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Penalty methods for the simulation of fluid-solid interactions with various assemblies of resolved scale particles / Méthodes de pénalisation pour la simulation des interactions fluide-solide avec des réseaux variés de particules résoluesChadil, Mohamed-Amine 30 October 2018 (has links)
Les simulations des écoulements diphasiques à l’échelle réelle de l’application nécessitent des modèles pour les termes non fermés des équations macroscopiques. Des simulations numériques directes à particule résolue utilisant la méthode de pénalisation visqueuse ont été réalisées afin de mesurer les interactions entre des particules de différentes formes (sphérique et ellipsoïdale) et le fluide porteur à différents régimes d'écoulement (de stokes à l'inertiel). Deux méthodes ont été développées durant cette thèse afin d'extraire les forces hydrodynamiques ainsi que le transfert de chaleur sur les frontières immergées représentant les particules. Plusieurs validations ont été conduites pour différentes configurations de particules : de la simulation d’une particule isolée à un réseau aléatoire de sphères en passant par réseau cubique face centrée de sphères. Une corrélation du nombre de Nusselt est proposée pour un sphéroïde allongé plongé dans un écoulement uniforme. / The simulations of multiphase flows at real application scale need models for unclosed terms in macroscopic equations. Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulations using Viscous Penalty Method have been carried out to quantify the interactions between particles of different shapes (spheres, ellipsoids) and the carrier fluid at different regimes (from Stokes to inertial). Two methods have been developed to extract hydrodynamic forcesand heat transfers on immersed boundaries representing the particles. Validations have been conducted for various configuration of particles: from an isolated sphere and spheroid to Face-Centered Cubic to a random arrangement of spheres. A correlation of the Nusselt number for an isolated prolate spheroid past by a uniform flow is proposed.
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Aspectos de Teoria de Campos e Mecânica Estatística / Aspects of Field Theory and Statistical MechanicsGomes, Pedro Rogério Sergi 15 February 2013 (has links)
A teoria quântica de campos pode ser vista como um conjunto de métodos e idéias que além de sua importância no estudo das partículas elementares, tem sido amplamente usada em outras áreas. Em especial, ela constitui uma ferramenta indispensável no estudo moderno de transições de fases e fenômenos críticos. A origem dessa constante relação entre a teoria de campos e a matéria condensada deve-se ao fato que, apesar de suas diferenças superficiais, ambas tratam de problemas envolvendo um grande número de graus de liberdade. Assim, não é surpreendente que as mesmas técnicas possam ser úteis nos dois campos. Este trabalho trata de problemas nessas duas áreas e está essencialmente divido em duas partes. A primeira parte é dedicada ao estudo de teorias de campos com uma anisotropia entre o espaço e o tempo, o que implica uma quebra da simetria de Lorentz. Uma das motivações para considerar esse tipo de teoria vem justamente do estudo de transições de fase em sistemas da matéria condensada. Análises do grupo de renormalização com ênfase na possibilidade de restauração da simetria de Lorentz e também uma discussão sobre identidades de Ward são realizadas. Na segunda parte, a atenção é voltada para a mecânica estatística mas com uma abordagem típica da teoria de campos, em especial, voltada para o estudo de transições de fase clássicas e quânticas a partir da versão quantizada do modelo esférico e de sua extensão supersimétrica. / Quantum field theory can be seen as a set of methods and ideas that, besides its importance in the study of the elementary particles, has been widely used in other areas. In particular, it constitutes an indispensable framework in the modern approach to phase transitions and critical phenomena. The origin of this constant relationship between field theory and condensed matter is due to the fact that despite their superficial differences, both deal with problems involving a large number of degrees of freedom. Thus, it is not surprising that the same techniques may be useful in both fields. This work addresses problems in these two areas and it is essentially divided in two parts. The first part is devoted to the study of field theories with an anisotropy between space and time, which implies a breaking of the Lorentz symmetry. One of the moti- vations for considering this kind of theory is precisely the study of phase transitions in condensed matter systems. Renormalization group analysis with emphasis on the possi- bility of restoration of the Lorentz symmetry and also a discussion about Ward identities are performed. In the second part, the attention is centered on statistical mechanics but with an approach typical of field theory, in particular, focused to the study of classical and quantum phase transitions from the quantized version of the spherical model and its supersymmetric extension.
