Spelling suggestions: "subject:"schoolhood"" "subject:"2chool""
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Vliv tělesné výšky na pohybové kompetence dětí mladšího školního věku / Effects of body height on movement competences of pupilsSláčíková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the evaluation of how body height, BMI, gender, and leisure-time physical activities affect movement competence of pupils. The theoretical part analyses the younger school age and its characteristics in physical, psychical, movement, and motoric development. We further also analyze how movement activities affect child's organisms. The critical chapter of the theoretical part is a chapter about growth and development. Additionally, we add information about anthropometric and somatic changes in the younger school age. At the end of the theoretical part, we provide an overview of methods that can be used to measure movement competence. We mainly elaborate on MOBAK 3 method, which we chose to use in our research. The research part describes the selected research and statistic methods, research sample, and results. The data showed that there is no significant relationship between body height and movement competence. However, we found significant relationships with the other variables - BMI, gender, and leisure-time physical aktivity. KEYWORDS younger school age, body height, movement competence, motoric testing, Mobak
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The Effects of a Social Communication Intervention on the Production of Emotion Words for Children with Language ImpairmentLongmore, Emilee Anne 01 June 2016 (has links)
Many school-age children with a diagnosis of Language Impairment (LI) also have social communication difficulties. Some of these difficulties are related to deficits in emotion understanding. This thesis evaluates the effects of a social communication intervention designed to increase the production of emotion-based words as an indicator of emotional competence. For five elementary school-aged children with LI, the production of emotion-based words was analyzed by first determining the frequency of words produced in preintervention sessions for the following categories: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust. Following these measures, the participants received 20 intervention sessions over the course of treatment. Treatment involved the use of narratives to address emotion recognition and inferencing abilities. Individual analyses for each participant, including percent of nonoverlapping data (PND), were conducted for each participant in the categories of anger, fear, and surprise, to determine the effects on the production of emotion-based words during the intervention. The results for each participant and emotion category varied greatly, but each participant demonstrated improvement in the PND for at least one emotion category. These results were promising and underscore the value of social communication intervention for children with LI in the area of emotion understanding.
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Interviewing Pre-school Age Victims of Child Sexual Abuse: Interviewing Methods and Disclosure OutcomesDunn, Sarah E. 12 January 2006 (has links)
Disclosure rates among pre-school age victims of alleged sexual abuse were related to the type of investigative interview (forensic evaluation or forensic interview) that they received following a report of abuse. Variables expected to affect the likelihood of the child making a valid disclosure of sexual abuse including the relationship of the child to the offender and the severity of the abuse were also examined. The results indicated that children who underwent a structured, one-time 30 minute forensic interview were significantly less likely to make a valid disclosure of sexual abuse than children who underwent a semi-structured, therapeutic style evaluation over the course of several weeks. The current findings do not suggest that either offender relationship or severity of abuse significantly moderate the relationship between interview type and disclosure status. Limitations of the current study and future directions are discussed.
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Character strengths and virtues of young internationally adopted Chinese children: A longitudinal study from preschool to school ageLoker, Troy 01 June 2009 (has links)
Shifting from traditional deficit-based psychological research, the current study aimed to broaden the understanding of post-adoption development through a strength-based approach and further explore the recently developed Values in Action (VIA) Classification of Character Strengths among a particularly resilient population of young children-internationally adopted Chinese children. Archival longitudinal data of parents' descriptions about their adopted Chinese children's positive characteristics were analyzed from two time points two years apart. Data on 179 children ages 4 - 5 years old (M = 59.67 months SD = 6.60 months) in Time 1 from 172 families were analyzed with content analysis coding procedures.
Overall, the profile of character strengths among young Chinese adoptees was very comparable to that of a general sample of young children assessed in a previous research study: Both samples had 11 of the 24 character strengths from the VIA Classification represented among 10% or more of the children, while the remaining character strengths were rarely represented in the children's data. The five most prevalent character strengths for Chinese adoptees were Love, Kindness, Humor, Zest, and Social Intelligence. The biggest difference between adopted Chinese children from this study and non-adopted children was that Zest and Social Intelligence were represented at much higher rates. There were no significant changes over time in all but one of the prevalence rates for character strengths (i.e., Love decreased from Time 1 to Time 2) and for the more broadly categorized virtues (i.e., Courage increased from Time 1 to Time 2).
The two most prevalent virtues, Humanity and Courage, were associated with lower levels of externalizing and internalizing problems, respectively, which may point to the positive traits particularly related to this population's marked resilience. Results serve to provide a broader understanding of post-adoption development and offer the first longitudinal data on character strengths among young children.
