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Låt oss diskutera näthat! : Hur en interaktiv produkt kan engagera unga gällande näthat på sociala medier. / Let us discuss online hate speech! : How an interactive product can engage youngsters regarding online hate speech on social media.Albemo, Rebecca, Wilhelmsson, Nils January 2019 (has links)
Det finns många fördelar med sociala medier men likväl flera baksidor. Baksidorna inom denna kontext inkluderar kränkningar, trakasserier och hot. Näthat som begrepp är dessutom svårdefinierat, vilket gör ämnet än mer relevant att diskutera. För att lyfta diskussionen kring näthat på sociala medier ämnar detta projekt utforma en prototyp till en interaktiv produkt för unga. Den interaktiva produkten ska fungera i undervisningen på högstadie- och gymnasienivå som ett engagerande verktyg gällande näthat. Syftet med projektet är således att engagera unga gällande näthat på sociala medier. För att skapa en prototyp till en interaktiv produkt som engagerar unga gällande näthat på sociala medier ansåg vi experter och potentiella användare relevanta att undersöka. Projektet genomfördes därför med en kvalitativ forskningsansats genom enskilda intervjuer samt fokusgrupper. De enskilda intervjuerna genomfördes med experter inom området näthat och fokusgrupper med potentiella användare, i åldersspannet 13–19 år. Resultatet från undersökningen analyserades utifrån projektets teoretiska ramverk i form av motstrategier på sociala medier, interaktionsdesign och serious games. Därefter lyfte vi fram de teman som var extra framträdande och av störst relevans för projektet. Det empiriska materialet användes således för att identifiera de krav och behov den interaktiva produkten bör uppfylla. Projektet visar att den interaktiva produkten bör kunna användas regelbundet och vara av spelkaraktär. Vi identifierade tre framträdande kategorier som extra viktiga att inkludera i vår prototyp; motstrategier, definitionen av näthat samt genus. Utefter resultatet från projektet skapade vi en prototyp till ett interaktivt spel i form av en mobilapplikation med integrerad diskussion i klassrummet. / There are many benefits with social media but nevertheless several downsides. The downsides within this context includes violations, harassment and threats. Online hate speech as a concept is difficult to define, which makes the question even more relevant to discuss. In order to highlight the discussion about online hate speech on social media, this project will design a prototype for an interactive product adapted for youngsters. The interactive product shall work as an engaging complement when teaching youngsters about online hate speech. To create an interactive product who engage youngsters regarding online hate speech on social media we deemed experts and potential users as relevant to examine. The project therefore implemented a qualitative research approach through individual interviews and focus groups. The individual interviews were implemented with experts within the field of online hate speech and the focus groups with potential users, 13–19-year-olds. The results of the examination were analyzed based on the project’s theoretical framework, in the form of counter-strategies on social media, interaction design and serious games. The most prominent themes and the ones of the highest relevance for the project were subsequently highlighted. The empirical material was used to identify the requirements and needs that the interactive product should meet. The project shows that the interactive product should be able to be used regularly and be of game character. Three prominent categories were identified as extra important to include in our prototype; counter strategies, the definition of online hate speech and gender issues. Following the results from the project, a prototype was created for an interactive game in the form of a mobile application with integrated discussion in the classroom.
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Aplicando Sistemas Hápticos em Serious Games: um jogo para a educação em higiene bucalRodrigues, Herbet Ferreira 23 March 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Associate to Virtual Reality, the incorporation of haptic systems makes possible to extend the level of realism and provide a more efficient way of involvement, bringing better results in performing the activities of tactile nature embedded in applications and games. However, there are few incentives for implementing these devices in serious games. The development of serious games in immersive environments and the inclusion of non-conventional devices such as haptic devices, may contribute to the motivation and learning of the player. This work has as main objective the design, study, research, development and discussion of the incorporation of haptic systems in serious games, specifically in Odontology related to adult s oral hygiene. Though, the serious games development needs a multidisciplinary team. Thus, this work also proposes and tests a serious game development process which aims to achieve a good set of approach, content and technology for a correct planning and specification of the game. / Aliado à Realidade Virtual, a incorporação de sistemas hápticos possibilita ampliar o nível de realismo e oferecer uma forma mais eficiente de envolvimento, trazendo melhores resultados na realização das atividades de natureza tátil inseridas em aplicações e jogos. Entretanto, poucos são os incentivos da aplicação destes dispositivos em serious games. O desenvolvimento dos serious games em ambientes imersivos e a inclusão de dispositivos não convencionais, como dispositivos hápticos, podem contribuir para a motivação e aprendizado do jogador. Desta forma, este trabalho traz como principal objetivo a concepção, estudo, investigação, desenvolvimento e discussão da aplicação de sistemas hápticos em serious games, mais especificamente na construção de um jogo para a área Odontológica relacionada à higiene bucal de adultos, podendo este, ser utilizado para propiciar o entendimento melhor dos conceitos, como também, na fixação de técnicas de escovação e procedimentos envolvidos. Entretanto, o desenvolvimento de um serious game necessita de uma equipe multidisciplinar no qual profissionais da área que o conteúdo do jogo se relaciona precisa estar em constante comunicação com a equipe de design e desenvolvimento. Desta forma, também é proposto e testado neste trabalho, um modelo de processo para o desenvolvimento de serious games que visa alcançar um bom conjunto de abordagem, conteúdo e tecnologia para o correto planejamento e especificação do jogo.
