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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nutriční chování a postoje žáků staršího školního věku k výživě z pohledu genderu / Nutritional behaviour and attitudes of older school-age children towards nutrition from the point of view of gender

Čečáková, Monika January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic about the relationship of older school-age towards nutrition from the point of gender. The theoretical part defines the problems of gender in the reference to nutrition, it characterizes the period of older school-age and defines the particular factors that have an effect on the development of the nutritional behavior of pupils. The aim of the practical part is to discover whether there are any differences in the attitudes towards nutrition amongst boys and girls at the period of older school-age or whether there are any specific things at nutritional behaviour in the view of gender. For this purpose, I have chosen the interview survey that was concretely focused on the interest of chosen group of pupils about the problems of nourishment, their attitudes, foreknowledge and nourishing behaviour. The result of the survey shows that there are particular differences in nutritional behaviour among boys and girls. The interest about the topic of nutrition is bigger by the girls in the comparism of boys. The girls also try to keep on healthy food. On the contrary, there are very small differences between boys and girls at eating habits. According to the survey, it is possible to say that some gender stereotypes about the problems of nutrition are overcome. In the...

Rozvoj základních pohybových schopností dětí předškolního věku, prostřednictvím her s atletickou tématikou / Development of basic motor abilities of preschool children, through games with athletic themes

Fink, Vilém January 2016 (has links)
In my thesis, I focused on the development of motor skills of preschool children through games with an athletic theme. The theoretical part specifies in detail the preschool age, physical abilities - coordination, strength, speed and endurance. This part deals with the specifics of sports training preschoolers and athletics as such. In the practical part I have created a set of games with an athletic theme. Games are focused on the development of motor abilities and skills - running, jumping and throwing. These games I verified in practice and evaluation of resulting in the practical part. The practical part of the thesis is also an experiment in which I find the level of motor performance of preschool children at the beginning and after the end of the experime

Rozvoj silových schopností dětí mladšího školního věku / Development of power abilities of children of primary school age

Pixová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
DEVELOPMENT OF POWER ABILITIES OF CHILDREN OF PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to verify whether the formed set of exercises will have a positive effect on the strength capability progress of the 4th graders. The program is composed of different balance and coordinative workouts. It will be going on under my guidance twice a week for a period of three months, always at the beginning of every P. E. lesson. The package of practices will take 10 minutes, excluding stretching and warm-up. All the exercises will be noted down in didactical sheets. The indicator of the program success rate is going to be the tested by a motion test; specifically by staying power in pull-up, standing long jump and 60 second sit-ups. The measured performances and the weight of all the exercisers will be recorded. The same measurement will be carried out with the controlled group which is supervised by its form teacher. Finally, the efficiency of the whole program is compared. KEYWORDS: power abilities, balance exercises, primary school age

Kompenzační program u mládeže v ledním hokeji / Compensation program for youth in ice hockey

Soukupová, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
Title: Compensation program for youth in ice hockey. Objectives: The main goal of this work is to compile and verify the effectiveness of the compansation program for ice hockey players in the older school age category. Methods: In our work, we used the empirical qualitative type of research of one 10 - member control group of ice hockey players of the same age group, aged 12-13, conceived as a quasi-experiment. The muscle imbalances are evaluated in the practical part. Based on the results of the input diagnostics of the postural and phasic muscles we built a compansation program containing a battery of exercises set up to relaase, stretch and strengthen the most problematic areas of the movement apparatus of ice hockey players. The results evaluate the effectiveness of the compensation program, which has been running for ten months. Results: The work proved the hypothesis that the compansation program works. The compansation excercises positively influence the muscle imbalances. The control group has achieved better results in output testing. Keywords: Muscle imbalance, ice hockey, testing, compensation exercises, older school age.

Úroveň tělesné zdatnosti a zjištění úrovně motoriky u dětí mladšího školního věku / The level of physical fitness and the detection of the motor skills level of primary school age children

Munia, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Name: The level of physical fitness and the detection of the motor skills level of primary school age children. Objectives: To find out the current level of physical fitness and basic motor skills of primary school age children. Methods: The main method of the research was an observation. The study included 54 children (8.9 ± 0.6 years old, 31 girls and 23 boys). For the evaluation of physical fitness, we used the Unifittest (6-60) and for the evaluation of motor skills was used the MABC-2 motor test. The Student's test and the Cohen's d effect size coefficient, were used for the evaluation of group differences. Results: In the MABC-2 motor skills test, 22 % of children achieved the result in a zone above the 84th percentile, 20 % of children were between 51-84th percentile, 50 % of children were in the range between 17-50th percentile, 4 % of children were between 6-15th percentile and another 4 % of children were in the range of <5 percentile. The results of the Unifittest test battery (6-60) showed us that 41 % of children were average, 20 % of children were below average, significantly below were 17 % of children, above average were 15 % of children and 7 % of children were well above average. Girls achieved significantly higher overall MABC-2 performance compared to boys (11.5 ± 2.7 vs 10.0 ±...

