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Konjunktiv v rumunštině ve srovnání s jinými románskými jazyky / Romanian Subjunctive Compared with the Other Romance LanguagesFrías Valtrová, Nataša January 2012 (has links)
Subjunctive is the most complex mood in the Romance languages from a structural point of view. It shows a large diversity of uses. In the present study we have compared the use and values of this verbal mood among the major Romance languages, though sometimes some others have also been included (Galician, Catalan and Sardinian). It is interesting to notice that not all the languages show the same number of tenses and even that the origin of some of the tenses have different sources in Latin. Romanian is the main study target, and it is the starting point for the whole study. It will be seen that, despite all the differences, Romanian follows similar patterns to the rest of the Romance family. Even so, a specific peculiarity of Romanian syntax, the lack of infinitive in completive constructions, contrasts with the overdeveloped Portuguese conjugated infinitive. Apart from the analysis of the values and the uses, the study closes with a selection of chosen sentences in these six major languages allowing us to make conclusions as for the nature and behaviour of current subjunctive mood.
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A morfologia do indicativo na expressão do modo subjuntivo em São Paulo e São Luís / The indicative morphology on the subjunctive mood expression in São Paulo and São LuísWendel Santos 23 March 2015 (has links)
Com base nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Sociolinguística Variacionista (LABOV, 2008 [1972]; 2001), esta pesquisa investiga o emprego de formas verbais subjuntivas e indicativas em três contextos de subordinação orações adverbiais, substantivas (na posição de complemento do verbo da oração principal) e relativas. Os dados foram extraídos de 36 entrevistas sociolinguísticas com paulistanos e 36 entrevistas com ludovicenses, estratificadas de acordo com o sexo/gênero dos informantes, sua faixa etária (18 a 35; 36 a 59; e 60 anos ou mais) e seu nível de escolaridade (médio superior). Examinam-se as variáveis linguísticas e sociais que se correlacionam à ocorrência dessas formas. Entre as linguísticas, incluem-se variáveis como o tempo verbal da oração subordinada; o tipo de subordinador (tais como se e embora, no caso das orações adverbiais); o verbo da oração principal e o tempo verbal da oração principal (no caso das orações substantivas). Propõe-se que, em português, formas subjuntivas e indicativas funcionam como variantes de uma variável apenas nas orações adverbiais, ao passo que, nos outros dois contextos, tais formas se alternam mas não constituem sempre formas de dizer a mesma coisa (LABOV, 1972; 1978). A análise quantitativa dos dados foi feita com o pacote estatístico GoldVarb X (SANKOFF, TAGLIAMONTE, SMITH, 2005). Os resultados indicam que, no geral, é maior a tendência de ocorrência do modo indicativo em São Paulo relativamente a São Luís. Por outro lado, há indício de mudança na fala ludovicense, na direção do indicativo, em orações adverbiais e substantivas. / Based on the theory and methods of Variationist Sociolinguistics (LABOV, 2008 [1972]; 2001), this master thesis investigates the use of indicative and subjunctive verbal forms in three contexts of subordination: adverbial, nominal and relative clauses. The data were extracted from 36 sociolinguistic interviews with native speakers from São Paulo and 36 from São Luís, stratified by sex/gender, age (18-35 years old, 36 to 59, and 60 or older) and level of education (high school or college). Social and linguistic independent variables are examined vis-à-vis their correlation to the occurrence of those forms. Among the linguistic factors are the verbal tense in the subordinate clause, the subordinator (as se if and embora though, for adverbial clauses), the verb and the verb tense in the main clause (for the nominal clauses, embedded in the position of the verbal complement). This thesis discusses that, in Brazilian Portuguese, subjunctive and indicative forms function as variants of a variable in adverbial clauses, but not in nominal or relative clauses, in which they are not different ways of saying the same thing (Labov, 1972; 1978). The quantitative analyses were developed on GoldVarb X (SANKOFF, TAGLIAMONTE, SMITH, 2005). The results suggest that indicative forms tend to occur more in São Paulo relatively to São Luís. However, theres change in progress in São Luís (apparent time), with the indicative being favored by younger speakers, both in adverbial and nominal subordinate clauses.
