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Multiplication Achievement and Self-Efficacy in Third- and Fifth-Grade Students: Effects of Cross-Age Peer Tutoring and Skill TrainingDennis, Lisa Marie Giles January 2013 (has links)
Self-efficacy is the belief an individual has about his or her capabilities to successfully complete an activity. Self-efficacy stems from four sources: verbal persuasion, physiological states, past experiences, and vicarious experiences. Increases in self-efficacy in education are connected with an increase in academic achievement. The current study sought to answer the question of which of three treatment options would have the most positive effect on mathematical achievement and self-efficacy for correctly answering problems on a multiplication math test. Participants were third- and fifth-grade students identified by their teachers as struggling in math. Students either received training on skills designed to increase self-efficacy, participated in cross-age peer tutoring, or received a combination of both treatments. Achievement and self-efficacy were measured before and after treatment and four weeks following the end of treatment to measure the lasting effects.
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The United States is currently facing a shortage of qualified teachers; specifically, agricultural education has recorded shortages for several years. Many agriculture teachers will leave the profession well before retirement. Those teachers who leave the profession are often dissatisfied with their chosen career and exhibit low levels of teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction. The purpose of this census study was to describe the current level of teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction among all early career Kentucky agriculture teachers (N = 80). The study also sought to determine if a relationship existed between teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction among early career Kentucky agriculture teachers. Teacher self-efficacy was measured through three constructs: student engagement, instructional practices, and classroom management. It was concluded that early career agriculture teachers in Kentucky are efficacious and generally satisfied with teaching. A variety of relationships were found to exist between each construct and overall job satisfaction between each group of teachers.
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Påverkas motivation och egenskattad förmåga? : Utvärdering av mätverktyg för finansiell samordning / Is motivation and self rated sense of ability effected : an evaluation of gauge finacialcoordinationTorstensson, Maria, Jäderlund, Veronica January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund Ohälsa bland arbetslösa är ett stort samhällsproblem. Med lågkonjuktur och ökning av arbetslöshet krävs även samhällsinsatser form av rehabilitering och arbetsmarknadsinsatser för att få människor tillbaka till sysselsättning och därmed ekonomisk självständighet. Syfte Syftet med studien är att belysa de förändringar som sker hos individer gällande motivation och tilltro till sin egen förmåga efter genomgånget projekt hos Samordningsförbudet Östergötland. Metod Studien undersöker förändring i Outcome Rating Scale och self-efficacy efter genomförd rehabiliteringsprojekt för arbetslösa. Slutsats Det går inte att signifikant säkerställa någon förändring mellan testtillfälle ett och två. Baserat på de resultat vi har fått ta del av kan vi inte dra någon slutsats att deltagarnas egenskattade förmåga eller motivation har förändrats till följd av insatsen. / Background Poor health among the unemployed is a major social problem. The recession and rise in unemployment the community requires to take action in form of rehabilitation and employment programs to get people back into employment and hence economic autonomy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate if a change occur in the participators motivation and belief in their own abilities after completing Samordningsförbundet Östergötlands intervention. Method an empirical study was conducted with a quantitative method. Two validated models ORS and Self-efficiacy test with an added self-assessment question of individual motivation. Conclusion There is no significant data to ensure that a change has taken place between test occasion one and two. Based on the results we have, we can not conclude that the participants attitude has changed as a result of the intervention. Whether self-estimated ability or motivation.
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Påverkas den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och self-efficacy av olika ledarskapsstilar? : En kvantitativ studiePeltola, Malin, Borg, Liselotte January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan ledarstilar, den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och self-efficacy. Detta för skapa större förståelse för hur olika ledarstilar kan påverka medarbetarnas välbefinnande och prestation. Deltagarna (N = 81, mellan 19-64 år) svarade på en enkät med bakgrundsvariabler, den generella self-efficacy skalan (GSE), psykosocialarbetsmiljökart-läggning (PAK, egenkontroll, arbetsledningklimat, arbetsstimulans, arbetsgemenskap och arbetsbelastning) och ledarskapsstilar (CPE, förändring-oriented-, strukturella och produktionsinriktad och relationsorienterade). Positiva associationer om ledarstilar och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön demonstrerades, särskilt för relationsorienterade ledarstil, vilket korrelerade med alla fem huvudfaktorer i PAK. Däremot korrelerade strukturella- och produktionorienterad och förändringsorienterad inte signifikant. Ingen signifikant korrelation mellan ledarstilar och personal self-efficacy hittades. Dock var self-efficacy relaterad till anställdas upplevda psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Genom deskriptiv statistik rapporterades som medelvärden visade att anställda med mer än genomsnittet på GSEs (self-efficacy) tenderade att svara högre på alla fem huvudfaktorer för PAK.
