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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parques tecnológicos do estado de São Paulo: incentivo ao desenvolvimento da inovação / Science parks in the state of São Paulo: fostering the development of innovation

Rita de Cássia Nonato Melo 05 March 2015 (has links)
A criação de parques tecnológicos tem sido bastante acionada para incentivar o processo inovador no Brasil. Verifica-se um grande aumento no número de iniciativas de parques tecnológicos, fato que reflete as políticas de incentivo específico aos parques e a importância que a inovação possui como parte do processo de desenvolvimento econômico. Considerados como ambientes propícios às atividades das empresas inovadoras, os parques tecnológicos tem como objetivo reunir elementos específicos que gerem uma sinergia capaz de formar redes de cooperação para a inovação. As relações entre empresas, universidades e centros de pesquisa recebem, portanto, importância destacada uma vez que podem engendrar inovações e transferência de tecnologia. Desta forma, os parques tecnológicos podem constituir meios inovadores que, de acordo com Aydalot (1986), correspondem as condições externas à empresa que impulsionam a adoção da inovação e que podem desempenhar um papel determinante no processo de incubação de inovações. No Brasil, o estado de São Paulo constitui o ente federativo com o maior número de iniciativas de parques tecnológicos e também é o único a possuir uma política específica para o seu fomento, o Sistema Paulista de Parques Tecnológicos - SPTec. Partindo da análise dos parques tecnológicos do estado de São Paulo em operação e com credenciamento definitivo no SPTec, esta tese busca compreender a forma de atuação dos parques no fomento da inovação, como estruturas de apoio e como estruturas capazes de suscitar inovação, podendo compor meios inovadores. / The creation of science parks has been quite adopted to encourage the innovative process in Brazil. There is a large increase in the number of science parks initiatives, a fact that reflects the specific incentive policies to parks and the importance that innovation has as part of the economic development process. Considered environments capable of developing innovative activities in companies, science parks aim to bring together specific elements that create a synergy able to forming collaborative networks for innovation. Relations between companies, universities and research centers receive so prominent importance since they can engender innovation and technology transfer. Thus, science parks can provide innovative environments that, according to Aydalot (1986), correspond to the external conditions that drive enterprise adoption of innovation and that can play a decisive role in the incubation of innovation process. In Brazil, the state of São Paulo is the federal entity with the largest number of initiatives science parks and is also the only one to have a specific policy for promoting them, the Paulista System Technology Parks - SPTec. Based on the analysis of science parks in the state of São Paulo in operation and final accreditation in SPTec, this thesis seeks to understand the modus operandi of the parks in fostering innovation as support structures as structures capable of giving rise to innovation. In this movement, science parks can compose innovative environments.

The Role of Institutions for the Development of Science Parks : The Case of Regional Science Parks in Thailand

Tantanasiriwong, Kasem January 2016 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the understanding of the role of institutions as a factor for the development of Science Park projects. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted to find out the institutional factors given by Science Park Promotion Agency (SPA), supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand in response to Regional Science Parks in Thailand. Research findings show that steady standard of practice, explicit governance, continued budget allocation and capacity building are regarded crucial. Yet, other empirical results suggest that some institutions should be adjusted in a holistic manner in order to accelerate the innovation process in the long run. Furthermore, the results illustrate a growing tendency of interplay between different roles of institutional spheres - academia, industries and public sectors. Overall, this thesis tends to benefit policy-makers involving in the Science Park development project, helping them perceive the implications of their on-going measures to Regional Science Park and related national innovation systems.