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Curvas no espaço de Minkowski / Curves in the Minkowski spaceSacramento, Andrea de Jesus 27 March 2015 (has links)
Nesta tese, investigamos a geometria de curvas no 3-espaço e no 4-espaço de Minkowski usando a teoria de singularidades, mais especificamente, a teoria de contato. Para isto, estudamos as famílias de funções altura e de funções distância ao quadrado sobre as curvas. Os conjuntos discriminantes e conjuntos de bifurcação destas famílias são ferramentas essenciais para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Para curvas no 3-espaço de Minkowski, estudamos seus conjuntos focais e conjunto de bifurcação da família de funções distância ao quadrado sobre estas curvas para investigar o que acontece próximo de pontos tipo luz. Estudamos também os conjuntos focais e conjuntos de bifurcação esféricos de curvas nos espaços de Sitter do 3-espaço e do 4-espaço de Minkowski. Definimos imagens normal Darboux pseudo-esféricas de curvas sobre uma superfície tipo tempo no 3-espaço de Minkowski e estudamos as singularidades e propriedades geométricas destas imagens normal Darboux. Além disso, investigamos a relação da imagem normal Darboux de Sitter (hiperbólica) de uma curva tipo espaço em S21 com a superfície tipo luz ao longo desta curva tipo espaço. Definimos as superfícies horoesférica e dual hiperbólica de curvas tipo espaço no espaço de Sitter S31 e estudamos estas superfícies usando técnicas da teoria de singularidades. Damos uma relação entre estas superfícies do ponto de vista de dualidades Legendrianas. Finalmente, consideramos curvas sobre uma hipersuperfície tipo espaço no 4-espaço de Minkowski e definimos a superfície hiperbólica desta curva. Estudamos a geometria local da superfície hiperbólica e da curva hiperbólica, que é definida como sendo o local das singularidades da superfície hiperbólica. / We study in this thesis the geometry of curves in Minkowski 3-space and 4-space using singularity theory, more specifically, the contact theory. For this we study the families of height functions and of the distance square functions on the curves. The discriminant sets and bifurcation sets of these families are essential tools in our work. For curves in Minkowski 3-space, we study their focal sets and the bifurcation set of the family of the distance square functions on these curves in order to investigate what happens near the lightlike points. We also study the spherical focal sets and bifurcation sets of curves in the de Sitter space in Minkowski 3-space and 4-space. We define pseudo-spherical normal Darboux images of curves on a timelike surface in Minkowski 3-space and study the singularities and geometric properties of these normal Darboux images. Furthermore, we investigate the relation of the de Sitter (hyperbolic) normal Darboux image of a spacelike curve in S21 with the lightlike surface along this spacelike curve. We define the horospherical and hyperbolic dual surfaces of spacelike curves in de Sitter space S31 and study these surfaces using singularity theory technics. We give a relation between these surfaces from the view point of Legendrian dualities. Finally, we consider curves on a spacelike hypersurface in Minkowski 4-space and define the hyperbolic surface of this curve. We study the local geometry of the hyperbolic surface and of the hyperbolic curve that is defined as being the locus of singularities of the hyperbolic surface.
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La représentation intermédiaire et abstraite de l’espace comme outil de spatialisation du son : enjeux et conséquences de l’appropriation musicale de l’ambisonie et des expérimentations dans le domaine des harmoniques sphériques / The intermediate and abstract representation of space as a tool for sound spatialization : enjeux et conséquences de l’appropriation musicale de l’ambisonie et des expérimentations dans le domaine des harmoniques sphériquesGuillot, Pierre 20 December 2017 (has links)
Penser les traitements du son spatialisés en ambisonie permet de mettre en valeur le potentiel musical de la décomposition du champ sonore en harmoniques sphériques, et amène à redéfinir la représentation de l’espace sonore. Cette thèse défend que les représentations abstraites et intermédiaires de l’espace sonore permettent d’élaborer de nouvelles approches originales de la mise en espace du son. Le raisonnement amenant à cette affirmation commence par l’appropriation musicale de l’approche ambisonique. La création de nouveaux traitements de l’espace et du son amène à utiliser de manière originale les signaux associés aux harmoniques sphériques, et à concevoir différemment les relations qui les régissent, ainsi que leur hiérarchisation. La particularité de ces approches expérimentales et les caractéristiques singulières des champs sonores générés, nécessitent de concevoir de nouveaux outils théoriques et pratiques pour leur analyse et leur restitution. Les changements opérés permettent alors de libérer cette approche des enjeux techniques et matériels initiaux en ambisonie. Mais ils permettent surtout de s’émanciper des modèles psychoacoustiques et acoustiques sur lesquels ces techniques reposent originellement. Dans ce contexte, les signaux associés aux harmoniques sphériques ne sont plus nécessairement une représentation rationnelle du champ sonore, mais deviennent une représentation abstraite de l’espace sonore possédant en soi, un potentiel musical. Cette thèse propose alors un nouveau modèle de spatialisation fondé sur une décomposition matricielle de l’espace sonore permettant de valider les hypothèses. / The creation of sound effects in space with Ambisonics highlights the musical potential of sound field decomposition by spherical harmonics, and redefines the representation of the sound space. This thesis defends that the abstract and intermediate representations of the sound space make it possible to develop new original approaches to sound spatialization. The reasoning that leads to this affirmation begins with the musical appropriation of the ambisonic approach. The creation of new space and sound processing patterns in Ambisonics leads to an original way of using signals associated with spherical harmonics, and to a different conception of the relations between them, and their hierarchization. The specificities of these experimental approaches and the singular characteristics of the sound fields generated call for the design of new theoretical and practical tools, for their analysis and restitution. The performed changes make it possible to free this approach from the initial technical and material issues of Ambisonics. But above all, it emancipates this approach from the psychoacoustic and acoustic models on which ambisonic techniques are originally defined. In this context, the signals associated with spherical harmonics are no longer necessarily a rational representation of the sound field but become an abstract representation of the sound space possessing in itself a musical potential. To validate the hypotheses, this thesis then proposes a new spatialization model based on a matrix decomposition of the sound space.
