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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo endócrino-comportamental da reprodução de pinguins-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) mantidos em cativeiro / Endocrine and behavioral study of captive magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus)

Jéssica Domato Ribeiro 12 April 2017 (has links)
A vasta maioria dos pinguins são aves de reprodução sazonal. O pinguim-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) forma colônias reprodutivas em latitudes superiores a 42º S no Chile, Argentina e Ilhas Malvinas/ Falklands, demonstrando comportamento sazonal como outras aves de clima temperado. Durante o inverno, os pinguins migram em direção ao norte, sendo frequentemente avistadas em águas brasileiras nas regiões sul e sudeste. Apesar de diversas instituições no Brasil abrigarem esta espécie de pinguim em seus plantéis, sua taxa reprodutiva em cativeiro é baixa e irregular em todo o país. Desde 2009, a Sabina Parque Escola do Conhecimento (Santo André SP) mantem um plantel de aproximadamente 20 pinguins que nunca apresentara histórico reprodutivo ou se quer sinais de acasalamento. Em 2012, um programa de luz mimetizando o fotoperiodo vivenciado pelas colonias reprodutivas in situ foi instaurado, e a resposta endócrino-comportamental de parte desse plantel (9 machos e 9 fêmeas) foi registrada. Com o início do programa de luz a população não apenas aumentou gradativamente o número de indivíduos pareados, como também iniciou a postura de ovos (férteis e inférteis) e a criação de filhotes. Oscilações nos esteróides fecais e comportamentos de machos e fêmeas com diferentes resultados reprodutivos são detalhadas para duas estações reprodutivas consecutivas (setembro a janeiro). De modo geral, os níveis hormonais no segundo ano de monitoramento foram mais altos, sugerindo uma infuência da idade sobre a secreção de esteróides sexuais. No segundo ano de avaliação, machos que obtiveram filhotes apresentaram concentrações de andrógenos fecais aparentemente mais elevadas que machos pareados sem ovos ou com ovos inférteis, mas similares aos machos despareados cujo os níveis mantiveram-se altos de outubro a janeiro. Não foi possível tirar conclusões sobre os padrões de secreção de progestégenos e estrógenos fecais nos machos monitorados. Nas fêmeas, aumentos nos níveis de andrógenos fecais foram notórios apenas nos indivíduos com ovos e sem filhotes. Elevações na secreção de progestágenos fecais em fêmeas despareadas ou sem postura não resultaram na produção de ovos, apesar desses aumentos serem compativeis àquelas observadas nas fêmeas com ovos ou filhotes. Adicionalmente, em outro período deste trabalho, uma falha mecânica no controle do fotoperíodo desencadeou na elevação do comprimento de luz durante os meses de inverno (24 horas luz/ dia de maio a agosto). Esta superexposição a luz artificial induziu comportamentos reprodutivos em três casais monitorados (inclusive com a postura de ovos por uma fêmea), além de induzir uma segunda muda quatro meses após a primeira muda. Estes achados demonstram a alta susceptibilidade da espécie aos programas de luz, e levantam a possibilidade de utilizar essa ferramenta não só para a estimular a reprodução em cativeiro, mas talvez para induzir uma segunda estação reprodutiva no ano ou reduzir o intervalo entre estações reprodutivas. Ambos desdobramentos possuem aplicabilidade na propagação de indivíduos da família Spheniscidae, a qual 60% das espécies é classificada em alguma categoria de ameaça da IUCN. / Most penguin´s species are seasonal breeders. Magellanic penguins have their breeding sites in Chile, Argentina and Malvinas/ Falklands Islands (42° S and higher latitudes), demonstrating their seasonal behavior as other birds from temperate zones. During the winter, penguins migrate north, and are commonly seen in waters from Brazilian south and southeast regions. Although many institutions keep magellanic penguins in Brazil, the breeding success among these birds is low and irregular all over the country. Since 2009, Sabina Park School of Knowledge (Santo André SP), maintain approximately 20 magellanic penguins without any breeding history or reproductive behavior. In 2012, a lighting program simulating the photoperiod of the penguins´ breeding sites in situ was initiated, and the endocrinal and behavioral responses from part of the animals (9 males and 9 females) was surveyed. After the lightning program started, there was not only a progressive rise in the number of paired animals, but also an outset of laying (fertile and infertile eggs) and raise of chicks. Fecal steroids and behaviors of males and females with different outcomings are exposed for two consecutive breeding seasons (September January). Generally, the hormonal levels of the second year monitored were higher, suggesting an influence of the animal´s maturity upon the sex steroids. On the second year´s evaluation, males with chicks apparently presented higher androgens levels as compared with males without eggs or with infertile eggs, but similar to non-paired males whose levels were high the from October to January. It was not possible to obtain any conclusions on progestogens nor estrogens secretions standards. Fecal androgens on females showed a notorious rise only in the paired without chick group. Rises on the secretion of fecal progestogens on females of the non-paired and without-laying groups did not progress to egg production, although the rises were compatible with the ones seen on females with-egg laying, and with-chicks. Father, on a different stage of this survey, a mechanic failure on the photoperiod control triggered an elevation on the light length during winter months (24 hours light/ day from May to August). This over exposition of artificial light induced reproductive behaviors on three surveyed animals (including an egg laying of one of the females), as well as induced a second molt four months after their annual molt. Those findings demonstrate the high susceptibility to lightning programs showed by this specie, also raise a possibility of using it as a tool, not only to stimulate captivity breeding, but also to induce a second breeding season during the year or decrease the breeding season interval. Both results have applicability on the conservation of Spheniscisdae individuals, which has 60% of species classified in endangered categories (IUCN)

Estudo da qualidade do sedimento através de teste de toxicidade e marcadores de esgoto na Enseada de Ubatuba-SP, Brasil. Influência do aumento da população de veraneio / Study of sediment quality through toxicity tests and sewage markers at Ybatuba Small Bay-SP, Brazil, influenced by increasing population in summer holidays