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Native intuitions, foreign struggles? knowledge of the subjunctive in volitional constructions among heritage and traditional FL learners of SpanishMikulski, Ariana Maria 01 January 2006 (has links)
The Spanish subjunctive has been the focus of much SLA research, largely because it poses difficulties for learners of Spanish whose L1 is English (e.g., Collentine, 1993; Stokes & Krashen, 1990; Terrell et al., 1987). Investigating the same feature in heritage learners of Spanish can provide more information about their linguistic development and also has the potential to inform our knowledge of the acquisition of the subjunctive in traditional FL learners. The present study investigates whether heritage learners recognize grammatical and ungrammatical modal choice in volitional constructions. These constructions have been selected because this use of the subjunctive does not vary by a speaker's dialect or by belief about the idea being expressed. Furthermore, given that theories of language attrition posit that the structures that are acquired earliest are the last to be lost (e.g., De Bot & Weltens, 1991) and that Spanish monolingual children acquire the subjunctive in volitional constructions first (Blake, 1980; 1983), heritage learners who have experienced some language attrition may still have knowledge of this feature. To investigate the effect that language attrition or incomplete acquisition may have on this knowledge, I also compared the SHL learners in the sample who were early bilinguals in English (those born in the United States or who immigrated before age 6) with those who were late bilingual (those who immigrated between ages 6 and 13). Students enrolled in Spanish for Heritage Learners (SHL) and Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) courses at three universities in the Northeast completed grammaticality judgment (GJ) and editing tasks, which contained examples of correct and incorrect mood choices, as well as distracter items. The GJ task also required participants to explain their judgments. The results indicate that SHL learners outperform their SFL peers on recognizing correct mood selection. No significant differences were found between early and late bilinguals. SHL and SFL learners tended to correct utterances that they had rejected of judged neutrally but gave different types of reasons for accepting utterances. There were several similarities between early and late bilinguals in terms of their reasons for their judgments of utterances.
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A Corpus Study of the Mandative Subjunctive in Indian and East African EnglishBoberg, Per January 2006 (has links)
<p>This corpus study discusses the subjunctive construction in mandative sentences in East</p><p>African and Indian English. Data taken from the East African ICE-EA corpus and the Indian</p><p>Kolhapur corpus are compared to previous studies about American English and British</p><p>English, mainly by Hundt (1998) and Johansson & Norheim (1988). Subjunctive, indicative</p><p>and modal periphrastic constructions are identified and examined.</p><p>The conclusion of this study is that the subjunctive construction in mandative sentences is</p><p>more common in Indian and East African English than in British English.</p>
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The role of typological drift in the development of the romance subjunctive : a study in word-order change, grammaticalization and synthesisMurphy, Melissa Dae 13 September 2012 (has links)
In spite of the vast amount of research on mood in Romance languages, certain fundamental issues are clearly underrepresented, particularly in the field of diachronic linguistics. With this in mind, the primary goal of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive explanation for developments in Romance mood distribution. Unlike the majority of existing research, this approach does not analyze mood in isolation, nor does it look outward for language-external explanations. Instead, changes in mood usage are related to major typological developments via several interconnected analyses which rely heavily on data from Latin and medieval Spanish and French. This investigation, which takes as its starting point the well-attested typological shift from OV to VO word order, addresses