Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2chool curriculum"" "subject:"bschool curriculum""
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Galerie a škola: křižovatky vzdělávacích záměrů / Educational targets: between gallery and schoolŠteffková, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
Annotation: The diploma thesis analyzes level of quality of gallery educating systems in educational institutions. It focuses on city of Kutná Hora and Gallery of the Central Bohemia Region. In its theoretical part it focuses on characterization of gallery educating systém and shows that musems and galleries can offer educative activities of great value. It describes its origins and tradition in the Czech Republic. It describes its methods and goals, characters of educators, their role in educating programs. It focuses on how it works as part of curricular documents and describes how space can affect quality of educational process. The second part introduces Gallery of the Central Bohemia Region Kutná Hora and its center for education LC GASK, its goals and visions of. It describes what activities LC GASK offers and not only for schools. The third part describes experience from three points of view. The first point of view is of child participating in the educational programs, the child was actually the author of the diploma thesis. The second is a teacher who tries to offer educational programs to students and it also shows difficulties which exist in this process and trying to deal with these difficulties. The last one is new and unexperienced gallery educator. The last chapter completes all hypothesis...
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“Skolan har ju ett fostrande uppdrag och ett främjande uppdrag” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolans arbete med psykisk hälsa i mellanstadiet ur ett lärarperspektiv / "The school has a nurturing and a promoting mission" : A qualitative interview study about school's work with mental health in middle school from a teacher's perspectiveFasth, Moa-Lee, Spahija, Hidajete January 2023 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa bland barn och unga är ett stort folkhälsoproblem i dagens samhälle, studiervisar att ungdomars psykiska ohälsa debuterar redan innan 14-årsåldern och forskning harvisat att hälsoundervisning i skolan har en positiv påverkan på elevernas välbefinnande. Barn och unga spenderar stor del av sin vardag i skolan vilket gör skolan till en bra arena för attfrämja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa. Med utgångspunkt i det folkhälsovetenskapliga arbetetsyftar studien till att undersöka hur skolor arbetar med psykisk hälsa i mellanstadiet ur ettlärarperspektiv. Studien hade till avsikt att besvara frågeställningen: Hur vill lärare arbeta medpsykisk hälsa i skolan? Vilka hinder uppfattar lärare att det finns för att tillämpa psykisk hälsai skolan? En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats och deskriptiv design tillämpades för att få insikt ilärarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser inom ämnesområdet. Vi samlade in empirin genom 10semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes via Zoom med mellanstadielärare runt om ilandet. Informanterna valdes ut genom ett avsiktligt urval där mellanstadielärare medvetetvaldes ut för att de besitter förmågan att belysa ett specifikt fenomen. Inklusionskriterierna fördeltagandet var att arbeta som mellanstadielärare inom friskolor och kommunala skolor. Degenomförda intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Studien utgår från de teoretiska utgångspunkterna Salutogenes och Organizational citizenship behavior. Resultatet av studien visar att lärare saknar stöd, kompetens och resurser för att kunna arbetahälsofrämjande med elevers psykiska hälsa. Skolornas arbete med psykiskt arbete skiljer sigåt skolor emellan, likaså skiljer lärarnas arbetssätt åt i ämnet. Detta tycks bero på att skolornasaknar en gemensam kunskapssyn i arbetet samt att de aktuella riktlinjerna i läroplanen intebetonar hur man ska arbeta med elevers psykisk hälsa utan lämnas för fri tolkning. / Mental illness among children and youth is a major public health problem in today's society,studies show that young people's mental illness begins before the age of 14 and research hasshown that health education in school has a positive impact on students' well-being. Childrenand young people spend a large part of their daily life at school, which makes school a goodarena for promoting health and preventing ill-health. Based on public health science work, thestudy aims to investigate how schools work with mental health in middle school from ateacher's perspective. The study intended to answer the question: How do teachers want towork with mental health in school? What barriers do teachers perceive there to be inimplementing mental health in schools? A qualitative method with an inductive approach and descriptive design was applied to gaininsight into the teachers' experiences in the subject area. We collected the empirical evidencethrough 10 semi-structured interviews that were conducted via Zoom with middle schoolteachers around the country. The informants were selected through purposive sampling wheremiddle school teachers were deliberately selected because they possess the ability to shedlight on a specific phenomenon. The inclusion criteria for participation were to work as amiddle school teacher in independent and municipal schools. The conducted interviews weretranscribed and analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. The study is based on thetheoretical starting points Salutogenesis and Organizational citizenship behavior. The results of the study show that teachers lack support, competence, and resources to be ableto work health promotion with students' mental health. The schools' work with psychologicalwork differs between schools, as do the teachers' working methods in the subject. This seemsto be due to the fact that the schools lack a common view of knowledge in the work and thatthe current guidelines in the curriculum do not emphasize how to work with students' mentalhealth but are left to free interpretation.
