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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of androgenic anabolic steroids on the susceptibility of the rat heart to ischaemia and reperfusion injury

Rossouw, Ellen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Athletes use androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) to enhance their physical performance. The abuse of AAS is however associated with a host of side effects including sudden death due to cardiac arrest. The use of AAS leads to myocardial hypertrophy, which possibly makes the heart more prone to ischaemia/reperfusion injury, since it often develops in the absence of proper vasculature development. Chronic AAS use also disrupts myocardial p-adrenoreceptor function and possibly cAMP, signalling in the heart. Drugs increasing cAMP and decreasing cGMP levels in the ischaemic myocardium exacerbate myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury. We also know that AAS causes coronary artery disease secondary to the deleterious alteration of lipid profiles by increasing the LOL cholesterol and decreasing the HOLcholesterol levels. AAS treatment may increase systemic TNFa levels by stimulating lymphocyte TNFa secretion that has been implicated in the depression of myocardial function, myocardial hypertrophy and the worsening of ischaemia/reperfsuion injury. Aims: To determine whether chronic AAS treatment in trained and untrained rats influences: 1) heart function and susceptibility to ischaemia/reperfusion injury, 2) myocardial cyclic nucleotide levels (cAMP and cGMP) and 3) myocardial TNFa levels. Material and methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=100) were divided into 4 groups: sedentary vehicle (placebo) treated group, sedentary AAS treated group, exercise vehicle (placebo) treated group, and exercise AAS treated group. Steroid treated animals received an intramuscular injection of nandrolone laureate (0.375 mg/kg) once a week, for six weeks. Training consisted of swim sessions 6 days a week for 6 weeks. Swim time was incrementally increased up to a maximum of 50 minutes a day. For biometric parameters heart weight and body weight were documented. Hearts were mounted on a l.anqendorff perfusion apparatus and left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP), heart rate (HR) and coronary flow (CF) was monitored. The hearts were subjected to a period of 20 minutes of global ischaemia, followed by 30 minutes of reperfusion. Functional parameters was again monitored and documented. For biochemical analysis, blood was collected for the determination of serum lipid levels and myocardial tissue samples were collected before, during and after ischaemia for the determination of myocardial TNFa, cGMP and cAMP levels and p38 activity. Conclusions: Results obtained would suggest that AAS exacerbate exercise induced myocardial hypertrophy. It also prevents the exercise-induced improvement in cardiac function. AAS use reduces reperfusion function in treated hearts, which may suggest that AAS exacerbates ischaemie and reperfusion injury. Furthermore it was seen that AAS elevates basal (preischaemie) cyclic nucleotide levels and basal (pre-ischaemic) as well as reperfusion TNFa levels. This may also contribute to the exacerbation of ischaemic and reperfusion injury. