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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Låt oss diskutera näthat! : Hur en interaktiv produkt kan engagera unga gällande näthat på sociala medier. / Let us discuss online hate speech! : How an interactive product can engage youngsters regarding online hate speech on social media.

Albemo, Rebecca, Wilhelmsson, Nils January 2019 (has links)
Det finns många fördelar med sociala medier men likväl flera baksidor. Baksidorna inom denna kontext inkluderar kränkningar, trakasserier och hot. Näthat som begrepp är dessutom svårdefinierat, vilket gör ämnet än mer relevant att diskutera. För att lyfta diskussionen kring näthat på sociala medier ämnar detta projekt utforma en prototyp till en interaktiv produkt för unga. Den interaktiva produkten ska fungera i undervisningen på högstadie- och gymnasienivå som ett engagerande verktyg gällande näthat. Syftet med projektet är således att engagera unga gällande näthat på sociala medier. För att skapa en prototyp till en interaktiv produkt som engagerar unga gällande näthat på sociala medier ansåg vi experter och potentiella användare relevanta att undersöka. Projektet genomfördes därför med en kvalitativ forskningsansats genom enskilda intervjuer samt fokusgrupper. De enskilda intervjuerna genomfördes med experter inom området näthat och fokusgrupper med potentiella användare, i åldersspannet 13–19 år. Resultatet från undersökningen analyserades utifrån projektets teoretiska ramverk i form av motstrategier på sociala medier, interaktionsdesign och serious games. Därefter lyfte vi fram de teman som var extra framträdande och av störst relevans för projektet. Det empiriska materialet användes således för att identifiera de krav och behov den interaktiva produkten bör uppfylla. Projektet visar att den interaktiva produkten bör kunna användas regelbundet och vara av spelkaraktär. Vi identifierade tre framträdande kategorier som extra viktiga att inkludera i vår prototyp; motstrategier, definitionen av näthat samt genus. Utefter resultatet från projektet skapade vi en prototyp till ett interaktivt spel i form av en mobilapplikation med integrerad diskussion i klassrummet. / There are many benefits with social media but nevertheless several downsides. The downsides within this context includes violations, harassment and threats. Online hate speech as a concept is difficult to define, which makes the question even more relevant to discuss. In order to highlight the discussion about online hate speech on social media, this project will design a prototype for an interactive product adapted for youngsters. The interactive product shall work as an engaging complement when teaching youngsters about online hate speech. To create an interactive product who engage youngsters regarding online hate speech on social media we deemed experts and potential users as relevant to examine. The project therefore implemented a qualitative research approach through individual interviews and focus groups. The individual interviews were implemented with experts within the field of online hate speech and the focus groups with potential users, 13–19-year-olds. The results of the examination were analyzed based on the project’s theoretical framework, in the form of counter-strategies on social media, interaction design and serious games. The most prominent themes and the ones of the highest relevance for the project were subsequently highlighted. The empirical material was used to identify the requirements and needs that the interactive product should meet. The project shows that the interactive product should be able to be used regularly and be of game character. Three prominent categories were identified as extra important to include in our prototype; counter strategies, the definition of online hate speech and gender issues. Following the results from the project, a prototype was created for an interactive game in the form of a mobile application with integrated discussion in the classroom.

Teknik och design som motstrategi till sexuella trakasserier online : En kvalitativ studie av erfarenheter och lösningar på sexuella trakasserier online utifrån ett användarperspektiv / Technology and design as a counter-strategy for sexual harassment online : A study of experiences and solutions of sexual harassments online from a user perspective