Luis Fabiano Joaquim de Oliveira 09 October 2009 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a toxicidade do sedimento da Enseada de Ubatuba através de testes de toxicidade, utilizando-se fase aquosa e sedimento total antes e depois do aumento da população de veraneio e a contaminação por esgoto urbano. Realizaram-se testes de toxicidade com a água intersticial e interface água/sedimento e larvas de L. variegatus. No testes com sedimento total utilizou-se anfípodo T. viscana. Utilizaram-se as análises de esteróis fecais para verificar a contaminação por esgoto. Foram coletadas em 17 estações. Uma estação do canto direito da Praia do Itaguá foi a única que obteve toxicidade nos três testes na campanha após o aumento da população de veraneio. Para os testes com a fase aquosa, uma estação próxima ao Instituto de Pesca e duas na Praia do Perequê-Açú foram tóxicas nas duas campanhas. Apresentaram contaminação por esgoto e toxicidade para os testes de fase aquosa três estações do canto direito da Praia do Itaguá, uma próxima ao Rio Acaraú, outra em frente ao Rio Grande e também uma na Praia do Perequê-Açú. Uma estação próxima a saída do Rio Grande apresentou indício de contaminação por esgoto, mas não obteve toxicidade na fase aquosa. O aumento da população de veraneio mostrou uma maior toxicidade para os testes com a fase aquosa e uma diminuição do número de sobreviventes de anfípodos. A Enseada de Ubatuba apresentou toxicidade nos testes com fase aquosa em quase todas as estações após o aumento da população, assim deve ser monitorada com freqüência e melhorar a infra-estrutura de saneamento. / The goal of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of the sediment in Ubatuba small Bay through toxicity tests using liquid phase and the total sediment before and after the increase of the floating population and the sewage contamination. The liquid phase was evaluated through toxicity test with interstitial water and water/sediment interface, both with embryos of L. variegatus. The tests with total sediment were utilized amphipod T. viscana. The analyses with chemical faecal steroids marks was utilized for the sewage contamination in the sediment. It was realized samples in 17 stations. One station localized in the right corner of Itaguá beach, was the only one that showed toxicity in the three of the tests in the campaign after the increase of the floating population, two tests with de liquid phase in one station, localized near to Pesca Institute, two stations, localized in the Perequê-Açu beach, was toxic in both campaigns. Contamination by urban sewage and toxicity tests of liquid phase was observed in three stations localized in the right corner of Itaguá beach, other near the mouth of the Acaraú river, and another in front of Grande river and as well one station in the Perequê-Açu beach. One station near the mouth of Grande river had showed indication of contamination by urban sewage, but the liquid phase showed no sign of toxicity. The increase of the floating population showed a high toxicity for the test with liquid phase and a decrease in the number of survives in the amphipods tests. The small bay of Ubatuba showed toxicity in the liquid phase tests in almost of all stations after the increase in the floating population, then the region must be monitored with frequency and it is necessary to improve the structure of the sanitation in the area.

Análise comparativa da ação de anabolizantes em gengiva e sistema reprodutor de ratos (Rattus norvegicus) / Comparative analysis of the action of anabolic steroids on the gingiva and reproductive system of rats (Rattus norvegicus)

Karen Zavaro Balassiano 05 November 2007 (has links)
Os esteróides anabólicos-androgênicos (EAA) se caracterizam como um grupo de compostos naturais e sintéticos formados a partir da testosterona e seus derivados e foram desenvolvidos com finalidade terapêutica. No entanto, a partir da década de 90 o seu uso tem sido considerado um problema de saúde pública; e o seu consumo aumentado entre atletas profissionais e amadores que usam a medicação até 100 vezes acima da dose recomendada. Os efeitos adversos mais comuns relacionados ao uso dos EAA são alterações hepáticas, endócrinas, músculo-esqueléticas, cardiovasculares, imunológicas, reprodutivas, psicológicas, efeitos virilizantes e feminilizantes; e efeitos tóxicos. Apesar de diversos efeitos deletérios, os EAA em dose e freqüência adequada podem ter efeitos benéficos no reparo de feridas, revertendo os efeitos de corticosteróides. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de doses suprafisiológicas (10mg/semana, por 60 dias) do EAA decanoato de nandrolona em 32 ratos (Rattus norvegicus), sendo divididos igualmente para o grupo experimental e controle (8 fêmeas e 8 machos para cada grupo) através da macroscopia, microscopia e morfometria. Os resultadosmostraram que os animais do grupo controle ganharam mais peso ao final do tratamento do que os animais tratados. Os ovários e testículos apresentaram atrofiaenquanto a hipertrofia foi observada nos úteros e próstatas, com diferença de peso significativa estatisticamente em todos os órgãos entre o grupo experimental e controle. Nos testículos, a contagem do número de células de Sertoli não apresentou diferença estatística, assim como no percentual de fibras colágenas entre o grupo experimental e controle. A média da altura das células epiteliais nas próstatas dos animais tratados apresentou-se maior que as do controle. Os ovários das ratas medicadas apresentaram diminuição de corpos lúteos e folículos atrésicos. Os resultados encontrados indicam que as altas doses do EAA decanoato de nandrolona causam alterações macroscópicas e morfológicas nos sistemas reprodutores de machos e fêmeas, podendo ser irreversíveis. O efeito benéfico do uso de EAA na síntese de colágeno não foi observado nos fragmentos de gengiva analisados. / The anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are characterized as a group of natural and synthetic compounds formed from testosterone and derivatives, and have been developed for therapeutic purposes. However, after the 1990s, their utilization has been considered a public health problem and the intake increased among professional and amateur athletes, who ingest up to 100 times the recommended dose of the drug. The most common adverse effects related to utilization of AAS are hepatic, endocrine, muscle-skeletal, cardiovascular, immunological, reproductive and psychological alterations; masculinizing and feminizing effects; and toxic effects. Despite the several harmful effects, utilization of AAS at adequate dose and frequency may have beneficial effects on wound repair, reverting the effects of corticosteroids. This study evaluated the effects of supraphysiological doses (10mg/week, for 60 days) of the AAS nandrolone decanoate in 32 rats (Rattus norvegicus), equally divided into experimental and control groups (8 females and 8 males for each group), by macroscopic, microscopic and morphometric analyses. The results revealed that animals in the control group gained more weight at treatment completion than treated animals. The ovaries and testicles presented atrophy, and hypertrophy of uterus and prostates was observed, with statistically significant difference in weight in all organs between the experimental and control groups. In the testicles, counting of the number of Sertoli cells and the percentage of collagen fibers did not present statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups. The mean height of epithelial cells in the prostates of treated animals was greater in treated animals than in the control group. The ovaries of treated rats exhibited reduction in corpora lutea and atresic follicles. The results indicated that high doses of AAS nandrolone decanoate caused macroscopic and morphological alterations in the reproductive systems of males and females, which may be irreversible. The beneficial effect of utilization of AAS on the collagen synthesis was not observed on gingival fragments analyzed