four major issues. The first of these is branching congruency, whereby post-posed subordinate clauses are more closely associated with explicit subordinating conjunctions. This hypothesis is tested via a quantitative analysis of Latin data, in order to establish a link between conjunctions and VO word order. The development of these subordinating elements is then analyzed within the grammaticalization framework, which provides insight into the nature of specific Latin and Romance forms, in addition to demonstrating the usefulness of certain theoretical notions. The outcome of this process is a highly generalized Romance subordinator, which is argued to have undergone partial synthesis with the subjunctive, evidenced by an increase in both obligatoriness and contiguity. Finally, these cumulative changes in the linguistic system are shown to have had substantial destabilizing effects on the existing subjunctive / indicative contrast. The significance of this claim is that, already in Latin, mood selection is characterized by a loss of motivation and an increase in automaticity. As a result, subsequent changes in mood distribution in Romance languages are not viewed merely as reductive phenomena, but rather as signs of the refunctionalization of a destabilized, yet viable, paradigm. / text
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Emprego do indicativo e do subjuntivo em redações do ensino médio / The use of indicative and subjunctive moods in secondary schoolRosangela Abrahão de Castro 23 March 2005 (has links)
O estudo desenvolvido neste trabalho centraliza-se no EMPREGO DE MODOS E TEMPOS VERBAIS em textos escritos na variedade padrão. Propõe-se, após análise de redações argumentativas de alunos das fases finais do Ensino Médio e verificação de frases malformadas nesses textos, a sistematizar o EMPREGO DOS MODOS VERBAIS, e a CONCORDÂNCIA DE TEMPOS, como forma de construção frástica, por meio da explicitação de regras semântico-sintáticas que orientam tal emprego. É finalidade desta dissertação, ainda, apontar o emprego do Indicativo e do Subjuntivo, bem como o da consecutio temporum, como um relevante conteúdo gramatical para o desenvolvimento da competência discursiva em redações argumentativas, em concordância com o que se espera dos estudantes nessa fase terminal do Ensino. Nesse sentido, ao final do trabalho, sugerem-se atividades didáticas como subsídio para ajudar o professor a evitar erros dessa natureza no desempenho escrito de seus alunos. / The present study focuses on the USE OF VERBAL MOODS AND TENSES in pattern written texts. Its proposal is, after the analysis of argumentative essays written by students on the last grades of High School (Ensino Médio) and the examination of wrongly constructed phrases in those texts, to systematize and orientate THE USE OF VERBAL MOODS AND THE AGREEMENT OF TENSES as a way of constructing phrases, making semantic-synthetic rules explicit. Its also an aim of this dissertation to point out the use of the Indicative and of the Subjunctive, as well as that of the consecutio temporum, as a relevant grammatical topic for the development of essay writing competence in argumentative essays, in accordance with what is expected from students at this final stage of Schooling. In order to achieve these aims, at the end of this study, didactic activities are proposed so as to help the teacher to avoid mistakes of that kind in his students written performance.
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Altern?ncia no uso dos modos indicativo e subjuntivo em ora??es subordinadas substantivas: uma compara??o entre o portugu?s do Brasil e o franc?s do Canad?Vieira, Marta Mara Munguba 24 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The purpose of this work is to analyze the use of the indicative mood, instead of the subjunctive prescribed by the normative grammar, in complement clauses introduced by the conjunction que in Brazilian Portuguese. Contexts of use of the subjunctive according to grammatical prescription, and contexts of fluctuation on the use of that verbal mood were analyzed, in an attempt to investigate what interferes on the choice of the mood by the user of the language. This study is based on North-American Functional Linguistics theoretical perspective,
