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A comparison of the effect of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and SpermSlow on human spermatozoaNel, Marlize 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2105. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), as well as other micromanipulation assisted reproductive technology methods, such as physiologic ICSI (PICSI) and intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI), are routinely used in many fertility laboratories around the world. An integral part of these methods is the manipulation of spermatozoa in preparation of the injection into the oocyte. It is common practice to place prepared spermatozoa in a viscous holding medium to facilitate the handling, manipulation and slowdown of spermatozoon movement during the immobilization and injection processes of ICSI. The possible effect of these holding mediums on basic semen parameters, as well as the sperm deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and structural integrity of spermatozoa, is of importance.
Hamilton Thorne IVOS® developed an automated software solution for live sperm morphology evaluation under high magnification, called IMSI StrictTM. It combines Tygerberg Strict Criteria morphological classification of human spermatozoa with motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME) and provides software-based categorization. The IMSI StrictTM software was developed to aid in the IMSI spermatozoon selection process that enables objective classification of spermatozoa to remove inter-technician variation. For good optics and spermatozoon evaluation in IMSI StrictTM, spermatozoa need to be moving very slowly or be immotile, but still viable. This can be achieved by placing spermatozoa in a viscous holding medium, either polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) or SpermSlowTM, sometimes for a substantial time period. Before marketing the clinical use of IMSI StrictTM, the possible toxicity or deleterious effect of PVP and SpermSlowTM on spermatozoa needs to be excluded.
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of PVP and SpermSlowTM on human spermatozoa after different exposure times using a viability stain, CASA motility and kinetic parameters, chromatin packaging analysis (CMA3 staining analysis) and DNA fragmentation analysis (TUNEL analysis). The secondary objective was to evaluate the effect of PVP and SpermSlowTM on human spermatozoa‟s ultrastructure with Transmission Electron Microscopy.
This prospective analytical study was conducted at Drs Aevitas Fertility Clinic (Vincent Pallotti Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa) as well as the Fertility Unit at Tygerberg Hospital (Cape Town, South Africa) between July 2013 and October 2014. A total of 90 separate (no duplication) semen samples were analysed for the quantitative analysis (primary objective) and 1 sample for the descriptive analysis (secondary objective).
Results showed that although PVP and SpermSlowTM treated sperm outcomes often differed significantly after typical statistical analysis, clinically these two mediums were shown to be equivalent (using a specific statistical test for equivalence) for the tested outcomes. PVP and SpermSlowTM had no detrimental effect clinically on sperm viability, motility parameters, chromatin packaging and DNA fragmentation rate. The secondary investigation indicated that SpermSlowTM might exert a disintegrating effect on various sperm membranes, and as a secondary consequence of the eventual necrotic process, alteration of chromatin and cytoskeletal components. PVP medium on the other hand did not show these disintegrating effects. This finding needs to be further investigated since only one semen sample was evaluated.
Based on this study‟s results, either PVP or SpermSlowTM can be used for IMSI StrictTM purposes. However, the study did not include the technical aspects of the usage of PVP and SpermSlowTM. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Intrasitoplasmiese sperm inspuiting (ICSI), sowel as ander mikro-manipulasie voortplantings tegnieke, soos fisiologiese ICSI (PICSI) en intrasitoplasmiese morfologies geselekteerde sperm inspuiting (IMSI), word in baie fertiliteitsklinieke regoor die wêreld gebruik. 'n Integrale deel van hierdie metodes is die manipulasie van spermatosoa ter voorbereiding van die inspuitproses. Dit is algemeen om voorbereide spermatosoa in 'n viskose medium te plaas om die hantering, manipulasie en vertraging van spermatosoön beweging tydens die immobilisasie en inspuitproses van ICSI te fasiliteer. Die effek van hierdie mediums op basiese semenparameters, sowel as die sperm deoksiribonukleïensuur (DNS) en strukturele integriteit van spermatosoa, is van belang.
