Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2chool dropout."" "subject:"bschool dropout.""
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High School Dropout: Perceptions and Voices of African American and Hispanic StudentsBaker, Wanda 2011 May 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of African American and Hispanic students who dropped out of school while exploring their schooling experiences and the factors they believe contributed to their decision to drop out. The case study approach was used in an effort to capture the informants’ voices and the meanings they hold as students of color about the experience of dropping out. The findings from this study will contribute to the existing body of literature by contextualizing a student of color’s choice to dropout of school. The informants in this study were members of a large, diverse suburban high school, in a large school district in Southeast Texas.
The 12 informants were purposefully selected resulting in seven Hispanic, five African American, seven female, and five male dropout students. A one-on-one interview with the informants generated data for this study. Additional data consisted of observations made by the researcher as a school administrator at the last school the informants attended and by prior knowledge about some of the informants from school records. The interpretational analysis process selected was based on Glaser and Strauss’ constant comparative approach to analysis. The constant comparative data analysis generated three major themes of the factors that informants attributed to dropping out of school: (1) challenging home situations, (2) personal realities, and (3) school related factors that reflected a lack of support systems.
The theoretical framework that grounded this study was based on Mehan’s Contextual Factors Surrounding Hispanic Dropouts. His construct suggested that for students of color dropping out was a function of social reproduction and deficit thinking. He further asserted that such outcomes were a result of school factors controlled and institutionalized by schools. However, contrary to Mahen’s theory, my informants noted challenging home situations as the primary consideration in their decision to drop out. My findings, based on the context of the Horizon High School, suggest that while the school as an institution is not responsible or accountable for the family factors that contribute to students’ decision to drop out, it can provide systems of support for students to assist them in overcoming the causes outside of the school walls that contribute to their decision to leave.
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Elevhälsans arbete med skolfrånvarande elever / School health´s work whith school absenteeismLilja, Carina January 2018 (has links)
Elevers psykiska ohälsa och skolfrånvaro är i dag ett aktuellt problem och studier har visat att skolan har stor betydelse för elevers (väl)mående. Elevers psykiska ohälsa och deras problem kan yttra sig på många olika sätt, där skolfrånvaro är en. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur elevhälsan arbetar pedagogiskt för att främja skolnärvaron hos elever som har problematisk skolfrånvaro eller är hemmasittare. Studien är en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerande intervjuer av fem respondenter. Urvalet av intervjurespondenter har gjorts strategiskt i den mening att de utvalda respondenterna ingår i speciella yrkeskategorier som har en hög relevans för studien, skolkurator och specialpedagog inom elevhälsan. Resultatet har analyserats från ett hermeneutiskt fenomenologiskt tillvägagångssätt. Resultatet visar att det finns komplexa faktorer bakom elevers skolfrånvaro som kräver mångsidiga lösningar. Elevhälsan har ett brett och varierande pedagoiskt arbete med eleven i fokus som främjar skonärvaro samt att respondenterna ofta upplever arbetet som svårt och komplext.
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Conscientisation des enseignants travaillant auprès d’enfants à risques dans le programme HILA en Israël. / Conscioussnes change in teachers working with students at risk in the HILA Program in IsraelWeksler, Marcelo 07 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux processus de conscientisation d’enseignants travaillant auprès d’enfants à risques dans le programme HILA en Israël. Le programme HILA est destiné aux enfants ayant décroché du système éducatif, et sont en situation de haut risque. La conscientisation des enseignants sera définie dans la thèse par leur conviction dans la possibilité des élèves à atteindre la réussite scolaire et à changer l’image qu’ils ont d’eux-mêmes, malgré leurs échecs passés et les risques auxquels ils sont exposés. La thèse se fonde sur des entretiens biographiques avec des enseignants et sur la confrontation