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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“En normal arbetsgivare, sticker inte ut på något sätt”: en studie om employer branding : En kvalitativ studie om employer branding inom svensk stålindustri / “A normal employer, does not stand out in any way”: a study about employer branding

Svensson, Johanna, Rodell, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att få förståelse för hur chefer upplever arbetet med arbetsgivarvarumärket för att attrahera och behålla medarbetare trots avsaknaden av en employer branding-strategi. Employer branding är en strategi som innefattar arbetet med att attrahera och behålla medarbetare genom att marknadsföra arbetsgivarvarumärket. Företag inom stålindustrin upplever stora svårigheter med att attrahera och behålla medarbetare. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer tillämpats där chefer på ett företag inom stålindustrin har intervjuats. Studien har undersökt om företagets nuvarande arbete med arbetsgivarvarumärket, attrahera och behålla medarbetare fungerar eller om det blir mer tydligt och samordnat om företaget skulle ha en employer branding-strategi. Resultatet visade att företaget inte har ett tydligt definierat arbetsgivarvarumärke. Vidare visade resultatet att företaget har en strategi för att attrahera den beskrivna målgruppen. Slutligen visade resultatet att det genomförs en stor variation av insatser på företaget för att behålla medarbetare och det framkommer att det inte finns någon tydlig strategi för detta. Studiens slutsats är att arbetsgivarvarumärket är en nyckelfaktor i arbetet med att attrahera och behålla medarbetare på ett tydligt och samordnat sätt. De unika egenskaper som arbetsgivarvarumärket marknadsför är grunden för hur chefer ska arbeta samordnat med strategier kring attrahera och behålla medarbetare. Employer branding kan vara ett hjälpmedel för att samla strategierna men det är arbetsgivarvarumärket som skapar tydligheten och den ”röda tråden” i arbetet med att attrahera och behålla medarbetare. Studien ska bidra med förståelse för hur företag kan arbeta med arbetsgivarvarumärket för att attrahera och behålla medarbetare utan att ha en implementerad employer branding-strategi. Då behöver företaget definiera och arbeta strategiskt med arbetsgivarvarumärket för att skapa en tydlighet och samordning i arbetet med att attrahera och behålla medarbetare. / The purpose of the study was to gain an understanding of how managers experience the work with the employer brand in order to attract and retain employees despite the lack of an employer branding strategy. Employer branding is a strategy that includes the work of attracting and retaining employees by marketing the employer brand. Companies in the steel industry have great difficulty in attracting and retaining employees. To achieve the purpose, a qualitative method with semistructured interviews has been applied where managers at a company in the steel industry have been interviewed. What the study has examined is whether the company's current work with the employer brand, attracting and retaining employees works or whether it becomes clearer and more coordinated if the company had an employer branding strategy. The results showed that the company does not have a clearly defined employer brand. Furthermore, the results showed that the company has a strategy for attracting the described target group. Finally, the results showed that a large variety of efforts are made at the company to retain employees and it appears that there is no clear strategy for this. The study concludes that the employer brand is a key factor in the work of attracting and retaining employees in a clear and coordinated way. The unique characteristics that the employer brand markets are the foundation for how managers should work in a coordinated way with strategies for attracting and retaining employees. Employer branding can be a tool for gathering strategies, but it is the employer brand that creates the clarity and the "common thread" in the work of attracting and retaining employees. The study will contribute with an understanding how companies can work with the employer brand to attract and retain employees without having an implemented employer branding strategy. Then the company needs to define and work strategically with the employer brand to create clarity and coordination in the work of attracting and retaining employees.