Hamilton Thorne IVOS® het 'n sagteware oplossing, IMSI StrictTM, vir lewende sperm morfologie evaluering onder hoë vergroting ontwikkel. Hierdie sagteware bied sagteware-gebaseerde morfologiese klassifikasie deur die Tygerberg streng kriteria morfologiese klassifikasie met beweeglike spermorganel morfologie ondersoek (MSOME) te kombineer. Die IMSI StrictTM sagteware is ontwikkel om die objektiewe klassifikasie van spermatosoa vir IMSI spermatosoön seleksie moontlik te maak. Spermatosoa moet baie stadig beweeg of immotiel, maar steeds lewensvatbaar wees om goeie optika en spermatosoön evaluering vir IMSI StrictTM te verseker. Dit sal bereik kan word deur spermatosoa in 'n viskose medium, hetsy PVP (“polyvinylpyrrolidone”) of SpermSlowTM, vir 'n aansienlike tydperk te inkubeer. Voordat IMSI StrictTM vir kliniese gebruik bemark kan word moet die moontlike toksisiteit of nadelige effek van PVP en SpermSlowTM op spermatosoa uitgesluit word.
Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om die effek van PVP en SpermSlowTM op menslike spermatosoa na verskillende inkubasie tye te evalueer deur ʼn lewensvatbaarheid kleuring toets, twee sperm DNS toetse (CMA3 en TUNEL) en rekenaar geëvalueerde sperm beweeglikheid toetse te gebruik. Die sekondêre doel was om die effek van PVP en SpermSlowTM op menslike spermatosoa se ultrastruktuur deur middel van Transmissie Elektronmikroskopie te evalueer. Hierdie studie is by Drs Aevitas Fertiliteitskliniek (Vincent Pallotti Hospitaal, Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika) sowel as die Fertiliteitseenheid by Tygerberg Hospitaal (Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika) tussen Julie 2013 en Oktober 2014 uitgevoer. 'n Totaal van 90 semenmonsters vir die kwantitatiewe analise (primêre doel) en een vir die beskrywende analise (sekondêre doel) is ontleed.
Resultate het getoon dat alhoewel PVP en SpermSlowTM geïnkubeerde spermuitkomste dikwels na ʼn tipiese statistiese analise betekenisvol verskil, hierdie twee mediums vir die geëvalueerde uitkomste klinies ekwivalent (bepaal deur middel van spesifieke statistiese toetse vir ekwivalensie) is. Die mediums het ook nie klinies 'n nadelige effek op sperm lewensvatbaarheid, beweeglikheid parameters, chromatien verpakking en DNS fragmentasie koers getoon nie. Die sekondêre ondersoek het getoon dat SpermSlowTM hoofsaaklik 'n effek van disintegrasie op verskeie spermmembrane getoon het. Hierdie nekrotiese proses kan lei tot verandering van chromatien en sitoskelet komponente. PVP medium het egter nie dieselfde disintegrerende effek getoon nie. Hierdie bevinding moet egter verder ondersoek word, aangesien slegs een semenmonster geëvalueer is.
Alhoewel hierdie studie nie die tegniese aspekte van die gebruik van PVP en SpermSlowTM geëvalueer het nie, kan aanbeveel word dat óf PVP óf SpermSlowTM op grond van geëvalueerde uitkomste tydens die IMSI StrictTM sperm seleksie proses gebruik word.
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The effect of solubilized homologous zona pellucida on the human acrosome reaction, sperm-zona binding and motion characteristics of capacitated human spermatozoaBastiaan, Hadley Saville 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: CHAPTER 1 provides literature based background information to emphasize the use of a sequential,
multistep diagnostic schedule for couples in an assisted reproductive program as well as the clinical
importance of sperm morphology as recorded by strict criteria during the diagnostic approach of the
infertile couple. Furthermore, the chapter includes evidence underlining the growing need for the
implementation of the physiologically induced acrosome reaction as an important contribution to the
assisted reproductive program. The zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction (ZIAR), sperm-zona
interaction as well as computer-assisted semen analyses were investigated. CHAPTER 2 provides
detailed experimental protocols of the materials and methods used in the study. CHAPTERS 3-6 each
represent a separate study that was prepared as a scientific paper and encompass the experimental
research undertaken in the reproductive biology research laboratory at Tygerberg Hospital to address
important aspects of human acrosome processes. In the first study, we aimed to evaluate the
regulatory role of the Gi-like protein during the AR of normal sperm donors and the role of intact
acrosomes during sperm-zona binding. It seems that pertussis toxin-sensitive Gi-like protein in human
spermatozoa plays an important regulatory role in the ZIAR and this underlines the importance of
intact acrosomes during sperm-zona binding. In the second study, we aimed to evaluate the
relationship between the ZIAR and the percentage normal spermatozoa as well as the sperm-ZP
binding potential among men referred for a routine semen analysis. ZIAR testing should become part
of the second level of male fertility investigations, i.e., sperm functional testing, since 15% of the
andrology referrals revealed an impaired AR response to solubilized ZP. In the third study, we aimed
to evaluate the possible relationships between the sperm morphology, the acrosome responsiveness to
solubulized human ZP and the sperm-zona binding potential among consecutive andrology referrals
and randomly selected IVF cases. ZIAR results provide further information regarding dysfunctional
sperm and can be used as an additional diagnostic test since the results predicted fertilization failure
during IVF treatment. In the fourth study, we aimed to evaluate changes in the sperm motion
characteristics and the occurrence of hyperactivated motility after exposure to ZP among andrology
referrals. Solubilized human ZP induces hyperactivated motility among sperm populations that have
been capacitated under laboratory conditions. Capacitated spermatozoa have an elevated percentage
hyperactivated cells that correlate with the percentage normal spermatozoa in the ejaculate.
