnání kvality života osob s diagnózou výhřez meziobratlové ploténky ve vztahu k operační a konzervativní léčbě / Comparison of the quality of life of persons diagnosed with intervertebral disc herniation in relation tosurgical and conservative treatment

Miklovičová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Title: Comparison of the quality of life of persons diagnosed with intervertebral disc herniation in relation to surgical and conservative treatment. Objectives: The aim of the diploma thesis was the research and evaluation of the quality of life in patients with intervertebral disc lesion with and without surgery, assuming that both monitored groups will be treated with individual rehabilitation treatment. Methods: This research was conducted using a standardized Short Form 36 (SF - 36) questionnaire on quality of life that is conditional to health. The study was conducted at Na Homolce Hospital in a rehabilitation clinic, where appropriate respondents (n = 117) were selected for this research. The group included 59 respondents who underwent surgery and 58 treated conservatively. The survey was attended by respondents aged 27-86. The final results were divided into both health, physical and psychological dimensions in both groups. Two-choice tests were used to compare. For all domains, the assumption of the normal distribution of the two compared selections was rejected, which precluded the use of the two-t-test. For domains where there was no assumption of homogeneity of scattering, the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare. For domains where the assumption of homogeneity was rejected, a Median...

Vocal pedagogy : goals, objectives, scope and sequencing for undergraduate students

Rautenbach, Deirdre 26 August 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the content, organisation and outcomes of undergraduate vocal pedagogy modules. Goals and objectives guide outcomes which in turn will facilitate the delineation of the content or scope of the moduls. The organisation of content will involve the sequencing of study units appropriate for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of undergraduate vocal pedagogy studies. A qualitative research method was chosen to direct the empirical investigation. Primary data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews. Certain participants opted to reply in writing and similarly structured open-ended questionnaires were sent electronically to them. Purposive sampling was used to select South African respondents by virtue of their knowledge and expertise in the field of vocal pedagogy. A degree of snowballing also followed and valuable data was collected from participants in Canada and the USA. The investigation regarding the restructuring of vocal pedagogy modules was viewed from a multi-disciplinary and holistic perspective. Establishing the underlying principles that direct the goals, objectives, scope and sequencing of undergraduate vocal pedagogy modules guided the study. Goals direct the bringing together of relevant and mutually supportive disciplines essential to undergraduate vocal pedagogy modules. The demands of prospective careers for students dictate what knowledge and skills they need to be equipped with. Moreover, the judgement of lecturers based on institutional level descriptors as well as knowledge and experience of appropriate content designation for beginner, intermediate and advanced students further guides the formulation of goals and objectives. The rich and diverse body of vocal pedagogy literature provides the material that informs the scope of undergraduate modules. Sequencing of content for a vocal pedagogy offering is directed by the scientific base of knowledge, feedback from students, the tried and trusted traditions of established lecturers and authors, as well as the intuitive teaching talent of lecturers. Scaffolding (the gradually diminishing role of a lecturer as students gain independence) emerged as an important component of creating a balanced undergraduate pedagogy offering. Lecturers should have a reflective and deep knowledge of vocal pedagogy in order to successfully integrate it with vocal practice. This is the hallmark of a holistic approach that will effectively equip students for a career after tertiary training. From the information received from participants it can be concluded that a vital requirement for organising content is that learning and therefore also teaching should be a gradual and ongoing process. The basic building blocks of vocal pedagogy (posture, breathing, phonation, resonance and articulation) should be supplemented by auxiliary disciplines (historical background of vocal pedagogy, psychology and ethics, comparative pedagogies, and elements of performance) that support and further inform vocal pedagogy studies. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Music / unrestricted

K funkci výrazů částicové povahy ve výstavbě textu, zejména k jejich roli v aktuálním členění / Particle Character Units and Their Function in Text Structure, especially in Topic- Focus Articulation

Štěpánková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
B. Štěpánková K funkci výrazů částicové povahy ve výstavbě textu... ABSTRACT This dissertation is devoted to a specific type of particle unit which we refer to as the actualizer. Actualizers are differentiated from other particles primarily due to a combination of the following properties: the ability to imply a presupposition and the ability to actualize or emphasize a nearby expression. They play an important role in the topic-focus articulation of a sentence by drawing attention to elements with a greater degree of communicative dynamism, not only in focus or contrastive topic, but also in other parts of the sentence. Unlike previous studies which have concentrated mainly on prototypical representatives of these units, this dissertation tries to capture the greatest possible number of actualizers. At the same time, it aims to describe their semantic characteristics, and based on this, it attempts to categorize actualizers into three semantic groups. From this perspective, we can distinguish between restrictive, inclusive, and temporally emphasizing actualizers. These groups can be further divided according to their specific features. The dissertation also analyzes the possible positioning of the actualizers in various places in a sentence and investigates which expressions can occur in the surroundings...

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