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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

NATIONAL SCALE IMPACT OF THE STOCKHOLM ROYAL SEAPORT PROJECT : Demand Response and Load-shift for Swedish Apartment Customers

Gebro, Per January 2013 (has links)
The Swedish electrical power system faces many challenges. Stricter environmental and economic demands require a more efficient use of both the transmission and distribution grids as well as the production capabilities. Since the Swedish national demand of electricity is fluctuating, the system has always been dimensioned to meet the periods of high demand, resulting in a low utilization of the system. To meet these challenges, the concept of a “Smart Grid” has been phrased. One of the most important goals of a Smart Grid is to enable end-consumers to participate more actively in the energy market. One way to do this is through “load-shifting” where consumption (or loads) are moved from hours of high demand (peak hours) to hours of low demand (off-peak hours). Load-shifting is a part of a set of intentional consumption modifications denoted “Demand Response” (DR) and is deemed to be one of the most important tools of the Smart Grid. In Sweden, a Smart Grid project called the Stockholm Royal Seaport (SRS) project is currently taking place. The project have phrased a hypotheses regarding load-shifting called the “Active customer” scenario, in which a customer load-shifts 5-15 % of his electricity consumption. To facilitate this scenario, the SRS project uses an end-consumer price model for electricity, called the SRS price model, as well as technological and market solutions not yet available on a national scale.   This study investigates what impact the results from the SRS pilot project might have if implemented for private apartment end-consumers on a Swedish national scale. The study is divided into three parts. The first part investigates the challenges of a national scale implementation of private apartment end-consumer DR and the SRS price model. The second part investigates what the impact would be if the entire Swedish private apartment end-consumer sector where to act in accordance with the Active customer scenario. The third part consists of a sensitivity analysis. Four challenges for a national private apartment end-consumer load-shift implementation have been elicited. They are; the lack of easily moveable loads in a foreseeable future, the heterogeneous cost of distribution, the suggested price models low peak to off-peak price ratio and the comparatively small cost of electricity of the private apartment end-consumers. The SRS price model is deemed to give a clear economic incentive for load-shift of private apartment end-consumer without electric heating. However, the incentive might be considered too weak with yearly savings of 48-165 SEK for a 15 % load-shift, depending on apartment consumption. This corresponds to yearly savings of 124 to 429 million SEK for the entire customer segment. These challenges are deemed to be of a non-technical character, but rather of a marketing and communication nature. The impact of a fully implemented national private apartment end-consumer load-shift in accordance with the Active customer scenario and the SRS price model is deemed to be beneficial from an overall power system point of view. However, the impact on the private apartment end-consumer national demand is small in comparison with other plausible system developments, such as energy demand reductions due to more efficient lighting solutions. The sensitivity analysis of private apartment end-consumer cost savings when acting in accordance with the Active customer scenario indicates that the percentage savings may increase in the future when considering more volatile prices for electric energy or the implementation of a time differentiated energy tax.