Theory and reality in the economic decline of the Québec-Labrador resource-based region

Archer, Kevin January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

Backshore Once Offshored Manufacturing? : Exploring Sustainability as a Driver for Backshoring Decisions in Sweden / Flytta hem produktion som en gång flyttats ut? : Utforska hållbarhet som drivkraft för återflyttningsbeslut i Sverige

Nuñez, Valeria Bracamonte January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis has been conducted for Hanza Holding AB which is a global company with production facilities grouped into local clusters in proximity to its clients. The company has experienced an increased demand from companies seeking to relocate their production back to their home countries to be closer to their end markets. Hanza’s experience of reversed offshoring, referred as backshoring in the literature, triggered the present investigation.  Offshoring is a widespread business practice among companies in developed countries that have moved production to countries with weaker environmental and social regulations to reduce operational cost. However, it has been achieved at a high environmental, social and operational cost. Backshoring is an emergent trend that has mainly been driven for improving companies’ operational performance. Despite the negative social and environmental consequences that offshoring has had at host countries, neither environmental or social aspects have been considered as the most important drivers when taking backshoring decisions.  In Sweden, companies have been active in offshoring and backshoring. China has been one of the top 3 host regions where manufacturing was moved to and from. Sweden is one of the European countries where manufacturing, especially within the automotive industry, is still of importance for the country’s economy. The country is also considered a forerunner with ambitious environmental policies. These facts made it interesting to investigate if improved sustainability in the supply chain of Swedish offshoring companies could be a backshoring driver if all pillars of sustainability are considered in the decision-making process. Consequently, the present investigation aimed to explore if Sweden provides the conditions to improve the supply chain sustainability of companies in the Swedish automotive industry if offshored manufacturing of steel parts is brought back from China to Sweden. Furthermore, based on the results of the present investigation, the second aim was to provide Hanza with recommendations for how the company could contribute to improved supply chain sustainability.  To achieve the purpose of the study, the Environmental Decision Making framework proposed by Sexton et al. (1999) was applied. The two options to be considered were analyzed by performing a partial life cycle assessment and by applying an own developed method to assess the decision criteria. Later on, the results were analyzed to recommend Hanza measures to improve supply chain sustainability.  The results showed that Sweden has all conditions needed to improve the supply chain sustainability if manufacturing was backshored from China to Sweden. Environmental sustainability could be the most important driver followed by social and economic sustainability. Furthermore, Hanza’s manufacturing cluster strategy could be concluded to improve environmental sustainability in the supply chain by reducing emissions from transport. However, the company could implement several measures to take its contribution to a higher level. / Detta examensarbete har genomförts för Hanza Holding AB som är ett globalt företag med produktionsanläggningar grupperade i lokala kluster i närheten av sina kunder. Företaget har upplevt en ökad efterfrågan från företag som vill flytta tillbaka sin produktion till sina hemländer för att komma närmare sina slutmarknader. Hanzas erfarenhet av omvänd offshoring, även kallad backshoring i litteraturen, var utgångspunkten för detta arbete. Offshoring är en utbredd affärspraxis bland företag i utvecklade länder som harflyttat produktionen till länder med svagare miljömässig och sociallagstiftning för att minska sina kostnader. Detta har dock uppnåtts till en hög miljömässig, social och operativ kostnad. Backshoring är en framväxande trend som främst har drivits på för att förbättra företags operationella prestation. Trots de negativa sociala och miljömässiga konsekvenser som offshoring har haft i värdländerna,har varken miljö eller sociala aspekter ansetts vara de viktigaste drivkrafterna vid beslut om backshoring. I Sverige har företag varit verksamma både inom offshoring och backshoring. Kina har varit en av de tre främsta regionerna där tillverkningen har flyttats till och från. Sverige är ett av de europeiska länder där tillverkning,särskilt inom fordonsindustrin, fortfarande anses vara av betydelse för landets ekonomi. Landet anses också vara en föregångare med ambitiös miljöpolitik. Dessa fakta gjorde det intressant att undersöka om förbättrad hållbarhet i leverantörskedjan skulle kunna vara en drivkraft för företag om alla tre hållbarhets pelare beaktas i beslutsprocessen. Av denna anledning var målet med denna studie att undersöka om det finns förutsättningar i Sverige för att förbättra hållbarheten i leveranskedjan hos företag inom den svenska fordonsindustrin om tillverkning av stål artiklar flyttades från Kina till Sverige. Det andra syftet var att ge Hanza rekommendationer för hur företaget skulle kunna bidra till en förbättrad hållbarhet i leverantörskedjan. Huvudmetoden för att uppnå syftet med studien var ett tillvägagångssätt för att ta miljöbeslut framtaget av Sexton et al. (1999). De två alternativ som skulle övervägas analyserades genom att utföra en partiell livscykelanalys och genom att tillämpa en egenutvecklad metod för att bedöma beslutskriterierna. Senare analyserades resultaten för att ge Hanza rekommendationer för att förbättra hållbarheten i försörjningskedjans. Resultaten visade att Sverige har alla förutsättningar som behövs för att förbättra hållbarheten i leveranskedjan om tillverkningen flyttas tillbaka till Sverige från Kina. Miljömässig hållbarhet kan vara den viktigaste drivkraften följt av social och ekonomisk hållbarhet. Därutöver, drogs slutsatsen att Hanzas lokala klusterstrategi skulle kunna förbättra miljömässig hållbarhet i leveranskedjan genom att minska utsläppen från transporter. Företaget skulle dock kunna genomföra flera åtgärder för att ta sitt bidrag till en högre nivå.