Avalia??o do teste de micron?cleo em linf?citos para uso como biomarcador de risco de c?ncer em usu?rios de esteroides anabolizantes androg?nicos

Souza, Leonardo da Cunha Menezes 30 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-08-07T01:02:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O- LEONARDO DA CUNHA MENEZES SOUZA.pdf: 2029455 bytes, checksum: 2374a0c5996ead5ddad034150d2e36b7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-07T01:02:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTA??O- LEONARDO DA CUNHA MENEZES SOUZA.pdf: 2029455 bytes, checksum: 2374a0c5996ead5ddad034150d2e36b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-30 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPEB / The use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) has grown among practitioners of recreational bodybuilding, with significant contributions of "Designer Steroids" (DS), EAA designed aiming muscle hypertrophy in healthy subjects. The abusive use of AAS in general is associated with adverse effects, one of the most worrisome is cancer development. Given that cancer is a genetic disease resulting from changes in genes critical in maintaining genomic stability and in the control of proliferation and differentiation, biomarkers able to identify these changes can take predictive value and contribute to reducing the high rates of morbidity and mortality by this disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Cytokinesis Block Micronucleus Test (CBMN) in human lymphocytes in identifying risk groups for cancer development in users of AAS. Was collected 5ml of blood from 15 AAS users bodybuilders (G1), 20 nonusers bodybuilders (G2) and 20 nonusers sedentary (G3). Lymphocytes were cultured with blocking of cytokinesis and subsequent processing for making slides. MN analysis was performed on a minimum of 1000 binucleated lymphocytes. The occurrence of MN was significantly higher (p <0.05) in individuals of G1 compared to G2 and G3. The results indicate the sensitivity of CBMN in human lymphocytes in the identification of chromosomal damage in consequence of AAS using, however, further studies are needed to determine their potential to predict the cancer risk in users of AAS. / O uso de esteroides anabolizantes androg?nicos (EAA) tem crescido entre praticantes recreativos de muscula??o, com contribui??es significativas dos Designer Steroids (DS), EAA projetados para fins de hipertrofia muscular em indiv?duos saud?veis. O uso abusivo de EAA em geral est? associado a efeitos adversos, sendo um dos mais preocupantes o desenvolvimento de c?ncer. Tendo em vista que o c?ncer ? uma doen?a gen?tica resultante de altera??es em genes cr?ticos na manuten??o da estabilidade gen?mica e do controle da prolifera??o e diferencia??o, biomarcadores capazes de identificar estas altera??es podem assumir valor preditivo e contribuir para diminui??o das altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade por esta doen?a. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efic?cia do Teste de Micron?cleo com Bloqueio da Citocinese (MNCtB) em linf?citos humanos na identifica??o de grupos de risco para o desenvolvimento de c?ncer em usu?rios de EAA. Foram coletados 5ml de sangue de 15 usu?rios de EAA praticantes de muscula??o (Grupo I), 20 n?o usu?rios praticantes de muscula??o (Grupo II) e 20 n?o usu?rios sedent?rios (Grupo III). Foi realizada cultura de linf?citos com o bloqueio da citocinese e posterior processamento para confec??o de l?minas. A an?lise de MN foi realizada em um m?nimo de 1000 linf?citos binucleados. A ocorr?ncia de MN foi significativamente maior (p<0,05) nos indiv?duos do Grupo I comparados aos do Grupo II e Grupo III. Os resultados apontam para a sensibilidade do MNCtB na identifica??o de danos cromoss?micos decorrentes do uso de EAA. Estudos subsequentes para determinar seu potencial preditivo para o risco de c?ncer em usu?rios de EAA s?o necess?rios.

Avalia??o da ocorr?ncia de danos cromoss?micos, apoptose e necrose em c?lulas esfoliadas da mucosa oral de usu?rios de ester?ides anabolizantes androg?nicos

