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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestion des attentes : autodétermination et respect des traditions choisies chez des jeunes Québécois d’origine algérienne

Coulombe, Sébastien 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la deuxième génération issue de l’immigration, plus précisément sur ces Québécois dont les parents sont issus de l’immigration algérienne des années 90. Cette vague d’immigration offre un cadre légitime pour se pencher sur la deuxième génération, car les parents de ces Québécois ont immigré dans une temporalité et une géographie données, tout en provenant d’un même milieu social. Ce faisant, ces Québécois ont été socialisés à travers deux ensembles culturels, celui du Québec et celui de leurs parents. Ces deux ensembles peuvent sembler contradictoires ou en tension concernant les normes et les valeurs qui guident et encadrent la vie de ces derniers. Ce mémoire s’est donc intéressé à comprendre comment ces enfants, qui ont grandi au Québec, composent avec les attentes de leurs parents concernant le respect des valeurs et des traditions familiales et religieuses. Pour ce faire, nous allons explorer deux grandes thématiques. La première va se focaliser sur la relation de ces Québécois avec leur histoire familiale. La deuxième va se concentrer sur le positionnement de ces derniers vis-à-vis de différentes dynamiques familiales (école, religion et interdits). / This thesis investigates second-generation immigrants, more precisely the Quebecers whose parents are from Algerian immigration from the 90s. This wave of immigration offers a legitimate framework to examine the second generation, because the parents of these Quebecers immigrated in a given temporality and geography, while also coming from the same social background. Thus, these Quebecers were socialized through two cultural groups, that is, that of Quebec and that of their parents. These two groups may seem in contradiction or in tension regarding the social norms and values that guide and frame their lives. This thesis is therefore interested in understanding how this new generation, who grew up in Quebec, deal with their parents’ expectations regarding the respect of family and religious values and traditions. To do so, we will explore two main themes. The first one focuses on the relationship between these Quebecers and their family history. The second one focuses on the position held by these Quebecers regarding different family dynamics (school, religion, what is forbidden). / اخترت فى هذا البحث التحدث عن الجيل الثاني للهجرة من اصل جزائري في حقيقة الأمر سوف أحاول مناقشة بعض الامور التي تخص ابناء المهاجرين خلال فترة التسعينيات ‘’90’’هده الموجة من الهجرة المقننة تدفعنا الى الاهتمام بالجيل الثاني لهده الفئة وأعني بدلك أبناء الجيل الاول ومن البديهي والمعقول ان يكون اختلاف بين الاباء والابناء . عاشوا ظروفا مختلفة عن الابناء اللذين ازدادوا في (Québec)هدا الاختلاف يتجلى في بعض المجلات:جغرافيًا ،عادات و تقاليد وايضا الجانب الديني مما يجعلنا نلاحظ ان الجيل الثاني يعيش ثقافتين مختلفتين في نفس الوقت:الثقافة الجزائرية فى البيت بكل مكونتها الاجتماعية والدينية اضافة الى ما يعيشه الجيل الثاني في المجتمع الكبيكى وأقصد بدلك الشارع العام ،المدرسة و العمل ة،المناخ العام. فهدا الموضوع مركز على إبراز كيفية التعايش الجيل الثاني مع العادات ،التقاليد والتعامل الاجتماعية ،الثقافية والدينية داخل البيت وخارجه