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Teaching Native American and Middle East American Literature in the Secondary School ClassroomMcDougall, Morgan Elizabeth 26 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring practices determining the effectiveness and improvement of secondary schools in the Free State ProvinceMakoelle, Tsediso Michael 11 1900 (has links)
Globally, there are numerous debates on what constitutes an effective school. Parents strive to choose what they regard as the best school for the education of their children. Historically, school effectiveness is a phenomenon associated with learner attainment. Yet, school effectiveness is measured and conceptualized differently throughout the world.
The aim of this research was to determine and define the factors contributing to the effectiveness of secondary schools in the Free State Province of South Africa. A case study was conducted on six schools selected in the Free State Province. Data were collected qualitatively by means of semi-structured and focus-group interviews with principals, SMTs, teachers, SGBs, learning facilitators and school-management and -governance developers. A documentary analysis was carried out to triangulate data from interviews.
The data collected were triangulated and supported by an extensive literature review on school effectiveness and improvement. In particular, the literature review encompassed the policy context of school effectiveness in South Africa, definitions of the concept of school effectiveness, models of school effectiveness, methods of evaluating school effectiveness, the relationship between school effectiveness and school improvement, change and school improvement, approaches to school improvement and the characteristics of effective schools. The legislative framework for both teacher and school evaluations is highlighted and their effectiveness critically reviewed with reference to current investigations in the field.
These empirical investigations, which, form part of this larger qualitative research project, show that effective schools exhibited high learner attainment, effective teaching and learning, as well as a highly effective leadership and management. Management, leadership and administration, curriculum, school governance and
school support structures were confirmed as very instrumental as far as school effectiveness and improvement are concerned. Furthermore the study indicates that the current policies are not enhancing school effectiveness and improvement, thus the study recommends the index of school effectiveness and improvement (ISE&I).
The Index of School Effectiveness and Improvement, which is a document that schools can use to review and enhance their effectiveness, is a model developed in the course of this study to assist schools in improving their effectiveness. Unlike the WSE review, which takes place every five years, the index suggests a continuous and regular review process by schools carried out by all stakeholders.
In conclusion, an overview of the challenges identified by this research project, as well as the aspects in need of further research, is highlighted. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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A Proposed Industrial Arts General Shop Curriculum for Pauline G. Hughes Middle School, Burleson Independent School DistrictAdams, William Leroy. 05 1900 (has links)
This study was made to gather data and information to aid the Burleson Independent School District in initiating an industrial arts general shop program in the Pauline G. Hughes Middle School. The data and information were obtained from the Texas Education Agency, the Burleson Independent School District records, the vocational director, the assistant superintendent, a questionnaire, and the Brodhead-Garrett 1976-1977 Catalog. The majority of the general shop programs in the north Texas area conduct classes five days a week for fifty-five minutes a day and accommodate twenty-four students per class. Furthermore, the majority of the general shop programs offer three units of instruction per year and teach one unit of instruction each quarter.
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Obsah vzdělání na 1. stupni základních škol / Content of education at the first grade of primary schoolsTruhlářová, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic "The content of education at the first grade of primary schools". The initial years of schooling are very important for the future psychological development of children. At the first grade of primary schools the pupils built schoolboy habits of learning and acquire human and moral values. For these reasons is important to the level of study at a primary school meets the high standards and thus helped to create a solid foundation for future academic and professional life of a young human. In the theoretical part of this thesis will be summarized the current knowledge of basic education, in the practical part will be compared school curricula of selected primary schools. Obtained knowledge will be used in the assessment aims, areas and forms of education in the Czech republic.