Dynamic pricing and carbon intensity in demand response functions

Ekman, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
The European power sector is facing significant challenges related to investments in grid infrastructure and generation capacity. The continued deployment of intermittent renewables also puts pressure on current grid conditions. Smart grids is seen as a cost-efficient way to overcome these challenges through a more efficient use of current capacity. Demand response is a corner-stone in smart grid development,  and is implemented to introduce flexibility on the demand side. Most demand response programs have used dynamic pricing to incentivize consumers to shift consumption from peak to off-peak hours. In Stockholm Royal Seaport, where a sustainable energy system is envisioned, it has been proposed that dynamic pricing should be complemented with an indicator depicting carbon intensity of purchased electricity. This indicator is based on average emissions, which is one of two fundamental perspectives on assessing environmental impacts of electricity consumption.  The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the approach used to quantify carbon intensity in Stockholm Royal Seaport is appropriate in the context of demand response. To achieve this, a literature review has been conducted regarding potential benefits of demand response, power system dynamics and carbon dioxide allocation methods. A quantitative analysis has also been conducted, where the signal proposed for Stockholm Royal Seaport has been modeled under different timeframes. The results show that the CO2-signal in Stockholm Royal Seaport is constructed in such a way that it is largely affected by hydro generation, which in turn makes it correlate negatively with price. As a result, the CO2-signal would counteract many of the predicted long-term benefits of demand response. Furthermore it seems unlikely that the signal would result in significant short-term emission reductions, since hydro generally is used to balance supply and demand in the Swedish and Nordic systems.  Based on the literature review, it was concluded that marginal emissions would be a more appropriate environmental indicator than average emissions. However, it remains a difficulty to construct a day-ahead control signal based on this perspective because of system complexity and lack of data. Historical marginal carbon intensity was nevertheless modeled in this study using a linear regression model. The results indicate that price itself might be a sufficient indicator of marginal emissions. Finally, a model for a signal based on prognoses of intermittent renewable generation is proposed, where the rationale is that consumers should decrease consumption during hours of low renewable generation. This signal was modeled using data on renewable generation from Denmark since corresponding data in Sweden is not yet available. Results show that it would be possible to construct a rather accurate control signal in this way. There are also reasons to believe that demand response based on this type of signal would result in long-term environmental benefits. / Den europeiska energisektorn står inför stora utmaningar, bland annat i form av investeringsbehov i nätinfrastruktur och produktionskapacitet för att säkra framtida leveranssäkerhet. Den fortsatta utbyggnaden av intermittent förnybar kraftproduktion ställer också nya krav på nätet och på aktörernas flexibilitet. Smarta nät ses som ett kostnadseffektivt sätt för att övervinna dessa utmaningar genom en mer effektiv användning av nuvarande kapacitet. En viktig del i detta är efterfrågerespons, som syftar till att minska belastningen på nätet under höglasttimmar genom att i högre grad än tidigare involvera konsumenten. De flesta initiativ inom efterfrågerespons har använt dynamisk prissättning för att uppmuntra konsumenter att flytta konsumtion från höglast- till låglasttimmar. I Norra Djurgårdsstaden, där visionen är att bygga ett hållbart och mer flexibelt energisystem, har det föreslagits att dynamisk prissättning bör kompletteras med en indikator som visar den inköpta elens koldioxidintensitet. Denna indikator är baserad på medelel, vilket är ett av två fundamentala sätt att miljövärdera el. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera om den metod som används för att kvantifiera koldioxidintensiteten i Norra Djurgårdsstaden är lämplig i samband med efterfrågerespons. För att uppnå detta har en litteraturstudie genomförts gällande potentiella fördelar med efterfrågerespons, hur kraftsystemet fungerar samt olika metoder för att miljövärdera el. En kvantitativ analys har också genomförts, där CO2-signalen i Norra Djurgårdsstaden har modellerats utifrån olika tidsperspektiv. Resultaten visar att CO2-signalen i Norra Djurgårdsstaden är konstruerad på ett sådant sätt att den till stor del påverkas av vattenkraftens produktionsvariationer, vilket i sin tur gör att signalen generellt rör sig i motsatt riktning mot prissignalen. Resultatet av detta är att CO2-signalen motverkar många av de långsiktiga fördelarna med efterfrågestyrning. Dessutom ter det sig osannolikt att signalen skulle leda till signifikanta utsläppsminskningar på kort sikt, eftersom lasten i Sverige främst balanseras av variationer i vattenkraft. Utifrån litteraturstudien kan man dra slutsatsen att marginalelens koldioxidintensitet skulle vara en lämpligare miljöindikator än genomsnittliga utsläpp i samband med efterfrågestyrning. Det är dock svårt att i praktiken konstruera en styrsignal baserat på detta perspektiv på grund av systemets komplexitet och brist på data. Historiska marginella utsläpp modellerades emellertid med hjälp av linjär regression. Resultaten från detta indikerade att priset kan vara en tillräcklig indikator även för variationerna i koldioxidintensitet utifrån ett marginalperspektiv. Slutligen föreslås en modell för en signal baserad på dagenföreprognoser om intermittent förnybar produktion, där budskapet skulle vara att användaren minskar sin konsumtion under timmar med låg förnybar produktion. Denna signal modellerades med hjälp av uppgifter om förnybar produktion från Danmark eftersom motsvarande uppgifter om Svensk produktion inte finns tillgängliga ännu. Resultaten visar att det skulle vara möjligt att konstruera en relativt träffsäker styrsignal på detta sätt. Det finns också skäl att tro att efterfrågerespons baserat på denna typ av signal skulle leda till miljömässiga fördelar på längre sikt.

