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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh na zefektivnění náboru absolventů VŠ v podniku / Proposal of Effective Recruiting for Graduates in a Company

Fišerová, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with analysis of the current state of recruiting – graduates, and comparing their requirements to the actual state of the company Motorola. Using questionnaire survey identifies criteria that prefer graduates in finding work, and on the basis of submitted proposals for streamlining the methods that used in recruiting.

The changing nature of academic development: exploring student perceptions and experiences of a learning skills programme in higher education

Petrenko, Karen January 2011 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / In this paper, I focus on the issue of student perceptions and experiences of a 3rd generation academic development programme in higher education. I set out to explore the issue from two perspectives: firstly from the perspective of the higher education institution’s approach to academic development, namely, a learning skills programme and a first year sociology course, and secondly from the perspective of students’ intentions, expectations and experiences of such a programme. The research questions focused on the learning priorities embedded in the curriculum of a learning skills programme at Monash University, South Africa and the learning experiences of students in this programme.The methodology used in this study includes a case study which focused on the responses of six participants from a number of African countries completing their BA degrees. Semistructured interviews held and the content analysis method was used to analyse the data. The study concludes: that the main priority of the learning skills programme is to prepare students for their university learning rather than to prepare students for the world of work i.e. it falls within Street’s (2004) academic socialization model and that the Learning Skills programme can be seen as an example of Boughey’s (2007) 3rd generation academic development programmes.The study also suggests that there is a need to explore Volbrecht’s (2003) argument on the limitations of discipline-based models of academic development, the need to examine how academic literacy is constructed and how identity and power relations intersect in this construction. It further highlights the importance of the idea of multi-literacies as put forward by Street (2004) and suggests that as practitioners we should include a consideration of these literacies in academic development programmes to improve the quality of students’ learning and meaning making.

Youth unemployment and schooling in relation to human resources development in Papua New Guinea

Kereme, Philip Tene, n/a January 1997 (has links)

Consommation de substances psychotropes et violence chez les jeunes décrocheurs canadiens : analyse des liens distaux (capital social, familial, délinquant et individuel)

Nadeau, Marie-France 09 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire explore les liens entre les différents types de capitaux (social, familial, délinquant et individuel) et certains actes déviants, soit la consommation de substances psychotropes et l’implication criminelle violente chez un groupe de décrocheurs scolaires canadiens. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit d’établir la prévalence et les habitudes de consommation de cette population aliénée du système éducatif. De plus, cette étude concerne l’implication criminelle violente des décrocheurs. Plus précisément, il s’agit de déterminer la fréquence des manifestations agressives et les types de violence perpétrés par ces jeunes, ainsi que d’examiner les liens qui se tissent entre la consommation de substances psychotropes et la commission d’actes violents. Ensuite, il est question d’étudier l’impact des différents capitaux (social, familial, délinquant et individuel) sur la consommation de substances psychoactives et l’implication criminelle violente des décrocheurs. En outre, dans une perspective davantage clinique, le dernier objectif aura pour but d’identifier différentes typologies de décrocheurs scolaires. Les analyses s’appuient sur un échantillon de 339 jeunes décrocheurs scolaires de Montréal et Toronto. Les informations amassées par rapport à l’usage de substances psychotropes et la commission d’actes violents concernent les douze mois qui ont précédé la passation du questionnaire. Succinctement, les taux de prévalence de consommation des décrocheurs apparaissent plus importants que ceux de la population estudiantine, leur usage est plus inquiétant de même que l’auto-évaluation de leur dépendance. Les résultats révèlent également une implication criminelle violente importante, surtout chez les garçons et les consommateurs de substances psychotropes. Qui plus est, le capital délinquant semble avoir un impact majeur sur l’usage d’alcool et de drogues de même que sur les manifestations de violence perpétrées par les décrocheurs. Enfin, trois typologies de décrocheurs scolaires ont été identifiées, soit les invisibles, les détachés et les rebelles. / This paper explores the links between different types of capital (social, familial, criminal and individual) and some deviant acts, consumption of psychotropic drugs and violent criminal involvement among Canadian school drop-outs. In first place, the prevalence and habits of alcohol and drug consumption of this population alienated from the education system will be established. Moreover, this study concerns violence involvement of school drop-outs. More specifically, in determining the frequency of aggressive events and types of violence perpetrated by these young people, and to examine the relationships between the use of psychotropic substances and the commission of violent acts. Then, there is the impact of various capitals (social, familial, criminal and individual) on the consumption of psychoactive substances and violent criminal involvement of school drop-outs. In a more clinical perspective, the last goal will be to identify different types of school drop-outs. This analysis is based on a sample of 339 young school leavers in Montreal and Toronto. The information collected in relation to the use of psychotropic substances and the commission of violent acts involve the twelve months preceding the award of the questionnaire. Briefly, the prevalence of consumption of drop-outs is more important than the student population; their use is even more disturbing as well as the self-assessment of their dependency. The results also show a significant violent criminal involvement, especially among boys and consumers of psychotropic substances. Moreover, the criminal capital appears to have a major impact on the use of alcohol and drugs as well as the manifestations of violence perpetrated by drop-outs. Finally, three types of school dropouts have been identified: the invisible, the detached and the rebels.