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Utilisation de l'apprentissage moteur implicite comme outil thérapeutique chez les personnes âgées fragiles / The implicit motor learning use as a therapeutic tool in frail elderly peopleBourrelier, Julien 04 October 2016 (has links)
Notre motricité s’adapte plus ou moins facilement aux changements liés, à l’environnement et à l’évolution de nos capacités au cours de nos expériences, de nos apprentissages et de l’avancée dans l’âge. Nous nous efforçons alors de trouver des solutions optimales, pour être plus performants, plus efficaces. Le couplage perception-action est à la base de l’organisation du contrôle moteur. L’Homme perçoit à travers plusieurs systèmes sensoriels des informations intrinsèques, en provenance de l’état du corps lui-même, et des informations extrinsèques, issues de l’environnement. Ces informations sont mises au service du mouvement et des actions de la vie quotidienne à travers les processus cognitivo-moteurs : de prédiction, d’estimation et de planification motrice. Interroger ces mécanismes chez des personnes âgées fragilisées par l’apparition de troubles cognitifs légers en lien avec la maladie d’Alzheimer, permet de mieux comprendre leur capacité d’adaptation et de compensation face à ce vieillissement. Il s’agit par ailleurs de maintenir et de renforcer ces capacités par l’enrichissement réfléchi de l’environnement de stimulation de la personne âgée. Ces interventions préventives représentent un intérêt majeur pour la préservation de l’indépendance fonctionnelle des personnes âgées vulnérables. Ces travaux de thèse proposent le développement d’outils permettant la stimulation et le renforcement des processus cognitivo-moteurs. Il s’agit d’engager le couplage perception-action à travers des exercices moteurs implicites favorisant l’acquisition de nouveaux apprentissages et le renforcement des processus d’adaptation et de compensation au cours de l’évolution de la maladie. / To write, take, walk, talk is a part of our daily. Our motor ability is used to change depending on our environment and our skill, acquired thanks to our experience, learnings, and according to our age. We strive to find optimal solutions, to be more performants, more efficient. But we must be able to discern to act well and act to better discern. This « perception-action » coupling is the basis of the organization of motor control. Human can discern through several sensory systems (Visual, auditory, proprioceptive) intrinsic informations, coming from his own body, and extrinsic informations, from his environment. All of these informations are in the service of the movement and actions of daily life through the cognitivo-motor processes: of prediction, estimation and motor planning. To question these processes in aged people, weakened by mild cognitive impairment related to Alzheimer's disease, first allow to better understand their adaptation and compensatory capacities faced to this pathological aging. These preventive interventions represent a source of major interest, especially in the preservation of functional independence of vulnerable old people.These works of thesis propose development of tools for stimulating and strengthening cognitive-motor processes. It is clearly about engaging the perception-action coupling through implicit motor exercises benefiting the acquisition of new training and strengthen the process of adaptation and compensation during the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. So many of these processes stimulation exercises will be presented to better know the components relates to the action.
