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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of an electric driveline model for multiscale road-cargo simulations / Utveckling av en elektrisk drivlinemodell för simuleringar av godstransporter på väg

Wu, Runzhe January 2022 (has links)
Currently, the road cargo system with low or zero CO2 emission is under rapid development. Heavy-duty trucks with electrified driveline systems will be the workhorse of future freight. But developing such a brand new and very complex system and adapting it to various application scenarios, such as long-haul freight, city distribution or construction loading, is still a big problem, because there is no previous experience to refer to. There is no standard development procedure or constraint framework for uncertainty either. Simulation on a massive scale with thousands of truck agents will be of great use for developing such a road-cargo system. System engineering will be the guiding methodology for this thesis project about developing a high-performance and multi-adaptive electrified driveline system. Referring to the classical V-shape development methodology, the complex concept will be divided into different levels of subsystems, from the large application scenarios to traffic simulation, driveline system simulation, electric motor and controller blocks development, and the system integration, performance verification and output of the results. The massive scale of traffic simulation will be implemented in AnyLogic, which does not contain any accurate agent model with vehicle dynamic motion during simulation. Thus, a precise vehicle agent model needs to be developed and embedded into AnyLogic’s simulation scenario, so as to make the simulation very close to reality, and to be able to evaluate vehicle concepts as well. The driveline system will be developed in Matlab/Simulink while the information communication between them will be realised in the form of computational calculation functions through the C language program. The development of the driveline model is also progressive. First, an equation-based full glider model was constructed. It simulates the scenario of a heavy-loaded truck driving on a steep slope (30% grade), decelerating from the initial 70 km/h to 0 km/h and then remaining stationary. The second model added the functionality of velocity input and output, enabling information exchange with AnyLogic. It will judge the real-time speed and the desired speed to decide whether to accelerate or decelerate and it uses the “Bang-Bang” control method of the electric motor. But this control mode results in a massive and frequent change in the electric motor output power, leading to extremely high energy consumption and in real life significantly shortened motor lifetime. So a powerful PI controller was introduced to the third Simulink model. The PI controller is embedded in the electric motor and it will replace the “Bang-Bang” control method. The “PID” control method provides a more stable power output so that the truck’s real-time speed can approach the target speed more smoothly. This control system can adapt to a variety of speed inputs and it can decide whether to output full power or partial power, depending on the speed difference. The third version of the Simulink model with