Marknadsundersökning - hur en Science Park-nod på glesbygden bör göras synlig<em></em> / Examination in marketing - How to make a Science Park-node known at the countryside

Jonsson, Malin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetet besvarar hur en Science Park-nod bör göra sig synlig på glesbygden. Arbetet har uträttats för Näringlivsbolaget i Eksjö kommun under perioden mars 2009- september 2009. Det har besvarat frågor rörande marknadsföring av Science Park-noder med ett konkret exempel i samhället Mariannelund. Noden i Mariannelund har funnits sedan hösten 2008, men har ännu inte marknadsförts någonting. Rapporten påvisar hur marknadsföringen kan göras för att tjänsten ska efterfrågas av fler kunder. En Science Park-nod erbjuder kontorsplats att hyra, kopieringsmöjligheter, möjlighet till företagsrådgivning och arbetskamrater. Målgruppen är nystartade företag, mindre än tre år gamla.</p><p>För att kunna besvara frågeställningen krävdes insamling av tidigare forskning. För att veta vilka marknadsföringskanaler som var mest sedda och använda av målgruppen skickades en postenkät ut till 162 företag i målgruppen omkring samhället Mariannelund. Postenkäten gav aktuell information angående målgruppens mediavanor. Postenkäten behandlade också frågor angående webbformgivning och Science Park-begrepp. Svarsfrekvensen var relativt låg, cirka 30% besvarade postenkäten. För att kontrollera vad målgruppen anser sig ha för behov som nyföretagare utfördes telefonsamtal till målgruppen för att ställa frågor om det. Svarsfrekvensen blev högre vid telefonsamtalen, hälften av dem som tilldelats postenkäten besvarade telefonsamtalen.</p><p>Telefonsamtal och e-postkontakt hölls även med branschaktörer såsom andra Science Park-noder i Jönköpings län samt grannkommunerna Hultsfred och Vimmerby. Anledningen till det var att få veta hur andra aktörer marknadsför sig mot nyföretagare.</p><p>Studien visar att en Science Park-nod på glesbygden bör locka nya företagare till sig genom att sprida publicitet om noden till både nya företagare och andra glesbygdsbor. Detta bör helst göras på ett sådant sätt att invånarna börjar prata om noden genom mun-till-munmetoden. Noden kan till exempel uppmärksammas i lokala dagstidningar, hålla events för allmänheten, göra postutskick om nodens tjänster till målgruppen samt skapa en egen hemsida.</p><p>Argumenten i kommunikationen bör handla om att Science Park-noden inte ligger långt från målgruppens bostad samt att nodens personal kan hjälpa kunderna att utveckla en affärsplan. Kommunikationen bör vara att noden löser ett uppkommet problem hos målgruppen. Om noden skaffar en grafisk profil kan element skapas som kan användas ofta för målgruppen, ju oftare desto bättre för att skapa större kännedom hos målgruppen.</p> / <p>This work treats the question of how a Science Park-node should get familiar at the countryside. The study has been made mostly through questionnairies from March 2009 until September 2009. The work has been answering how the Science Park-node in the little conurbation Mariannelund should be marketing their business. Although the business has been there since the fall 2008 it has not yet been marketed. This report shows how the marketing ideas possibly can make the Science Park-node to get more customers. A Science Park-node can offer customers a part of an office, copying-machine, businessconsulting and fellow workers. The target group are businesses that are at the most three years old.</p><p>In the beginning of the project there had to be a theoretical research. Then I had to know which marketingchannels that are mostly used or seen by the target group, that is why a postal questionnaire was sent out to 162 new businesses in the area around Mariannelund. To remind the target group about the questionnaire telephone calls were made where I also asked them some new questions, this time about the needs a new company has got.</p><p>Phone calls were also made to other organizations, in the same type of business as the Science Park-node, to get to know how they marketed their businesses.</p><p>The study shows that a Science Park-node at the countryside should try to attract new customers by making publicity about the node to people in the countryside. This should be made in a way that makes people talk about it. Some ideas are that the node can try to be seen in the local newspapers, make events for the citizens of Mariannelund, mail information about the node to the target group and make an own website.</p><p>The communication of the node should be that it solves problems for the target group. One idea is that it can focus on telling the target group that it is situated nearby home and that the target group can get personal assistance with the development of their business plan. If the Science Park-node also makes a graphic profile with lots of elements which is shown for the target group the popularity will come sooner.</p>