Strategic Planning for Net-Zero Emissions in the Steel Industry : A Case Study of Ovako Sweden AB in Hällefors / Strategisk planering för netto noll-utsläpp i stålindustrin : En fallstudie på Ovako Sweden AB i Hällefors

Svedin, Daniel January 2024 (has links)
The global steel industry is responsible for 7% of the global greenhouse gas emissions and stands in front of big challenges when it comes to reducing emissions. With the Paris agreement as a basis and the recent legislations and propositions regarding emission reduction and mitigation targets, the industry as a whole is in need of clear and structured frameworks for conducting comprehensive mitigation targets and extensive action plans in their strategic sustainability planning. By analyzing how strategic sustainability planning in the global steel industry is currently used, a thorough literature study has been conducted regarding the current state of action. Further, a compilation of different strategic planning frameworks have been made to see how different frameworks could be summarized in relation to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in order to establish an exhaustive approach to climate action in the steel industry. By implementing such frameworks together with a backcasting method based on a modified mPB process called strategic sustainability planning process (SSPP) in this study, a proposed outline of a climate action plan could be made based on a case study on the steel manufacturer Ovako Sweden AB in Hällefors. A mitigation LEAP model could be conducted by integrating the backcasting method in the LEAP model and evaluated based on four constructed mitigation scenarios and the compilation of frameworks. Further End-of-Pipe technologies could be evaluated based on the results from the LEAP model and literature findings.  Based on the findings, it becomes clear that a uniting of several strategic planning frameworks is needed in order to cover the entire spectrum of functions in strategic planning of mitigation action. Further, the results highlight the importance and dependence of adapting to policy and technological advancement in the steel industry, and that few but rather substantial investments can play a big role in the transition to green production. In the case for Ovakos production site in Hällefors, the change of the ear-marked electricity contract played a big role in scope 2 emissions, where a decrease of about 68% was made by phasing out the use of fossil fuels. Based on the methodology and depending on the scenario, a reduction of production related emissions by 97% could be achieved. Further, the use of end-of-pipe technologies, emission mitigation is obtained as well as a potential for circular economy initiatives based on the residual products accomplished by the technologies. / Den globala stålindustrin är ansvarig för 7% av de globala växthusgasutsläppen och står inför stora utmaningar vad gäller att minska deras utsläpp. Med Parisavtalet som fundament, och de senaste lagstiftningarna och propositionerna rörande utsläppsminskning och åtgärdsplaner för reduktion, är branschen som helhet i behov av tydliga och strukturerade ramverk för att genomföra omfattande reduktionsmål och omfattande åtgärdsplaner i sin strategiska hållbarhetsplanering. Genom att analysera hur strategisk hållbarhetsplanering i den globala stålindustrin för närvarande används, har en grundlig litteraturstudie genomförts kopplat till den nuvarande statusen av åtgärder. Dessutom har en sammanställning av olika strategiska ramverk verkställts för att se hur olika ramverk skulle kunna sammanfattas i förhållande till CSRD. Detta för att etablera ett heltäckande tillvägagångssätt för klimatåtgärder inom stålindustrin. Genom att tillsammans med en backcasting metod baserad på mPB, som i denna studie kallas för process för strategisk hållbarhetsplanering (SSPP), kunde en föreslagen struktur för en klimatåtgärdsplan göras baserad på en fallstudie om ståltillverkaren Ovako Sweden AB i Hällefors. En utsläppsreduktionsmodell i LEAP kunde genomföras genom att integrera backcastingen i LEAP-modellen och utvärderas baserat på fyra konstruerade framtidsscenarier och sammanställningen av ramverk. Vidare kunde slutbehandlingstekniker (end-of-pipe technologies) baserade på resultaten från LEAP- modellen och litteraturstudien utvärderas.  Baserat på resultaten framgår det att en förening av flera strategiska planeringsramar behövs för att täcka hela spektrumet av funktioner i strategisk planering av åtgärder för utsläppsminskning. Vidare belyser resultaten vikten och beroendet av att anpassasig till politiska och tekniska framsteg inom stålindustrin, och att få men betydande investeringar kan spela en stor roll i övergången till grön produktion. I fallet med Ovakos produktionsanläggning i Hällefors spelade förändringen av den öronmärkta elavtalet en stor roll för minskningen av scope 2-utsläpp, där en minskning med 68% gjordes genom att avveckla användningen av fossila bränslen i elavtalet. Baserat på metoden och beroende på scenario, kunde en minskning av produktionsrelaterade utsläpp med 97% uppnås. Vidare uppnås utsläppsminskning med användning av slutbehandlingstekniker och cirkulära ekonomiinitiativ baserade på de restprodukter som uppnås genom de teknikerna.