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Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of immobilized metallic nanoparticlesWunder, Stefanie 10 June 2013 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Gold- und PlatinNanopartikel in sphärischen Polyelektolyt-Bürsten (SPB) synthetisiert. Diese wurden zu mechanistischen Untersuchungen der p-Nitrophenol-Reduktion mittels Natriumborhydrid herangezogen. Dabei konnte der Mechanismus der Reaktion auf der Oberfläche der Nanopartikel aufgeklärt werden. Die Reaktion folgt einem Langmuir Hinshelwood (LH) Mechanismus. Hierbei adsorbieren beide Edukte auf die Oberfläche, bevor sie im zu p-Aminophenol umgesetzt werden. Nach der Reaktion desorbiert das Reaktionsprodukt. Mittels des LH Modells konnten für verschiedene Temperaturen die intrinsische Geschwindigkeitskonstante, sowie die Adsorptionskonstanten der Edukte bestimmt werden. Mit diesen Daten konnten dann die Enthalpie und Entropie der Adsorption der Edukte und die Aktivierungsenergie berechnet werden. Neben dem Reaktionsmechanismus wurde die Induktionszeit der p-Nitrophenol Reduktion untersucht. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Totzeit der Reaktion wahrscheinlich auf eine Restrukturierung der Nanopartikeloberfläche zurückzuführen ist. Sie ist unabhängig von den eingesetzten Konzentrationen des Borhydrids, hingegen abhängig von der Konzentration an p-Nitrophenol auf der Oberfläche der Nanopartikel, was auf Restrukturierung der Nanopartikel durch p-Nitrophenol hindeutet. Zudem wurden Hinweise auf eine spontane Rekonstruktion der Nanopartikel gefunden, die unabhängig von der Konzentration des p-Nitrophenols ist. Des Weiteren wurde die katalytische Oxidation von Morin mit Manganoxid Nanopartikeln untersucht. Diese sind in der Polyelektrolytschale der SPB immobilisiert. Analysen der Reaktionskinetik der Morin Oxidation ergaben, dass auch in diesem Fall der LH Mechanismus vorliegt. Hierbei konnten die Adsorptionskonstanten und Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für verschiedene Temperaturen ermittelt werden und somit die Aktivierungsenergie der Oxidation sowie die Adsorptionsenthalpie und Entropie der Edukte. / In this work, gold and platinum nanoparticles were synthesized into spherical polyelectrolyte brushes (SPB) in order to apply them as catalysts for kinetic studies of the reduction of p-nitrophenol by sodium borohydride. It was found that the reaction follows the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) mechanism where both educts must adsorb onto the surface of the catalyst in order to react. Thereby, the rate determining step is the surface reaction of both educts. After the reaction, the product desorbs from the surface and a free active site is formed. With this model the intrinsic reaction rate and the adsorption constants for both educts could be determined. The measurements at different temperatures allowed the calculation of the activation energy and the adsorption enthalpy and entropy of the educts. Besides the reaction mechanism, the induction time of the reaction was analyzed. Here, it was shown that the reason of this delay time is a restructuring of the nanoparticle surface. The induction time is solely dependent on the concentration of p-nitrophenol on the surface of the nanoparticles and independent of the applied concentrations of borohydride. Moreover, hints for a spontaneous reconstruction of the nanoparticles without p-nitrophenol were found. In the second part, the catalytic oxidation of morin by manganese oxide has been studied. These nanoparticles were embedded inside the polyelectrolyte layer of the SPB. These nanoparticles were used for systematic studies of the oxidation of morin with hydrogen peroxide. It was shown that in this case the reaction followed a LH kinetics as well. Here, the intrinsic rate constants and the adsorption constants could be obtained for different temperatures. The activation energy and the adsorption enthalpy and entropy could be determined accordingly. The adsorption enthalpy is exothermic in both cases.