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Self-efficacys påverkan på bänkpressprestationer.Larsson Dahlberg, Desirée, Andersson Bjerke, Felicia January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att med en experimentell design undersöka ifall individens tro på sin förmåga, d.v.s. self-efficacy påverkar utfallet av idrotts prestationer. Detta undersöktes genom att manipulera self-efficacy i en bänkpressövning och därefter mäta eventuella prestationsförändringar under tre sessioner. 21 deltagare (10 kvinnor, 11 män, M = 23, SD = 2.95) med lite eller ingen tidigare erfarenhet av styrketräning deltog. Deltagare delades slumpmässigt in i tre grupper: (LG) lättare vikt än deltagarna trodde, (TG) tyngre vikt än deltagarna trodde och (KG) kontrollgrupp, vikten överensstämde med deltagarnas uppfattning. Situationsspecifika self-efficacy mätningar (SSE) gjordes före och efter manipulationen. Den fysiska self-efficacyn mättes med hjälp av fysisk self-efficacy skala (PSE). Resultatet visade att den tunga gruppen, vilken lyfte mer vikt än de trodde, ökade signifikant mer i vikt vid bänkpresslyftet än kontrollgruppen. Manipulationen som antogs påverka situationsspecifikt self-efficacy visade sig förutsäga prestationens utfall och en signifikant skillnad visades mellan mätningarna. Den tunga gruppen visade störst förändring på SSE formuläret från första till tredje sessionen. PSE-resultaten visade ingen signifikant förändring mellan mätningarna. Resultatet föreslår att self-efficacy går att manipulera och kan påverka idrottsprestationer. / The purpose of the study was to investigate in an experimental design whether an individual's belief in his ability, i.e. self-efficacy affect the outcomes of athletic performance. This was examined by manipulating self-efficacy in a bench press exercise and measures possible performance changes during three sessions. 21 participants (10 woman, 11 men, M = 23, SD = 2.95) who had little or no previous experience of weight training participated. Participants were randomly divided into three groups: (LG) participants lifted easier than thought, (HG) participants lifted heavier than thought and (CG) control group, participants lifted the weight they thought. Situational specific self-efficacy measures (SSE) were taken before and after manipulation. The physical self-efficacy was measured using the physical self-efficacy scale (PSE). The results showed that the heavy group had increased significantly more weight than the control group. The manipulations assumed effect on self- efficacy (SSE) proved to be a prediction of performance outcomes and a significant difference was demonstrated between the measurements. The heavy group showed the greatest decreased in SSE from session one to third. PSE results showed no significant changes between measurements. The results suggest that self-efficacy can be manipulated and can affect sport performance.
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Looking on the bright side: smoking cessation, stages of change, and message framing /Sullivan, Ruth January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Carleton University, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 50-53). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.