Marknadsundersökning - hur en Science Park-nod på glesbygden bör göras synlig / Examination in marketing - How to make a Science Park-node known at the countryside

Jonsson, Malin January 2009 (has links)
Examensarbetet besvarar hur en Science Park-nod bör göra sig synlig på glesbygden. Arbetet har uträttats för Näringlivsbolaget i Eksjö kommun under perioden mars 2009- september 2009. Det har besvarat frågor rörande marknadsföring av Science Park-noder med ett konkret exempel i samhället Mariannelund. Noden i Mariannelund har funnits sedan hösten 2008, men har ännu inte marknadsförts någonting. Rapporten påvisar hur marknadsföringen kan göras för att tjänsten ska efterfrågas av fler kunder. En Science Park-nod erbjuder kontorsplats att hyra, kopieringsmöjligheter, möjlighet till företagsrådgivning och arbetskamrater. Målgruppen är nystartade företag, mindre än tre år gamla. För att kunna besvara frågeställningen krävdes insamling av tidigare forskning. För att veta vilka marknadsföringskanaler som var mest sedda och använda av målgruppen skickades en postenkät ut till 162 företag i målgruppen omkring samhället Mariannelund. Postenkäten gav aktuell information angående målgruppens mediavanor. Postenkäten behandlade också frågor angående webbformgivning och Science Park-begrepp. Svarsfrekvensen var relativt låg, cirka 30% besvarade postenkäten. För att kontrollera vad målgruppen anser sig ha för behov som nyföretagare utfördes telefonsamtal till målgruppen för att ställa frågor om det. Svarsfrekvensen blev högre vid telefonsamtalen, hälften av dem som tilldelats postenkäten besvarade telefonsamtalen. Telefonsamtal och e-postkontakt hölls även med branschaktörer såsom andra Science Park-noder i Jönköpings län samt grannkommunerna Hultsfred och Vimmerby. Anledningen till det var att få veta hur andra aktörer marknadsför sig mot nyföretagare. Studien visar att en Science Park-nod på glesbygden bör locka nya företagare till sig genom att sprida publicitet om noden till både nya företagare och andra glesbygdsbor. Detta bör helst göras på ett sådant sätt att invånarna börjar prata om noden genom mun-till-munmetoden. Noden kan till exempel uppmärksammas i lokala dagstidningar, hålla events för allmänheten, göra postutskick om nodens tjänster till målgruppen samt skapa en egen hemsida. Argumenten i kommunikationen bör handla om att Science Park-noden inte ligger långt från målgruppens bostad samt att nodens personal kan hjälpa kunderna att utveckla en affärsplan. Kommunikationen bör vara att noden löser ett uppkommet problem hos målgruppen. Om noden skaffar en grafisk profil kan element skapas som kan användas ofta för målgruppen, ju oftare desto bättre för att skapa större kännedom hos målgruppen. / This work treats the question of how a Science Park-node should get familiar at the countryside. The study has been made mostly through questionnairies from March 2009 until September 2009. The work has been answering how the Science Park-node in the little conurbation Mariannelund should be marketing their business. Although the business has been there since the fall 2008 it has not yet been marketed. This report shows how the marketing ideas possibly can make the Science Park-node to get more customers. A Science Park-node can offer customers a part of an office, copying-machine, businessconsulting and fellow workers. The target group are businesses that are at the most three years old. In the beginning of the project there had to be a theoretical research. Then I had to know which marketingchannels that are mostly used or seen by the target group, that is why a postal questionnaire was sent out to 162 new businesses in the area around Mariannelund. To remind the target group about the questionnaire telephone calls were made where I also asked them some new questions, this time about the needs a new company has got. Phone calls were also made to other organizations, in the same type of business as the Science Park-node, to get to know how they marketed their businesses. The study shows that a Science Park-node at the countryside should try to attract new customers by making publicity about the node to people in the countryside. This should be made in a way that makes people talk about it. Some ideas are that the node can try to be seen in the local newspapers, make events for the citizens of Mariannelund, mail information about the node to the target group and make an own website. The communication of the node should be that it solves problems for the target group. One idea is that it can focus on telling the target group that it is situated nearby home and that the target group can get personal assistance with the development of their business plan. If the Science Park-node also makes a graphic profile with lots of elements which is shown for the target group the popularity will come sooner.

