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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perspektiv på Patron : Bruksägaren och statsministern Christian Lundeberg (1842–1911) / Perspectives on the Paternalistic Proprietor : Foundry Proprietor and Prime Minister. Christian Lundeberg (1842-1911)

Hall, Bo G January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation is a biography of the industrialist and statesman Christian Lundeberg, a leading and stongly pronounced conservative actor in Swedish political life during the decades around1900, but nowadays almost forgotten. The purpose is to identify the main forces – convictions as well as external factors – behind his actions. He was very influential within  a range of important sectors, i.a. compulsory national service, repeated interventions to keep the iron ore of Norrland under Swedish ownership,  establishment of a regular conservative party and the decision on the vote to right (for men) in 1907. His most well-known action was as Swedish Prime Minister and head architect behind the peaceful dissolution in 1905 of the union with Norway. However for a long time biographies have not been regarded as ”real” scientific work within the concerned academic Swedish circles. For this reason the introductory chapter analyses these discussions  and  concludes that time now is ready for the genre to come in from the cold , enumerating six criteria regarded to be of paramount importance. These are being observed in the consecutive parts of the study. The following chapter studies the concept of paternalism as defined within Swedish professional circles, forming a background to the remaining parts of the dissertation. In their turn these present thorough reviews both of Lundeberg’s activities as a paternalistic foundry proprietor in the local family owned community of Forsbacka and of his contributions on the central political level. The final chapter summarizes the driving forces behind Lundeberg’s activities in stating that he was not an ultraconservative person, a priori opposing all progress.  Instead as the years passed he developed a clear readiness for compromise solutions. Three key concepts are said to be central to the understanding of his person: “Fatherland”, ”Responsibility” and “Duty”.  Throughout all his life he adhered to many of the paternalistic principles and values he learnt at an early age in Forsbacka. His present anonymity is explained  by the fact that he in a retrospective very often is considered as being defeated in a number of political convictions now regarded as important.

Tracking Emissions Reductions and Energy Efficiency in the Steel Industry

Morfeldt, Johannes January 2017 (has links)
The iron and steel industry has become increasingly globalised. Market conditions are also changing and de-carbonisation of production is challenging. The objective of this thesis is to assess how energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reductions can be promoted and effectively monitored in the steel industry. The thesis contributes with analyses based on the Malmquist Productivity Index for a top-down analysis of the energy efficiency of EU Member States’ iron and steel production, and Partial Least Squares regression for bottom-up assessments of different monitoring tools. The thesis also contributes with a scrap availability assessment module to enhance the energy system model ETSAP-TIAM. The first phase of the research showed that future production needs to shift towards innovative low-CO2 technologies even when all available recycled material is fully used. Techniques using carbon capture and storage (CCS) as well as hydrogen-based technologies can be expected to become economically viable under tightened climate policies. The second phase of the research showed that current indicators are insufficient. System boundaries of energy use and emissions data do not align with production statistics. Indicators based on energy use or emissions in relation to production in physical terms may be useful to track specific processes. However, current indicators fail to reflect the companies’ product mix. Enhanced energy and climate indicators that adjust for the product mix provide better estimates while failing to reflect the increasing globalisation. Effective monitoring of industrial transformation will be increasingly important as pressure from climate policy via global CO2-pricing is unlikely in the short term. Current or enhanced indicators do not fully capture industrial transformation and are not recommended. Future research should focus on defining indicators to estimate energy use and emissions along industrial value chains in climate policy contexts. / Järn- och stålindustrin har blivit alltmer globaliserad. Marknadsvillkoren förändras samtidigt som utfasningen av fossila bränslen är utmanande. Målet med den här avhandlingen är att bedöma hur energieffektivitet och växthusgasutsläppsminskningar kan främjas och effektivt utvärderas inom stålindustrin. Avhandlingen bidrar med analyser baserade Malmquists produktivitetsindex för att analysera energieffektivitet av EU:s medlemsstaters järn- och stålproduktion, och partiell minsta- kvadrat-regression för att bedöma olika utvärderingsmått. Avhandlingen bidrar även med en modul som bedömer skrottillgång för att förbättra energisystemmodellen ETSAP-TIAM. I en första fas visade forskningen att framtida produktion behöver ställas om mot innovativa teknologier med låga CO2-utsläpp även när allt tillgängligt återvunnet material används fullt ut. Tekniker som använder koldioxidinfångning och -lagring (CCS) samt vätebaserade teknologier kan förväntas bli ekonomiskt försvarbara under åtstramade klimatpolitiska styrmedel. I en andra fas visade forskningen att nuvarande indikatorer är otillräckliga. Systemgränser för energianvändnings- och växthusgasutsläppsdata stämmer inte överens med produktionsstatistik. Indikatorer utifrån energianvändning eller utsläpp i relation till fysisk produktion kan vara användbara för att följa upp specifika processer. Nuvarande indikatorer lyckas dock inte spegla företagens produktmix. Förbättrade energi- och klimatindikatorer som justerar för produktmixen ger bättre uppskattningar, men speglar inte branschens ökande globalisering. Effektiv utvärdering av industriell transformation blir alltmer viktig då påtryckning från klimatpolitiska styrmedel via global CO2-prissättning är kortsiktigt osannolik. Nuvarande eller förbättrade indikatorer fångar inte industriell transformation fullt ut och rekommenderas inte. Framtida forskning bör fokusera på att definiera indikatorer som uppskattar energianvändning och växthusgasutsläpp längs industriella värdekedjor. / <p>QC 20170428</p>

