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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antioxidant systems and protein phosphatases in metabolic and signaling responses to oxidative stress / Les systèmes antioxydants et les protéine phosphatases dans le métabolisme et signalisation liée au stress oxydant

Li, Shengchun 13 June 2013 (has links)
Le stress oxydant est un acteur clé dans les réponses des plantes à des conditions contraignantes. En raison de la complexité de la régulation de l’état redox cellulaire, il reste beaucoup à élucider concernant les interactions entre différentes composantes dans ces conditions. Grâce à une approche de génétique inverse basée sur un mutant d’Arabidopsis déficient en catalase (cat2) qui présente des modifications d’état redox prévisibles et bien définies, cette étude a exploré les interactions entre le stress oxydant et (1) un gène spécifique impliqué dans la déphosphorylation des protéines, (2) des enzymes spécifiques impliquées dans les systèmes antioxydants réducteurs. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que la sous-unité B'γ de la protéine phosphatase de type 2A (PP2A-B'γ) est importante dans la détermination des phénotypes et des réponses de défense photopériode-dépendantes chez cat2. En conditions de jours courts (SD), un double cat2 pp2a-b'γ mutant montrait une gamme de réponses qui n’étaient pas observées chez cat2. Ces effets comprenaient l’apparition de lésions ainsi que l’accumulation de l’acide salicylique et d’autres composés de défense. Des analyses métabolomiques et protéomiques ont permis de démontrer que ces effets étaient accompagnés de modifications de l’abondance de métabolites et protéines spécifiques, ainsi que des changements dans le statut de phosphorylation de certains polypeptides. Dans un deuxième volet du travail, l’importance d’une enzyme productrice du NADPH a été évaluée en produisant des doubles cat2 nadp-me2 mutants chez lesquels l’isoforme majeure de l’enzyme malique cytosolique n’est plus exprimée. Malgré une induction de cette enzyme par le stress oxydant aux niveaux de transcrits et d’activité, et une diminution importante de l’activité foliaire associée aux mutations nadp-me2, peu de différence a été observée entre les lignées cat2 et cat2 nadp-me2. De même, la mutation nadp-me2 n’a pas affecté la réponse phénotypique de plantes exposées à l’ozone. Dans la troisième partie du travail, le couplage entre les pools ascorbate et glutathion lors du stress oxydant a été exploré par l’introduction de mutations pour la déshydroascorbate réductase (DHAR) dans le fond génétique cat2. L’activité extractible de cette enzyme a été diminuée à des niveaux très faibles chez des lignées portant à la fois les mutations dhar1 et dhar3. Cependant, peu de différence a été observée dans les phénotypes et les statuts d’ascorbate et de glutathion chez un triple mutant cat2 dhar1 dhar3 par rapport à cat2. Des analyses préliminaires d’un quadruple cat2 dhar1 dhar2 dhar3 mutant semblent pourtant indiquer que les trois DHARs jouent des rôles fonctionnellement redondants dans le stress oxydant. Dans son ensemble, ces travaux apportent des données nouvelles sur les enzymes qui régulent les réponses aux stress oxydants et ont généré des outils intéressants pour des études ultérieures. / Oxidative stress is a key player in plant responses to challenging environmental conditions. The intricate nature of the regulation of cellular redox state means that much remains to be elucidated on interactions between different components in these conditions. By using a genetic approach based on a catalase-deficient Arabidopsis mutant (cat2) that presents well-defined, predictable changes in redox state, this study explored interactions between oxidative stress and (1) a specific gene involved in protein dephosphorylation, and (2) specific enzymes involved in the antioxidative/reducing system. The results showed that protein phosphatase 2 subunit B'γ (PP2A-B'γ) is involved in determining day length-dependent phenotypes and related defense responses in cat2. A cat2 pp2A-B'γ double mutant showed a range of responses that were not observed in cat2 grown in short days, including lesion formation and accumulation of salicylic acid (SA) and related metabolites. Metabolomics and proteomics analyses showed that these effects were associated with altered abundance of specific metabolites and proteins, as well as changes in protein phosphorylation status. A second part of the study investigated the importance of NADP-generating enzymes in oxidative stress by production of cat2 nadp-me2 double mutants, in which the cytosolic isoform of NADP-malic enzyme is knocked out. Although NADP-ME2 was shown to be induced by oxidative stress, and mutants for this gene had much decreased leaf NADP-malic enzyme activity, no effects on cat2 phenotypes or redox profiles were apparent. Similarly, phenotypic responses to ozone were not affected in an nadp-me2 single mutant. In the third part, coupling between ascorbate and glutathione pools during oxidative stress was investigated by introduction of loss of function mutations for dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) into the cat2 background. In lines carrying a combination of dhar1 and dhar3 mutations, extractable leaf activity was decreased to very low levels. Despite this, cat2 dhar1 dhar3 and cat2 phenotypes and ascorbate and glutathione pools were similar. However, preliminary functional analysis of a cat2 dhar1 dhar2 dhar3 quadruple mutant suggested that the three DHARs play functionally redundant roles in oxidative stress. Overall, the work provides new data on enzymes that regulate responses to oxidative stress and has produced interesting genetic tools for further study.