PI controller has been verified as an acceptable model through various inputs of different speeds, and it will be converted into a C language program to be embedded in AnyLogic for massive traffic simulation. / Utveckling av godstrafiksystem på väg med låga eller noll CO2-utsläpp är under snabb utveckling. Tunga lastbilar med elektrifierade drivlinesystem kommer förmodligen att vara dominerande i framtiden för vägfrakt. Att utveckla ett helt nytt system med hög teknisk komplexitet och anpassning till olika tillämpningsscenarier, som fjärrtransport, distribution eller bygg och anläggning, är en stor utmaning på grund av kritiska begränsningar i exempelvis erfarenhet. Det finns heller ingen etablerad utvecklingsmetodik baserad på tidigare erfarenhet eller ramverk för att hantera osäkerheter. Simuleringar med tusentals lastbilsagenter kan vara till stor nytta och stöd för att utveckla lastbilssystem. Systemteknik kommer att vara den vägledande metodiken för detta examensarbete för att utveckla ett avancerat och multiadaptivt elektrifierat drivlinesystem. Med hjälp av den klassiska "V"-utvecklingsmetodiken kommer drivlinemodellen delas in i olika nivåer av delsystem utifrån de tidigare nämnda olika tillämpnings-scenarierna för trafiksimulering för att sedan utföra simulering av komplett drivlinesystem, utveckling av elmotor och reglersystem till systemintegration, prestandaverifiering och analys av resultat. Trafiksimulering är tänkt att implementeras i AnyLogic, som inte innehåller någon modell baserad på fordonsdynamik där drivlineegenskaper beaktas. Därför måste en specifk fordonsdynamikmodell utvecklas för fordonsagenten och bäddas in i AnyLogics simuleringsscenario för att göra simuleringen närmre verkligheten. Drivlinesystemet har utvecklats i Matlab/Simulink för att sedan realiseras i form av beräkningsfunktioner i C. Utvecklingen av drivlinemodellen görs iterativt. Först konstruerades en ekvationsbaserad full s.k. glidermodell. Den simulerar scenariot för en tung lastad lastbil som kör i en brant sluttning (30\% lutning), bromsar in från de ursprungliga 70 km/h till 0 km/h och förblir stillastående. I den andra modellen lades till gränssnitt för agentens begynnelsevärden och tillstånd vid tidsstegets slut, vilket möjliggjorde informationsutbyte med AnyLogic. Modellen analyserar realtidshastigheten och den önskade hastigheten för att sedan avgöra om agenten ska accelerera eller bromsa. Den använder "Bang-Bang"-reglermetoden för elmotorn. Men denna reglermetod resulterar i en frekvent och stor förändring av elmotorns uteffekt, vilket leder till hög energiförbrukning och i verkligheten avsevärt förkortad motorlivslängd. Därför introducerades en PI-regulator i den tredje Simulink-modellen. PI-regulatorn är inbäddad i elmotorn och ersätter "Bang-Bang"-reglermetoden. "PID"-regulatorn ger mer stabil effekt, så att lastbilens realtidshastighet mjukare kan närma sig målhastigheten. Detta reglersystem kan anpassas till en mängd olika begynnelsehastigheter och kan bestämma om full eller deleffekt ska matas ut beroende på skillnaden mellan realtidshastighet och målhastighet. Den tredje versionen av Simulink-modellen med PI-regulator har verifierats som en acceptabel modell genom olika begynnelsehastigheter och konverterats till ett C-program för att bäddas in i AnyLogic för trafiksimulering.