de ceux-ci avec deux théories principales traitant de la conscience des enseignants : la pédagogie critique et l’éthique de la sollicitude. Elle analyse également les conceptions pédagogiques européennes antérieures à la deuxième guerre mondiale pour les comparer aux théories examinées. La thèse formule des déductions concernant les éléments motivant la conscientisation des enseignants en situation de travail , ainsi qu’une critique des théories prises en considération. L’une des importantes déductions de la thèse est que la conscientisation des enseignant exige d’appréhender ceux-ci comme des agents de changement. Tout d’abord, les enseignants sont eux-mêmes opprimés. Ils servent le même système oppressif qui provoque le décrochage continu des élèves. Deuxièmement, l’aspiration des enseignants à guider la réussite de ces mêmes élèves, fait partie de leur désir de guérison individuelle ou de réparation de la société - et ce, malgré les écarts considérables entre leurs différentes visions du monde. Les enseignants voient dans leur rôle une vocation. La théorie de la pédagogie critique contribue fortement à la compréhension du contexte oppressif des élèves, mais omet de prendre en considération l’oppression vécue par les enseignants. Elle ne peut donc formuler/ proposer de théorisation de la conscientisation qui prendrait le sujet en compte. L’éthique de la sollicitude, elle, sonde le sujet et se rapproche ainsi bien plus du décryptage de la conscientisation. En revanche, il lui manque toute la dimension que donne le contexte éducatif et social.La thèse conclut finalement qu’une théorie pédagogique pouvant pleinement expliquer la conscientisation des enseignants est un travail qui reste encore à faire. / This dissertation deals with processes of conscious change among teachers working with students at risk in the HILA Program in Israel. The HILA program is designated for children and youth who dropped from the educational system and are in high risk. In this work, conscious change is defined as a teacher's belief in his or her students’ ability to succeed in school and to change their self-image, despite past failures and conditions of risk they had been exposed to. Biographical interviews serve as a main primary source in this dissertation. They are analyzed according to two critical theories in the field which focus on teachers’ consciousness: the Critical Pedagogy Theory and the Ethics of Care Theory. Additional pedagogical concepts, developed in Europe in the interwar period, are considered in relation to those critical theories. This dissertation offers a new critique of the conventional theories in the field, in addition to a discussion of the factors which may produce conscious change among teachers of students at risk. The first argument is that, in order to understand conscious change among teachers, one must view teachers as agents of change. Secondly, teachers should be seen as oppressed individuals themselves – they serve an oppressive system which encourages students from certain backgrounds to drop. Third, it is argued that teachers have a clear interest to lead their students to success as part of a process of self-improvement or social correction; in spite of differences in their world views, the vast majority of teachers see their job as a mission. Finally, while the Critical Pedagogy Theory helps to understand the broader social context of the oppression experienced by students at risk, it fails to see teachers as oppressed individuals as well. The Ethics of Care Theory, on the other hand, comes much closer to deciphering the process of conscious change since it takes the individual into account, although it lacks a deep understanding of the social and educational contexts. Therefore, this thesis concludes that we still have a long way to go before developing a pedagogical theory which will successfully explain conscious change among teachers.
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Apoio social e evasÃo escolar em gestantes adolescentes assistidas na estratÃgia de saÃde da famÃlia do municÃpio de Sobral - CearÃ. / SOCIAL SUPPORT AND SCHOOL DROPOUT IN PREGNANT TEENAGES ASSISTED BY FAMILY HEALTH PROGRAM IN SOBRAL - CECarla Roberta Macedo de Sousa 20 March 2013 (has links)