Proposição de uma metodologia para a comparação de desempenho operacional de terminais portuários de granéis sólidos minerais. / Proposal of a methodology for comparison of operating performance of seaport ore terminals.

João Stefano Luna Cardoso 15 February 2011 (has links)
As maiores dificuldades ao se avaliar o desempenho operacional portuário concentram-se na identificação e na expurgação das particularidades físico-operacionais que podem distorcer as comparações e mascarar algumas ineficiências. Por esta razão, a maior parte dos autores considera a produtividade em um nível macro de agregação de valores e atividades, o que dificulta a orientação de ações corretivas. O propósito deste trabalho é desenvolver um método de avaliação do desempenho capaz de subsidiar a identificação das melhores práticas e a determinação de metas operacionais efetivamente pertinentes para cada sistema. Para isso, elaborou-se uma estrutura de indicadores de desempenho capaz de identificar e expurgar os efeitos das particularidades dos terminais. O cerne da estrutura de indicadores sugerida é o atendimento aos navios por terminais especializados na exportação de minério de ferro, sob o ponto de vista do operador portuário. Seu desenvolvimento fundamenta-se em conceitos e instrumentos já consagrados de gestão por processos, gestão de organizações e gestão da qualidade. O escopo do trabalho compreende a proposição do método de comparação e o estabelecimento de metas aplicado em um estudo de caso no contexto de um grande operador portuário. Conclui-se que o método é simples e eficaz, na medida em que cumpre seu objetivo de aperfeiçoar o monitoramento e o controle do desempenho operacional, podendo ser um instrumento importante para o desenvolvimento dos operadores portuários e, porque não, do Brasil, que é carente em infraestrutura. / The greatest difficulty in evaluating the operational performance of seaports lies in the identification and treatment of physical-operational particularities that can distort comparisons and mask inefficiencies. For this reason, the majority of authors consider port productivity at a highly aggregated level of values and activities, which hampers the orientation of corrective actions. This study aims at developing a performance evaluation method capable of assisting with the identification of best practices and the determination of operational goals which are indeed relevant to each system. The core of the proposed structure of indicators is the servicing of ships in specialized iron ore export terminals, from the port operator standpoint. The structure is elaborated on well-established concepts and instruments of process management, organizational management and quality management. The scope of this study encompasses the proposition of comparison method and the definition of goals applied to a case study regarding a large port operator. The study concludes that the method is simple and effective, as it fulfills its objective of enhancing the monitoring and the control of operational performance. The method could be an important tool for the development of port operators and, perhaps, of infrastructure-deficient Brazil.

Organizačně - procesní neefektivnosti v intermodální přepravě a jejich eliminace s důrazem na obor námořní dopravy / Organisational-process Inefficiencies in Intermodal Tranport and their elimination in the Field of Maritime Shipping

Kolář, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on intermodal transport stressing the importance of container seaports. The key objective is to analyze the transport policy and attitudes of port authorities representatives in terms of strategic development differences by region. Based on selected methodology, perception of private sector by port authorities representatives is explained. The thesis outcome is applied in the fields of theory, practice and education.

National scale impact of the Stockholm Royal Seaport project : Demand response and load-shift for Swedish apartment customers