Interfacing of battery with a medium voltage DC-DC converter using MATLAB/Simulink

Gebreab, Ermias K. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Sanjoy Das / Noel Schulz / Electrical power, although convenient form of energy to distribute and use, cannot easily be stored in large quantities economically. Most electrical power generated by utility plants is consumed simultaneously in real time. However, in some cases, energy storage systems become crucial when power generated from sources does not fulfill peak power load demand in a power system or energy storage systems are needed as backup. Due to these reasons, various technologies such as batteries, ultracapacitors (UC), superconducting magnetic energy storage (SEMS) and flywheels are beneficial options for energy storage systems. Shipboard power systems must use one or more energy storage systems in order to backup the existing power system if locally generated power is unavailable. This will lessen the effect of voltage sags on power quality, and improve system reliability. This report mainly focuses on the design of a Boost DC-DC converter and the integration of that converter with a previously designed battery storage model, as well as the effect of varying loads at the end of the converter.

Using model-based methods to support vehicle analysis planning

Bailey, William 13 January 2014 (has links)
Vehicle system analysis models are becoming crucial to automotive designers wishing to better understand vehicle-level attributes and how they vary under different operating conditions. Such models require substantial planning and collaboration between multidisciplinary engineering teams. To improve the process used to create a vehicle system analysis model, the broader question of how to plan and develop any model should be addressed. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is one approach that can be used to make such complex engineering tasks more efficient. MBSE can improve these tasks in several ways. It allows for more formal communication among stakeholders, avoids the ambiguity commonly found in document-based approaches to systems engineering, and allows stakeholders to all contribute to a single, integrated system model. Commonly, the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is used to integrate existing analysis models with a system-level SysML model. This thesis, on the other hand, focuses on using MBSE to support the planning and development of the analysis models themselves. This thesis proposes an MBSE approach to improve the development of system models for Integrated Vehicle Analysis (IVA). There are several contributions of this approach. A formal process is proposed that can be used to plan and develop system analysis models. A comprehensive SysML model is used to capture both a descriptive model of a Vehicle Reference Architecture (VRA), as well as the requirements, specifications, and documentation needed to plan and develop vehicle system analysis models. The development of both the process and SysML model was performed alongside Ford engineers to investigate how their current practices can be improved. For the process and SysML model to be implemented effectively, a set of software tools is used to create a more intuitive user interface for the stakeholders involved. First, functionality is added to views and viewpoints in SysML so that they may be used to formally capture the concerns of different stakeholders as exportable XML files. Using these stakeholder-specific XML files, a custom template engine can be used to generate unique spreadsheets for each stakeholder. In this way, the concerns and responsibilities of each stakeholder can be defined within the context of a formally defined process. The capability of these two tools is illustrated through the use of examples which mimic current practices at Ford and can demonstrate the utility of such an approach.

Efficient modelling of a wind turbine system for parameter estimation applications

Bekker, Johannes Cornelius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wind energy is a very current topic, both locally and internationally. It is one of the most rapidly growing renewable energy sources with installed capacity doubling every three years. South Africa's installed wind energy currently accounts for only 10 MW of the 197 GW worldwide installed capacity. With a 10 TWh renewable energy production target set for 2013 by the South African government, renewable energy projects have gained momentum in recent years. This target, together with data from case studies and reports on resource planning and technical requirements, shows that South Africa is well positioned for the implementation of wind energy sources. All this development in the local wind generation market creates a need for local knowledge in the field of wind energy as well as a need to efficiently model and analyse wind turbine systems and grid interactions for local operating conditions. Although the relevant model topologies are well established, obtaining or deriving appropriate parameter values from first principles remains problematic. Some parameters are also dependent on operating conditions and are best determined from site measurements using parameter estimation methodologies. One of the objectives of this project is to