Ahlström, Sofia, Hansson, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Digital platforms such as social media are big part of people's everyday life and social network. Recent studies shows that the ability to act anonymously on social media has increased harassment behaviors online. For marginalized groups, digital platforms are important for the act of freedom of speech and harassments online can limit these groups in the digital environment. Within the framework of this study we found, that there is a lack of studies that specifically research sexual harassments online and what different factors that may have an impact on the problem. Therefore, the aim for this study was to research what values, attitudes and emotions users of social media services experiences online. We wanted to research, from a user perspective, what existing counter-strategies options are provided on social media against sexual harassments online, and if there are other technical design solutions for social media interfaces. Within the framework of this essay we have conducted a focus group interview and a participatory design workshop. The empirical data that was collected has been analysed with different theories such as power, resistance, empowerment in design, master suppression techniques in social media, feminist HCI and social norms and participatory design. The study also use previous research on harassment on social media to further understand the empirical data for the analysis. In this study there are findings from the focus group that has been placed in three different themes. 1) The importance of social relationships for counter-strategies against sexual harassment online. 2) Social norms and normalization of sexual harassment online. 3) The importance of technical aspects for dealing with sexual harassment online. Our study shows that the counter-strategies options on social media services today are not sufficient enough for these different aspects. The participatory design workshop in this study resulted in eight possible technical design solutions. These solutions can be implications for design on social media interfaces and can work as counter-strategy tools against sexual harassments online. This study only research one focus group, therefore the study can be used as a basis for further research. By including users with participatory design methods, values made from users of social media in relation to sexual harassments online can unfold and hopefully decrease the problem.

Alice and the Mad Hater : Hur sociala medier påverkar och möjliggör användares motstrategier vid bemötande av kränkande innehåll / Alice and the Mad Hater : How social media affect and enables counterstrategies on the reception of offensive content

Ahlgren Andersson, Ellen, Enecker, Maria January 2015 (has links)
With online communication being increasingly integrated with our everyday lives, internet hate has become a growing problem. This is receiving growing attention in the media and research. In recent years, scientists have begun to shift their focus from the hate itself, to responses to these forms of violation. However, research has been mainly solution orientated and for example focused on legal aspects. Thus, we maintain that the field lacks a media technology based analysis, which this paper intends to contribute to. The aim of this study is to investigate what impact design and functionality in social media has on its users, with relation to user’s counter-strategies on the reception of offensive content. Note that this study is restricted to social media, and not focused on digital media at large. Within the framework of this essay, we have conducted three focus-group interviews and nethnographic studies. The empirical data from our focus groups has determined which social media platforms we examined in the nethnographic study, and subsequently in our analysis. The collected data has been analysed in relation to previous research on social media and internet hate. We have also used theories on resistance, suppression techniques, space of possible actions, norms and the relationship between offline/online and front stage/back stage. The analysis has resulted in five themes that describe the following key findings: 1) social media's positive connotations are problematic in relation to offensive content, but the receivers of internet hate are inventive in working around embedded norms, 2) sometimes no response is the best defence, 3) the culture around the like-function has a significant role in the resistance to internet hate on social media, 4) the shrinking distance between the world online and offline, as well as public and private rooms, affects everyday resistance to violations on social media, and 5) production of positive content and interaction with help of built-in functions are perceived as ways to affect the climate and cooperative resistance. We do not purport to provide technical or design-related proposals for development. However, we believe that our results, among other things, can be used for future development and improvement of social media platforms, and as a basis for further research on resistance to violations on social media.

Det outtalade. Uppmärksammas och bemöts tyst maktspel i skolan och på fritids? : En fältstudie av kroppsspråk på lågstadiet: Hög- och lågstatusspel och Härskartekniker samt deras Motstrategier och alternativ som Bekräftartekniker och Lågaffektivt bemötande