Gebro, Per January 2013 (has links)
The Swedish electrical power system faces many challenges. Stricter environmental and economic demands require a more efficient use of both the transmission and distribution grids as well as the production capabilities. Since the Swedish national demand of electricity is fluctuating, the system has always been dimensioned to meet the periods of high demand, resulting in a low utilization of the system. To meet these challenges, the concept of a “Smart Grid” has been phrased. One of the most important goals of a Smart Grid is to enable end-consumers to participate more actively in the energy market. One way to do this is through “load-shifting” where consumption (or loads) are moved from hours of high demand (peak hours) to hours of low demand (off-peak hours). Load-shifting is a part of a set of intentional consumption modifications denoted “Demand Response” (DR) and is deemed to be one of the most important tools of the Smart Grid. In Sweden, a Smart Grid project called the Stockholm Royal Seaport (SRS) project is currently taking place. The project have phrased a hypotheses regarding load-shifting called the “Active customer” scenario, in which a customer load-shifts 5-15 % of his electricity consumption. To facilitate this scenario, the SRS project uses an end-consumer price model for electricity, called the SRS price model, as well as technological and market solutions not yet available on a national scale.   This study investigates what impact the results from the SRS pilot project might have if implemented for private apartment end-consumers on a Swedish national scale. The study is divided into three parts. The first part investigates the challenges of a national scale implementation of private apartment end-consumer DR and the SRS price model. The second part investigates what the impact would be if the entire Swedish private apartment end-consumer sector where to act in accordance with the Active customer scenario. The third part consists of a sensitivity analysis. Four challenges for a national private apartment end-consumer load-shift implementation have been elicited. They are; the lack of easily moveable loads in a foreseeable future, the heterogeneous cost of distribution, the suggested price models low peak to off-peak price ratio and the comparatively small cost of electricity of the private apartment end-consumers. The SRS price model is deemed to give a clear economic incentive for load-shift of private apartment end-consumer without electric heating. However, the incentive might be considered too weak with yearly savings of 48-165 SEK for a 15 % load-shift, depending on apartment consumption. This corresponds to yearly savings of 124 to 429 million SEK for the entire customer segment. These challenges are deemed to be of a non-technical character, but rather of a marketing and communication nature. The impact of a fully implemented national private apartment end-consumer load-shift in accordance with the Active customer scenario and the SRS price model is deemed to be beneficial from an overall power system point of view. However, the impact on the private apartment end-consumer national demand is small in comparison with other plausible system developments, such as energy demand reductions due to more efficient lighting solutions. The sensitivity analysis of private apartment end-consumer cost savings when acting in accordance with the Active customer scenario indicates that the percentage savings may increase in the future when considering more volatile prices for electric energy or the implementation of a time differentiated energy tax.

Prospects of a sustainable transport system : the case of Stockholm Royal Seaport in 2030. Scenarios of travel behaviour and technological change for a fossil fuel free transport system

Rytterbro, Jon January 2011 (has links)
The transport system is acknowledged as one of the most difficult sectors for sustainable development today. Stockholm Royal Seaport has expressed the ambitious target of developing a fossil free transport system by 2030. This report evaluates several individual measures for carbon dioxide emission reductions and thereafter uses the backcasting approach to investigate how the combination of these can meet the target for the transport system. The results show that a broad range of measures, regarding both behaviour change and technological systems, must be implemented to their maximal potential for the target to be realised.

Contrôle souple de la dynamique éolienne le long d'un littoral artificialisé et propositions de gestion : le cas de la façade maritime du Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque / Aeolian sand transport control and management measures on a human-altered coast : the coastline of Dunkirk seaport, Northern France