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Ion Scattering in a Self-Consistent Cylindrical Plasma SheathFigueroa, Shana Suzanne 10 May 2006 (has links)
The Turning Point Method (TPM) for the evaluation of ion scattering in a sheath of a biased probe immersed in an unmagnetized plasma is reviewed. The TPM implemented originally in a computer program for spherical probes is expanded to include cylindrical probes as well as the evaluation of the turning angle of the charged particle (repelled or attracted) around the probe. TPM results have the potential to provide a standard against which to compare more complicated current collection simulations. TPM results are validated by comparing with Laframboise's earlier work for current collection in the Orbital Motion Limited regime. Calculations of the turning angle of a charged particle with specific energy and angular momentum revealed that higher plasma shielding limits the range of impact parameters that experience significant scattering, and that attracted particles entering tangent to the sheath experience increased scattering. The TPM results also show that there are significant changes in orbital trajectories between different space charges within the Orbital Motion Limited limit.
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Geometria esférica: uma conexão com a geografiaPrestes, Irene da Conceição Rodrigues 10 November 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-11-10 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This work intends to help the teaching-learning process of geometry, mainly the sphere geometry, in order to help the implementation of the purposes that has as a goal the interaction of Math and Geography. It tried to answer the question of the research: Will the study of the contents of the Sphere Geometry help the comprehension of the Earth geometry? In order to clear this up it was done an experimental study, starting with a teaching sequence which could investigate possible relations made by the pupils when they needed i to solve situations involving the notions of the Sphere Geometry. It was used as a research methodology the ¨Teaching Engeneering¨ and the theoric reference was based on the ideas od Vergnaud s and Vygotsky s theories. The results of the experiments made with the students during the sequence development point to the importance of a work which integrates more than one subject matter / Este trabalho pretende contribuir com o processo de ensino e aprendizagem da Geometria da Esfera, procurando subsidiar a implementação de propostas que visam a interação entre Matemática e Geografia. Procurou-se responder à questão de Pesquisa: Uma introdução à Geometria Esférica pode favorecer o estudo da Geografia do Globo Terrestre e em particular o estudo de mapas? . Para auxiliar no delineamento desta proposta realizou-se um estudo experimental, partindo de uma seqüência de ensino que teve como intuito investigar as possíveis relações que os alunos estabelecem quando solicitados a resolver situações envolvendo noções de geometria esférica. Para tanto foi utilizada como metodologia de pesquisa a Engenharia Didática e o referencial teórico foi baseado na formação de conceitos das teorias de Vergnaud e Vygotsky. As produções e interações dos alunos, durante o desenvolvimento da seqüência de ensino, apontam que um trabalho integrando conteúdos de Geometria Esférica contribui para o processo de compreensão de conteúdos específicos de geografia, em particular do estudo dos mapas
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As faces dos sólidos platônicos na superfície esférica: uma proposta para o ensino-aprendizagem de noções básicas de Geometria EsféricaMarqueze, João Pedro 28 September 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-28 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / The aim of this study is to present a sequence of problem solving activities through a qualitative approach whose aim is to study how this sequence can allow high school students to learn basic concepts of Spherical Geometry while reviewing Plane Geometry. That is why we are trying to respond to the following basic question: What contributions a sequence of activities that has as a proposal the tessellation of the phases of the platonic solids on superficial sphere can allow for the teaching and learning of basic notions of Spherical Geometry? We appeal to the passion of the Brazilian people, soccer, in order to contextualize the topic in an ordinary way for the learners. In this ordinary example, not only a soccer ball is included, but also a tennis ball, volleyball, etc. The use of tangible materials such as polystyrene spheres, flexible rulers, colored pens, compasses, strings, pins and other materials that are easy to find, in addition to the traditional pen and paper, can all be used by students in learning about the phases of platonic solids, basis for understanding this task, to tessellate a soccer ball on a spherical surface. We formulate the hypothesis that the utilization of these materials and the departure from traditional methods that have been used will stimulate the interest of the students and create more understanding not only of Plane Geometry, but also Spherical Geometry as in the example above. We have compiled in this study a theoretical reference that includes socioconstructivism, which we believe created more interaction, and therefore made the teaching and learning environment more effective. We ended, in the end of this research, exciting