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IT: Främjar världens kommunikation : Spelbaserat lärande om IT-yrken i virtuell verklighetOvesson, Victor, Nuhanovic, Tim January 2020 (has links)
Det här kandidatarbetet går ut på att undersöka hur en interaktiv upplevelse i virtuell verklighet kan användas för att ha en positiv inverkan på användarnas engagemang, uppmärksamhet och lärande. För att undersöka detta har vi använt oss av kvalitativa metoder såsom intervjuer och observationer, metoder och ramverk för speldesign, olika typer av metoder för speltest och tagit del av relevant forskning. Vi har även samarbetat med ett företag som har expertis och kunskap inom området. Resultatet visade att interaktiva VR-upplevelser har potential att väcka användarnas intresse och bibehålla deras motivation. Undersökningens resultat visade dock även att en VR-upplevelse som har brister i designen istället kan orsaka frustration och förvirring hos användarna. Slutsatsen som dragits är att väldesignade interaktiva VR-upplevelser kan vara effektiva verktyg för att på ett engagerande sätt ta till sig kunskap, men att brister i designen kan ha stora negativa effekter på lärandet. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine how an interactive experience in virtual reality can be used to have a positive impact on the users’ engagement, awareness and learning. To examine this we have used qualitative methods like interviews and observations, frameworks and methods for game design, different types of game testing techniques and taken part of relevant research. We have also been working together with a company that has expertise and knowledge in the area. The results showed that an interactive VR-experience has potential to evoke the users’ interest and maintain their incentive. However, the results also showed that flaws in the design of a VR-experience instead can cause frustration and confusion within the user. The conclusion that has been drawn is that a well-designed interactive VR-experience can be an effective tool for consuming knowledge in an engaging way, but flaws in the design can have a significant negative impact on the learning aspect.
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Hållbarhetslära genom ett inkluderande medium : Ett interaktivt sätt att lära sig om cirkulär ekonomiLarsson, Paul, Wijk, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Detta kandidatarbete lyfter fram virtual reality som ett medium med potential för både lärande och underhållande syften. Begrepp som serious games, gamification, och edutainment undersöks för att ta reda på vad som gör vissa spel lärorika, vad som motiverar användaren till att vilja fortsätta spela ett spel, samt hur dessa egenskaper kan kombineras. För att utforska dessa områden har en gestaltning designats i form av en interaktiv miljö som kan upplevas med hjälp av ett VR-headset såsom Oculus Quest (2019) eller Oculus Rift (2014). I denna miljö får spelaren en unik möjlighet att lära sig om cirkulär ekonomi på ett inlevelserikt och interaktivt sätt. Förhoppningen är även att spelaren kan använda sig av denna nyvunna kunskap i verkligheten för att bidra till det framtida välmåendet av vår planet. / This bachelor thesis aims to highlight virtual reality as a medium with potential within both educating and entertaining purposes. Exploration of concepts such as serious games, gamification, and edutainment is conducted to discover what makes certain games educational, what motivates the user to keep playing a game, as well as how these characteristics could be combined. To explore these areas, an interactive environment in virtual reality is designed, and meant to be used with VR-headsets such as Oculus Quest (2016) or Oculus Rift (2014). This environment allows the player to learn about circular economy in an immersive and interactive way. The hope is that the player can use this knowledge in real-life to contribute to the future wellbeing of the planet.
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Serious games : le jeu en tension, rencontres entre jeu (vidéo), intention sérieuse et univers narratif / Serious games : game strain, at the corner of (video) games, serious intention and narrative pathBénézech, Marine 27 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier les modalités d’écriture des serious games narratifs.Ces objets, à la fois porteurs d’un objectif ludique et d’une intention sérieuse sont également porteurs de promesses narratives. L’articulation de ces trois dimensions est au cœur de cette recherche doctorale. L’enjeu de cette thèse se caractérise par la nécessité de comprendre comment le jeu de nos objets se distingue, d’envisager de quelle manière l’intention sérieuse est véhiculée et de déterminer pourquoi une dimension narrative se met en place. Notre recherche se base sur un corpus de 42 objets, que nous avons analysés en nous appuyant sur la sémio-pragmatique. Nous avons d’abord cherché à identifier les influences culturelles de nos objets afin de déterminer ce dont ces objets sont les héritiers. Nous avons ensuite cherché à déterminer le « contrat ludique » de nos objets, et mis en évidence la présence importante de « marqueurs pragmatiques de jeu ». Pour autant, l’expérience ludique se révèle souvent limitée, notamment par des challenges relevant du leurre ou de l’illusion du jeu. Nous avons alors exploré les raisons de cette jouabilité perturbée et mis en exergue l’importance de l’écrit dans nos objets.A partir de ces éléments, nous avons discerné 2 types de structures de serious games narratifs : en alternance et en association. Dans la structure en alternance, l’utilisateur est successivement confronté aux dimensions ludique, sérieuse et narrative. Dans la structure en association, ces trois composantes se répondent.Parallèlement, nous avons développé, un serious game réalisé en prise de vue réelle, à destination des médecins généralistes, pour les former à la communication. Les réflexions menées sur l’écriture du scénario, le développement et l’analyse de 2 prototypes nous ont permis de souligner que le mode en alternance contraint certes le jeu, mais favorise l’exposition de l’intention sérieuse de l’objet, au contraire de la structure en association qui la minore. / This thesis’ purpose is an exploration and study of narrative serious games’ writing modalities from the audiovisual research field point of view. Those tools have both a playful goal and a serious intention, tending also to reach narrative undertakings. The joint between play, seriousness and narrative is the main basis of this PhD research.This thesis’ stake can be defined as the need of understanding how play can be discern in serious games, as the approach of the way the serious intention is set forth and the determination of the reasons why a narrative dimension is setted.Our research is based on a 42 serious games’ corpus, which we have analyzed relying on semio-pragmatic.We had first seek to identify their cultural influence. We aimed to define objects which serious games inherited. Then we aimed to establish the « Playfull Based Act » of serious games and to highlight the major presence of « game pragmatic markers ».The playfull experience is however often felt as restricted especially because of challenges based on gaming lures or illusions. So we explored the reasons of the playfull obstruction and established the importance of writing in serious games. We have been able to define two types of narrative serious games structures from those previous elements : in alternance and in association. In the alternance structure, users are successively confronted to playfull, serious and narrative dimensions, which never be melted or crossed.In the association structure, those three dimensions answer to each other.We have developped a « real shot » serious game for general practioners in parallel,in order to train them to communication.The thoughts and researches conducted during scenario writing and the two prototypes' making and analysis have led us to emphasize the constraint aspect of the « alternance mode » of some of the games, but also its power of emphasize the serious intention of serious games, in the contrary of « association structure » which minore it.