investigate whether the system parameter values can be obtained by performing parameter estimation on the model of a wind turbine system. The models used for parameter estimation processes require fast simulation times. Therefore, basic C-code S-function models of the wind turbine system components, i.e., the wind turbine blade, gearbox and generator, were developed and compiled as a Simulink library. These library components were then used for the parameter estimation process. The developed models, as well as the complete wind turbine system model, were validated and their performance evaluated, by comparing them to existing Simulink block models. These models all proved to be accurate and all showed reductions in simulation times. The principle of performing parameter estimation on C-code S-function models is proven by case studies performed on the individual models and the complete wind turbine system. The power coefficient matrix parameter values of the individual turbine blade model estimated with 100% accuracy for the excited elements. The individual gearbox parameter values all estimated accurately with errors below 2.5%. The parameter values of the individual generator models were estimated accurately for the ABC model, with errors below 4%, and less accurately for the DQ model with errors below 13%. The estimation results obtained for the complete wind turbine system model showed that the parameter values of the gearbox model and generator model were estimated accurately when the system model was excited through a step in angular velocity and steps in amplitude of the stator voltages respectively. A final estimation showed that a combination of gearbox and generator parameter values were accurately estimated when the model was excited through both a step in angular velocity and steps in the amplitude of the stator voltages. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Windenergie is 'n baie aktuele onderwerp beide plaaslik en internasionaal. Windenergie is een van die vinnigste groeiende hernubare energie bronne met die geïnstalleerde kapasiteit wat driejaarliks verdubbel. Suid-Afrika se geïnstalleerde windenergie maak tans slegs 10 MW uit van die wêreldwye geïnstalleerde kapasiteit van 197 GW. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het ’n 10 TWh hernubare-energie produksie teiken gestel vir 2013. As gevolg hiervan het hernubare-energie projekte die laaste paar jaar momentum gekry. Hierdie teiken, tesame met die data van gevallestudies en verslae oor hulpbronbeplanning en tegniese vereistes, toon dat Suid-Afrika goed geposisioneer is vir die implementering van windenergiebronne. Hierdie ontwikkelinge in die plaaslike windenergie mark skep ’n behoefte aan plaaslike kennis op die gebied van windenergie, asook die behoefte vir ’n doeltreffende wyse vir die modellering en analisering van windturbine stelsels en netwerk integrasie vir plaaslike werkskondisies. Alhoewel die betrokke model topologieë reeds goed gevestig is, is die verkryging van toepaslike parameter waardes vanuit eerste beginsels steeds problematies. Sommige parameters is ook afhanklik van die werkskondisies en kan die beste bepaal word deur gebruik te maak van parameter estimasie metodologieë vanaf terrein metings. Een van die doelwitte van die projek is om ondersoek in te stel na die moontlikheid om die stelsel parameter waardes te verkry deur parameter estimasie toe te pas op ’n windturbine stelsel. Die modelle wat gebruik word vir die parameter estimasie prosesse benodig vinnige simulasie tye. Daarom is basiese C-kode S-funksie modelle vir die komponente van windturbine stelsels, d.w.s., die wind turbine lemme, ratkas en generator, ontwikkel en saamgestel as ’n Simulink biblioteek. Die komponente in hierdie biblioteek was toe gebruik vir die parameter estimasie proses. Die ontwikkelde modelle sowel as die hele windturbine stelsel model was gevalideer en hul werksverrigting geëvalueer, deur dit te vergelyk met bestaande Simulink blok modelle. Hierdie modelle het almal getoon dat hulle akkuraat is en het almal ’n vermindering in simulasie tyd getoon. Die beginsel van parameter estimasie wat uitgevoer word op C-kode S-funksie modelle, is bewys deur gevallestudies wat op die individuele modelle en die hele windturbine stelsel model uitgevoer was. Die geperturbeerde elemente van die kragkoëffisiënt-matriks arameter van die individuele turbine lemme model se waardes het 100% akkuraatheid geëstimeer. Die individuele ratkas model se parameter waardes was almal akkuraat geëstimeer, met foute kleiner as 2.5%. Die individuele generator modelle se parameter waardes was akkuraat geëstimeer vir die ABC model, met foute kleiner as 4%, en minder akkuraat vir die DQ model, met foute kleiner as 13%. Die resultate wat verkry is van die estimasie wat uitgevoer is op die volledige windturbine stelsel model, het getoon dat die parameter waardes van die ratkas model en die generator model akkuraat geëstimeer word, wanneer die stelsel model onderskeidelik deur ’n trap in die hoeksnelheid en trappe in die amplitude van die stator spannings geperturbeer word. ’n Finale estimasie het getoon dat ’n kombinasie van ratkas en generator parameter waardes akkuraat geëstimeer kan word as die model deur beide die trap in hoeksnelheid en die trappe in die amplitude van die stator spannings geperturbeer word.