CHAPTER 7, the general discussion, is brief and concise to avoid unnecessary repetition, underlines
the validity of a sequential, multistep diagnostic approach and concludes with the recommendation that
the ZIAR should form part of the diagnostic tools in the assisted reproductive program. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: HOOFSTUK 1 bestaan uit ’n omvattende agtergrondstudie wat bestaan uit die ontwikkeling van
diagnostiese toetse, die hantering van die egpaar in die reproduktiewe ondersteunings-program asook
op die kliniese belang van spermmorfologie. Die toenemende behoefte aan die implementering van die
fisiologies-geinduseerde akrosoomreaksie, as ’n belangrike bydrae tot die reproduktiewe
ondersteuningsprogram, word ook beklemtoon. Die zona pellucida geinduseerde akrosoomreaksie
(ZIAR), sperm-zonabinding asook rekenaar-bemiddelde semenanalises is ondersoek. HOOFSTUK 2
dek gedetailleerde eksperimentele protokolle van die materiale en metodes wat in die studie gebruik is.
HOOFSTUKKE 3-6 behandel die eksperimentele navorsing wat in die laboratorium van die
reproduktiewe biologie-eenheid te Tygerberg hospitaal uitgevoer is en wat as ses afsonderlike
wetenskaplike publikasies aangebied word. Die doel van die eerste studie was om die regulerende rol
van Gi-proteiene tydens die AR van normale spermdonors asook die rol van intakte akrosome tydens
sperm-zonabinding te evalueer. Dit kom voor asof Gj-protei'ene in spermatozoa ’n belangrike
regulerende rol in die ZIAR speel. Dit beklemtoon die belangrikheid van intakte akrosome tydens
sperm-zonabinding. Die doel van die tweede studie was om die verhouding tussen die ZIAR en die
persentasie normale spermatozoa asook die sperm-zonabindingspotensiaal tussen mans wat vir ’n
roetine semenanalise verwys is te evalueer. ZIAR-toetsing moet deel uitmaak van die tweede vlak van
manlike fertiliteitsondersoeke, d.w.s. funksionele toetsing, aangesien 15% van die andrologie pasiente
’n verswakte AR respons tot opgeloste ZP openbaar. In die derde studie was die doel om die
moontlike verhoudinge tussen sperm-morfologie, die ZIAR en die sperm-zonabindingspotensiaal
onder opeenvolgende andrologie-pasiente asook lukraak geselekteerde IVB-pasiente te evalueer. Die
ZIAR-resultate bied verdere informasie aangaande disfunksionele spermatozoa en kan gebruik word as
’n addisionele diagnostiese toets aangesien hierdie resultate mislukte bevrugting tydens IVB
behandeling voorspel. Die vierde studie het ten doel gehad om veranderinge in spermmotiliteitseienskappe
asook hiperaktiwiteit na die blootstelling aan opgeloste zona onder andrologiepasiente
te evalueer. Daar is afgelei dat opgeloste menslike zona hiperaktiwiteit induseer in
spermpopulasies wat onder gunstige laboratoriumkondisies gekapasiteer is. Die gekapasiteerde
spermatozoa het ’n verhoogde persentasie gehiperaktiveerde spermatozoa getoon wat met die
persentasie normale spermatozoa in die ejakulaat korreleer. In HOOFSTUK 7 word aangetoon dat dit
noodsaaklik is om die diagnostiese skedule by die hantering van die onvrugbare egpaar te gebruik
asook dat die ontwikkeling van die funksionele toestand belangrik is vir die bepaling van ZIAR.