Souza, Jeanderson Pereira 25 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Bastos (verena@uefs.br) on 2015-10-08T12:18:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jeanderson_Disserta??o_vers?o final.pdf: 369468 bytes, checksum: 851a8492d73fc0106bfe7784166fdf98 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-08T12:18:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jeanderson_Disserta??o_vers?o final.pdf: 369468 bytes, checksum: 851a8492d73fc0106bfe7784166fdf98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Exposure to genotoxic agents induces changes in the DNA molecule to commit that genes involved with the repair mechanisms and the control of cell proliferation and differentiation pathways or genes associated with apoptosis can lead to cancer development. Among the many chemicals that have been identified as mutagenic action, include the Androgenic Steroids (AAS), hormones widely used in the search for improved physical performance and increased muscle mass. Objective: In this context, the aim of the development of this study was to evaluate the potential of androgenic anabolic steroid nandrolone decanoate, testosterone propionate and testosterone cypionate to induce chromosome damage, apoptosis and necrosis, using the micronucleus test in exfoliated cells from the oral mucosa of users of AAS with a view to its application as a tool in cancer prevention. Method: The study sample consisted of 55 volunteers, male, divided into two (02) groups, matched for age: 25 subjects (G1) users of nandrolone decanoate, testosterone propionate and testosterone cypionate (alone or simultaneously ) and 30 subjects in the control group (G2). The collection methodology and cytological analysis followed the protocol of Tolbert et al. (1992) and Thomas et al. (2009), which includes, in addition to micronuclei, the computation of degenerative nuclear changes indicative of apoptosis (cariorr?xis, condensed chromatin and pyknosis) and necrosis (karyolysis, cariorr?xis, condensed chromatin and pyknosis). Statistical analysis of the endpoints analyzed (micronucleus, cariorr?xis, condensed chromatin, karyolysis, pyknosis and broken eggs) was performed using the conditional test to compare proportions in situations of rare events. Results: Statistical analysis revealed no significant difference in the occurrence of micronuclei, karyolysis and broken eggs between groups. The occurrence of apoptosis was significantly greater in cells from control individuals. Conclusion: The results show inhibition of apoptosis induced by EAA, suggesting that the described association between the use of these substances and the carcinogenic process can be permeated by this mechanism. / A exposi??o a agentes genot?xicos induz altera??es na mol?cula do DNA que ao comprometerem genes envolvidos com os mecanismos de reparo e com o controle da prolifera??o e diferencia??o celular ou genes associados ?s vias de apoptose, podem levar ao desenvolvimento de c?ncer. Entre os muitos agentes qu?micos que t?m sido identificados como de a??o mutag?nica, incluem-se os Ester?ides Anabolizantes Androg?nicos (EAA), horm?nios amplamente utilizados na busca da melhoria do desempenho f?sico e aumento da massa muscular. Objetivo: Neste contexto, objetivou-se com o desenvolvimento do presente estudo, avaliar o potencial dos ester?ides anabolizantes androg?nicos decanoato de nandrolona, propionato de testosterona e cipionato de testosterona em induzir danos cromoss?micos, apoptose e necrose, atrav?s do uso do Teste de Micron?cleo em c?lulas esfoliadas da mucosa oral de usu?rios de EAA com vista ? sua aplica??o como ferramenta na preven??o do c?ncer. M?todo: A amostra do estudo foi composta por 55 volunt?rios, do sexo masculino, distribu?dos em dois (02) grupos, pareados por idade: 25 indiv?duos (G1) usu?rios de decanoato de nandrolona, propionato de testosterona e cipionato de testosterona (isoladamente ou simultaneamente) e 30 indiv?duos no grupo controle (G2). A metodologia de coleta e an?lise citol?gica seguiu o protocolo de Tolbert et al. (1992) e Thomas et al. (2009), que inclui, al?m de micron?cleos, o computo de altera??es nucleares degenerativas indicadoras de apoptose (cariorr?xis, cromatina condensada e picnose) e necrose (cari?lise, cariorr?xis, cromatina condensada e picnose). A an?lise estat?stica dos endpoints analisados (micron?cleo, cariorr?xis, cromatina condensada, cari?lise, picnose e broken eggs) foi realizada com o uso do teste condicional para compara??o de propor??es em situa??es de eventos raros. Resultados: A an?lise estat?stica revelou que n?o houve diferen?a significativa na ocorr?ncia de micron?cleo, cari?lise e broken eggs entre os grupos. A ocorr?ncia de apoptose foi, significativamente, maior em c?lulas dos indiv?duos do grupo controle. Conclus?o: Os resultados obtidos mostram inibi??o da apoptose induzida pelo uso de EAA, sugerindo que a associa??o descrita entre uso destas subst?ncias e o processo carcinog?nico possa ser permeada por este mecanismo.

Estudo Fitoqu?mico de Justicia wasshauseniana (Acanthaceae), Tetrapterys acutifolia e Lophanthera lactescens (Malpighiaceae) e Atividades biol?gicas / Phytochemical study of Justicia wasshauseniana (Acanthaceae), Tetrapterys acutifolia and Lophanthera lactescens (Malpighiaceae) and Biological activities