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Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų sėkmingo auklėjimo šeimoje psichologiniai ir pedagoginiai ypatumai / Psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of the pre-school age children's successful upbringing in the familyMatiukaitė, Jolita 13 June 2005 (has links)
This master study is on the results of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family psychological and pedagogical expression’s analysis. There are detected the major elements and features of pupils expression, palliatives of their upbringing. The object of the research is the state of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family. The task of the research is to educe the psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family.
The research involved 26 families, successfully breeding children of the pre-school age (3-7 years old); 20 educators, working in the children garden “Pasakaitė”; and 26 children attending it. From the 203 families were selected 26 ones, whose children are attending children garden. However, it emerged that upbringing children in those 26 families sometimes occurre untoward manifestations in the interrelations also.
Generalizing the material of the research about the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family, there were drawn such conclusions: the research confirmed a hypothesis, that successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family depends on the psychological and pedagogical expression of families actions. Valuables, on which the peculiarities of the successful pre-school age children’s upbringing in the family depend, are: clear content of the relations between parents and children and its quality; development and... [to full text]
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Psychosocial adjustment for students of middle school age and its strengthening during lessons of physical education / Viduriniojo mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių psichosocialinė adaptacija ir jos stiprinimas per kūno kultūros pamokasKlizas, Šarūnas 12 February 2010 (has links)
As far as we know this is the first-time extensive exploration of the peculiarities of the components influencing the psycho-social adaptation during the lessons of physical education. Theoretical and empirical methods were employed to gather facts on the details of organizing a program of physical education. The selected components of the construct of psychosocial adjustment (positive self-evaluation, domination, integrity, evaluation of others, emotional comfort, anxiety, satisfaction with one’s life, self-confidence, communication) reveal the novelty of this research as in scholarly literature no researches dealing with the impact of the lessons of physical education on the alteration of indices of the psychosocial adjustment of students of this age group had been found. The collected data of the research enables to improve the psychosocial adjustment of the students of middle schooling age during the lessons of physical education and to employ the received data of the research for further explorations. / Mūsų žiniomis, pirmą kartą buvo išnagrinėti viduriniojo mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių (14—15 metų) psichosocialinę adaptaciją įtakojančių komponentų ypatumai kūno kultūros pamokų metu, atliktas šios amžiaus grupės moksleivių psichosocialinės adaptacijos aktyvios fizinės veiklos metu išsamus tyrimas. Teoriniais ir empiriniais metodais sukaupti mokslo faktai apie kūno kultūros programos organizavimo ypatumus. Pasirinkti psichosocialinės adaptacijos konstrukto komponentai (teigiamas savęs vertinimas, dominavimas, internalumas, kitų vertinimas, emocinis komfortas, nerimas, pasitenkinimas savo gyvenimu, pasitikėjimas savimi, bendravimas) atskleidžia šio tyrimo naujumą, t.y. kūno kultūros pamokų poveikį šios amžiaus grupės moksleivių psichosocialinės adaptacijos rodiklių kaitai. Sukaupti tyrimo duomenys įgalina tobulinti viduriniojo mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių psichosocialinę adaptaciją kūno kultūros pamokų metu ir gautus tyrimo duomenis panaudoti tolimesniems tyrimams.
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Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų žinios apie sveikatą ir jų sveikatos ugdymo galimybės / The knowledge of health of pre-school aged children, and opportunities of their health educationNorvilytė, Viktorija 31 July 2013 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė sveikatos sampratos analizė; išnagrinėti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų sveikatos ugdymo ypatumai.Iškelta hipotezė, kad priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikai turi įgiję žinių apie sveikatą ir tai sudaro pagrindą jų sveikatai ugdyti, palaikyti ir puoselėti.Tarpusavyje derinant ir integruojant kokybinius (interviu) ir kiekybinius (anketinė apklausa) tyrimo metodus buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – atskleisti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų žinias apie sveikatą ir jų sveikatos ugdymo galimybes. Tyrime dalyvavo 50 ikimokyklinėse ugdymo įstaigose dirbantys specialistai, 100 tėvų, auginančių priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikus ir 10 priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjamas sveikatos ugdymas ikimokyklinėje ugdymo įstaigoje ir šeimoje, ugdytojų požiūris į vaikų sveikatą, priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų žinios apie sveikatą. / The work carried out theoretical analysis of the concept of health; it was examined preschool children's health education features. Hypothesis: preschool children have formed knowledge about health and this forms the basis of their health education, support and nurturing. Combining and integrating qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (survey) methods were investigated, with the aim - to reveal the pre-school age children about health and health education opportunities. The study involved 50 pre-school institutions working professionals, 100 parents of preschool children and 10 preschool children. In the empirical part of health education pre-school educational institution and the family, the attitude towards the health of children, preschool children knowledge about health.