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Negotiation and auditing self-efficacy's effect on auditor objectivity : negotiation strategy functioning as a mediatorWinter, Robert, Weng, Xinmei January 2015 (has links)
Aim: Auditor objectivity in the auditing process is an important part of the IASB and FASB framework as well as in the SOX act. It is unclear whether auditor’s self-efficacy through selection of negotiation strategy affect the auditor’s objectivity. The purpose of the study is to improve the understanding of what impacts auditor objectivity and as a result show new strategies on how to increase it. Method: Deductive approach with a literature review as secondary data and a web-based questionnaire carried out among 3,264 Swedish auditors as primary data. Analysis was done with partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and reported in the SmartPLS and SPSS software. Result & Conclusions: Prior negative negotiation experiences have a detrimental effect on both distributive and integrative negotiation self-efficacy. Distributive negotiation self-efficacy and auditing self-efficacy increase objectivity mainly through the mediation of contending strategy. No relationship between integrative negotiation self-efficacy and negotiation strategy or auditor objectivity was found, possibly due to weak theoretical constructs. No causal claims are posed on these relations. Bandura’s four main sources of influence on self-efficacy can be considered as guides on how to shield the auditor from the detrimental effect of failures and build up self-efficacy to perform better in negotiation. Suggestions for future research: Develop stronger constructs for PNE, ISE and expanding-the-agenda-of-issues strategy. Using multiple imputation instead of mean replacement for missing data is highly recommended. Gather at least 400 responses in order to gain stronger statistical power. Introduce a prior auditing experiences construct for ASE to raise awareness of potential differences in how prior experiences affect DSE, ISE and ASE. Contribution of the thesis: This paper uniquely contributes to the literature on factors influencing auditor objectivity. Its main use to auditors, accounting legislators, researchers etc. at the moment is to add to the discussion about objectivity.
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Procrastination, grit and self-efficacy for self-regulation: : A correlational study in a student sample / Prokrastinering, grit och "self-efficacy for self-regulation": : En korrelationsstudie bland studenterWejkum, Peder January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Background: Procrastination or the tendency to delay various actions despite knowing that this delay will likely bring negative consequences, is a widespread phenomenon. It has been found to be especially common among college students and has been linked to various negative outcomes. Aim: The current study aimed to explore the relationship between procrastination and self-efficacy for self-regulation (belief in ones ability to successfully self-regulate) and grit (to pursue important goals over long periods of time with passion and determination, despite setbacks or distractions) in a sample of 208 Swedish university students. Method: Self-report measures relating to the relevant constructs were administered to the students and analysed using correlational and partial correlational tests. Results: Results indicated that procrastination were strongly negatively correlated with both grit and self-efficacy for self-regulation. Self-efficacy for self-regulation were also found to be a partial mediator of the relationship between grit and procrastination. Conclusion: More research is needed on the relationship between self-efficacy for self-regulation and procrastination. Additionally, a more conceptually valid scale to measure grit should be developed. / Abstrakt Bakgrund: Prokrastinering eller, tendenser till att skjuta upp olika saker trots vetskapen om att förseningen troligen kommer medföra negative konsekvenser, är ett utbrett fenomen. Prokrastinering har befunnits vara särskilt vanligt bland universitetsstudenter och har sammankopplats med en flera negativa konsekvenser. Syfte: Syftet med den aktuella studien var att undersöka relationen mellan prokrastinering, ”self-efficacy for self-regulation” (tilltron till sin egen förmåga att framgångsrikt utöva självreglering) och grit (förmågan att, med beslutsamhet och passion, jobba mot ett viktigt mål över långa tidsperioder, trots motgångar och distraktioner. Metod: Självskattningsskalor relaterade till de relevanta konstrukten delades ut till studenterna som deltoga i studien och test för korrelation och partiell korrelation användes för att analysera resultaten. Resultat: Resultaten indikerade att prokrastinering var starkt negativt korrelerad med både grit och ”self-efficacy for self-regulation”. ”Self-efficacy for self-regulation” visade sig också vara en partiell mediator mellan grit och prokrastinering. Slutsats: Mer forskning behövs kring relationen mellan ”self-efficacy for self-regulation” och prokrastinering. Ett mer konceptuellt valitt mätinstrument för grit behöver dessutom utvecklas.