Fernandes, Renata Duarte 13 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-09-08T13:08:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Renata Duarte Fernandes.pdf: 6635666 bytes, checksum: ab405bd813ed887b89c988abc6b8f7ea (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-08T13:08:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Renata Duarte Fernandes.pdf: 6635666 bytes, checksum: ab405bd813ed887b89c988abc6b8f7ea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-13 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This work describes the isolation and structural determination of special metabolites isolated from leaf and stem of J. wasshauseniana (Acanthaceae), popularly known as a coati tail, which was collected in the Paracambi, RJ; Leaves and stem of T. acutifolia (Malpighiaceae), popularly known as cip?-ro?o, were collected in the Barra do Pira?-RJ and leaf and bark of L. lactescens (Malpighiaceae), popularly known as lain of lold, was collected on the campus of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro Campus Serop?dica RJ. Some chemical and biological activities of extracts of the last species were evaluated. Chromatographic fractionation of leaf and stem extracts from the Justicia wasshauseniana (Acanthaceae), from the leaf and stem of Tetrapterys acutifolia (Malpighiaceae), and from the leaves and bark of Lophanthera lactescens (Malpighiaceae) besides analysis of fractions by chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques led to the isolation and identification of constituents of different classes of special metabolites. including new alkaloids from J. wasshauseniana. From the leaves and stem of J. wasshauseniana were identified a triglyceride with the unsaturated acyl moiety, an unsaturated carboxylic acid, a mixture of steroids (?-Sitosterol, estigmasterol and campesterol) and glycosyl steroids (3-O-?-D-glucopyranosylsitosterol and 3-O-?-D-glucopyranosylstgmasterol), a disaccharide (?-D-glucopyranosyl-O-?-D-fructofuranoside (Sucrose) and the alkaloids acid (N-fenil-o-metileno-O-5)-3-hidroxi-5-carboxy??-lactam, and N(fenil-o-metileno-O-5)-3-hidroxi-5-(carboxilato de 2,3-dihidroxipropionila)-?-lactama), described for the first time in the literature. From the leaves and stem of T. acutifolia were identified a mixture of sitosterol, stigmasterol, 5,6-dihydro-sitosterol. and 5,6-dihydro-20-21,22-23,24-28,25-26-campesterol, ascorbic acid, in addition to sucrose and an ecdysteroid, 2S,3R,5R,9R,10R,13R,14S,17S,20S-2,3,14,20,24,25-hexahidroxicolest-7-en-6-ona (Pinatasterone). The extracts from the leaves and barks of L. lactescens, besides the mixture of sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol, was isolated the nortriterpene known as coreolidene. Besides to confirm the structure correction proposed in the literature of this nortriterpene, the absolute stereochemistry was defined as methyl 4R,5R,6R,7S,8S,9S,10S,13R,14S,15S,16R,17S,18R,21S,22S-friedelan-1,2-en-3-carboxy-24- 5- [1-acetoxy-ethylidene] -6,7,15,16-tetracetoxy-18-hydroxy-21,22-oxy-29-methylene-30-carboxylate. The structures were defined through analysis of IR, 1D and 2D NMR, mass spectra and circular dichroism besides some methyl and acetyl derivatives. The methanolic extracts from the stem and leaves of J. wasshausseniana and the methanolic extracts and fractions of the stem and leaves of T. acutilfolia were tested against the free radicals of DPPH. The extract from the stem of J. wasshausseniana was more active than leaf extract. The fraction of hexane from the leaves of T. acutilfolia did not present a good antioxidant activity, a greater activity was observed for the ethyl acetate fraction of stem and leaves of this plant. The pharmacological tests of the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory potentials of the L. lactescens bark methanolic extract and the methanolic extract of leaves of J. wassahueniana were carried out, in which they showed positive results in the tested activities. / Este trabalho descreve o isolamento e determina??o estrutural de metab?litos especiais isolados de folhas e caule de J. wasshauseniana (Acanthaceae), vulgarmente conhecida como rabo de quati, que foi coletada no Munic?pio de Paracambi, RJ; folhas e caule de T. acutifolia, conhecida vulgarmente como cip?-ru?o, coletado no munic?pio de Barra do Pira?-RJ e L. lactescens (Malpighiaceae), conhecida vulgarmente como Chuva-de-Ouro, coletado no campus da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Campus Serop?dica RJ. Realizaram-se testes de atividade biol?gica de extratos das duas ?ltimas esp?cies. O fracionamento cromatogr?fico dos extratos de folhas e caule de Justicia wasshauseniana (Acanthaceae), de folhas e caule de Tetrapterys acutif?lia (Malpighiaceae), de folhas e cascas de Lophanthera lactescens (Malpighiaceae) e an?lise das fra??es atrav?s de t?cnicas cromatogr?ficas e espectrosc?picas conduziu ao isolamento e identifica??o de constituintes de diferentes classes de metab?litos especiais. Das folhas e caule de J. wasshauseniana foram identificados um triglicer?deo com a unidade acila insaturada, um ?cido carbox?lico insaturado, uma mistura dos ester?ides (?-sitostesterol, estigmasterol e campesterol) e a mistura de esteroides glicosilados, 3-O-?-D-glicopiranosilsitosterol e o 3-O-?-D-glicopiranosilestigmasterol, um dissacar?deo, ?-D-glicopiranosil-?-D-frutofuranos?deo (sacarose) e os alcal?ides ?cido-(N-fenil-o-metileno-O-5)-3hidroxi-5-carboxi??-lactama e N(fenil-o-metileno-O-5)-3-hidroxi-5-(carboxilato de 2,3-dihidroxipropionila)-?-lactama) que est?o sendo descritos pela primeira vez na literatura. Dos extratos de folhas e caule de T. acutifolia foram isolados uma mistura dos esteroides, sitostesterol, estigmasterol, 5,6-diidro-sitosterol e 5,6-diidro-20-21,22-23,24-28,25-26-octaidro-campesterol, o ?cido asc?rbico, al?m da sacarose e o ecdisteroide 2S,3R,5R,9R,10R,13R,14S,17S,20S-2,3,14,20,24,25-hexahidroxicolest-7-en-6-ona (Pinatasterona), desta enona que foi convertido em 2,3,24,25-tetraacetato atrav?s de tratamento com anidrido ac?tico e piridina. Dos extratos de folhas e cascas de L. lactescens, al?m da mistura de esteroides sitoesterol, estigmasterol e campesterol, foi isolado o nor-triterpeno conhecido como correolideo que, al?m da confirma??o da corre??o da estrutura registrada na literatura foi proposta a estereoqu?mica absoluta, sendo, entretanto definida como 4R,5R,6R,7S,8S,9S,10S,13R,14S,15S,16R,17S,18R,21S,22S-friedelan-1,2-en-3-carboxi-24-O-metileno-5-[1-acetoxi-etilideno]-6,7,15,16-tetracetoxi-18-hidroxi-21,22-oxi-29-metileno-30-carboxilato de metila. As estruturas foram definidas atrav?s de an?lise de espectros de IV, RMN 1D e 2D, massas e dicro?smo circular e, em alguns casos da prepara??o de derivados. Os extratos metan?licos de caule e de folhas de J. wasshausseniana e os extratos metan?licos e fra??es do caule e folhas de T. acutilfolia foram testados contra os radicais livres de DPPH. O extrato do caule de J. wasshausseniana apresentou melhor atividade do que o extrato de folhas. A fra??o de hexano de folhas de T. acutilfolia n?o apresentou uma boa atividade antioxidante, observando-se uma maior atividade para a fra??o de acetato de etila de caule e folhas. Realizaram-se os testes farmacol?gicos do potencial antinociceptivo e anti-inflamat?rio do extrato metan?lico de cascas de L. lactescens e extrato metan?lico de folhas de J. wassahueniana, no qual apresentaram resultados positivos nas atividades testadas