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Studies on the secretion of macromolecules by the mammalianepididymis, their interaction with spermatozoa and their roles insperm maturation曾潤福, Tsang, Yun-fuk, Angus. January 1983 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Physiology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Regulation of spermatogenesis in the microenvironment of the rat seminiferous epithelium: the roles of cellpolarity proteinsWong, Wai-pung, Elissa., 黃懷芃. January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Biological Sciences / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Regulation of Volume by Spermatozoa and Its Significance for Conservation BiologyBarfield, Jennifer 08 August 2007 (has links)
Reproductive science plays an important role in conservation biology. Quantitative studies of basic reproductive biology in wildlife are critical for the development of successful assisted reproductive technologies. Investigation of the volume regulatory mechanism of spermatozoa could produce options to improve the cryopreservation of spermatozoa and provide a non-hormonal contraceptive option for men, both of which could have significant impacts on global biodiversity preservation. Volume regulation of somatic cells involves the movement of osmolytes through various channels, including potassium channels. The potassium channels involved in volume regulation of human, monkey, and murine spermatozoa were investigated. Flow cytometry was used to gauge the sensitivity of the volume regulatory process of spermatozoa to various potassium channel inhibitors and a simultaneous hypotonic challenge. Channels potentially involved in regulatory volume decrease of spermatozoa varied with species but included voltage-gated (Kv) channels 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 as well as TWIK1, TWIK2, TASK1, TASK2, TASK3, TREK2 , and minK. The presence of some of these channels was confirmed by western blotting and immunocytochemistry. Changes in the motility patterns of human and monkey spermatozoa in the presence of potassium channel inhibitors during hypotonic stress were also observed, suggesting a relationship between volume regulation and motility. To evaluate potential organic osmolytes involved in, and compare effects of CPAs on, volume regulation, the isotonicity of murine epididymal spermatozoa was measured using a null point method. Spermatozoa were then exposed to high concentrations of various osmolytes and cryoprotective agents in isotonic medium to evaluate which compounds were able to penetrate the sperm plasma membrane. The osmotic responses of spermatozoa from strains of mice known to have spermatozoa of high (B6D2F1) and low (C57BL6) post-thaw fertility were compared during various osmotic challenges in various media. These experiments indicated that spermatozoa from B6D2F1 mice may have better volume regulation capabilities than spermatozoa from C57BL6 mice, suggesting that better post-thaw fertility of murine spermatozoa could be influenced by the volume regulatory process. The knowledge gained from these experiments could contribute to improved sperm handling and preservation techniques and be used to develop non-hormonal male contraceptives based on inhibiting volume regulation.
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Parâmetros testiculares de Brycon orbignyanus (Characiformes, Characidae) em diferentes idades /Silva, Luciane Gomes da January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rosicleire Verissímo-Silveira / Resumo: Brycon orbignyanus conhecido popularmente como piracanjuba é uma espécie de interesse para piscicultura por seu comportamento agressivo, carne saborosa e crescimento rápido. Contudo a espécie encontra-se na categoria de ameaçada de extinção, devido a fragmentação do habitat com a construção de hidrelétricas, e consequente destruição do habitat, além da sobrepesca. Diante da importância desta, buscou-se compreender por meio de análises estereológicas, histológicas em conjunto com o Índice gonadossomático (IGS) as alterações e correlações dos parâmetros testiculares da espécie em 3 diferentes idades, para uma melhor compreensão do desenvolvimento reprodutivo da espécie, desde as fases iniciais. Para isso utilizou-se o índice (IGS), na determinação do período reprodutivo e suas fases. Para isso 30 exemplares de B. orbignyanus com idade de 1 a 3 anos, oriundos da Estação de Aquicultura da Usina Hidrelétrica Mário Lopes Leão, A.E.S - Tietê, localizada na cidade de Promissão-SP (21° 17′ 49″ S, 49° 47′ 0″ W), foram capturados. Após a coleta, os animais foram insensibilizados e eutanasiados em solução de benzocaína (CEUA-FEIS-UNESP Nº12/2017). Após anestesiados os testículos foram retirados, sendo posteriormente processados para microscopia de luz. Os processamentos e a análises do material biológico após a coleta foram realizadas no Laboratório de Ictiologia Neotropical - LINEO, no Departamento de Biologia e Zootecnia do campus da UNESP-FEIS de Ilha Solteira/SP. A análise histológic... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Brycon orbignyanus popularly known as piracanjuba, is a species of fish farming interest because of its aggressive behavior, delicious meat and rapid growth. the species is threatened of extinction, due to habitat fragmentation with the construction of hydroelectric, consequent habitat destruction, and overfishing. Considering the importance of this, we sought to understand, through stereological and histological analyzes, the changes and correlations of testicular parameters of the species at three different ages, together with the gonadosomatic index (GSI), for a better understanding of the reproductive development of the species, since the initial stages. For this purpose, the index (GSI) was used to determine the reproductive period and its phases. A total of 30 specimens of B. orbignyanus, aged 1 to 3 years old, were collected from the Aquaculture Station of the Mário Lopes Leão Hydroelectric Power Plant, AES - Tietê, located in the city of Promissão - SP (21 ° 17 '49 "S, 49 ° 47'0 "W). After collection, the animals were desensitized and anesthetized in benzocaine solution (CEUA-FEIS-UNESP Nº12 / 2017). After anesthesia, the testicles were removed and later processed for light microscopy. Processing and analysis of the biological material after the collection were carried out at the Neotropical Ichthyology Laboratory - LINEO, at the Biology and Animal Science Department of the UNESP-FEIS campus of Ilha Solteira / SP. Histological analysis allowed the identification of th... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Análise do perfil lipídico do sêmen bovino / Analysis of the lipid profile of bovine semenFonseca, Mariana Aparecida 09 April 2012 (has links)
A composição dos lipídeos de membrana está entre os fatores que podem influenciar a capacidade fecundante do espermatozoide. Sabidamente os lipídeos desempenham papéis indispensáveis na membrana dos espermatozoides, participando dos processos de interação entre gametas e influenciando o comportamento físico-químico dos espermatozoides durante os procedimentos de criopreservação. Estas moléculas apresentam uma ampla gama de propriedades químicas que tornam complexa a sua análise. Atualmente a espectrometria de massas (MS) por ionização e dessorção a laser assistida por matriz (MALDI) representa uma potente ferramenta para a análise de lipídeos. Assim, a proposta deste trabalho buscou verificar a ocorrência de diferença no perfil lipídico de espermatozoides bovinos obtidos por MALDI utilizado técnica de análise direta dos espermatozoides e análise após a extração lipídica pelo método de Bligh e Dyer. Além disso, este trabalho analisou o perfil lipídico de espermatozóides bovinos que receberam ou não suplementação de antioxidantes. Após coleta, lavagem e separação dos espermatozoide, estes foram submetidos à extração lipídica ou destinados íntegros à obtenção do perfil lipídico (método direto). O perfil lipídico do extrato lipídico ou de espermatozoides íntegros foi adquirido por MALDI em modo positivo e com matriz DHB (ácido dihidroxibenzoico). A análise dos dados foi realizado com o software Metaboanalist utilizando ferramentas de análise multivariada (análise de componentes principais - PCA) e de identificação de íons com intensidade diferencial entre grupos de comparação (teste t, volcano plot). Com essas análises foi possível identificar que ocorre diferença no perfil lipídico dos espermatozoides bovinos quando obtidos a partir de análise direta ou extração de lipídeos. Não foram observadas diferentes entre grupos submetidos ou não à suplementação com vitaminas. O método direto é capaz de proporcionar um perfil lipídico representativo e de fácil aquisição. / The membrane lipid composition is amongst the factors that influence the fertilization competence of the spermatozoa. It is also known that lipids play fundamental roles at spermatozoa membranes, participating in many processes, such as spermatozoaoocyte interaction and determining the physical-chemical behavior of spermatozoa membranes during cryopreservation. These molecules show a wide range of chemical properties, making complex its analysis. Currently, mass spectrometry (MS) through matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) represents a powerful tool for lipids analysis. Hence, this proposal aimed to evaluate differences in bovine spermatozoa lipid profile obtained through MALDI using direct sample analysis of spermatozoa or analysis of spermatozoa lipid extract obtained by Bligh-Dyer technique. Moreover, this proposal evaluated lipid profile of spermatozoa from bull that received or not antioxidant supplementation. After collection, washing and separation, the spermatozoa were submitted to lipid extraction or straightforward destined to lipid profile acquisition (direct method). The lipid profiles of spermatozoa lipid extracts or from whole spermatoloza were obtained by MALDI in positive mode with DHB matrix (dihydrozybenzoic acid). Data analysis was performed with Metaboanalyst software using multivariated analysis (Principal component analysis - PCA) and tools for identification of differential ions between comparison groups (t-test, volcano plot). Results show differences in spermatozoa lipid profile obtained by direct method or after lipid extraction. No differences were observed in bovine spermatozoa derived from bulls supplemented or not with vitamins. The direct method can generate a representative and easily obtained lipid profile.