Remediation of instability in Best Linear Unbiased Prediction

Eatwell, Karen Anne January 2013 (has links)
In most breeding programmes breeders use phenotypic data obtained in breeding trials to rank the performance of the parents or progeny on pre-selected performance criteria. Through this ranking the best candidates are identified and selected for breeding or production purposes. Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP), is an efficient selection method to use, combining information into a single index. Unbalanced or messy data is frequently found in tree breeding trial data. Trial individuals are related and a degree of correlation is expected between individuals over sites, which can lead to collinearity in the data which may lead to instability in certain selection models. A high degree of collinearity may cause problems and adversely affect the prediction of the breeding values in a BLUP selection index. Simulation studies have highlighted that instability is a concern and needs to be investigated in experimental data. The occurrence of instability, relating to collinearity, in BLUP of tree breeding data and possible methods to deal with it were investigated in this study. Case study data from 39 forestry breeding trials (three generations) of Eucalyptus grandis and 20 trials of Pinus patula (two generations) were used. A series of BLUP predictions (rankings) using three selection traits and 10 economic weighting sets were made. Backward and forward prediction models with three different matrix inversion techniques (singular value decomposition, Gaussian elimination - partial and full pivoting) and an adapted ridge regression technique were used in calculating BLUP indices. A Delphi and Clipper version of the same BLUP programme which run with different computational numerical precision were used and compared. Predicted breeding values (forward prediction) were determined in the F1 and F2 E. grandis trials and F1 P. patula trials and realised breeding performance (backward prediction) was determined in the F2 and F3 E. grandis trials and F2 P. patula trials. The accuracy (correlation between the predicted breeding values and realised breeding performance) was estimated in order to assess the efficiency of the predictions and evaluate the different matrix inversion methods. The magnitude of the accuracy (correlations) was found to mostly be of acceptable magnitude when compared to the heritability of the compound weighted trait in the F1F2 E. grandis scenarios. Realised genetic gains were also calculated for each method used. Instability was observed in both E. grandis and P. patula breeding data in the study, and this may cause a significant loss in realised genetic gains. Instability can be identified by examining the matrix calculated from the product of the phenotypic covariance matrix with its inverse, for deviations from the expected identity pattern. Results of this study indicate that it may not always be optimal to use a higher numerical precision programme when there is collinearity in the data and instability in the matrix calculations. In some cases, where there is a large amount of collinearity, the use of a higher precision programme for BLUP calculations can significantly increase or decrease the accuracy of the rankings. The different matrix inversion techniques particularly SVD and adapted ridge regression did not perform much better than the full pivoting technique. The study found that it is beneficial to use the full pivoting Gaussian elimination matrix inversion technique in preference to the partial pivoting Gaussian elimination matrix inversion technique for both high and lower numerical precision programmes. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Genetics / unrestricted

”Här kommer våra svenskar!” : En kvalitativ studie om diasporaturismens påverkan på identitetsupplevelsen hos svenska andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien

Glogovac, Tamara, Mujakovic, Hanna, Näsström, Denise January 2020 (has links)
“Här kommer våra svenskar!” är en turismvetenskaplig studie som undersöker hur andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien beskriver sina motiv till diasporaresor samt hur diasporaresorna påverkar andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien identitetsupplevelser. Studien har hållit en kvalitativ ansats där nio informanter intervjuades om deras erfarenheter av diasporaturism. Den tidigare forskning om diasporaturism har legat till grund för vår studie. Majoriteten av den tidigare forskningen om diasporaturism fokuserar på första generationens invandrare. Forskning om andra generationens invandrare i allmänhet och andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien i synnerhet är bristfällig. Denna studie påvisar att det finns indikationer på att diasporaturism har en påverkan på identitetsupplevelsen hos andra generationens invandrare från det forna Jugoslavien. Utöver att studiens informanter bekräftar den tidigare forskningens resonemang om diasporaturisters resemotiv kan studien även presentera ett outforskat bakomliggande resemotiv hos informanterna vilka är intressanta implikationer för den framtida forskningen. / “Här kommer våra svenskar!” is an tourism study that studies how second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia describe their motives for diaspora tourism as well as how diaspora tourism effects the individuals perception of identity. This study has used a qualitative methodological approach where the empirical data was collected through nine interviews with second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavia concerning their experiences of diaspora tourism. This study shows that there is some indication that diaspora tourism has an effect on second generation immigrants from former Yugoslavias perception of identity. In addition to confirming previous diaspora tourism studies travel motives, this study also puts forward a previously unexplored underlying travel motive which has interesting implication for future tourism studies.