Kvantifiering av föroreningstillskott från dagvatten inom skyddsområdet för Göta Älv : en simuleringsstudie med modellen SEWSYS / Quantification of Stormwater Pollutant Contribution within the Protection Area of River Göta Älv  : a simulation Study with the Model SEWSYS

Eliasson, Mikaela January 2004 (has links)
<p>The river Göta Älv reaches between Vänern and Gothenburg and is the main raw water source for Gothenburg that supplies about 700 000 people with water. To protect and maintain a high water quality, continuously samples and water analyses are made throughout the river. In 1998 a protection area was founded between surte and Lärjeholm where the raw water intake is. This was made to increase the awareness of the importance to protect the water. However, there is a lot of contribution of untreated stormwater to Göta Älv within the protection area.</p><p>Göteborg Water and Sewage Works commissioned this thesis where two areas, Tagene industrial area and Kärra residential area, with untreated stormwater outlets within the protection area are studied. The areas have been divided according to surface composition with different rates of pollutant contribution. Then the stormwater flow and the contribution of pollutants was simulated with the model SEWSYS. The future aim is that the model will be able to simulate the contribution of pollutants for a variety of rains, for the whole protection area.</p><p>SEWSYS (Sewer System) is built in MATLAB/Simulink and consists of three modules, a stormwater module, a sanitary wastewater module and a treatment plant module. This project only includes the stormwater module. The model simulates the stormwater flow and the pollutants total phosphorous, total nitrogen, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Samples and analysis for the two areas has been carried out for another thesis work during the same period. The results from those analyses have been used for the model settings for the areas.</p><p>Simulations have been performed to adjust the model and evaluate its ability to describe the stormwater flow and the pollutant contribution within the areas. The amount of stormwater and the runoff are well simulated by the model. However, the measured and analysed data has not been enough to get reliable simulations over the pollutant contribution. Further development of the model is necessary. Generally the model simulates lower values compared to measured values, especially in the industrial area. For a more general understanding over how SEWSYS works for the two areas, simulations were carried out on a yearly basis. Those simulations have been compared with general data for stormwater pollutants. Even though the results from the simulations have shown lower values than the measured values, the model shows clearly that the contribution of pollutants from the industrial site is greater than the contribution from the residential site.</p> / <p>Göta Älv sträcker sig från Vänern ner till Göteborg och är Göteborgs huvudsakliga råvattentäkt som försörjer ca 700 000 personer med vatten dagligen. För att säkra råvattenkvaliteten görs kontinuerliga provtagningar utmed älven. Dessutom beslutade Länsstyrelsen 1998 om ett skyddsområde med skyddsföreskrifter för avrinningsområdet mellan Surte i norr till vattenintaget vid Lärjeholm i söder. Ett mål med skyddsområdet är att det ska öka medvetenheten hos boende och de som är verksamma inom området om behovet att värna om vårt vatten. Dock leds det på flera ställen ut orenat dagvatten till älven inom skyddsområdet.</p><p>Examensarbetet är ett uppdrag av Göteborgs Va-verk där två områden med orenade dagvattenutsläpp till Göta Älv studeras, Tagene industriområde samt Kärra bostadsområde. Dessa områden har karterats och dagvattenflödet samt föroreningsbelastningen från dagvattnet har simulerats med modellen SEWSYS. Målet på lång sikt är att modellen ska kunna användas för att simulera föroreningsbelastningen vid olika regn för hela skyddsområdet.</p><p>Modellen SEWSYS (Sewer System) är uppbyggd i MATLAB/Simulink och bygger på tre moduler, en dagvattenmodul, en spillvattenmodul och en reningsverksmodul. För detta projekt har endast delen för dagvatten använts. Modellen simulerar dagvattenflödet och behandlar föroreningarna totalfosfor, totalkväve, koppar, zink, bly, kadmium samt polycykliska aromatiska kolväten (PAH). I ett examensarbete parallellt med detta har provtagning och analyser av föroreningar för de båda områdena ägt rum och dessa värden ligger till grund för inställningen av modellen.</p><p>Simuleringar har utförts för att anpassa modellen samt utvärdera dess förmåga att beskriva dagvattenflödet och föroreningsbelastningen inom de aktuella områdena. Simuleringarna visar att avrinningen och dagvattenflödet simuleras bra av modellen. Det har dock visat sig att de gjorda mätningarna inte har varit tillräckliga som underlag för att få en tillförlitlig beskrivning av föroreningsbelastningen och vidare utveckling är nödvändig. Detta gäller särskilt i industriområdet där modellen generellt simulerar för låga föroreningsmängder. För en mer allmän uppfattning av SEWSYS modellen för de två områdena, har även simuleringar på årsbasis utförts och jämförts med schablonhalter för dagvattenföroreningar. Trots att simuleringsvärdena har legat lägre än de uppmätta värdena på föroreningsmängderna har det gått att visa att industriområdet bidrar till högre föroreningsbelastning än bostadsområdet på recipienten Göta Älv.</p>