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Influência do plasma seminal oriundo da fração rica do ejaculado sobre a capacitação e hiperativação espermática em sêmen suíno conservado sob refrigeração à 17°C / Influence of seminal plasma from sperm-rich fraction of ejaculate on capacitation and hyperactivation of boar sperm stored at 17 °C for 72 hoursPavaneli, Ana Paula Pinoti 03 August 2018 (has links)
A refrigeração é a forma mais utilizada para a preservação do sêmen suíno empregado na inseminação artificial. Apesar do constante aprimoramento de diluidores comerciais em favor da manutenção da viabilidade espermática, sabe-se que alterações estruturais e principalmente funcionais ocorrem nestas células em resposta às baixas temperaturas de armazenamento. Além disso, embora tais modificações muitas vezes não sejam identificadas pelas análises de rotina, seus efeitos diretos sobre a capacidade fertilizante do espermatozoide tem sido relatados. Em paralelo, uma gama de estudos buscando identificar possíveis ações do plasma seminal sobre a célula espermática in vitro gera ainda resultados bastante controversos. Diante disso, o presente trabalho buscou avaliar como a presença ou não do plasma seminal durante o processo de refrigeração pode influenciar sobre a resposta do espermatozoide suíno aos eventos de capacitação e hiperativação espermática. Para isso, após serem mantidos sobre refrigeração à 17°C por 72 horas, na presença ou não do plasma seminal, espermatozoides foram submetidos à capacitação in vitro e ao decorrer desta, avaliados quanto às características de motilidade pela análise computadorizada do sêmen; e funcionalidade celular por citometria de fluxo. Resultados obtidos à partir das análises de desordem lipídica, translocação da fosfatidilserina e permeabilidade da membrana plasmática mostraram que espermatozoides suínos refrigerados são capazes de responder à capacitação in vitro de forma semelhante, independente de prévia manutenção ou não, com o plasma seminal. Para os parâmetros de motilidade, bem como o estudo da população espermática hiperativada, foram apresentados resultados semelhantes entre ambos os grupos, o que demonstra a não influencia da prévia exposição ao plasma seminal sobre a mudança do padrão de motilidade espermática. Ainda, parâmetros qualitativos avaliados neste estudo suportam nossa afirmação de que, a ausência de contato entre o espermatozoide suíno e os componentes do plasma seminal durante seu armazenamento não reflete em qualquer efeito prejudicial sobre a qualidade espermática, além de oferecer uma maior resistência à estas células contra lesões de acrossoma (P < 0,05). Desta forma, o presente trabalho concluiu que a remoção do plasma seminal previamente ao armazenamento do espermatozoide suíno à 17 °C por 72 horas não é prejudicial à sua qualidade e funcionalidade, podendo ainda ser benéfica à sua capacidade fertilizante. / Liquid storage is the main form of preservation of boar sperm prior to its use in artificial insemination. Despite the constant improvement of commercial extenders in favor of maintaining sperm viability, it is known that structural and mainly functional alterations occur in these cells in response to low storage temperatures. Furthermore, although these modifications are often not identified by routine analyzes, their direct effects on the fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa have been reported. In view of this, in vitro studies aiming to identify possible actions of seminal plasma as modulator of sperm function have yielded controversial results. Therefore, the present work aimed to evaluate how the presence or absence of seminal plasma during liquid storage may influence the responsiveness of spermatozoa to capacitation and hyperactivation events. For this, liquid boar sperm stored at 17 °C for 72 hours in the presence or not of the seminal plasma were submitted to in vitro capacitation. During the course, sperm motility characteristics were evaluated by computer-assisted semen analysis; and sperm functionality by flow cytometry. Results obtained from lipid disorder, phosphatidylserine translocation and plasma membrane permeability analyzes have shown that liquid boar sperm stored in the presence or not of seminal plasma are able to respond to in vitro capacitation in a similar way. For motility parameters including the study of hyperactivated boar sperm, results were similar for both groups, demonstrating that previous exposure to seminal plasma was not able to influence on sperm motility pattern. In addition, semen quality parameters evaluated in this study support our current observations that the absence of contact between spermatozoa and components of seminal plasma during liquid storage does not reflect any detrimental effect on sperm quality, besides offering greater resistance to these cells against acrosome damages (P < 0.05). Therefore, the present study concluded that the removal of seminal plasma prior to liquid storage of boar spermatozoa at 17 °C for 72 hours is not detrimental to its quality and functionality, and may still be beneficial to its fertilizing capacity.