Biocatálise na produção de moléculas orgânicas: oxidorredutases de fungos marinhos para a síntese de álcoois quirais e lipase de Candida antarctica na produção de amidas fenólicas graxas / Biocatalysis in organic molecules production: synthesis of chiral alcohols by oxidoreductases from marine fungi and production of phenolic fatty amides by lipase from Candida antarctica

Mouad, Ana Maria 07 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, enzimas álcool-desidrogenases provenientes de fungos marinhos e a lipase imobilizada de Candida antarctica foram utilizadas para produção de compostos de interesse sintético e biológico. No capítulo 1, enzimas álcool-desidrogenases de fungos isolados da alga marinha Bostrychia radicans foram empregadas em reações de redução de cetonas fluoradas 1-5. Os fungos identificados como Botryosphaeria sp. CBMAI 1197, Eutypella sp. CBMAI 1196, Hidropisphaera sp. CBMAI 1194 e Xylaria sp. CBMAI 119 atuaram como biocatalisadores nestas reações levando à produção de álcoois com elevada pureza enantiomérica. O fungo Botryosphaeria sp. CBMAI 1197 destacou-se frente aos demais microrganismos, produzindo os álcoois (S)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1-feniletanol (1a) e (R)-1-(2,4,5-trifluorofenil)etanol (3a) com excelentes conversões (100% e 97%) e excessos enantioméricos (ee >99%). Este fungo também apresentou enzimas álcool-desidrogenases ativas frente a cetonas dicarboniladas 4-5, produzindo os álcoois 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-fenil-1,3-butanodiol (4a) e 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(2-naftalenil)-1,3-butanodiol (5a) com 100% de conversão em ambos os casos e com purezas enantioméricas respectivas a 99% e 97%. Este foi o primeiro estudo realizado no Brasil com fluorocetonas dicarboniladas e com os fungos isolados da alga marinha Bostrychia radicans. No capítulo 2, a lipase comercial de Candida antarctica foi o biocatalisador empregado em reações de aminólise entre os ésteres linoleato de etila (1) e salicilato de etila (3), a amina graxa N-dodecilamina (2) e os aminoálcoois (4-9). A amina graxa N-dodecilamina (2) também foi utilizada em reações com o linoleato de etila (1), onde a lipase de Candida antarctica produziu a respectiva amida graxa 10 com rendimentos superiores a 95%. Os aminoálcoois foram selecionados para reações com o salicilato de etila (3), onde a lipase exibiu quimiosseletividade pelo grupo amino, produzindo predominantemente amidas fenólicas (12-19) com rendimentos entre 23-68%. A enzima CALB apresentou quimiosseletividade reduzida na reação com o 5-aminopentanol (6) onde os produtos amida 14 e éster 15 foram obtidos com rendimentos de 44 e 33%, respectivamente. O produto 2-hidroxi-N-(2-hidroxipropil)benzamida (19) foi obtido com rendimento superior a 90% a partir da reação catalisada pela lipase de Candida antarctica. Este produto foi selecionado como intermediário para a síntese de uma molécula hidrofóbica 21 que apresenta o éster oleato de etila em sua constituição. O produto 21 foi obtido com 75% de rendimento. As amidas fenólicas 12-21 produzidas neste trabalho são derivadas do ácido linoleico (ômega 6) e do ácido salicílico, os quais apresentam propriedades emolientes e antioxidantes. Estes compostos são interessantes para a formulação de produtos cosméticos de aplicação cutânea. Neste processo biotecnológico as reações foram conduzidas na ausência de solventes orgânicos, evitando o tratamento de solventes voláteis e a formação de subprodutos. Os compostos foram analisados por Cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e caracterizados por RMN (1H, 13C), EMAR e IV. A aplicação de reações