Interethnic conjugal unions among 1.5 and 2nd generations of Arab Canadians

Hassin, Fatima 12 1900 (has links)
Dans cette étude, j’examine la propension à former une union interethnique parmi les Canadiens arabes de seconde génération et de génération 1.5 en utilisant les données du recensement canadien de 2016. L’analyse descriptive montre que les unions interethniques sont fréquentes au sein de cette population. Environ la moitié des hommes (56%) et des femmes (49%) sont dans une union interethnique avec une personne non-Arabe d’origine immigrante ou un(e) Canadien(ne) de troisième génération ou des générations suivantes. La régression logistique multinomiale révèle que les hommes et les femmes avec un niveau d’éducation plus élevé, une ascendance partiellement arabe et un statut d’immigrant de deuxième génération sont significativement plus enclins à être en union interethnique qu’à être en union intraethnique avec un immigrant de première génération. Conformément à la théorie de l’assimilation segmentée, ces résultats suggèrent que l’intégration socioéconomique et l’acculturation contribuent à la propension des descendants arabes à former des unions avec des individus non-arabes. La propension des descendants arabes à être en union intraethnique avec des immigrants de première génération ou des descendants est aussi une problématique dont je discute. / In this study, I examine the propensity to form interethnic unions among the 1.5 and second generations of Arab Canadians using the 2016 Canadian census data. The descriptive analysis shows that interethnic unions are common within this population. About half the men (56%) and the women (49%) are in an interethnic union with a non-Arab person with an immigrant background or a Canadian of third generation or subsequent generations. The multinomial logistic regression reveals that men and women with higher educational attainment, part Arab ancestry and second-generation immigrant status are significantly more prone to be in an interethnic union than in an intraethnic union with a first-generation immigrant. In accordance with the segmented assimilation theory, these results suggest that socioeconomic integration and acculturation contribute to the propensity of Arab descendants to form unions with non-Arab individuals. The propensity of Arab descendants to be in intraethnic unions with first generation-immigrants or with descendants of immigrants (1.5 and second generations) is also discussed in this thesis.

Assessing And Modeling Quality Measures for Healthcare Systems

Li, Nien-Chen 06 November 2021 (has links)
Background: Shifting the healthcare payment system from a volume-based to a value-based model has been a significant effort to improve the quality of care and reduce healthcare costs in the US. In 2018, Massachusetts Medicaid launched Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) as part of the effort. Constructing, assessing, and risk-adjusting quality measures are integral parts of the reform process. Methods: Using data from the MassHealth Data Warehouse (2016-2019), we assessed the loss of community tenure (CTloss) as a potential quality measure for patients with bipolar, schizophrenia, or other psychotic disorders (BSP). We evaluated various statistical models for predicting CTloss using deviance, Akaike information criterion, Vuong test, squared correlation and observed vs. expected (O/E) ratios. We also used logistic regression to investigate risk factors that impacted medication nonadherence, another quality measure for patients with bipolar disorders (BD). Results: Mean CTloss was 12.1 (±31.0 SD) days in the study population; it varied greatly across ACOs. For risk adjustment modeling, we recommended the zero-inflated Poisson or doubly augmented beta model. The O/E ratio ranged from 0.4 to 1.2, suggesting variation in quality, after adjusting for differences in patient characteristics for which ACOs served as reflected in E. Almost half (47.7%) of BD patients were nonadherent to second-generation antipsychotics. Patient demographics, medical and mental comorbidities, receiving institutional services like those from the Department of Mental Health, homelessness, and neighborhood socioeconomic stress impacted medication nonadherence. Conclusions: Valid quality measures are essential to value-based payment. Heterogeneity implies the need for risk adjustment. The search for a model type is driven by the non-standard distribution of CTloss.

Facebook as Transnational Space: Language and Identity among 1.5 and Second Generation Mexicans in Chicago

Christiansen, Martha Sidury Juarez Lopez 08 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

« Comme, j’ai jamais été victime de racisme, mais direct. […] C’est comme dans le gris, c’est pas noir ou blanc » : l’expérience socioscolaire des personnes de minorité vietnamienne de deuxième génération au Québec