The inability to recruit and retain previously disadvantaged professionals in a South African Steel Merchant

Wylie, Ross James 06 1900 (has links)
The Steel Merchant offers a service of stocking and distributing steel products and value added services throughout Africa. The company is the largest steel merchant in Africa employing over 5500 employees. The South African government implemented the Employment Equity Act, No 55, (1998) and Broad-Based Black Economic Act, No 53, (2003) to readdress the discrimination of the past and create fair opportunities for Previously Disadvantaged Individuals (PDI) in the workplace. The Steel Merchant's business environment is severely affected by these legislations and is required to comply with the provisions of the Act or will receive fines and penalties. Since the Acts inception the merchant continues to struggle in recruiting and retaining PDIs in professionally qualified and management positions. The organization has experienced strategic drift by falling from a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Procurement Recognition/Status Level of 5 down to level 6. The research identified various factors within the organization that are hindering its overall ability to adapt and progress in terms of Employment Equity (EE) and BEE. The study is focused on identifying the internal and external barriers that prevent the effective implementation of BEE and EE strategies in order to recruit and retain previously disadvantaged professionals at the Steel Merchant. The Research Objectives are: • To evaluate the effect of organizational culture and climate on the implementation of Employment Equity, Affirmative Action (AA) and BEE Strategies • To analyze the importance of Human Resource Management (HRM) in the development of recruitment and retention strategies of previously disadvantaged professionals • To investigate the differences in gender and race leadership qualities and behavior • To identify and assess the barriers in implementing employment equity recruitment and retention strategies • To determine how government legislation will influence the Steel Organizations' competitiveness internationally Internal secondary data was used to analyze the Merchant's Human Resource Management, EE and BEE performance. External secondary data from the South African government departments was used to analyze the legislative Acts and how the company performs compared to the industry standards. A quantitative research approach was followed in the investigation. A questionnaire was developed using closed-ended questions to obtain information related to the respondent's demographical background as well as their opinion on each objective. The questionnaire was distributed by email to 1 00 employees and weighted according to racial group (Black, White, Coloured and Asian) and gender (Male and Female). The method allowed the researcher to receive and analyze the information quickly at no financial cost. Descriptive statistics were used to interpret the results and describe the behaviour of each racial and gender group contained in the sample. The data methods used were: • Percentages • The mean, mode and median • Standard Deviation The conclusions from the sample were used to generalize about the steel merchant population whilst research from recognized academics was utilized to authenticate and substantiate the research findings improving the accuracy and reliability of the research. The results of the study identified the following factors have contributed to the merchant's inability to recruit and retain PDI at professionally qualified and management levels: • The Steel Merchant has a white male dominated organizational culture and ineffective HRM strategies • Black shareholders have contributed little towards previously disadvantaged development creating resentment by employees • Employment Equity, Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative action has created racial divides, a lack of trust and will negatively influence the company's competitiveness internationally. The research identified various problems that hinder the implementation of EE and BEE policy at the steel merchant which makes it difficult to recruit and retain talented PDI. The following recommendations have been made to minimize resistance and integrate EE and BEE policies to improve recruitment and retention in the organization: • Define and communicate the BEE/EE vision and strategy • Delayer hierarchal levels • National Culture Training • Implement Performance Management Systems • lncentivize Knowledge Sharing • Re-evaluate the recruitment policies • Train, develop and mentor PDI • Develop career paths and succession plans • Create a leadership development program • Create a shared understanding of EE • Address white fears through empowerment • Black shareholders should be actively involved with the development of PO employees • Harness African culture to succeed internationally. EE and BEE is obligatory and will inevitably influence the company's performance. The Steel Merchant has the resources and capabilities to eliminate resistance and implement effective HRM strategies to recruit and retain talented POl in professional and management positions. By achieving this objective, the company's Broad Based Black Employment Equity (BBBEE) rating will advance resulting in a sustainable competitive advantage and more business opportunities in the future. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / M.B.A.