A evasÃo escolar à um risco a que se sujeitam as gestantes adolescentes, podendo trazer repercussÃes para seu futuro profissional, para as condiÃÃes socioeconÃmicas do novo nÃcleo familiar, e para a sua autoestima. Segundo o DATASUS, a incidÃncia da gravidez adolescente, entre 2009 e 2010, no Brasil, variou entre 16,27% a 25,96%. A literatura sobre o tema ainda possui lacunas para investigaÃÃo, particularmente quanto ao papel do apoio social na prevenÃÃo desse evento. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a natureza da relaÃÃo entre apoio social percebido e evasÃo escolar em gestantes adolescentes assistidas na EstratÃgia de SaÃde da FamÃlia do municÃpio de Sobral-CE. O referencial teÃrico escolhido foi a Teoria do Apoio Social, que enfoca as transaÃÃes entre indivÃduos e as suas redes sociais, satisfazendo as necessidades sociais, promovendo os recursos pessoais que possuem para enfrentarem as possÃveis adversidades impostas. A abordagem do estudo foi qualitativa e teve como sujeitos 20 gestantes na faixa etÃria de 14 a 19 anos, assistidas no prÃ-natal pela EstratÃgia SaÃde da FamÃlia do municÃpio de Sobral-CE. Foi utilizada como tÃcnica de coleta de dados a entrevista estruturada, e como tÃcnica de anÃlise o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Foram obedecidas as diretrizes e normas da pesquisa envolvendo seres humanos contidas na resoluÃÃo 196/96, do Conselho Nacional de SaÃde. Das adolescentes entrevistadas, 13 haviam evadido a escola e 07 permaneciam na escola. Como resultados, tivemos que o apoio social em gestantes adolescentes foi percebido em suas diferentes perspectivas, sendo a natureza do apoio social percebido originado principalmente de sua rede social, representada pelo nÃcleo familiar dessas adolescentes em sua perspectiva estrutural e nas perspectivas funcionais: afetiva, material, informacional e interaÃÃo social positiva. O apoio social em suas perspectivas afetiva e material foi mais percebido em relaÃÃo ao nÃcleo familiar em gestantes adolescente que nÃo evadiram a escola. As gestantes que evadiram a escola tiveram uma relaÃÃo conflituosa com a mÃe e ausÃncia do pai em seu nÃcleo familiar. As gestantes que nÃo evadiram a escola alÃm de contarem com o apoio afetivo do nÃcleo familiar, representado principalmente pela mÃe, tiveram no apoio material o oferecimento de ajuda para os cuidados com a crianÃa apÃs o nascimento para que a adolescente pudesse retornar aos estudos, influenciando assim positivamente sua trajetÃria escolar. Nos dois grupos nÃo foi percebido a escola como fomentadora de apoio social em nenhuma das perspectivas estudadas. Concluindo, o apoio social mostrou relaÃÃo com a evasÃo escolar em gestantes adolescentes do municÃpio de Sobral- CearÃ. / The school dropout is a risk that pregnant adolescents submits themselves and may bring repercussions in their professional future, in the socioeconomic conditions of the new family, and in her self-esteem. According to DATASUS, the incidence of pregnancy in this life cycle, between 2009 and 2010 in Brazil, ranged from 16.27% to 25.96%. The literature on the subject still has research gaps, particularly regarding the role of social support in preventing this event. The aim of this study was to describe the nature of the relationship between perceived social support and school dropout in pregnant adolescents assisted in the Family Health Strategy in Sobralâs municipality. The theoretical frame of reference chosen to develop the study was the Social Support theory, which focuses on transactions between individuals and their social networks, satisfying their social needs, promoting and completing personal resources they need to have to face the possible adversities imposed. The approach of the study was qualitative and the participants were 20 pregnant women aged 14 to 19 years, assisted during prenatal in Sobralâs Family Health Strategy. It was used as a technique for data collection a structured interview, and as technical analysis the Collective Subject Discourse. We followed the guidelines and standards of research involving human being contained in Resolution 196/96 of National Health Council. Of the interviewed teenagers, 13 had escaped the school and 07 remained. As resultsâ we had that social support in pregnant adolescents in the city of Sobral, Cearà was perceived in its different dimensions, and the nature of perceived social support mainly originated from their social network, represented by these adolescentsâ household in their structural perspective and functional outlook, affective, material, informational and positive social interaction. Social support in their affective and material dimensions was more perceived in relation to those families in that pregnant teenagers didnât escape the school. Pregnant women who escaped the school had a conflictive relationship with her mother and father absence in their household. Pregnant women who didnât escape the school beside counting on the emotional support of the family, represented mainly by the mother, had the material support to help care for the child after birth so that the teenager could return to studies and so, influencing positively their school. In the two groups werenât perceived the school as a promoter of social support in any of the studied prospects. To sum up, the social support shows relation to school dropout in pregnant adolescents in Sobralâs city, CearÃ.