de biocatálise seja através de células microbianas ou de enzimas isoladas foram muito promissoras na síntese de compostos orgânicos de interesse como álcoois enantiomericamente puros ou amidas graxas. / In this work, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHs) enzymes from marine fungi and immobilized lipase from Candida antarctica were employed for the production of compounds of biological and synthetic interest. In chapter 1, ADHs of fungi isolated from the marine alga Bostrychia radicans were used in reduction reactions of fluorinated ketones 1-5. The fungi identified as Botryosphaeria sp. CBMAI 1197, Eutypella sp. CBMAI 1196, Hidropisphaera sp. CBMAI 1194 and Xylaria sp. CBMAI 119 acted as biocatalysts in these reactions leading to production of alcohols with high enantiomeric purity. The fungus Botryosphaeria sp. CBMAI 1197 presented highlighted compared to other microorganisms producing the alcohols (S)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1-phenylethanol (1a) and (R) -1 - (2,4,5-trifluorophenyl) ethanol (3a) with excellent conversions (100% and 97%) and enantiomeric excesses (ee > 99%). This fungus also exhibited ADHs enzymes active with dicarbonylateds ketones, leading to the production of the alcohols 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-phenylbutane-1,3-diol (4a) and 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)butane-1,3-diol -1,3-butanediol (5a) with conversions of 100% in both cases and enantiomeric excess of 99%-97%, respectively. This was the first study conducted with dicarbonilated fluoroketones 4-5 and with fungi isolated from the marine alga Bostrychia radicans in Brazil. In chapter 2, immobilized lipase from Candida antarctica was used as biocatalyst in the aminolysis reaction between esters of ethyl linoleate (1) and ethyl salicylate (3), the fatty amine N-dodecylamine (2) and the aminoalcohols (4-8). Six aminoalcohols were selected for reactions with ethyl salicylate (3), where the lipase exhibited chemoselectivity by the amino groups, producing predominantly phenolic amides in yields of 23-63%. The CALB exhibited um reduction in chemoselectivity in the reaction with 5-aminopentanol (6) where the amide 14 and ester 15 products were obtained with 44% and 33% yields. The product 2-hydroxy-N-(2-hydroxypropyl) benzamide (19) was obtained in yield greater than 90% from the reaction catalyzed by lipase from Candida antarctica. This product was selected as reagente for the synthesis of a hydrophobic molecule 21 presenting ester ethyl oleate in its constitution. The product 21 was obtained in 75% yield. The phenolic amides 12-21 produced in this work are derived from linoleic acid (omega 6) and salicylic acid, which presents emollient and antioxidants properties. These compounds are interesting for the formulation of cosmetic products for skin application. In this biotechnological process, the reactions were carried out under solvent-free conditions and vacum, avoiding the treatment of volatile solvents and by-product formation. The compounds were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography and characterized by NMR (1H, 13C), IR and HRMS. Applying biocatalysis reactions, either through microbial cells or isolated enzymes were promising for the synthesis of organic compounds such as enantiomerically pure alcohols and fatty phenolic amides.

Desenvolvimento de procedimento analítico para a determinação de ácido salicílico em materiais vegetais explorando cromatografia por injeção sequencial / Development of an analytical procedure for the determination of salicylic acid in plant materials exploiting sequential injection chromatography