The study of EU's anti-dumping decision against China steel industry

Zhang, Hong January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. / Department of Government and Public Administration

A concentração do mercado siderúrgico brasileiro e a perda de bem-estar / The concentration of the brazilian steel market loss and wellness

Reis, Janderson Damaceno dos 14 December 2010 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho écalcular o valor da perda de bem-estar do setor siderúrgico brasileiro, considerando os diferentes mercados relevantes, como o de aço bruto, laminados, vergalhões e ferro-gusa. Para alcançar este propósito foram estimadas diferentes equações de demanda para os referidos mercados relevantes para, então, encontrar as elasticidades-preço da demanda. O modelo teórico utilizado referente ao peso morto para mercados oligopolizados foi o de Daskin (1991). Tratandose do cálculo das elasticidades-preço, utilizaram-se modelos de equações simultâneas com o uso de variáveis instrumentais. O mercado siderúrgico é oligopolizado no mundo inteiro, incluindo o Brasil. As inúmeras fusões e aquisições ocorridas, principalmente após a desestatização do setor, contribuíram para a concentração do mercado. O mercado siderúrgico brasileiro apresentou um alto índice de concentração, principalmente no mercado de vergalhões onde apenas três grupos empresariais (Gerdau, Arcelor Mittal e Votorantim) controlam todo o mercado deste produto. Em um mercado altamente concentrado as firmas podem exercer poder de mercado e desta forma há perdas econômicas para a sociedade como um todo. As elasticidades-preço encontradas no trabalho refletem bem a estrutura do setor siderúrgico brasileiro, em que, todos os mercados relevantes analisados apresentaram baixos valores de elasticidade-preço, ou sejam, inelásticos às variações de preço. O mercado de vergalhões foi o mais inelástico se comparado aos demais mercados, além disso, os seus valores de peso morto em relação ao faturamento também foram os maiores, evidenciando uma forte perda de bem-estar. Apesar dos outros mercados relevantes terem apresentado valores de peso morto em relação ao faturamento do setor inferiores, os mesmos não foram desprezíveis. O mercado de aço bruto que neste estudo representa o mercado siderúrgico brasileiro como um todo (exceto o seguimento de ferro-gusa), por incorporar os demais mercados relevantes, é dominado pelos grupos empresariais Arcelor Mittal; Gerdau, Usiminas Cosipa e Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional - CSN, e também apresentou resultados indicativos de forte perda de bemestar, com alto valor de peso morto. Já o mercado de laminados, controlado pelos grupos Arcelor Mittal, Usiminas Cosipa, CSN e Gerdau, apresentou resultados muito próximos aos do aço bruto. O mercado de ferro-gusa, menos concentrado em comparação as demais, foi o que apresentou os menores valores de peso morto, o que era esperado, pois este mercado, apesar de ser dominado por quatro grandes grupos siderúrgicos (Arcelor Mittal, Usiminas Cosipa, CSN e Gerdau), é um mercado onde há a participação de inúmeros produtores de pequeno porte denominados guseiros. As conclusões deste trabalho mostram que o mercado siderúrgico brasileiro é muito concentrado e há o exercício do poder de mercado por parte das firmas participantes, ocasionando perda de bem-estar para sociedade brasileira. Espera-se que este estudo, ao apresentar os valores de perda de bem-estar, possacontribuir para a análise ou para elaboração de políticas públicas relacionadas ao setor em questão. / The main objective of this study was to calculate the value of the welfare loss for the Brazilian steel sector. Different relevant markets were analyzed, such as: crude steel, rolled steel, rebar and pig iron. Price-elasticities of demand were obtained by estimating different demand equations for each related market. The theoretical model proposed by Daskin (1991) was used to calculate the dead weight loss in oligopolistic markets. Elasticities were obtained by formulating the simultaneous equations model and using instrumental variables. Worldwide, steel market can be considered an oligolopy, as well as in Brazil. In the Brazilian market, mergers and acquisitions that happened after the privatization of the sector, contributed for the market concentration. The Brazilian steel market showed a high concentration ratio, especially in the rebar market where only three groups (Gerdau, Arcelor Mittal and Votorantim) control the entire Brazilian market for this product. In a highly concentrated market firms tend to exercise market power. Consequently, there are economic losses to the society. The price elasticities of demand that were found in this research highlight the structure of the Brazilian steel market. For all the relevant markets that were analyzed, there were found low values for elasticities. It shows that all the products are price-inelastic. The rebar market was found to be the more inelastic when compared to other markets. In addition, for this same market, the calculated values of dead weight loss related to sales were also higher. High welfare losses can be related to the high market concentration for this product. Even though other relevant markets have presented positive values of dead weight loss related to sales of the lower sector, these values were not negligible. The market for crude steel that was analyzed in this study represents the Brazilian steel market as a whole because it incorporates other relevant markets. Large groups, such as, Arcelor Mittal, Gerdau, Usiminas Cosipa and CSN dominate the market. The results analyzed for the crude steel indicate a strong welfare loss, with a high value of dead weight loss. The results for the rolled products market, dominated by Arcelor Mittal, Usiminas Cosipa, CSN e Gerdau, are close to those found for the crude steel market. The market for pig iron, which is less concentrated when compared to other markets, presented lower values of dead weight loss. This result was expected because although this sector is dominated by four big groups there are many other small companies also producing in this sector. According to the results, it can be concluded that the Brazilian steel market is highly concentrated what enables firms to exercise their market power, causing a welfare loss for the Brazilian society. It is expected that, by presenting values for the welfare loss in the steel market, this research can help in the analysis and development of public policies for this sector.

Destinação e utilização de resíduos industriais siderúrgicos em outras indústrias: estudo de casos