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Androgeniese anaboliese steroïede (AAS) word dikwels deur atlete gebruik om sportprestasie te verbeter. Die misbruik van AAS het egter talle newe effekte, insluitende skielike dood wat gewoonlik toegeskryf word aan hartaanvalle. Die gebruik van AAS lei onder andere tot miokardiale hipertrofie wat opsigself, as gevolg van ontoereikende vaskulêre ontwikkeling tydens die ontwikkeling van hipertrofie, die hart nog meer vatbaar vir isgemie/herperfusie skade maak. Kroniese AAS toediening versteur miokardiale beta-adtenoresepter funksie en moontlik die tweede boodskapper, sAMP, seintransduksie in die hart. Ons weet ook dat AAS koronêre hartvatsiektes veroorsaak. Laasgenoemde is sekondêr tot die nadelige lipiedprofiel verandering, wat 'n verhoging in LDL-C en 'n verlaging in HDL-C insluit. Middels wat miokardiale sAMP vlakke verhoog en sGMP vlakke in die isgemiese miokardium verlaag, vererger miokardiale isgemie/herperfusie skade. AAS behandeling kan moontlik ook sistemiese TNFa vlakke verhoog deur limfosiet TNFa sekresie te stimuleer. Die verhoogde TNFa vlakke word verbind aan die onderdrukking van miokardiale funksie, miokardiale hipertrofie en die verergering van isgemie/herperfusie skade. Doelwitte: Die doelwitte van die studie was om te bepaal of kroniese AAS toediening in geoefende en ongeoefende rotte 1) hartfunksie en die hart se vatbaarheid vir isgemie/herperfusie skade beïnvloed, 2) miokardiale sikliese nukleotiedvlakke (sAMP en sGMP) beïnvloed en 3) miokardiale TNFa-vlakke beïnvloed. Materiale en metodes: Manlike Sprague-Dawley rotte (n=100) is gebruik en in 4 groepe verdeel: 'n ongeoefende placebo groep (kontrole); 'n ongeoefende steroïedbehandelde groep; 'n geoefende placebo groep (kontrole) en 'n geoefende steroïedbehandelde groep. Steroïed behandelde diere het 'n intramuskulêre nandroloon lauraat inspuiting (0.375 mg/kg) een keer per week vir ses weke ontvang. Die oefenprogram het bestaan uit ses swemsessies 'n week vir ses weke. Die swemtyd is geleidelik weekliks verhoog tot by 'n maksimum tyd 50 min. Die waterbadtemperatuur is tussen 30 - 32 oe gehandhaaf. Vir biometriese parameters is hartgewig en liggaamsgewig genoteer. Harte is op 'n Langendorff perfusie apparaat gemonteer en linker ventrikulêre ontwikkelde druk (LVOD), koronêre vloei (KV) en harttempo (HT) is genoteer. Die harte is vervolgens blootgestel aan 20 minute van globale isgemie gevolg deur 'n 30 minute herperfusieperiode. LVOD, KV en HT is weer eens noteer. Vir biochemiese doeleindes is bloed voor perfusie versamelom serum lipied vlakke te bepaal. Miokardiale weefsel is versamel voor, tydens en na isgemie vir die bepaling van TNFa, cGMP en AMP vlakke asook p38 aktiwiteit. Gevolgtrekkings: Na aanleiding van resultate verkry wil dit voorkom asof die gebruik van steroïde oefeningsgeïnduseerde miokardiale hipertrofie vererger. Dit verhoed ook oefeningsgeïnduseerde verbetering in miokardiale funksie. AAS lei tot 'n verlaagde herperfusiefunksie in behandelde harte, wat dalk mag dui op MS verergering van isgemie en herperfusie skade. Verder was daar ook waargeneem dat MS basale (pre-isgemiese) sikliese nukleotiedvlakke en basale TNFa-vlakke sowel as herperfusie TNFa vlakke verhoog. Die verhoging in TNF-a vlakke mag dus moontlik ook bydra tot die verergering van isgemie- en herperfusieskade.