Educational Modeling for Fault Analysis of Power Systems with STATCOM Controllers using Simulink

Brockhoeft, Tetiana 18 December 2014 (has links)
The analysis of power systems under fault condition represents one of the most important and complex tasks in power engineering. The study and detection of these faults are necessary to ensure that the reliability and stability of the power system do not suffer a decrement as a result of a critical event such as fault. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and to present an educational tool for students to model FACTS devices using Simulink. Furthermore, the development of this thesis provides the means for students to model different types of faults. The development is based on presenting a power system – the Test System - by its simplest form including generation, transmission, transformers, loads and STATCOM device as an example of the general FACTS devices. The thesis includes modeling of the Test System using Simulink and MATLAB program to produce the results for further analysis. The findings and development included in the thesis is intended to serve as an educational tool for students interested in the study of faults and their impact on FACTS devices. Students may use the thesis as the building block for developing models of larger and more complex power systems using Simulink and MATLAB programs for further study of impacts of FACTS devices in power systems.

Desenvolvimento da ferramenta MS2PSOC: Tradução de modelos descritos no matlab/simulink para o ambiente psoc creator /

Almeida, Alexandre Araujo Amaral de. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Alexandre César Rodrigues da Silva / Banca: Carlos Antonio Alves / Banca: Tércio Alberto dos Santos Filho / Resumo: Usualmente, realiza-se a modelagem de um sistema no Simulink e, posteriormente, no PSoC Creator para implement ́a-lo no hardware PSoC. Neste trabalho apresenta-se a ferramenta computacional denominada MS 2 PSoC que analisa um modelo desenvolvido em alto n ́ıvel de abstra ̧c a ̃ o no ambiente Matlab/Simulink e o traduz para o ambiente PSoC Creator. A tradu ̧c a ̃ o tem por finalidade a implementa ̧c ̃ao do modelo no sistema embarcado utilizando a tecnologia PSoC. No processo de tradu ̧c a ̃ o, a ferramenta MS 2 PSoC tamb ́em gera a estrutura de arquivos necess ́aria para que o modelo traduzido seja aberto no ambiente PSoC Creator. A inova ̧c a ̃ o deste trabalho ́e permitir que o modelo possa ser simulado antes de ser implementado em hardware, haja vista que o ambiente PSoC Creator n ̃ao disp ̃oe de simulador. Como estudo de casos utilizou-se o c ́odigo de linha MLT-3, um modelo de conversor D/A Ladder R-2R e um sistema de controle de temperatura veicular. Os sistemas estudados foram implementados em hardware e avaliados, comparando-os com os resultados obtidos nas simula ̧c ̃oes no Simulink. Com os resultados obtidos concluiu- se que a ferramenta MS 2 PSoC traduz corretamente os modelos descritos no ambiente Matlab/Simulink para o ambiente PSoC Creator, automatizando a implementa ̧c a ̃ o de modelos no sistema embarcado PSoC / Abstract: Usually, a system is modeled in Simulink and later in PSoC Creator to deploy it in hardware PSoC. We present in this work a computational tool called MS 2 PSoC which analyses a model developed at a high level of abstraction in Matlab/Simulink and translates it to the PSoC Creator software. The goal of this translation is to implement the model in embedded system with PSoC technology. In the translation process, the MS 2 PSoC tool also generates the file structure needed for the translated model to be open in PSoC Creator. The innovation of this work is to allow the model to be simulated before it is implemented in hardware, given that the PSoC Creator software has no simulator. As a case study was used a MLT-3 line code, a D/A converter Ladder R-2R and a temperature control system for vehicles. The systems were implemented in PSoC hardware and evaluated by comparing them with the results obtained in the Simulink simulations. With the results it was concluded that the tool MS 2 PSoC correctly translates the models described in Matlab/Simulink environment for PSoC Creator, automating the deployment models in embedded system PSoC / Mestre