The inability to recruit and retain previously disadvantaged professionals in a South African Steel Merchant

Wylie, Ross James 06 1900 (has links)
The Steel Merchant offers a service of stocking and distributing steel products and value added services throughout Africa. The company is the largest steel merchant in Africa employing over 5500 employees. The South African government implemented the Employment Equity Act, No 55, (1998) and Broad-Based Black Economic Act, No 53, (2003) to readdress the discrimination of the past and create fair opportunities for Previously Disadvantaged Individuals (PDI) in the workplace. The Steel Merchant's business environment is severely affected by these legislations and is required to comply with the provisions of the Act or will receive fines and penalties. Since the Acts inception the merchant continues to struggle in recruiting and retaining PDIs in professionally qualified and management positions. The organization has experienced strategic drift by falling from a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Procurement Recognition/Status Level of 5 down to level 6. The research identified various factors within the organization that are hindering its overall ability to adapt and progress in terms of Employment Equity (EE) and BEE. The study is focused on identifying the internal and external barriers that prevent the effective implementation of BEE and EE strategies in order to recruit and retain previously disadvantaged professionals at the Steel Merchant. The Research Objectives are: • To evaluate the effect of organizational culture and climate on the implementation of Employment Equity, Affirmative Action (AA) and BEE Strategies • To analyze the importance of Human Resource Management (HRM) in the development of recruitment and retention strategies of previously disadvantaged professionals • To investigate the differences in gender and race leadership qualities and behavior • To identify and assess the barriers in implementing employment equity recruitment and retention strategies • To determine how government legislation will influence the Steel Organizations' competitiveness internationally Internal secondary data was used to analyze the Merchant's Human Resource Management, EE and BEE performance. External secondary data from the South African government departments was used to analyze the legislative Acts and how the company performs compared to the industry standards. A quantitative research approach was followed in the investigation. A questionnaire was developed using closed-ended questions to obtain information related to the respondent's demographical background as well as their opinion on each objective. The questionnaire was distributed by email to 1 00 employees and weighted according to racial group (Black, White, Coloured and Asian) and gender (Male and Female). The method allowed the researcher to receive and analyze the information quickly at no financial cost. Descriptive statistics were used to interpret the results and describe the behaviour of each racial and gender group contained in the sample. The data methods used were: • Percentages • The mean, mode and median • Standard Deviation The conclusions from the sample were used to generalize about the steel merchant population whilst research from recognized academics was utilized to authenticate and substantiate the research findings improving the accuracy and reliability of the research. The results of the study identified the following factors have contributed to the merchant's inability to recruit and retain PDI at professionally qualified and management levels: • The Steel Merchant has a white male dominated organizational culture and ineffective HRM strategies • Black shareholders have contributed little towards previously disadvantaged development creating resentment by employees • Employment Equity, Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative action has created racial divides, a lack of trust and will negatively influence the company's competitiveness internationally. The research identified various problems that hinder the implementation of EE and BEE policy at the steel merchant which makes it difficult to recruit and retain talented PDI. The following recommendations have been made to minimize resistance and integrate EE and BEE policies to improve recruitment and retention in the organization: • Define and communicate the BEE/EE vision and strategy • Delayer hierarchal levels • National Culture Training • Implement Performance Management Systems • lncentivize Knowledge Sharing • Re-evaluate the recruitment policies • Train, develop and mentor PDI • Develop career paths and succession plans • Create a leadership development program • Create a shared understanding of EE • Address white fears through empowerment • Black shareholders should be actively involved with the development of PO employees • Harness African culture to succeed internationally. EE and BEE is obligatory and will inevitably influence the company's performance. The Steel Merchant has the resources and capabilities to eliminate resistance and implement effective HRM strategies to recruit and retain talented POl in professional and management positions. By achieving this objective, the company's Broad Based Black Employment Equity (BBBEE) rating will advance resulting in a sustainable competitive advantage and more business opportunities in the future. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / M.B.A.