Σχεδιασμός και σύνθεση νέων αμινο-στεροειδών

Τσαγκατάκη, Ειρήνη 02 April 2014 (has links)
Ο καρκίνος του προστάτη, αποτελεί ένα από τα σπουδαιότερα προβλήματα υγείας και συγκεκριμένα την τρίτη πιο συχνή αιτία θανάτου από καρκίνο στους άνδρες. Ο υποδοχέας ανδρογόνων είναι ένας σημαντικός μοριακός στόχος στη θεραπευτική αντιμετώπιση του καρκίνου του προστάτη. Η επιβίωση και ο πολλαπλασιασμός των καρκινικών προστατικών κυττάρων εξαρτώνται από τη δράση των ανδρογόνων, τουλάχιστον κατά τα πρώιμα στάδια της νόσου. Λόγω αυτής της εξάρτησης, η αποστέρηση των ανδρογόνων αποτελεί την αρχική μέθοδο φαρμακολογικής παρέμβασης για την αντιμετώπιση του καρκίνου του προστάτη. Ωστόσο, παρά την αρχική αποτελεσματικότητα αυτής της προσέγγισης στην καταστολή του όγκου, εκείνος επανακάμπτει εντός δύο ή τριών ετών και εξακολουθεί να αναπτύσσεται ανεξάρτητα από την ύπαρξη ανδρογόνων. Οι υπάρχουσες θεραπευτικές προσεγγίσεις αδυνατούν να προλάβουν την επανεμφάνιση του όγκου. Προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση, η ανάπτυξη νέων θεραπευτικών παραγόντων με αποτελεσματικότερη αντιανδρογόνο δράση, θα είχε σημαντική αξία στη θεραπεία του καρκίνου του προστάτη. Πρόσφατα, στεροειδικά παράγωγα, τα οποία έφεραν έναν εξαμελή λακταμικό δακτύλιο στη θέση-20 του στεροειδικού σκελετού εμφάνισαν ανασταλτική δράση έναντι του ανδρογονικού υποδοχέα καθώς και έναντι του πολλαπλασιασμού καρκινικών προστατικών κυττάρων. Επίσης, παράλληλες μελέτες της ερευνητικής ομάδας μας έχουν δείξει ότι τροποποιημένα στεροειδικά παράγωγα που έφεραν είτε ενδοκυκλική λακταμική ή εξωκυκλική αμιδική -NHCO- ομάδα, έχουν εμφανίσει εξαιρετική δράση έναντι αιματολογικών νεοπλασιών. Με βάση τα παραπάνω δεδομένα, στα πλαίσια της παρούσας μελέτης πραγματοποιήθηκε ο σχεδιασμός και η σύνθεση νέων 20-αμινοστεροειδών. Συγκεκριμένα επιτεύχθηκε η σύνθεση νέων μορίων που φέρουν ως κύρια δομικά χαρακτηριστικά έναν επταμελή λακταμικό Α-στεροειδικό δακτύλιο και ένα αμινο-υποκατεστημένο στερεογονικό κέντρο (C-20). Το συνθετικό σχήμα που ακολουθήθηκε, περιελάμβανε αρχικά τη διεύρυνση του Α-στεροειδικού δακτυλίου της πρεγνενολόνης μέσω μετάθεσης Beckmann της αντίστοιχης 3-κετοξίμης σε επταμελή λακταμικό δακτύλιο και μετέπειτα τη διαστερεοεκλεκτική μετατροπή της 20-κετο-ομάδας σε αμινο-υποκατεστημένο στερεογονικό κέντρο μέσω νουκλεόφιλης προσθήκης οργανομαγνησιακού αντιδραστηρίου στην αντίστοιχη ενδιάμεση Ν-[t-butyl-σουλφινυλ]-20-ιμίνη. Κατά την εξέλιξη της συνθετικής πορείας διερευνήθηκαν και βελτιστοποιήθηκαν οι πειραματικές συνθήκες των επιμέρους σταδίων. Η αποτίμηση της βιολογικής δράσης των νέων 20-αμινοστεροειδών αναμένεται να αποσαφηνίσει κατά πόσο οι παραπάνω δομικές τροποποιήσεις μπορούν να συμβάλλουν στην εκδήλωση αντιανδρογόνου και αντικαρκινικής δράσης. Παράλληλα, ο στεροειδικός σκελετός των νέων μορίων είναι εφικτό να οδηγήσει σε νέα τροποποιημένα παράγωγα για την εξαγωγή σχέσεων χημικής δομής-βιολογικής δραστικότητας. / Prostate cancer is one of the most important health problems and specifically the third most common cause of death because of cancer in men. The androgen receptor is an important molecular target for the treatment of prostate cancer. The survival and the proliferation of cancer prostatic cells depend on the action of androgens, at least at the early stages of the disease. Because of this dependency, androgen deprivation is the initial method in the pharmacological intervention for the treatment of prostate cancer. However, despite the initial effectiveness of this approach in tumor suppression, the tumor relapses within two or three years and continues to grow regardless the presence of androgens. The existing therapeutic approaches fail to prevent the revival of the tumor. Toward this direction, the development of new therapeutic agents with more effective antiandrogen activity, would have significant value in the treatment of prostate cancer. Recently, steroid derivatives, which carried a six membered lactam ring at C-20 of the steroid skeleton, exhibited inhibitory activity against the androgen receptor and also against the proliferation of prostate cancer cells. Furthermore, parallel studies of our research group have shown that modified steroid derivatives which carried either a lactam or an amide-NHCO-group, have shown excellent activity against haematological malignancies. Based on these data, in this study the design and synthesis of new 20-aminosteroid was achieved. Specifically we achieved the synthesis of new molecules bearing as main structural features one seven membered lactam A-steroid ring and an amino-substituted stereogenic center (C-20). The synthetic approach used, initially involved the pregnenolone A-steroidal ring expansion to a seven membered lactam ring via Beckmann rearrangement of the corresponding 3-ketoxime and then the diastereoselective conversion of the 20-keto group to an amino-substituted stereogenic center via nucleophilic addition of organometallic reagent to the corresponding intermediate N-[t-butyl-sulfinyl]-20-imine. During this process, the experimental conditions of the intermediate synthetic steps were investigated and optimized. The biological evaluation of the new 20-aminosteroids is expected to unravel whether these structural modifications may contribute to antiandrogenic and anticancer activity. Meanwhile, the steroidal skeleton of the new molecules may lead to the development of new modified derivatives for further structure-activity relationship studies.