Model Based Catalyst Control

Irman, Svraka, Linus, Österdahl Wetterhag January 2019 (has links)
A one dimensional discretized model of a two brick three way catalyst (TWC) system was developed and implemented in MATLAB, Simulink and TargetLink in collaboration with Volvo Cars and Linköpings Universitet - ISY. The purpose of this thesis was to increase system understanding and create a model based TWC control for further development at Volvo Cars. A total of 50 states were modelled, including emission concentrations (O2, CO, C3H6, C3H8, H2, NOx, CO2, H2O), temperature and oxygen buffer level (OBL). A model based control structure was implemented in the form of five separate PID-controllers enabling possibilities to control the OBL of each separate slice of each brick individually and through simple reference handling. The control structures includes anti-windup, feedforward control and feedback safety for model reset during sensor indication of leakage. Specific equipment and software used included MATLAB, Simulink, TargetLink, Volvo SULEV30 TWC and testing rigs. Overall increase in system understanding was achieved in comparison with contemporary TWC modelling and control, as well as sufficient system performance in regard to estimate emissions, simulation duration and pedagogical value. Concluding thoughts of the thesis revolve the complexity of the actual TWC modelling, parameter estimation as well as control. The model presented in this thesis has great potential of describing TWC systems but with great effort during parameter estimation. With ECU performance available in temporary vehicle production year 2019, a complex model may be combined with a simple control strategy whilst a simple model may be combined with a complex control strategy.

Ferramenta para modelagem de sistemas de comunicação. / Tool for modeling communication systems.

Zapata, Catalina 06 August 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma ferramenta para a simulação de sistemas de comunicação utilizando modelos em alto nível para cada um dos blocos empregados. A ferramenta é baseada em modelos comportamentais de blocos de Radio Freqüência (RF), o que reduz custos, tempo de simulação e permite um rápido diagnóstico de problemas precoces no projeto de um sistema de comunicação sem fio. O desenvolvimento de blocos, como o LNA (Low Noise Amplifier), o MIXER, o LO (Oscillator Local) e o PA (Power Amplifier), facilita a implementação de qualquer arquitetura de Transmissão e de Recepção. Para isso foram levados em consideração efeitos de ruído, não linearidade e ganho no modelo dos blocos. Com isto se espera que a ferramenta ajude no projeto de circuitos integrados de um sistema de blocos em cascata, onde o usuário possa selecionar, configurar e simular o sistema. Na utilização da ferramenta é indispensável um conhecimento prévio das características e especificações em nível de sistema. Assim, se poderão fazer mudanças nos parâmetros de blocos, que permitirá então analisar compromissos existentes entre ruído, ganho e distorção do sinal através de todo o caminho, antes mesmo de se ter uma resposta definitiva. A ferramenta de simulação é implementada em Simulink, que é um pacote (toolbox) de Matlab, amplamente utilizado no desenvolvimento de algoritmos e blocos de comunicação. A interação e ambiente gráfico da ferramenta facilitam o uso pelas pessoas envolvidas direta e indiretamente com o projeto de circuitos. Finalmente, para verificar a ferramenta desenvolvida foi feito um estudo de caso, onde se modelou e simulou o padrão Bluetooth. / This work presents a tool for the simulation of Communication Systems using macromodels for each block used. The tool is based on behavioral models of Radio Frequency (RF) blocks, which minimize cost, simulation time and allows a fast determination of problems in the early phases of the design of a Wireless Communication System. The development of blocks like the LNA (Low Noise Amplifier), the MIXER, the LO (Local Oscillator) and the PA (Power Amplifier), helps to implement any architecture for transmission and reception. For that, the effects of noise, non-linearity and gain in the behavioral model of the blocks were considered. With this, it is expected that the tool will help the design of integrated circuits of a system with cascade blocks, where the user can select, set up and simulate the system. In order to use the tool, previous knowledge of the characteristics and specifications of the system is necessary. In this way, it will be possible to change the parameters of blocks, allowing the analysis of tradeoffs between noise, gain and distortion of the signal through the system, before having a definite answer. The tool is implemented in Simulink, which is a toolbox of Matlab, normally used in the development of communication blocks and algorithms. The graphic environment of the tool allows a straightforward use for people involved directly or indirectly with the Circuit Design. Finally, in order to verify the developed tool, a case study was performed where the Bluetooth standard was modeled and simulated.