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A evasão escolar: uma perspectiva dos atendimentos do conselho tutelar regional leste de Cascavel/Pr. / Scholar evasion: a perspective based on the appointments from regional guardianship boasd in western Cascavel/PrSilveira, Monica Andressa 09 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Edineia Teixeira (edineia.teixeira@unioeste.br) on 2018-02-22T17:46:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-09 / This study has examined the number of teenagers who have dropped out of the school system in 2014, the causes that have led them to drop it out and what kind of interference that have gone through from social, economic and political contexts. These facts allow us to understand the increasing renouncement by children and adolescents from the schools. Thus, this research aimed at evaluating whether the actions taken by the Council Guardianship from Eastern Regional of Cascavel/PR were effective and gave the teenager's a chance to return to the classroom. As a means to understand this phenomenon, a survey was carried out, whose methodology was qualitative-quantitative. The documents of both Prevention and Combating Dropouts (PPCEE) and official documents (letters, reports, referrals, reference sheets and counter-references) were analyzed and registered by the Guardianship board members when they intervened on those families and teenagers at the council headquarters. Mainly, when, for some reason, they have dropped out even for a certain period the classroom. This research has shown us that there are many aspects concerning School Dropouts and that there are several determinants as well. School dropout is considered the gateway to other violations of law that is not only education. It comes as a warning that something is wrong. It enables intervention, resistance to schooling by adolescent as other forms of violence that the student may be experiencing. Finally, it was possible to formulate some considerations that can help the educational institution, such as the program to prevent and combat absenteeism and the Guardian Council to act out preventively in cooperation arrangements to ensure the reparation for the right to education. / Este estudo analisa o número de adolescentes que se evadiram do sistema escolar no ano de 2014, as causas que os levaram à evasão e as interferências que sofreram dos contextos social, econômico e político. Tais fatos nos permitiram compreender o crescente abandono por parte de crianças e adolescentes das instituições escolares. O objetivo é analisar se as ações desenvolvidas pelo Conselho Tutelar Regional Leste de Cascavel/PR surtiram efeito e proporcionaram o retorno do adolescente à sala de aula. Como meio para entender este fenômeno, foi realizada uma pesquisa, cuja metodologia adotada constituiu-se de qualiquantitativa, com análises nos documentos tanto do Programa de Prevenção e Combate à Evasão Escolar (PPCEE), quanto em documentos oficiais (ofícios, relatórios, encaminhamentos, fichas de referência e contra referências) registrados pelos Conselheiros Tutelares, quando realizaram intervenções às famílias e aos adolescentes na sede do conselho, e que tenham por algum motivo, abandonado mesmo que por um tempo, as salas de aula. A pesquisa nos mostrou que são muitas as facetas da Evasão Escolar e vários os seus determinantes. A Evasão escolar é considerada a porta de entrada para outras violações de direito que não seja somente a Educação. Ela serve de aviso de que algo não vai bem. Possibilita a intervenção, a desistência à escolarização por parte do adolescente como de outras violências que o aluno possa estar vivenciando. Por conseguinte, foi possível formular algumas considerações que podem ajudar a instituição de ensino, o programa de prevenção e combate à evasão escolar bem como o Conselho Tutelar a atuarem de forma preventiva em regime de cooperação e colaboração a fim de garantir o ressarcimento do direito à Educação.
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O papel das habilidades socioemocionais no fluxo escolar: uma análise do Ensino Médio brasileiro / The role of socio emotional skills on the school flow: an analysis of Brazilian high-schoolAntonio Daniel Ricardo Engracia Caluz 18 July 2018 (has links)
O fluxo escolar brasileiro representa um problema crônico para o caso do Ensino Médio do país. A literatura mostra que o retorno do investimento escolar é atrativo no país, tanto por apresentar uma taxa média alta, como pelo fato de que o adicional de salário devido aos níveis educacionais mais altos são maiores do que nos estágios iniciais da educação, i.e., o retorno educacional brasileiro aparenta ser crescente e convexo, diferente do que se apresenta na literatura internacional. A explicação usual para a evasão se dá através das restrições orçamentárias e de crédito enfrentadas pelas famílias que, sendo restritas no acesso ao crédito, poderia fazer com que o jovem saísse da escola precocemente, mesmo que o aluno esperasse um salário futuro maior. Somado a este retorno atrativo da educação, o país expandiu abruptamente os gastos educacionais. Porém, apesar da expansão, a escolaridade e as medidas de fluxo no país não reagiram proporcionalmente, despertando, assim, a atenção da literatura para explicação desse puzzle. A despeito destes fatos, a literatura internacional avançou no sentido de mostrar dois fatos que auxiliam na investigação dessa questão: em primeiro lugar, o retorno da educação pode variar entre indivíduos, ainda que a média seja alta. Por exemplo, indivíduos com maior aptidão podem ser os que se beneficiam mais de uma escolaridade maior, explicando o motivo de alguns abandonarem a escola. Em segundo lugar, a literatura avançou em mostrar que um fator importante na previsão de resultados escolares são habilidades não-cognitivas, como as habilidades socioemocionais. Portanto, este presente trabalho buscou explorar uma coleta de dados realizada em Sertãozinho - SP, em 2008, 