Barrientos, Marcia Otto 24 July 2015 (has links)
A cromatografia por injeção sequencial com extração em fase sólida (EFS) em linha foi explorada para a determinação de ácido salicílico em amostras vegetais. Uma mini coluna de polietileno, preenchida com sílica funcionalizada C18, foi utilizada para EFS, com tampão fosfato pH 5,2 como eluente. O eluato foi diretamente transferido para a separação cromatográfica em uma coluna monolítica C18, utilizando solução de acetonitrila/tampão acetato pH 4,75 (5:95, v/v) como fase móvel. A detecção foi realizada por fluorescência com excitação em 298 nm e emissão em 406 nm. Os sinais analíticos foram baseados na altura do pico cromatográfico referente ao ácido salicílico em um tempo de retenção de 9.0 min. Os limites de detecção (99,7% de confiança) e quantificação foram estimados em 80 e 240 ?g L-1, respectivamente. A precisão foi estimada através do coeficiente de variação intradia (n = 10) em 0,99% e interdia (3 dias) em 3,6%. A resposta foi linear até 8,0 mg L-1 (r = 0,996). A resolução em relação aos demais componentes da matriz, o número de pratos e a altura equivalente a um prato foram estimados em 6,0; 3980 e 12,6 ?m, respectivamente. Utilizando calibração pelo método das adições de padrão, foram estimadas recuperações entre 74,2 e 96,4% em 4 amostras de folhas de soja. Com estes resultados conclui-se que o procedimento é adequado à determinação de ácido salicílico nos materiais vegetais com a remoção de interferentes em linha, tendo as vantagens de ser um procedimento rápido (ca. 17 min por determinação), limpo (consumo de ca. 320 ?L de acetonitrila por determinação), de custo relativamente baixo, suficientemente sensível e seletivo / Sequential injection cromatography with on-line solid phase extraction (SPE) was explored for the determination of salicylic acid in vegetable samples. A polyethylene column filled with C18-bonded silica was used for SPE, with a phosphate buffer pH 5.2 as eluent. The treated extract was directly sent towards chromatographic separation in a C18 monolithic column with an acetonitrile/acetate buffer solution, pH 4,75 (5:95, v/v) as mobile phase before fluorescence detection (excitation at 298 nm and emission at 406 nm). The analytical signals were based on peak height at the 9.0 min retention time. Limits of detection (99.7% confidence level) and quantification were estimated at 80 and 240 ?g L-1. Precision was estimated through intraday coefficient of variation (n = 10) at 0.99% and interday (3 days) at 3.6 %. A linear response up to 8.0 mg L-1 was estimated (r = 0.996). Resolution, number of plates and the height equivalent to one plate were estimated at 6.0, 3980 and 12,6 ?m, respectively. With calibration by the standard additions method recoveries within 74.2 and 96.4 % were estimated to four soy leaves samples. Thus, the procedure is suitable for the determination of salicylic acid in the extracts with on-line removal of interferences, being a rapid (ca. 17 min per determination), clean (ca. 320 ?L of acetonitrile by determination), inexpensive, and suitably sensitive and selective

Desenvolvimento de procedimento analítico para a determinação de ácido salicílico em materiais vegetais explorando cromatografia por injeção sequencial / Development of an analytical procedure for the determination of salicylic acid in plant materials exploiting sequential injection chromatography