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Att våga, vilja och kunna; mimesis och känslan av ett själv : en vetenskaplig essä om att stödja barns bildskapande utveckling i förskolanÅhlfeldt, Helena January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om hur jag utifrån två självupplevda berättelser ur förskolans verksamhet bättre kan förstå barns känsla av ett själv och vilken roll den spelar vid deras utvecklande av bildskapande i förskolan. Jag får genom den essäistiska processen syn på vad det är det jag upplever som dilemma i mina två inledande berättelser. Det handlar om min förförståelse av det i förskolan så ofta benämnda begreppet självkänsla samt om hur jag genom applicerandet av Aristoteles mimesis-begrepp på mina berättelser söker nå en ökad förståelse av barns känsla av ett själv för att bättre kunna stödja utvecklandet av deras bildskapande. Essäns reflekterande del har två avsnitt. Först gör jag först en komprimerad historisk tillbakablick på området affektteori för att söka en ökad förståelse av förskolans självkänslabegrepp. Genom att sedan lämna självkänsla därhän och istället applicera begreppen självbild, självvärdering och self-efficacy på mina inledande bilder ur verkligheten förändras min syn på vad barns känsla av ett själv i förskolans verksamhet kan vara. Även min förståelse av hur jag som pedagog kan stödja barnen i denna känsla, för att deras bildskapande utveckling skall stärkas förändras. I den andra delen av mina reflektioner söker jag med hjälp av en fördjupning av Aristoteles tolkning av begreppet mimesis en utvidgad förståelse för barns behov av bildskapande. Jag kommer till insikt om, tvärt emot min initiala bias, att kopiering och mallar kan vara utmärkta verktyg vid utvecklingen av barns bildskapande processer.. Avslutningsvis tar jag helt kort upp barns kultur och dess inkorporerande i förskolans verksamhet som ett vidare forskningsområde. / This essay is about how I can better understand children's sense of self and what role it plays in their development of image creation in preschool, based on two self-perceived stories from pre-school activities. Through the essay process, I get an idea of what I experience as a dilemma in my two initial stories. It's about my understanding of the in preschool so often referred to concept of self-esteem, and how I, by reaching an increased understanding of children's sense of self, better can support the development of their image creation. The essay´s reflective part has two sections. First, I make a compressed historical backlog in the field of affect theory to seek an increased understanding of preschool's self-esteem concepts. By then leaving the concept of self-esteem and instead applying the concepts sense of self, self-evaluation and self-efficacy to my initial images from reality, my view changes on what children's sense of self in preschool activities can be. Even my understanding of how I as a teacher can support them in this sense for their image-creating development to be strengthened changes. In the second part of my reflections, I seek, by means of Aristotle's interpretation of the concept of mimesis, an in-depth understanding of children's image creation needs. I realize, contradictory to my initial bias, that copying and templates can be excellent tools in the development of children's image-making processes. In conclusion, I take up the children's culture and its incorporation into preschool activities as a further research area.
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The Role of Self-Efficacy in Computer Security Behavior: Developing the Construct of Computer Security Self-Efficacy (CSSE)Clarke, Marlon Renese 01 January 2011 (has links)
As organizations have become more dependent on networked information systems (IS) to conduct their business operations, their susceptibility to various threats to information security has also increased. Research has consistently identified the inappropriate security behavior of the users as the most significant of these threats. Various factors have been identified as contributing to these inappropriate security behaviors, however, not enough is known about the role of social factors in mediating these behaviors.
This study developed a new computer security self-efficacy (CSSE) construct, identified items of CSSE in the context of individuals' use of encrypted e-mail, and determined the validity and reliability of the items of CSSE. Further, significant factors of CSSE were identified. First, a qualitative phase comprising focus groups and an expert panel was used to identify valid items of CSSE, develop a new instrument to measure the new CSSE construct, and validate the new CSSE instrument. After completing the qualitative phase, a quantitative phase was employed to collect empirical data on the CSSE items. The CSSE measurement instrument was administered to IS users at a major university in the southeastern United States and 292 responses were received. The collected data was statistically analyzed to identify significant factors of CSSE and the items of CSSE that demonstrate high reliability. Factor analysis was performed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and identified four significant and highly reliable factors of CSSE with a cumulative variance of nearly 68%. The four factors were named Performance Accomplishments and Technical Support, Goal Commitment and Resource Availability, Experience Level, and Individual Characteristics. Additionally, 35 items of CSSE were identified as possessing high reliability.
This study contributes to advancing of the body of knowledge regarding the use of e-mail encryption by developing a new CSSE construct and extending Computer Self-Efficacy research into the area of computer security and e-mail encryption. Further, by identifying factors of CSSE, an understanding of what IS users believe will impact their ability to use encryption to send e-mail messages is obtained. This understanding can aid in enhancing the use of encryption mechanisms to send e-mail, promoting positive computer security behavior, and so contribute positively to IS practice.
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