Evaluating the effectiveness of a 360-degree performance appraisal and feedback in a selected steel organisation / Koetlisi Eugene Lithakong

Lithakong, Koetlisi Eugene January 2014 (has links)
Most companies are competing in the diverse global markets, and competitive advantage through human capital is becoming very important. Employee development for high productivity and the use of effective tools to measure their performance are therefore paramount. One such tool is the 360-degree performance appraisal system. The study on the effectiveness of the 360-degree performance appraisal was conducted on a selected steel organisation. The primary objective of the research study was to determine whether the current 360-degree performance evaluation system the organisation uses is effective or whether there is a need to explore other employee evaluation and feedback systems across the industry to identify the best practice. Constructs that were measured are the impact of 360-degree appraisal on the employee motivation and performance, job satisfaction, the organisation‟s performance, succession planning as well as training and development. The findings showed that the 360-degree appraisal system is effective in most of these areas. The findings will also assist management with a better understanding of where the process has failed and what gaps need to be filled. The results concluded that there is no need to explore other performance appraisal systems; however, as recommended, the identified deficiencies in the current evaluation process need to be addressed. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Evaluating the effectiveness of a 360-degree performance appraisal and feedback in a selected steel organisation / Koetlisi Eugene Lithakong

Lithakong, Koetlisi Eugene January 2014 (has links)
Most companies are competing in the diverse global markets, and competitive advantage through human capital is becoming very important. Employee development for high productivity and the use of effective tools to measure their performance are therefore paramount. One such tool is the 360-degree performance appraisal system. The study on the effectiveness of the 360-degree performance appraisal was conducted on a selected steel organisation. The primary objective of the research study was to determine whether the current 360-degree performance evaluation system the organisation uses is effective or whether there is a need to explore other employee evaluation and feedback systems across the industry to identify the best practice. Constructs that were measured are the impact of 360-degree appraisal on the employee motivation and performance, job satisfaction, the organisation‟s performance, succession planning as well as training and development. The findings showed that the 360-degree appraisal system is effective in most of these areas. The findings will also assist management with a better understanding of where the process has failed and what gaps need to be filled. The results concluded that there is no need to explore other performance appraisal systems; however, as recommended, the identified deficiencies in the current evaluation process need to be addressed. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Designing an organisational change programme for Iscor Mining