Consommation de substances psychotropes et violence chez les jeunes décrocheurs canadiens : analyse des liens distaux (capital social, familial, délinquant et individuel)

Nadeau, Marie-France 09 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire explore les liens entre les différents types de capitaux (social, familial, délinquant et individuel) et certains actes déviants, soit la consommation de substances psychotropes et l’implication criminelle violente chez un groupe de décrocheurs scolaires canadiens. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit d’établir la prévalence et les habitudes de consommation de cette population aliénée du système éducatif. De plus, cette étude concerne l’implication criminelle violente des décrocheurs. Plus précisément, il s’agit de déterminer la fréquence des manifestations agressives et les types de violence perpétrés par ces jeunes, ainsi que d’examiner les liens qui se tissent entre la consommation de substances psychotropes et la commission d’actes violents. Ensuite, il est question d’étudier l’impact des différents capitaux (social, familial, délinquant et individuel) sur la consommation de substances psychoactives et l’implication criminelle violente des décrocheurs. En outre, dans une perspective davantage clinique, le dernier objectif aura pour but d’identifier différentes typologies de décrocheurs scolaires. Les analyses s’appuient sur un échantillon de 339 jeunes décrocheurs scolaires de Montréal et Toronto. Les informations amassées par rapport à l’usage de substances psychotropes et la commission d’actes violents concernent les douze mois qui ont précédé la passation du questionnaire. Succinctement, les taux de prévalence de consommation des décrocheurs apparaissent plus importants que ceux de la population estudiantine, leur usage est plus inquiétant de même que l’auto-évaluation de leur dépendance. Les résultats révèlent également une implication criminelle violente importante, surtout chez les garçons et les consommateurs de substances psychotropes. Qui plus est, le capital délinquant semble avoir un impact majeur sur l’usage d’alcool et de drogues de même que sur les manifestations de violence perpétrées par les décrocheurs. Enfin, trois typologies de décrocheurs scolaires ont été identifiées, soit les invisibles, les détachés et les rebelles. / This paper explores the links between different types of capital (social, familial, criminal and individual) and some deviant acts, consumption of psychotropic drugs and violent criminal involvement among Canadian school drop-outs. In first place, the prevalence and habits of alcohol and drug consumption of this population alienated from the education system will be established. Moreover, this study concerns violence involvement of school drop-outs. More specifically, in determining the frequency of aggressive events and types of violence perpetrated by these young people, and to examine the relationships between the use of psychotropic substances and the commission of violent acts. Then, there is the impact of various capitals (social, familial, criminal and individual) on the consumption of psychoactive substances and violent criminal involvement of school drop-outs. In a more clinical perspective, the last goal will be to identify different types of school drop-outs. This analysis is based on a sample of 339 young school leavers in Montreal and Toronto. The information collected in relation to the use of psychotropic substances and the commission of violent acts involve the twelve months preceding the award of the questionnaire. Briefly, the prevalence of consumption of drop-outs is more important than the student population; their use is even more disturbing as well as the self-assessment of their dependency. The results also show a significant violent criminal involvement, especially among boys and consumers of psychotropic substances. Moreover, the criminal capital appears to have a major impact on the use of alcohol and drugs as well as the manifestations of violence perpetrated by drop-outs. Finally, three types of school dropouts have been identified: the invisible, the detached and the rebels.

Konvergenzen oder dauerhafte Unterschiede? / zur Entwicklung der Studienent-scheidungen und nachschulischen Bildungsverläufe seit 1990 in Ost- und West-deutschland

