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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Devizové swapy při řízení likvidity globálního bankovního systému / Foreign exchange swaps in liquidity management of global banking system

Minařík, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on solving financial crisis throught foreign exchange swaps. Facilities, which provided help to Banks around the world called swap lines. These facilities introduced U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) in late 2007. The swap lines were one of the many liquidity programs that Fed conducted in order to provide liquidity to the global banking system. Using indicator 3M Libor -- OIS spread, which informs about the problems in the interbank markets, is studied the impact of these swap facilities to the global banking system. It was found, that impact of swap lines were positive, but not because of announcement effect. Swap lines had positive impact only after an enormous increase in the volume of U.S. dollars in transactions. In other part of thesis is estimated revenue and expenses for the Fed. Revenues are campared with the data in the annual report. Revenues are estimated as a sum of all the interest payments in all banks, which dollars from the swap lines "spilled" into their jurisdictions. Costs are estimated as a opportunity costs.

Hedging of a foreign exchange swapbook using Stochastic programming

Bohlin, Emma, Harling, Jonatan January 2021 (has links)
A large part of the foreign exchange market concerns the trading of FX swaps. While entering a position in a FX swap does not cost any money, banks earn money on FX swaps when their customers cross the bid/ask spread, creating a perceived transaction costs for the swaps. To hedge the risks of their customer positions, banks enter new positions in FX swaps with other banks, crossing the same bid/ask spread. Traditional hedging methods does not take perceived transaction costs into account when determining hedge positions, resulting in greater portfolio losses than necessary for the banks. Therefore, the topic of hedging while taking transaction costs into account could be of great value. When valuing FX swaps and estimating risk factors in a FX environment, term structures need to be estimated for pricing the instruments. The estimation of term structures can be done using several ap- proaches, among them bootstrapping and interpolating the curve or parameterizing the curve, assuming it to be described by a functional form. These traditional methods of term structure measurement has the downside of being unstable and fluctuating greatly over time because of different local optimas each day, or result in very large pricing errors due to certain instruments needing to be excluded from the term structure measurement. These attributes result in capturing extra, unnecessary volatility in the curves which does not model the true risk, consequently estimating the risk factors wrongly when risk management and hedging needs to be done. The estimation of good quality term structures which are stable over time and result in low pricing errors are therefore of great interest to study. In this thesis, a FX swap portfolio is hedged using a Stochastic Programming (SP) model developed by Blomvall and Hagenbj ̈ork (2020). For the valuation of FX swaps in the portfolio and the generation of risk factors for the model, term structures were estimated using a multiple yield curve framework of Blomvall and Ndengo (2013), which penalizes pricing errors and use regularization functions to produce smooth curves. For both the term structure measurement method and the hedging method, a critical part affecting the per- formance of the methods lies in choosing good parameter values, which is what has been the main purpose of this study. The results show that good quality term structures can be estimated using the multiple yield curve frame- work if good parameter choices are made. The resulting curves fulfill the criteria of being stable over time while also keeping the price errors out-of-sample small. A portfolio hedged using a SP-model with certain chosen parameter values and also using the good quality term structures estimated is shown to eliminate a great deal of risk compared to an unhedged portfolio. When compared with a traditional hedging model called the Boxes model, the SP-model gains value from taking perceived transaction costs into account and thus manages to hedge the risks less costly than the Boxes model does.

An Interaction Design approach to Clothing Swaps

Baron, Rixt January 2021 (has links)
This study analysed the second hand clothing culture and clothing swaps that have gained popularity in recent years. Through interaction design, a solution is sought to the problem that secondhand shopping has become popular and thereby less affordable for people with a low income. By means of the five phases of design Thinking, a final concept has been designed. In which an early version of a prototype has been developed. The final concept helps solve the problem by making clothing swapping easier and more efficient, this is done through a combination of drop off locations and the use of an app. It demonstrates how interaction design can be used in clothing swaps and make them accessible to anyone interested.

Credit risk under normal and extreme condition : empirical investigation on European CDS spread changes / Risque de Crédit en période de calme et de stress : études empiriques sur le marché de CDS européens

Qi, Ziqiong 25 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat s’articule en trois chapitres. Le premier chapitre s’attache à trouver les déterminants principaux des variations hebdomadaires des marges de CDS, en période normale. Le deuxième chapitre se concentre, quant à lui, sur le comportement des marges de CDS dans les situations extrêmes. Nous exploitons dans ce chapitre les outils couramment employés dans l’analyse du risque systémique (CoVaR et régression quantile). Le troisième et dernier chapitre s’intéresse à l'impact des modifications de notations émises par les agences de rating (sur les marges de CDS). Nous procédons ici à une étude d’événements. Ces trois chapitres, de nature empirique, analysent donc, sous des angles différents. Ils insistent aussi dans leur interprétation sur la dimension sectorielle du marché des CDS. Bien que conçus séparément et indépendamment; les résultats de ces chapitres apparaissent, pour l’essentiel, assez cohérents. Ainsi, dans le premier chapitre, une série d’analyses en composantes principales menées sur les marges de CDS indiquent que le « secteur » constitue un facteur important. Dans le deuxième chapitre, les résultats fournis par la mesure de risque systémique appelée CoVaR suggèrent aussi que les secteurs dirigent le comportement des CDS individuels dans les moments extrêmes. / This thesis examines in three empirical essays levels and changes of CDS spread related to largest European companies. In the first chapter, we aim at identifying most important variables that drive CDS spreads in normal market conditions We suggest a list of new microeconomic variables and we find there exist some remaining sector wide common factors. In chapter two, we examine credit risk spillovers of CDS and equity markets under extreme conditions. To this end, we implement among other the very recent CoVaR technology of related entities. We also find here indirect evidences that sectors govern the behavior of individual CDS. In chapter three, we finally undertake a number of event studies on CDS and Equity daily data making use of hand-collected credit rating changes. Among other things, we evidence that both CDS spreads and equity prices move as the rating changes but also that movements differ according to upgrades, downgrades, succession and turnovers.