Marcia Otto Barrientos 24 July 2015 (has links)
A cromatografia por injeção sequencial com extração em fase sólida (EFS) em linha foi explorada para a determinação de ácido salicílico em amostras vegetais. Uma mini coluna de polietileno, preenchida com sílica funcionalizada C18, foi utilizada para EFS, com tampão fosfato pH 5,2 como eluente. O eluato foi diretamente transferido para a separação cromatográfica em uma coluna monolítica C18, utilizando solução de acetonitrila/tampão acetato pH 4,75 (5:95, v/v) como fase móvel. A detecção foi realizada por fluorescência com excitação em 298 nm e emissão em 406 nm. Os sinais analíticos foram baseados na altura do pico cromatográfico referente ao ácido salicílico em um tempo de retenção de 9.0 min. Os limites de detecção (99,7% de confiança) e quantificação foram estimados em 80 e 240 ?g L-1, respectivamente. A precisão foi estimada através do coeficiente de variação intradia (n = 10) em 0,99% e interdia (3 dias) em 3,6%. A resposta foi linear até 8,0 mg L-1 (r = 0,996). A resolução em relação aos demais componentes da matriz, o número de pratos e a altura equivalente a um prato foram estimados em 6,0; 3980 e 12,6 ?m, respectivamente. Utilizando calibração pelo método das adições de padrão, foram estimadas recuperações entre 74,2 e 96,4% em 4 amostras de folhas de soja. Com estes resultados conclui-se que o procedimento é adequado à determinação de ácido salicílico nos materiais vegetais com a remoção de interferentes em linha, tendo as vantagens de ser um procedimento rápido (ca. 17 min por determinação), limpo (consumo de ca. 320 ?L de acetonitrila por determinação), de custo relativamente baixo, suficientemente sensível e seletivo / Sequential injection cromatography with on-line solid phase extraction (SPE) was explored for the determination of salicylic acid in vegetable samples. A polyethylene column filled with C18-bonded silica was used for SPE, with a phosphate buffer pH 5.2 as eluent. The treated extract was directly sent towards chromatographic separation in a C18 monolithic column with an acetonitrile/acetate buffer solution, pH 4,75 (5:95, v/v) as mobile phase before fluorescence detection (excitation at 298 nm and emission at 406 nm). The analytical signals were based on peak height at the 9.0 min retention time. Limits of detection (99.7% confidence level) and quantification were estimated at 80 and 240 ?g L-1. Precision was estimated through intraday coefficient of variation (n = 10) at 0.99% and interday (3 days) at 3.6 %. A linear response up to 8.0 mg L-1 was estimated (r = 0.996). Resolution, number of plates and the height equivalent to one plate were estimated at 6.0, 3980 and 12,6 ?m, respectively. With calibration by the standard additions method recoveries within 74.2 and 96.4 % were estimated to four soy leaves samples. Thus, the procedure is suitable for the determination of salicylic acid in the extracts with on-line removal of interferences, being a rapid (ca. 17 min per determination), clean (ca. 320 ?L of acetonitrile by determination), inexpensive, and suitably sensitive and selective

Arabidopsis thaliana class II TGA transcription factors provide a molecular link between salicylic acid and ethylene defense signalling / Arabidopsis thaliana Klasse II TGA-Transkriptionsfaktoren verbinden den Salicylsäure- mit dem Ethylen-Signalweg

Zander, Mark 27 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Characterization of an Arabidopsis glutaredoxin that interacts with core components of the salicylic acid signal transduction pathway / Its role in regulating the jasmonic acid pathway / Charakterisierung eines Arabidopsis-Glutaredoxins, welches mit Kernkomponenten des Salizylsäure-Signaltransduktionsweges interagiert. / Und seine Rolle in der Regulation des Jasmonsäure-Weges.

Ndamukong, Ivan Che 13 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Développement de vecteurs pharmaceutiques pour le relargage contrôlé de principes actifs / Pharmaceutical nanoparticles for the controlled delivery of drugs

Le Meur, Anne-Claire 18 December 2009 (has links)
La délivrance contrôlée de médicaments constitue un enjeu thérapeutique de première importance pour le milieu médical. Elle doit, en effet, permettre de diminuer la toxicité du médicament en limitant sa concentration dans l'organisme et en ciblant son lieu de délivrance. Ce projet de recherche a conduit à la réalisation de nouveaux nano-vecteurs particulaires utilisables pour la délivrance de médicaments par hyperthermie locale. Ces objets sont constitués d'un cœur de polynorbornène et d’une écorce de poly (oxyde d’éthylène) et sont synthétisés par polymérisation par ouverture de cycle de type métathèse (ROMP) en dispersion. L’acide salicylique est encapsulé dans ces particules en tant que molécule modèle. L'originalité de ce sujet pluridisciplinaire réside : dans la nature de la particule, qui permet une libération du principe actif à partir de 35-45°C et dans la technique d'imprégnation des particules par la voie fluide supercritique. / Controlled release systems are attracting increasing interest because of their potential application in biomedical field. Indeed, such systems should enable to lower toxicity of medicines by targeting the therapeutic action and by limiting the concentration of drugs in the organism. In this research project, new nanoparticles have been developed for a thermosensitive control of drugs’ delivery. These particles consist of a polynorbornene core and a polyethylene oxide shell and are developed by dispersion ring opening metathesis polymerization. As a model drug, salicylic acid has been encapsulated in those core-shell materials. This multidisciplinary project is original for two reasons. On the one hand, the nature of the particle which enables to release the drug from 35-45°C. On the other hand, the encapsulation technique that has been chosen is the impregnation under supercritical carbon dioxide.