Alguns constituintes químicos de Dracontium loretense Krause (Araceae) / Some chemical constituents from Dracontium loretense Krause (Araceae)

Díaz, Ingrit Elida Collantes 21 March 2002 (has links)
O presente trabalho descreve o estudo fitoquímico de Dracontium loretense Krause, que ocorre na Amazônia, e, a planta é popularmente usada no tratamento de picada de cobra e de algumas moléstias. O material para a análise fitoquímica foi coletado na selva baixa situada nos arredores de Pucallpa, no Departamento de Ucayali, no Perú. Os rizomas secos e moídos forneceu, após extração com hexano, etanol e etanol aquoso, os respectivos extratos. Estes, submetidos a partição com solventes orgânicos e fracionamentos cromatográficos dos resíduos das fases resultantes, permitiram o isolamento de constituintes apoiares ou semi-polares como sitosterol, estigmasterol, ácido p-hidróxi-benzóico, sitosterol acil-glicosilado, 7-oxo-sitosterol acil-glicosilado e uma mistura de compostos acil-glicosilados. As frações polares foram acetiladas antes do fracionamento, possibilitando o isolamento de uma mistura de carboidratos com predominância de etil-glicosídeo acetilado. A elucidação estrutural das substâncias isoladas foi baseada em métodos espectrométricos: EM, RMN de 1H e de 13C. Os compostos acilados foram hidrolizados e os ácidos graxos resultantes metilados antes de serem submetidos a análise no sistema CG-EM. Os testes biológicos foram realizados com as frações apoiares e polares dos extratos para avaliar a atividade anti-edematogênica. Estes ensaios empregam o veneno de Bothrops atrox (jararaca). Os testes mostraram que ambas as frações inibiam o edema, entretanto com a diferença que a resposta é mais acentuada nas frações polares. / This work describes phytochemical analysis of an araceous species Dracontium loretense, which occurs in Amazon Region and is popularly used the against snakebite and treatment of some diseases. The plant material was collected in the lowland situated around Pucallpa, Ucayali State, Peru. The dried and milled rhizomes were sucessively extracted at room temperature with hexane, alcohol and diluted alcohol, yielding respective extracts after solvent distillation. The solvent partitions and chromatographic separations of extracts afforded sitosterol, stigmasterol, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, sitosterol- and 7-oxo-sitosterol acyl-glucosylated and a mixture of acyl-glucosylated compounds. The polar fractions were acetylated before the purification and the isolation through cromatographic techniques yielded a mixture -of peracetylated carbohydrates and the 2,3,4,6-tetra-acetyl-1-ethyl glucoside. Structure determination of isolated compounds was based on usual spectrometric techniques as Mass Spectrometry and 1H and 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The natural acylated compounds were submitted to hydrolysis and t-he resulting fat acids were methylated, before submissuion foranalysis on Gas Chromatograph-Mass spectrometer system. Evaluation of anti-edematogenic activity using Bothrops atrox venom was carried out with polar and apolar fractions. It was observed that polar fractions showed higher edema inhibition property.

Efeito do ambiente endócrino peri-ovulatório na expressão gênica e proteica de transportadores de glicose no endométrio durante a primeira semana do ciclo estral em bovinos de corte / Effect of the periovulatory endocrine milieu on endometrial glucose transporters gene and protein expression during the first week post-estrus in beef cattle