Murakami, Fabio Kazuhiro 21 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-03-17T17:19:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 00000FCF.pdf: 4976393 bytes, checksum: d11d477d62a9def9abce471a78a08dc8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-17T17:19:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 00000FCF.pdf: 4976393 bytes, checksum: d11d477d62a9def9abce471a78a08dc8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-21 / Nenhuma / O gerenciamento dos resíduos industriais tornou-se um tema estratégico nas empresas. O aumento da consciência ambiental por parte dos consumidores e das exigências legais tem levado as empresas a rever sua postura no que tange ao descarte dos seus resíduos industriais. A análise da competitividade das cadeias de suprimentos não pode se restringir apenas ao tradicional fluxo unidirecional de produtos. O canal reverso de resíduos também deve ser avaliado, visando fechar ciclos de reutilização de materiais ou destinar resíduos do processo produtivo para outras aplicações. Neste contexto, a indústria siderúrgica destaca-se pela sua capacidade de utilizar sucatas metálicas como matéria-prima e de gerar resíduos capazes de serem utilizados como matéria-prima em outros ramos industriais. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o potencial de formação de cadeias ambientalmente sustentáveis por meio do reaproveitamento de resíduos industriais advindos da cadeia siderúrgica. Para tanto foram realizados dois estudos de caso. No primeiro foi avaliado como as relações entre sete empresas pertencentes a uma mesma cadeia de suprimentos podem contribuir para romper barreiras ou estimular o reuso de resíduos. No segundo estudo de caso foram avaliados quatro principais resíduos gerados por uma usina siderúrgica e as possibilidades e limitantes para sua utilização como matéria-prima em outras atividades econômicas. Os resultados demonstraram que a maioria dos relacionamentos visando a reutilização de resíduos tem natureza estritamente comercial, sendo o reuso acentuado quando o nível de dependência das empresas com relação ao resíduo é maior. Mesmo havendo um elevado grau de dependência, fatores externos podem inviabilizar a utilização de resíduos. O custo inviabiliza a instalação de novas operações industriais visando apenas a utilização de resíduos industriais como matéria-prima. Extrapolar a relação comercial das empresas para um caráter colaborativo pode auxiliar a atenuar estes fatores externos, quebrar barreiras e estimular o aumento na reutilização dos resíduos. Salienta-se, porém, a existência de oportunidades para a instalação de empresas ou cooperativas capazes de retrabalhar o resíduo siderúrgico visando sua utilização em outras aplicações. / The industrial waste management becomes a strategic issue in business. The increase of environmental awareness by consumers and the legal requirements has led companies to review their position regarding face the disposal of their industrial waste. A competitive analysis of supply chains can not be restricted to the traditional one-way flow of products. The reverse channel of wastes should also be evaluated, aiming to close the cycle for the reuse of materials or the use of industrial waste in other applications. In this context, the steel industry distinguished by its ability to use scrap metal as raw materials and generate industrial wastes capable of being used as raw material in other industrial sector. The objective of this study is to analyze the potential to establish an environmentally sustainable supply-chain through the reuse of industrial waste arising in the steel industry. To accomplish this, two case studies were conducted. In the first study was reported the relations between seven companies belonging to the same supply chain and discussed how these relations can help to break down barriers and encourage the reuse of waste. In the second case study were assessed four main waste generated by a steel mill, evaluating the possibilities and limits for the reuse of the waste as raw material in other economic activities. The results showed that most relationships order to reuse the waste is strictly commercial. The reuse increases when the companies levels’ of dependency for the waste is higher. Even with a high degree of dependence, external factors may prevent the use of waste. Extrapolate the business relation of the companies for a collaborative relationship can help to mitigate these external factors, break down the barriers and increase the reuse of waste. Cost prevents the installation of new industrial operations to only the use of industrial waste as raw material. However there are opportunities for the installation of companies or cooperatives able to rework the steel waste for use in other applications.

Entre a memória coletiva e a história de \"cola e tesoura\": as intrigas e os malogros nos relatos sobre a fábrica de ferro de São João de Ipanema / Between collective memory and the \"scissors-and-paste\" history: the intrigues and the failures in reports about the iron factory of São João de Ipanema