Kim, Beob Gyun 01 January 2007 (has links)
The objectives were to investigate the effects of chromium (III) picolinate (CrPic; up to 2,000 ppb of Cr) on growing pigs subjected to a variety of stressors including thermal, immune, or dietary stress and to examine the effects of CrPic on steroidogenesis from adrenocortical cells. In the thermal stress study, high ambient temperature caused reduced weight gain and feed consumption (P andlt; 0.01), and low ambient temperature caused increased feed intake and feed:gain (P andlt; 0.01). However, these effects were not moderated by CrPic, and respiratory rate, plasma cortisol, or plasma glucose were unaffected by CrPic. In the immune stress study, pigs challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) lost 951 g during 12 hours post injection, while the phosphate buffer saline (PBS) injected group gained 170 g (P andlt; 0.001). The LPS group showed higher rectal temperature (P andlt; 0.05), higher respiratory rate (P andlt; 0.05), greater plasma cortisol (P andlt; 0.001), and lower plasma glucose (P andlt; 0.05) than the PBS group. These effects were not ameliorated by CrPic. In the dietary stress study, pigs fed the high-fat diet (HFD) gained weight faster (P andlt; 0.05), consumed less feed (P andlt; 0.001), and had lower feed:gain (P andlt; 0.001). Plasma insulin concentration on d 14 decreased with CrPic (P andlt; 0.05) in a linear manner (P = 0.05). Consumption of the HFD resulted in increases of slaughter weight, perirenal fat, and back fat measurements (P andlt; 0.01). The CrPic resulted in linear reductions of carcass weight, last rib fat, last lumbar fat and average backfat (P andlt; 0.10). The effects of CrPic on carcass fat measurements were more significant in barrows than gilts. In the adrenocortical cell study, forskolin stimulated cortisol and DHEAs secretion from H295R cells. CrPic inhibited aspects of steroidogenesis in agonist-stimulated adrenocortical cells. Overall, dietary CrPic was unable to moderate the stress related effects due to high ambient temperature, low ambient temperature, or an endotoxin challenge. However, CrPic attenuated effects of HFD, mainly on body fat accretion of pigs, especially in barrows, and CrPic inhibited steroidogenesis in stimulated adrenocorticoid cells.

Anabolic androgenic steroids and central monoaminergic systems : Supratherapeutic doses of nandrolone decanoate affect dopamine and serotonin

Birgner, Carolina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Supratherapeutic doses of anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) are administered, not only as performance-enhancing drugs in the world of sports, but also in order to modify behaviour. AAS abusers are at risk of developing serious physical and psychological side effects such as dependence and aggressive behaviour. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the impact of supratherapeutic doses of nandrolone decanoate after subchronic administration on dopamine and serotonin pathways involved in drug dependence and aggression, in the male rat brain.</p><p>Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats received intramuscular injections of nandrolone decanoate (3 or 15 mg/kg) or vehicle once daily for 14 days. Nandrolone decanoate pre-exposure abolished the effect of amphetamine on the 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) tissue level in the hypothalamus and on the DOPAC/dopamine ratio in the hypothalamus and the hippocampus. A significant decrease of the basal extracellular DOPAC and homovanillic acid (HVA) levels could be detected in the nucleus accumbens, which remained low during the first hour following the amphetamine challenge. Nandrolone decanoate significantly reduced the activity of both monoamine oxidase A and B (MAO-A and -B) in the caudate putamen and amygdala. The gene transcript levels of MAO-B, and the dopamine D1 and D4 receptors were altered in limbic regions. No changes in transcriptional levels could be detected among the serotonin receptor genes examined. However, the density of the serotonin transporter protein was elevated in a range of aggression-related brain regions.</p><p>Taken together, subchronic administration of nandrolone decanoate causes dopaminergic and serotonergic dysregulations in distinct brain regions. These areas of the brain are involved in the development of drug dependence and expression of impulsive and aggressive behaviours. These results may contribute to explain some of the behavioural changes often reported in AAS abusers, such as polydrug use and impaired impulse control.</p>