indications that it is possible the teaching- learning of the Spherical Geometry, as it was proposed / O objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar uma seqüência de atividades, por meio de resolução de problemas, numa abordagem qualitativa, visando a investigar como esta seqüência pode contribuir para que alunos do ensino médio apreendam conceitos básicos da Geometria Esférica enquanto resgatam conceitos da Geometria Plana. Para tanto procuramos responder a seguinte pergunta norteadora: Que contribuições uma seqüência de atividades que tem como proposta a tesselação das faces dos sólidos platônicos na superfície esférica pode proporcionar para o ensino-aprendizagem de Geometria Esférica? Apelamos para a paixão do povo brasileiro, o futebol, para contextualizar o tema no cotidiano dos aprendizes. Neste cotidiano não só a bola de futebol está presente, mas também, a bola de tênis, de vôlei, etc. O uso de materiais concretos como: esferas de isopor, régua flexível, canetas coloridas, compasso, barbantes, alfinetes e outros materiais de fácil acesso, além dos tradicionais lápis e papel, levou o aluno a representar, inspirado nas faces dos sólidos platônicos, base de compreensão para esta tarefa, a bola de futebol em uma superfície esférica. Acreditamos que a utilização destes materiais e a forma diferente da tradicional como é tratado o tema despertam no aluno o interesse para a compreensão não só da Geometria Plana, mas sim de outras Geometrias, neste caso, a Geometria Esférica. Compilamos neste estudo um referencial teórico à luz do sócio-construtivismo, que acreditamos proporciona um trabalho de interação, dinamizando, assim, o ambiente de ensino-aprendizagem. Concluímos, no final desta pesquisa, indícios animadores de que é possível o ensino-aprendizagem da Geometria Esférica, como foi proposto
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Compactification d'espaces homogènes sphériques sur un corps quelconque / Compactification of spherical homogeneous spaces over an arbitrary fieldHuruguen, Mathieu 29 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les plongements d'espaces homogènes sphériques sur un corps quelconque. Dans une première partie, on aborde la classification de ces plongements, dans la lignée des travaux de Demazure et bien d'autres sur les variétés toriques, et de Luna, Vust et Knop sur les variétés sphériques. Dans une seconde partie, on généralise en caractéristique positive certains résultats obtenus par Bien et Brion portant sur les plongements complets et lisses qui sont log homogènes, c'est-à-dire dont le bord est un diviseur à croisements normaux et le fibré tangent logarithmique associé est engendré par ses sections globales. Dans une dernière partie, on construit par éclatements successifs une compactification lisse et log homogène explicite du groupe linéaire (différente de celle obtenue par Kausz). En prenant dans cette compactification les points fixes de certains automorphismes, on en déduit alors la construction de compactifications lisses et log homogènes de certains groupes semi-simples classiques. / This thesis is devoted to the study of embeddings of spherical homogeneous spaces over an arbitrary field. In the first part, we address the classification of such embeddings, in the spirit of Demazure and many others in the setting of toric varieties and of Luna, Vust and Knop in the setting of spherical varieties. In the second part, we generalize in positive characteristics some results obtained by Bien and Brion on those complete smooth embeddings that are log homogeneous, i.e., whose boundary is a normal crossing divisor and the associated logarithmic tangent bundle is generated by its global sections. In the last part, we construct an explicit smooth log homogeneous compactification of the general linear group by successive blow-ups (different from the one obtained by Kausz). By taking fixed points of certain automorphisms on this compactification, one gets smooth log homogeneous compactifications of some classical semi-simple groups.
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Hyperbolic problems in fluids and relativitySchrecker, Matthew January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we present a collection of newly obtained results concerning the existence of vanishing viscosity solutions to the one-dimensional compressible Euler equations of gas dynamics, with and without geometric structure. We demonstrate the existence of such vanishing viscosity solutions, which we show to be entropy solutions, to the transonic nozzle problem and spherically symmetric Euler equations in Chapter 4, in both cases under the simple and natural assumption of relative finite-energy. In Chapter 5, we show that the viscous solutions of the one-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations converge, as the viscosity tends to zero, to an entropy solution of the Euler equations, again under the assumption of relative finite-energy. In so doing, we develop a compactness framework for the solutions and approximate solutions to the Euler equations under the assumption of a physical pressure law. Finally, in Chapter 6, we consider the Euler equations in special relativity, and show the existence of bounded entropy solutions to these equations. In the process, we also construct fundamental solutions to the entropy equations and develop a compactness framework for the solutions and approximate solutions to the relativistic Euler equations.
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