Myburgh, Ras 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / Iscor Mining is facing key challenges due to the intensification of international market competition, deteriorating commodity prices and escalating input costs. Its parastatal history and protected environment during the years of isolation, was not a conducive environment for the development of a high performance organisation. Iscor management recognised this challenge and embarked on a programme to kick-start improvement on all its operating units. This programme delivered on expectations, but signs of weaknesses in the organisation's ability to sustain the improvements were starting to emerge. The potential for further improvements were shown to be far more than anticipated, however the organisation was limited by cultural and leadership issues in its ability to turn the identified performance improvement potential into business results and shareholder value. The existing organisational capabilities were evaluated for its potential to unlock the identified value against a chosen management model, and the areas of biggest concerns identified were in leadership behaviour, business process design and organisation culture. The biggest gaps in organisational capabilities were shown to exist in areas of leadership, core business process design and organisational culture issues. Thirteen actions for change is proposed to close the identified gaps.

Organisational and industrial practice in the steel industry : a sociology of science study

Sedumedi, Boitshoko Kaelo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigated the nature of a steel production process in South Africa. The Iron and Steel Corporation of South Africa (Iscor) was analysed within various theoretical approaches within the sociology of science and technology. Iscor follows the production processes that are based on a particular paradigm practiced throughout the world by steel-making organisations. The study aims to unlock this paradigm by using specific theoretical (ANT, SCOT and SSR) and disciplinary (MOT) approaches. Each approach provides a unique analytical dimension to the study: the influence of various human and non-human actors, the influence of social pressures, the historical evolution of the current practices and the management of risk. The study explores how Iscor adheres to mainstream scientific work. Hence there is a focus on endogeneous approaches - "processes of technological change and their outcomes are part of what has to be explained and understood" (Rip et ai, 1995). It is also noted that the technologies are derived from practical experiences and processes of scientific research. There is an ongoing attempt to formulate an understanding between technical and social content of steel-making processes because automated plant machinery continue to replace manual labour. Finally, the study investigates how dominant steel-making technologies within lscor's Vanderbijlpark (VP) and Saldanah Bay (SB) plants have evolved to achieve a position of stability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie het oorsake van die staal produksie proses in Suid Afrika geondersoek. Die Yster en Staal Korperasie van Suid Afrika (Yskor) was geanaliseer binne die verskillende teoretiese benaderings in die sosiologie van wetenskap en tegnologie. Yskor volg 'n produksie wat gebaseer is op 'n spesifieke paradigm wat deur alle staal vervaardigde organisasie wereld wyd gepraktiseer word. Die studie beoog om hierdie paradigm te ontbloot, deur spesifieke teoretiese (ANT, SCOT and SSR) en disiplinere (MOT) benaderings te gebruik. Elk van hierdie benaderings sal 'n unieke analiese demensie voortbring aan die studie: die invloed van verskillende menslike en nie-menslike aspekte, die invloed van sosiale druk, die geskiedkundige evolusie van die huidige praktyke en die bestuur van risikos. Die studie ondersoek hoe Yskor riglyne volg in die wetenskaplike veld. AI te mits is daar 'n mikpunt op endogeniese benadering - "tegnologiese prosese verandering en die resultate wat deel vorm van hoe die proses verduidelik word en verstandbaar moet wees" (Rip et al, 1995). Dis is dus duidelik dat die tegnologie verkry word deur praktiese ondervinding en wetenskappe navorsing prosese. Daar is voortdurend pogings om die verwantskap tussen tegniese en die sosiale inhoud van die staal vervaardigings prosese te formuleer, deurdat auto-matiese mashienerie all deurgans oorneem van werkers. Laastens die studie ondersoek hoe die dominante staal vervaardigde tegnologie binne in Yskor Vanderbijlpark (VP) en Saldanha Baai (SB) verander het om 'n stabiele stands poort te verkry.

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