Tresca, Antoine 04 April 2013 (has links)
La façade littorale du Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque est une cellule sédimentaire quasi-fermée où les formes dunaires résultent de l’imbrication de facteurs humains et naturels. Ce littoral peut être divisé en deux parties : la partie Ouest est constituée d’un cordon bordier sur une longueur de 7 km (plage du Clipon) et le long de la partie Est, la plage est adossée à une digue en enrobé bitumineux de 6 km de long (digue du Braek) où des transferts sableux se produisent. L’objectif de cette étude est de (1) caractériser les formes dunaires et leur évolution sur un site artificiel, (2) quantifier le transport éolien sur le haut de plage, le versant externe de la dune bordière et la digue du Braek, et (3) proposer des mesures de gestion afin de remédier aux contraintes d’exploitation engendrées par les dépôts éoliens sur les infrastructures. A moyen terme (28 ans), l’analyse diachronique de photographies aériennes montre que les superficies dunaires ont fortement augmenté depuis 1983. A court terme (2 ans), des mesures topographiques révèlent que les dunes continuent de se développer aujourd’hui mais gardent la marque des interventions anthropiques passées. Sur la digue du Braek, des formes dunaires se sont naturellement constituées sur l’asphalte. Le sable a été colonisé par Ammophila arenaria qui s’est enraciné sous l’enrobé par l’intermédiaire de fissures. Une typologie de ces dunes de digue a été proposée. A l’Est, des dunes se développent en pied de digue en raison de l’interruption des transferts sédimentaires longitudinaux par une jetée. Des piégeages éoliens in situ ont montré que le transport éolien était essentiellement contrôlé par la vitesse du vent et la source de sable disponible. Par vents frontaux et obliques, les dunes de pied de digue constituent la principale source des envols, et le transport éolien est favorisé par une accélération du vent sur le versant exposé. Différents types de brise-vent ont été testés sur l’ensemble du site afin de trouver le meilleur mode de gestion souple de ces envols de sable. Ces analyses montrent que si la localisation des structures brise-vent a une grande influence sur leur efficacité, les systèmes habituellement utilisés sur les plages (ganivelles, filets synthétiques) peuvent aussi favoriser le développement de dunes sur une digue en asphalte. Les mesures de gestion envisagées sont la stabilisation des principales sources de sable en pied de digue ainsi que le renforcement de la dune bordière aux endroits les plus fragiles. / The coastline of Dunkirk seaport is a sedimentary cell where dune morphology is the result of both natural processes and human intervention. This shoreline can be divided in two parts: a western part of 7 km long, where a macrotidal beach is backed by naturally developing coastal dunes, and an eastern part consisting of a 6 km long asphalt dike overtopped in places by low elevated aeolian dunes. This study aims at (1) describing aeolian dunes and their evolution on a human-altered coast, (2) quantifying aeolian sand transport on the upper beach, the seaward slope of the foredune and the asphalt dike, and (3) suggesting management measures in order to solve windblown sand accumulation problems on harbour infrastructures. On the middle term (28 years), diachronic analysis of aerial photographs shows rapid development of dunes area since 1983. On the short term (2 years), topographic surveys reveal that dune development is still ongoing, although dune morphology keeps the marks of passed human interventions. Dunes have naturally developed on asphalt and their formation is initiated by Ammophila arenaria colonisation of numerous perpendicular cracks in the dike. A typology of these dunes is proposed. Dike toe dunes have developed at the beach/dike contact in the most eastern part of the site, where a jetty is interrupting net sediment transport. In situ field measurements revealed that aeolian sand transport is mainly controlled by wind speed and the source of sand available. Under oblique to direct onshore winds, dike toe dunes are the main source of windblown sand on the dike, and aeolian transport is enhanced by a wind speedup on the windward slope. Different kinds of windbreaks have been tested in order to solve uncontrolled aeolian sand transport problems on the dike, as well as to consolidate foredunes. It appeared from the topographic surveys carried out on the windbreaks that although their location seemed to play a major role on the amount of sand captured, fences and synthetic fabrics deployed on sandy surfaces were also able to trap windblown sand on a seaport dike. Management measures considered are a stabilisation of main sand sources at the dike toe and consolidation of foredunes with windbreaks.

Power quality in low voltage grids with integrated microproduction

Einarsson, Mårten January 2010 (has links)
This report seeks to evaluate and predict possible power quality issues regarding Fortums engagement in the project of Stockholm Royal Seaport. Stockholm Royal Seaport is a city district planned by Stockholm Municipality to be constructed based on sustainable urban city principles. Fortum has, together with additional partners, engaged in the challenge to create a sustainable energy system. This is thought to be achieved through several measures. Energy saving actions are incorporated at several levels and there is a plan to create a “smart grid” for the electricity supply. A smart grid has no strict definition but in this case a key feature is “demand-response” which effectively means a way to optimize the consumption to have a more balanced consumption over the 24 hours of a day. One of the key components in the smart grid is the “active house” which is planned to have several specific features separating it from an ordinary house. It is planned to have its own contribution to electricity production using solar cells and an energy storage using batteries. Another feature is thought to be both automation and economic incentives measures to achieve peak load reduction. This thesis has taken the perspective of the end customer in the active house and has tried to evaluate the power quality to be experienced. An investigation regarding the different components has been carried out to get an overview from the mentioned perspective and identify possible problems or issues that may require attention in the realization of Stockholm Royal Seaport. It has been found that no major problems are to be expected but some smaller issues has arisen that might be worthwhile giving some attention.