Eduardo Tomasevicius Filho 08 October 2012 (has links)
Essa dissertação analisa a construção da história e da memória da Fábrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema, na região de Sorocaba, a partir do referencial teórico de R.G. Collingwood, o qual formulou a conhecida história de cola e tesoura, com o intuito de questionar escritas da história ou práticas historiográficas em que seus autores apenas trabalham de maneira acrítica com relatos já produzidos, recortados de fontes disponíveis ao pesquisador e selecionados a partir de operações de lógica formal: informações recorrentes no mesmo sentido são colados no texto e as informações discordantes são selecionadas, descartando-se a supostamente errada ou inexata. Além disso, também se usou a distinção entre memória, memória coletiva, história e esquecimento, presentes, sobretudo, nos trabalhos de Maurice Halbwachs Paul Ricoeur, bem como as noções de progresso e da historia magistra vitae, que aparecem sobretudo nos relatos produzidos no século XX. Esta Fábrica, que foi uma dos primeiros empreendimentos industriais do Brasil, cuja origem remonta ao século XVI, despertou o interesse de várias personalidades, como Pedro Taques, Martim Francisco, José Bonifácio, Vergueiro, Varnhagen e Calógeras, entre outros que escreveram sobre esse estabelecimento por diversas razões, em especial, para sustentar-se o pioneirismo de Ipanema em face de outras fábricas existentes em Minas Gerais, destacando, ademais, a intriga entre o primeiro diretor, o sueco Carl Gustav Hedberg e seu sucessor, Frederico Luis Guilherme Varnhagen. No século XX, esses relatos buscavam analisar os malogros da siderurgia nacional até a década de 1970, na intenção de obterem-se lições do passado. / This dissertation examines the construction of history and memory of the Fabrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema, in Sorocaba, from the RG Collingwoods approach, who created the wellknown concept of scissors-and-paste\" history, in order to criticize historical writings or historiographical practices in which their authors work uncritically with produced reports, getting them from available sources to the researcher and selected from formal logic operations: similar information remain in the text and conflicting information are selected, discarding the supposedly wrong or inaccurate ones. A distintion among memory, collective memory, history and forgetting was made, present mainly in the work of Maurice Halbwachs Paul Ricoeur, and the concepts of progress and history magistra vitae, which appear mainly in the reports produced in the 20th Century. This plant, which was one of the first industrial activities in Brazil, whose origin was in the 16th Century, was object of interest of several people, like Peter Taques, Martim Francisco, Jose Bonifacio, Vergueiro, Varnhagen and Calógeras, among others who wrote about Ipanema for various reasons, in particular, to stress the pioneering of Ipanema in the face of other plants in Minas Gerais, noting, moreover, the conspiracy between the first Ipanemas Director, the Swedish Carl Gustav Hedberg and his successor, the German Frederico Luis Guilherme Varnhagen. In the 20th Century, these reports sought to examine the failures of the national steel industry until the 1970s, in order to get to lessons of the past.