Lande, Margot January 2019 (has links)
Det outtalade – What is not uttered. The purpose of this study is to observe and analyze interaction between young children and between them and their educators focusing on power relations shown by non verbal communication. The study argues that such expressions can often lead to violations that can be more difficult to address than those outspoken. In our intents as educators to remediate unequal relationships between children and between them and their educators and create a positive social atmosphere in the school context, we need to pay attention to nonverbal interaction. We also need to develop an adequate set of vocabulary in order to be able to discuss what happens and our practice; how we ourselves as educators interact, dealing with it. The study suggests how to – by using a palette of definitions and concepts, collected from different theories. I have performed observations in an Elementary School class, year one and at their After-school programme and furthermore interviewed the educators and pupils participating in the study. The theoretical framework used in the analysis is a combination of positioning and social dramaturgical theory. I present and discuss the negative nonverbal communication that I identified in my observations using four theoretical perspectives, all contributing to shed light on different aspects of power relations and relational creating interaction. These four are: 1. Johnstone’s positioning theory regarding how all human beings engage in High/Low swings in interpersonal relationships (1985).  2. The non vocal aspects of Eile’s theory of The Master Suppression Techniques and their Counter-strategies (2015) based on Ås’ theory (1989). 3. The Sociological theory of Goffman’s The presentation of the Self in Everyday life, an interactionist/dramaturgical perspective (1959). 4. The Low Arousal Approach as presented by Heljskov Elfvén &amp; Wiman (2015). Among the results I found several occurrences of negative non verbal interaction in this First Grade Elementary class between pupils and educators and that the vocabulary of the used perspectives were applicable. The study’s result implies that awareness of non verbal communication can increase both children’s and educator’s available positions and repertoire of actions. / Studien syftar till att undersöka, lyfta fram och belysa tyst maktspel på lågstadiet. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte är att observera negativ icke verbal interaktion mellan barn sinsemellan och mellan pedagoger och barn med fokus på maktförhållanden. Ett andra syfte är att samla begrepp från olika teorier som belyser detta på olika sätt och på så vis presentera en vokabulär för att sätta ord på det outtalade, som kan vara användbar för pedagoger i förebyggande arbete mot kränkningar i skola och på fritidshem. Detta då det implicit uttryckta outtalade kan leda till kränkningar som ofta kan vara svårare att komma åt än sådana som bygger på det explicit uttalade. Jag har gjort observationer av en klass ett och deras tre pedagoger i olika situationer i skolan och på fritidshemmet. Observationer har oftast direkt följts upp med samtal om vad som hände. Empirin har så analyserats med utgångspunkt i positioneringsteori och det social-dramaturgiska perspektivet utifrån begrepp hämtade från fyra teorier av Eile (2015 – utifrån Ås, 1989), Goffman (1959), Johnstone (1985) samt Wiman &amp; Hejlskov Elfvén (2015) som alla på olika vis belyser kroppsspråk ur ett relationellt maktperspektiv. Två längre intervjuer har genomförts: inledningsvis med Eile, doktorand i pedagogik specialiserad på ickeverbal interaktion och avslutningsvis med två av klassens pedagoger som reflekterat kring de observationer som gjorts och hur de tolkas. Uppsatsens resultat visar att bruk av ickeverbala negativa signaler förekommer som maktspel redan på lågstadiet och implikerar att pedagogernas kunskaper om kroppsspråk och maktspel i form av hög- och lågstatusspel och Härskartekniker samt kännedom om strategier för att motverka negativa effekter av detta – som till exempel genom Motstrategier, Bekräftartekniker och Lågaffektivt bemötande – kan ha inverkan på hur dessa signaler påverkar klassen. Jag förordar därför vidare forskning på området och att pedagoger, i sitt arbete för jämbördiga relationer och för att skapa en positiv psykosocial skolmiljö, även bör uppmärksamma det outtalade. Mer kunskaper om de negativa ickeverbala signalerna och de metoder och den vokabulär som här lyfts fram för hur det kan motverkas tycks kunna användas som ett sätt att motverka mobbing i det tysta. Medvetenhet om dylikt ger fler möjliga sätt för barn och vuxna att förhålla sig till sin egen position i mötet med andra och därmed en större handlingsrepertoar. / <p>Examinator blev samma person; Adrian Ratkic, som var den första handledaren för denna uppsats, men då det var redan 2016 och uppsatsen sedan dess skrivits om och givits ny form osv så ansåg kursansvarige, Frans Hagerman, att det var i sin ordning. Efter att uppsatsen ventilerats första gången 2018 med examinatorn Liza Haglund som berömde intentionerna men saknade den stringens som bör känneteckna ett dylikt arbete, fick jag så värdefull handledning av henne som möjiggjorde presentationen av denna reviderade version 2019.</p>

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