Biocatálise na produção de moléculas orgânicas: oxidorredutases de fungos marinhos para a síntese de álcoois quirais e lipase de Candida antarctica na produção de amidas fenólicas graxas / Biocatalysis in organic molecules production: synthesis of chiral alcohols by oxidoreductases from marine fungi and production of phenolic fatty amides by lipase from Candida antarctica

Ana Maria Mouad 07 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, enzimas álcool-desidrogenases provenientes de fungos marinhos e a lipase imobilizada de Candida antarctica foram utilizadas para produção de compostos de interesse sintético e biológico. No capítulo 1, enzimas álcool-desidrogenases de fungos isolados da alga marinha Bostrychia radicans foram empregadas em reações de redução de cetonas fluoradas 1-5. Os fungos identificados como Botryosphaeria sp. CBMAI 1197, Eutypella sp. CBMAI 1196, Hidropisphaera sp. CBMAI 1194 e Xylaria sp. CBMAI 119 atuaram como biocatalisadores nestas reações levando à produção de álcoois com elevada pureza enantiomérica. O fungo Botryosphaeria sp. CBMAI 1197 destacou-se frente aos demais microrganismos, produzindo os álcoois (S)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1-feniletanol (1a) e (R)-1-(2,4,5-trifluorofenil)etanol (3a) com excelentes conversões (100% e 97%) e excessos enantioméricos (ee >99%). Este fungo também apresentou enzimas álcool-desidrogenases ativas frente a cetonas dicarboniladas 4-5, produzindo os álcoois 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-fenil-1,3-butanodiol (4a) e 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(2-naftalenil)-1,3-butanodiol (5a) com 100% de conversão em ambos os casos e com purezas enantioméricas respectivas a 99% e 97%. Este foi o primeiro estudo realizado no Brasil com fluorocetonas dicarboniladas e com os fungos isolados da alga marinha Bostrychia radicans. No capítulo 2, a lipase comercial de Candida antarctica foi o biocatalisador empregado em reações de aminólise entre os ésteres linoleato de etila (1) e salicilato de etila (3), a amina graxa N-dodecilamina (2) e os aminoálcoois (4-9). A amina graxa N-dodecilamina (2) também foi utilizada em reações com o linoleato de etila (1), onde a lipase de Candida antarctica produziu a respectiva amida graxa 10 com rendimentos superiores a 95%. Os aminoálcoois foram selecionados para reações com o salicilato de etila (3), onde a lipase exibiu quimiosseletividade pelo grupo amino, produzindo predominantemente amidas fenólicas (12-19) com rendimentos entre 23-68%. A enzima CALB apresentou quimiosseletividade reduzida na reação com o 5-aminopentanol (6) onde os produtos amida 14 e éster 15 foram obtidos com rendimentos de 44 e 33%, respectivamente. O produto 2-hidroxi-N-(2-hidroxipropil)benzamida (19) foi obtido com rendimento superior a 90% a partir da reação catalisada pela lipase de Candida antarctica. Este produto foi selecionado como intermediário para a síntese de uma molécula hidrofóbica 21 que apresenta o éster oleato de etila em sua constituição. O produto 21 foi obtido com 75% de rendimento. As amidas fenólicas 12-21 produzidas neste trabalho são derivadas do ácido linoleico (ômega 6) e do ácido salicílico, os quais apresentam propriedades emolientes e antioxidantes. Estes compostos são interessantes para a formulação de produtos cosméticos de aplicação cutânea. Neste processo biotecnológico as reações foram conduzidas na ausência de solventes orgânicos, evitando o tratamento de solventes voláteis e a formação de subprodutos. Os compostos foram analisados por Cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e caracterizados por RMN (1H, 13C), EMAR e IV. A aplicação de reações de biocatálise seja através de células microbianas ou de enzimas isoladas foram muito promissoras na síntese de compostos orgânicos de interesse como álcoois enantiomericamente puros ou amidas graxas. / In this work, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHs) enzymes from marine fungi and immobilized lipase from Candida antarctica were employed for the production of compounds of biological and synthetic interest. In chapter 1, ADHs of fungi isolated from the marine alga Bostrychia radicans were used in reduction reactions of fluorinated ketones 1-5. The fungi identified as Botryosphaeria sp. CBMAI 1197, Eutypella sp. CBMAI 1196, Hidropisphaera sp. CBMAI 1194 and Xylaria sp. CBMAI 119 acted as biocatalysts in these reactions leading to production of alcohols with high enantiomeric purity. The fungus Botryosphaeria sp. CBMAI 1197 presented highlighted compared to other microorganisms producing the alcohols (S)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1-phenylethanol (1a) and (R) -1 - (2,4,5-trifluorophenyl) ethanol (3a) with excellent conversions (100% and 97%) and enantiomeric excesses (ee > 99%). This fungus also exhibited ADHs enzymes active with dicarbonylateds ketones, leading to the production of the alcohols 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-phenylbutane-1,3-diol (4a) and 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)butane-1,3-diol -1,3-butanediol (5a) with conversions of 100% in both cases and enantiomeric excess of 99%-97%, respectively. This was the first study conducted with dicarbonilated fluoroketones 4-5 and with fungi isolated from the marine alga Bostrychia radicans in Brazil. In chapter 2, immobilized lipase from Candida antarctica was used as biocatalyst in the aminolysis reaction between esters of ethyl linoleate (1) and ethyl salicylate (3), the fatty amine N-dodecylamine (2) and the aminoalcohols (4-8). Six aminoalcohols were selected for reactions with ethyl salicylate (3), where the lipase exhibited chemoselectivity by the amino groups, producing predominantly phenolic amides in yields of 23-63%. The CALB exhibited um reduction in chemoselectivity in the reaction with 5-aminopentanol (6) where the amide 14 and ester 15 products were obtained with 44% and 33% yields. The product 2-hydroxy-N-(2-hydroxypropyl) benzamide (19) was obtained in yield greater than 90% from the reaction catalyzed by lipase from Candida antarctica. This product was selected as reagente for the synthesis of a hydrophobic molecule 21 presenting ester ethyl oleate in its constitution. The product 21 was obtained in 75% yield. The phenolic amides 12-21 produced in this work are derived from linoleic acid (omega 6) and salicylic acid, which presents emollient and antioxidants properties. These compounds are interesting for the formulation of cosmetic products for skin application. In this biotechnological process, the reactions were carried out under solvent-free conditions and vacum, avoiding the treatment of volatile solvents and by-product formation. The compounds were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography and characterized by NMR (1H, 13C), IR and HRMS. Applying biocatalysis reactions, either through microbial cells or isolated enzymes were promising for the synthesis of organic compounds such as enantiomerically pure alcohols and fatty phenolic amides.