Parque - Museo interactivo de ciencias y tecnología / Park - interactive science and technology museu

Rojas Laura, Betsy Catherine 31 August 2019 (has links)
Museum; ; Park; Science Museum; Technology; ; Museology; Sciences and technology; , National Museum; Concytec / Este proyecto de tesis es una exploración de la creación de un Museo de gran complejidad que por su definición y carácter tendrá el nombre de Parque-Museo Interactivo de Ciencia y Tecnología. El Museo Interactivo es un centro para la difusión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología que brinda una alternativa de apoyo al aprendizaje formal, lo cual complementa y refuerza el conocimiento adquirido en las aulas, a la vez que fomenta la creatividad en un ambiente divertido. Está dirigido para estudiantes, científicos y ciudadanos interesados en la ciencia y tecnología. Por otro lado, al concebir y diseñar una exhibición, se trata que sea accesible para todo tipo de público. Asimismo, la tipología de este museo de ciencia y tecnología es la de un Parque de Ciencia”, que consiste en reflejar la imagen de un museo dentro de un parque. Por tal motivo se considera mucho el espacio que permita experimentar el exterior con el interior, por ello se utiliza diferentes elementos como los desniveles para crear una topografía de áreas verdes y servicios públicos complementarios al museo, así brindando un espacio público recreativo. / This thesis project is an exploration of the creation of a Museum of great complexity that by its definition and character will have the name of Interactive Park-Museum of Science and Technology. The Interactive Museum is a center for the dissemination of Science and Technology that provides an alternative to support formal learning, which complements and reinforces the knowledge acquired in the classroom, while encouraging creativity in a fun environment. It is aimed at students, scientists and citizens interested in science and technology. On the other hand, when conceiving and designing an exhibition, it is intended that it be accessible to all types of public. Also, the typology of this science and technology museum is that of a Science Park ", which consists of reflecting the image of a museum inside a park. For this reason it is considered much space to experience the exterior with the interior, so it uses different elements such as unevenness to create a topography of green areas and public services complementary to the museum, thus providing a recreational public space. / Tesis

Innovation Process in small Software developing Companies : A Swedish perpective / Innovations process i mindre mjukvaroutvecklingsföretag ut ett Svensk perpektiv

Navest, Dirk, Zilch, Gerrit January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis work develops a detailed understanding of the different innovation processes in four small software developing firms in Mjärdevi Science Park (MSP). The analysis of these complex processes is based on an open systems approach, which includes the technology cluster in Linköping as centre of software and hardware development in Sweden. Special attention hereby goes to MSP as the software developing centre of the cluster, and Linköping’s University as one of the most renowned Scandinavian universities in the field of informatics. </p><p>We generally see that innovative companies have higher revenues than their non-innovative counterparts. Interesting is therefore the identification of aspects, which enable organizations to shape and foster their innovative capability in a socio-technical context. Previous research on the identification of patterns in innovation has focused on large multinationals with separate R&D departments. But how should small- sized firms deal with the ‘innovators dilemma’? How can they benefit from being situated in a Science Park? How do they manage innovation as a structured process? </p><p>This thesis answers these questions by providing the reader with a catching insight in the innovation management of four software developers, who have created an innovative capability, as developers of radically new products in unexplored markets.</p>

Motives for internationalization : Small companies in Swedish incubators and science parks