Úroveň pohybové aktivity a tělesné zdatnosti u dětí školního věku / The level of physical activity and physical fitness in school age children

Soldát, Luboš January 2017 (has links)
Title: The level of physical activity and physical fitness in school age children Author: Bc. Luboš Soldát Head of work: Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D. Objectives: Chart the level of physical fitness and level of physical activity at younger school children. Discover the strength of the relationship between physical fitness level and physical activity level at children of this age. Methods: The research group consisted of third, fourth and fifth grade pupils (n = 77; 9.8 ± 0.6 years). To determine the fitness level, the Unifittest (6-60) was used and weekly measurements using Actigraph GT3X accelerometers were used to determine the level of physical activity. Results: The average daily time spent on activities at medium to very high levels of physical activity exceeded the recommended health standard set at 60 minutes a day. The average daily number of steps did not exceed the recommended health standard of 11000 steps per day. At physical fitness tests 29 % of children achieved to average results, 36 % of children to below- average results and 35 % of children to above-average results. The average amount of subcutaneous fat was measured by 42 % of children, below 8 % of children and above average of 50 % of children. The strength of the relationship between the level of physical fitness and the level...

Motoricko funkční příprava v tělesné výchově na 1. stupni základní školy / Motor function preparation in physical education in elementary school

Bízková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The physical culture, which includes physical education, recreation and sports, is a very intensely discussed topic, which is being given ever more attention at both the lay and the professional level. This issue is also addressed at the national level, as sport and movement generally bring a number of positive externalities in particular. These include, for example, a reduction in the level of bulky non-infectious diseases that allow for financial savings in healthcare. Another positive impact of the higher physical culture of the population is the social and cultural cultivation of human potential, which leads to the reduction of problems in the field of crime or drug issues. The modern world is facing a number of problems and the lack of movement is one of them. Even in younger children, the negative effects of the current lifestyle of the population are manifested as civilization diseases. Among the most common among children are allergies, respiratory diseases, cardiac and vascular diseases, but also body weaknesses that bind joint or back pain. Outer form of these problems is obesity, a relatively serious illness that affects a growing group of children. These diseases can be prevented by regular physical activity. In order for the population to devote sufficient attention to physical...

Informella förhandlingar : Barns delaktighet och inflytande i fritidshem / Informal negotiations : Childrens participation and influence in School Age Educare centre

Eriksson, Nicolas, Wallin, Gustav January 2020 (has links)
Informal negotiations "Children´s participation and influence in School-Age Educare centre” Within the activities at a School-Age Educare centre (SAE-centre), there are several formal occasions where the children participate and have influence. These occasions are most often initiated by educators. This study illustrates children’s reasoning about various ways they make use of when trying to extend their influence in their everyday lives at the informal arena at the SAE-centre. The intention was to investigate the strategies and abilities used by children to influence informal situations. The study shows childrens reasoning, how negotiations and decisions can shift levels of participation as formulated in Hart's (1992) participation model. Earlier research shows how democracy is expressed in schools, but above all, how democracy, participation and influence relate to curriculum and the intention to turn children into able citizens of a democracy. This study illustrates children’s reasoning about various ways they make use of when trying to extend their influence in their everyday lives at the informal arena at the SAE-centre. The result exposed four different abilities: the large mass, the benefits of compliance, the ability to see the mood and the skill of spotting the weak link. Impact capital as a concept is inspired by Bourdieu's theories of human capital. It gives a logical picture of children's different ways to get the upper hand in negotiations. / Informella förhandlingar ”Barns delaktighet och inflytande i fritidshem” I fritidshemmets verksamhet finns det flera formella tillfällen där barn är delaktiga och har inflytande. Dessa tillfällen är oftast initierade av pedagogerna. Undersökningen försöker belysa hur barn orienterar sig och påverkar sin vardag i de informella arenorna under fritidshemstiden. Avsikten var att studera vilka strategier och förmågor som används av barnen för att påverka i informella situationer. Undersökningen syftar till att visa hur förhandlingar och beslut kan förskjuta nivåer av delaktighet med Harts (1992) delaktighetsmodell som utgångspunkt. Tidigare forskning visar hur demokrati tar sig i uttryck i skolan, men framför allt hur demokrati, delaktighet och inflytande relaterar till skolans styrdokument och skolans intention att forma barn till goda demokratiska medborgare. Tillvägagångssättet i undersökningen är att låta barn, genom gruppintervjuer, ge oss en insyn i hur de påverkar pedagogers beslut och vilka strategier de använder sig av i förhandlingar med pedagoger. Resultatet exponerade fyra olika påverkanskapital: den stora massan, följsamhetens fördelar, att skåda humör och konsten att se den svaga länken. Påverkanskapital som begrepp är inspirerad av Bourdieus teorier om humankapital. Det ger en logisk bild av barns olika sätt att förhandla till sin egen fördel.