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Avaliação reprodutiva e congelação de sêmen em serpentes / Reproductive evaluation and semen cryopreservation in snakesZacariotti, Rogério Loesch 12 December 2008 (has links)
Os répteis compõem hoje uma classe com mais de 8.000 espécies e em razão das restrições na importação desses animais, o risco na introdução de doenças exóticas, o crescente número de espécies ameaçadas no mundo, entre outros, a reprodução e a manutenção em cativeiro desses animais é muito importante. No Sul da Califórnia, que é considerado um Hotspot para a biodiversidade, a Zoological Society of San Diego mantém uma reserva ecológica com aproximadamente 400 hectares e formada por vegetação tipo Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub e áreas cobertas por cactos (Opuntia sp.). Durante o período de junho de 2005 a julho de 2006 foram capturadas 96 cascavéis das espécies Crotalus ruber ruber, C. oreganus helleri e C. mitchellii phyrrus, durante os trabalhos de campo pela procura visual limitada por tempo. Foram realizadas avaliações morfológicas e reprodutivas em todas essas serpentes capturadas. Nos machos realizou-se a colheita e avaliação de sêmen, incluindo duas colorações específicas para avaliar integridade de membrana espermática e do acrossoma. Nas fêmeas foi realizada a avaliação ultra-sonográfica dos ovários, com mensuração e contagem de folículos, além do diagnóstico de gestação. Para a C. ruber ruber, a serpente mais abundante neste estudo, foram observadas fêmeas prenhes no verão e vitelogênicas na primavera, outono e inverno. Apenas as fêmeas desta espécie com condição corporal boa ou muito boa apresentaram-se vitelogênicas ou prenhes. Nos machos dentre as características seminais avaliadas, não foi observada a diferença estatisticamente significante ao longo das estações do ano. Em paralelo a este estudo, também foram testados protocolos para a congelação de sêmen de serpentes, com a obtenção de resultados promissores, discutidos em capítulo específico. As informações obtidas neste estudo visam contribuir para a compreensão da biologia reprodutiva e conservação das serpentes, em cativeiro ou vida-livre. / There are more than 8,000 reptile species in world. Today´s restrictions to importation of these species around world, the risk of introduction of exotic diseases, the growing number of endangered reptiles, among other reasons, emphasize the importance of reproduction in captivity and ex-situ conservation. South California is a Hotspot for biodiversity and the Zoological Society of San Diego maintains a nature preserve in Escondido City. In an area of about 400 hectares, composed by vegetation types like Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub, it has been found the greatest diversity of snake in region. Between May 2005 and July 2006, 96 rattlesnakes of species Crotalus ruber ruber, C. oreganus helleri and C. mitchellii phyrrus were captured by active searching during field work. In the Laboratory of Reproductive Physiology the snakes were measured, weighted, and marked the captured snakes. We evaluated their body condition, collected and evaluated semen from males and performed ultrasound exams in females. Snakes were released up to 24 hours after capture. The Crotalus ruber ruber studied initiated vitellogenesis in fall, courtship and mating occurred in spring and gravid snake were observed in spring and summer. Only females with a good or very good body condition were in secondary vitellogenesis or gravid. There were no statistical differences in seminal parameters among season in males of the Crotalus ruber ruber. Protocols to freeze snake´s semen were tested in this study, with positive results that are discussed in specific chapter. This study results contribute to understand of snake´s biology of reproduction and in or ex-situ conservation.