Biological Activity of Steroid Analogues:Synthesis and Receptor/Enzyme Interactions

McCarthy, Anna Rose January 2006 (has links)
This thesis investigates the biological activity of selected non-steroidal analogues of sex steroid hormones by examining two different effects of analogues on endogenous sex hormone activity. Non-steroidal analogues of sex hormones were synthesised to study their biological interactions with a sex steroid receptor and a sex steroid metabolising enzyme. Chapter One introduces the steroid hormones and their physiology, which leads to a review of the mechanisms by which steroids exert their effects. Their implication in disease is discussed, with particular emphasis on the sex steroids. As the biological activity of steroids is related to their chemical structure, the important features of steroid structure are identified, including the cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene nucleus, arrangement of ring substituents and ring junction conformation. The concept of non-steroidal analogues of steroids is introduced, and the harmful or beneficial effects analogues have on endogenous steroid activity are considered. Alteration of steroid activity and its consequences are focussed on two main areas; the potential adverse effects of environmental chemicals which mimic sex steroid activity, and the use of non-steroidal analogues in medicinal chemistry for treating sex steroid related disease. Chapter Two describes an investigation into the 17β-estradiol mimicking activity of non-steroidal analogues. Exogenous chemicals that mimic estradiol are of concern as they may alter endogenous estradiol activity and disrupt endocrine systems. Firstly, an introduction to the field of research concerned with environmental chemicals that mimic steroid hormones is given. The interaction of xenoestrogens with the estrogen receptor is described, as are the methods available for assessing the estrogen mimicking activity of xenoestrogens. The concern for insecticides mimicking estrogen activity is described by reviewing reported activities of insecticides, which leads into a discussion of work carried out as part of this thesis. Metabolites of the pyrethroid insecticides permethrin and cypermethrin, 2.14, 2.15, and 2.16 were synthesised while others were commercially obtained. The interaction of pyrethroid insecticide metabolites with the human estrogen receptor expressed in recombinant yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was studied, following the establishment and validation of the assay. Metabolites 2.11, 2.12, and 2.14 were found to weakly stimulate estrogen receptor-mediated estradiol responsive gene expression in the yeast assay (105 less active than 17β-estradiol). Since the activity of the metabolites using the yeast assay was greater than for the parent compounds, metabolic pathways need to be considered when assessing the impact of exposure to environmental estrogens. The low estrogenic activity suggests these compounds are not individually contributing significantly to the xenoestrogenic impact on humans, but will add to total xenoestrogen exposure. Chapter Three describes the inhibition of a sex steroid metabolising enzyme, steroid 5a-reductase, by novel non-steroidal compounds. Inhibitors of this enzyme are potentially useful therapeutic agents for regulating the activity of an androgen in prostate disorders. A review of the literature on non-steroidal inhibition of 5a-reductase identified three key structural features known to enhance inhibitor potency; ring substitution, position and nature of ring unsaturation and angular methyl group presence. These features were taken into account in the design of inhibitors synthesised in this thesis (3.55-3.57, 3.59, 3.61, 3.62, 3.110 and 3.111). Inhibitors consisting of non-steroidal 5- or 1-aryl pyridone scaffolds were synthesised to investigate SAR for 4'-substituents. The 5-aryl 1-methyl-2-pyridone/piperidone scaffold of compounds 3.55-3.57 and 3.59 was constructed by Suzuki cross coupling methodology, while the 1-aryl 2-methyl 2,3-dihydro-4-pyridone scaffold of 3.61 and 3.62 was constructed by aza Diels-Alder methodology. Long carbon chain olefin containing tethers 3.107 and 3.108 were synthesised for conjugation to inhibitor 3.57 by cross metathesis to give conjugates 3.110 and 3.111. Compounds 3.55-3.57, 3.59, 3.61, 3.62, 3.110 and 3.111 inhibited the type 1 5a-reductase isozyme expressed by HEK-I cells, with activities comparable to those of related literature compounds. The 1-aryl 2,3-dihydro-4-pyridone 3.62 inhibited both the type 1 and 2 isozymes (expressed by HEK-II cells) of 5a-reductase. The presence of bulky hydrophobic groups (benzoyl, long chain tethers) at the 4' position enhanced the potency of type 1 inhibition by 5-aryl pyridone type compounds in comparison to N,N-diisopropyl- and N-allylacetamide groups. This information provides further understanding of SAR within and across different classes of non-steroidal inhibitors of steroid 5a-reductase towards improved drug design.