Análise transitória de faltas em geradores de indução duplamente alimentados no contexto da energia eólica. / Transient fault analysis of doubly fed induction generator in the context of wind energy.

Bruno Harllen Pontes da Silva 30 January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga o comportamento transitório da topologia de turbina eólica baseada em Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) ao simular faltas nos terminais do estator e rotor da máquina. Um modelo DFIG foi simulado no software Matlab/Simulink utilizando uma fonte de tensão com equivalente de Thévenin para simular a rede elétrica, um transformador de interface, uma máquina de indução de 2,0MVA e conversores fonte de tensão de dois níveis VSC conectados na topologia back-to-back. O controle dos conversores foi concebido a partir da estratégia de controle vetorial utilizando controladores PI projetados a partir do Método Ótimo Simétrico. A proteção crowbar e proteção de corrente dos conversores também foram implementados na simulação e depois validados para simular o comportamento aproximado do sistema DFIG real e, assim, verificar o comportamento transitório do DFIG no momento de faltas monofásicas, bifásicas e trifásicas nos terminais da máquina. Essa pesquisa possibilitou analisar o transitório eletromagnético a partir de gráficos de grandezas coletadas em vários pontos do sistema no momento dos disturbios, permitindo mostrar a influência do conversor back-to-back no comportamento do sistema, além de proporcionar uma base teórica do modelamento dinâmico, detalhar o projeto de controle do conversor back-to-back e projetar duas das principais proteções do sistema DFIG. Para isso, foi simulado seis casos de falta nos terminais da máquina, coletado gráficos e feito análises detalhadas do comportamento de nove grandezas distintas. Este trabalho proporciona uma base teórica do modelamento dinâmico, detalhamento do projeto de controle do conversor back-to-back, projeto de duas das principais proteções do sistema DFIG e análise do comportamento dinâmico do sistema máquina-conversores no momento de distúrbios. / This work investigates the behavior of the topology of the wind turbine based on Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) when simulating faults in the stator and rotor machine terminations. A DFIG model was simulated in the Matlab / Simulink software using a Thevenin voltage source equivalent to simulate an electrical network, an interface transformer, a 2,0MVA induction machine and two-level VSC voltage source converters connected in the back-to-back topology. The converter\'s control was conceived from the vector control strategy using PI controllers tuned with Symmetric Optimum Method. The crowbar protection and current protection of the inverters were also implemented in the simulation and then validated to simulate the approximate behavior of the real DFIG system and then to verify the transient behavior of the DFIG at the moment of singlephase, two-phase and three-phase faults at the machine terminals. This research makes it possible to analyze the electromagnetic transient from graphs of quantities collected at various points of the system at the time of the disturbances, allowing to show the influence of the back-to-back converter on the behavior of the system, in addition to a theoretical basis of dynamic modeling, detailing the control design of the back-to-back converter and designing two of the main DFIG system protections. For this, six fault cases were simulated at the machine terminals, collected graphs and performed detailed analyzes of the behavior of nine different quantities. This work provides a theoretical basis for dynamic modeling, detailing the control design of the back-to-back converter, designing two of the main protections of the DFIG system and analyzing the dynamic behavior of the machine-converter system at the time of disturbances. The objective of this investigation is to discover information still scarce in the literature about the transient behavior of the DFIG topology, including the generating unit, CC link and converters at the moment of internal faults to the system.

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