Genusperspektiv på fritidshemmet : -En kvalitativ studie om pedagogernas syn på arbete med genus på fritidshemmet

Korpi, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
This essay explores the way pedagogues in school age educare centre reason when it comes toworking with counteracting traditional gender roles in their work. Studies show that there are shortcomings in the work of gender equality in schools and pre-schools and that there are stereotypical gender roles among students. Studies also show that pedagogues have difficulty using the knowledge they possess on the subject in practice. To investigate how the schoolage educare pedagogues respond to this, I have started from the questions ”What are the pedagogues views on working with gender equality and counter acting traditional gender roles?”, ”What working methods do the leisure time pedagogues assume work to counteract traditional gender roles?” and ”What difficulties do the pedagogues experience in working with just that and what conditions are needed?”. To get the answers to these research questions, I have used a qualitative method where I conducted interviews with pedagogues from two different school age educare centres. The results show that the pedagogues have managed to find a number of ways of working to get the students to participate in activities outside those that are stereotypical for their gender. The pedagogues consider themselves tohave a gender-mindset in their work, but it’s still based on a male norm. This theory of themale norm is based on Yvonne Hirdman´s (2003) theory of gender order in society. Furthermore, the study also shows that the pedagogues do not consider themselves to have theright conditions to continue developing the work but need more time for discussion, amongother things. / Denna uppsats undersöker hur pedagogerna i fritidshemmet resonerar kring att arbeta med att motverka traditionella könsroller i sitt arbete. Tidigare forskning från skola och förskola visar att det finns brister i jämställdhetsarbetet och det finns stereotypa könsroller bland eleverna. Forskningen visar också att pedagogerna har svårt att använda sig av den kunskap de besitter inom ämnet i praktiken. För att undersöka hur pedagogerna i fritidshemmet ställer sig tilldetta har jag utgått från frågeställningarna ”Vad har pedagogerna för syn på att arbeta med jämställdhet och att motverka traditionella könsroller?”, ”Vilka arbetssätt anser pedagogerna på fritidshemmet fungerar för att motverka traditionella könsroller?” samt ”Vad upplever pedagogerna för svårigheter i arbetet med just det och vilka förutsättningar behövs?”. För attfå svar på dessa forskningsfrågor har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ metod där jag genomfört intervjuer med pedagoger på två olika fritidshem. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna lyckats hitta ett antal arbetssätt för att få eleverna att delta i aktiviteter utanför de som är stereotypa för sitt kön. Personalen anser sig ha ett genustänk i sitt arbete, men tycks ändå utgå från enmanlig norm. Denna teori om mannen som norm utgår ifrån Yvonne Hirdmans (2003) teoriom en genusordning i samhället. Vidare visar undersökningen också att pedagogerna inte anser sig ha de rätta förutsättningarna för att fortsätta utveckla arbetet utan behöver bland annat mer tid för diskussion.

Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví dětí v předškolním věku / Safety and protection of the health of children in pre-school age

Turynová, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of safety and health protection of pre-school children. It focuses on education opportunities for children in nursery school. The aim of the work is to highlight the importance of health and safety education for pre-school-age children and to propose the subsequent possible implementation of a project called Safe in danger into the education of pre- school-age children. The work summaries theoretical knowledge about the developmental peculiarities of a child of pre-school age and possible risks of accidents. There is a condensed legislative framework that is binding on pre-school education, which implies principles for the safety and health of children and presents the expected outcomes formulated in the Framework Education Programme for pre-school education in the area. The theoretical section points to an investigation in the field of selected issues by the Czech School Inspection and presents an overview of programs, projects and materials that can be used to educate children on this issue. The empirical part of the work uses the method of action research. It includes a questionnaire survey, an analysis of school documents that lead to the safety and health of children in nursery school and the design of the project. At the end of the research, due to the...

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