Discovery and characterization of bile acid and steroid metabolism pathways in gut-associated microbes

Harris, Spencer 01 January 2017 (has links)
The human gut microbiome is a complex microbial ecosystem residing in the lumen of our gastrointestinal tract. The type and amounts of microbes present in this ecosystem varies based on numerous factors, including host genetics, diet, and environmental factors. The human gut microbiome plays an important role in normal host physiological functions, including providing energy to colonocytes in the form of short-chain fatty acids. However, gut microbial metabolites have also been associated with numerous disease states. Current tools for analyzing the gut microbiome, such as high-throughput sequencing techniques, are limited in their predictive ability. Additionally, “-omic” approaches of studying the complex array of molecules, such as transcriptomics (RNA), proteomics (proteins), and metabolomics (previously identified physiologically active molecules), give important insight as to the levels of these molecules but do not provide adequate explanations for their production in a complex environment. With a better physiological understanding of why specific metabolites are produced by the gut microbiome, more directed therapies could be developed to target their production. Therefore, it is immensely important to study the specific bacteria that reside within the gut microbiome to gain a better understanding of how their metabolic actions might impact the host. Within this framework, this study aimed to better understand the production of secondary bile acid metabolites by bacterial in the gut microbiome. High levels of secondary bile acids are associated with numerous pathophysiological disorders including colon cancer, liver cancer, and cholesterol gallstone disease. In the current study, three bile acid metabolizing strains of bacteria that are known members of the gut microbiome were studied. A novel strain of Eggerthella lenta was identified and characterized, along with the type strain, for its ability to modulate bile acid and steroid metabolism based on the atmospheric gas composition. Additionally, it was shown that the oxidation of hydroxyl groups on primary bile acids by E. lenta C592 inhibited subsequent 7α-dehydroxylation by Clostridium scindens. The gene involved in the production of a Δ4,6-reductase enzyme, responsible for catalyzing two of the final reductive steps in the 7α-dehydroxylation pathway, was putatively identified and characterized in Clostridium scindens ATCC 35704. Lastly, the transcriptomic profile of Clostridium scindens VPI 12708 in the presence of numerous bile acids and steroid molecules was studied. These studies contribute significantly to the understanding of why specific bile acid metabolites are made by members of the gut microbiome and suggest ways of modulating their production.

Zneužití anabolických steroidů mládeží ve fitness centrech / Abuse of anabolic steroids of Youth in fitness centers

Kojzarová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Title: Abuse of anabolic steroids of Youth in fitness centers Objectives: The main aim of the thesis is to determine the current state of the issue of doping Youth visiting the fitness centres and gyms. Another object is the comparison of the current data with data from the research conducted in 2002. Methods: There was applied the method of the sociological questionnaire survey and the interview method in this diploma thesis. The sociological questionnaire survey method was used to determine the current situation dealing with the doping of recreational sporting Youth visiting the fitness centers and gyms. Information obtained during the research have been supplemented by informal interviews with visitors of fitness centers and gyms. Both researches were compared for comparison purposes of present situation with the situation in 2002 and based on the results, conclusions were drawn. Results: The thesis describes the current situation of the issue of doping recreational sporting Youth visiting the fitness centers and gyms. In the final section of the thesis was discovered that the extent of this phenomenon, awareness about danger that supporting remedies especially anabolic steroids introduce, relatively improved when it is compared with the previous research dealing with this subject of...