COELHO, FELIPE COSTA 15 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2016-09-09T18:06:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Costa Coelho.pdf: 1010912 bytes, checksum: ffcd246a2b14275b1199ee92e55f24c9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-09T18:06:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Costa Coelho.pdf: 1010912 bytes, checksum: ffcd246a2b14275b1199ee92e55f24c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-15 / The organization’s culture is important to maintain employees with the same goals and values. However, in order to maintain a competitive strategy and act responsibly in the community, the company needs to innovate and adapt. The diversity management is valid so it is able to keep facing these new challenges e demands. However, there are many obstacles to successfully diversity management. This study has the purpose to understand how diversity management can affect an organization’s culture. In addition, how that culture can affect the strategy to implement management for the diversity. For this study, a case study with six interviews were used. The interviews were support by a semi-structured script. All the data were examined by content analysis. According to the accomplished research, organizational culture and diversity management are directly connected and can affect positivity to each other, as long as they are in equilibrium, otherwise, they will cause disadvantages to the organization. / A cultura de uma organização é importante para que seus colaboradores possuam mesmos objetivos e valores. Porém, em busca de manter uma estratégia competitiva e agir de forma responsável na comunidade em que se encontra, a empresa precisa inovar e adaptar-se. A gestão da diversidade apresenta-se como uma válida forma de enfrentar estes novos desafios e exigências. Contudo, há muitos obstáculos para que uma gestão da diversidade seja bem-sucedida. Este estudo propõe-se em entender como a diversidade pode afetar a cultura de uma organização. Além disso, como a cultura pode afetar a estratégia de gestão da diversidade. Foi utilizado para este objetivo um estudo de caso em profundidade com seis entrevistas. As entrevistas foram apoiadas em um roteiro semi estruturado. A análise dos dados obtidos foi feita pela análise de conteúdo. De acordo com a pesquisa realizada, sugere que a cultura organizacional e a gestão da diversidade estão diretamente conectadas e que podem influenciar positivamente uma a outra, porém precisam manter um equilíbrio em suas ações para que não causem prejuízos à organização.

Dagsljus i stadsplaneringen : En fallstudie i Norra Djurgårdsstaden / Daylight in Urban Planning : A Case Study in Stockholm Royal Seaport