2012 e 2017, em que estão disponíveis dados socioemocionais dos estudantes, além de dados demográficos e cognitivos, de estudantes que estavam no segundo ano do Ensino Fundamental em 2008, e em 2017 idealmente estariam no Ensino Médio, possibilitando investigar se existe uma associação entre características socioemocionais e o fluxo escolar. Os resultados indicam que tais fatores têm poder preditivo relevante na explicação do fluxo escolar brasileiro, medidos pela probabilidade de os indivíduos permanecerem estudando e pela probabilidade de se atingir o Ensino Médio em 2017, sendo que a Conscienciosidade e a Amabilidade do estudante aumentam a chance do aluno persistir estudando, enquanto que a Extroversão reduz essa probabilidade, em linha com algumas evidências da literatura. Os resultados trazem como contribuição uma evidência empírica inicial acerca da associação entre habilidades não-cognitivas e o fluxo escolar brasileiro. / The Brazilian school flow represents a chronic problem for the country\'s high school case. The literature shows that the return on school investment is attractive in the country, both for having a high average rate, and for the fact that the additional salary due to higher education levels is higher than in the early stages of education, ie, The Brazilian educational return appears to be growing and convex, different from what is presented in the international literature. The usual explanation for avoidance is through budget and credit constraints faced by families who, being restricted in access to credit, could cause the young person to leave school early, even if the student expects a larger future salary. Added to this attractive return of education, the country abruptly expanded educational spending. However, despite the expansion, the schooling and flow measures in the country did not react proportionally, thus awakening the attention of the literature to explain this textit puzzle. In spite of these facts, the international literature has advanced to show two facts that help in the investigation of this question: firstly, the return of education can vary among individuals, even if the average is high. For example, individuals with higher aptitude may be those who benefit most from higher schooling, explaining why some drop out of school. Second, the literature has advanced in showing that an important factor in predicting school outcomes are non-cognitive skills, such as social-emotional skills. Therefore, this study aimed to explore a data collection held in Sertãozinho - SP, in 2008, 2012 and 2017, in which are available socioemotional data of the students, as well as demographic and cognitive data, of students who were in the second year of Elementary Education in 2008, and by 2017 would ideally be in High School, making it possible to investigate if there is an association between socioemotional characteristics and the school flow. The results indicate that such factors have a relevant predictive power in the explanation of the Brazilian school flow, measured by the probability of individuals remaining studying and by the probability of reaching high school in 2017, and the student\'s Conscientiousness and Kindness increase the chance of while the Extroversion reduces this probability, in line with some evidence in the literature. The results contribute as an initial empirical evidence about the association between non-cognitive abilities and the Brazilian school flow.
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Reprovação no primeiro ano do ensino médio em uma escola estadual de Ribeirão das Neves - MGSantos, José João Lopes dos 25 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-08-22T19:29:07Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-01-25 / O estudo de caso que dá origem a esta dissertação analisou os fatores que influenciam nos altos índices de reprovação nas turmas de primeiro ano do Ensino Médio da Escola Estadual Alfa em Ribeirão das Neves, Minas Gerais. Para isso, buscou-se compreender o histórico da reprovação no Brasil e a legislação que normatizam essa modalidade de ensino. Procurou-se realizar um diagnóstico para elucidar os fatores que ocasionam as retenções e propor alternativas para melhoria da aprendizagem, impactando na diminuição dos índices de reprovação no primeiro ano do Ensino Médio. Os levantamentos realizados sobre a reprovação na Escola Estadual Alfa apontam para índices maiores que as reprovações no Estado de Minas Gerais e do Brasil, o que preocupa, considerando que os números da reprovação nessa série são bastante elevados. As pesquisas realizadas através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e análise documental buscaram verificar quais são os fatores que causam esses altos índices de reprovação e, posteriormente, foi criado um Plano de Ação Educacional para ajudar na tomada de decisão da gestão e, assim, diminuir a reprovação. / The case study that gives rise to this dissertation analyzed the factors that influence the high failure rates in the first year classes of the High School of the Alpha State School in Ribeirão das Neves, Minas Gerais. For this, we sought to understand the history of reprobation in Brazil and the legislation that regulates this modality of teaching. A diagnosis was made to elucidate the factors that cause retention and to propose alternatives for improvement of learning, impacting on the decrease of failure rates in the first year of high school. The surveys carried out on the reproach at the Alpha State School point to higher indices than the disapprovals in the State of Minas Gerais and Brazil, which is of concern, considering that the numbers of failure in this series are quite high. The researches conducted through semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis sought to verify what are the factors that cause these high failure rates and, later, an Educational Action Plan was created to help in the management decision making and thus decrease the reprobation.