Zkušenosti klientely komerční sféry fitness center s látkami dopingového charakteru / Experiences of gym members with Performance Enhancing Drugs

Macho, Juraj January 2016 (has links)
Title: Experiences of gym members with Performance Enhancing Drugs. Objectives: The aim of the diploma work is to explore the prevalence of doping in two particular fitness centres, to specify the most used doping substances, frequency and form of using, way of acquiring and to define reasons leading gym members to using these substances. No less important goal of the work is to find out the most reported benefits resulting from using doping as well as the most reported negative side effects. Methods: The main method used in the research is a questionnaire survey that is divided into three sections. The goal of the survey is to assess aspects of using performance enhancement drugs amongst gym members. Results: We found that 8% of the respondents reported positive experience with anabolic steroids as well as 5,3% of the respondents with diuretics and 3,7% of the respondents reported that they have used growth hormones. The most common substances are nandrolone and stanozolole (53,3%) followed by oxandrolone and testosterone (46,7%). Except these doping substances respondents mentioned methandienone, trenbolone, oxymetholone, clenbuterol, dianabol and boldenone. Keywords: doping, anabolic steroids, attitudes, recreational athletes, performance enhancing drugs

Synthesis and Antifungal Evaluation of Barbiturate Saponins And Progress Towards Cysteinyl Metal Peptides

Madhav, Monika 17 May 2013 (has links)
Invasive fungal infections are a major threat to immune-compromised patients. There is a critical need to develop new antifungal agents because of increasing resistance to the common antifungal drugs. In the first part of this dissertation, methods for preparation of novel barbiturate saponin as antifungals and their biological activities would be described. Barbiturates and steroidal saponins have shown remarkable antifungal activity in the biological assays. Therefore, attempts were directed to combine the barbiturate with the steroid to give novel antifungal agents. The need for extensive SAR studies and to better understand these compounds efforts were directed to synthesize novel saponin barbiturates. Glycosylation of barbiturates was achieved under basic conditions to synthesize mono and disaccharide barbiturates. Saccharide molecules were directly introduced into the barbiturate without requiring protection and deprotection of saccharides. Efficient methods were developed for synthesis of 3β derivatized steroid derivatives containing ether, carbonate, ester and carbamate linker. Synthesized mono and disaccharide barbiturates were incorporated into the steroidal skeleton to give the novel antifungal agents. Several reaction conditions were explored to give the best yield under the most efficient reaction conditions. However, a better understanding and extensive SAR study needs to be done in order to develop more promising and potent antifungal compounds. The second part of this dissertation describes the progress towards monocysteine metal complex synthesis and their biological activities. In this attempt, several protection deprotection strategies were explored and some novel protective groups were designed for peptide synthesis.

Mudanças morfofisiológicas sazonais durante o ciclo reprodutivo da prejereba (Lobotes surinamensis BLOCH 1970) (Perciformes: Lobotidae) em ambiente natural / Seasonal morphophysiological changes during the reproductive cycle of tripletail (Lobotes surinamensis BLOCH 1970) (Perciformes: Lobotidae) in natural environment