oriented to analyzing language in use, in the light of the principles of grammaticalization and markedness. The results obtained support that the contexts that favor the indicative over the subjunctive are those composed by a complement clause functioning as a direct object the unmarked clause of all complement clauses and by a verb on the main sentence that belongs to the semantic field of low certainty, corresponding to the epistemic sub-mode the unmarked category of the deontic sub-mode. The results indicate that pragmatics and semantics factors influence the language user on the choice of the verbal mood. This research also presents comparative data on the use of the indicative mood in place of the subjunctive in
Brazilian Portuguese and Canadian French, aiming to providing suggestions on language teaching / O prop?sito deste trabalho ? analisar a altern?ncia do emprego do modo subjuntivo com o indicativo em ora??es subordinadas substantivas introduzidas pela conjun??o que, no
portugu?s falado no Brasil, nos casos em que o uso do subjuntivo ? prescrito pela gram?tica normativa. Foram analisados contextos de uso do subjuntivo conforme a prescri??o gramatical e tamb?m contextos de flutua??o no emprego desse modo verbal, buscando examinar que
fatores interferem na escolha do modo verbal pelo usu?rio da l?ngua. Este estudo fundamentase na perspectiva te?rica da Ling??stica Funcional norte-americana, que tem como orienta??o analisar a l?ngua em uso, tomando por base especialmente os princ?pios da gramaticaliza??o e
da marca??o. Os resultados obtidos fornecem ind?cios de que os contextos que favorecem a altern?ncia entre os modos subjuntivo e indicativo s?o aqueles constitu?dos por uma ora??o subordinada substantiva objetiva direta, a n?o-marcada em rela??o ?s demais ora??es subordinadas
substantivas, e por um verbo na ora??o principal que perten?a ao campo sem?ntico de baixa certeza, correspondente ao submodo epist?mico, a categoria n?o-marcada em rela??o ao submodo de?ntico. Esses resultados indicam que fatores pragm?ticos e sem?nticos atuam no
momento em que o usu?rio faz uso do modo verbal. Esta pesquisa apresenta tamb?m dados comparativos sobre a altern?ncia dos modos subjuntivo e indicativo no portugu?s e no franc?s, na tentativa de contribuir com propostas para o ensino de l?ngua
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Emprego do indicativo e do subjuntivo em redações do ensino médio / The use of indicative and subjunctive moods in secondary schoolRosangela Abrahão de Castro 23 March 2005 (has links)
O estudo desenvolvido neste trabalho centraliza-se no EMPREGO DE MODOS E TEMPOS VERBAIS em textos escritos na variedade padrão. Propõe-se, após análise de redações argumentativas de alunos das fases finais do Ensino Médio e verificação de frases malformadas nesses textos, a sistematizar o EMPREGO DOS MODOS VERBAIS, e a CONCORDÂNCIA DE TEMPOS, como forma de construção frástica, por meio da explicitação de regras semântico-sintáticas que orientam tal emprego. É finalidade desta dissertação, ainda, apontar o emprego do Indicativo e do Subjuntivo, bem como o da consecutio temporum, como um relevante conteúdo gramatical para o desenvolvimento da competência discursiva em redações argumentativas, em concordância com o que se espera dos estudantes nessa fase terminal do Ensino. Nesse sentido, ao final do trabalho, sugerem-se atividades didáticas como subsídio para ajudar o professor a evitar erros dessa natureza no desempenho escrito de seus alunos. / The present study focuses on the USE OF VERBAL MOODS AND TENSES in pattern written texts. Its proposal is, after the analysis of argumentative essays written by students on the last grades of High School (Ensino Médio) and the examination of wrongly constructed phrases in those texts, to systematize and orientate THE USE OF VERBAL MOODS AND THE AGREEMENT OF TENSES as a way of constructing phrases, making semantic-synthetic rules explicit. Its also an aim of this dissertation to point out the use of the Indicative and of the Subjunctive, as well as that of the consecutio temporum, as a relevant grammatical topic for the development of essay writing competence in argumentative essays, in accordance with what is expected from students at this final stage of Schooling. In order to achieve these aims, at the end of this study, didactic activities are proposed so as to help the teacher to avoid mistakes of that kind in his students written performance.