Chu, Ashley 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à comprendre comment les personnes de minorité vietnamienne de deuxième génération au Québec négocient leur rapport au groupe majoritaire au prisme de leur expérience socioscolaire. Cette recherche part du constat d’un écart entre l’image de la communauté vietnamienne au Québec comme une minorité modèle, c’est-à-dire un groupe minoritaire qui a connu une intégration réussie, et la présence d’une barrière entre le « nous » vietnamien et le « eux » québécois. Je m’intéresse ainsi à saisir ces tensions sous l’angle de rapports majoritaires-minoritaires. Deux concepts principaux ont été mobilisés pour rendre compte de ces négociations : celui de la blanchité et de la racialisation. Les concepts des frontières ethniques et de l’identification ont aussi été retenus dans le but de comprendre comment ces négociations s’articulent au processus d’identification de cette population. Cette recherche qualitative se base sur treize entretiens semi-dirigés et sur une analyse thématique de ceux-ci. Les résultats de la recherche montrent des négociations avec la blanchité et le vécu d’expériences de racialisation dans les interactions avec les acteurs significatifs de la sphère scolaire, tels que les pairs et le personnel enseignant. La blanchité est principalement vécue comme une norme imposée et inatteignable pour les personnes racialisées. Les témoignages des jeunes Vietnamien·ne·s soulignent par ailleurs la racialisation des personnes asiatiques comme étant à la fois des minorités modèles et des éternel·le·s étranger·ère·s. De plus, les récits des participant·e·s mettent en évidence les processus d’exclusion, d’infériorisation et de hiérarchisation auxquels font face les personnes de minorité vietnamienne de deuxième génération au Québec. Ces processus s’articulent également au processus d’identification des participant·e·s et limitent leur choix d’identification. Ces négociations affectent aussi la manière dont les personnes de minorité vietnamienne de deuxième génération appréhendent la culture vietnamienne et la culture québécoise. / This master’s thesis aims to understand how second-generation Vietnamese people in Quebec negotiate their relationship with the majority group through the lens of their socio-educational experience. This research begins with the observation that there is a gap between the image of the Vietnamese community in Quebec as a model minority, that is, a minority group that has successfully integrated, and the presence of a barrier between the Vietnamese “us” and the Quebec “them.” I am interested in understanding these tensions and will be examining them through the lens of majority-minority relations. Two main concepts have been mobilized to examine these negotiations: whiteness and racialization. The concepts of ethnic boundaries and identification were also used in order to understand how these negotiations relate to the identification process of this population. This qualitative research is based on thirteen semi-structured interviews and a thematic analysis of them. The research results show negotiations with whiteness and lived experiences of racialization in the participants’ interactions with key actors in the educational sphere, such as peers and teachers. Whiteness is primarily experienced as an imposed and unattainable norm for racialized individuals. The participants’ stories also highlight the racialization of Asian people as both model minorities and perpetual foreigners. In addition, the participants' narratives bring to light the processes of exclusion, inferiorization and hierarchization faced by second-generation Vietnamese people in Quebec. These processes are also articulated in the participants' identification process and limit their choices of identification. These negotiations also affect the way in which second-generation Vietnamese people view Vietnamese culture and Quebec culture.

Global Sensitivity Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources for Bulk Power System Dynamic Studies

Guddanti, Balaji January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

"Determinantes funcionais e morfológicos de ação de droga sobre os pulmões utilizando um modelo experimental em cobaias sob uso do cloridrato de fluoxetina" / Functional and morphological determinants of drug action on the lungs through an experimental model in guinea pigs under use of fluoxetine

Capelozzi, Marco Antonio 15 February 2005 (has links)
Muito se tem pesquisado sobre os efeitos adversos dos antidepressivos tricíclicos (p.e. imipramina) sobre o sistema respiratório, embora pouco ou quase nada se encontre com relação a tal aspecto na literatura médica sobre a fluoxetina (Prozac®)– um inibidor seletivo da recaptação de serotonina, até porque esta droga começou a ser utilizada somente há cerca de quinze anos. Ambas substâncias (fluoxetina e imipramina, ou seus congêneres) agem basicamente sobre quadros depressivos, fóbicos e obsessivo-compulsivos, obesidade, anorexia, e outras indicações de várias naturezas, indo desde a ansiedade até a sindrome do pânico. Nota-se entretanto, que na maioria dos pacientes com tais quadros (sob tratamento com a fluoxetina ou não), são muito frequentes as queixas de natureza respiratória, como tosse, falta de ar, “angústia" no peito etc. Alguns efeitos adversos da fluoxetina e seus derivados são descritos na literatura, embora raros. Entre eles, destaca-se o comprometimento do aparelho respiratório na forma de doença pulmonar intersticial, pneumonia de hipersensibilidade e fosfolipidose. Apresentamos a seguir um projeto de trabalho experimental em cobaias com intuito de verificar a ação da fluoxetina sobre o aparelho respiratório, com relação à mecânica pulmonar, influência sobre o óxido nítrico exalado e resposta histopatológica pulmonar frente a possíveis injúrias, comparados a animais controles sem efeito da droga. Nosso modelo descreve um protocolo em que os animais foram submetidos ao cloridrato de fluoxetina por via oral durante 30 dias consecutivos, sendo ainda submetidos a uma reação de estresse tipo pânico– a natação forçada. / Although high-affinity imipramine binding sites have been reported in both rat and human lung, the role of the lungs in the pharmacokinetics of antidepressants like fluoxetine has not received much attention. Imipramine and fluoxetine have their action in depression, obesity, panic and anxiety among other indications. However, accumulation of selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors- like fluoxetine, in the human lungs has been reported. Besides, it is very frequent to most patients (under fluoxetine treatment or not) present respiratory symptoms and/or signs, just like dyspnea, cough, chest anguish and so on. There also have been some adverse effects of fluoxetine described in the literature, although being few and isolated ones, related to hypersensitivity pneumonitis, phospholipidosis and interstitial lung disease. The purpose of this project is to investigate the fluoxetine action in respiratory tract, more specifically over the pulmonary interstitium, using an experimental model in guinea-pigs. Our project comprehends an experimental model with the animals under treatment of fluoxetine so that we could evaluate the substance effects on the respiratory system, concerning the mechanics and the lung histopathological aspects, compared to the control animals. We created then a protocol where the animals were treated with fluoxetine for 30 consecutive days and submmited to the forced swimmig test, a kind of panic-like reaction.