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This research deals with truancy at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins - Campus Porto Nacional, considering school dropout as one of the concerns that plague many school units and that can cause various effects on people's lives. One has to analyze the factors involved in truancy at the federal level and its impact on the educational process of the Federal Institute of Tocantins - Campus Porto Nacional, considering the conflicts in the implementation of public policy in Professional Education.And how specific objectives are: to understand how public policies for vocational education are formulated and its relations with the educational processes of the Federal Institute of Tocantins - Porto Nacional Campus; understand the students' conditions of stay regarding the curriculum and teacher training for vocational education; identify the intervening factors that cause school dropout. The methodological approach used was quantitative and qualitative through the case study.For the theoretical foundation appealed to the bibliographic research on vocational education in Brazil, was used as authors Manfredi (2002), Pereira (2003), Romanelli (2005), among others; in public policy area applied to education: we sought to Kuenzer (2006), Oliveira and Duarte (2001), among others, on truancy, we used the studies of authors such as Marchesi (2004), Patto (1993 ), Arroyo (1993), and the current legislation. For desk review, so worked triangulation of sources: Census of Higher Education and Educacenso, prepared by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Teixeira - INEP, reports of School Records Coordination CORES - Campus Porto Nacional.Classes were analyzed that had large dropout rate, if the technical classes in Sales and Degree in Computer, in the period from 2010 to 2013. Among the respondents have three dropout students of the institution who were located and studied further two teachers, 2 Coordinators Course, 1 Technician Educational Affairs, 1 Student Assistant and one social worker. We highlight some of the avoidance of causes are: incompatibility combine studies with work; students who did not identify with the course; students with learning disabilities; and has as a consequence the closure of one of the courses of the Federal Institute - Campus Porto Nacional. It is intended with this dissertation contribute to the deepening of discussions in order to combat the dropout at the Instituto Federal de Educação. / Esta pesquisa versa sobre a evasão escolar no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins IFTO - Campus Porto Nacional, como uma das preocupações que afligem não só o Instituto, mas outras unidades escolares e que pode ocasionar várias consequências na vida das pessoas. Tem-se com objetivo analisar os fatores intervenientes da evasão escolar no âmbito federal e suas repercussões no processo educacional do Instituto Federal do Tocantins Campus Porto Nacional, considerando os conflitos existentes na implementação das políticas públicas na Educação Profissional. E, como objetivos específicos, compreender como as políticas públicas para a educação profissional são formuladas e suas relações com os processos educacionais do Instituto Federal do Tocantins Campus Porto Nacional; compreender as condições de permanência dos alunos em relação ao currículo e a formação de professores para a educação profissional e identificar os fatores intervenientes que provocam a evasão escolar. A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi quanti-qualitativa através do estudo de caso. Para o embasamento teórico recorreu-se às pesquisas documentais sobre a Educação Profissional no Brasil, utilizou-se autores como Manfredi (2002), Pereira (2003), Romanelli (2005), entre outros; na área de políticas públicas aplicadas à educação, buscou-se Kuenzer (2006), Oliveira e Duarte (2001), entre outros e, sobre a evasão escolar, recorreu-se a estudos feitos com autores como Marchesi (2004), Patto (1993), Arroyo (1993), além da legislação vigente. Trabalhalhou-se a triangulação das fontes: dados do Censo da Educação Superior e do Educacenso, elaborados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira - INEP, relatórios da Coordenação de Registros Escolares - CORES do Campus Porto Nacional. Foram analisadas as turmas que tiveram grande índice de evasão, no caso as turmas de Técnico em Vendas e Licenciatura em Computação, no período de 2010 a 2013. Entre os entrevistados temos três alunos evadidos da Instituição que foram localizados e estudados, além disso, 2 professores, 2 Coordenadores de Curso, 1 Técnico em Assuntos Educacionais, 1 Assistente de Aluno e 1 Assistente Social. Destaca-se que algumas das causas da evasão são: incompatibilidade de conciliar os estudos com o trabalho; alunos que não se identificaram com curso; alunos com dificuldade de aprendizagem; e tem como uma das consequências o fechamento de um dos Cursos do Instituto Federal Campus Porto Nacional. Pretendeu-se com esta dissertação contribuir para o aprofundamento de discussões, a fim de combater à evasão escolar no Instituto Federal de Educação.