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Effekter av serious games på lärande och motivation hos barn med inlärningssvårigheter : En utvidgad strukturerad litteraturstudie / Effects of serious games on learning and motivation in children with learning disabilities : An extended structured review of the literatureTörn, Julia, Åhlström, Jonas January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Utbildningsnivå är en bestämningsfaktor för hälsa, och det finns starka kopplingar mellan en individs utbildningsnivå och hälsa. Inlärningssvårigheter som dyslexi och dyskalkyli kan bidra till svårigheter i skolan samt fysisk och mental ohälsa. Serious games kan användas för att uppmuntra till lärande och öka motivationen. Under de senaste åren har serious games i utbildningssyfte ökat och forskning visar på positiva effekter. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka effekten av serious games på motivation och lärande hos elever med inlärningssvårigheter. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturstudie genomfördes. Sökningar gjordes i relevanta databaser, och datainsamlingen resulterade i 21 inkluderade artiklar som analyserades med tematisk analys. Samtliga artiklar innefattade en digital spelintervention på deltagare mellan 5 och 13 år och med risk för, eller uttalade, inlärningssvårigheter. Resultat: Majoriteten av studierna fann överlag positiva effekter med serious games, men det fanns även studier som visade svaga eller inga positiva effekter överhuvudtaget. De flesta studierna upptäckte också att serious games ökade motivationen hos deltagarna, även om vissa studier fann att deltagarnas motivation minskade med tiden. Spelelement som användes för att öka motivationen var bland annat poängsystem, belöningar och visuell feedback. Slutsats: Serious games kan ha positiva effekter på barns lärande och motivation. Denna slutsats bör dock betraktas med försiktighet då ytterligare forskning av hög kvalitet är nödvändig för att identifiera de positiva aspekter samt eventuella risker som finns. / Introduction: Level of education is a determinant of health, and there are strong links between an individual's level of education and health. Learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyscalculia can contribute to difficulties in school as well as physical and mental illness. Serious games can be used to encourage learning and increase motivation. In recent years, serious games for educational purposes have increased and research shows positive effects. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of serious games on motivation and learning in students with learning difficulties. Method: A structured literature study was carried out. Searches were made in relevant databases, and the data collection resulted in 21 included articles that were analyzed using thematic analysis. All articles included a digital game intervention on participants between 5 and 13 years of age and at risk of, or pronounced, learning difficulties. Results: The majority of studies found overall positive effects with serious games, but there were also studies that showed weak or no positive effects at all. Most studies also found that serious games increased participants' motivation, although some studies found that participants' motivation decreased over time. Game elements used to increase motivation included scoring systems, rewards and visual feedback. Conclusion: Serious games can have positive effects on children's learning and motivation. However, this conclusion should be viewed with caution as further high-quality research is necessary to identify the positive aspects as well as any risks.