Fagundes, Kainã Rocha Cabrera 24 May 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a morfologia e fisiologia reprodutiva de Lobotes surinamensis em ambiente natural, reunindo informações que permitam trabalhos aplicados na produção e conservação desta espécie. Machos e fêmeas adultos foram coletados na Baía da Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro durante a primavera (outubro-novembro-dezembro), verão (janeiro-fevereiro-março), outono (abril-maio-junho) e inverno (julho-agosto-setembro). Os perfis plasmáticos dos esteroides gonadais, 17&beta;-estradiol (E2), 17-hidroxiprogesterona (17-OHP) e 11-cetotestosterona (11-KT) foram analisados em fêmeas, e a concentração de testosterona (T) e 11-KT nos machos. Análises histológicas das gônadas foram realizadas como uma ferramenta para avaliação morfológica, que foi corroborada com os dados fisiológicos, durante o ciclo reprodutivo. Foram analisadas ainda a expressão gênica hipofisária do fsh&beta; e lh&beta; e a fecundidade relativa pelo número de oócitos desenvolvidos. Durante a primavera e verão, as fêmeas estavam com os ovários desenvolvidos e capazes de desovar, com oócitos vitelogênicos e desenvolvidos, e membrana radiata bem evidente. No outono e inverno, as fêmeas estavam se preparando para o período reprodutivo, com predomínio de ninhos de oogônias e oócitos perinucleolares de uma forma geral. A concentração plasmática de E2 se manteve elevada nas fêmeas durante a primavera em relação ao verão e outono/inverno. O perfil anual deste esteroide nas fêmeas de L. surinamensis pode ser relacionado com o grau de desenvolvimento do folículo ovariano, observado na histologia. Já a concentração plasmática de 11-KT foi inversa ao observado para o E2, com baixa concentração na primavera e tendência à elevação no inverno, corroborando com o papel da 11-KT no crescimento primário dos oócitos. A concentração plasmática de 17-OHP nas fêmeas não apresentou diferenças significativas entre as estações, o que sugere que este não seja o progestágeno ativo em teleósteos, mas sim o precursor do esteroide indutor da maturação final (MIS). Na primavera e no verão, o lh&beta; apresentou expressão maior do que no período outono/inverno em fêmeas, enquanto o fsh&beta; se manteve com níveis de expressão constante durante todas as estações. Nos machos, a análise histológica dos testículos, mostrou que na primavera e no verão, os ductos espermáticos estavam preenchidos com espermatozoides, evidenciando o período de espermiação, já no período outono/inverno houve predominância de cistos de espermatogônias e as células em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento, o que corresponde a uma fase de maturação inicial, ou seja, preparação para o período reprodutivo. A concentração plasmática de T nos machos se manteve estável ao longo das estações, já a concentração plasmática de 11-KT foi mais elevada na primavera quando comparada ao período outono/inverno. Na primavera e verão, a expressão de lh&beta; foi mais elevada que no período outono/inverno, enquanto de forma similar às fêmeas, os níveis de expressão de fsh&beta; não se alteraram ao longo das estações. As análises de expressão destas gonadotropinas, associadas à concentração dos esteroides gonadais e à morfologia gonadal deixou evidente que o pico do período reprodutivo de L. surinamensis ocorre na primavera, estendendo-se até o verão / The present study aimed to study the morphology and reproductive physiology of Lobotes surinamensis in a natural environment, gathering information that allows applied works in the production and conservation of this species. Adult males and females were collected in the Baía da Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro during the spring (October-November-December), summer (January-February-March), autumn (April- May-June) and winter (July-August-September). Plasma profiles of gonadal steroids, 17&beta;-estradiol (E2), 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) were analyzed in females, and the concentration of testosterone (T) and 11-KT in males. Histological analyzes of the gonads were performed as a tool for morphological evaluation, which was corroborated with the physiological data, during the reproductive cycle. The genetic expression of fsh&beta; and lh&beta; and the relative fecundity by the number of developed oocytes were also analyzed. During spring and summer, the females had the ovaries developed and capable of spawning, with vitellogenic and developed oocytes, and a well evident radiata zone. In autumn and winter, females were preparing for the reproductive period, with a predominance of nest of oogonia and perinucleolar oocytes in general. The plasma concentration of E2 remained higher in females during the spring in relation to summer and autumn/winter. The annual profile of this steroid in L. surinamensis females may be related to the degree of development of the ovarian follicle observed in histology. The plasma concentration of 11-KT was inversely of that observed for E2, with a low concentration in the spring and a tendency to increase in winter/autumn, corroborating the role of 11-KT in the primary oocyte growth. The plasma concentration of 17-OHP in the females did not present significant differences between the seasons, suggesting that this is not the active progestogen in teleosts, but the precursor of the final maturation inducing steroid (MIS). In spring and summer, lh&beta; presented higher gene expression than in the autumn/winter period in females, while fsh&beta; remained with constant expression levels during all seasons. In males, the histological analysis of the testicles showed that in the spring and summer, the sperm ducts were filled with spermatozoa, evidencing the period of spermiation, whereas in the autumn/winter period there was a predominance of cysts of spermatogonia and cells in different stages of. development, which corresponds to an initial maturation stage, that is, the preparation for the reproductive period. The plasma concentration of T in males remained stable throughout the seasons, whereas the plasma concentration of 11-KT was higher in the spring when compared to the autumn/winter period. In spring and summer, the expression of lh&beta; was higher than in the autumn/winter period, while similarly to females, fsh&beta; expression levels did not change over the seasons. The analysis of the expression of these gonadotropin genes, associated with the concentration of gonadal steroids and gonadal morphology, made it evident that the peak of the reproductive period of L. surinamensis occurs in the spring, extending until the summer

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