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Νοητικές προσεγγίσεις ενεργειακών αλυσίδων στην προσχολική ηλικία / Mental approaches of energy chains in pre-school ageΖάβρα, Αικατερίνη 03 October 2011 (has links)
Στην ερευνητική αυτή εργασία διερευνώνται, οι νοητικές αναπαραστάσεις παιδιών προσχολικής ηλικίας σε σχέση με το εννοιολογικό πρότυπο των ενεργειακών αλυσίδων, με τη βοήθεια ατομικών ημι-δομημένων συνεντεύξεων, τόσο πριν, όσο και μετά την πραγματοποίηση των δραστηριοτήτων της διδακτικής παρέμβασης που μεσολάβησε και η οποία σχεδιάστηκε με βάση το πλαίσιο της στρατηγικής αντιμετώπισης των «στόχων-εμποδίων», στηριζόμενη στις αρχές της εποικοδομιστικής και καινοτομικής αντίληψης. Τα παιδιά καλούνται να ονομάσουν, να προβλέψουν, να αιτιολογήσουν και να ερμηνεύσουν τις πρότυπες πειραματικές διατάξεις τριών φαινομένων, που αφορούν το άναμμα ενός λαμπτήρα με τρεις διαφορετικούς τρόπους (από τη ΔΕΗ, με τη βοήθεια μπαταρίας και τη μεσολάβηση φωτοβολταϊκού στοιχείου). Από μια πρώτη ποιοτική ανάλυση των εξηγήσεων των παιδιών, διαπιστώνεται ότι τα περισσότερα μπορούν ενεργοποιώντας/οικοδομώντας έναν προ-ενεργειακό αιτιακό συλλογισμό, να προσεγγίσουν ένα πρόδρομο μοντέλο για την έννοια της ενέργειας, δημιουργώντας γραμμικές αναπαραστάσεις των αντικειμένων μιας ενεργειακής αλυσίδας, τόσο από την άποψη της λειτουργίας τους, όσο και από την άποψη της διανομής. / In this paper are being investigated, the mental representations of pre-school age children, according to the conceptual model of “energy chains”, using individual semi-structured interviews, so much before, as much as afterwards the activities of the teaching intervention, which were designed according to the frame of the strategic confrontation of “objectives-obstacles” and based on the principles of the constructivism and innovative perception. Children are called to name, to predict, to justify and to interpret the experimental cases of three phenomena, concerning three different ways of turning on an electric lamp (by the National Electric Company, with the help of a battery and with the mediation of photovoltaic element). One first qualitative analysis of children explanations has shown that the majority of them are able by activating/building a pre-energy casual reasoning, to approach a precursor model of the significance of energy, creating linear representations of the objects of an energy chain, not only from the operation’s point, but also from the energy distribution’s.
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Vybrané somatické znaky a výživa dětí mladšího školního věku / The Selected Somatic Characteristics and Nutrition in Young School-Age ChildrenSLAVATOVÁ, Dana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis includes comparison of the selected somatic characteristics of current young school-age children, determination the incidence of obesity and overweight among children by calculating Body Mass Index, an overview of physical activity and nutrition habits in children with questionnaires, and design and test a unit focused on healthy nutrition. The research was carried out in randomly selected primary schools (Pacov, Mladá Vožice and Načeradec). The anthropometric data (body height, body weight, chest circumference and skinfold thickness - triceps and subscapular) were collected according to a standardized (Martin-Saller?s) method or its modification. Our data were compared (t-test, Z-score) with the results of the previous surveys of Czech children. Other characteristics of measured children and their parents were collected through questionnaires.
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Srovnání výkonnosti 14-15letých žáků ve vybraných atletických disciplínách / Comparison of performance of 14 and 15 year-old children in selected athletic disciplines \\KOLÁŘOVÁ, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis studies performance of 14 and 15 year-old children in four selected athletics disciplines: 60 metres, long jump, shot put, running at 800 metres (girls), 1500 metres (boys). The goal is to compare the performance of students using statistical methods and comparative methods. Comparing the performance was held at selected schools in the distrikt of České Budějovice. Research was attended by a total of 88 pupils of which 44 girls and 44 boys. From the processed results showed that the schools are no different in terms of performance.
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