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Upplevelserikt och interaktivt lärande om odling : VR-spel med förmågan att undervisa praktisk skötsel av grödor och blommorKesten, Erik, Chaipetch, Sen January 2023 (has links)
I detta kandidatarbete kommer vi att utforska och diskutera Virtual Reality (VR) som ett verktyg för lärande. Undersökningen prövar sig mot kontinuerliga speltester såväl som enkäter vars frågor om spelar- och läroupplevelse tar inspiration från Player Experience Inventory (PXI). Således kan vi mäta och skapa förståelse för de positiva- respektive negativa aspekterna kring spelutvecklingen. Den frågeställning som vi utgått ifrån är följande: “Hur kan man lära ut odling i en VR miljö?”. I samband med inflationen och att många vänder sig till odling för att göra det billigare i mån om matutgifter, har vi valt att gestalta ett VR odlings spel för nybörjare med fokus på att lära ut samt få erfarenhet till ämnet. Tillsammans med strategier från termerna Serious Games, Game-based learning och Gamification vill vi undersöka att balansera dessa för att utforma ett lärorikt såväl som roligt medium att utnyttja. Utifrån den här undersökningen vill vi uppmärksamma om VR och dess potential som läromedel, då genom att återskapa olika fält går det att utbilda samt generera erfarenhet hos användarna. / In this bachelor project, we are going to explore and discuss Virtual Reality (VR) as a tool for learning. The study is tested against continuous play tests as well as questionnaires with questions about player- and learning experience take inspiration from the Player Experience Inventory (PXI). Hence, we can measure and create an understanding of the positive and negative aspects of game development. The question we examined was the following: "How can you teach cultivation in a VR environment?". In connection to the inflation and the fact that many people are turning to cultivation to slow down their food expenses, we have chosen to create a VR cultivation game for beginners with a focus on teaching and gaining experience regarding the subject. Along with strategies from the terms Serious Games, Game-based learning and Gamification, we want to explore the balancing of these concepts to design an educational as well as fun medium to be utilized. Based on this survey, we want to draw attention to VR and its potential as a tool for learning, as by recreating different fields it is possible to educate and generate experience to the users. / Virtuell lantbruksodling med fokus på interaktivitet och immersivitet
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<b>Designing a Narrative Driven Serious Game for Learning Bengali</b>Koushiki Pohit (18422274) 22 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Use of serious games and gamified applications for language learning have increased substantially over the past decade. They are an effective way to supplement language learning. These applications utilize a range of language learning methods such as grammar-translation, audio-lingual and task-based learning in combination. Task-based language learning particularly suits the typical gameplay elements of narratives and quests. Thus, this study aims to develop a serious game for learning Bengali, world’s 7th most spoken language. The literature in this area indicates that hubshaped quest landscape design is found to be most effective for game-based learning environments. So, the study implements a branching, hubshaped narrative for learning Bengali language.</p><p dir="ltr">This application also implemented a hidden object mechanism for vocabulary acquisition instead of traditional grammar-translation methods used in other language learning software. The prototype was assessed from user feedback in a qualitative manner across four broad heuristic categories comprising of learning, tutorials, engagement and cultural elements. In the process, the study sought to understand whether cultural context-based interventions in the narrative improve learner motivation.</p><p dir="ltr">The results show a positive impact of cultural elements on the learners’ motivation to progress. Further, the hidden object mechanism was received as a satisfactory method to learn foreign vocabulary. This form of interactive, narrative based educational application has the potential to supplement traditional lessons for foreign language acquisition.</p>
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A model for selecting serious games for the computer science class / Johan Willem PrinslooPrinsloo, Johan Willem January 2014 (has links)
Serious games have the potential to add value to the teaching and learning environment but are currently not used to its full potential in the Computer Science class. Many reasons why serious games are not used are debated in the literature and a particular problem identified from the literature is that educators find it difficult to select appropriate serious games for use in the classroom environment. The research philosophy adopted for this study included the Critical Social Theory paradigm and action research as the research method. The five phases of the action research process, namely diagnosing, action planning, action taking, evaluating and specifying learning were used to provide educators with a useful model to help with the selection of serious games for the Computer Science class. During the diagnosing phase, the problem for this study was identified and a questionnaire was used to determine educators‘ perceptions of serious games that confirmed the problem identified during the literature survey. During the action planning phase the evaluation of three serious game selection models, namely the four-dimensional framework, the RETAIN model and the Magic Bullet model were planned. Participants were provided with a checklist in the form of tables so that they could familiarise themselves with the models. During the action taking phase participants evaluated the four-dimensional framework, the RETAIN model and the Magic Bullet model using the checklists and examples provided to them. During the evaluation phase the three different models were evaluated by the participants and a questionnaire was used to gather data. The data were analysed and results were reported. A major problem was identified and it was decided to initiate a second cycle of the action research process. This time participants were provided with serious games and in a joint effort of the participants the problem was addressed. During the second cycle the problems identified in the first cycle was resolved. Finally this study is concluded with a reflection on all the research questions identified, a report on the findings, recommendations and a discussion of the limitations of the research project. / MSc (Computer Science)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015
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