França, Moana Rodrigues 18 January 2013 (has links)
Em bovinos de corte, maiores diâmetros do folículo pré-ovulatório (FPO) e as subsequentes altas concentrações de progesterona [P4] aumentam o crescimento do concepto e a taxa de prenhez. Formulou-se a hipótese que a modulação do tamanho do FPO e [P4] no diestro subsequente à ovulação do FPO estimulam a expressão endometrial de transcritos e proteínas da famílias das Solute Carrier Proteins (SLC) que estão relacionadas ao transporte de glicose. Vacas Nelore (n=60), solteiras e ciclando receberam duas injeções de PGF2&alpha; (PGF; 0,5mg; i.m.) com intervalo de 14 dias. Dez dias após (dia -10; D-10), receberam um dispositivo intravaginal liberador de P4 e benzoato de estradiol (2mg; i.m.). Para modular o crescimento do FPO e alterar a produção de P4 pós-ovulação, no D-10 os animais receberam PGF (grupo alta P4; AP) ou não (grupo baixa P4; BP). Dispositivos foram removidos e PGF injetada 60 a 42 horas antes da indução da ovulação para o grupo AP e 48 a 30 horas antes da indução para o grupo BP e ovulações foram induzidas com GnRH (buserelina; 10&micro;g; i.m.) no D0. Crescimento e ovulação do FPO e formação do CL foram avaliados por ultrassom e [P4] medidas por radioimunoensaio. No D7 os animais que ovularam foram abatidos (AP, N=18 e BP, N=18), o endométrio foi dissecado e submetido à extração de RNA total para análises de qPCR, extração de proteínas totais para análises de western blotting e incluído em parafina para análises de imunohistoquímica. Diferença entre as médias dos grupos foi determinada pelo teste t de student. O diâmetro máximo do FPO (média ± erro padrão da média; 12,8±0,4 vs. 11,1±0,4mm) foi maior no grupo AP (P<0,01). A [P4] no D7 foi maior no grupo AP (4,5±1,0 ng/mL vs. 3,3±1,1 ng/mL; P<0,05). As concentrações relativas dos transcritos que codificam SLCs foram determinadas por qPCR, usando a ciclofilina como controle endógeno. Não houve diferença na expressão de SLC2A1 (0,91±0,04 vs. 1,02±0,07), SLC2A3 (1,14±0,16 vs. 1,05±0,1), SLC2A4 (1,20±0,14 vs. 1,01±0,05), SLC2A5 (0,95±0,12 vs. 1,04±0,12), SLC5A1 (1,35±0,25 vs. 1,49±0,44), ATP1A2 (1,29±0,17 vs. 1,03±0,1), ATP1B2 (1,20±0,11 vs. 1,06±0,1), SLC37A4 (1,16±0,16 vs. 1,1±0,12), entre os grupos AP e BP respectivamente (P>0.05). Também não foi possível identificar diferença na quantidade proteica de SLC2A1 no endométrio dos animais do grupo AP em relação ao grupo BP. SLC2A1 foi identificada na membrana basal no epitélio luminal (EL), epitélio glandular (EG) e no estroma uterino dos animais. SLC2A4 foi identificada na membrana basal e membrana apical no EL, EG e no estroma uterino dos animais. Em conclusão, a modulação do tamanho do FPO e [P4] no diestro não afetaram a expressão gênica ou proteica dos transportadores de glicose. É possível que ao invés da expressão gênica ou proteica, a atividade transportadora das SLCs, ou ainda, a expressão e função de genes relacionados ao metabolismo de carboidratos, sejam regulados pelo ambiente endócrino peri-ovulatório em vacas. / In beef cattle, changes in the peri-ovulatory endocrine milieu are associated with conceptus growth and fertility. A large size of the pre-ovulatory follicle (POF) and resulting elevated progesterone (P4) concentrations during diestrus affect pregnancy rates positively. Our hypothesis is that modulation of POF size and diestrus P4 concentrations regulate nutrient availability in the uterus. Specifically, optimal glucose concentrations in the histotroph are required for adequate embryo growth during early gestation. The objective was to determine if POF size and resulting P4 concentrations during the first week of diestrus influence gene expression of Solute Carrier Protein (SLC) families that are related to glucose transport. Cyclic, non-lactating Nelore cows received two injections of cloprostenol (PGF; 0.5mg; i.m.) 14 days apart. Ten days later (day -10; D-10), cows received a P4-releasing device along with estradiol benzoate (2mg; i.m.). To modulate the growth of the POF and alter post-ovulatory P4 production, on D-10 animals received PGF (high post-ovulatory P4 group; HP) or not (low post-ovulatory P4 group; LP). The P4-releasing devices were removed and PGF injected 60 to 42 hours before the ovulation induction in the HP group and 48 to 30 hours before the ovulation induction in the LP group. Ovulation was induced with buserelin (GnRH; 10&micro;g; i.m.) on D0. Diameter of POF and ovulation were assessed by ultrasonography starting onD- 2. From D1 to D7, plasma was obtained for measurement of P4 concentration. On D7, cows that ovulated were slaughtered (HP, n=18 and LP, n=18) and endometrium was dissected and subjected total RNA extraction for qPCR analyzes, total protein extraction for western blotting analyzes and included in paraffin for imunohistochemical analyzes. Differences between group means were determined by student\'s t test. Maximum diameter of the POF (mean ± SEM; 12.8±0.4 vs. 11.1±0.4mm) was greater in HP vs. LP (P<0.01). Progesterone concentration on D7 was larger on the HP group (4.5±1.0 ng/mL and 3.3±1.1 ng/mL; P<0.05). Relative concentrations of transcripts coding for facilitative sugar transporters (SLC2A1, SLC2A3, SLC2A4 and SLC2A5), a sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter (SLC5A1) and other transporters related to glucose uptake (ATP1A2, ATP1B2, SLC37A4) were determined by qPCR, using cyclophilin as the endogenous control gene. There were no significant differences in expression of SLC2A1 (mean ± SEM;0.91±0.04 vs. 1.02±0.07), SLC2A3 (1.14±0.16 vs. 1.05±0.1), SLC2A4 (1.20±0.14 vs. 1.01±0.05), SLC2A5 (0.95±0.12 vs. 1.04±0.12), SLC5A1 (1.35±0.25 vs. 1.49±0.44), ATP1A2 (1.29±0.17 vs. 1.03±0.1), ATP1B2 (1.20±0.11 VS. 1.06±0.1) ,SLC37A4 (1.16±0.16 vs. 1.1±0.12), between HP and LP, respectively (P>0.05). There was no difference in the abundance of SLC2A1 protein between groups. The SLC2A1 protein was localized in the luminal epithelium (LE), glandular epithelium (GE) and uterine stroma (US) of animals. The SLC2A4 protein was localized on the basal and apical membrane of the LE, GE and US of animals. In conclusion, modulation of POF size and diestrus P4 concentrations did not affect the expression of glucose transporter genes or proteins. It is possible that activity of SLC proteins rather than gene expression, or alternatively, expression and function of genes related to carbohydrate metabolism, are regulated by the peri-ovulatory endocrine milieu in cows.