Entre a memória coletiva e a história de \"cola e tesoura\": as intrigas e os malogros nos relatos sobre a fábrica de ferro de São João de Ipanema / Between collective memory and the \"scissors-and-paste\" history: the intrigues and the failures in reports about the iron factory of São João de Ipanema

Tomasevicius Filho, Eduardo 08 October 2012 (has links)
Essa dissertação analisa a construção da história e da memória da Fábrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema, na região de Sorocaba, a partir do referencial teórico de R.G. Collingwood, o qual formulou a conhecida história de cola e tesoura, com o intuito de questionar escritas da história ou práticas historiográficas em que seus autores apenas trabalham de maneira acrítica com relatos já produzidos, recortados de fontes disponíveis ao pesquisador e selecionados a partir de operações de lógica formal: informações recorrentes no mesmo sentido são colados no texto e as informações discordantes são selecionadas, descartando-se a supostamente errada ou inexata. Além disso, também se usou a distinção entre memória, memória coletiva, história e esquecimento, presentes, sobretudo, nos trabalhos de Maurice Halbwachs Paul Ricoeur, bem como as noções de progresso e da historia magistra vitae, que aparecem sobretudo nos relatos produzidos no século XX. Esta Fábrica, que foi uma dos primeiros empreendimentos industriais do Brasil, cuja origem remonta ao século XVI, despertou o interesse de várias personalidades, como Pedro Taques, Martim Francisco, José Bonifácio, Vergueiro, Varnhagen e Calógeras, entre outros que escreveram sobre esse estabelecimento por diversas razões, em especial, para sustentar-se o pioneirismo de Ipanema em face de outras fábricas existentes em Minas Gerais, destacando, ademais, a intriga entre o primeiro diretor, o sueco Carl Gustav Hedberg e seu sucessor, Frederico Luis Guilherme Varnhagen. No século XX, esses relatos buscavam analisar os malogros da siderurgia nacional até a década de 1970, na intenção de obterem-se lições do passado. / This dissertation examines the construction of history and memory of the Fabrica de Ferro de São João de Ipanema, in Sorocaba, from the RG Collingwoods approach, who created the wellknown concept of scissors-and-paste\" history, in order to criticize historical writings or historiographical practices in which their authors work uncritically with produced reports, getting them from available sources to the researcher and selected from formal logic operations: similar information remain in the text and conflicting information are selected, discarding the supposedly wrong or inaccurate ones. A distintion among memory, collective memory, history and forgetting was made, present mainly in the work of Maurice Halbwachs Paul Ricoeur, and the concepts of progress and history magistra vitae, which appear mainly in the reports produced in the 20th Century. This plant, which was one of the first industrial activities in Brazil, whose origin was in the 16th Century, was object of interest of several people, like Peter Taques, Martim Francisco, Jose Bonifacio, Vergueiro, Varnhagen and Calógeras, among others who wrote about Ipanema for various reasons, in particular, to stress the pioneering of Ipanema in the face of other plants in Minas Gerais, noting, moreover, the conspiracy between the first Ipanemas Director, the Swedish Carl Gustav Hedberg and his successor, the German Frederico Luis Guilherme Varnhagen. In the 20th Century, these reports sought to examine the failures of the national steel industry until the 1970s, in order to get to lessons of the past.