"Determinantes funcionais e morfológicos de ação de droga sobre os pulmões utilizando um modelo experimental em cobaias sob uso do cloridrato de fluoxetina" / Functional and morphological determinants of drug action on the lungs through an experimental model in guinea pigs under use of fluoxetine

Marco Antonio Capelozzi 15 February 2005 (has links)
Muito se tem pesquisado sobre os efeitos adversos dos antidepressivos tricíclicos (p.e. imipramina) sobre o sistema respiratório, embora pouco ou quase nada se encontre com relação a tal aspecto na literatura médica sobre a fluoxetina (Prozac®)– um inibidor seletivo da recaptação de serotonina, até porque esta droga começou a ser utilizada somente há cerca de quinze anos. Ambas substâncias (fluoxetina e imipramina, ou seus congêneres) agem basicamente sobre quadros depressivos, fóbicos e obsessivo-compulsivos, obesidade, anorexia, e outras indicações de várias naturezas, indo desde a ansiedade até a sindrome do pânico. Nota-se entretanto, que na maioria dos pacientes com tais quadros (sob tratamento com a fluoxetina ou não), são muito frequentes as queixas de natureza respiratória, como tosse, falta de ar, “angústia" no peito etc. Alguns efeitos adversos da fluoxetina e seus derivados são descritos na literatura, embora raros. Entre eles, destaca-se o comprometimento do aparelho respiratório na forma de doença pulmonar intersticial, pneumonia de hipersensibilidade e fosfolipidose. Apresentamos a seguir um projeto de trabalho experimental em cobaias com intuito de verificar a ação da fluoxetina sobre o aparelho respiratório, com relação à mecânica pulmonar, influência sobre o óxido nítrico exalado e resposta histopatológica pulmonar frente a possíveis injúrias, comparados a animais controles sem efeito da droga. Nosso modelo descreve um protocolo em que os animais foram submetidos ao cloridrato de fluoxetina por via oral durante 30 dias consecutivos, sendo ainda submetidos a uma reação de estresse tipo pânico– a natação forçada. / Although high-affinity imipramine binding sites have been reported in both rat and human lung, the role of the lungs in the pharmacokinetics of antidepressants like fluoxetine has not received much attention. Imipramine and fluoxetine have their action in depression, obesity, panic and anxiety among other indications. However, accumulation of selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors- like fluoxetine, in the human lungs has been reported. Besides, it is very frequent to most patients (under fluoxetine treatment or not) present respiratory symptoms and/or signs, just like dyspnea, cough, chest anguish and so on. There also have been some adverse effects of fluoxetine described in the literature, although being few and isolated ones, related to hypersensitivity pneumonitis, phospholipidosis and interstitial lung disease. The purpose of this project is to investigate the fluoxetine action in respiratory tract, more specifically over the pulmonary interstitium, using an experimental model in guinea-pigs. Our project comprehends an experimental model with the animals under treatment of fluoxetine so that we could evaluate the substance effects on the respiratory system, concerning the mechanics and the lung histopathological aspects, compared to the control animals. We created then a protocol where the animals were treated with fluoxetine for 30 consecutive days and submmited to the forced swimmig test, a kind of panic-like reaction.

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