Hansson, Anders, Hedin, Kim January 2007 (has links)
<p>In this paper we investigate small and young companies’ motives for internationalization. There are many reasons for companies to engage in foreign direct investment. This study is based on theories including four categories of internationalization drivers that motivate firms to establish themselves abroad. Theses categories consist of market, resource, efficiency, and strategic resources seeking motives. A fifth category was added in order to include network seeking motives.</p><p>The survey was conducted using a web based questionnaire. The target population consisted of companies that are members of nine Swedish business incubators and science parks. E-mails were sent to representatives in the incubators and science parks and were then forwarded to the companies, asking them to participate in the study.</p><p>We conclude that the member companies of Swedish incubators and science parks responded most positively to network and market seeking motives. We therefore regard the companies as network seekers and market seekers. Four motives were by the responders associated with the highest degree of importance. Two were in the category of network seeking motives: starting new collaborations and staying close to main client or supplier. The other two were in the category of market seeking motives: reaching new markets and limitations of the home market.</p>

Innovation Process in small Software developing Companies : A Swedish perpective / Innovations process i mindre mjukvaroutvecklingsföretag ut ett Svensk perpektiv

Navest, Dirk, Zilch, Gerrit January 2004 (has links)
This thesis work develops a detailed understanding of the different innovation processes in four small software developing firms in Mjärdevi Science Park (MSP). The analysis of these complex processes is based on an open systems approach, which includes the technology cluster in Linköping as centre of software and hardware development in Sweden. Special attention hereby goes to MSP as the software developing centre of the cluster, and Linköping’s University as one of the most renowned Scandinavian universities in the field of informatics. We generally see that innovative companies have higher revenues than their non-innovative counterparts. Interesting is therefore the identification of aspects, which enable organizations to shape and foster their innovative capability in a socio-technical context. Previous research on the identification of patterns in innovation has focused on large multinationals with separate R&amp;D departments. But how should small- sized firms deal with the ‘innovators dilemma’? How can they benefit from being situated in a Science Park? How do they manage innovation as a structured process? This thesis answers these questions by providing the reader with a catching insight in the innovation management of four software developers, who have created an innovative capability, as developers of radically new products in unexplored markets.

Motives for internationalization : Small companies in Swedish incubators and science parks

Hansson, Anders, Hedin, Kim January 2007 (has links)
In this paper we investigate small and young companies’ motives for internationalization. There are many reasons for companies to engage in foreign direct investment. This study is based on theories including four categories of internationalization drivers that motivate firms to establish themselves abroad. Theses categories consist of market, resource, efficiency, and strategic resources seeking motives. A fifth category was added in order to include network seeking motives. The survey was conducted using a web based questionnaire. The target population consisted of companies that are members of nine Swedish business incubators and science parks. E-mails were sent to representatives in the incubators and science parks and were then forwarded to the companies, asking them to participate in the study. We conclude that the member companies of Swedish incubators and science parks responded most positively to network and market seeking motives. We therefore regard the companies as network seekers and market seekers. Four motives were by the responders associated with the highest degree of importance. Two were in the category of network seeking motives: starting new collaborations and staying close to main client or supplier. The other two were in the category of market seeking motives: reaching new markets and limitations of the home market.

Open innovation in science parks : The influence of geographic proximity and other factors on firms’ collaboration

Denisova, Yulia, Goylo, Ganna January 2012 (has links)
Background: Due to the dynamic business environment and acceleration of technological renewal the need to pursue newest knowledge becomes crucial and more and more challenging for companies. Traditionally firms tended to keep R&amp;D in-house but now they have to search for alternative approach to innovation, namely open innovation. Science parks are claimed to facilitate the process of inter-organizational collaboration and open innovation, in particular due to geographic proximity of on-park actors. Aim: This research is aimed to investigate the influence of geographic proximity of companies situated within a science park on collaboration and open innovation initiatives. Apart from this, other factors in a science park environment that can have an effect on open innovation are studied as well. In particular, these issues are analyzed from the perspective of on-park small and medium enterprises. Completion and results: This study revealed that geographic proximity of firms within one science park can influence open innovation to some extent. In particular, effects of certain mechanisms of geographic proximity were observed. However, all in all, geographic proximity does not have a decisive influence on inter-firm collaboration in Swedish science parks. Besides geographic proximity, other factors that may stimulate open innovation process for SMEs were analyzed.

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