Höglund, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
Daylight has, since the mid 1900’s, been controlled in Swedish construction when Sweden achieved prosperity in society. Since then, the issue in how you plan for the best daylight conditions has had a number of major changes for it to become today’s functional requirement, controlled by Boverket and its building regulations BBR. The requirement has although been questioned lately as the building process has become much more complex which has renewed an interest of the issue during the 2000’s. That humans need daylight to feel good and to stay healthy is commonly known while it also can enable great savings in the energy use. The purpose of this study is therefore to study if the daylight issue is an important urban planning aspect and how good daylight conditions could be achieved when planning new residential areas. The goal is to evaluate the daylight conditions in Norra Djurgårdsstaden (Stockholm Royal Seaport), Stockholm’s environmentally-friendly urban development project, and its segments Västra, Norra 1 and 2. The goal is also to study how the issue was dealt with during the planning and building process. As a result, I hope that the study will generate interest and knowledge in how the daylight issue may be handled in the early stages of urban planning. The study is designed as a case study in order to, in an explorative way, investigate and briefly evaluate the daylight conditions of Norra Djurgårdsstaden. The study has embraced the method Vertical Sky Component, VSC, in order to provide a first indicator about the daylight conditions and to, in the early stages of urban planning, show upon possible improvements. As complementary work, studies of planning documents and interviews was made in order to investigate if and how the daylight issue was dealt with during the planning and building process. The results showed that the studied segments of Norra Djurgårdsstaden achieves relatively good daylight conditions and the problem lies within the limited daylight access where the segment Västra has the worst conditions. However, the current daylight conditions on the facades was improved in a later stage during the building process to reach the national requirement. The VSC-study alone can’t therefore investigate the actual daylight conditions in houses. The municipality has rarely brought up daylight as an issue in current planning documents but more frequently in later ones. This is also the trend in how the issue has been prioritized over time. The reasons behind this proved to be current urban planning trends and tough energy requirements along with new environmental certifications for buildings. Knowledge is also a key factor for the increasing interest in the daylighting issues, mostly brought up by builders. No discussions about the issues has occurred for the segment Västra in the early stages of urban planning as it is controlled in the latter permit process. This study shows that this is problematic and the issue needs to be discussed earlier in order to create better conditions to fulfil the national requirements. Yet again, knowledge and also awareness of the daylight issue is important. Today’s requirement set by Boverket has proven to be complicated to relate to during the urban planning and building process. Therefore, a development with clearer demands, directives, better interpretations and to some extent new calculation methods is needed. VSC could here be lifted as a possible method in order to easily and comprehensively analyse daylight conditions in early planning stages. The results from this studies’ VSC calculations highlighted some lack of sufficient daylight conditions and that it is possible to improve it and maintain the same degree of exploitation depending on how you plan. / Dagsljus har reglerats i svenskt byggande sedan mitten av 1900-talet då Sverige uppnått välstånd i samhället. Sedan dess har frågan om hur man bäst planerar för goda dagsljusförhållanden genomgått flera större förändringar till att idag vara ett funktionskrav reglerat utav Boverket i deras byggregler, BBR. Kravet har dock blivit ifrågasatt samtidigt som planeringsprocessen blivit allt mer komplex vilket väckt ett förnyat intresse av dagsljusfrågan i stadsplaneringen under 2000-talet.Att människan behöver dagsljus för att må bra och för att hålla sig frisk är allmänt känt samtidigt som det kan möjliggöra stora besparingar i energianvändningen. Syftet med denna studie är således att studera om dagsljusfrågan är en prioriterad planeringsfråga och hur goda dagsljusförhållanden som kan uppnås vid planering av nyproducerade bostadsområden. Målet är att utvärdera dagsljusförhållandet på fasader i Norra Djurgårdsstaden, Stockholms nya miljöprofilerade stadsutvecklingsprojekt, och dess etapper Västra, Norra 1 och 2 samt hur dagsljusfrågorna hanterats i plan- och byggprocessen. Som resultat hoppas jag att studien väcker intresse och ökar kunskapen om hur dagsljusfrågor hanteras i planeringens tidiga skeden. Studien är utformad som en fallstudie för att explorativt utforska och översiktligt utvärdera dagsljusförhållandena i Norra Djurgårdsstaden. Studien har anammat beräkningsmetoden Vertical Sky Component, VSC, för att i ge en första indikator om dagsljusförhållandet och för att i tidigt planeringsskede visa på att det går att förbättra förhållandena. Som komplement har dokumentstudier samt intervjuer gjorts för att utröna om och hur dagsljusfrågan hanterats i plan- och byggprocessen. Resultatet visade på att de berörda etapperna i Norra Djurgårdsstaden uppnår relativt goda dagsljusförhållanden där problemet ligger i att en stor andel svarar för en begränsad tillgång och att etapp Västra svarar för det sämsta resultatet överlag. Dock har de befintliga dagsljusförhållandena på fasader förbättrats i ett senare skede under byggprocessen till att uppfylla dagsljuskravet, och att VSC-studien inte ensamt kan utvärdera den faktiska dagsljustillgången i bostäder. Under planprocessen har kommunen sällan tagit upp dagsljus i gällande plandokument men desto mer i senare dokument. Detta är även en trend sett till hur dagsljusfrågan allmänt varit prioriterad över tid. Anledningarna visade sig vara att rådande byggnadstrender och höga energikrav samt nya sätt att miljöcertifiera byggnader lett till att problematiken och således prioriteringen kring dagsljus ökat. Kunskap är även en nyckelfaktor till att dagsljusfrågan blivit allt mer aktuell där det främst är byggherren som lyfter frågan. I etapp Västra har diskussioner om dagsljusfrågan inte förekommit i tidiga skeden utan kontrollerats i senare skeden under bygglovsprocessen och anmälandelen. Denna studie visar på att detta är problematiskt där dagsljusfrågan behöver lyftas tidigare för att skapa bättre förutsättningar till att klara kravet. Även kunskap och medvetenhet och dagsljusfrågan är viktig. Dagens dagsljuskrav som ställs av Boverket har visat sig vara problematiskt att förhålla sig till under plan- och byggprocessen och att det således behöver utvecklas och bli tydligare med direktiv, bättre tolkningar och i viss mån nya beräkningsmetoder. Det är här VSC kan lyftas som en möjlig metod för att enkelt och översiktligt analysera dagsljusförhållandena i tidigt planeringsskede. Resultatet från studiens VSC-beräkning belyste en viss brist på goda dagsljusförhållanden och att det är möjligt att förbättra det och behålla samma exploateringsgrad beroende på hur man väljer att planera.

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