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A alternÃncia subjuntivo/indicativo em oraÃÃes independentes na fala do Cariri / The subjunctive alternation / prefix in independent clauses in speech CaririJordane Fernandes Alves 20 May 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Neste estudo, investigamos a alternÃncia entre os modos verbais subjuntivo e indicativo em oraÃÃes independentes na fala do Cariri, regiÃo localizada ao sul do CearÃ. Os dados foram extraÃdos do Projeto PROFALA, que contempla o banco de dados O portuguÃs falado no CearÃ, sediado na Universidade Federal do CearÃ, no Programa de PÃs GraduaÃÃo em LinguÃstica, com informantes estratificados em faixa etÃria (15-26, 27-49 e 50 em diante), sexo (masculino e feminino) e anos de escolaridade (0-8, 9-11). O principal objetivo desse trabalho à descrever a variaÃÃo entre subjuntivo e indicativo em oraÃÃes independentes dubitativas, analisando os ambientes que restringem o uso do subjuntivo, bem como os ambientes que favorecem a alternÃncia entre os modos. Para isso, selecionamos quatro variÃveis linguÃsticas â padrÃo morfofonolÃgico do verbo, marcador dubitativo, tempo verbal da oraÃÃo e tipo de verbo da oraÃÃo, alÃm das variÃveis sociais clÃssica â sexo/gÃnero, escolaridade e faixa etÃria. Assim, verificamos a atuaÃÃo desses grupos de fatores no favorecimento do uso do subjuntivo em oraÃÃes independentes. Os dados foram quantificados por meio do programa estatÃstico GOLDVARB X e analisados à luz da Teoria da VariaÃÃo e MudanÃa, por meio dos estudos de Labov (1968; 1972; 1994; 2001; 2008), uma vez que concebem a lÃngua como sistema heterogÃneo e suscetÃvel Ãs pressÃes de uso e, consequentemente, aos mais diversos processos de variaÃÃo. Nossos resultados apontam para as variÃveis linguÃsticas padrÃo morfofonolÃgico, marcador dubitativo e tempo verbal como favorecedores do subjuntivo na comunidade de fala analisada. Quanto Ãs variÃveis sociais, apenas gÃnero/sexo foi selecionada pelo programa estatÃstico, com resultados que apontam os homens como mais favorecedores das formas subjuntivas que as mulheres na fala do Cariri. / This study investigates the alternation between the indicative and subjunctive verbal moods in independent clauses in the spoken Portuguese of Cariri, region located in the south of the Brazilian state of CearÃ. The data were extracted from PROFALA Project, which includes the database "The spoken Portuguese in CearÃ", headquartered at the Federal University of CearÃ, in the Graduate Program in Linguistics. This corpus consists of approximately 125 hours corresponding to 176 interviews with informants stratified by age group, sex and instruction level. The main objective of this research is to describe the variation between subjunctive and indicative in dubitatives independent clauses, analyzing environments that restrict the use of the subjunctive, as well as environments that promote switching between moods. Four linguistic variables were selected - morphophonological default verb, doubter marker, tense of the clause, verb type of the clause, besides the classical social variables - sex / gender, education and age. Thus, it analyzes the performance of these groups of factors in favor of the use of the subjunctive or alternation with the indicative mood in the independent clauses. The data were quantified using the statistical program GOLDVARB X and analyzed according to the Theory of Variation and Change, through studies of Labov (1968 , 1972 , 1994, 2001 , 2008), since they conceive language as a heterogeneous system susceptible to pressure of use and, therefore, the various processes of variation. The results indicate all linguistic variables controlled in this study as favoring subjunctive alternation in analyzed speech community. All indices showed high percentage in favor of the use of the subjunctive variant inindependent clauses in the spoken language of Cariri. Concerning social variables, only gender / sex was selected by the statistical program, with results that indicate men use more subjunctive forms than women in speech Portuguese of Cariri .