Mikropolutanty ve zdrojích vod a možnosti jejich odstranění / Micropollutants in water resources and ways of their elimination

Lukášová, Daniela January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with micro-fuels in drinking water sources and their subsequent removal. In the thesis mainly pesticides and pharmaceuticals are described. The reader is first introduced to the most common pesticides occurring in water and their consumption. Drugs are described in a similar context. In addition, there are practical studies on the occurrence, degradation and removal of micro-pollutants from water. The final thesis is a laboratory experiment dealing with the removal of salicylic acid from water by filtration through the filtration material Bayoxide E33 and activated carbon. The thesis describes the procedure and results of the experiment.

Vývoj a charakterizace hydrogelů s obsahem huminových látek pro kosmetické a farmaceutické aplikace / Material characterization of novel hydrogels containing humic substances intended for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications

Pavlicová, Renata January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the development and characterization of hydrogels containing humic substances with possible use in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This work follows on the bachelor thesis, theoretical and experimental part is based on already acquired knowledge. The aim of this work was to develop a literature review focusing on the potential use humic gels in practice and also to enhance the consistency of other active ingredients. Based on this literature review, the main aim was to prepare model humic hydrogels with selected active ingredients and their characterization by basic methods of material analysis. These basic methods were especially rheology and visual assessment of consistency during the preparation, then the samples were subjected process of drying and swelling. Experimental results showed considerable influences during the preparation and composition of each sample, which then reflected in their structure and consistency. Furthermore, it was found that the suitable composition and combination of ingredients form hydrogels acceptable characteristics for further use in cosmetic or pharmaceutical applications.

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