Är Sverige redo för kreditderivat? : Vilka faktorer kan påverka användandet av kreditderivat i Sverige?

Karlsson, Robert, Berglund, Marcus January 2011 (has links)
Kreditderivat är ett finansiellt instrument som upplevt en explosiv utveckling på stora finansiella marknader som exempelvis de i USA och England. Dock har denna massiva utveckling, relativt sett, uteblivit på den svenska finansmarknaden. Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar användandet av kreditderivat i Sverige. Både positiva och negativa faktorer avhandlas på ett objektivt sätt med relevanta källor av olika slag. Fokus ligger på grundformen av kreditderivat, Credit Default Swaps. Genom grundläggande forskningsarbete avgränsar vi uppsatsen till sex stycken faktorer som vi tror kommer att påverka kreditderivats utveckling i Sverige. Dessa är: EMU-inträde, Värdepapperisering, Central Clearing Counterparty (CCP), Säkerställda Obligationer, Basel III och Företagsobligationer. Vi analyserar dessa faktorer och drar slutsatser hur och om varje faktor kommer påverka användandet av kreditderivat i Sverige. Angående effekten av ett eventuellt EMU-inträde för Sveriges del anser vi redan vara överspelad på grund av att större svenska aktörer redan handlar till stor del i valutan Euro. Vidare har värdepapperisering varit en tillväxtfaktor historiskt, bl.a. i USA, men i spåren av den finansiella krisen kommer inte värdepapperis ering få samma tillväxteffekt på kreditderivat som den tidigare haft. En annan potentiell tillväxtfaktor kan vara användandet av en CCP men den spelar förmodligen roll i ett senare skede i den svenska marknadens utveckling. Vidare så kräver säkerställda obligationer mer forskning, vår utredning pekar på ett antal scenarion där de kan påverka utvecklingen antingen positivt eller negativt. Slutsatsen är att Sverige är redo för kreditderivat och att de två viktigaste tillväxtfaktorerna är: Ett ökat användande av företagsobligationer i kombination med införandet av Basel III lagstiftningen för finansiella institut. Vi tror med hänsyn till de två sistnämnda faktorerna, och till viss del CCP-faktorn, att användandet av kreditderivat kommer att öka i Sverige i framtiden.

Implementation of IAS 39 by Swedish Banks : Interest Rate Swaps in Hedging Applications

Görgin, Robert, Gogolis, Sergejs January 2005 (has links)
In 2005, all groups listed on European stock exchanges are required to prepare their consolidated financial statements according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). IFRS are different from local regulations across Europe in many aspects, and observers expect the transition process thorny and resource-draining for the companies that undertake it. The study explores transition difficulties by Swedish bank groups on the way of implementing IAS 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. Deemed the most controversial and challenging standard for adoption by the financial sector, it indeed poses new demandson classification, recognition and measurment of financial instruments, and sets out new hedge accounting rules, previously unseen in Swedish practice. Additionaly, the structure of bank's balance sheets makes IAS 39 also the central one among all other standards in terms of numbers of balance sheet items it impacts. The study uses qualitative method to explore whether transition to IAS 39 is likely to improve transparency in reporting derivatives. Focus is on use of interest rate swaps as hedging instruments in mitigation of interest rate risk. It is concluded that differences between two reporting frameworks have been well understood by the banks early in the implementation process. A negative feature of the standard is increased volatility in earnings as a result of more wide-spread reliance on fair value measurement method. This accounting volatility impedes comparability of performance results, as well as conceals true efficiency of economic hedge relationships. To some degree, the volatility can be minimized by the application of hedge accounting. However, a bank must methodically follow a set of rigourous if hegde accounting is to be adopted. Fair value is a more straightforward alternative to hedge accounting , but it brings in additional concerns, and has not yet been endorsed in the EU. It is additionally argued that recognition of all derivatives on BS and measurement at fair value are two important features of IAS 39 that indeed increases reporting transparency by minimizing risk of undisclosed hidden losses.

Reporting interest rate swaps: The association of disclosure quality with credit risk and ownership structure

Uliss, Barbara Turk January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

An Examination of the Association of Firm Credit Ratings with Real Activities Manipulation, Audit Quality, Corporate Governance, and Credit Default Swaps

Browning, Logan R. 19 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Financial Crises & Financial Derivatives: Government Use of Interest Rate Swaps From 2003 - 2012

Singla, Akheil 02 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Contagion in Credit Default Swap Premiums and Spillover Effects from Bond Liquidity to Stock Returns

Anderson, Mike 20 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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