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Variação entre o presente do indicativo e o presente do subjuntivo: uma análise sociolinguísticaNovo, Idrissa Ribeiro 25 April 2017 (has links)
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Dissertação de Mestrado final.pdf: 4340425 bytes, checksum: 5ce4fe02ce3013afccd59ac8576c4f57 (MD5) / Grande parte das gramáticas tradicionais normativas faz uma diferenciação bem
marcada entre os modos verbais Indicativo e Subjuntivo: enquanto se considera o Indicativo o
modo da certeza, atribui-se ao Subjuntivo o valor da incerteza, da hipótese. Todavia, há casos
em que essa distinção não se manifesta tão segura, visto que em orações factuais nem sempre
o Indicativo é utilizado, assim como os dois modos, por vezes, podem expressar falta de
certeza (PERINI, 2009; 2010). Além disso, CAMARA JR. (2009: 280-281) assevera que “em
português, como nas demais línguas românicas, o subjuntivo sofreu a interferência do
indicativo e só aparece em determinados tipos frasais, por uma servidão gramatical”. É usado
em contextos bem específicos, dentre os quais se destacam: oração independente depois do
advérbio de dúvida talvez; oração integrante subordinada a verbos de significação volitiva ou
optativa; oração adverbial que desenvolve uma concessividade, uma finalidade ou uma
causalidade. Neste trabalho, sob a ótica da Sociolinguística Variacionista, investigou-se a
variação entre o presente do indicativo e o presente do subjuntivo, nos referidos contextos
sintáticos em que a prescrição gramatical preconiza o uso obrigatório do modo verbal
subjuntivo. Assim, analisam-se casos em que, em maior ou menor grau, a expectativa de
emprego do subjuntivo é contrariada, gerando enunciados de aceitabilidade duvidosa no
âmbito da variante de prestígio do português. Para a consecução dos fins da pesquisa,
realizaram-se testes sociolinguísticos de percepção e de produção com turmas iniciais e finais
do segundo segmento do Ensino Fundamental e 3º ano do Ensino Médio, em seis escolas
públicas e privadas dos municípios de Niterói e Itaboraí e analisaram-se produções textuais
dos discentes dessas mesmas escolas. Consideraram-se estatisticamente relevantes as
variáveis extralinguísticas tipo de escola, escolaridade e cidade e as variáveis linguísticas
contexto sintático e pessoa gramatical com significância estatística. Constatou-se também
que a variável contexto sintático pode ser descrita em um continuum, no qual as orações
adverbiais de finalidade apresentam maior frequência de uso do subjuntivo, enquanto no polo
oposto localizam-se as orações adverbiais de causalidade. Por fim, percebeu-se que a 1ª
pessoa gramatical motiva o uso do indicativo, assim como alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade
tendem a usar mais frequentemente esse modo verbal nos contextos de uso estudados / Many of the traditional normative grammars stablish a well-marked differentiation
between Indicative and Subjunctive verbal modes. As the Indicative is considered the mode of
certainty, the value of uncertainty, or hypothesis, is attributed to the Subjunctive. However,
there are cases where this distinction doesn’t show itself as safe, as in factual clauses the
Indicative is not always used, as well as the two modes, sometimes, can express lack of
certainty (PERINI, 2009; 2010). In addition, CAMARA JR. (2009: 280-281) states that “in
Portuguese, as in other Romanic languages, the subjunctive suffered the interference of the
indicative and appears only in certain types of sentences, by a grammatical servitude”. It is
used in very specific contexts, among which are: independent clause after the adverb of doubt
perhaps; integral clause subordinated to verbs with volitional or optative signification;
adverbial clause that develops a concession, a purpose or causality. In this work, from the
perspective of variationist sociolinguistics, we investigated the variation between the present
tense and the present subjunctive, in those syntactic contexts in which the grammatical
prescription recognize to the compulsory use of the verbal mode subjunctive. Thus, we
analyzed cases where, to a greater or lesser extent, the expected use of subjunctive is
counteracted, creating statements of questionable acceptability under the scope of Portuguese
prestigious variant. To the consecution that work, Sociolinguistic tests of perception and
production are carried out with initial and final classes of primary education and the second
cycle of secondary education in six schools – both the public and private types – in the cities
of Niteroi and Itaborai and we analyzed textual productions of the students of those schools.
We also consider the extra linguistic variables type of school, schooling and city and as
linguistic variables, we considered syntactic context and grammatical person with statistical
significance. We also contacted that the variable syntactic context can be described in a
continuum which adverbial clauses of purpose had more signal subjunctive use, while at the
opposite pole are located the adverbial clauses of causality. Finally, it is clear that the 1 st
grammatical person motivates the use of the indicative, as well as students from 6th grade tend
to use more often this way in the use of verbal contexts we studied
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