Spangenberg, Heike 09 January 2017 (has links)
Ein Vierteljahrhundert nach der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands gibt es zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland nach wie vor differierende Anteile von Personen, die eine schulische Hochschulzugangsberechtigung erlangen und diese anschließend durch den Übergang an eine Hochschule einlösen. Mittels eines selbst entwickelten Modells, das sich an die soziologische Wert-Erwartungs-Theorie von Erikson & Jonsson sowie den lebensverlaufstheoretischen Ansatz von Mayer anlehnt, werden verschiedene individuelle und kontextuelle Einflussfaktoren der Studienentscheidung erstmals in einem Kohortenvergleich seit 1990 betrachtet. Neben der Schwelle Hochschulzugang werden zudem erstmals die Bildungsverläufe von zwei Studienberechtigtenkohorten in ihrer Gesamtheit, also unter Berücksichtigung von Fortbildung, Erwerbs- und Familienverläufen über einen Zeitraum von zehneinhalb Jahren vergleichend in den Blick genommen und mittels Sequenzmusteranalysen jeweils typische Verlaufsmuster für ost- und westdeutsche Studienberechtigte ermittelt. Zur Untersuchung der zentralen Forschungsfrage nach Konvergenzen, Divergenzen und dauerhaften Unterschieden in den individuellen und kontextuellen Einflussfaktoren der Studienentscheidung sowie den nachschulischen Bildungsverläufen seit 1990 in Ost- und Westdeutschland werden Daten der DZHW-Studienberechtigtenpanel 1990, 1994, 1999, 2002 und 2006 verwendet. Zusammenfassend werden zahlreiche Konvergenzen und Gemeinsamkeiten identifiziert, insbesondere bei den individuellen Einflussfaktoren für eine Studienentscheidung. Charakteristische Ost-West-Unterschiede zeigen sich u.a. bei der Bedeutung der bisherigen Bildungsbiografie und der antizipierten Studienkosten für die Studienentscheidung sowie der Hochschulentfernung. Die nachschulischen Bildungs- und Lebensverläufe weisen bereits bei der Kohorte 1990 erhebliche Gemeinsamkeiten auf. Bei der Kohorte 1999 haben sich neue Unterschiede bei der Bedeutung von Arbeitslosigkeit und Familientätigkeit herausgebildet. / A quarter of a century has passed since the reunification of Germany. The proportion of young people who acquire a university entrance qualification and those who attend university subsequently differ in part considerably between East and West Germany. This survey examines different individual and contextual factors, which influence the decision to attend university, for the first time by contrasting cohorts since 1990, using a specifically developed model, which closely follows the rational choice model by Erikson & Jonsson and the life-course theory approach by Mayer. The transition to a university is one threshold in the complete educational after-school career. Therefore, the educational careers of two cohorts entitled to study are for the first time examined as a whole, regarding further training, as well as occupational trajectories and family development over a period of ten and a half years after schooldays; by means of sequence pattern analyses, typical sequential patterns of school leavers from East and respectively West Germany are identified. For the examination of the central research question concerning convergences, divergences and permanent differences with regard to the individual and contextual factors, which have influenced study decisions and after-school educational careers since 1990 in East and West Germany, this investigation uses data from the DZHW panels about persons entitled to study from 1990, 1994, 1999, 2002, and 2006. To sum up, numerous convergences and commonalities can be identified, especially regarding the individual factors, which influence the decision to attend university. But typical East-West differences appear with regard to the importance of the previous educational career and the anticipated costs to study, but also the distance of university. The after-school educational and life courses have already many common features in the cohort from 1990. New differences have developed in the cohort from 1999.

Comparative analysis of perceptions of metacognitive processes in traditional school leavers and mature age entry students in their first year of university education

Derrington, Kathryn January 2006 (has links)
Within the educational psychology literature there is an abundance of research in the field of metacognition. The concentration of this research however has been in primary and secondary school contexts with little attention given to tertiary students' understanding or use of metacognition; there has been even less attention to whether age is a factor in tertiary students' perceptions of their metacognitive processes. The primary purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of two distinct groups of first year university students, towards their understanding and usage of metacognitive processes and strategies. The two groups defined were traditional school leavers and mature age students. The findings from the exploration of these perceptions were compared to ascertain the similarities and differences in metacognitive processes between the two cohorts. The data collected for this study were obtained through a process of individual face-to-face in- depth interviews. The choice of this methodology was deliberate in order to gather rich data about the students' perceptions and experiences rather than attempt to measure their levels of metacognition against some predetermined standard. Data were collected and analyzed on the two constructs of metacognition which were identified in the literature search. These were metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive control. A range of affective variables such as self efficacy, motivation and expectancy of success, which impact on students' metacognitive abilities and processes, were also considered in the data collection and analysis. The findings indicated that age was a factor in determining some differences and similarities in students' perceptions of their own and others metacognitive processes. In certain cases the traditional school leavers' recency of experience with formal study was deemed an advantage; in others the life experience of the mature age students was perceived an advantage. In some instances the age of the student had no discernable impact on their understanding of, and ability to, utilize metacognitive strategies. These findings assist to broaden the understanding of student perceptions of metacognition in the tertiary context. The findings also make it imperative that tertiary institutions make fewer assumptions about the skills and abilities of their commencing students based on the criterion of age and offer more opportunities to assist students to understand the value of developing and improving their metacognitive processes.

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