Depression and war : three essays on the Canadian economy 1930-45

Rogers, Sean. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Depression and war : three essays on the Canadian economy 1930-45

Rogers, Sean. January 2000 (has links)
Two main points histories of the Second World War in Canada traditionally emphasize are (1) the role of war-related fiscal policy in finally ending the Great Depression and (2) the success of government control over the economy. Potential output estimates show a large output gap still in existence in 1939, with it quickly closing by 1941. The Dominion government's war-related fiscal policy emerges as the factor explaining this rapid recovery. But Dominion fiscal policy was also important to recovery before the war. Canada's participation in bi-lateral trade negotiations, which lowered tariffs, the chief instrument of contemporary Dominion government fiscal policy, in reciprocation for similar concessions, stimulated exports, the chief source of recovery before the war. / The matter of success rests largely on how well the Department of Munitions and Supply achieved the Dominion government's strategic aims during the war. Two strategic aims identified in this thesis are the government's desire to minimize the costs associated with war production and to avoid over-expansion in the iron and steel industry. Examining the production records of the Dominion Steel and Coal Company (Dosco), a primary iron and steel firm, and the Trenton Steel Works, a secondary manufacturing firm, shows how the government allocated production in a least cost manner among Canadian producers, consistent with the first of these two aims. Through its Crown Corporations, the Department also strove to minimize the costs associated with establishing war plant. Concerning the second aim, the government avoided rehabilitating Dosco's steel plate mill until sufficient domestic demand warranted it. With its capacity extraneous to the Canadian industry, the government closed the mill after the war. In contrast to the importance previous research placed on political factors in explaining the government's conduct of the war effort, this thesis argues that considerations production costs and input prices were a vital part of the government's decision making process.

A framework for electricity generation opportunities in the South African integrated iron and steel industry : the ArcelorMittal Newcastle case / Marais, B.

Marais, Brendan January 2011 (has links)
Electricity availability and the costs thereof in South Africa were traditionally considered an abundant and low cost commodity, but in recent years this situation has changed altogether. Industries are challenged by a strained national electricity grid and tariff increases more than four times the national inflation rate over the past two years, with further tariff increases expected in subsequent years; thus, exposing industries to significant business risks that may jeopardise the sustainability of industries. With the majority of the national electricity supply derived from coal, South Africa's push to reduce carbon emissions exerts even more pressure on industries as electricity usage is inextricably linked to its carbon footprint. In addition, South Africa's reliance on cogeneration from industries for its 2010 - 2030 electricity capacity plan further promotes industries to become more self–sufficient concerning electricity generation. In view of the above, there is a need in the South African integrated iron and steel industry for a framework that collectively addresses the governing factors pertaining to electricity generation in this industry, technical and economical quantification of available technologies and implementation of these technologies. This dissertation researches the current driving/governing and the remediating factors to become more self–sufficient in terms of electricity generation. A framework for electricity generation opportunities in the integrated iron and steel industry is developed from the literature study and the researcher's own experience. The framework embodies four building blocks into a single and all–encompassing framework, which provides the necessary governing factors that quantify the potential need to pursue electricity generation/cogeneration, the technical and economical implications and, inevitably, the implementation requirements and guidelines. Validating the framework against case studies pertaining to ArcelorMittal Newcastle realised a correlation of between 84.6% to 97.6% concerning the technical parameters. In addition, the validation process also indicated that the framework is aligned with current practices applied by ArcelorMittal South Africa. The framework will enable South African integrated iron and steel industries to expand and adapt their own procedures to be specific to their operational requirements. The implementation of the framework should be tailored to address the specific needs concerning cogeneration in industry. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

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