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Relações entre a bioquímica sérica e do plasma seminal com as alterações espermáticas de touros Nelore com degeneração testicular / Relationships between serum and seminal plasma biochemistry with sperm alterations of Nellore bulls with testicular degenerationVinicius José Moreira Nogueira 20 July 2018 (has links)
No presente trabalho estudou-se o perfil bioquímico do plasma seminal bem como o perfil metabólico de touros Nelore com degeneração testicular. O estudo está apresentado em dois artigos. No Artigo 1, o objetivo foi investigar alguns metabólitos do plasma seminal de touros da raça Nelore para caracterizar valores e avaliar sua relação com as características espermáticas. Foram realizadas 14 colheitas seminais, com intervalos semanais, de 11 touros (n=154). O sêmen foi avaliado para motilidade, vigor, concentração, integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal, potencial de membrana mitocondrial, morfologia e pH. O plasma seminal foi submetido às avaliações metabólicas de proteína total, albumina, gama glutamil transferase (GGT), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e fosfatase alcalina (FA). Os dados foram analisados no programa do Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute Inc., 2004), sendo realizadas estatística descritiva e análise de correlação de Pearson, o nível de significância considerado foi de 5%. Os valores dos metabólitos encontrados no plasma seminal foram descritos e podem ser utilizados como referência para touros Nelore. Também se pode concluir que há relação entre o perfil metabólico do plasma seminal e as características espermáticas. No Artigo 2, o objetivo foi investigar a bioquímica séria e do plasma seminal de touros Nelore com degeneração testicular. Para isso, foram utilizados 22 touros, que foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo Controle (CON; n=11) e Grupo Degeneração (DEG; n=11). Foram realizadas 14 colheitas de sêmen, e 21 colheitas de sangue com intervalos semanais. As avaliações seminais e do plasma seminal foram as mesmas realizadas no estudo do artigo 1 e o sangue foi avaliado quanto às concentrações de proteína total, albumina, fibrinogênio, GGT, AST, creatina-quinase (CK), glicose, lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL), colesterol, triglicérides, beta-hidroxibutirato (BHB) e ácidos graxos não esterificados (NEFA). Os dados foram submetidos à Análise de Variância, sendo adicionado o fator medidas repetidas no tempo, utilizando-se o comando REPEATED gerado pelo PROC MIXED do SAS, com nível de significância de 5%. Pode-se afirmar que a degeneração testicular em touros Nelore causa elevação de pH do sêmen, bem como elevação da concentração de ALT e diminuição nas concentrações de GGT e FA no plasma seminal. Em relação às proteínas de fase aguda, a degeneração testicular causa diminuição na concentração de albumina. Em adição, este insulto local não altera os metabólitos séricos em touros Nelore. / In the present work the biochemical profile of the seminal plasma and the metabolic profile of Nelore bulls with testicular degeneration were studied. The study was presented in two articles. First in article 1, the objective was to investigate some seminal plasma metabolites of Nellore bulls to characterize values and evaluate their relation with sperm characteristics. Fourteen seed samples were taken, with weekly intervals, of 11 bulls (n = 154). Semen was evaluated for motility, vigor, concentration, plasmatic and acrosomal membrane integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential, morphology and pH. Seminal plasma was submitted to metabolic assessments of total protein, albumin, gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (AP). Data were analyzed by the Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute Inc., 2004), with descriptive statistics and Pearson\'s correlation analysis performed, the level of significance considered was 5%. The values of the seminal plasma metabolites found have been described and can be used as reference for Nellore bulls. It can also be concluded that there is a relation between the metabolic profile of seminal plasma and sperm characteristics. In Article 2, the objective was to investigate the seric biochemistry and seminal plasma of Nellore bulls with testicular degeneration. For this, 22 bulls were used, which were distributed in two groups: Control Group (CON; n = 11) and Degeneration Group (DEG; n = 11). There were 14 semen crops and 21 weekly blood sampling. Seminal and seminal plasma evaluations were the same as those performed in the study of article 1 and blood was evaluated for total protein, albumin, fibrinogen, GGT, AST, creatine-kinase (CK), glucose, high density lipoprotein (HDL), cholesterol, triglycerides, beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). The data were submitted to Variance Analysis, adding the factor measures repeated in time, using the REPEATED command generated by PROC MIXED of the SAS, with significance level of 5%. It can be affirmed that testicular degeneration in Nellore bulls causes elevation of semen pH, as well as elevation of ALT concentration and decrease in GGT and AF concentrations in seminal plasma. In relation to acute phase proteins, testicular degeneration causes a decrease in albumin concentration. In addition, this local insult does not alter serum metabolites in Nellore bulls.
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