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Program RWCT a výuka Českého jazyka a literatury na prvním stupni ZŠ / Program RWCT and Education of Czech language and literature in primary schoolBachová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá programem RWCT v souvislosti s výukou českého jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ. Teoretická část zpracovává informace z odborné literatury. Tyto informace se týkají trendů v oblasti základního vzdělávání, konkrétněji pak trendů ve výuce českému jazyku a literatuře. Zabývá se východisky a základní charakteristikou programu RWCT a významem tohoto programu pro výuku českého jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ. Praktická část má za úkol provázat teoretická východiska s praxí a popisuje konkrétní výuku metodami RWCT a další postupy ve výuce. Sledováné postupy analyzuje v naplňování vybraných vzdělávacích cílů. Klíčová slova - klíčové kompetence, předmět Český jazyk a literatura, model evokace - uvědomění si významu - reflexe, metody RWCT, školní vzdělávací program Anotation This thesis deals with the RWCT program in connection with teaching of Czech language for first stages of primary schools. The theoretical part covers information from specialized literature. This information applies to trends in primary education and particularly to trends in teaching of Czech language and literature. It deals with bases and characteristics of the RWCT program, and, finally, it discusses the importance of this program for teaching Czech language in first stages of primary schools. The practical part links...
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Katechetika a katechismy Církve československé husitské od roku 1920 do roku 1980 / The Czechoslovak Hussite Church Catechesis and Catechisms from 1920 to 1980Matasová Wolfová, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
This work maps the evolution and changes of The Czechoslovak Hussite Church Catechesis from 1920 to 1980. The selected time frame starts with foundations of The Czechoslovak Hussite Church and ends with analysis of the academic life of Rudolf Horsky, the main thought leader of this field. Taking catechism as a theological field, this work focuses mainly on principal and materialistic catechism within specific historical thought streams. In this work, I aim to discover significant points in history that influenced the catechism of CČSH and the thought leaders of this field. In particular, I examine the form, content and purpose of catechisms. Catechisms normally include religious education of a particular Church, thus it is understandable to consider catechisms to be the materialistic basis of catechesis. I study the pedagogical and religious education purpose of catechisms of CČSH based on the content relevant for baptism, confirmation, and influence of cultural-hisotrical context to its content and usage.
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L'enseignement de la langue maternelle malgache au primaire, depuis 1958 : l'enjeu de l'élaboration des programmes scolaires dans un contexte multilingue / The teaching of the Malagasy native language in primary education since 1958 : the challenge of developing school curricula in a multilingual contextRakotoson, Sahondra Olivia 31 January 2019 (has links)
L’enseignement du malgache, langue maternelle et officielle à Madagascar, se trouve dans une position complexe car il ne permet pas aux enfants issus des classes primaires d’avoir les compétences escomptées en apprentissage de langues. Depuis l’avènement de la première république en 1958, les différents programmes scolaires qui se sont succédé n’affichent clairement ni des dispositions linguistiques face aux différentes variétés du malgache, ni des recommandations méthodologiques répondant aux besoins de l’apprentissage dans le contexte plurilingue où évoluent les élèves malgaches. Le système éducatif actuel devrait donc être revu pour être conforme à l’optique de la didactique intégrée et de l’intercompréhension. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette optique. Elle est le fruit des enquêtes et des observations des formations des enseignants ainsi que des pratiques de classes dans plusieurs établissements de Madagascar, menées en 2010-2012. Elle soulève les enjeux politique, pédagogique et didactique de l’élaboration du programme scolaire, qui devrait être le principal outil des différents acteurs pédagogiques. / Teaching Malagasy, which is the native and official language in Madagascar, is in a complex position because it does not enable children who completed primary classes to have the skills expected in learning languages. Since the advent of the first republic in 1958, the various school curricula which have followed one another do not show clearly either linguistic capacities in front of the different varieties of the Malagasy, or methodological recommendations meeting the needs of learning in the multilingual context where the Malagasy pupils are developing. The current education system should therefore be reconsidered so as to be in accordance with the perspective of integrated didactics and mutual understanding. This thesis is part of this perspective. It is the fruit of inquiries and observations based on the training sessions provided to teachers as well as on the classroom practices in several schools of Madagascar, which were conducted in 2010-2012. It raises the political, educational and didactic issues in developing school curricula, which should be the main tool of the various educational actors.
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Využití genetické metody čtení v 1. ročníku ZŠ / Use of Genetic Method to Read in the first Grade of an elementary SchoolHájková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of genetic method to reading in the first grade of an elementary school. The theoretical part is focused on the child's entry to school, their school maturity and further education. Other methods to read are presented, analysed and compared with the genetic method as well. Furthermore, the methods and ways how to put the genetic method in practice are pursued in detail along with didactical games and examples of teaching procedures. The practical part looks into the experience the teachers have gained with this method, the school success of the children and the opinion the family members have.
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