Identification of bioactive products from environmental transformation of steroids

Pflug, Nicholas Craig 01 December 2017 (has links)
For bioactive chemical classes, it is often assumed that environmental transformation eliminates associated ecosystem risks. However, for endocrine-active steroid hormones, modest changes in structure can have a significant influence on biological activity and thus, subtle environmental transformations can yield products with conserved, enhanced, or activity across different biological endpoints. The aim of this work was to explore the environmental fate of high potency, endocrine-active steroid hormones during natural or engineered water processes in order to test the hypothesis that steroid transformation products generated during these processes are likely to contribute to residual bioactivity often reported in water resources. Specifically, laboratory experiments were used to simulate chemical disinfection (e.g., chlorination) or natural processes (e.g., photolysis) to: (i) determine the rate and extent of steroid transformation, (ii) isolate and identify products that are formed, and (iii) evaluate products or product mixtures for biological activity. These experimental results can be used to help guide occurrence studies for any products of concern in the environment and also guide computational predictions or rationalizations of chemical reactivity. Ultimately, the goal is to expand upon our awareness and understanding of how these potent endocrine ligands behave in the environment and how they potentially affect ecosystem health. Chapter 2 discusses the reaction of glucocorticoids (GC)s with aqueous chlorine (effectively, HOCl) to simulate their fate during engineered drinking water and wastewater chemical disinfection. Numerous transformation pathways were unveiled, including interconversion of GCs (e.g., endogenous cortisol to synthetic prednisolone), production of known androgens in the adrenosterone class, and chlorination of GCs (e.g., formation of 9-chloro-prednisone). We also showed that other advanced processes (e.g., oxidation via ozonation) result in more complete degradation of such pollutants, and may be better alternatives to chemical disinfection at eliminating bioactive steroidal product formation. In Chapter 3, results of the direct photolysis of dienogest (DNG), a widely prescribed oral contraceptive agent, are presented to simulate its fate in natural sunlit surface waters and engineered photochemical treatment systems (e.g., UV disinfection systems). The major products (~ 80% of the converted mass in neutral aqueous solutions) were identified to be photohydrates resulting from photochemical-induced incorporation of water into parent DNG. These products were found to be prone to dehydration in the dark, and thus, a source of substantial DNG regeneration (~ 65% after 72 h in neutral solutions). Other minor, non-revertible products were also identified, including two known estrogens. Although minor in initial yield, these estrogens are likely to accumulate over time through repeated cycling between DNG and its photohydrates, and thus, dominate DNG long-term fate. It was also found that DNG undergoes an unusual photochemical rearrangement to produce a minor product with a novel tetracyclic ring system--the subject of Chapter 4. Further, the generality of this unique photorearrangement process was explored through extension to the photolysis of two other dienone pharmaceutical steroids (e.g., the androgens methyldienolone and dienedione). Surprisingly, despite the significant change in core steroidal structure, the rearrangement products retain some progesterone receptor (PR) and androgen receptor (AR) bioactivity (i.e., low-µM to sub-nm EC50 values). Again, these represent other non-revertible, minor products that are likely to accumulate over time, with likely adverse ecological consequences. Chapter 5 covers results arising from the direct photolysis of trenbolone acetate (TBA) metabolites in the presence of model nucleophiles (e.g., sodium azide, sodium thiosulfate, ammonium hydroxide, hydroxylamine, and humic acid), some of which would be expected to be present, along with TBA metabolites, in agriculturally-impacted water resources. Previous studies by our group revealed that TBA metabolites undergo photohydration-thermal dehydration cycling, like that described above for DNG photolysis. The objective of this study was to determine if other nucleophiles would outcompete water for photochemical incorporation across the TBA metabolite extended conjugation system. It was found that TBA metabolite photolysis results in photochemical (and at times thermal) addition of the nucleophile to the TBA metabolites. It was also found that the addition products undergo thermal elimination in the dark and contribute to TBA metabolite regeneration, and therefore, are expected to increase TBA metabolite persistence in water resources. Finally, Chapter 6 discusses the reactions of various trienone and dienone steroids with aqueous chlorine to simulate their fate during engineered drinking water and wastewater chemical disinfection. Single-step transformation pathways were unveiled for each steroid class, including 4-chlorination (trienones) and 9,10-epoxidation (dienones). Chlorination at position C-4 is known to enhance anabolic potency of androgenic steroids and the 9,10-epoxy products were found to undergo acid- or base-catalyzed ring-opening and aromatization to yield known estrogenic products. In addition, Chapter 7 provides conclusions and future directions, while Chapter 8 details the experimental methods and procedures used throughout this thesis. Collectively, the results presented herein confirm our overall hypothesis that steroid transformation products would be expected to contribute to residual biological activity often detected in water resources. Furthermore, the results indicate that the transformation of high potency pharmaceuticals does not automatically equate with reduction or elimination of hazards to exposed organisms, especially in cases where such compounds have potential to form products exhibiting diverse biological endpoints. More holistic approaches to risk assessment of such high potency environmental contaminants are needed in order to accurately assess the fate and effects of such emerging pollutant classes and their bioactive transformation products.

Population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modeling of depot testosterone cypionate in healthy male subjects

Bi, Youwei 01 August 2016 (has links)
Depot intramuscularly administered testosterone cypionate (TC) is indicated for treatment of hypogonadism in males. However, illegal use of TC and other anabolic steroids in athletic competition has been occurring for over 50 years. A randomized three-arm clinical trial was conducted to investigate side effects of long-term abuse of testosterone cypionate. The objective of the thesis is to apply modeling approach to characterize pharmacokinetics of long-term TC injections as well as identify its side effects on healthy male volunteers. A linear one-compartment model with first-order absorption best described the concentration-time profile of testosterone obtained from 31 healthy males. The population clearance estimates for total and free testosterone were 2.42*103 and 6.03*105 L/day, respectively. Weight and albumin were identified as significant covariates for total testosterone. Given the known inhibitory effect of testosterone on HPG axis, an indirect effect model was applied to describe the suppression of luteinizing hormone and spermatogenesis. The estimated potency of total testosterone with respect to LH suppression was 9.38ng/ml. Model simulation showed that suppression of luteinizing hormone and spermatogenesis after TC injection was more severe and of greater duration in the highest dose level. A polynomial change point mixed effects model was successfully built to describe the change in weight and lipid profiles after weekly injection of testosterone cypionate. Model simulation showed that both 250mg and 500mg would incur an average increase of body weight of 3.5kg at 8 weeks after dosing. A polynomial change point model also identifies that there is a tendency for lipid decrease after TC administration. However, no difference was found in the lipid change between three dose groups, which precludes any definite conclusion on the effect of long-term TC administration on lipid profiles.

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