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DISPERSIONE SCOLASTICA: POLITICA EUROPEA E CONTESTI NAZIONALI. LE POLITICHE PUBBLICHE DI ITALIA, FRANCIA E SPAGNA. / School dropout: European policy and member States contexts. Public policy in Italy, France and Spain.DE FEUDIS, ELISABETTA 20 June 2017 (has links)
Il presente lavoro di ricerca analizza il fenomeno della dispersione scolastica come oggetto del policy making di stati e regioni: in particolare e in chiave comparata si analizzano le politiche di tre Stati membri, Italia, Francia e Spagna e di due regioni per ognuno di essi, la Regione Lombardia, la Regione Puglia; la Région Aquitaine, la Région Rhone-Alpes, la Comunidad de Andalucía e la Comunidad de Madrid. Pur condividendo i tratti fondamentali del sistema di istruzione europeo meridionale, esse sono caratterizzate da un diverso sistema di attribuzione delle competenze legislative e amministrative in materia di istruzione ed un differente grado di decentramento in relazione all’applicazione delle policy di contrasto alla dispersione scolastica, degli strumenti implementati e dei risultati raggiunti.
A partire dall’analisi dei documenti europei Strategia di Lisbona ET2010 e Strategia Europa ET2020 , il presente lavoro si concentra sul secondo dei due documenti e su uno dei cinque obiettivi indicati, ovvero la riduzione al 10% del tasso di dispersione scolastica per i giovani di età compresa tra i 18 e i 24 anni. Si fa riferimento al periodo di tempo compreso tra l’anno scolastico 2008-2009 e il 2015-2016, ovvero tra la fine della Strategia di Lisbona, rilanciata a seguito della grave crisi del 2008 per il triennio 2008-2010, la nuova fase decennale delle politiche comunitarie avviata con la Strategia Europa 2020, gli ultimi due cicli di programmazione comunitaria, mediante i fondi strutturali 2007-2013 e 2014-2020 e il biennio 2013-2015, quando i tre Stati considerati avviano, sia pur in modo molto diverso delle riforme del sistema scolastico. / The present work analyses the phenomenon of school dropout and the policy making of states and regions: particularly and in a comparative key, the policies of three Member States, Italy, France and Spain, involved with different reforms of the school system, and two regions for each of them, Lombardy Region, Puglia Region; Aquitaine Region, Rhone-Alpes Region, Andalucia Region and Region of Madrid.
Starting from the analysis of European documents ET2010 Lisbon Strategy and ET2020 Europe Strategy, this work focuses on the second of the two documents and one of the five objectives indicated, especially the 10% reduction in the school dropout rate for young people aged between 18 and 24 years. Reference is made to the time period between the academic year 2008-2009 and 2015-2016, between the end of the Lisbon Strategy, the new ten-year phase of the Community policies launched with the Europe 2020 Strategy.
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Experiences of High School Noncompleters With Emotional and Psychological ChallengesPark, Christine M 01 January 2019 (has links)
High school noncompleters are those who did not earn a high school diploma. Before their early departure from high school, noncompleters often struggled with challenges (poverty, mental health, addiction, and emotional and physical abuse). Some enter remedial education to earn their equivalency credential. However, in this setting, they experience additional challenges, such as increased responsibility, stress, and anxiety. The problem surrounding the experiences of noncompleters has implications for counseling due to the limited use of and access to counseling as well as the disproportionate amount of mental health concerns and adversity among noncompleters. Current literature informs of the challenges noncompleters face, however more in-depth information on their experiences is still needed. The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to address this gap and explore how adult remedial learners experience emotional and psychological challenges before dropping out and while enrolled in an equivalency program. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 noncompleters ages 18-25 who were enrolled in adult remedial education classes in Hawaii, spoke English as their primary language, and self-reported experiencing emotional and psychological challenges. Data analysis through the hermeneutic circle yielded 11 themes: external adversity; interpersonal, emotional, psychological, and school struggles; maladaptive behaviors; high school equivalency is positive; external and internal protective factors; counseling is positive; and counseling limitations. From a social change perspective, results can be used to improve counseling services, reduce adversity, and improve outcomes for noncompleters.
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